Overview ¶
Package godb is query builder and struct mapper.
godb does not manage relationships like Active Record or Entity Framework, it's not a full-featured ORM. Its goal is to be more productive than manually doing mapping between Go structs and databases tables.
godb needs adapters to use databases, some are packaged with godb for :
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Server
Start with an adapter, and the Open method which returns a godb.DB pointer :
import ( "" "" ) func main() { db, err := godb.Open(sqlite.Adapter, "./library.db") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } … }
There are three ways to executes SQL with godb :
- the statements tools
- the structs tools
- and raw queries
Using raw queries you can execute any SQL queries and get the results into a slice of structs (or single struct) using the automatic mapping.
Structs tools looks more 'orm-ish' as they're take instances of objects or slices to run select, insert, update and delete.
Statements tools stand between raw queries and structs tools. It's easier to use than raw queries, but are limited to simpler cases.
Statements tools ¶
The statements tools are based on types :
- SelectStatement : initialize it with db.SelectFrom
- InsertStatement : initialize it with db.InsertInto
- UpdateStatement : initialize it with db.UpdateTable
- DeleteStatement : initialize it with db.DeleteFrom
Example :
type CountByAuthor struct { Author string `db:"author"` Count int `db:"count"` } … count, err := db.SelectFrom("books").Count() … countByAuthor := make([]CountByAuthor, 0, 0) err = db.SelectFrom("books"). Columns("author", "count(*) as count"). GroupBy("author"). Having("count(*) > 3"). Do(&countByAuthor) … newId, err := db.InsertInto("dummies") .Columns("foo", "bar", "baz") .Values(1, 2, 3) .Do() …
The SelectStatement type could also build a query using columns from a structs. It facilitates the build of queries returning values from multiple table (or views). See struct mapping explanations, in particular the `rel` part.
Example :
type Book struct { Id int `db:"id,key,auto"` Title string `db:"title"` Author string `db:"author"` Published time.Time `db:"published"` Version int `db:"version,oplock"` } type InventoryPart struct { Id sql.NullInt64 `db:"id"` Counting sql.NullInt64 `db:"counting"` } type BooksWithInventories struct { Book `db:",rel=books"` InventoryPart `db:",rel=inventories"` } … booksWithInventories := make([]BooksWithInventories, 0, 0) err = db.SelectFrom("books"). ColumnsFromStruct(&booksWithInventories). LeftJoin("inventories", "inventories", godb.Q("inventories.book_id =")). Do(&booksWithInventories)
Structs tools ¶
The structs tools are based on types :
- StructSelect : initialize it with db.Select
- StructInsert : initialize it with db.Insert or db.BulkInsert
- StructUpdate : initialize it with db.Update
- StructDelete : initialize it with db.Delete
Examples :
// Struct and its mapping type Book struct { Id int `db:"id,key,auto"` Title string `db:"title"` Author string `db:"author"` Published time.Time `db:"published"` } // Optionnal, default if the struct name (Book) func (*Book) TableName() string { return "books" } … bookTheHobbit := Book{ Title: "The Hobbit", Author: authorTolkien, Published: time.Date(1937, 9, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), } err = db.Insert(&bookTheHobbit).Do() … singleBook := Book{} err = db.Select(&singleBook). Where("title = ?", bookTheHobbit.Title). Do() … multipleBooks := make([]Book, 0, 0) err = db.Select(&multipleBooks).Do() …
Raw queries ¶
Raw queries are executed using the RawSQL type.
The query could be a simple hand-written string, or something complex builded using SQLBuffer and Conditions.
Example :
books := make([]Book, 0, 0) err = db.RawSQL("select * from books where author = ?", authorAssimov).Do(&books)
Structs mapping ¶
Stucts contents are mapped to databases columns with tags, like in previous example with the Book struct. The tag is 'db' and its content is :
- The columns name (mandatory, there is no default rule).
- The 'key' keyword if the field/column is a part of the table key.
- The 'auto' keyword if the field/column value is set by the database.
For autoincrement identifier simple use both 'key' and 'auto'.
Example :
type SimpleStruct struct { ID int `db:"id,key,auto"` Text string `db:"my_text"` // ignored Other string }
More than one field could have the 'key' keyword, but with most databases drivers none of them could have the 'auto' keyword, because executing an insert query only returns one value : the last inserted id : .
With PostgreSQL you cas have multiple fields with 'key' and 'auto' options.
Structs could be nested. A nested struct is mapped only if has the 'db' tag. The tag value is a columns prefix applied to all fields columns of the struct. The prefix is not mandatory, a blank string is allowed (no prefix).
