
v0.16.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Feb 6, 2025 License: BSD-2-Clause Imports: 6 Imported by: 484




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const (
	// AppMention is an Events API subscribable event
	AppMention = EventsAPIType("app_mention")
	// AppHomeOpened Your Slack app home was opened
	AppHomeOpened = EventsAPIType("app_home_opened")
	// AppUninstalled Your Slack app was uninstalled.
	AppUninstalled = EventsAPIType("app_uninstalled")
	// AssistantThreadStarted Your Slack AI Assistant has started a new thread
	AssistantThreadStarted = EventsAPIType("assistant_thread_started")
	// AssistantThreadContextChanged Your Slack AI Assistant has changed the context of a thread
	AssistantThreadContextChanged = EventsAPIType("assistant_thread_context_changed")
	// ChannelCreated is sent when a new channel is created.
	ChannelCreated = EventsAPIType("channel_created")
	// ChannelDeleted is sent when a channel is deleted.
	ChannelDeleted = EventsAPIType("channel_deleted")
	// ChannelArchive is sent when a channel is archived.
	ChannelArchive = EventsAPIType("channel_archive")
	// ChannelUnarchive is sent when a channel is unarchived.
	ChannelUnarchive = EventsAPIType("channel_unarchive")
	// ChannelLeft is sent when a channel is left.
	ChannelLeft = EventsAPIType("channel_left")
	// ChannelRename is sent when a channel is rename.
	ChannelRename = EventsAPIType("channel_rename")
	// ChannelIDChanged is sent when a channel identifier is changed.
	ChannelIDChanged = EventsAPIType("channel_id_changed")
	// GroupDeleted is sent when a group is deleted.
	GroupDeleted = EventsAPIType("group_deleted")
	// GroupArchive is sent when a group is archived.
	GroupArchive = EventsAPIType("group_archive")
	// GroupUnarchive is sent when a group is unarchived.
	GroupUnarchive = EventsAPIType("group_unarchive")
	// GroupLeft is sent when a group is left.
	GroupLeft = EventsAPIType("group_left")
	// GroupRename is sent when a group is renamed.
	GroupRename = EventsAPIType("group_rename")
	// FileChange is sent when a file is changed.
	FileChange = EventsAPIType("file_change")
	// FileDeleted is sent when a file is deleted.
	FileDeleted = EventsAPIType("file_deleted")
	// FileShared is sent when a file is shared.
	FileShared = EventsAPIType("file_shared")
	// FileUnshared is sent when a file is unshared.
	FileUnshared = EventsAPIType("file_unshared")
	// GridMigrationFinished An enterprise grid migration has finished on this workspace.
	GridMigrationFinished = EventsAPIType("grid_migration_finished")
	// GridMigrationStarted An enterprise grid migration has started on this workspace.
	GridMigrationStarted = EventsAPIType("grid_migration_started")
	// LinkShared A message was posted containing one or more links relevant to your application
	LinkShared = EventsAPIType("link_shared")
	// Message A message was posted to a channel, private channel (group), im, or mim
	Message = EventsAPIType("message")
	// MemberJoinedChannel is sent if a member joined a channel.
	MemberJoinedChannel = EventsAPIType("member_joined_channel")
	// MemberLeftChannel is sent if a member left a channel.
	MemberLeftChannel = EventsAPIType("member_left_channel")
	// PinAdded An item was pinned to a channel
	PinAdded = EventsAPIType("pin_added")
	// PinRemoved An item was unpinned from a channel
	PinRemoved = EventsAPIType("pin_removed")
	// ReactionAdded An reaction was added to a message
	ReactionAdded = EventsAPIType("reaction_added")
	// ReactionRemoved An reaction was removed from a message
	ReactionRemoved = EventsAPIType("reaction_removed")
	// TeamJoin A new user joined the workspace
	TeamJoin = EventsAPIType("team_join")
	// Slack connect app or bot invite received
	SharedChannelInviteReceived = EventsAPIType("shared_channel_invite_received")
	// Slack connect channel invite approved
	SharedChannelInviteApproved = EventsAPIType("shared_channel_invite_approved")
	// Slack connect channel invite declined
	SharedChannelInviteDeclined = EventsAPIType("shared_channel_invite_declined")
	// Slack connect channel invite accepted by an end user
	SharedChannelInviteAccepted = EventsAPIType("shared_channel_invite_accepted")
	// TokensRevoked APP's API tokes are revoked
	TokensRevoked = EventsAPIType("tokens_revoked")
	// EmojiChanged A custom emoji has been added or changed
	EmojiChanged = EventsAPIType("emoji_changed")
	// WorkflowStepExecute Happens, if a workflow step of your app is invoked
	WorkflowStepExecute = EventsAPIType("workflow_step_execute")
	// MessageMetadataPosted A message with metadata was posted
	MessageMetadataPosted = EventsAPIType("message_metadata_posted")
	// MessageMetadataUpdated A message with metadata was updated
	MessageMetadataUpdated = EventsAPIType("message_metadata_updated")
	// MessageMetadataDeleted A message with metadata was deleted
	MessageMetadataDeleted = EventsAPIType("message_metadata_deleted")
	// TeamAccessGranted is sent if access to teams was granted for your org-wide app.
	TeamAccessGranted = EventsAPIType("team_access_granted")
	// TeamAccessRevoked is sent if access to teams was revoked for your org-wide app.
	TeamAccessRevoked = EventsAPIType("team_access_revoked")
	// UserProfileChanged is sent if a user's profile information has changed.
	UserProfileChanged = EventsAPIType("user_profile_changed")
	// ChannelHistoryChanged The history of a channel changed
	ChannelHistoryChanged = EventsAPIType("channel_history_changed")
	// CommandsChanged A command was changed
	CommandsChanged = EventsAPIType("commands_changed")
	// DndUpdated Do Not Disturb settings were updated
	DndUpdated = EventsAPIType("dnd_updated")
	// DndUpdatedUser Do Not Disturb settings for a user were updated
	DndUpdatedUser = EventsAPIType("dnd_updated_user")
	// EmailDomainChanged The email domain changed
	EmailDomainChanged = EventsAPIType("email_domain_changed")
	// GroupClose A group was closed
	GroupClose = EventsAPIType("group_close")
	// GroupHistoryChanged The history of a group changed
	GroupHistoryChanged = EventsAPIType("group_history_changed")
	// GroupOpen A group was opened
	GroupOpen = EventsAPIType("group_open")
	// ImClose An instant message channel was closed
	ImClose = EventsAPIType("im_close")
	// ImCreated An instant message channel was created
	ImCreated = EventsAPIType("im_created")
	// ImHistoryChanged The history of an instant message channel changed
	ImHistoryChanged = EventsAPIType("im_history_changed")
	// ImOpen An instant message channel was opened
	ImOpen = EventsAPIType("im_open")
	// SubteamCreated A subteam was created
	SubteamCreated = EventsAPIType("subteam_created")
	// SubteamMembersChanged The members of a subteam changed
	SubteamMembersChanged = EventsAPIType("subteam_members_changed")
	// SubteamSelfAdded The current user was added to a subteam
	SubteamSelfAdded = EventsAPIType("subteam_self_added")
	// SubteamSelfRemoved The current user was removed from a subteam
	SubteamSelfRemoved = EventsAPIType("subteam_self_removed")
	// SubteamUpdated A subteam was updated
	SubteamUpdated = EventsAPIType("subteam_updated")
	// TeamDomainChange The team's domain changed
	TeamDomainChange = EventsAPIType("team_domain_change")
	// TeamRename The team was renamed
	TeamRename = EventsAPIType("team_rename")
	// UserChange A user object has changed
	UserChange = EventsAPIType("user_change")
	// AppDeleted is an event when an app is deleted from a workspace
	AppDeleted = EventsAPIType("app_deleted")
	// AppInstalled is an event when an app is installed to a workspace
	AppInstalled = EventsAPIType("app_installed")
	// AppRequested is an event when a user requests to install an app to a workspace
	AppRequested = EventsAPIType("app_requested")
	// AppUninstalledTeam is an event when an app is uninstalled from a team
	AppUninstalledTeam = EventsAPIType("app_uninstalled_team")
	// CallRejected is an event when a Slack call is rejected
	CallRejected = EventsAPIType("call_rejected")
	// ChannelShared is an event when a channel is shared with another workspace
	ChannelShared = EventsAPIType("channel_shared")
	// FileCreated is an event when a file is created in a workspace
	FileCreated = EventsAPIType("file_created")
	// FilePublic is an event when a file is made public in a workspace
	FilePublic = EventsAPIType("file_public")
	// FunctionExecuted is an event when a Slack function is executed
	FunctionExecuted = EventsAPIType("function_executed")
	// InviteRequested is an event when a user requests an invite to a workspace
	InviteRequested = EventsAPIType("invite_requested")
	// SharedChannelInviteRequested is an event when an invitation to share a channel is requested
	SharedChannelInviteRequested = EventsAPIType("shared_channel_invite_requested")
	// StarAdded is an event when a star is added to a message or file
	StarAdded = EventsAPIType("star_added")
	// StarRemoved is an event when a star is removed from a message or file
	StarRemoved = EventsAPIType("star_removed")
	// UserHuddleChanged is an event when a user's huddle status changes
	UserHuddleChanged = EventsAPIType("user_huddle_changed")
	// UserStatusChanged is an event when a user's status changes
	UserStatusChanged = EventsAPIType("user_status_changed")
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const (
	// CallbackEvent is the "outer" event of an EventsAPI event.
	CallbackEvent = "event_callback"
	// URLVerification is an event used when configuring your EventsAPI app
	URLVerification = "url_verification"
	// AppRateLimited indicates your app's event subscriptions are being rate limited
	AppRateLimited = "app_rate_limited"


