Cloud Bigtable Quickstart in Go
This application demonstrates using the Google Cloud APIs Go
Client Library to connect
to a Cloud Bigtable instance and read a row from a table.
Before you begin
Select or create a Cloud Platform project.
Enable billing for your project.
Enable the Cloud Bigtable API.
Note: The quickstart performs an operation on an existing table (created below).
If you require your code to create instances or tables,
the Admin API
must be enabled as well.
Set up authentication with a service account so you can access the API from your local workstation.
Follow the instructions in the user documentation to
create a Cloud Bigtable instance (if necessary).
Follow the cbt tutorial to install the
command line tool.
Here are the cbt
commands to create a table, column family and add some data:
cbt createtable my-table
cbt createfamily my-table cf1
cbt set my-table r1 cf1:c1=test-value
Running the quickstart
The quickstart sample shows how to read rows from a table with the Bigtable client library.
Run the quickstart to read the row you just wrote using cbt
`go run main.go -project PROJECT_ID -instance INSTANCE_ID -table my-table
Expected output similar to:
2018/06/15 18:50:52 Getting a single row by row key:
2018/06/15 18:50:54 Row key: r1
2018/06/15 18:50:54 Data: test-value
Cleaning up
To avoid incurring extra charges to your Google Cloud Platform account, remove
the resources created for this sample.
Go to the Cloud Bigtable instance page in the Cloud Console.
Click on the instance name.
Click Delete instance.

Type the instance ID, then click Delete to delete the instance.