
A group of generic useful utility functions
package main
import (
func main() {
func1 := func() error {
for char := 'a'; char < 'a' + 3; char++ {
fmt.Printf("%c ", char)
return nil
func2 := func() error {
for number := 1; number < 4; number++ {
fmt.Printf("%d ", number)
return nil
xconcurrency.Parallelize(func1, func2) // a 1 b 2 c 3
xconcurrency.ParallelizeTimeout(time.Minute, func1, func2) // a 1 b 2 c 3
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(xhashes.FNV32("Raed Shomali")) // 424383802
fmt.Println(xhashes.FNV32a("Raed Shomali")) // 3711360776
fmt.Println(xhashes.FNV64("Raed Shomali")) // 13852322269024953050
fmt.Println(xhashes.FNV64a("Raed Shomali")) // 17869303103005344072
fmt.Println(xhashes.MD5("Raed Shomali")) // c313bc3b48fcfed9abc733429665b105
fmt.Println(xhashes.SHA1("Raed Shomali")) // e0d66f6f09de72942e83289cc994b3c721ab34c5
fmt.Println(xhashes.SHA256("Raed Shomali")) // 75894b9be21065a833e57bfe4440b375fc216f120a965243c9be8b2dc36709c2
fmt.Println(xhashes.SHA512("Raed Shomali")) // 406e8d495140187a8b09893c30d054cf385ad7359855db0d2e0386c7189ac1c4667a4816d1b63a19f3d8ccdcbace7861ec4cc6ff5e2a1659c8f4360bda699b42
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(xcompressions.Compress([]byte("Raed Shomali")))
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(xencodings.Base32Encode([]byte("Raed Shomali")))
fmt.Println(xencodings.Base64Encode([]byte("Raed Shomali")))
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsEmpty("")) // true
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsEmpty("text")) // false
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsEmpty(" ")) // false
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsNotEmpty("")) // false
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsNotEmpty("text")) // true
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsNotEmpty(" ")) // true
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsBlank("")) // true
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsBlank(" ")) // true
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsBlank("text")) // false
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsNotBlank("")) // false
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsNotBlank(" ")) // false
fmt.Println(xstrings.IsNotBlank("text")) // true
fmt.Println(xstrings.Left("", 5)) // " "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Left("X", 5)) // "X "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Left("😎⚽", 4)) // "😎⚽ "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Left("ab\u0301cde", 8)) // "ab́cde "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Right("", 5)) // " "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Right("X", 5)) // " X"
fmt.Println(xstrings.Right("😎⚽", 4)) // " 😎⚽"
fmt.Println(xstrings.Right("ab\u0301cde", 8)) // " ab́cde"
fmt.Println(xstrings.Center("", 5)) // " "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Center("X", 5)) // " X "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Center("😎⚽", 4)) // " 😎⚽ "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Center("ab\u0301cde", 8)) // " ab́cde "
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("")) // 0
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("X")) // 1
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("b\u0301")) // 1
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("😎⚽")) // 2
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("Les Mise\u0301rables")) // 14
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("ab\u0301cde")) // 5
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("This `\xc5` is an invalid UTF8 character")) // 37
fmt.Println(xstrings.Length("The quick bròwn 狐 jumped over the lazy 犬")) // 40
fmt.Println(xstrings.Reverse("")) // ""
fmt.Println(xstrings.Reverse("X")) // "X"
fmt.Println(xstrings.Reverse("😎⚽")) // "⚽😎"
fmt.Println(xstrings.Reverse("Les Mise\u0301rables")) // "selbare\u0301siM seL"
fmt.Println(xstrings.Reverse("This `\xc5` is an invalid UTF8 character")) // "retcarahc 8FTU dilavni na si `�` sihT"
fmt.Println(xstrings.Reverse("The quick bròwn 狐 jumped over the lazy 犬")) // "犬 yzal eht revo depmuj 狐 nwòrb kciuq ehT"
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(xconditions.IfThen(1 == 1, "Yes")) // "Yes"
fmt.Println(xconditions.IfThen(1 != 1, "Woo")) // nil
fmt.Println(xconditions.IfThen(1 < 2, "Less")) // "Less"
fmt.Println(xconditions.IfThenElse(1 == 1, "Yes", false)) // "Yes"
fmt.Println(xconditions.IfThenElse(1 != 1, nil, 1)) // 1
fmt.Println(xconditions.IfThenElse(1 < 2, nil, "No")) // nil
fmt.Println(xconditions.DefaultIfNil(nil, nil)) // nil
fmt.Println(xconditions.DefaultIfNil(nil, "")) // ""
fmt.Println(xconditions.DefaultIfNil("A", "B")) // "A"
fmt.Println(xconditions.DefaultIfNil(true, "B")) // true
fmt.Println(xconditions.DefaultIfNil(1, false)) // 1
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil(nil, nil)) // nil
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil(nil, "")) // ""
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil("A", "B")) // "A"
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil(true, "B")) // true
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil(1, false)) // 1
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil(nil, nil, nil, 10)) // 10
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)) // nil
fmt.Println(xconditions.FirstNonNil()) // nil
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(xerrors.DefaultErrorIfNil(nil, "Cool")) // "Cool"
fmt.Println(xerrors.DefaultErrorIfNil(errors.New("Oops"), "Cool")) // "Oops"
package main
import (
func main() {
source := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
array := []interface{}{"a", "b", "c"}
xmanipulations.Shuffle(array, source)
fmt.Println(array) // [c b a]
Return a pretty JSON representation of any interface
package main
import (
func main() {
x := map[string]interface{}{"number": 1, "string": "cool", "bool": true, "float": 1.5}
"bool": true,
"float": 1.5,
"number": 1,
"string": "cool"
Convert any interface to a String
package main
import (
func main() {
x := map[string]interface{}{"number": 1, "string": "cool", "bool": true, "float": 1.5}
{"bool":true,"float":1.5,"number":1,"string":"cool"} <nil>
Convert any string back to its original struct
package main
import (
func main() {
x := "{\"bool\":true,\"float\":1.5,\"number\":1,\"string\":\"cool\"}"
var results map[string]interface{}
fmt.Println(xconversions.Structify(x, &results))
map[bool:true float:1.5 number:1 string:cool]