EventsAPIEventMap maps OUTER Event API events to their corresponding struct implementations. The structs should be instances of the unmarshalling target for the matching event type.

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var EventsAPIInnerEventMapping = map[EventsAPIType]interface{}{
	AppMention:                    AppMentionEvent{},
	AppHomeOpened:                 AppHomeOpenedEvent{},
	AppUninstalled:                AppUninstalledEvent{},
	AssistantThreadStarted:        AssistantThreadStartedEvent{},
	AssistantThreadContextChanged: AssistantThreadContextChangedEvent{},
	ChannelCreated:                ChannelCreatedEvent{},
	ChannelDeleted:                ChannelDeletedEvent{},
	ChannelArchive:                ChannelArchiveEvent{},
	ChannelUnarchive:              ChannelUnarchiveEvent{},
	ChannelLeft:                   ChannelLeftEvent{},
	ChannelRename:                 ChannelRenameEvent{},
	ChannelIDChanged:              ChannelIDChangedEvent{},
	FileChange:                    FileChangeEvent{},
	FileDeleted:                   FileDeletedEvent{},
	FileShared:                    FileSharedEvent{},
	FileUnshared:                  FileUnsharedEvent{},
	GroupDeleted:                  GroupDeletedEvent{},
	GroupArchive:                  GroupArchiveEvent{},
	GroupUnarchive:                GroupUnarchiveEvent{},
	GroupLeft:                     GroupLeftEvent{},
	GroupRename:                   GroupRenameEvent{},
	GridMigrationFinished:         GridMigrationFinishedEvent{},
	GridMigrationStarted:          GridMigrationStartedEvent{},
	LinkShared:                    LinkSharedEvent{},
	Message:                       MessageEvent{},
	MemberJoinedChannel:           MemberJoinedChannelEvent{},
	MemberLeftChannel:             MemberLeftChannelEvent{},
	PinAdded:                      PinAddedEvent{},
	PinRemoved:                    PinRemovedEvent{},
	ReactionAdded:                 ReactionAddedEvent{},
	ReactionRemoved:               ReactionRemovedEvent{},
	SharedChannelInviteApproved:   SharedChannelInviteApprovedEvent{},
	SharedChannelInviteAccepted:   SharedChannelInviteAcceptedEvent{},
	SharedChannelInviteDeclined:   SharedChannelInviteDeclinedEvent{},
	SharedChannelInviteReceived:   SharedChannelInviteReceivedEvent{},
	TeamJoin:                      TeamJoinEvent{},
	TokensRevoked:                 TokensRevokedEvent{},
	EmojiChanged:                  EmojiChangedEvent{},
	WorkflowStepExecute:           WorkflowStepExecuteEvent{},
	MessageMetadataPosted:         MessageMetadataPostedEvent{},
	MessageMetadataUpdated:        MessageMetadataUpdatedEvent{},
	MessageMetadataDeleted:        MessageMetadataDeletedEvent{},
	TeamAccessGranted:             TeamAccessGrantedEvent{},
	TeamAccessRevoked:             TeamAccessRevokedEvent{},
	UserProfileChanged:            UserProfileChangedEvent{},
	ChannelHistoryChanged:         ChannelHistoryChangedEvent{},
	DndUpdated:                    DndUpdatedEvent{},
	DndUpdatedUser:                DndUpdatedUserEvent{},
	EmailDomainChanged:            EmailDomainChangedEvent{},
	GroupClose:                    GroupCloseEvent{},
	GroupHistoryChanged:           GroupHistoryChangedEvent{},
	GroupOpen:                     GroupOpenEvent{},
	ImClose:                       ImCloseEvent{},
	ImCreated:                     ImCreatedEvent{},
	ImHistoryChanged:              ImHistoryChangedEvent{},
	ImOpen:                        ImOpenEvent{},
	SubteamCreated:                SubteamCreatedEvent{},
	SubteamMembersChanged:         SubteamMembersChangedEvent{},
	SubteamSelfAdded:              SubteamSelfAddedEvent{},
	SubteamSelfRemoved:            SubteamSelfRemovedEvent{},
	SubteamUpdated:                SubteamUpdatedEvent{},
	TeamDomainChange:              TeamDomainChangeEvent{},
	TeamRename:                    TeamRenameEvent{},
	UserChange:                    UserChangeEvent{},
	AppDeleted:                    AppDeletedEvent{},
	AppInstalled:                  AppInstalledEvent{},
	AppRequested:                  AppRequestedEvent{},
	AppUninstalledTeam:            AppUninstalledTeamEvent{},
	CallRejected:                  CallRejectedEvent{},
	ChannelShared:                 ChannelSharedEvent{},
	FileCreated:                   FileCreatedEvent{},
	FilePublic:                    FilePublicEvent{},
	FunctionExecuted:              FunctionExecutedEvent{},
	InviteRequested:               InviteRequestedEvent{},
	SharedChannelInviteRequested:  SharedChannelInviteRequestedEvent{},
	StarAdded:                     StarAddedEvent{},
	StarRemoved:                   StarRemovedEvent{},
	UserHuddleChanged:             UserHuddleChangedEvent{},
	UserStatusChanged:             UserStatusChangedEvent{},

EventsAPIInnerEventMapping maps INNER Event API events to their corresponding struct implementations. The structs should be instances of the unmarshalling target for the matching event type.


