Overview ¶
Package lines provides an unopinionated simple text-oriented UI library. It does the heavy lifting for you when it comes to
- concurrency safety
- event handling
- layout handling
- content/format handling
- feature handling
- testing
Following example will crash in the go playground since it can't grab a terminal:
package main import ( fmt "" ) type Cmp struct { lines.Component } func (c *Cmp) OnInit(e *lines.Env) { c.Dim().SetWidth(len("hello world")).SetHeight(1) fmt.Fprint(e, "hello world") } func main() { lines.Term(&Cmp{}).WaitForQuit() }
Term provides an Lines-instance with a terminal backend. It reports user input and programmatically posted events to listener of client provided components embedding the Component-type. While client listener implementations print to an provided environment Env which is associated with the component's portion of the screen. lines is designed to add further backends like "shiny" or "fyne" for graphical displays. As of now lines has only a terminal backend which is a wrapper around tcell.
Above "hello world"-program takes over a terminal screen printing horizontally and vertically centered "hello world" to it. "hello world" stays centered in case the screen is a terminal window which changes its size. Ctrl-c, Ctrl-d or q will quit the application. Note SetWidth in above example works as expected because "hello world" consists of ASCII characters only. Is that not guaranteed you will want to count runes instead of bytes. Setting width and height is not necessary. Left out in above example "hello world" is printed to the screen starting in the upper left corner.
Concurrency safety ¶
What doesn't work
func (c *Cmp) OnInit(e *lines.Env) { go func() { time.Sleep(1*time.Second) fmt.Fprint(e, "awoken") // will panic }() }
what does work
func (c *Cmp) OnInit(e *lines.Env) { go func(ll *lines.Lines) { time.Sleep(1*time.Second) ll.Update(c, nil, func(e *lines.Env) { fmt.Fprint(e, "awoken") // will not panic }) }(e.Lines) }
Also using functionality or properties provided by embedded Component instance in a function that doesn't return in the executing listener won't work.
func (c *Cmp) OnInit(e *lines.Env) { go func() { time.Sleep(1*time.Second) c.FF.Set(Scrollable) // panics or creates a race condition c.Dim().SetWidth(42) // panics or creates a race condition }() }
It is only save to pass (the initially created) Lines instance on to a go routine where at the end provided update mechanisms of said Lines-instance are used to report back to a component.
Event handling ¶
The majority of lines' interfaces are for event handling. Is such an interface implemented in a component, corresponding events are reported to that component. See lines.Eventer for a list of reported events. OnKey, OnFocus, OnLayout are exemplary methods of such interfaces. Keyboard and mouse events are bubbling up from the focused/clicked component through all enclosing ancestors. The environment instance e of such a reported bubbling event may be used to suppress bubbling: e.StopBubbling(). See examples/layers for how to work with events.
Layout handling ¶
lines comes with a layout manager which does most of the work for you. If fine grained control is needed the embedded Component's Dim method (see Component.Dim) informs about positioning and size and also provides features to change the later. One can also control there if a component is filling, i.e. uses up unused space, or if its size is fixed. Components can be arbitrarily nested by embedding either the Stacking or Chaining type in a component or by implementing either the Stacker or Chainer interface. Finally components can be Component.Layered by other components which makes it possible to implement tooltip, context menu, menu bar or modal dialogs. See examples/layers for how to work with layers.
Content and format handling ¶
The Env(ironment) instance passed to a event listener is associated with the screen portion of the component the event is reported to. Printing to the environment prints provided content to its screen portion. Env comes with a few methods which give fine grained control over what is printer where and how. e.g.:
fmt.Fprint(e.LL(5).AA(lines.Bold), lines.Filler + "a centered bold line" + lines.Filler)
The above prints "a centered bold line" centered in bold letters into the component's fifth line. Note the line will stay centered if the component's size changes. If there should be many lines associated with a component c without storing them in the component a component's ContentSource can be set:
c.Src = &lines.ContentSource{Liner: MyLinerImplementation}
Whereas the Liner implementation prints the lines as requested by c. See examples/scrolling for a sourced component example. A similar printing API is provided by embedded Component's Gaps(index)-method
c.Gaps(0).AA(lines.Reverse) c.Gaps(0).Corners.AA(lines.Revers)
Above is as of now the simplest way to frame a component. Gaps allow to do all sorts of framing, padding and guttering of a component. See examples/gaps for some show cases. Remember that Src and Gaps will panic if accessed outside a listener callback.
Feature handling ¶
The feature concept answers the question after the default behavior of an ui-component. Lets assume we have implemented the components App, MessageBar, Statusbar, Workspace and Panel. Lets further assume component App stacks the components MessageBar, Workspace and Statusbar while a Workspace chains two panel instances p1 and p2.
APP--------------------------+ | mb | WS-----------+-------------+ | | | | p1 | p2 | | | | +------------+-------------+ | sb | +--------------------------+
If we now click into p2 we probably expect p2 to receive the focus. But if we click into the statusbar will we also want sb to receive the focus? Maybe, maybe not. To avoid opinionated default behavior lines implements the "Feature" concept whose API may be accessed by the FF-property of the embedded Component instance.
type MyComponent { lines.Component } func (c *MyComponent) OnInit(_ *Env) { c.FF.Add(lines.Scrollable) }
Now our component will react on page up/down key-presses if its content doesn't fit (vertically) into c's screen area. But we don't need to set each feature for each component separately:
func (ws *Workspace) OnInit(e *Env) { ws.FF.AddRecursively(lines.Scrollable | lines.Focusable) }
The above line makes all descendants of the workspace focusable, i.e. they receive the focus if clicked with the mouse on them.
An other way to acquire features without fuss is to set a components ContentSource which needs to have a Liner-implementation. According to the features of such a Liner-implementation the component's features are set. E.g. is a Liner a ScrollableLiner then the component gets automatically the scrollable feature set. examples/scrolling has examples for features usage.
Testing ¶
lines comes with testing facilities:
import ( "testing" "" ) type CmpFixture struct { lines.Component } func TestUpdateListenerIsCalled(t *T) { tt := lines.TermFixture(t, 0, &CmpFixture{}) exp := "update listener called" tt.Lines.Update(tt.Root(), nil, func(e *lines.Env) { fmt.Fprint(e, exp) }) if exp != tt.Screen().Trimmed().String() { t.Errorf("expected: '%s'; got '%s'", exp, tt.Screen().Trimmed().String()) } }
lines can be asked for a test fixture. The main features of an Fixture-instance are:
setting up and tearing down a corresponding Lines-instance whose WaitForQuit method is not blocking.
providing methods for emulating user input events
guaranteeing that no event-triggering method returns before its event and all subsequently triggered events have been processed and all writes made it to the screen. (The second argument of TermFixture is a timeout within all such events need to be processed.)
