Auditing users for IAM bindings outside of primarily Cloud Organization
Sample script to help identify which users within a Cloud Organization who have IAM bindings in projects or organizations outside of a primary cloud org.
For example, Alice
is a member of Cloud Org MyDomain
. Alice has access to projects A,B,C
within MyDomain
creates a project D
in Cloud Org OtherDomain
. Bob
grants IAM permissions to Alice
to have access to project D
. If Alice
accepts the invite from Bob
to use project D
, Alice
now has access to a project outside of the primary cloud org domain.
In another situation, Alice
may have created a project early on before the domain MyDomain
was created. Later on, an org admin will have to identify and migrate projects into the new domain, MyDomain
This script will help identify which projects and organizations a user in a domain may have been granted access to that resides in another organizations or directly granted to a project. This will not identify direct permissions on resources within a project (e.g. if Bob
set a direct IAM grant to Alice
on a GCS bucket that Bob
Either way, please review Restricting project visibility for users in combination with VPC-SC.
This is not an officially supported Google product
Please note that Google Cloud Support will not identify owners of projects not associated with your OrganizationID.
How does it work?
This script will:
- Enumerate all projects within a given cloud org.
- Iterate all users within a Workspace domain tied to the cloud org.
- For each user, use user impersonation to identify which organizations they have access to.
- For each user, use user impersonation to identify which projects they have access to.
- If the user has access to any other organization that's not in the subject org in #1, print that external org.
- If the user has access to any other project thats not in the set in #1, print that external project.
In order to ensure all users of the domain are part of this audit, it is recommended that all unmanaged users of your domain are migrated into your Workspace or Cloud Identity account.
For more information about Workspace domain delegation and user impersonation, see Authentication Best Practices for Workspace APIs.
To configure this script, you need to have access to act as
Once the permissions and configuration below is done, the script will run with ReadOnly/Viewer permissions to run the discovery. These permissions are needed initially to configure the least-privilege IAM roles the script will ultimately use.
# select a project that will host the service account
export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"`
export DOMAIN_ADMIN=`gcloud config get-value core/account`
# acquire the organization ID
gcloud organizations list
myDomain 673208786099 D123zw3x8
export ORGANIZATION_ID=673208786099
export CX=`gcloud organizations describe $ORGANIZATION_ID --format="value(owner.directoryCustomerId)"`
# Enable the apis on the project
gcloud services enable \ \ \ --project $PROJECT_ID
# create service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create dwd-sa
gcloud iam service-accounts describe dwd-sa@$
# get the service account's clientID
export SA_CLIENT_ID=`gcloud iam service-accounts describe dwd-sa@$ --format="value(uniqueId)"`
# enable impersonation instead of key-download and adapt the workspace AdminAPI to use the impersonated access token
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
--role=roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator \
--member=user:$DOMAIN_ADMIN dwd-sa@$
# Alternatively, you can download a key but this is _NOT_ recommended
# gcloud iam service-accounts keys create svc_account.json --iam-account=dwd-sa@$
# Allow service account domain IAM privileges
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding \
--member=serviceAccount:dwd-sa@$ \
--role=roles/cloudasset.viewer $ORGANIZATION_ID
Cloud org Domain IAM Binding:
Navigate to the Google Workspace Console and enable Domain Wide Delegation
Enter the $SA_CLIENT_ID
for the service account and these precise scopes
Note, we really should only need *
scope here but the Cloud ResourceManager v3 API calls projects.Query()
method declares
(which is a bug).