This section is empty.


type Actor added in v0.14.0

type Actor struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	IsBot       bool   `json:"is_bot"`
	TeamID      string `json:"team_id"`
	Timezone    string `json:"timezone"`
	RealName    string `json:"real_name"`
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`

type AppDeletedEvent added in v0.14.0

type AppDeletedEvent struct {
	Type       string `json:"type"`
	AppID      string `json:"app_id"`
	AppName    string `json:"app_name"`
	AppOwnerID string `json:"app_owner_id"`
	TeamID     string `json:"team_id"`
	TeamDomain string `json:"team_domain"`
	EventTs    string `json:"event_ts"`

type AppHomeOpenedEvent added in v0.6.1

type AppHomeOpenedEvent struct {
	Type           string     `json:"type"`
	User           string     `json:"user"`
	Channel        string     `json:"channel"`
	EventTimeStamp string     `json:"event_ts"`
	Tab            string     `json:"tab"`
	View           slack.View `json:"view"`

AppHomeOpenedEvent Your Slack app home was opened.

type AppInstalledEvent added in v0.14.0

type AppInstalledEvent struct {
	Type       string `json:"type"`
	AppID      string `json:"app_id"`
	AppName    string `json:"app_name"`
	AppOwnerID string `json:"app_owner_id"`
	UserID     string `json:"user_id"`
	TeamID     string `json:"team_id"`
	TeamDomain string `json:"team_domain"`
	EventTs    string `json:"event_ts"`

type AppMentionEvent

type AppMentionEvent struct {
	Type            string `json:"type"`
	User            string `json:"user"`
	Text            string `json:"text"`
	TimeStamp       string `json:"ts"`
	ThreadTimeStamp string `json:"thread_ts"`
	Channel         string `json:"channel"`
	EventTimeStamp  string `json:"event_ts"`

	// When Message comes from a channel that is shared between workspaces
	UserTeam   string `json:"user_team,omitempty"`
	SourceTeam string `json:"source_team,omitempty"`

	// BotID is filled out when a bot triggers the app_mention event
	BotID string `json:"bot_id,omitempty"`

	// When the app is mentioned in the edited message
	Edited *Edited `json:"edited,omitempty"`

AppMentionEvent is an (inner) EventsAPI subscribable event.

type AppRequestedEvent added in v0.14.0

type AppRequestedEvent struct {
	Type       string `json:"type"`
	AppRequest struct {
		ID  string `json:"id"`
		App struct {
			ID                     string `json:"id"`
			Name                   string `json:"name"`
			Description            string `json:"description"`
			HelpURL                string `json:"help_url"`
			PrivacyPolicyURL       string `json:"privacy_policy_url"`
			AppHomepageURL         string `json:"app_homepage_url"`
			AppDirectoryURL        string `json:"app_directory_url"`
			IsAppDirectoryApproved bool   `json:"is_app_directory_approved"`
			IsInternal             bool   `json:"is_internal"`
			AdditionalInfo         string `json:"additional_info"`
		} `json:"app"`
		PreviousResolution struct {
			Status string `json:"status"`
			Scopes []struct {
				Name        string `json:"name"`
				Description string `json:"description"`
				IsSensitive bool   `json:"is_sensitive"`
				TokenType   string `json:"token_type"`
			} `json:"scopes"`
		} `json:"previous_resolution"`
		User struct {
			ID    string `json:"id"`
			Name  string `json:"name"`
			Email string `json:"email"`
		} `json:"user"`
		Team struct {
			ID     string `json:"id"`
			Name   string `json:"name"`
			Domain string `json:"domain"`
		} `json:"team"`
		Enterprise interface{} `json:"enterprise"`
		Scopes     []struct {
			Name        string `json:"name"`
			Description string `json:"description"`
			IsSensitive bool   `json:"is_sensitive"`
			TokenType   string `json:"token_type"`
		} `json:"scopes"`
		Message string `json:"message"`
	} `json:"app_request"`

type AppUninstalledEvent

type AppUninstalledEvent struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`

AppUninstalledEvent Your Slack app was uninstalled.

type AppUninstalledTeamEvent added in v0.14.0

type AppUninstalledTeamEvent struct {
	Type       string `json:"type"`
	AppID      string `json:"app_id"`
	AppName    string `json:"app_name"`
	AppOwnerID string `json:"app_owner_id"`
	UserID     string `json:"user_id"`
	TeamID     string `json:"team_id"`
	TeamDomain string `json:"team_domain"`
	EventTs    string `json:"event_ts"`

type AssistantThread added in v0.16.0

type AssistantThread struct {
	UserID          string                 `json:"user_id"`
	Context         AssistantThreadContext `json:"context"`
	ChannelID       string                 `json:"channel_id"`
	ThreadTimeStamp string                 `json:"thread_ts"`

AssistantThread is an object that represents a thread of messages between a user and an assistant.

type AssistantThreadContext added in v0.16.0

type AssistantThreadContext struct {
	ChannelID    string `json:"channel_id"`
	TeamID       string `json:"team_id"`
	EnterpriseID string `json:"enterprise_id"`

AssistantThreadContext is an object that represents the context of an assistant thread.

type AssistantThreadContextChangedEvent added in v0.16.0

type AssistantThreadContextChangedEvent struct {
	Type            string          `json:"type"`
	AssistantThread AssistantThread `json:"assistant_thread"`
	EventTimestamp  string          `json:"event_ts"`

AssistantThreadChangedEvent is an (inner) EventsAPI subscribable event.

type AssistantThreadStartedEvent added in v0.16.0

type AssistantThreadStartedEvent struct {
	Type            string          `json:"type"`
	AssistantThread AssistantThread `json:"assistant_thread"`
	EventTimestamp  string          `json:"event_ts"`

AssistantThreadMessageEvent is an (inner) EventsAPI subscribable event.

type CallRejectedEvent added in v0.14.0

type CallRejectedEvent struct {
	Token    string `json:"token"`
	TeamID   string `json:"team_id"`
	APIAppID string `json:"api_app_id"`
	Event    struct {
		Type             string `json:"type"`
		CallID           string `json:"call_id"`
		UserID           string `json:"user_id"`
		ChannelID        string `json:"channel_id"`
		ExternalUniqueID string `json:"external_unique_id"`
	} `json:"event"`
	Type        string   `json:"type"`
	EventID     string   `json:"event_id"`
	AuthedUsers []string `json:"authed_users"`

type ChallengeResponse

type ChallengeResponse struct {
	Challenge string

ChallengeResponse is a response to a EventsAPIEvent URLVerification challenge

type ChannelArchiveEvent added in v0.9.5

type ChannelArchiveEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	User           string `json:"user"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

ChannelArchiveEvent represents the Channel archive event

type ChannelCreatedEvent added in v0.8.2

type ChannelCreatedEvent struct {
	Type           string             `json:"type"`
	Channel        ChannelCreatedInfo `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string             `json:"event_ts"`

ChannelCreatedEvent represents the Channel created event

type ChannelCreatedInfo added in v0.8.2

type ChannelCreatedInfo struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`
	IsChannel bool   `json:"is_channel"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	Created   int    `json:"created"`
	Creator   string `json:"creator"`