providing the screen's content and its styles.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Print(w AtWriter, rr interface{})
- type AfterIniter
- type AfterLayouter
- type AtWriter
- type ButtonMask
- type CellsLine
- type CellsScreen
- type Chainer
- type Chaining
- type Clicker
- type Color
- type Component
- func (c Component) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *component
- func (c Component) BG(color Color) *component
- func (c Component) ContentArea() (x, y, w, h int)
- func (c Component) ContentScreenLines() int
- func (c *Component) CursorPosition() (line, column int, _ bool)
- func (c Component) Dim() *lyt.Dim
- func (c Component) FG(color Color) *component
- func (c Component) First() int
- func (c *Component) Gaps(level int) *GapsWriter
- func (c Component) GapsLen() (top, right, bottom, left int)
- func (c *Component) Globals() *Globals
- func (c Component) InContentArea(x, y int) bool
- func (c Component) IsDirty() bool
- func (c *Component) Layered(e *Env, l Componenter, pos *LayerPos)
- func (c Component) Len() int
- func (c *Component) RemoveLayer(e *Env)
- func (c Component) Reset(idx int, ff ...LineFlags)
- func (c *Component) SetCursor(line, column int, cs ...CursorStyle) *Component
- func (c Component) SetDirty()
- func (c Component) Sty(s Style) *component
- type ComponentLines
- type ComponentMode
- type Componenter
- type ContentSource
- type Contexter
- type CursorStyle
- type Cursorer
- type DD
- type Dimensions
- type Dimer
- type Drager
- type Dropper
- type Edit
- type EditLiner
- type EditType
- type Editer
- type Editor
- type Enterer
- type Env
- func (e *Env) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *EnvWriter
- func (e *Env) BG(color Color) *EnvWriter
- func (e *Env) FG(color Color) *EnvWriter
- func (e *Env) Focused() Componenter
- func (e *Env) LL(idx int) *EnvLineWriter
- func (e *Env) ScreenSize() (width, height int)
- func (e *Env) StopBubbling()
- func (e *Env) Sty(s Style) *EnvWriter
- func (e *Env) Write(bb []byte) (int, error)
- type EnvAtWriter
- func (w *EnvAtWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *EnvAtWriter
- func (w *EnvAtWriter) BG(color Color) *EnvAtWriter
- func (w *EnvAtWriter) FG(color Color) *EnvAtWriter
- func (w *EnvAtWriter) Filling() *envAtFillingWriter
- func (w *EnvAtWriter) Sty(s Style) *EnvAtWriter
- func (w *EnvAtWriter) WriteAt(rr []rune)
- type EnvLineWriter
- func (w *EnvLineWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *EnvLineWriter
- func (w *EnvLineWriter) At(cell int) *EnvAtWriter
- func (w *EnvLineWriter) BG(color Color) *EnvLineWriter
- func (w *EnvLineWriter) FG(color Color) *EnvLineWriter
- func (w *EnvLineWriter) Sty(s Style) *EnvLineWriter
- func (w *EnvLineWriter) Write(bb []byte) (int, error)
- type EnvWriter
- type Eventer
- type Exiter
- type FeatureButton
- type FeatureButtons
- type FeatureKey
- type FeatureKeys
- type FeatureMask
- type FeatureRune
- type FeatureRunes
- type Features
- func (ff *Features) All() FeatureMask
- func (ff *Features) ButtonsOf(f FeatureMask) FeatureButtons
- func (ff *Features) Delete(f FeatureMask)
- func (ff *Features) Has(f FeatureMask) bool
- func (ff *Features) KeysOf(f FeatureMask) FeatureKeys
- func (ff *Features) OfButton(bb ButtonMask, mm ModifierMask) FeatureMask
- func (ff *Features) OfKey(k Key, mm ModifierMask) FeatureMask
- func (ff *Features) OfRune(r rune, mm ModifierMask) FeatureMask
- func (ff *Features) RunesOf(f FeatureMask) FeatureRunes
- func (ff *Features) Set(f FeatureMask)
- func (ff *Features) SetButtonsOf(f FeatureMask, bb ...FeatureButton)
- func (ff *Features) SetKeysOf(f FeatureMask, kk ...FeatureKey)
- func (ff *Features) SetRunesOf(f FeatureMask, rr ...FeatureRune)
- type Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) CellsOf(c Componenter) api.CellsScreen
- func (fx *Fixture) Dim(c Componenter) (d *lyt.Dim)
- func (fx *Fixture) FireClick(x, y int) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireComponentClick(c Componenter, x, y int) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireComponentContext(c Componenter, x, y int) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireContext(x, y int) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireDragNDrop(x, y int, b ButtonMask, mm ModifierMask, xy *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireKey(k api.Key, m ...ModifierMask) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireKeys(kk ...api.Key) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireMouse(x, y int, bm api.ButtonMask, mm api.ModifierMask) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireMove(x, y int, xy *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireResize(width, height int) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) FireRune(r rune, m ...ModifierMask) *Fixture
- func (fx *Fixture) Root() Componenter
- func (fx *Fixture) ScreenOf(c Componenter) api.StringScreen
- type FocusLooser
- type FocusableLiner
- type Focuser
- type GapWriter
- func (g *GapWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *GapWriter
- func (g *GapWriter) At(idx int) *gapAtWriter
- func (g *GapWriter) BG(c Color) *GapWriter
- func (g *GapWriter) FG(c Color) *GapWriter
- func (w *GapWriter) Reset(sty Style)
- func (g *GapWriter) Sty(s Style) *GapWriter
- func (w *GapWriter) Write(bb []byte) (int, error)
- type GapsWriter
- type Globals
- func (gg *Globals) AA(st StyleType) StyleAttributeMask
- func (gg *Globals) BG(st StyleType) Color
- func (gg *Globals) FG(st StyleType) Color
- func (gg *Globals) Highlight(s Style) Style
- func (gg *Globals) ScrollBarDef() ScrollBarDef
- func (gg *Globals) SetAA(st StyleType, aa StyleAttributeMask) *Globals
- func (gg *Globals) SetBG(st StyleType, c Color) *Globals
- func (gg *Globals) SetFG(st StyleType, c Color) *Globals
- func (gg *Globals) SetHighlighter(h func(Style) Style) *Globals
- func (gg *Globals) SetScrollBarDef(sbd ScrollBarDef) *Globals
- func (gg *Globals) SetStyle(st StyleType, sty Style)
- func (gg *Globals) SetTabWidth(w int) *Globals
- func (gg *Globals) SetUpdateListener(l func(globalsUpdates, StyleType, globalStyleUpdates)) *Globals
- func (gg *Globals) Style(st StyleType) Style
- func (gg *Globals) TabWidth() int
- type Highlighter
- type Initer
- type Key
- type KeyEventer
- type Keyer
- type LayerPos
- type Layouter
- type Line
- type LineFlags
- type LineFocus
- func (s *LineFocus) AtCoordinate(y int)
- func (s *LineFocus) Content() int
- func (s *LineFocus) Current() int
- func (f *LineFocus) Eol() bool
- func (s *LineFocus) EolAfterLastRune() *LineFocus
- func (s *LineFocus) EolAtLastRune() *LineFocus
- func (s *LineFocus) FirstCell() (slIdx, cl int, moved bool)
- func (s *LineFocus) LastCell() (slIdx, scIdx int, moved bool)
- func (f *LineFocus) Line() *Line
- func (s *LineFocus) Next() (ln int, cl int)
- func (s *LineFocus) NextCell() (slIdx, scIdx int, moved bool)
- func (s *LineFocus) Previous() (slIdx int, cl int)
- func (s *LineFocus) PreviousCell() (slIdx, cl int, moved bool)
- func (s *LineFocus) Reset()
- func (s *LineFocus) Screen() int
- type LineFocusLooser
- type LineFocuser
- type LineOverflower
- type LineSelecter
- type Liner
- type Lines
- func (ll *Lines) Colors() int
- func (ll *Lines) CursorComponent() Componenter
- func (ll *Lines) CursorPosition() (x, y int, _ bool)
- func (ll *Lines) Focus(cmp Componenter) error
- func (ll *Lines) OnQuit(listener func()) *Lines
- func (ll *Lines) Quit()
- func (ll *Lines) Redraw() error
- func (ll *Lines) RemoveCursor()
- func (ll *Lines) Root() Componenter
- func (ll *Lines) SetCursor(x, y int, cs ...CursorStyle)
- func (ll *Lines) SetRoot(c Componenter) error
- func (ll *Lines) Update(cmp Componenter, data interface{}, l Listener) error
- func (ll *Lines) WaitForQuit()
- type Listener
- type Listeners
- type Modaler
- type ModifierMask
- type MouseClick
- type MouseDrag
- type MouseDrop
- type MouseEventer
- type MouseMove
- type Mouser
- type Mover
- type OutOfBoundMover
- type Range
- type RuneEventer
- type Runer
- type SR
- type Scroll
- type ScrollBarDef
- type ScrollableLiner
- type Scroller
- func (s Scroller) BarContains(x, y int) bool
- func (s Scroller) BarPosition() int
- func (s Scroller) CoordinateToContentIndex(y int) (line int)
- func (s Scroller) Down()
- func (s Scroller) IsAtBottom() bool
- func (s Scroller) IsAtTop() bool
- func (s Scroller) To(idx int)
- func (s Scroller) ToBottom()
- func (s Scroller) ToTop()
- func (s Scroller) Up()
- type Stacker
- type Stacking
- type StringScreen
- type Style
- type StyleAttributeMask
- type StyleType
- type UpdateEvent
- type Updater
Constants ¶
const ( ZeroCursor CursorStyle = api.ZeroCursor DefaultCursor = api.DefaultCursor BlockCursorBlinking = api.BlockCursorBlinking BlockCursorSteady = api.BlockCursorSteady UnderlineCursorBlinking = api.UnderlineCursorBlinking UnderlineCursorSteady = api.UnderlineCursorSteady BarCursorBlinking = api.BarCursorBlinking BarCursorSteady = api.BarCursorSteady )
const All = -1
All indicates for an operation with a line-index that the operation should be executed for all lines, e.g. Component.Reset on a component.
