backsnap - a kubernetes backup operator
Backsnap: kubernetes backups, chiropractor approved!
Backsnap helps performing off-site backups of persistent volumes in a Kubernetes cluster, for use in your disaster recovery scenarios.
Backsnap by default assumes that all PVCs in your cluster should be backed up. No per-PVC object is necessary to start backing up any data. You can change this per PVC, per namespace or in operator configuration.
How does it work?
By default, Backsnap enumerates all PersistentVolumeClaims in your cluster,
takes a point-in-time VolumeSnapshot of them, and uses restic
to take a backup
of the snapshot.
By using VolumeSnapshots we are certain that a backup is internally consistant,
which is important when backing up workloads such as databases. By using
the backups are incremental and we automatically support all its
features, such as restoring from a point in history, client-side encryption and
multiple storage backends.
The operator can run in automatic or manual mode. In manual mode (-manual
flag), you create PVCBackup objects in the same namespace as a PVC you want to
be backed up. The operator reacts to this by creating a snapshot, a
point-in-time PVC and a Job to perform the backup, and cleans up afterwards. In
automatic mode, the operator creates PVCBackup objects automatically according
to schedule.
The automatic schedule can be adjusted using a
annotation on the target PVC or target namespace. By setting the annotation to
the empty string, the PVC (or all PVCs in the namespace) are not backed up. If
both the PVC and namespace have no annotation, the default schedule from the
flag is used. You can set -schedule=""
to disable automatic
backups (this is the same as setting -manual
, unless any PVCs or
namespaces do have an overriding schedule set).
Getting started
First, import the Backsnap CRDs:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Then, create a backsnap
namespace where the operator will run:
kubectl create namespace backsnap
Then, create the Service Account and its required roles. The files below create a ClusterRole which allows creating VolumeSnapshots, PersistentVolumeClaims and Jobs in any namespace, and allows reading various other resources. If you're just backing up a single namespace, you can tweak this file to create a Role which only allows this access to that namespace.
Once cross-namespace data sources are beta in Kubernetes, this application will also optionally support them, and the set of necessary ClusterRole rules will be significantly reduced.
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Then, we can deploy the operator.
[!CAUTION] Note that depending on your operator configuration, Backsnap may start to take back-ups of all PVCs in your cluster immediately. If you don't want this to happen (yet), you can enable manual mode using the
flag. Eventually, we recommend running Backsnap in its default mode. This ensures that you have at least a daily snapshot of all PVCs in your cluster, even new ones, unless you opt out explicitly.
We download the Deployment YAML, so that we can edit its default configuration before starting it.
Edit the manager.yaml and adjust as necessary.
- The version by default is set to
, you may want to choose a specific tag here to prevent automatic updating. - See the args inside the default YAML for any configuration you may want to set.
Then, deploy it:
kubectl apply -f manager.yaml
In automatic mode, PVCBackup objects will be created immediately. You can list them
using kubectl get pvcbackup -A
and in the logs of the operator.
In manual mode, you can tell the operator to start the backup of a specific PVC by
submitting a CR like the one in config/samples/backsnap_v1alpha1_pvcbackup.yaml
kind: PVCBackup
name: your-data-backup
namespace: your-application
pvc: your-data
ttl: 1h
You'll see that a VolumeSnapshot, PVC and backup Job are created in the
namespace and you can follow along with the operator logs to
see its progression.
To uninstall
Stop the manager, the namespace, cluster roles and the CRDs created above:
kubectl delete deployment -n backsnap backsnap-operator
kubectl delete namespace backsnap
kubectl delete clusterrole backsnap-manager
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete -f
Security considerations
This operator assumes full trust within the entire Kubernetes cluster. Because of existing Kubernetes limitations, security risks are difficult to mitigate.
Once cross-namespace data sources are beta in Kubernetes, this application will also optionally support them. This will mitigate security risks to a point where absolute trust in anyone using the cluster is no longer necessary.
While making back-ups
This operator creates a point-in-time copy of the PVC to back up. This has to be done in the same namespace, because snapshots cannot be taken or restored into other namespaces. Theoretically, this PVC could be read from and written to by anyone who can read/write PVCs in the target namespace, before the back-up starts. But since such parties can typically also read/write the target PVC itself, this is relatively low-risk.
Of a higher risk, this operator creates a Pod inside the target namespace which consumes the PVC copy and backs it up to the backup location using restic. This Pod contains the S3 credentials and the restic encryption password in its YAML. Anyone who can read Job or Pod definitions, or exec into Pods, can read these credentials and therefore read and write the back-ups.
While keeping back-ups
The restic password is used for client-side encryption. This means that the back-ups cannot be retrieved from the target location without also knowing the decryption password. This is a feature provided by restic.
While restoring back-ups
A PVCRestore object can be created in any namespace watched by the operator, and will be able to restore any PVC from any namespace backed up on the same backup location. This means that any user with access to any namespace on the cluster, can eventually read the contents of any PVC in any other namespace.
Suggestions are welcomed as GitHub issues - and pull requests are well appreciated! This section should help you run the operator locally so that you can test your changes.
If you need any help getting this to run, or would like to brainstorm about a feature, please file a GitHub issue as well.
How to run it locally
Run go run ./cmd -help
to get a list of flags. Example run:
go run ./cmd \
-snapshotclass ... \
-namespaces ... \
-schedule "@daily" \
-s3-host \
-s3-bucket backsnap-example \
-s3-access-key-id ... \
-s3-secret-access-key ... \
-restic-password ...
This will use your local credentials to access the cluster and create resources.
Of course, if you simply have a backsnap
binary, just run it as
backsnap -s3-host ...
If you've made changes to the Restic image that is used in backup jobs, you can
use -image
to use your image. Of course, your Kubelet must be able to access
this image, so imagePullSecret
can be used if it is hosted on a private
Running the tests
The tests require a Kubernetes cluster that can run Pods, but does not run the backsnap operator. That means envtest, the typical unit test framework, won't work, because it won't run Pods. Instead, you can run the tests against minikube.
minikube start --driver=docker --addons=volumesnapshots,csi-hostpath-driver
make test
The first minikube command starts minikube, adds it as a context to kubectl, and
sets it as the active context, so that every kubectl command after it uses
minikube. You can use kubectl config get-contexts
to see your configured
contexts, and can switch to the existing one you had using kubectl config use-context NAME
. Then, you can switch back using kubectl config use-context minikube
in order to run the tests again.
Building it locally / running your changes on a cluster
This project uses goreleaser. If you have local changes, you can use
goreleaser build --snapshot --clean
to create new binaries in dist/
. If you
need Docker images, you can run goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
will create them locally. You can then use docker image tag
to give them new
names and push them to a private registry as such:
$ docker tag sjorsgielen/backsnap:latest-arm64 my-private-registry/backsnap:latest-arm64
$ docker tag sjorsgielen/backsnap:latest-amd64 my-private-registry/backsnap:latest-amd64
$ docker push my-private-registry/backsnap:latest-arm64
$ docker push my-private-registry/backsnap:latest-amd64
$ docker manifest create my-private-registry/backsnap:latest --amend my-private-registry/backsnap:latest-arm64 --amend my-private-registry/backsnap:latest-amd64
$ docker manifest push my-private-registry/backsnap:latest
Path | Synopsis |
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the backsnap v1alpha1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the backsnap v1alpha1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true |