A nested struct could also have an optionnal `rel` attribute of the form `rel=relationname`. It's useful to build a select query using multiples relations (table, view, ...). See the example using the BooksWithInventories type.
type KeyStruct struct { ID int `db:"id,key,auto"` } type ComplexStruct struct { KeyStruct `db:""` Foobar SubStruct `db:"nested_"` Ignored SubStruct } type SubStruct struct { Foo string `db:"foo"` Bar string `db:"bar"` }
Databases columns are :
- id (no prefix)
- nested_foo
- nested_bar
The mapping is managed by the 'dbreflect' subpackage. Normally its direct use is not necessary, except in one case : some structs are scannable and have to be considered like fields, and mapped to databases columns. Common case are time.Time, or sql.NullString, ... You can register a custom struct with the `RegisterScannableStruct` and a struct instance, for example the time.Time is registered like this :
The structs statements use the struct name as table name. But you can override this simply by simplementing a TableName method :
func (*Book) TableName() string { return "books" }
Conditions ¶
Statements and structs tools manage 'where' and 'group by' sql clauses. These conditional clauses are build either with raw sql code, or build with the Condition struct like this :
q := godb.Or(godb.Q("foo is null"), godb.Q("foo > ?", 123)) count, err := db.SelectFrom("bar").WhereQ(q).Count()
WhereQ methods take a Condition instance build by godb.Q . Where mathods take raw SQL, but is just a syntactic sugar. These calls are equivalents :
…WhereQ(godb.Q("id = ?", 123))… …Where("id = ?", 123)…
Multiple calls to Where or WhereQ are allowed, these calls are equivalents :
…Where("id = ?", 123).Where("foo is null")… …WhereQ(godb.And(godb.Q("id = ?", 123), godb.Q("foo is null")))…
Slices are managed in a particular way : a single placeholder is replaced with multiple ones. This allows code like :
count, err := db.SelectFrom("bar").Where("foo in (?)", fooSlice).Count()
SQLBuffer ¶
The SQLBuffer exists to ease the build of complex raw queries. It's also used internaly by godb. Its use and purpose are simple : concatenate sql parts (accompagned by their arguments) in an efficient way.
Example :
// see NewSQLBuffer for details about sizes subQuery := godb.NewSQLBuffer(32, 0). Write("select author "). Write("from books "). WriteCondition(godb.Q("where title = ?", bookFoundation.Title)) queryBuffer := godb.NewSQLBuffer(64, 0). Write("select * "). Write("from books "). Write("where author in ("). Append(subQuery). Write(")") if queryBuffer.Err() != nil { … } err = db.RawSQL(queryBuffer.SQL(), queryBuffer.Arguments()...).Do(&books) if err != nil { … }
Optimistic Locking ¶
For all databases, structs updates and deletes manage optimistic locking when a dedicated integer row is present. Simply tags it with `oplock` :
type KeyStruct struct { ... Version int `db:"version,oplock"` ... }
When an update or delete operation fails, Do() returns the `ErrOpLock` error.
With PostgreSQL and SQL Server, godb manages optimistic locking with automatic fields. Just add a dedicated field in the struct and tag it with `auto,oplock`.
With PostgreSQL you can use the `xmin` system column like this :
type KeyStruct struct { ... Version int `db:"xmin,auto,oplock"` ... }
For more informations about `xmin` see
With SQL Server you can use a `rowversion` field with the `mssql.Rowversion` type like this :
type KeyStruct struct { ... Version mssql.Rowversion `db:"version,auto,oplock"` ... }
For more informations about the `rowversion` data type see
Consumed Time ¶
godb keep track of time consumed while executing queries. You can reset it and get the time consumed since Open or the previous reset :
fmt.Prinln("Consumed time : %v", db.ConsumedTime()) db.ResetConsumedTime()
Logger ¶
You can log all executed queried and details of condumed time. Simply add a logger :
db.SetLogger(log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0))
godb takes advantage of PostgreSQL RETURNING clause, and SQL Server OUTPUT clause.
With statements tools you have to add a RETURNING clause with the Suffix method and call DoWithReturning method instead of Do(). It's optionnal.
With StructInsert it's transparent, the RETURNING or OUTPUT clause is added for all 'auto' columns and it's managed for you. One of the big advantage is with BulkInsert : for others databases the rows are inserted but the new keys are unkonwns. With PostgreSQL and SQL Server the slice is updated for all inserted rows.
It also enables optimistic locking with *automatic* columns.
Prepared statements cache ¶
godb has two prepared statements caches, one to use during transactions, and one to use outside of a transaction. Both use a LRU algorithm.
The transaction cache is enabled by default, but not the other. A transaction (sql.Tx) isn't shared between goroutines, using prepared statement with it has a predictable behavious. But without transaction a prepared statement could have to be reprepared on a different connection if needed, leading to unpredictable performances in high concurrency scenario.
Enabling the non transaction cache could improve performances with single goroutine batch. With multiple goroutines accessing the same database : it depends ! A benchmark would be wise.
