gen-options is a small go generate tool. The project is inspired by gen-mocks.
Suppose you have a struct looks like
type Foo struct {
fstField int
sndField string
and if you want to initialize the struct using dependency injection like this
func NewFoo(options ...func(*Foo)) {
foo := &Foo{}
for _, o := range options {
then you need to define one function per field
func OptionFirstField(int x) func(*Foo) {
return func(f *Foo) {
f.fstField = x
gen-options can help generate these functions for you.
install: go get github.com/showbufire/gen-options
help: gen-options -h
common usage: gen-options -s Foo -w
By default, for each field named bar
, it will generate a function OptionBar
. You can tweak the default behavior, by
- feed a
option. The generated function will be PrefixBar
- add an
field tag to opt in for function generation.
For example, if bar string `options:"Baz"`
, then the generated will be OptionBaz
. If it's options:""
, then the generated will be OptionBar
- no function will be generated if
field tag is missing.
- comments will be copied from the field to the generated function with the function putting in front.
By default, it will generate a type alias type Option func(*YourStruct)
, you can turn it off or change to another name by using the -t
option: -t=""
or -t="SomeOption"