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Published: Sep 1, 2023 License: MIT


IAM System Architecture

IAM (Identity and Access Management) system plays a crucial role in managing the identities and access permissions within our e-commerce application. It ensures that the right users have access to the right resources at the right times for the right reasons.

The IAM system architecture comprises 9 key components and 3 databases:


  1. iam-apiserver: It is the entry point for all the RESTful API requests. It handles the identity authentication and forwards authorization requests to the iam-authz-server.

  2. iam-authz-server: This component is responsible for all the authorization decisions. It evaluates the policies and provides a decision on whether access should be granted or not.

  3. iam-pump: It serves as the analytics engine for IAM. It processes and aggregates the raw analytics data and stores it in MongoDB for future analysis.

  4. marmotedu-sdk-go: This is the Golang SDK for communicating with IAM services. It makes it easier to interact with the IAM system programmatically.

  5. iamctl: It's a command-line tool for managing the IAM resources and components. It is used by administrators for system setup, configuration, and monitoring.

  6. apiserver: This is the entry point for the application's main API requests. It interacts with various services to handle business-related operations.

  7. watcher: It watches for changes in the data and updates the cache accordingly.

  8. pump: Similar to iam-pump, it processes and aggregates analytics data related to the application.


  1. Redis: Used as a cache and message broker. It helps in achieving fast, temporary data storage and retrieval.
  2. MySQL: Used as the primary relational database for storing user and application data.
  3. MongoDB: Used for storing analytics data for long-term analysis and insights.

Open-Source Libraries

Our project relies on a number of open-source libraries, including:

  • Gin: For building the RESTful APIs.
  • gRPC: For efficient inter-service communication.
  • GORM: As the ORM library for handling database operations.
  • Viper: For handling application configuration.
  • Zap: For structured, leveled logging.
  • Redis, MySQL, and MongoDB: For database operations.

These libraries and services play a significant role in our IAM system, enabling it to provide robust, scalable, and secure identity and access management capabilities for our e-commerce application.


Go IAM Microservice

This project aims to create an IAM (Identity and Access Management) microservice powered by Go. Below is our development roadmap and the set of components/tools we aim to integrate.

Development Roadmap

1. Service Discovery and Registration

  • Tools: Etcd
  • Tasks:
    • Set up an Etcd cluster.
    • Integrate the Go client with Etcd to register the microservice upon startup.

2. Load Balancing

  • Tools: Envoy
  • Tasks:
    • Install and configure Envoy as our edge proxy.
    • Integrate Envoy's dynamic service discovery with Etcd to auto-route to our microservices.

3. Remote Procedure Call

  • Tools: gRPC (go-grpc), HTTP/REST (gin)
  • Tasks:
    • Set up gRPC services using go-grpc.
    • Set up RESTful API endpoints using Gin.
    • Utilize Envoy to transcode between gRPC and REST services.

4. Configuration Management

  • Tools: Etcd, Kafka
  • Tasks:
    • Use Etcd as a key-value store for configuration management.
    • Employ Kafka as a message stream for handling asynchronous events and messages.

5. Circuit Breakers

  • Tools: Hystrix
  • Tasks:
    • Integrate Go versions of circuit breakers, such as gobreaker or hystrix-go.

6. API Gateway

  • Tools: Kong
  • Tasks:
    • Set up and configure Kong to manage the entry points to our microservices.
    • Employ Kong's plugin system for functionalities like authentication, logging, rate-limiting, etc.

7. Logging and Monitoring

  • Tools: Prometheus, Grafana
  • Tasks:
    • Deploy Prometheus for metric collection across microservices.
    • Connect Grafana to Prometheus to visualize these metrics through dashboards.

8. Data Persistence

  • Tools: MySQL, Redis
  • Tasks:
    • Integrate Go drivers/clients, such as go-sql-driver/mysql and go-redis/redis, to interact with MySQL and Redis respectively.

9. Authentication

  • Tools: go-jwt
  • Tasks:
    • Use go-jwt within Gin or gRPC middlewares to handle JWT-based authentication.