Iterator ¶
Using statements tools and structs tools you can execute select queries and get an iterator instead of filling a slice of struct instances. This could be useful if the request's result is big and you don't want to allocate too much memory. On the other side you will write almost as much code as with the `sql` package, but with an automatic struct mapping, and a request builder.
Iterators are also available with raw queries. In this cas you cas executes any kind of sql code, not just select queries.
To get an interator simply use the `DoWithIterator` method instead of `Do`. The iterator usage is similar to the standard `sql.Rows` type. Don't forget to check that there are no errors with the `Err` method, and don't forget to call `Close` when the iterator is no longer useful, especially if you don't scan all the resultset.
iter, err := db.SelectFrom("books"). Columns("id", "title", "author", "published"). OrderBy("author").OrderBy("title"). DoWithIterator() if err != nil { ... } defer iter.Close() for iter.Next() { book := Book{} if err := iter.Scan(&book); err != nil { ... } // do something with the book ... } } if iter.Err() != nil { t.Fatal(err) }
Concurrency ¶
To avoid performance cost godb.DB does not implement synchronization. So a given instance of godb.DB should not be used by multiple goroutines. But a godb.DB instance can be created and used as a blueprint and cloned for each goroutine. See Clone and Clear methods.
A typical use case is a web server. When the application starts a godb.DB is created, and cloned in each http handler with Clone, and ressources are to be freed calling Clear (use defer statement).
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type Condition
- type DB
- func (db *DB) Adapter() adapters.Adapter
- func (db *DB) Begin() error
- func (db *DB) BulkInsert(record interface{}) *StructInsert
- func (db *DB) Clear() error
- func (db *DB) Clone() *DB
- func (db *DB) Close() error
- func (db *DB) Commit() error
- func (db *DB) ConsumedTime() time.Duration
- func (db *DB) CurrentDB() *sql.DB
- func (db *DB) CurrentTx() *sql.Tx
- func (db *DB) Delete(record interface{}) *StructDelete
- func (db *DB) DeleteFrom(tableName string) *DeleteStatement
- func (db *DB) Insert(record interface{}) *StructInsert
- func (db *DB) InsertInto(tableName string) *InsertStatement
- func (db *DB) RawSQL(sql string, args ...interface{}) *RawSQL
- func (db *DB) ResetConsumedTime()
- func (db *DB) Rollback() error
- func (db *DB) Select(record interface{}) *StructSelect
- func (db *DB) SelectFrom(tableNames ...string) *SelectStatement
- func (db *DB) SetDefaultTableNamer(tnamer tablenamer.NamerFn)
- func (db *DB) SetLogger(logger Logger)
- func (db *DB) StmtCacheDB() *StmtCache
- func (db *DB) StmtCacheTx() *StmtCache
- func (db *DB) Update(record interface{}) *StructUpdate
- func (db *DB) UpdateTable(tableName string) *UpdateStatement
- func (db *DB) UseErrorParser()
- type DeleteStatement
- func (ds *DeleteStatement) Do() (int64, error)
- func (ds *DeleteStatement) DoWithReturning(record interface{}) (int64, error)
- func (ds *DeleteStatement) Returning(columns ...string) *DeleteStatement
- func (ds *DeleteStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *DeleteStatement
- func (ds *DeleteStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (ds *DeleteStatement) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *DeleteStatement
- func (ds *DeleteStatement) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *DeleteStatement
- type InsertStatement
- func (is *InsertStatement) Columns(columns ...string) *InsertStatement
- func (is *InsertStatement) Do() (int64, error)
- func (is *InsertStatement) DoWithReturning(record interface{}) (int64, error)
- func (is *InsertStatement) Returning(columns ...string) *InsertStatement
- func (is *InsertStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *InsertStatement
- func (is *InsertStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (is *InsertStatement) Values(values ...interface{}) *InsertStatement
- type Iterator
- type Logger
- type RawSQL
- type SQLBuffer
- func (b *SQLBuffer) Append(other *SQLBuffer) *SQLBuffer
- func (b *SQLBuffer) Arguments() []interface{}
- func (b *SQLBuffer) Err() error
- func (b *SQLBuffer) SQL() string
- func (b *SQLBuffer) SQLLen() int
- func (b *SQLBuffer) Write(sql string, args ...interface{}) *SQLBuffer
- func (b *SQLBuffer) WriteBytes(sql []byte, args ...interface{}) *SQLBuffer
- func (b *SQLBuffer) WriteCondition(condition *Condition) *SQLBuffer
- func (b *SQLBuffer) WriteIfNotEmpty(sql string, args ...interface{}) *SQLBuffer
- func (b *SQLBuffer) WriteStrings(separator string, sqlParts ...string) *SQLBuffer
- type SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) ColumnAlias(column, alias string) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Columns(columns ...string) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) ColumnsFromStruct(record interface{}) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Count() (int64, error)
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Distinct() *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Do(record interface{}) error
- func (ss *SelectStatement) DoWithIterator() (Iterator, error)