const Filler = string(filler)
A Filler in a string printed to a component's environment e indicates that a line l should fill up its whole width whereas its remaining empty space is distributed equally over filler found in l.
fmt.Fprint(e.LL(0), lines.Filler+"centered first line"+lines.Filler)
See EnvAtWriter.Filling for a more sophisticated filling mechanism.
Variables ¶
var ColorNames = map[Color]string{}/* 247 elements not displayed */
var DefaultStyle = api.DefaultStyle
The DefaultStyle has no style attributes and "default" colors. The semantics of the later is determined by the backend implementation. Use the With* methods to create new styles from the default style:
myStyle := lines.DefaultStyle.WithFG(lines.Yellow).WithBG(lines.Blue)
var NewLayerPos = lyt.NewLayerPos
NewLayerPos creates new layer positioning instance from given origin, width and height and returns a pointer to it which can be passed to Component.Layered.
var NewStyle = api.NewStyle
NewStyle creates a new style with given style attributes and given fore- and background color:
myStyle := lines.NewStyle(lines.Bold|lines.Dim, lines.White, lines.Black)
var StyleAttributeNames = map[StyleAttributeMask]string{ Bold: "bold", Blink: "blink", Reverse: "reverse", Underline: "underline", Dim: "dim", Italic: "italic", StrikeThrough: "strike through", Invalid: "invalid", }
Functions ¶
func Print ¶
func Print(w AtWriter, rr interface{})
Print to an AtWriter a rune or slice of runes. The common AtWriter of lines are provided by a component listener environment and a components gaps:
lines.Print(e.LL(0).At(0), []rune("print to first line's first cell")) lines.Print(cmp.Gaps(0).Left.At(5), []rune("print to left gutter"))
Types ¶
type AfterIniter ¶
type AfterIniter interface { // OnAfterInit is executed after all components have been // initialized and their respective OnInit event was reported. I.e. // all components of an initial layout should be created and // available now. Hence the main use case are initializations // depending on the existence of nested components. E.g. set the // focus or do size calculations depending on nested components. OnAfterInit(*Env) }
AfterInit is implemented by components which want to be notified after all initial components have been created and their respective OnInit event was reported, see Initer; but before the first layout, see Layouter.
type AfterLayouter ¶ added in v0.10.0
type AfterLayouter interface { // OnAfterLayout implementations are called after all OnLayout // events have been reported and processed. Since the typical // use-case is to adjust the layout of stacker and chainer according // to the layout of their nested components a "dimensions function" // DD is passed along which allows to extract layout dimensions for // an arbitrary component of the layout. OnAfterLayout(*Env, DD) (reflow bool) }
AfterLayouter is implemented by components who want to be notified after all OnLayout-events have been reported and processed. Typically these are components nesting other components, i.e. Stacker and Chainer, who want to adjust their layout after their nested components have finished their layout settings.
type AtWriter ¶
type AtWriter interface {
WriteAt(rr []rune)
AtWriter is for printing runes at specific screen cells commonly used to define differentiated stylings printing to a component's environment e:
fmt.Fprint(e.LL(0), "An ") lines.Print(e.LL(0).At(3).AA(Italic), "italic") lines.Print(e.LL(0).At(9), " word")
type ButtonMask ¶
type ButtonMask = api.ButtonMask
A ButtonMask mask is reported by a mouse event to a Mouser implementing component.
const ( Button1 ButtonMask = api.Button1 // Usually the left (primary) mouse button. Button2 ButtonMask = api.Button2 // Usually the right (secondary) mouse button. Button3 ButtonMask = api.Button3 // Usually the middle mouse button. Button4 ButtonMask = api.Button4 // Often a side button (thumb/next). Button5 ButtonMask = api.Button5 // Often a side button (thumb/prev). Button6 ButtonMask = api.Button6 Button7 ButtonMask = api.Button7 Button8 ButtonMask = api.Button8 WheelUp ButtonMask = api.WheelUp // Wheel motion up/away from user. WheelDown ButtonMask = api.WheelDown // Wheel motion down/towards user. WheelLeft ButtonMask = api.WheelLeft // Wheel motion to left. WheelRight ButtonMask = api.WheelRight // Wheel motion to right. ZeroButton ButtonMask = api.ZeroButton // No button or wheel events. Primary ButtonMask = Button1 Secondary ButtonMask = Button2 Middle ButtonMask = Button3 )
type CellsLine ¶
CellsLine represents a line of a CellsScreen providing of each cell in the line its displayed rune and style information for test-evaluations.
type CellsScreen ¶
type CellsScreen = api.CellsScreen
CellsScreen is a screen representation at a specific point in time of of a [Fixtures]'s Lines instances. E.g. see Fixture.CellsOf or Fixture.Cells. NOTE use CellsScreen's Trimmed-method to minimize the reported screen area.
type Chainer ¶
type Chainer interface { // ForChained calls back for each component of this Chainer // respectively until the callback asks to stop. ForChained(func(Componenter) (stop bool)) }
Chainer is implemented by components which want to provided nested components which are horizontally chained in the layout.
type Chaining ¶
type Chaining struct { // CC holds the chained components CC []Componenter }
Chaining embedded in a component makes the component implement the Chainer interface. Typically the Componenter slice CC is filled in a component's OnInit-listener:
type chainedCmp struct { lines.Component } type myCmp struct{ lines.Component lines.Chaining } func (c *myCmp) OnInit(_ *lines.Env) { for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { c.CC = append(c.CC, &chainedCmp{}) } }
func (Chaining) ForChained ¶
func (cg Chaining) ForChained(cb func(Componenter) (stop bool))
ForChained calls back for each component of this Chainer respectively until the callback asks to stop.
type Clicker ¶
type Clicker interface { // OnClick implementation of a component c gets "left click"-events // reported which is an aggregated mouse event. I.e. Mouser // implementer will not receive a "left click" event. x and y // provide the click coordinates translated into the "content area" // (c.ContentArea) of c. This event bubbles; use e.StopBubbling() // to suppress further bubbling. Note e.Evt.(*lines.MouseClick).Mod // provides also the modifiers information. OnClick(e *Env, x, y int) }
Clicker is implemented by components which want to be informed about a "left"-mouse click event in their "content area". If the clicked component, i.e. the component with the smallest layout area containing the event coordinates, does not have the focus an OnFocus event is reported first if and only if the clicked component has the Focusable feature. See Mouser event interface for a more general mouse event handling.