Getting Started

To get started with the Go IAM E-Commerce Microservice, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
cd {your-project-path}/go-iam-ecommerce-microservice/cmd/apiserver
go build
./apiserver -c {config_path}


(base) huanghaitao@huanghaitaodeMacBook-Pro apiserver % go build                                       
(base) huanghaitao@huanghaitaodeMacBook-Pro apiserver % ./apiserver -c ../../configs/iam-apiserver.yaml
2023-05-17 14:11:44.570 INFO    app/app.go:293  ==> WorkingDir: /Users/huanghaitao/go/src/go-iam-ecommerce-microservice/cmd/apiserver
2023-05-17 14:11:44.574 INFO    app/app.go:252  ==> Starting IAM API Server ...
2023-05-17 14:11:44.574 INFO    app/app.go:254  ==> Version: `{"gitVersion":"v0.0.0-master+$Format:%h$","gitCommit":"$Format:%H$","gitTreeState":"","buildDate":"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z","goVersion":"go1.19.1","compiler":"gc","platform":"darwin/amd64"}`
2023-05-17 14:11:44.574 INFO    app/app.go:257  ==> Config file used: `../../configs/iam-apiserver.yaml`
2023-05-17 14:11:44.574 INFO    app/app.go:285  ==> Config: `{"server":{"mode":"debug","healthz":true,"middlewares":["recovery","logger","secure","nocache","cors","dump"]},"grpc":{"bind-address":"","bind-port":8081,"max-msg-size":4194304},"insecure":{"bind-address":"","bind-port":8883},"secure":{"bind-address":"","bind-port":8443,"Required":true,"tls":{"cert-key":{"cert-file":"/Users/huanghaitao/iam/etc/cert/iam-apiserver.pem","private-key-file":"/Users/huanghaitao/iam/etc/cert/iam-apiserver-key.pem"},"cert-dir":"/var/run/iam","pair-name":"iam"}},"mysql":{"host":"","username":"root","database":"iam","max-idle-connections":100,"max-open-connections":100,"max-connection-life-time":10000000000,"log-level":4},"redis":{"host":"","port":6379,"addrs":[],"username":"","password":"MyN3wP4ssw0rd","database":0,"master-name":"","optimisation-max-idle":2000,"optimisation-max-active":4000,"timeout":0,"enable-cluster":false,"use-ssl":false,"ssl-insecure-skip-verify":false},"jwt":{"realm":"JWT","key":"dfVpOK8LZeJLZHYmHdb1VdyRrACKpqoo","timeout":86400000000000,"max-refresh":86400000000000},"log":{"output-paths":["/Users/huanghaitao/iam/log/iam-apiserver.log","stdout"],"error-output-paths":["/Users/huanghaitao/iam/log//iam-apiserver.error.log"],"level":"debug","format":"console","disable-caller":false,"disable-stacktrace":false,"enable-color":true,"development":true,"name":"apiserver"},"feature":{"profiling":true,"enable-metrics":true}}`
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:   export GIN_MODE=release

Item Management API Documentation


The Item API is designed to provide an interface for managing inventory items in an e-commerce system. It is structured around a three-tier architecture: Controller, Service, and Store. These layers work together to provide a robust and flexible solution for managing your inventory items.

Controller Layer

The Controller layer is the entry point for the API, responsible for handling HTTP requests and responses. It validates input, calls the appropriate Service functions based on the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and formats the response to be sent back to the client.

Service Layer

The Service layer provides the business logic for our API. It contains the core functions for creating, reading, updating, and deleting (CRUD) items. The Service layer handles transactions, ensures data integrity, and calls the appropriate Store methods to interact with the database.

Store Layer

The Store layer is responsible for data storage and retrieval. It communicates directly with the database to execute queries. This layer abstracts the database-specific details, making it possible to switch databases with minimal changes to the rest of the code.

The Item API supports advanced filtering using a field search feature. This allows users to filter results based on the value of specific fields in the database. The fields that can be searched are:

  • ASIN
  • SKU
  • Brand
  • Title
  • ProductGroup
  • ProductType

To use field search, include a fieldSelector parameter in your request with the format field=value. You can include multiple field-value pairs, separated by commas, to filter on multiple fields at once. For example, fieldSelector=brand=Kuggini,title=headphones would return items where the brand is Kuggini and the title contains headphones.


Here's an example of a curl command to get items with a specific brand and title:

Item list and advanced filter

curl -X GET -H'Content-Type: application/json' -H'Authorization: Bearer your_auth_token' ""

In this example, %3D is the URL encoded equivalent of the = character, and %2C is the URL encoded equivalent of the , character. This is necessary because these characters have special meanings in URLs. The fieldSelector is brand%3DKuggini%2Ctitle%3Dheadphones, which is equivalent to brand=Kuggini,title=headphones when URL decoded.