- func (ss *SelectStatement) From(tableNames ...string) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) GroupBy(groupBy string) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Having(sql string, args ...interface{}) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) HavingQ(condition *Condition) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) InnerJoin(tableName string, as string, on *Condition) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) LeftJoin(tableName string, as string, on *Condition) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Limit(limit int) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Offset(offset int) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) OrderBy(orderBy string) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Scanx(dest ...interface{}) error
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (ss *SelectStatement) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *SelectStatement
- func (ss *SelectStatement) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *SelectStatement
- type StmtCache
- type StructDelete
- type StructInsert
- type StructSelect
- func (ss *StructSelect) Count() (int64, error)
- func (ss *StructSelect) Do() error
- func (ss *StructSelect) DoWithIterator() (Iterator, error)
- func (ss *StructSelect) Limit(limit int) *StructSelect
- func (ss *StructSelect) Offset(offset int) *StructSelect
- func (ss *StructSelect) OrderBy(orderBy string) *StructSelect
- func (ss *StructSelect) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *StructSelect
- func (ss *StructSelect) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *StructSelect
- type StructUpdate
- type UpdateStatement
- func (us *UpdateStatement) Do() (int64, error)
- func (us *UpdateStatement) DoWithReturning(record interface{}) (int64, error)
- func (us *UpdateStatement) Returning(columns ...string) *UpdateStatement
- func (us *UpdateStatement) Set(column string, value interface{}) *UpdateStatement
- func (us *UpdateStatement) SetRaw(rawSQL string) *UpdateStatement
- func (us *UpdateStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *UpdateStatement
- func (us *UpdateStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (us *UpdateStatement) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *UpdateStatement
- func (us *UpdateStatement) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *UpdateStatement
Constants ¶
const Placeholder string = "?"
Placeholder is the placeholder string, use it to build queries. Adapters could change it before queries are executed.
Variables ¶
var DefaultStmtCacheSize = 64
DefaultStmtCacheSize is the default size of prepared statements LRU cache.
var ErrOpLock = errors.New("optimistic locking failure")
ErrOpLock is an error returned when Optimistic Locking failure occurs
var MaximumStmtCacheSize = 4096
MaximumStmtCacheSize is the maximum allowed size for the prepared statements cache. The value is arbitrary, but big enough for most uses.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Condition ¶
type Condition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Condition is a struct allowing complex condition building, composing SQL predicates, and managing associated arguments.
func Or ¶
Or combines two or more conditions inserting 'OR' between each given conditions, and surrounding all with parentheses.
type DB ¶
type DB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DB stores a connection to the database, the current transaction, logger, ... Everything starts with a DB. DB is not thread safe (see Clone).
func Wrap ¶ added in v1.0.4
Wrap creates a godb.DB by using provided and initialized sql.DB Helpful for using custom configured sql.DB instance for godb. Can be used before starting a goroutine.
func (*DB) BulkInsert ¶
func (db *DB) BulkInsert(record interface{}) *StructInsert
BulkInsert initializes an INSERT sql statement for a slice.
Warning : not all databases are able to update the auto columns in the case of insert with multiple rows. Only adapters implementing the InsertReturningSuffix interface will have auto columns updated.
func (*DB) Clear ¶ added in v1.0.5
Clear closes current transaction (rollback) and frees statements caches. It does not close the underlying database connection. Use Clear when a clone of godb is no longer useful, or when you don't use anymore godb but want to keep the underlying database connection open.
func (*DB) Clone ¶
Clone creates a copy of an existing DB, without the current transaction. The clone has consumedTime set to zero, and new prepared statements caches with the same characteristics. Use it to create new DB object before starting a goroutine. Use Clear when a clone is not longer useful to free ressources.
func (*DB) Close ¶
Close closes an existing DB created by Open. Don't close a cloned DB still used by others goroutines as the sql.DB is shared ! Don't use a DB anymore after a call to Close.
func (*DB) ConsumedTime ¶
ConsumedTime returns the time consumed by SQL queries executions The duration is reseted when the DB is cloned.
func (*DB) CurrentTx ¶
CurrentTx returns the current Tx (or nil). Don't commit or rollback it directly !
func (*DB) Delete ¶
func (db *DB) Delete(record interface{}) *StructDelete
Delete initializes a DELETE sql statement for the given object.
func (*DB) DeleteFrom ¶
func (db *DB) DeleteFrom(tableName string) *DeleteStatement
DeleteFrom initializes a DELETE statement builder.
func (*DB) Insert ¶
func (db *DB) Insert(record interface{}) *StructInsert
Insert initializes an INSERT sql statement for the given object.