ChannelCreatedInfo represents the information associated with the Channel created event

type ChannelDeletedEvent added in v0.9.5

type ChannelDeletedEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

ChannelDeletedEvent represents the Channel deleted event

type ChannelHistoryChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type ChannelHistoryChangedEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	Latest  string `json:"latest"`
	Ts      string `json:"ts"`
	EventTs string `json:"event_ts"`

type ChannelIDChangedEvent added in v0.9.5

type ChannelIDChangedEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	OldChannelID   string `json:"old_channel_id"`
	NewChannelID   string `json:"new_channel_id"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

ChannelIDChangedEvent represents the Channel identifier changed event

type ChannelLeftEvent added in v0.9.5

type ChannelLeftEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

ChannelLeftEvent represents the Channel left event

type ChannelRenameEvent added in v0.9.5

type ChannelRenameEvent struct {
	Type           string            `json:"type"`
	Channel        ChannelRenameInfo `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string            `json:"event_ts"`

ChannelRenameEvent represents the Channel rename event

type ChannelRenameInfo added in v0.9.5

type ChannelRenameInfo struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Created int    `json:"created"`

ChannelRenameInfo represents the information associated with the Channel rename event

type ChannelSharedEvent added in v0.14.0

type ChannelSharedEvent struct {
	Type            string `json:"type"`
	ConnectedTeamID string `json:"connected_team_id"`
	Channel         string `json:"channel"`
	EventTs         string `json:"event_ts"`

type ChannelUnarchiveEvent added in v0.9.5

type ChannelUnarchiveEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	User           string `json:"user"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

ChannelUnarchiveEvent represents the Channel unarchive event

type CommandsChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type CommandsChangedEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	EventTs string `json:"event_ts"`

type Comment added in v0.5.0

type Comment struct {
	ID        string   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Created   JSONTime `json:"created,omitempty"`
	Timestamp JSONTime `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
	User      string   `json:"user,omitempty"`
	Comment   string   `json:"comment,omitempty"`

Comment contains all the information relative to a comment

type Config

type Config struct {
	VerificationToken string
	TokenVerified     bool

type DndUpdatedEvent added in v0.14.0

type DndUpdatedEvent struct {
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	User      string `json:"user"`
	DndStatus struct {
		DndEnabled     bool  `json:"dnd_enabled"`
		NextDndStartTs int64 `json:"next_dnd_start_ts"`
		NextDndEndTs   int64 `json:"next_dnd_end_ts"`
		SnoozeEnabled  bool  `json:"snooze_enabled"`
		SnoozeEndtime  int64 `json:"snooze_endtime"`
	} `json:"dnd_status"`

type DndUpdatedUserEvent added in v0.14.0

type DndUpdatedUserEvent struct {
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	User      string `json:"user"`
	DndStatus struct {
		DndEnabled     bool  `json:"dnd_enabled"`
		NextDndStartTs int64 `json:"next_dnd_start_ts"`
		NextDndEndTs   int64 `json:"next_dnd_end_ts"`
	} `json:"dnd_status"`

type Edited

type Edited struct {
	User      string `json:"user"`
	TimeStamp string `json:"ts"`

Edited is included when a Message is edited

type EmailDomainChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type EmailDomainChangedEvent struct {
	Type        string `json:"type"`
	EmailDomain string `json:"email_domain"`
	EventTs     string `json:"event_ts"`

type EmojiChangedEvent added in v0.8.1

type EmojiChangedEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Subtype        string `json:"subtype"`
	EventTimeStamp string `json:"event_ts"`

	// filled out when custom emoji added
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// filled out when custom emoji removed
	Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`

	// filled out when custom emoji renamed
	OldName string `json:"old_name,omitempty"`
	NewName string `json:"new_name,omitempty"`

	// filled out when custom emoji added or renamed
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

EmojiChangedEvent is the event of custom emoji has been added or changed

type EventWorkflowStep added in v0.10.3

type EventWorkflowStep struct {
	WorkflowStepExecuteID string                      `json:"workflow_step_execute_id"`
	WorkflowID            string                      `json:"workflow_id"`
	WorkflowInstanceID    string                      `json:"workflow_instance_id"`
	StepID                string                      `json:"step_id"`
	Inputs                *slack.WorkflowStepInputs   `json:"inputs,omitempty"`
	Outputs               *[]slack.WorkflowStepOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"`

type EventsAPIAppRateLimited

type EventsAPIAppRateLimited struct {
	Type              string `json:"type"`
	Token             string `json:"token"`
	TeamID            string `json:"team_id"`
	MinuteRateLimited int    `json:"minute_rate_limited"`
	APIAppID          string `json:"api_app_id"`

EventsAPIAppRateLimited indicates your app's event subscriptions are being rate limited

type EventsAPICallbackEvent

type EventsAPICallbackEvent struct {
	Type         string           `json:"type"`
	Token        string           `json:"token"`
	TeamID       string           `json:"team_id"`
	APIAppID     string           `json:"api_app_id"`
	EnterpriseID string           `json:"enterprise_id"`
	InnerEvent   *json.RawMessage `json:"event"`
	AuthedUsers  []string         `json:"authed_users"`
	AuthedTeams  []string         `json:"authed_teams"`
	EventID      string           `json:"event_id"`
	EventTime    int              `json:"event_time"`
	EventContext string           `json:"event_context"`

EventsAPICallbackEvent is the main (outer) EventsAPI event.

type EventsAPIEvent

type EventsAPIEvent struct {
	Token        string `json:"token"`
	TeamID       string `json:"team_id"`
	Type         string `json:"type"`
	APIAppID     string `json:"api_app_id"`
	EnterpriseID string `json:"enterprise_id"`
	Data         interface{}
	InnerEvent   EventsAPIInnerEvent

EventsAPIEvent is the base EventsAPIEvent

func ParseEvent

func ParseEvent(rawEvent json.RawMessage, opts ...Option) (EventsAPIEvent, error)

ParseEvent parses the outer and inner events (if applicable) of an events api event returning a EventsAPIEvent type. If the event is a url_verification event, the inner event is empty.

type EventsAPIInnerEvent

type EventsAPIInnerEvent struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`
	Data interface{}

EventsAPIInnerEvent the inner event of a EventsAPI event_callback Event.

type EventsAPIType added in v0.11.0

type EventsAPIType string

type EventsAPIURLVerificationEvent

type EventsAPIURLVerificationEvent struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`
	Challenge string `json:"challenge"`
	Type      string `json:"type"`

EventsAPIURLVerificationEvent received when configuring a EventsAPI driven app

type File

type File struct {
	ID                 string `json:"id"`
	Created            int    `json:"created"`
	Timestamp          int    `json:"timestamp"`
	Name               string `json:"name"`
	Title              string `json:"title"`
	Mimetype           string `json:"mimetype"`
	Filetype           string `json:"filetype"`
	PrettyType         string `json:"pretty_type"`
	User               string `json:"user"`
	Editable           bool   `json:"editable"`
	Size               int    `json:"size"`
	Mode               string `json:"mode"`
	IsExternal         bool   `json:"is_external"`
	ExternalType       string `json:"external_type"`
	IsPublic           bool   `json:"is_public"`
	PublicURLShared    bool   `json:"public_url_shared"`
	DisplayAsBot       bool   `json:"display_as_bot"`
	Username           string `json:"username"`
	URLPrivate         string `json:"url_private"`
	FileAccess         string `json:"file_access"`
	URLPrivateDownload string `json:"url_private_download"`
	Thumb64            string `json:"thumb_64"`
	Thumb80            string `json:"thumb_80"`
	Thumb360           string `json:"thumb_360"`
	Thumb360W          int    `json:"thumb_360_w"`
	Thumb360H          int    `json:"thumb_360_h"`
	Thumb480           string `json:"thumb_480"`
	Thumb480W          int    `json:"thumb_480_w"`
	Thumb480H          int    `json:"thumb_480_h"`
	Thumb160           string `json:"thumb_160"`
	Thumb720           string `json:"thumb_720"`
	Thumb720W          int    `json:"thumb_720_w"`
	Thumb720H          int    `json:"thumb_720_h"`
	Thumb800           string `json:"thumb_800"`
	Thumb800W          int    `json:"thumb_800_w"`
	Thumb800H          int    `json:"thumb_800_h"`
	Thumb960           string `json:"thumb_960"`
	Thumb960W          int    `json:"thumb_960_w"`
	Thumb960H          int    `json:"thumb_960_h"`
	Thumb1024          string `json:"thumb_1024"`
	Thumb1024W         int    `json:"thumb_1024_w"`
	Thumb1024H         int    `json:"thumb_1024_h"`
	ImageExifRotation  int    `json:"image_exif_rotation"`
	OriginalW          int    `json:"original_w"`
	OriginalH          int    `json:"original_h"`
	Permalink          string `json:"permalink"`
	PermalinkPublic    string `json:"permalink_public"`

