Meter POV
Meter is the most decentralized and fasted Ethereum sidechain network with a native metastable gas currency
This is the first implementation written in golang.
Table of contents
Meter requires Go
1.12+ and C
compiler to build. To install Go
, follow this link.
Getting the source
Clone the saolacoin repo:
git clone
cd saolacoin
Dependency management
Simply run:
make dep
To manually install dependencies, choices are
dep, Golang's official dependency management tool
dep ensure -vendor-only
(Note that to make dep
work, you should put the source code at $GOPATH/src/
git submodule
git submodule update --init
To build the main app meter
, just run
You might encounter problems like this during make
vendor/ fatal error: libsecp256k1/include/secp256k1.h: No such file or directory
#include "libsecp256k1/include/secp256k1.h"
compilation terminated.
Then solution will be like this:
go get
cp -r \
"${GOPATH}/src/" \
or build the full suite:
make all
If no error reported, all built executable binaries will appear in folder bin.
Running Meter
Connect to Meter's mainnet:
bin/meter --network main
Connect to VeChain's testnet:
bin/meter --network warringstakes
To find out usages of all command line options:
bin/meter -h
--network value
the network to join (main|test)
--data-dir value
directory for block-chain databases
--beneficiary value
address for block rewards
--api-addr value
API service listening address (default: "localhost:8669")
--api-cors value
comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests to API
--verbosity value
log verbosity (0-9) (default: 3)
--max-peers value
maximum number of P2P network peers (P2P network disabled if set to 0) (default: 25)
--p2p-port value
P2P network listening port (default: 11235)
--nat value
port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:) (default: "none")
--help, -h
show help
--version, -v
print the version
force the node to take nonce from last k-block, you don't need this when you start the node with genesis block
periodically generate k-block data
skip the signature check (ONLY for debug)
import and export master key
# export master key to keystore
bin/meter master-key --export > keystore.json
# import master key from keystore
cat keystore.json | bin/meter master-key --import
Docker is one quick way for running a meter node:
docker run --network host --name meter -e NETWORK="main" -v /home/ubuntu/meter-main:/pos -d meterio/mainnet:latest
Do not forget to add the --api-addr
flag if you want other containers and/or hosts to have access to the RESTful API. Meter
binds to localhost
by default and it will not accept requests outside the container itself without the flag.
The Dockerfile is designed to build the last release of the source code and will publish docker images to dockerhub by release, feel free to fork and build Dockerfile for your own purpose.
Awesome explorers built by the meter team:
Once meter
started, online OpenAPI doc can be accessed in your browser. e.g. http://localhost:8669/ by default.

A Special shout out to following projects:
Thanks you so much for considering to help out with the source code! We welcome contributions from anyone on the internet, and are grateful for even the smallest of fixes!
Please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base.
Forking Meter
When you "Fork" the project, GitHub will make a copy of the project that is entirely yours; it lives in your namespace, and you can push to it.
Getting ready for a pull request
Please check the following:
- Code must be adhere to the official Go Formatting guidelines.
- Get the branch up to date, by merging in any recent changes from the master branch.
Making the pull request
- On the GitHub site, go to "Code". Then click the green "Compare and Review" button. Your branch is probably in the "Example Comparisons" list, so click on it. If not, select it for the "compare" branch.
- Make sure you are comparing your new branch to master. It probably won't be, since the front page is the latest release branch, rather than master now. So click the base branch and change it to master.
- Press Create Pull Request button.
- Give a brief title.
- Explain the major changes you are asking to be code reviewed. Often it is useful to open a second tab in your browser where you can look through the diff yourself to remind yourself of all the changes you have made.
Deployment Steps
Right now, only node mode is supported. solo mode is not supported anymore. The next few steps will show you how to setup a cluster with 2 nodes (named as node1
and node2
- prepare the binary and copy it to
and node2
(take a look at build instruction )
- run the binary first with
./bin/meter --network test --verbosity 9
- take a note on the enode id for
, you could find it in log here:
INFO[03-30|10:53:15] start up pkg=p2psrv self="enode://0f73e6fad8ee070940d50ad326067c096696865398843e09d837a11ae2006a1df8688d01e0bd93a4c2db4253e571a514fc6f7c03e16c0b588044fdd082c2a145@[::]:11235?discport=0"
The enode://xxxx@[::]:11235
part is the enode, replace the [::]
part with actual ip of node1
- now you need to prepare a config file named
, a sample file looks like this:
"address" : "a0da10fa4e8e810c4ef3f9a3cd8091a7b10e05fd",
"pub_key" : "node1-pub-key",
"voting_power" : "90",
"network_addr" : {
"id" : "1000",
"ip" : "node1-ip",
"port" : 8080,
"name" : "nod1"
"accum" : "7689255112978"
"address" : "d4be94fda23e12ee656b5123c9ac80bbf81971a5",
"pub_key" : "node2-pub-key",
"voting_power" : "100",
"network_addr" : {
"id" : "1001",
"ip" : "node2-ip",
"port" : 8080,
"name" : "node2"
"accum" : "2057045235008"
replace node1-ip with ip of node1
replace node1-pub-key with content from ~/.com.dfinlab.meter/public.key
on node1
replace node2-ip with ip of node2
replace node2-pub-key with content from ~/.com.dfinlab.meter/public.key
on node2
copy delegates.json
on to node1
and node2
, place it under ~/.com.dfinlab.meter/delegates.json
now you're ready to boot up
on node1
, use ./bin/meter --network test --verbosity 9
on node2
, use ./bin/meter --network test --verbosity 9 --peers [enode-id-of-node1]
- if you see from the log that block has been generated with consensus, everything is up and running!
A sample log for commited block:
Block commited at height 1
pkg=consensus elapsedTime=707218 bestBlockHeight=1
Block(504 B){
BlockHeader: Header(0x0000055d29c1adde910544507f7b712370f2a91dcc4b34d21f3b696e4c10f515):
Number: 1
ParentID: 0x0000055c3a8556200e83ac9fe80e0323de76f529edeb150613d2af5166dfc12d
Timestamp: 1550011540
Signer: 0x7280d2f760ce59c5a2e0bb04eccdef45c6bb7d14
Beneficiary: 0x7280d2f760ce59c5a2e0bb04eccdef45c6bb7d14
BlockType: 2
LastKBlockHieght: 0
GasLimit: 10000000
GasUsed: 0
TotalScore: 1
TxsRoot: 0x45b0cfc220ceec5b7c1c62c4d4193d38e4eba48e8815729ce75f9c0ab0e4c1c0
StateRoot: 0x7d7cb8edd7a420953caad0a9a90583dd6fc6fc0a52235f2d801ee16d43a3f389
ReceiptsRoot: 0x45b0cfc220ceec5b7c1c62c4d4193d38e4eba48e8815729ce75f9c0ab0e4c1c0
Signature: 0xfca190d1e2388e52d290ec91777c3e4b2db7b6273ddfd27c344062d14355c92b56d69a2c5da2da39a69e43425c0fa5402928bb41315c0f87fe299bd7820e08db01,
Transactions: [],
KBlockData: {0 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 []},
CommitteeInfo: {[] [] []}
That's it. The next time, you won't need the --peers
flag for node2
any more, since it's already stored in cache. Enjoy!
Meter is licensed under the
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, also included
in LICENSE file in repository.