func (*DB) InsertInto ¶
func (db *DB) InsertInto(tableName string) *InsertStatement
InsertInto initializes a INSERT statement builder
func (*DB) RawSQL ¶ added in v1.0.7
RawSQL create a RawSQL structure, allowing the executing of a custom sql query, and the mapping of its result.
func (*DB) ResetConsumedTime ¶
func (db *DB) ResetConsumedTime()
ResetConsumedTime resets the time consumed by SQL queries executions
func (*DB) Select ¶
func (db *DB) Select(record interface{}) *StructSelect
Select initializes a SELECT statement with the given pointer as target. The pointer could point to a single instance or a slice.
func (*DB) SelectFrom ¶
func (db *DB) SelectFrom(tableNames ...string) *SelectStatement
SelectFrom initializes a SELECT statement builder.
func (*DB) SetDefaultTableNamer ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (db *DB) SetDefaultTableNamer(tnamer tablenamer.NamerFn)
SetDefaultTableNamer sets table naming function
func (*DB) StmtCacheDB ¶
StmtCacheDB returns the prepared statement cache for queries outside a transaction (run with sql.DB).
func (*DB) StmtCacheTx ¶
StmtCacheTx returns the prepared statement cache for queries inside a transaction (run with sql.Tx).
func (*DB) Update ¶
func (db *DB) Update(record interface{}) *StructUpdate
Update initializes an UPDATE sql statement for the given object.
func (*DB) UpdateTable ¶
func (db *DB) UpdateTable(tableName string) *UpdateStatement
UpdateTable creates an UpdateStatement and specify table to update. It's the entry point to build an UPDATE query.
func (*DB) UseErrorParser ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (db *DB) UseErrorParser()
UseErrorParser will allow adapters to parse errors and wrap ones returned by drivers
type DeleteStatement ¶
type DeleteStatement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteStatement is a DELETE sql statement builder. Initialize it with the DeleteFrom method.
Example :
count, err := db.DeleteFrom("bar").Where("foo = 1").Do()
func (*DeleteStatement) Do ¶
func (ds *DeleteStatement) Do() (int64, error)
Do executes the builded query, and return thr rows affected count.
func (*DeleteStatement) DoWithReturning ¶
func (ds *DeleteStatement) DoWithReturning(record interface{}) (int64, error)
DoWithReturning executes the statement and fills the fields according to the columns in RETURNING clause.
func (*DeleteStatement) Returning ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (ds *DeleteStatement) Returning(columns ...string) *DeleteStatement
Returning adds a RETURNING or OUTPUT clause to the statement. Use it with PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
func (*DeleteStatement) Suffix ¶
func (ds *DeleteStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *DeleteStatement
Suffix adds an expression to suffix the statement. Use it to add a RETURNING clause with PostgreSQL (or whatever you need).
func (*DeleteStatement) ToSQL ¶
func (ds *DeleteStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
ToSQL returns a string with the SQL statement (containing placeholders), the arguments slices, and an error.
func (*DeleteStatement) Where ¶
func (ds *DeleteStatement) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *DeleteStatement
Where adds a condition using string and arguments.
func (*DeleteStatement) WhereQ ¶
func (ds *DeleteStatement) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *DeleteStatement
WhereQ adds a simple or complex predicate generated with Q and confunctions.
type InsertStatement ¶
type InsertStatement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InsertStatement is an INSERT statement builder. Initialize it with the InsertInto method.
Examples :
id, err := db.InsertInto("bar"). Columns("foo", "baz"). Values(2, "something"). Do()
func (*InsertStatement) Columns ¶
func (is *InsertStatement) Columns(columns ...string) *InsertStatement
Columns adds columns to insert.
func (*InsertStatement) Do ¶
func (is *InsertStatement) Do() (int64, error)
Do executes the builded INSERT statement and returns the creadted 'id' if the adapter does not implement InsertReturningSuffixer.
func (*InsertStatement) DoWithReturning ¶
func (is *InsertStatement) DoWithReturning(record interface{}) (int64, error)
DoWithReturning executes the statement and fills the fields according to the columns in RETURNING clause.
func (*InsertStatement) Returning ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (is *InsertStatement) Returning(columns ...string) *InsertStatement
Returning adds a RETURNING or OUTPUT clause to the statement. Use it with PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
func (*InsertStatement) Suffix ¶
func (is *InsertStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *InsertStatement
Suffix adds an expression to suffix the statement.
func (*InsertStatement) ToSQL ¶
func (is *InsertStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
ToSQL returns a string with the SQL statement (containing placeholders), the arguments slices, and an error.
func (*InsertStatement) Values ¶
func (is *InsertStatement) Values(values ...interface{}) *InsertStatement
Values add values to insert.
type Iterator ¶ added in v1.0.5
type Iterator interface { Next() bool Scan(interface{}) error Scanx(...interface{}) error Close() error Err() error }
Iterator is an interface to iterate over the result of a sql query and scan each row one at a time instead of getting all into one slice. The principe is similar to the standard sql.Rows type.
type Logger ¶ added in v1.0.8
type Logger interface {
Println(v ...interface{})
Logger is interface for custom logger Should implement `Println(v ...interface{})` method
type RawSQL ¶ added in v1.0.7
type RawSQL struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RawSQL allows the execution of a custom SQL query. Initialize it with the RawSQL method.