File is a file upload

type FileChangeEvent added in v0.11.4

type FileChangeEvent struct {
	Type   string        `json:"type"`
	FileID string        `json:"file_id"`
	File   FileEventFile `json:"file"`

FileChangeEvent represents the information associated with the File change event.

type FileCreatedEvent added in v0.14.0

type FileCreatedEvent struct {
	Type   string `json:"type"`
	FileID string `json:"file_id"`
	File   struct {
		ID string `json:"id"`
	} `json:"file"`

type FileDeletedEvent added in v0.11.4

type FileDeletedEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	FileID         string `json:"file_id"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

FileDeletedEvent represents the information associated with the File deleted event.

type FileEventFile added in v0.11.4

type FileEventFile struct {
	ID string `json:"id"`

FileEventFile represents information on the specific file being shared in a file-related Slack event.

type FilePublicEvent added in v0.14.0

type FilePublicEvent struct {
	Type   string `json:"type"`
	FileID string `json:"file_id"`
	File   struct {
		ID string `json:"id"`
	} `json:"file"`

type FileSharedEvent added in v0.11.4

type FileSharedEvent struct {
	Type           string        `json:"type"`
	ChannelID      string        `json:"channel_id"`
	FileID         string        `json:"file_id"`
	UserID         string        `json:"user_id"`
	File           FileEventFile `json:"file"`
	EventTimestamp string        `json:"event_ts"`

FileSharedEvent represents the information associated with the File shared event.

type FileUnsharedEvent added in v0.11.4

type FileUnsharedEvent struct {
	Type   string        `json:"type"`
	FileID string        `json:"file_id"`
	File   FileEventFile `json:"file"`

FileUnsharedEvent represents the information associated with the File unshared event.

type FunctionExecutedEvent added in v0.14.0

type FunctionExecutedEvent struct {
	Type     string `json:"type"`
	Function struct {
		ID              string `json:"id"`
		CallbackID      string `json:"callback_id"`
		Title           string `json:"title"`
		Description     string `json:"description"`
		Type            string `json:"type"`
		InputParameters []struct {
			Type        string `json:"type"`
			Name        string `json:"name"`
			Description string `json:"description"`
			Title       string `json:"title"`
			IsRequired  bool   `json:"is_required"`
		} `json:"input_parameters"`
		OutputParameters []struct {
			Type        string `json:"type"`
			Name        string `json:"name"`
			Description string `json:"description"`
			Title       string `json:"title"`
			IsRequired  bool   `json:"is_required"`
		} `json:"output_parameters"`
		AppID       string `json:"app_id"`
		DateCreated int64  `json:"date_created"`
		DateUpdated int64  `json:"date_updated"`
		DateDeleted int64  `json:"date_deleted"`
	} `json:"function"`
	Inputs              map[string]string `json:"inputs"`
	FunctionExecutionID string            `json:"function_execution_id"`
	WorkflowExecutionID string            `json:"workflow_execution_id"`
	EventTs             string            `json:"event_ts"`
	BotAccessToken      string            `json:"bot_access_token"`

type GridMigrationFinishedEvent

type GridMigrationFinishedEvent struct {
	Type         string `json:"type"`
	EnterpriseID string `json:"enterprise_id"`

GridMigrationFinishedEvent An enterprise grid migration has finished on this workspace.

type GridMigrationStartedEvent

type GridMigrationStartedEvent struct {
	Type         string `json:"type"`
	EnterpriseID string `json:"enterprise_id"`

GridMigrationStartedEvent An enterprise grid migration has started on this workspace.

type GroupArchiveEvent added in v0.9.5

type GroupArchiveEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

GroupArchiveEvent represents the Group archive event

type GroupCloseEvent added in v0.14.0

type GroupCloseEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    string `json:"user"`
	Channel string `json:"channel"`

type GroupDeletedEvent added in v0.9.5

type GroupDeletedEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

GroupDeletedEvent represents the Group deleted event

type GroupHistoryChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type GroupHistoryChangedEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	Latest  string `json:"latest"`
	Ts      string `json:"ts"`
	EventTs string `json:"event_ts"`

type GroupLeftEvent added in v0.9.5

type GroupLeftEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

GroupLeftEvent represents the Group left event

type GroupOpenEvent added in v0.14.0

type GroupOpenEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    string `json:"user"`
	Channel string `json:"channel"`

type GroupRenameEvent added in v0.9.5

type GroupRenameEvent struct {
	Type           string          `json:"type"`
	Channel        GroupRenameInfo `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string          `json:"event_ts"`

GroupRenameEvent represents the Group rename event

type GroupRenameInfo added in v0.9.5

type GroupRenameInfo struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Created int    `json:"created"`

GroupRenameInfo represents the information associated with the Group rename event

type GroupUnarchiveEvent added in v0.9.5

type GroupUnarchiveEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

GroupUnarchiveEvent represents the Group unarchive event

type Icon

type Icon struct {
	IconURL   string `json:"icon_url,omitempty"`
	IconEmoji string `json:"icon_emoji,omitempty"`

Icon is used for bot messages

type ImCloseEvent added in v0.14.0

type ImCloseEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    string `json:"user"`
	Channel string `json:"channel"`

type ImCreatedEvent added in v0.14.0

type ImCreatedEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    string `json:"user"`
	Channel struct {
		ID string `json:"id"`
	} `json:"channel"`

type ImHistoryChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type ImHistoryChangedEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	Latest  string `json:"latest"`
	Ts      string `json:"ts"`
	EventTs string `json:"event_ts"`

type ImOpenEvent added in v0.14.0

type ImOpenEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    string `json:"user"`
	Channel string `json:"channel"`

type InviteRequestedEvent added in v0.14.0

type InviteRequestedEvent struct {
	Type          string `json:"type"`
	InviteRequest struct {
		ID            string   `json:"id"`
		Email         string   `json:"email"`
		DateCreated   int64    `json:"date_created"`
		RequesterIDs  []string `json:"requester_ids"`
		ChannelIDs    []string `json:"channel_ids"`
		InviteType    string   `json:"invite_type"`
		RealName      string   `json:"real_name"`
		DateExpire    int64    `json:"date_expire"`
		RequestReason string   `json:"request_reason"`
		Team          struct {
			ID     string `json:"id"`
			Name   string `json:"name"`
			Domain string `json:"domain"`
		} `json:"team"`
	} `json:"invite_request"`

type Item added in v0.5.0

type Item struct {
	Type      string       `json:"type"`
	Channel   string       `json:"channel,omitempty"`
	Message   *ItemMessage `json:"message,omitempty"`
	File      *File        `json:"file,omitempty"`
	Comment   *Comment     `json:"comment,omitempty"`
	Timestamp string       `json:"ts,omitempty"`