Domain Delegation Scope permission:
Acquire Application Default Credentials for $DOMAIN_ADMIN
gcloud auth application-default login
Now run the utility
# with service account impersonation (preferred)
go run main.go --impersonatedServiceAccount=dwd-sa@$ \
--subject=$DOMAIN_ADMIN \
--organization $ORGANIZATION_ID \
-cx $CX --alsologtostderr=1 -v 10
# with service account Key (not recommended)
# go run main.go --serviceAccountFile=svc_account.json \
# --subject=$DOMAIN_ADMIN \
# --organization $ORGANIZATION_ID \
# -cx $CX --alsologtostderr=1 -v 10
The output will show all the projects in an org and for each user see if he/she has access to a project/org outside the domain
I1003 09:59:32.852107 485974 main.go:213] User [[email protected]] has external project visibility to [projects/919583951822](otherdomain-project-1)
I1003 09:59:33.214895 485974 main.go:213] User [[email protected]] has external project visibility to [projects/1071284184433](yetotherdomain-project-1)
I1003 09:59:33.252026 485974 main.go:147] User [[email protected]] has external organization visibility to [organizations/479774786222](otherdomain)
Output logs are also written to file through glog level logging package. By default the ERROR|INFO|etc
level logs are under /tmp/
(eg /tmp/main.INFO
). Adjust the log verbosity with -v
Check /tmp/main.ERROR
log for users that threw exceptions and were skipped. You can selectively run the script to evaluate individual users by setting the searchFilter
variable. For example, to evaluate one user only:
searchFilter := "[email protected]"
allUsers, err := findDomainUsers(ctx, *cx, searchFilter, adminService)
Working with Quotas/Limits
Each API used by this script has different per-second rate limits
The restrictive quota is for the Cloud Resource Manager is one that is not listed on the documented page but is visible on the console:$PROJECT_ID
The project.List()
is actually limited to 4 requests/second
and exceeding ith would lead to errors if the quota rate isn't managed over the progressive duration of the audit:
googleapi: Error 429: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'List projects V1' and limit 'List projects V1 per minute'
of service '' for consumer 'project_number:'., rateLimitExceeded
There are several ways to work with this:
is applied per User thats evaluated
delay = flag.Int("delay", 1*1000, "delay in ms for each user iterated")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(*delay) * time.Millisecond)
Limit all api calls for the resource managers globally using ""
maxRequestsPerSecond float64 = 4 // "" limiter to throttle operations
burst int = 1
which is enforced within the iteration to get the list of projects and organization per user:
func getProjects(ctx context.Context, limiter *rate.Limiter, filter string, fields string, crmService cloudresourcemanager.Service, u admin.User) ([]*cloudresourcemanager.Project, error) {
glog.V(50).Infof(" Getting Projects for user %s", u.PrimaryEmail)
projects := make([]*cloudresourcemanager.Project, 0)
req := crmService.Projects.Search().Query(filter).Fields(googleapi.Field(fields)).PageSize(maxPageSize)
err := req.Pages(ctx, func(page *cloudresourcemanager.SearchProjectsResponse) error {
projects = append(projects, page.Projects...)
if err := limiter.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error in rate limiter for user %s %v", u.PrimaryEmail, err)
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return projects, nil
It is recommended to not alter these defaults. They have been empirically tested to stay within the quota limits and benchmarked with
- 1584 users within the org.
- 4623 projects with in the org.
- took ~25min runtime.
If you still see rate errors, reduce maxRequestsPerSecond
and increase delay
Another approach is to use the same script but initialize using N
service account from N
projects. Then for each users projects.list()
call, select a random serviceAccount. To use this pattern, create follow the steps above as you would to initialize a new configuration:
- Create a new project (e.g.
) - Enable apis
- Create a service account (
) - Allow impersonation
- Enable IAM role at organization level for service account
- Enable domain delegation in Workspace Admin Console
Invoke main.go
and specify the list of service accounts as comma-separated list. For example
go run main.go --impersonatedServiceAccount=dwd-sa@$,dwd-sa@$ \
--subject=$DOMAIN_ADMIN \
--organization $ORGANIZATION_ID \
-cx $CX --alsologtostderr=1 -v 50
To note for completeness, the standard way to redirect quota usage is bootstrap a client and specify the quota project using options.WithQuotaProject. That option enables X-Goog-User-Project
system parameter to redirect quota consumption to another project.
For example usage would have been to initialize the Cloud Resource Manager client as such:
func getResourceManagerClient(...) {
cloudresourcemanager.NewService(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(ts),option.WithQuotaProject(targetQuotaProject))
} ...
However, the complication in applying this pattern with this script would require each end users to have the
IAM permission (or role roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer
) granted on the target project. Not specifying the quota project works here when used with domain delegation user impersonation as it automatically targets the quota consumption to the project that tied to the service account with domain delegation.
This technique is omitted from the script.
Overview ¶
Command iam_visibility_audit will enumerate all projects and organizations Workspace users may have access to outside of their primary organizationID.
impersonatedServiceAccount = flag.String("impersonatedServiceAccount", "", "Impersonated Service Accounts the script should run as") organization = flag.String("organization", "", "The organizationID that is the subject of this audit") subject = flag.String("subject", "", "The admin user to for the organization that can use the Directory API to list users") cx = flag.String("cx", "", "Workspace Customer ID number") serviceAccountFile = flag.String("serviceAccountFile", "", "Servie Account JSON files with IAM permissions to the org") -v 10 adjust log verbosity level
$ go run main.go --impersonatedServiceAccount=dwd-sa@$ \ --subject=$DOMAIN_ADMIN \ --organization $ORGANIZATION_ID \ -cx $CX --alsologtostderr=1 -v 10