WARNING : the arguments will be used 'as is' by the Go sql package, then it will not duplicate the placeholders if you use a slice.
Note : the API could have been build without an intermediaite struct. But this produce a mode homogeneous API, and allows later evolutions without breaking the it.
func (*RawSQL) Do ¶ added in v1.0.7
Do executes the raw query. The record argument has to be a pointer to a struct or a slice. If the argument is not a slice, a row is expected, and Do returns sql.ErrNoRows is none where found.
func (*RawSQL) DoWithIterator ¶ added in v1.0.7
DoWithIterator executes the select query and returns an Iterator allowing the caller to fetch rows one at a time. Warning : it does not use an existing transation to avoid some pitfalls with drivers, nor the prepared statement.
type SQLBuffer ¶ added in v1.0.7
type SQLBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SQLBuffer is a buffer for creating SQL queries with arguments of effectively, using bytes.Buffer.
Create a buffer, add SQL parts with their arguments with the Write method and its friends, and get the result with SQL() and Arguments(). Check the presence presence of an error with Err().
Unlike godb.Q, SQLBuffer does not check if arguments count and placeholders count matches, because strings similar to placeholders could be valid in other circumstances.
godb use it internally, but you can use it yourself to create raw queries.
func NewSQLBuffer ¶ added in v1.0.7
NewSQLBuffer create a new SQLBuffer, preallocating sqlLength bytes for the SQL parts, and argsLength for the arguments list. The lengths could be zero, but it's more efficient to give an approximate size.
func (*SQLBuffer) Append ¶ added in v1.0.7
Append add to the buffer the SQL string and arguments from other buffer. It does not add separator like space between the sql parts, if needed do it yourself.
func (*SQLBuffer) Arguments ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (b *SQLBuffer) Arguments() []interface{}
Arguments returns the arguments given while building the SQL query.
func (*SQLBuffer) Err ¶ added in v1.0.7
Err returns the error that may have occurred during the build.
func (*SQLBuffer) SQL ¶ added in v1.0.7
SQL returns the string for the SQL part. It will create the string from the buffer, avoid calling it multiple times.
func (*SQLBuffer) SQLLen ¶ added in v1.0.7
SQLLen returns the length of the SQL part (it's bytes count, not characters count, beware of unicode !). Use it instead of len(myBuffer.SQL()), it's faster and does not allocate memory.
func (*SQLBuffer) Write ¶ added in v1.0.7
Write adds a sql string and its arguments into the buffer.
func (*SQLBuffer) WriteBytes ¶ added in v1.0.7
WriteBytes add the givent bytes to the internal SQL buffer, and append givens arguments to the existing ones. It's useful when you have build something with a bytes.Buffer.
func (*SQLBuffer) WriteCondition ¶ added in v1.0.7
WriteCondition writes single conditional expressions.
func (*SQLBuffer) WriteIfNotEmpty ¶ added in v1.0.7
WriteIfNotEmpty writes the given string only if the sql buffer isn't empty.
type SelectStatement ¶
type SelectStatement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SelectStatement is a SELECT sql statement builder. Initialize it with the SelectFrom method.
Examples :
err := db.SelecFrom("bar"). Columns("foo", "baz"). Where("foo > 2"). Do(&target)
func (*SelectStatement) ColumnAlias ¶ added in v1.0.9
func (ss *SelectStatement) ColumnAlias(column, alias string) *SelectStatement
ColumnAlias allows to define alias for a column. Useful if selectable columns are built with ColumnsFromStruct and when using joins.
func (*SelectStatement) Columns ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Columns(columns ...string) *SelectStatement
Columns adds columns to select. Multple calls of columns are allowed.
func (*SelectStatement) ColumnsFromStruct ¶ added in v1.0.6
func (ss *SelectStatement) ColumnsFromStruct(record interface{}) *SelectStatement
ColumnsFromStruct adds columns to select, extrating them from the given struct (or slice of struct). Always use a pointer as argument. You can't mix the use of ColumnsFromStruct and Columns methods.
func (*SelectStatement) Count ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Count() (int64, error)
Count runs the request with COUNT(*) (remove others columns) and returns the count.
func (*SelectStatement) Distinct ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Distinct() *SelectStatement
Distinct adds DISTINCT keyword the the generated statement.