Item is any type of slack message - message, file, or file comment.

type ItemMessage added in v0.5.0

type ItemMessage struct {
	Type            string   `json:"type"`
	User            string   `json:"user"`
	Text            string   `json:"text"`
	Timestamp       string   `json:"ts"`
	PinnedTo        []string `json:"pinned_to"`
	ReplaceOriginal bool     `json:"replace_original"`
	DeleteOriginal  bool     `json:"delete_original"`

ItemMessage is the event message

type JSONTime added in v0.5.0

type JSONTime int64

JSONTime exists so that we can have a String method converting the date

type LinkSharedEvent

type LinkSharedEvent struct {
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	User      string `json:"user"`
	TimeStamp string `json:"ts"`
	Channel   string `json:"channel"`
	// MessageTimeStamp can be both a numeric timestamp if the LinkSharedEvent corresponds to a sent
	// message and (contrary to the field name) a uuid if the LinkSharedEvent is generated in the
	// compose text area.
	MessageTimeStamp string        `json:"message_ts"`
	ThreadTimeStamp  string        `json:"thread_ts"`
	Links            []SharedLinks `json:"links"`
	EventTimestamp   string        `json:"event_ts"`

LinkSharedEvent A message was posted containing one or more links relevant to your application

type MemberJoinedChannelEvent added in v0.5.0

type MemberJoinedChannelEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	User           string `json:"user"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	ChannelType    string `json:"channel_type"`
	Team           string `json:"team"`
	Inviter        string `json:"inviter"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

MemberJoinedChannelEvent A member joined a public or private channel

type MemberLeftChannelEvent added in v0.6.5

type MemberLeftChannelEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	User           string `json:"user"`
	Channel        string `json:"channel"`
	ChannelType    string `json:"channel_type"`
	Team           string `json:"team"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

MemberLeftChannelEvent A member left a public or private channel

type MessageAction

type MessageAction struct {
	Type             string                   `json:"type"`
	Actions          []slack.AttachmentAction `json:"actions"`
	CallbackID       string                   `json:"callback_id"`
	Team             MessageActionEntity      `json:"team"`
	Channel          MessageActionEntity      `json:"channel"`
	User             MessageActionEntity      `json:"user"`
	ActionTimestamp  json.Number              `json:"action_ts"`
	MessageTimestamp json.Number              `json:"message_ts"`
	AttachmentID     json.Number              `json:"attachment_id"`
	Token            string                   `json:"token"`
	Message          slack.Message            `json:"message"`
	OriginalMessage  slack.Message            `json:"original_message"`
	ResponseURL      string                   `json:"response_url"`
	TriggerID        string                   `json:"trigger_id"`

func ParseActionEvent

func ParseActionEvent(payloadString string, opts ...Option) (MessageAction, error)

type MessageActionEntity

type MessageActionEntity struct {
	ID     string `json:"id"`
	Domain string `json:"domain"`
	Name   string `json:"name"`

type MessageActionResponse

type MessageActionResponse struct {
	ResponseType    string `json:"response_type"`
	ReplaceOriginal bool   `json:"replace_original"`
	Text            string `json:"text"`

type MessageEvent

type MessageEvent struct {
	// Basic Message Event -
	ClientMsgID     string `json:"client_msg_id"`
	Type            string `json:"type"`
	User            string `json:"user"`
	Text            string `json:"text"`
	ThreadTimeStamp string `json:"thread_ts"`
	TimeStamp       string `json:"ts"`
	Channel         string `json:"channel"`
	ChannelType     string `json:"channel_type"`
	EventTimeStamp  string `json:"event_ts"`

	// When Message comes from a channel that is shared between workspaces
	UserTeam   string `json:"user_team,omitempty"`
	SourceTeam string `json:"source_team,omitempty"`

	// Edited Message
	Message         *MessageEvent `json:"message,omitempty"`
	PreviousMessage *MessageEvent `json:"previous_message,omitempty"`
	Edited          *Edited       `json:"edited,omitempty"`

	// Deleted Message
	DeletedTimeStamp string `json:"deleted_ts,omitempty"`

	// Message Subtypes
	SubType string `json:"subtype,omitempty"`

	// bot_message (
	BotID    string `json:"bot_id,omitempty"`
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Icons    *Icon  `json:"icons,omitempty"`

	Upload bool   `json:"upload"`
	Files  []File `json:"files"`

	Blocks      slack.Blocks       `json:"blocks,omitempty"`
	Attachments []slack.Attachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"`

	Metadata slack.SlackMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	// Root is the message that was broadcast to the channel when the SubType is
	// thread_broadcast. If this is not a thread_broadcast message event, this
	// value is nil.
	Root *MessageEvent `json:"root"`

MessageEvent occurs when a variety of types of messages has been posted. Parse ChannelType to see which if ChannelType = "group", this is a private channel message if ChannelType = "channel", this message was sent to a channel if ChannelType = "im", this is a private message if ChannelType = "mim", A message was posted in a multiparty direct message channel TODO: Improve this so that it is not required to manually parse ChannelType

func (MessageEvent) IsEdited

func (e MessageEvent) IsEdited() bool

IsEdited checks if the MessageEvent is caused by an edit

type MessageMetadataDeletedEvent added in v0.11.3

type MessageMetadataDeletedEvent struct {
	Type             string               `json:"type"`
	ChannelId        string               `json:"channel_id"`
	EventTimestamp   string               `json:"event_ts"`
	PreviousMetadata *slack.SlackMetadata `json:"previous_metadata"`
	AppId            string               `json:"app_id"`
	BotId            string               `json:"bot_id"`
	UserId           string               `json:"user_id"`
	TeamId           string               `json:"team_id"`
	MessageTimestamp string               `json:"message_ts"`
	DeletedTimestamp string               `json:"deleted_ts"`

MessageMetadataDeletedEvent is sent, if a message with metadata is deleted

type MessageMetadataPostedEvent added in v0.11.3

type MessageMetadataPostedEvent struct {
	Type             string               `json:"type"`
	AppId            string               `json:"app_id"`
	BotId            string               `json:"bot_id"`
	UserId           string               `json:"user_id"`
	TeamId           string               `json:"team_id"`
	ChannelId        string               `json:"channel_id"`
	Metadata         *slack.SlackMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	MessageTimestamp string               `json:"message_ts"`
	EventTimestamp   string               `json:"event_ts"`

MessageMetadataPostedEvent is sent, if a message with metadata is posted

type MessageMetadataUpdatedEvent added in v0.11.3

type MessageMetadataUpdatedEvent struct {
	Type             string               `json:"type"`
	ChannelId        string               `json:"channel_id"`
	EventTimestamp   string               `json:"event_ts"`
	PreviousMetadata *slack.SlackMetadata `json:"previous_metadata"`
	AppId            string               `json:"app_id"`
	BotId            string               `json:"bot_id"`
	UserId           string               `json:"user_id"`
	TeamId           string               `json:"team_id"`
	MessageTimestamp string               `json:"message_ts"`
	Metadata         *slack.SlackMetadata `json:"metadata"`

