Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var TPL = `{{define "report"}}
{{ template "port_and_datadir" .PortAndDatadir }}
{{ template "tablespaces" .Tablespaces }}
{{ if .SlaveHosts96 -}}
{{ template "slaves_and_lag" .SlaveHosts96 }}
{{- else if .SlaveHosts10 -}}
{{ template "slaves_and_lag" .SlaveHosts10 }}
{{- else -}}
{{ template "slaves_and_log_none" }}
{{- end }}
{{ template "cluster" .ClusterInfo }}
{{ template "databases" .AllDatabases }}
{{ template "index_cache_ratios" .IndexCacheHitRatio }}
{{ template "table_cache_ratios" .TableCacheHitRatio }}
{{ template "global_wait_events" .GlobalWaitEvents }}
{{ template "connected_clients" .ConnectedClients }}
{{ template "counters_header" .Sleep }}
{{ template "counters" .Counters }}
{{ template "table_access" .TableAccess }}
{{ template "settings" .Settings }}
{{ template "processes" .Processes }}
{{ end }} {{/* end "report" */}}` +
{{ define "port_and_datadir" -}}
##### --- Database Port and Data_Directory --- ####
| Name | Setting |
| {{ printf "%-20s" .Name }} | {{ printf "%-50s" .Setting }} |
{{ end -}}
` +
`{{ define "tablespaces" -}}
##### --- List of Tablespaces ---- ######
| Name | Owner | Location |
{{ range . -}}
| {{ printf "%-20s" .Name }} | {{ printf "%-20s" .Owner }} | {{ printf "%-50s" .Location }} |
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "slaves_and_lag" -}}
##### --- Slave and the lag with Master --- ####
| Application Name | Client Address | State | Lag |
{{ range . -}}` +
`| {{ convertnullstring .ApplicationName | printf "%-20s" }} | ` +
`{{ convertnullstring .ClientAddr | printf "%-20s" }} | ` +
`{{ convertnullstring .State | printf "%-30s" }} | ` +
`{{ convertnullfloat64 .ByteLag | printf "% 17.2f" }} |` + "\n" +
`{{ end -}}
{{ end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{- define "slaves_and_log_none" -}}
##### --- Slave and the lag with Master --- ####
There are no slave hosts
{{ end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "cluster" -}}
##### --- Cluster Information --- ####
{{ if . -}}
{{- range . }}
Usename : {{ trim 20 .Usename }}
Time : {{ printf "%v" .Time }}
Client Address : {{ convertnullstring .ClientAddr | trim 20 }}
Client Hostname: {{ convertnullstring .ClientHostname | trim 90 }}
Version : {{ trim 90 .Version }}
Started : {{ printf "%v" .Started }}
Is Slave : {{ .IsSlave }}
{{ end -}}
{{ else -}}
There is no Cluster info
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "databases" -}}
##### --- Databases --- ####
| Dat Name | Size |
{{ range . -}}
| {{ printf "%-20s" .Datname }} | {{ printf "%10s" .PgSizePretty }} |
{{ end -}}
{{ end }} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "index_cache_ratios" -}}
##### --- Index Cache Hit Ratios --- ####
{{ if . -}}
{{ range $dbname, $value := . }}
Database: {{ $dbname }}
| Index Name | Ratio |
| {{ printf "%-20s" .Name }} | {{ convertnullfloat64 .Ratio | printf "% 5.2f" }} |
{{ else -}}
No stats available
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "table_cache_ratios" -}}
##### --- Table Cache Hit Ratios --- ####
{{ if . -}}
{{ range $dbname, $value := . -}}
Database: {{ $dbname }}
| Index Name | Ratio |
| {{ printf "%-20s" .Name }} | {{ printf "%5.2f" .Ratio.Float64 }} |
{{ else -}}
No stats available
{{ end -}}
{{ end }}
{{- end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "global_wait_events" -}}
##### --- List of Wait_events for the entire Cluster - all-databases --- ####
{{ if . -}}
| Wait Event Type | Event | Count |
{{ range . -}}
| {{ printf "%-20s" .WaitEventType }} | {{ printf "%-20s" .WaitEvent }} | {{ printf "% 5d" .Count }} |
{{ end -}}
{{ else -}}
No stats available
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "connected_clients" -}}
##### --- List of users and client_addr or client_hostname connected to --all-databases --- ####
{{ if . -}}
| Wait Event Type | Client | State | Count |
{{ range . -}}` +
`| {{ printf "%-20s" .Usename }} | ` +