func (*SelectStatement) Do ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Do(record interface{}) error
Do executes the select statement. The record argument has to be a pointer to a struct or a slice. If no columns is defined for current select statement, all columns are added from record parameter's struct. If the argument is not a slice, a row is expected, and Do returns sql.ErrNoRows is none where found.
func (*SelectStatement) DoWithIterator ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (ss *SelectStatement) DoWithIterator() (Iterator, error)
DoWithIterator executes the select query and returns an Iterator allowing the caller to fetch rows one at a time. Warning : it does not use an existing transation to avoid some pitfalls with drivers, nor the prepared statement.
func (*SelectStatement) From ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) From(tableNames ...string) *SelectStatement
From adds table to the select statement. It can be called multiple times.
func (*SelectStatement) GroupBy ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) GroupBy(groupBy string) *SelectStatement
GroupBy adds a GROUP BY clause. You can call GroupBy multiple times.
func (*SelectStatement) Having ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Having(sql string, args ...interface{}) *SelectStatement
Having adds a HAVING clause with a condition build with a sql string and its arguments (like Where).
func (*SelectStatement) HavingQ ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) HavingQ(condition *Condition) *SelectStatement
HavingQ adds a simple or complex predicate generated with Q and conjunctions (like WhereQ).
func (*SelectStatement) InnerJoin ¶ added in v1.0.6
func (ss *SelectStatement) InnerJoin(tableName string, as string, on *Condition) *SelectStatement
InnerJoin adds as INNER JOIN clause, which will be inserted between FROM and WHERE clauses.
func (*SelectStatement) LeftJoin ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) LeftJoin(tableName string, as string, on *Condition) *SelectStatement
LeftJoin adds a LEFT JOIN clause, which will be inserted between FROM and WHERE clauses.
func (*SelectStatement) Limit ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Limit(limit int) *SelectStatement
Limit specifies the value for the LIMIT clause.
func (*SelectStatement) Offset ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Offset(offset int) *SelectStatement
Offset specifies the value for the OFFSET clause.
func (*SelectStatement) OrderBy ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) OrderBy(orderBy string) *SelectStatement
OrderBy adds an expression for the ORDER BY clause. You can call GroupBy multiple times.
func (*SelectStatement) Scanx ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (ss *SelectStatement) Scanx(dest ...interface{}) error
Scanx runs the request and scans results to dest params
func (*SelectStatement) Suffix ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *SelectStatement
Suffix adds an expression to suffix the query.
func (*SelectStatement) ToSQL ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
ToSQL returns a string with the SQL request (containing placeholders), the arguments slices, and an error.
func (*SelectStatement) Where ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *SelectStatement
Where adds a condition using string and arguments.
func (*SelectStatement) WhereQ ¶
func (ss *SelectStatement) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *SelectStatement
WhereQ adds a simple or complex predicate generated with Q and conjunctions.
type StmtCache ¶
type StmtCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StmtCache is a LRU cache for prepared statements.
func (*StmtCache) Disable ¶
func (cache *StmtCache) Disable()
Disable disables the cache. Disabling the cache does not clear it.
type StructDelete ¶
type StructDelete struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StructDelete builds a DELETE statement for the given object.
Example (book is a struct instance):
count, err := db.Delete(&book).Do()
func (*StructDelete) Do ¶
func (sd *StructDelete) Do() (int64, error)
Do executes the DELETE statement for the struct given to the Delete method, and returns the count of deleted rows and an error.
type StructInsert ¶
type StructInsert struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StructInsert builds an INSERT statement for the given object.
Example (book is a struct instance, books a slice) :
err := db.Insert(&book).Do() err = db.BulkInsert(&books).Do()
func (*StructInsert) Blacklist ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (si *StructInsert) Blacklist(columns ...string) *StructInsert
Blacklist saves columns not to be inserted from struct It adds columns to list each time it is called. If a column defined in whitelist is also given in black list than that column will be blacklisted.
func (*StructInsert) BlacklistReset ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (si *StructInsert) BlacklistReset() *StructInsert
BlacklistReset resets blacklist
func (*StructInsert) Do ¶
func (si *StructInsert) Do() error
Do executes the insert statement.
The behavior differs according to the adapter. If it implements the InsertReturningSuffixer interface it will use it and fill all auto fields of the given struct. Otherwise it only fills the key with LastInsertId.
With BulkInsert the behavior changeq according to the adapter, see BulkInsert documentation for more information.
func (*StructInsert) Whitelist ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (si *StructInsert) Whitelist(columns ...string) *StructInsert
Whitelist saves columns to be inserted from struct It adds columns to list each time it is called whitelist should not include auto key tagged columns
func (*StructInsert) WhitelistReset ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (si *StructInsert) WhitelistReset() *StructInsert
WhitelistReset resets whiteList
type StructSelect ¶
type StructSelect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StructSelect builds a SELECT statement for the given object.