type Color ¶
Color represents an rgb color which is usually given in the typical hex-format 0xRRGGBB whereas R, G and B are hex-digits, i.e. red is 0xFF0000.
const ( Black Color = api.Black Maroon Color = api.Maroon Green Color = api.Green Olive Color = api.Olive Purple Color = api.Purple Teal Color = api.Teal Silver Color = api.Silver Grey Color = api.Grey Red Color = api.Red Lime Color = api.Lime Yellow Color = api.Yellow Blue Color = api.Blue Fuchsia Color = api.Fuchsia Aqua Color = api.Aqua White Color = api.White Grey0 Color = api.Grey0 DarkBlue Color = api.DarkBlue Blue3 Color = api.Blue3 Blue3_2 Color = api.Blue3_2 Blue1 Color = api.Blue1 DarkGreen Color = api.DarkGreen DeepSkyBlue4 Color = api.DeepSkyBlue4 DeepSkyBlue4_2 Color = api.DeepSkyBlue4_2 DeepSkyBlue4_3 Color = api.DeepSkyBlue4_3 DodgerBlue3 Color = api.DodgerBlue3 DodgerBlue2 Color = api.DodgerBlue2 Green4 Color = api.Green4 SpringGreen4 Color = api.SpringGreen4 Turquoise4 Color = api.Turquoise4 DeepSkyBlue3 Color = api.DeepSkyBlue3 DeepSkyBlue3_2 Color = api.DeepSkyBlue3_2 DodgerBlue1 Color = api.DodgerBlue1 Green3 Color = api.Green3 SpringGreen3 Color = api.SpringGreen3 DarkCyan Color = api.DarkCyan LightSeaGreen Color = api.LightSeaGreen DeepSkyBlue2 Color = api.DeepSkyBlue2 DeepSkyBlue1 Color = api.DeepSkyBlue1 Green3_2 Color = api.Green3_2 SpringGreen3_2 Color = api.SpringGreen3_2 SpringGreen2 Color = api.SpringGreen2 Cyan3 Color = api.Cyan3 DarkTurquoise Color = api.DarkTurquoise Turquoise2 Color = api.Turquoise2 Green1 Color = api.Green1 SpringGreen2_2 Color = api.SpringGreen2_2 SpringGreen1 Color = api.SpringGreen1 MediumSpringGreen Color = api.MediumSpringGreen Cyan2 Color = api.Cyan2 Cyan1 Color = api.Cyan1 DarkRed Color = api.DarkRed DeepPink4_3 Color = api.DeepPink4_3 Purple4 Color = api.Purple4 Purple4_2 Color = api.Purple4_2 Purple3 Color = api.Purple3 BlueViolet Color = api.BlueViolet Orange4 Color = api.Orange4 Grey37 Color = api.Grey37 MediumPurple4 Color = api.MediumPurple4 SlateBlue3 Color = api.SlateBlue3 SlateBlue3_2 Color = api.SlateBlue3_2 RoyalBlue1 Color = api.RoyalBlue1 Chartreuse4 Color = api.Chartreuse4 DarkSeaGreen4 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen4 PaleTurquoise4 Color = api.PaleTurquoise4 SteelBlue Color = api.SteelBlue SteelBlue3 Color = api.SteelBlue3 CornflowerBlue Color = api.CornflowerBlue Chartreuse3 Color = api.Chartreuse3 DarkSeaGreen4_2 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen4_2 CadetBlue Color = api.CadetBlue CadetBlue_2 Color = api.CadetBlue_2 SkyBlue3 Color = api.SkyBlue3 SteelBlue1 Color = api.SteelBlue1 Chartreuse3_2 Color = api.Chartreuse3_2 PaleGreen3 Color = api.PaleGreen3 SeaGreen3 Color = api.SeaGreen3 Aquamarine3 Color = api.Aquamarine3 MediumTurquoise Color = api.MediumTurquoise SteelBlue1_2 Color = api.SteelBlue1_2 Chartreuse2 Color = api.Chartreuse2 SeaGreen2 Color = api.SeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Color = api.SeaGreen1 SeaGreen1_2 Color = api.SeaGreen1_2 Aquamarine1 Color = api.Aquamarine1 DarkSlateGray2 Color = api.DarkSlateGray2 DarkRed_2 Color = api.DarkRed_2 DeepPink4_2 Color = api.DeepPink4_2 DarkMagenta Color = api.DarkMagenta DarkMagenta_2 Color = api.DarkMagenta_2 DarkViolet Color = api.DarkViolet Purple_1 Color = api.Purple_1 Orange4_2 Color = api.Orange4_2 LightPink4 Color = api.LightPink4 Plum4 Color = api.Plum4 MediumPurple3 Color = api.MediumPurple3 MediumPurple3_2 Color = api.MediumPurple3_2 SlateBlue1 Color = api.SlateBlue1 Yellow4 Color = api.Yellow4 Wheat4 Color = api.Wheat4 Grey53 Color = api.Grey53 LightSlateGrey Color = api.LightSlateGrey MediumPurple Color = api.MediumPurple LightSlateBlue Color = api.LightSlateBlue Yellow4_2 Color = api.Yellow4_2 DarkOliveGreen3 Color = api.DarkOliveGreen3 DarkSeaGreen Color = api.DarkSeaGreen LightSkyBlue3 Color = api.LightSkyBlue3 LightSkyBlue3_2 Color = api.LightSkyBlue3_2 SkyBlue2 Color = api.SkyBlue2 Chartreuse2_2 Color = api.Chartreuse2_2 DarkOliveGreen3_2 Color = api.DarkOliveGreen3_2 PaleGreen3_2 Color = api.PaleGreen3_2 DarkSeaGreen3 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen3 DarkSlateGray3 Color = api.DarkSlateGray3 SkyBlue1 Color = api.SkyBlue1 Chartreuse1 Color = api.Chartreuse1 LightGreen Color = api.LightGreen LightGreen_2 Color = api.LightGreen_2 PaleGreen1 Color = api.PaleGreen1 Aquamarine1_2 Color = api.Aquamarine1_2 DarkSlateGray1 Color = api.DarkSlateGray1 Red3 Color = api.Red3 DeepPink4 Color = api.DeepPink4 MediumVioletRed Color = api.MediumVioletRed Magenta3 Color = api.Magenta3 DarkViolet_2 Color = api.DarkViolet_2 Purple_2 Color = api.Purple_2 DarkOrange3 Color = api.DarkOrange3 IndianRed Color = api.IndianRed HotPink3 Color = api.HotPink3 MediumOrchid3 Color = api.MediumOrchid3 MediumOrchid Color = api.MediumOrchid MediumPurple2 Color = api.MediumPurple2 DarkGoldenrod Color = api.DarkGoldenrod LightSalmon3 Color = api.LightSalmon3 RosyBrown Color = api.RosyBrown Grey63 Color = api.Grey63 MediumPurple2_2 Color = api.MediumPurple2_2 MediumPurple1 Color = api.MediumPurple1 Gold3 Color = api.Gold3 DarkKhaki Color = api.DarkKhaki Grey69 Color = api.Grey69 LightSteelBlue3 Color = api.LightSteelBlue3 LightSteelBlue Color = api.LightSteelBlue Yellow3 Color = api.Yellow3 DarkOliveGreen3_3 Color = api.DarkOliveGreen3_3 DarkSeaGreen3_2 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen3_2 DarkSeaGreen2 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen2 LightCyan3 Color = api.LightCyan3 LightSkyBlue1 Color = api.LightSkyBlue1 GreenYellow Color = api.GreenYellow DarkOliveGreen2 Color = api.DarkOliveGreen2 PaleGreen1_2 Color = api.PaleGreen1_2 DarkSeaGreen2_2 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen2_2 DarkSeaGreen1 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen1 PaleTurquoise1 Color = api.PaleTurquoise1 Red3_2 Color = api.Red3_2 DeepPink3 Color = api.DeepPink3 DeepPink3_2 Color = api.DeepPink3_2 Magenta3_2 Color = api.Magenta3_2 Magenta3_3 Color = api.Magenta3_3 Magenta2 Color = api.Magenta2 DarkOrange3_2 Color = api.DarkOrange3_2 IndianRed_2 Color = api.IndianRed_2 HotPink3_2 Color = api.HotPink3_2 HotPink2 Color = api.HotPink2 Orchid Color = api.Orchid MediumOrchid1 Color = api.MediumOrchid1 Orange3 Color = api.Orange3 LightSalmon3_2 Color = api.LightSalmon3_2 LightPink3 Color = api.LightPink3 Pink3 Color = api.Pink3 Plum3 Color = api.Plum3 Violet Color = api.Violet Gold3_2 Color = api.Gold3_2 LightGoldenrod3 Color = api.LightGoldenrod3 Tan Color = api.Tan MistyRose3 Color = api.MistyRose3 Thistle3 Color = api.Thistle3 Plum2 Color = api.Plum2 Yellow3_2 Color = api.Yellow3_2 Khaki3 Color = api.Khaki3 LightGoldenrod2 Color = api.LightGoldenrod2 LightYellow3 Color = api.LightYellow3 Grey84 Color = api.Grey84 LightSteelBlue1 Color = api.LightSteelBlue1 Yellow2 Color = api.Yellow2 DarkOliveGreen1 Color = api.DarkOliveGreen1 DarkOliveGreen1_2 Color = api.DarkOliveGreen1_2 DarkSeaGreen1_2 Color = api.DarkSeaGreen1_2 Honeydew2 Color = api.Honeydew2 LightCyan1 Color = api.LightCyan1 Red1 Color = api.Red1 DeepPink2 Color = api.DeepPink2 DeepPink1 Color = api.DeepPink1 DeepPink1_2 Color = api.DeepPink1_2 Magenta2_2 Color = api.Magenta2_2 Magenta1 Color = api.Magenta1 OrangeRed1 Color = api.OrangeRed1 IndianRed1 Color = api.IndianRed1 IndianRed1_2 Color = api.IndianRed1_2 HotPink Color = api.HotPink HotPink_2 Color = api.HotPink_2 MediumOrchid1_2 Color = api.MediumOrchid1_2 DarkOrange Color = api.DarkOrange Salmon1 Color = api.Salmon1 LightCoral Color = api.LightCoral PaleVioletRed1 Color = api.PaleVioletRed1 Orchid2 Color = api.Orchid2 Orchid1 Color = api.Orchid1 Orange1 Color = api.Orange1 SandyBrown Color = api.SandyBrown LightSalmon1 Color = api.LightSalmon1 LightPink1 Color = api.LightPink1 Pink1 Color = api.Pink1 Plum1 Color = api.Plum1 Gold1 Color = api.Gold1 LightGoldenrod2_2 Color = api.LightGoldenrod2_2 LightGoldenrod2_3 Color = api.LightGoldenrod2_3 MistyRose1 Color = api.MistyRose1 Thistle1 Color = api.Thistle1 Yellow1 Color = api.Yellow1 LightGoldenrod1 Color = api.LightGoldenrod1 Khaki1 Color = api.Khaki1 Wheat1 Color = api.Wheat1 Cornsilk1 Color = api.Cornsilk1 Grey100 Color = api.Grey100 Grey3 Color = api.Grey3 Grey7 Color = api.Grey7 Grey11 Color = api.Grey11 Grey15 Color = api.Grey15 Grey19 Color = api.Grey19 Grey23 Color = api.Grey23 Grey27 Color = api.Grey27 Grey30 Color = api.Grey30 Grey35 Color = api.Grey35 Grey39 Color = api.Grey39 Grey42 Color = api.Grey42 Grey46 Color = api.Grey46 Grey50 Color = api.Grey50 Grey54 Color = api.Grey54 Grey58 Color = api.Grey58 Grey62 Color = api.Grey62 Grey66 Color = api.Grey66 Grey70 Color = api.Grey70 Grey74 Color = api.Grey74 Grey78 Color = api.Grey78 Grey82 Color = api.Grey82 Grey85 Color = api.Grey85 Grey89 Color = api.Grey89 Grey93 Color = api.Grey93 DefaultColor Color = api.DefaultColor )
type Component ¶
type Component struct { // FF provides access and fine grained control over a components // default behavior. FF *Features // Register provides the api to register keys and runes listeners // for a component. See Keyer and Runer for a more general way of // keyboard listening. Register *Listeners // Edit provides a component's API to control editing its content. Edit *Editor // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Component enables a user implemented UI-component to be processed by lines, i.e. all user UI-components which are provided to lines must embed this type. NOTE accessing features of an embedded Component is only supported during an event reporting callback to embedding component c:
func (c *cmp) OnInit(_ *lines.Env) { go func() { time.Sleep(1*time.Second) c.Dim().SetHeight(5) // will panic } c.Dim().SetHeight(5) // will not panic }
Note that there are three rectangles on the screen associated with component:
c.Dim().Rect() // the component's "screen area" including margins c.Dim().Area() // the "printable area", i.e. without margins c.ContentArea() // the "content area", i.e. without margins and gaps
Next to embedding the Component type a client component will usually also implement event listener interfaces to receive events like:
- Initer is informed once before a component becomes part of the layout
- AfterIniter is informed once after all components are initialize before the layout is calculated
- Layouter is informed that a component's layout was calculated
- Focuser/FocusLooser is informed about focus gain/loss
- Keyer is informed about any user special key-press like 'enter' or 'tab'
- Runer is informed about user rune-key input
- Mouser is informed about any mouse event see also Clicker/Contexter
- LineSelecter is informed if a component's line was selected
- LineFocuser is informed if a component's line received the focus
func (Component) AA ¶
func (c Component) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *component
AA replaces a component's style attributes like bold or dimmed. Note changing the style attributes of the default style of the Lines' globals will have no effect on components whose style attributes has been set.
func (Component) BG ¶
func (c Component) BG(color Color) *component
BG replaces a component's background color. Note changing the background color of the default style of the Lines' globals will have no effect on components whose background color has been set.
func (Component) ContentArea ¶
func (c Component) ContentArea() (x, y, w, h int)
func (Component) ContentScreenLines ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (c Component) ContentScreenLines() int
ContentScreenLines returns a component c's number of screen lines which are not used for gaps.
func (*Component) CursorPosition ¶ added in v0.9.1
CursorPosition returns relative to given component c's content origin the line and column index of the cursor in the content area and true if c has the cursor set; otherwise -1, -1 and false is return.
func (Component) FG ¶
func (c Component) FG(color Color) *component
FG replaces a component's foreground color. Note changing the foreground color of the default style of the Lines' globals will have no effect on components whose foreground color has been set.
func (Component) First ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (c Component) First() int
First returns the content index of the content displayed in the components first screen line.
func (*Component) Gaps ¶
func (c *Component) Gaps(level int) *GapsWriter
Gaps returns a gaps writer at given leven allowing to do framing, padding or guttering around a component's content:
fmt.Fprint(c.Gaps(0).AA(Reverse).Filling(), "•") fmt.Fprint(c.Gaps(0).Corners.AA(Reverse), "•") c.Gaps(1).AA(Reverse) c.Gaps(1).Corners.AA(Reverse)
func (Component) GapsLen ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (c Component) GapsLen() (top, right, bottom, left int)
GapsLen returns the numbers of lines/columns a gap at the top, right, bottom and left consumes. Note a gap must have been written in order to be created. I.e. if gaps are written at OnLayout and gaps-lengths are queried in OnAfterInit then these lengths might not be what is expected.