Create Item

curl -X POST -H'Content-Type: application/json' -H'Authorization: Bearer your_auth_token' -d '{"asin":"B0B3HXK001","title":"Kuggini Bone Conduction Headphones Bluetooth, Open-Ear Sports Headphones Wireless with Mic, Bluetooth 5.3, IPX6 Waterproof, Hi-Fi Sound Quality, Only 23g, Perfect for Workout, Running, Cycling 000000001","brand":"Kuggini","product_group":"","product_type":""}'

Update Item

curl -X PUT -H'Content-Type: application/json' -H'Authorization: Bearer your_auth_token' -d '{"asin":"B0B3HXK000","title":"Kuggini Bone Conduction Headphones Bluetooth, Open-Ear Sports Headphones Wireless with Mic, Bluetooth 5.3, IPX7 Waterproof, Hi-Fi Sound Quality, Only 23g, Perfect for Workout, Running, Cycling 000-0001","sku":"LU-US-10000","brand":"Kuggini","product_group":"electronics","product_type":"headphones"}'

The Item API is a powerful tool for managing your e-commerce inventory. With its three-tier architecture and advanced field search feature, it provides a flexible and robust solution for all your inventory management needs.


Detailed documentation for each feature can be found in the /docs directory of this repository. This includes information on how to interact with each microservice, API endpoints, and sample code.

Feel free to contribute to the project or suggest new features and improvements by creating an issue or submitting a pull request.


Below is an overview of the project architecture, describing the purpose of each directory:

  • CHANGELOG: Contains a log of notable changes made to the project over time.
  • CONTRIBUTING.md: Provides guidelines for contributors to the project.
  • LICENSE: Contains the project's software license information.
  • Makefile: A file containing build and other automation recipes for the project.
  • README.md: Provides a high-level overview and documentation of the project.
  • api: Contains API-related files, such as API specifications or generated client code.
  • build: Stores build-related files, such as Dockerfiles, build scripts, or CI/CD pipeline configurations.
  • cmd: Contains the main entry points for the project's executables, such as apiserver and authzserver.
  • configs: Holds configuration files for various components of the project.
  • deployments: Contains deployment-related files, such as Kubernetes manifests or Helm charts.
  • docs: Stores project documentation, including guides, tutorials, or architectural diagrams.
  • githooks: Contains Git hooks used by the project.
  • go.mod and go.sum: Go module-related files that manage the project's dependencies.
  • init: Stores initialization files or scripts for setting up the project environment.
  • internal: Contains internal packages and components that are not meant to be used directly by external consumers.
    • apiserver: Houses the API server's core components, such as app, auth, config, controller, grpc, item, options, router, run, server, service, and store.
    • authzserver: Contains components related to the authorization server, such as analytics, app, authorization, config, controller, jwt, load, options, router, run, server, and store.
    • iamctl: Holds command-line interface (CLI) components for the IAM control tool.
    • pkg: Stores utility packages and shared components, such as code, logger, middleware, options, server, util, and validation.
    • pump: Contains components for the pump service, which is responsible for data processing and analytics.
    • watcher: Houses components for the watcher service, which monitors changes and updates to resources.
  • pkg: Contains external packages and components that can be used by other projects or services.
    • app: Provides application-level components and utilities.
    • cli: Contains CLI-related packages and utilities.
    • db: Holds database-related components and utilities, such as MySQL and plugin.
    • log: Provides logging-related packages and utilities.
    • shutdown: Contains components for managing graceful shutdowns of applications and services.
    • storage: Houses storage-related components and utilities, such as Redis cluster and storage.
    • util: Contains various utility packages and components.
    • validator: Provides validation-related components and utilities.
  • test: Contains test-related files, such as test data or test utilities.
  • third_party: Stores third-party dependencies or libraries used by the project.
  • tools: Contains tools or utilities used for development or management of the project.

This project structure follows best practices for organizing and managing a Go-based project, with separate directories for different components, utilities, and services, making it easy to navigate and understand.


Contributions to the Go IAM E-Commerce Microservice are welcomed and appreciated. Please follow these steps to contribute:

Fork the repository.

Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

Make your changes and commit them to the branch.

Create a pull request, detailing the changes made and the purpose of the changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

The Go IAM E-Commerce Microservice is designed to provide a comprehensive and scalable e-commerce solution, complete with essential features and Amazon API integration. By using this platform, you can create a user-friendly and efficient e-commerce experience for your customers.