Example (book is a struct instance, books a slice) :
err := db.Select(&book).Where("id = ?", 123).Do() err = db.Select(&books).Where("id > 1").Where("id < 10").Do()
func (*StructSelect) Count ¶
func (ss *StructSelect) Count() (int64, error)
Count run the request with COUNT(*) and returns the count
func (*StructSelect) Do ¶
func (ss *StructSelect) Do() error
Do executes the select statement, the record given to Select will contain the data.
func (*StructSelect) DoWithIterator ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (ss *StructSelect) DoWithIterator() (Iterator, error)
DoWithIterator executes the select query and returns an Iterator allowing the caller to fetch rows one at a time. Warning : it does not use an existing transation to avoid some pitfalls with drivers, nor the prepared statement.
func (*StructSelect) Limit ¶
func (ss *StructSelect) Limit(limit int) *StructSelect
Limit specifies the value for the LIMIT clause.
func (*StructSelect) Offset ¶
func (ss *StructSelect) Offset(offset int) *StructSelect
Offset specifies the value for the OFFSET clause.
func (*StructSelect) OrderBy ¶
func (ss *StructSelect) OrderBy(orderBy string) *StructSelect
OrderBy adds an expression for the ORDER BY clause.
func (*StructSelect) Where ¶
func (ss *StructSelect) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *StructSelect
Where adds a condition using string and arguments.
func (*StructSelect) WhereQ ¶
func (ss *StructSelect) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *StructSelect
WhereQ adds a simple or complex predicate generated with Q and confunctions.
type StructUpdate ¶
type StructUpdate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StructUpdate builds an UPDATE statement for the given object.
Example (book is a struct instance):
count, err := db.Update(&book).Do()
func (*StructUpdate) Blacklist ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (su *StructUpdate) Blacklist(columns ...string) *StructUpdate
Blacklist saves columns not to be updated from struct It adds columns to list each time it is called. If a column defined in whitelist is also given in black list than that column will be blacklisted.
func (*StructUpdate) BlacklistReset ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (su *StructUpdate) BlacklistReset() *StructUpdate
BlacklistReset resets blacklist
func (*StructUpdate) Do ¶
func (su *StructUpdate) Do() error
Do executes the UPDATE statement for the struct given to the Update method.
func (*StructUpdate) Whitelist ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (su *StructUpdate) Whitelist(columns ...string) *StructUpdate
Whitelist saves columns to be updated from struct
whitelist should not include auto key tagged columns
func (*StructUpdate) WhitelistReset ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (su *StructUpdate) WhitelistReset() *StructUpdate
WhitelistReset resets whiteList
type UpdateStatement ¶
type UpdateStatement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateStatement will contains all parts needed to build an UPDATE statement. Initialize it with the UpdateTable method.
Example :
count, err := db.UpdateTable("bar"). Set("foo", 1). Where("foo = ?", 2). Do()
func (*UpdateStatement) Do ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) Do() (int64, error)
Do executes the builded query, and return RowsAffected()
func (*UpdateStatement) DoWithReturning ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) DoWithReturning(record interface{}) (int64, error)
DoWithReturning executes the statement and fills the fields according to the columns in RETURNING clause.
func (*UpdateStatement) Returning ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (us *UpdateStatement) Returning(columns ...string) *UpdateStatement
Returning adds a RETURNING or OUTPUT clause to the statement. Use it with PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
func (*UpdateStatement) Set ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) Set(column string, value interface{}) *UpdateStatement
Set adds a part of SET clause to the query.
func (*UpdateStatement) SetRaw ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) SetRaw(rawSQL string) *UpdateStatement
SetRaw adds a raw SET clause to the query.
func (*UpdateStatement) Suffix ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) Suffix(suffix string) *UpdateStatement
Suffix adds an expression to suffix the statement. Use it to add a RETURNING clause with PostgreSQL (or whatever you need).
func (*UpdateStatement) ToSQL ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
ToSQL returns a string with the SQL statement (containing placeholders), the arguments slices, and an error.
func (*UpdateStatement) Where ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) Where(sql string, args ...interface{}) *UpdateStatement
Where adds a condition using string and arguments.
func (*UpdateStatement) WhereQ ¶
func (us *UpdateStatement) WhereQ(condition *Condition) *UpdateStatement
WhereQ adds a simple or complex predicate generated with Q and confunctions.
Source Files
- condition.go
- delete_statement.go
- doc.go
- godb.go
- insert_statement.go
- iterator.go
- logger.go
- prepared_statement.go
- raw_sql.go
- record_description.go
- select_statement.go
- sqlbuffer.go
- sqlrunner.go
- stmtcache.go
- struct_delete.go
- struct_insert.go
- struct_select.go
- struct_update.go
- transaction.go
- update_statement.go