MessageMetadataUpdatedEvent is sent, if a message with metadata is deleted

type Option

type Option func(cfg *Config)

func OptionNoVerifyToken added in v0.5.0

func OptionNoVerifyToken() Option

OptionNoVerifyToken skips the check of the Slack verification token

func OptionVerifyToken

func OptionVerifyToken(v verifier) Option

type PinAddedEvent added in v0.5.0

type PinAddedEvent pinEvent

PinAddedEvent An item was pinned to a channel -

type PinRemovedEvent added in v0.5.0

type PinRemovedEvent pinEvent

PinRemovedEvent An item was unpinned from a channel -

type Profile added in v0.14.0

type Profile struct {
	Title                  string                 `json:"title"`
	Phone                  string                 `json:"phone"`
	Skype                  string                 `json:"skype"`
	RealName               string                 `json:"real_name"`
	RealNameNormalized     string                 `json:"real_name_normalized"`
	DisplayName            string                 `json:"display_name"`
	DisplayNameNormalized  string                 `json:"display_name_normalized"`
	Fields                 map[string]interface{} `json:"fields"`
	StatusText             string                 `json:"status_text"`
	StatusEmoji            string                 `json:"status_emoji"`
	StatusEmojiDisplayInfo []interface{}          `json:"status_emoji_display_info"`
	StatusExpiration       int                    `json:"status_expiration"`
	AvatarHash             string                 `json:"avatar_hash"`
	FirstName              string                 `json:"first_name"`
	LastName               string                 `json:"last_name"`
	Image24                string                 `json:"image_24"`
	Image32                string                 `json:"image_32"`
	Image48                string                 `json:"image_48"`
	Image72                string                 `json:"image_72"`
	Image192               string                 `json:"image_192"`
	Image512               string                 `json:"image_512"`
	StatusTextCanonical    string                 `json:"status_text_canonical"`
	Team                   string                 `json:"team"`

type ReactionAddedEvent added in v0.6.3

type ReactionAddedEvent reactionEvent

ReactionAddedEvent An reaction was added to a message -

type ReactionRemovedEvent added in v0.6.3

type ReactionRemovedEvent reactionEvent

ReactionRemovedEvent An reaction was removed from a message -

type SharedChannel added in v0.12.4

type SharedChannel struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`
	IsPrivate bool   `json:"is_private"`
	IsIm      bool   `json:"is_im"`
	Name      string `json:"name,omitempty"`

SharedChannel is a struct for shared channels in ShareChannel events

type SharedChannelInviteAcceptedEvent added in v0.12.4

type SharedChannelInviteAcceptedEvent struct {
	Type                string            `json:"type"`
	ApprovalRequired    bool              `json:"approval_required"`
	Invite              *SharedInvite     `json:"invite"`
	Channel             *SharedChannel    `json:"channel"`
	TeamsInChannel      []*SlackEventTeam `json:"teams_in_channel"`
	AcceptingUser       *SlackEventUser   `json:"accepting_user"`
	EventTs             string            `json:"event_ts"`
	RequiresSponsorship bool              `json:"requires_sponsorship,omitempty"`

SharedChannelInviteAcceptedEvent is sent if external org accepts a Slack Connect channel invite

type SharedChannelInviteApprovedEvent added in v0.12.4

type SharedChannelInviteApprovedEvent struct {
	Type            string              `json:"type"`
	Invite          *SharedInvite       `json:"invite"`
	Channel         *slack.Conversation `json:"channel"`
	ApprovingTeamID string              `json:"approving_team_id"`
	TeamsInChannel  []*SlackEventTeam   `json:"teams_in_channel"`
	ApprovingUser   *SlackEventUser     `json:"approving_user"`
	EventTs         string              `json:"event_ts"`

SharedChannelInviteApprovedEvent is sent if your invitation has been approved

type SharedChannelInviteDeclinedEvent added in v0.12.4

type SharedChannelInviteDeclinedEvent struct {
	Type            string            `json:"type"`
	Invite          *SharedInvite     `json:"invite"`
	Channel         *SharedChannel    `json:"channel"`
	DecliningTeamID string            `json:"declining_team_id"`
	TeamsInChannel  []*SlackEventTeam `json:"teams_in_channel"`
	DecliningUser   *SlackEventUser   `json:"declining_user"`
	EventTs         string            `json:"event_ts"`

SharedChannelInviteDeclinedEvent is sent if external or internal org declines the Slack Connect invite

type SharedChannelInviteReceivedEvent added in v0.12.4

type SharedChannelInviteReceivedEvent struct {
	Type    string         `json:"type"`
	Invite  *SharedInvite  `json:"invite"`
	Channel *SharedChannel `json:"channel"`
	EventTs string         `json:"event_ts"`

SharedChannelInviteReceivedEvent is sent if a bot or app is invited to a Slack Connect channel

type SharedChannelInviteRequestedEvent added in v0.14.0

type SharedChannelInviteRequestedEvent struct {
	Actor                       Actor        `json:"actor"`
	ChannelID                   string       `json:"channel_id"`
	EventType                   string       `json:"event_type"`
	ChannelName                 string       `json:"channel_name"`
	ChannelType                 string       `json:"channel_type"`
	TargetUsers                 []TargetUser `json:"target_users"`
	TeamsInChannel              []Team       `json:"teams_in_channel"`
	IsExternalLimited           bool         `json:"is_external_limited"`
	ChannelDateCreated          int64        `json:"channel_date_created"`
	ChannelMessageLatestCounted int64        `json:"channel_message_latest_counted_timestamp"`

type SharedInvite added in v0.12.4

type SharedInvite struct {
	ID                string          `json:"id"`
	DateCreated       int             `json:"date_created"`
	DateInvalid       int             `json:"date_invalid"`
	InvitingTeam      *SlackEventTeam `json:"inviting_team,omitempty"`
	InvitingUser      *SlackEventUser `json:"inviting_user,omitempty"`
	RecipientEmail    string          `json:"recipient_email,omitempty"`
	RecipientUserID   string          `json:"recipient_user_id,omitempty"`
	IsSponsored       bool            `json:"is_sponsored,omitempty"`
	IsExternalLimited bool            `json:"is_external_limited,omitempty"`

SharedInvite is a struct for shared invites in ShareChannel events

type SharedLinks struct {
	Domain string `json:"domain"`
	URL    string `json:"url"`

type SlackEventIcon added in v0.12.4

type SlackEventIcon struct {
	ImageDefault bool   `json:"image_default,omitempty"`
	Image34      string `json:"image_34,omitempty"`
	Image44      string `json:"image_44,omitempty"`
	Image68      string `json:"image_68,omitempty"`
	Image88      string `json:"image_88,omitempty"`
	Image102     string `json:"image_102,omitempty"`
	Image132     string `json:"image_132,omitempty"`
	Image230     string `json:"image_230,omitempty"`

SlackEventIcon is a struct for icons in ShareChannel events

type SlackEventTeam added in v0.12.4

type SlackEventTeam struct {
	ID                  string          `json:"id"`
	Name                string          `json:"name"`
	Icon                *SlackEventIcon `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	AvatarBaseURL       string          `json:"avatar_base_url,omitempty"`
	IsVerified          bool            `json:"is_verified"`
	Domain              string          `json:"domain"`
	DateCreated         int             `json:"date_created"`
	RequiresSponsorship bool            `json:"requires_sponsorship,omitempty"`

SlackEventTeam is a struct for teams in ShareChannel events

type SlackEventUser added in v0.12.4

type SlackEventUser struct {
	ID                     string             `json:"id"`
	TeamID                 string             `json:"team_id"`
	Name                   string             `json:"name"`
	Updated                int                `json:"updated,omitempty"`
	Profile                *slack.UserProfile `json:"profile,omitempty"`
	WhoCanShareContactCard string             `json:"who_can_share_contact_card,omitempty"`