func (*Component) Globals ¶
Globals provides access to the API for manipulating component c specific globally inherited properties like tab-width. Note to change such a property globally use the Lines-instance ll which layouts c. ll's Globals-property provides the same Api but propagates manipulations to all components of the layout.
func (Component) InContentArea ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (Component) IsDirty ¶
func (c Component) IsDirty() bool
IsDirty is true if given component c is flagged dirty or one of its lines or gaps.
func (*Component) Layered ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (c *Component) Layered(e *Env, l Componenter, pos *LayerPos)
Layered associates given component c with given layering component l while l will be layed out according to given layer positioning pos.
func (Component) Len ¶
func (c Component) Len() int
Len returns the number of lines currently maintained by a component either through its own set of lines or through a source's Liner set of lines. Note the number of component lines is independent of a component's available screen lines.
func (*Component) RemoveLayer ¶ added in v0.9.0
RemoveLayer removes given component c's association with a layering component which is removed from the layout.
func (Component) Reset ¶
Reset blanks out the content of the line (or all lines) with given index the next time it is printed to the screen. Provide line flags if for example a Reset line should not be focusable:
c.Reset(lines.All, lines.NotFocusable)
If provided lines index is -1, see All-constant, Reset scrolls to the top, truncates its lines to the available screen-lines and resets the remaining lines.
func (*Component) SetCursor ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (c *Component) SetCursor( line, column int, cs ...CursorStyle, ) *Component
SetCursor of given component c to given line and column with optionally given cursor style within c's content area. I.e. line=0, column=0 refers to the first column in the first content-line while gaps and margins are ignored. Note setting the cursor is only effective after the first layout. SetCursor is a no-op for stacker and chainer. Lines.SetCursor allows for absolute cursor positioning whereas there the cursor is set to (x,y) coordinates, i.e. it has switched argument order compared to (line,column).
func (Component) SetDirty ¶
func (c Component) SetDirty()
SetDirty flags a component as dirty having the effect that at the next syncing the component's screen area is cleared before it is written to. Note usually you don't need this method since a component is automatically flagged dirty if its layout changed, if one of its global properties changed etc.
type ComponentLines ¶
type ComponentLines struct { Focus *LineFocus // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ComponentLines provides the API to manipulate ui-aspects of a component's lines like which line has the focus. A component's lines are accessed through its LL-property. To manipulate their content print to an Env(ironment) instance provided to an event listener implementation.
func (*ComponentLines) AA ¶
func (cll *ComponentLines) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask)
AA set the style attributes of all content lines of associated component to given style attributes aa.
func (*ComponentLines) BG ¶
func (cll *ComponentLines) BG(c Color)
BG set the background color of all content lines of associated component to given color c.
func (*ComponentLines) By ¶
func (cll *ComponentLines) By(idx int) *Line
By returns the component line with given non negative index idx. By panics if idx is negative. Is idx < ComponentLines.Len lines are padded accordingly.
func (*ComponentLines) FG ¶
func (cll *ComponentLines) FG(c Color)
FG set the foreground color of all content lines of associated component to given color c.
func (*ComponentLines) Len ¶
func (cll *ComponentLines) Len() int
Len returns the number of component lines, which is independent from the number of screen lines.
func (*ComponentLines) Mod ¶
func (cll *ComponentLines) Mod(cm ComponentMode)
Mod sets how given component lines cll are maintained.
type ComponentMode ¶
type ComponentMode uint
const ( // Overwriting a components content by an write operation. Overwriting ComponentMode = 1 << iota // Appending to a components content by an write operation. Appending // Tailing is appending and displaying the contents "tail" // especially if the display area cannot show all the content. Tailing )
type Componenter ¶
type Componenter interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Componenter is the private interface a type must implement to be used as an lines ui component. Embedding lines.Component in a type automatically fulfills this condition:
type MyCmp struct { lines.Component } lines.Term(&MyCmp{}).WaitForQuit()
a Componenter implementation is informed about application events if it also implements event listener interfaces like
- Initer is informed once before a component becomes part of the layout
- Layouter is informed that a component's layout was calculated
- Focuser/FocusLooser is informed about focus gain/loss
- Keyer is informed about any user special key-press like 'enter' or 'tab'
- Runer is informed about user rune-key input
- Mouser is informed about any mouse event see also Clicker/Contexter
- LineSelecter is informed if a component's line was selected
- LineFocuser is informed if a component's line received the focus
type ContentSource ¶
type ContentSource struct { // Liner provides a components content Liner // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A ContentSource instance may be assigned to a Component's Src property whose Liner is then used by the Component to print its content. E.g. if MyLiner is a Liner implementation and c a Component:
c.Src = &lines.ContentSource{Liner: &MyLiner{}}
now c uses provided Liner instance to print its content. NOTE according to a ContentSource's Liner implementation the setting of corresponding features is triggered. E.g. is a Liner implementation a ScrollableLiner the component has the feature Scrollable set.
func (*ContentSource) IsDirty ¶
func (cs *ContentSource) IsDirty() bool
IsDirty returns true if an initial content write from set Liner to associated component has happened; false otherwise.
type Contexter ¶
type Contexter interface { // OnContext implementation of a component c gets "right click" // events reported which is an aggregated mouse event. I.e. Mouser // implementer will not receive a "right click" event. x and y // provide the click coordinates translated into the "content area" // (c.ContentArea) of c. This event bubbles; use e.StopBubbling() // to suppress further bubbling. Note e.Evt.(*lines.MouseClick).Mod // provides also the modifiers information. OnContext(e *Env, x, y int) }
Contexter is implemented by components which want to be informed about a mouse "right click" event in their content area. If the clicked component, i.e. the component with the smallest layout area containing the event coordinates, does not have the focus an OnFocus event is reported first if and only if the clicked component has the Focusable feature. See Mouser event interface for a more general mouse event handling.
TODO: implement: see if event can also be reported for a potential context-menu key press (having x/y set to -1 then?).
type CursorStyle ¶ added in v0.9.1
type CursorStyle = api.CursorStyle
type Cursorer ¶ added in v0.9.1
type Cursorer interface { // OnCursor implemented by a component c is called by Lines if the // cursor position has changed; use c.CursorPosition() to retrieve // the current cursor position. Note if the display resizes Lines // either removes the cursor iff it is not in the content area of a // component; otherwise it keeps the cursor in c's content area // trying to keep it relative to the content areas origin at the // same position. If the later can be achieved absOnly is true. OnCursor(_ *Env, absOnly bool) }
Cursorer is implemented by a component which wants to be notified about cursor movement.
type DD ¶ added in v0.10.0
type DD func(Componenter) Dimensions
DD is a function which extracts layout information from a component without the need of being inside one of the components event-callbacks.
type Dimensions ¶ added in v0.10.0
type Dimensions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Dimensions) Height ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (dd Dimensions) Height() int
Height of component without margins.
func (Dimensions) Printable ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (dd Dimensions) Printable() (x, y, width, height int)
Printable returns the screen area of a component it can print to i.e. its area without margins and without clippings.
func (Dimensions) Screen ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (dd Dimensions) Screen() (x, y, width, height int)
Screen returns the screen area of a component i.e. its area without clippings (including margins).
func (Dimensions) Width ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (dd Dimensions) Width() int
Width of component without margins.
type Dimer ¶
Dimer provides dimensions of a component in the layout. Note each type embedding lines.Component implements the Dimer interface.