`{{ convertnullstring .Client | printf "%-20s" }} | ` +
`{{ convertnullstring .State | printf "%-20s" }} | ` +
`{{ convertnullint64 .Count | printf "% 7d" }} |` + "\n" +
`{{ end -}}
{{ else -}}
No stats available
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}} {{/* end define */}}
` +
`{{ define "counters_header" -}}` +
"##### --- Counters diff after {{ . }} seconds --- ####\n" +
`{{end}}` +
`{{ define "counters" -}}` +
"+----------------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+--------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-----------" +
"+-----------" +
"+-----------" +
"+------------+" + "\n" +
"| Database " +
"| Numbackends " +
"| XactCommit " +
"| XactRollback " +
"| BlksRead " +
"| BlksHit " +
"| TupReturned " +
"| TupFetched " +
"| TupInserted " +
"| TupUpdated " +
"| TupDeleted " +
"| Conflicts " +
"| TempFiles " +
"| TempBytes " +
"| Deadlocks |" + "\n" +
"+----------------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+--------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-----------" +
"+-----------" +
"+-----------" +
"+------------+" + "\n" +
`{{ range $key, $value := . -}} ` +
`| {{ printf "%-20s" (index $value 2).Datname }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).Numbackends }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).XactCommit }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).XactRollback }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).BlksRead }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).BlksHit }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).TupReturned }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).TupFetched }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).TupInserted }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).TupUpdated }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).TupDeleted }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).Conflicts }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).TempFiles }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).TempBytes }} ` +
`| {{ printf "% 7d" (index $value 2).Deadlocks }} ` +
"|\n" +
`{{ end }}` +
"+----------------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+--------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-------------" +
"+------------" +
"+------------" +
"+-----------" +
"+-----------" +
"+-----------" +
"+------------+" + "\n" +
`{{ end }}` +
`{{ define "table_access" -}}` +
"##### --- Table access per database --- ####\n" +
`{{ range $dbname, $values := . -}}` +
"Database: {{ $dbname }}\n" +
"+----------------------------------------------------" +
"+------" +
"+--------------------------------" +
"+---------+\n" +
"| Relname " +
"| Kind " +
"| Datname " +
"| Count |\n" +
"+----------------------------------------------------" +
"+------" +
"+--------------------------------" +
"+---------+\n" +
`{{ range . -}}
| {{ printf "%-50s" .Relname }} ` +
`| {{ printf "%1s" .Relkind }} ` +
`| {{ convertnullstring .Datname | printf "%-30s" }} ` +
`| {{ convertnullint64 .Count | printf "% 7d" }} ` +
"|\n" +
"{{ end }}" +
"+----------------------------------------------------" +
"+------" +
"+--------------------------------" +
"+---------+\n" +
"{{ end -}}" +
"{{ end }}" +
`{{ define "settings" -}}` +
"##### --- Instance settings --- ####\n" +
" Setting " +
" Value \n" +
`{{ range $name, $values := . -}}` +
` {{ printf "%-45s" .Name }} ` +
`: {{ printf "%s" .Setting }}` +
"\n" +
"{{ end }}" +
"{{ end }}" +
`{{ define "processes" -}}` +
"##### --- Processes start up command --- ####\n" +
"{{ if . -}}" +
" PID " +
": Command line\n" +
`{{ range $name, $values := . }}` +
` {{ printf "% 5d" .PID }} ` +
`: {{ printf "%-s" .CmdLine }} ` +
"\n" +
"{{ end }}" +
"{{ else }}" +
"No postgres process found\n" +
"{{ end }}" +
"{{ end }}"
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
This section is empty.
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