Path Synopsis
apiserver is the api server for iam-apiserver service.
apiserver is the api server for iam-apiserver service.
authzserver is the server for iam-authz-server.
authzserver is the server for iam-authz-server.
Package apiserver does all the work necessary to create a iam APIServer.
Package apiserver does all the work necessary to create a iam APIServer.
Package cache defines a cache service which can return all secrets and policies.
Package cache defines a cache service which can return all secrets and policies.
Package options contains flags and options for initializing an apiserver
Package options contains flags and options for initializing an apiserver
mockService := new(MockService) mockItemService := new(MockItemService) mockService.On("Item").Return(mockItemService) mockItemService.On("Create", ctx, item, opts).Return(nil)
mockService := new(MockService) mockItemService := new(MockItemService) mockService.On("Item").Return(mockItemService) mockItemService.On("Create", ctx, item, opts).Return(nil)
mockFactory := new(MockFactory) mockItemStore := new(MockItemStore) mockFactory.On("Item").Return(mockItemStore) mockItemStore.On("Create", ctx, item, opts).Return(nil)
mockFactory := new(MockFactory) mockItemStore := new(MockItemStore) mockFactory.On("Item").Return(mockItemStore) mockItemStore.On("Create", ctx, item, opts).Return(nil)
Package authzserver does all of the work necessary to create a authzserver
Package authzserver does all of the work necessary to create a authzserver
Package authorize implements the authorize handlers.
Package authorize implements the authorize handlers.
Package iamctl provides the functions used by the iamctl command line tool under github.com/marmotedu/iam/cmd.
Package iamctl provides the functions used by the iamctl command line tool under github.com/marmotedu/iam/cmd.
Package cmd create a root cobra command and add subcommands to it.
Package cmd create a root cobra command and add subcommands to it.
Package color print colors supported by the current terminal.
Package color print colors supported by the current terminal.
Package completion output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh).
Package completion output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh).
Package info print the host information.
Package info print the host information.
Package jwt can be used to sign/show/verify jwt token with given secretID and secretKey.
Package jwt can be used to sign/show/verify jwt token with given secretID and secretKey.
Package new used to generate demo command code.
Package new used to generate demo command code.
Package options print a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Package options print a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
Package policy provides functions to manage authorization policies on iam platform.
Package policy provides functions to manage authorization policies on iam platform.
Package secret provides functions to manage secrets on iam platform.
Package secret provides functions to manage secrets on iam platform.
Package set used to set specific features on objects.
Package set used to set specific features on objects.
Package user provides functions to manage users on iam platform.
Package user provides functions to manage users on iam platform.
Package validate validate the basic environment for iamctl to run.
Package validate validate the basic environment for iamctl to run.
Package version print the client and server version information.
Package version print the client and server version information.
Package interrupt deal with signals.
Package interrupt deal with signals.
Package templates provides template functions for working with templates.
Package templates provides template functions for working with templates.
Package term provides structures and helper functions to work with terminal (state, sizes).
Package term provides structures and helper functions to work with terminal (state, sizes).
Package code defines error codes for iam platform.
Package code defines error codes for iam platform.
Package logger defines gorm logger
Package logger defines gorm logger
Package server runs a http server used to provide a api to check pump health status.
Package server runs a http server used to provide a api to check pump health status.
Package gormutil is a util to convert offset and limit to default values.
Package gormutil is a util to convert offset and limit to default values.
Package validation defines validate functions internal used by iam.
Package validation defines validate functions internal used by iam.
Package pump does all the work necessary to create an iam pump server.
Package pump does all the work necessary to create an iam pump server.
Package analytics defines all the functions and structs used to store traffic analytics.
Package analytics defines all the functions and structs used to store traffic analytics.
Package storage defines storages which store the analytics data from iam-authz-server.
Package storage defines storages which store the analytics data from iam-authz-server.
Package redis provides an redis implementation of the AnalyticsStorage storage interface.
Package redis provides an redis implementation of the AnalyticsStorage storage interface.
Package app defines an application framework used to create application.
Package app defines an application framework used to create application.
Package shutdown Providing shutdown callbacks for graceful app shutdown
Package shutdown Providing shutdown callbacks for graceful app shutdown
Package posixsignal provides a listener for a posix signal.
Package posixsignal provides a listener for a posix signal.
Package storage defines redis storage.
Package storage defines redis storage.
Package validator defines iam custom binding validators used by gin.
Package validator defines iam custom binding validators used by gin.

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