type Drager ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Drager interface { // OnDrag implementation of a component c gets move movement // reported while a button is pressed. Given environment provides // the origin of a drag e.Evt(*lines.MouseDrag).Origin(). Reported // coordinates are absolute coordinates. OnDrag(e *Env, _ ButtonMask, x, y int) }
Drager is implemented by a component which wants to be informed about mouse movement while a button is pressed. NOTE reported coordinates are absolute coordinates.
type Dropper ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Dropper interface { // OnDrop implementation of a component c gets reported the absolute // position where a sequence of mouse movements ended while given // button was pressed. OnDrop(_ *Env, _ ButtonMask, x, y int) }
Dropper is implemented by a component which wants to be informed when a (sequence of) drags ends.
type EditLiner ¶ added in v0.9.1
type EditLiner interface { FocusableLiner // OnEdit implementation gets edit requests of a component's screen // cell reported and returns true iff the edit request should be // carried out. Given line writer allows to print to edited line // while given Edit-instance provides the information about the // edit. OnEdit(w *EnvLineWriter, e *Edit) bool }
EditLiner implementations are FocusableLiner implementations turning the editable feature of associated component on.
type Editer ¶ added in v0.9.1
type Editer interface { // OnEdit is called right before a user requested edit of a // component's cell content is applied. In case OnEdit returns // false the following application of the edit request is omitted. // Provided Edit instance holds the information about the requested // edit. OnEdit(*Env, *Edit) bool }
Editer implementations are informed about user edits of a components content having the option to suppress the edit.
type Editor ¶ added in v0.9.1
type Editor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An Editor provides the client API to control a components editing behavior. The zero-type is NOT ready to use; an Editor instance for a component c's Edit-property is automatically created iff c gets the Editable (or HighlightedEditable) feature set. The later may happen in two ways: Either using c's FF-property to Add the feature explicitly or by setting c's Src property with a ContentSource having a Liner implementing the EditLiner interface.
func (*Editor) IsActive ¶ added in v0.9.1
IsActive returns false if given Editor e is nil or suspended; otherwise true is returned.
func (*Editor) IsReplacing ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (*Editor) MapEvent ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (e *Editor) MapEvent(evt KeyEventer) *Edit
type Enterer ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Enterer interface { // OnEnter implementation of a component c gets the first mouse move // inside c's printable area reported. OnEnter(e *Env, x, y int) }
Enterer is implemented by components which want to be informed if the mouse pointer enters their printable area.
type Env ¶
type Env struct { // Lines is the Lines instance providing given environment // instance. Use it to post Update or Focus events. Lines *Lines // Evt is the event which triggered the creation of the environment // instance. NOTE with Evt.Source() a backend event may be accessed. Evt Eventer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Env is an environment provided to event listeners when their event is reported. An Env instance implements the io.Writer interface and is associated with a portion of the screen it writes to. Writing to an Env instance after the event listener has returned will panic, e.g.
func (c *MyUIComponent) myListener(e *lines.Env) { go func() { time.Sleep(1*time.Second) fmt.Fprint(e, "awoken") // will panic }() } func (c *MyUIComponent) myListener(e *lines.Env) { go func(ll *lines.Lines) { time.Sleep(1*time.Second) ll.UpdateComponent(c, nil, func(e *lines.Env) { fmt.Fprint(e, "awoken") // will not panic }) }(e.Lines) }
An Env e instance also informs about the triggering backend event see Evt-property which may be nil. Last but not least an Env instance provides features to communicate back to the reporting Lines instance, e.g. Env.StopBubbling:
func (c *MyUIComponent) Runes(e *lines.Env, r rune) { fmt.Fprintf( e, "received rune: '%c' of event %T", r, e.Env.Source(), ) // the event stops bubbling through enclosing components e.StopBubbling() }
func (*Env) AA ¶
func (e *Env) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *EnvWriter
AA sets the next write's style attributes like Bold.
func (*Env) Focused ¶
func (e *Env) Focused() Componenter
Focused returns the currently focused component. Please remember to ask your Lines-instance (e.Lines) for an update event of the focused component if you want it to be changed.
func (*Env) LL ¶
func (e *Env) LL(idx int) *EnvLineWriter
LL returns a writer which writes to the line and its following lines at given index.
func (*Env) ScreenSize ¶
ScreenSize provides the currently total screen size. Use Component.Dim to get layout information about the environment receiving component.
func (*Env) StopBubbling ¶
func (e *Env) StopBubbling()
StopBubbling prevents any further reporting of an mouse or key event after the listener calling StopBubbling returns.
func (*Env) Sty ¶
Sty sets the next lines write's style, i.e. its style attributes and fore- and background color.
func (*Env) Write ¶
Write given bytes bb to the screen area of the component whose event handler was called with given environment e. For that purpose given bytes a broken into screen lines at new-lines and optionally set style-attributes as well as fore- and background colors are passed as default style to these lines. NOTE all previous content of the component is removed.
type EnvAtWriter ¶
type EnvAtWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An EnvAtWriter writes to a selected line at a selected cell and allows to set style information for this write.
func (*EnvAtWriter) AA ¶
func (w *EnvAtWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *EnvAtWriter
AA sets the next write's style attributes like Bold.
func (*EnvAtWriter) BG ¶
func (w *EnvAtWriter) BG(color Color) *EnvAtWriter
BG sets the next write's foreground color.
func (*EnvAtWriter) FG ¶
func (w *EnvAtWriter) FG(color Color) *EnvAtWriter
FG sets the next write's foreground color.
func (*EnvAtWriter) Filling ¶
func (w *EnvAtWriter) Filling() *envAtFillingWriter
Filling returns a filling writer which adds first printed rune to provided line-index at provided cell as a filling rune.
func (*EnvAtWriter) Sty ¶
func (w *EnvAtWriter) Sty(s Style) *EnvAtWriter
Sty sets the next write's style, i.e. its style attributes and colors.
func (*EnvAtWriter) WriteAt ¶
func (w *EnvAtWriter) WriteAt(rr []rune)
WriteAt writes given runes rr to selected line and cell indices with optionally set style information. If there is style information it will be only applied for given rune sequence rr.
type EnvLineWriter ¶
type EnvLineWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An EnvLineWriter provides an API for styling and formatting the writing to a selected and its following component-lines.
func (*EnvLineWriter) AA ¶
func (w *EnvLineWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *EnvLineWriter
AA sets the next write's style attributes like Bold.
func (*EnvLineWriter) At ¶
func (w *EnvLineWriter) At(cell int) *EnvAtWriter
At returns a writer which writes at given line writer w's line at given cell. Note you need to use the lines.Print-function to print to an at-writer and can only provide a rune or a rune-slice. Styles of an at-writer are only applied for the printed range of runes.
func (*EnvLineWriter) BG ¶
func (w *EnvLineWriter) BG(color Color) *EnvLineWriter
BG sets the next write's foreground color.
func (*EnvLineWriter) FG ¶
func (w *EnvLineWriter) FG(color Color) *EnvLineWriter
FG sets the next write's foreground color.
func (*EnvLineWriter) Sty ¶
func (w *EnvLineWriter) Sty(s Style) *EnvLineWriter
Sty sets the next write's style, i.e. its style attributes and colors.
type EnvWriter ¶
type EnvWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An EnvWriter instance provides an API for styling and formatting the writing to a component's line(s) starting at its first line.
func (*EnvWriter) AA ¶
func (w *EnvWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *EnvWriter
AA sets the next write's style attributes like Bold.
func (*EnvWriter) LL ¶
func (w *EnvWriter) LL(idx int) *EnvLineWriter
LL returns a writer which writes to the line and its following lines at given index idx.