SlackEventUser is a struct for users in ShareChannel events

type StarAddedEvent added in v0.14.0

type StarAddedEvent struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`
	User string `json:"user"`
	Item struct {
	} `json:"item"`
	EventTS string `json:"event_ts"`

type StarRemovedEvent added in v0.14.0

type StarRemovedEvent struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`
	User string `json:"user"`
	Item struct {
	} `json:"item"`
	EventTS string `json:"event_ts"`

type SubTeam added in v0.14.0

type SubTeam struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	TeamID      string `json:"team_id"`
	IsUsergroup bool   `json:"is_usergroup"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Handle      string `json:"handle"`
	IsExternal  bool   `json:"is_external"`
	DateCreate  int64  `json:"date_create"`
	DateUpdate  int64  `json:"date_update"`
	DateDelete  int64  `json:"date_delete"`
	AutoType    string `json:"auto_type"`
	CreatedBy   string `json:"created_by"`
	UpdatedBy   string `json:"updated_by"`
	DeletedBy   string `json:"deleted_by"`
	Prefs       struct {
		Channels []string `json:"channels"`
		Groups   []string `json:"groups"`
	} `json:"prefs"`
	Users     []string `json:"users"`
	UserCount int      `json:"user_count"`

type SubteamCreatedEvent added in v0.14.0

type SubteamCreatedEvent struct {
	Type    string  `json:"type"`
	Subteam SubTeam `json:"subteam"`

type SubteamMembersChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type SubteamMembersChangedEvent struct {
	Type               string   `json:"type"`
	SubteamID          string   `json:"subteam_id"`
	TeamID             string   `json:"team_id"`
	DatePreviousUpdate int      `json:"date_previous_update"`
	DateUpdate         int64    `json:"date_update"`
	AddedUsers         []string `json:"added_users"`
	AddedUsersCount    string   `json:"added_users_count"`
	RemovedUsers       []string `json:"removed_users"`
	RemovedUsersCount  string   `json:"removed_users_count"`

type SubteamSelfAddedEvent added in v0.14.0

type SubteamSelfAddedEvent struct {
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	SubteamID string `json:"subteam_id"`

type SubteamSelfRemovedEvent added in v0.14.0

type SubteamSelfRemovedEvent struct {
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	SubteamID string `json:"subteam_id"`

type SubteamUpdatedEvent added in v0.14.0

type SubteamUpdatedEvent struct {
	Type    string  `json:"type"`
	Subteam SubTeam `json:"subteam"`

type TargetUser added in v0.14.0

type TargetUser struct {
	Email    string `json:"email"`
	InviteID string `json:"invite_id"`

type Team added in v0.14.0

type Team struct {
	ID                  string   `json:"id"`
	Icon                TeamIcon `json:"icon"`
	Name                string   `json:"name"`
	Domain              string   `json:"domain"`
	IsVerified          bool     `json:"is_verified"`
	DateCreated         int64    `json:"date_created"`
	AvatarBaseURL       string   `json:"avatar_base_url"`
	RequiresSponsorship bool     `json:"requires_sponsorship"`

type TeamAccessGrantedEvent added in v0.12.0

type TeamAccessGrantedEvent struct {
	Type    string   `json:"type"`
	TeamIDs []string `json:"team_ids"`

TeamAccessGrantedEvent is sent if access to teams was granted for your org-wide app.

type TeamAccessRevokedEvent added in v0.12.0

type TeamAccessRevokedEvent struct {
	Type    string   `json:"type"`
	TeamIDs []string `json:"team_ids"`

TeamAccessRevokedEvent is sent if access to teams was revoked for your org-wide app.

type TeamDomainChangeEvent added in v0.14.0

type TeamDomainChangeEvent struct {
	Type   string `json:"type"`
	URL    string `json:"url"`
	Domain string `json:"domain"`
	TeamID string `json:"team_id"`

type TeamIcon added in v0.14.0

type TeamIcon struct {
	Image34      string `json:"image_34"`
	ImageDefault bool   `json:"image_default"`

type TeamJoinEvent added in v0.10.0

type TeamJoinEvent struct {
	Type           string      `json:"type"`
	User           *slack.User `json:"user"`
	EventTimestamp string      `json:"event_ts"`

TeamJoinEvent A new member joined a workspace -

type TeamRenameEvent added in v0.14.0

type TeamRenameEvent struct {
	Type   string `json:"type"`
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	TeamID string `json:"team_id"`

type TokenComparator

type TokenComparator struct {
	VerificationToken string

func (TokenComparator) Verify

func (c TokenComparator) Verify(t string) bool

type TokensRevokedEvent added in v0.6.1

type TokensRevokedEvent struct {
	Type           string `json:"type"`
	Tokens         tokens `json:"tokens"`
	EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"`

TokensRevokedEvent APP's API tokens are revoked -

type User added in v0.14.0

type User struct {
	ID                     string  `json:"id"`
	TeamID                 string  `json:"team_id"`
	Name                   string  `json:"name"`
	Deleted                bool    `json:"deleted"`
	Color                  string  `json:"color"`
	RealName               string  `json:"real_name"`
	TZ                     string  `json:"tz"`
	TZLabel                string  `json:"tz_label"`
	TZOffset               int     `json:"tz_offset"`
	Profile                Profile `json:"profile"`
	IsAdmin                bool    `json:"is_admin"`
	IsOwner                bool    `json:"is_owner"`
	IsPrimaryOwner         bool    `json:"is_primary_owner"`
	IsRestricted           bool    `json:"is_restricted"`
	IsUltraRestricted      bool    `json:"is_ultra_restricted"`
	IsBot                  bool    `json:"is_bot"`
	IsAppUser              bool    `json:"is_app_user"`
	Updated                int64   `json:"updated"`
	IsEmailConfirmed       bool    `json:"is_email_confirmed"`
	WhoCanShareContactCard string  `json:"who_can_share_contact_card"`
	Locale                 string  `json:"locale"`

type UserChangeEvent added in v0.14.0

type UserChangeEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    User   `json:"user"`
	CacheTS int64  `json:"cache_ts"`
	EventTS string `json:"event_ts"`

type UserHuddleChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type UserHuddleChangedEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    User   `json:"user"`
	CacheTS int64  `json:"cache_ts"`
	EventTS string `json:"event_ts"`

type UserProfileChangedEvent added in v0.12.2

type UserProfileChangedEvent struct {
	User    *slack.User `json:"user"`
	CacheTs int         `json:"cache_ts"`
	Type    string      `json:"type"`
	EventTs string      `json:"event_ts"`

UserProfileChangedEvent is sent if access to teams was revoked for your org-wide app.

type UserStatusChangedEvent added in v0.14.0

type UserStatusChangedEvent struct {
	Type    string `json:"type"`
	User    User   `json:"user"`
	CacheTS int64  `json:"cache_ts"`
	EventTS string `json:"event_ts"`

type WorkflowStepExecuteEvent added in v0.10.3

type WorkflowStepExecuteEvent struct {
	Type           string            `json:"type"`
	CallbackID     string            `json:"callback_id"`
	WorkflowStep   EventWorkflowStep `json:"workflow_step"`
	EventTimestamp string            `json:"event_ts"`

WorkflowStepExecuteEvent is fired, if a workflow step of your app is invoked

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
JackTT - Gopher 🇻🇳