Absent Metrics Operator
In this document:
In other documents:
An absence alert rule is an alert rule that alerts on the absence of a metric.
A PrometheusRule
is a custom resource defined by the Prometheus
operator, it is used to define a set of alerting rules. Within the
absent metrics operator documentation and source code, an AbsencePrometheusRule is a
resource created (and managed) by the absent metrics operator that
defines corresponding absence alert rules for the metrics that were used in the
alert rule definitions in a PrometheusRule
The absent metrics operator is a companion operator for the Prometheus Operator.
It monitors all the PrometheusRule
resources deployed across a
Kubernetes cluster and creates corresponding absence alert rules for
the alert rules defined in those resources.
Consider the following alert rule definition:
alert: ImportantAlert
expr: foo_bar > 0
for: 5m
support_group: network
service: foo
severity: critical
summary: Data center is on fire!
This alert would never trigger if the metric foo_bar
does not exist in
This can be avoided by using the absent()
function with the or
operator so
the alert rule expression becomes:
absent(foo_bar) or foo_bar > 0
However, this gets tedious if you have hundreds of alerts deployed across the cluster.
There is also the element of human error, e.g. typo or forgetting to include
the absent
function in the alert expression.
This problem is resolved by the absent metrics operator as it automatically creates the corresponding alert rules that check and alert on metric absence.
For example, considering the alert rule mentioned above, the operator would generate the following absence alert rule:
alert: AbsentNetworkFooBar
expr: absent(foo_bar)
for: 10m
context: absent-metrics
severity: info
support_group: network
service: foo
summary: missing foo_bar
description: The metric 'foo_bar' is missing. 'ImportantAlert' alert using it may not fire as intended.
Refer to the absence alert rule definition documentation for more information on how these alerts are generated and defined.
You can build with make
, install with make install
, or docker build
The make install
target understands the conventional environment variables for choosing
install locations: DESTDIR
For usage instructions:
absent-metrics-operator --help
In case of a false positive, the operator can be disabled for a specific alert rule or the
entire PrometheusRule
resource. Refer to the playbook for operators
for instructions.
Metrics are exposed at port 9659
. This port has been
for the operator.
Metric | Labels |
absent_metrics_operator_successful_reconcile_time |
prometheusrule_namespace , prometheusrule_name |
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