type Eventer ¶
Eventer is the interface which all reported events implement. Note each Env instance has an Env.Evt property of type Eventer whereas Env.Evt.Source() provides the backend event if there is any. The following event interfaces with their reported event are defined:
- Initer: OnInit(*Env): once before any other
- AfterIniter: OnAfterInit(*Env): once after OnInit
- Focuser: OnFocus(*Env): see Lines.Focus, Env.Focused
- FocusLooser: OnFocusLost(*Env) see Lines.Focus, Env.Focused
- Updater: OnUpdate(*Env, interface{}): see Lines.Update
- Layouter: OnLayout(*Env) bool: after layout change
- AfterLayouter: OnAfterLayout(*Env, DD) bool: after OnLayout
- Keyer: OnKey(*Env, Key, ModifierMask): special key like Esc
- Runer: OnRune(*Env, rune, ModifierMask)
- Enterer: OnEnter(*Env): mouse-pointer entered component
- Exiter: OnExit(*Env): mouse-pointer leaves component
- Mouser: OnMouse(*Env, ButtonMask, int, int): any mouse-event
- Clicker: OnClick(_ *Env, x, y int): primary button click
- Contexter: OnContext(_ *Env, x, y int): secondary button click
- Drager: OnDrag(*Env, ButtonMask, int, int): mouse-move with pressed button
- Dropper: OnDrop(*Env, ButtonMask, int, int): button release after mouse-move with pressed button
- Modaler: OnOutOfBoundClick(*Env) bool: for modal layers
- OutOfBoundMover: OnOutOfBoundMove(*Env) bool: for modal layers
- LineSelecter: OnLineSelection(*Env, int): LineSelectable
type Exiter ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Exiter interface { // OnExit implementation of a component c gets the first mouse move // outside c's printable area reported. OnExit(e *Env) }
Exiter is implemented by components which want to be informed if the mouse pointer exits their printable area.
type FeatureButton ¶
type FeatureButton struct { Mod ModifierMask Button ButtonMask }
FeatureButton represents a button with its modifier and button value which is typically bound to a feature using Features.SetButtonsOf.
type FeatureButtons ¶
type FeatureButtons []FeatureButton
FeatureButtons are reported by Features.ButtonsOf providing the mouse buttons bound to a given feature. FeatureButtons may be also used as variadic argument of Features.SetButtonsOf to bind several FeatureButton to the same feature.
func (FeatureButtons) Equals ¶
func (fb FeatureButtons) Equals(other FeatureButtons) bool
Equals returns true if given feature buttons fb and given other feature buttons contain the same feature buttons.
type FeatureKey ¶
type FeatureKey struct { Mod ModifierMask Key Key }
FeatureKey represents a key with its modifier and key value which is typically bound to a feature using Features.SetKeysOf.
type FeatureKeys ¶
type FeatureKeys []FeatureKey
FeatureKeys are reported by Features.KeysOf providing the keys bound to a given feature. FeatureKeys may be also used as variadic argument for Features.SetKeysOf to bind several FeatureKey to the same feature.
func (FeatureKeys) Equals ¶
func (fk FeatureKeys) Equals(other FeatureKeys) bool
Equals returns true iff given feature keys fk and given other feature keys contain the same FeatureKey values.
type FeatureMask ¶
type FeatureMask uint64
FeatureMask classifies keys/runes/buttons for a components default behavior like focusable, scrollable etc.
const ( // Focusable enables a component to be focused by a user's mouse // input (default first(left)-button, second(right)-button and // third(middle)-button, ModMask == ModeNone). Focusable FeatureMask = 1 << iota // FocusMoveable enables to move focus between FocusMovable // components using the default Tab-key. FocusMovable // UpScrollable makes a component's content up-scrollable by the // user (default page-up-key). UpScrollable // DownScrollable makes a component's content down-scrollable by the // user (default page-down-key). DownScrollable // nextLineFocusable a component's previous focusable line can // receive the focus. (default down-key) PreviousLineFocusable // NextLineFocusable a component's next focusable line can receive // the focus. (default up-key) NextLineFocusable // LineUnfocusable a component's set line-focus can be removed // (default Esc) LineUnfocusable // HighlightEnabled if set will highlight a component c's // focused screen line using c.Globals().Style(Highlight). (NOTE // use c.Globals() to modify the Highlight style) HighlightEnabled // TrimmedHighlightEnabled if set will highlight a component // c's focused screen line whereas the highlight is only applied to // content without prefixing or suffixing whitespace using // c.Globals().Style(Highlight). (NOTE use c.Globals() to modify // the Highlight style) TrimmedHighlightEnabled // LineSelectable a component's focused line can be reported as // selected (default Enter) LineSelectable // FirstCellFocusable shows/moves the cursor at the beginning of a // focused screen line's content in the line's first cell (default // Home). FirstCellFocusable // PreviousCellFocusable shows the cursor in a components focused // line while the left arrow key moves the cursor to ("focuses") the // previous rune. PreviousCellFocusable // LastCellFocusable shows/moves the cursor at the end of a screen // line's content in the line's last cell (default End). LastCellFocusable // NextCellFocusable shows the cursor in a components focused // line while the right arrow key moves the cursor to ("focuses") the // next cell. NextCellFocusable // NoFeature classifies keys/runes/buttons not registered for any // feature. NoFeature FeatureMask = 0 // Scrollable makes a component's content vertically Scrollable by // combining up- and down-Scrollable. Scrollable = UpScrollable | DownScrollable // LinesFocusable makes lines focusable, i.e. a line receiving the // focus is reported; see OnLineFocus. LinesFocusable = NextLineFocusable | PreviousLineFocusable | LineUnfocusable // LinesSelectable makes a component's lines selectable by combining // LinesFocusable and LineSelectable. LinesSelectable = LinesFocusable | LineSelectable // CellFocusable turns on LinesFocusable for a component c and shows // the cursor whose positioning indicates the "focused cell". CellFocusable = PreviousCellFocusable | NextCellFocusable | LinesFocusable | LastCellFocusable | FirstCellFocusable Editable = Focusable | CellFocusable | Scrollable | editable )
type FeatureRune ¶
type FeatureRune struct { Rune rune Mod ModifierMask }
FeatureRune represents a rune with its modifier and rune value which is typically bound to a feature using Features.SetRunesOf.
type FeatureRunes ¶
type FeatureRunes []FeatureRune
FeatureRunes are reported by Features.RunesOf providing the runes bound to a given feature. FeatureRunes may be also used as variadic argument of Features.SetRunesOf to bind several FeatureRune to the same feature.
func (FeatureRunes) Equals ¶
func (fr FeatureRunes) Equals(other FeatureRunes) bool
Equals returns true if given feature runes fr and given other feature runes contain the same feature runes.
type Features ¶
type Features struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Features provides access and fine grained control over the behavior of a component provided by lines. Its methods will panic used outside an event reporting listener-callback. Typically you will use a component's FF-property to manipulate a component's supported features, e.g.
type Cmp { lines.Component } func (c *Cmp) OnInit(_ *lines.Env) { c.FF.Set(lines.LinesFocusable) }
adds the feature "selectable lines" to a component. I.e. if the component has the focus up/down keys highlight selectable lines of the component while an enter-key-press reports an OnLineSelection of the currently highlighted line and an esc-key-press removes the line highlighting.
func (*Features) All ¶
func (ff *Features) All() FeatureMask
All returns all features for which currently key, rune or button bindings are registered. (note Features.Has is faster to determine if a particular feature is set.)
func (*Features) ButtonsOf ¶
func (ff *Features) ButtonsOf(f FeatureMask) FeatureButtons
ButtonsOf returns the buttons with their modifiers bound to given feature for associated component.
func (*Features) Delete ¶
func (ff *Features) Delete(f FeatureMask)
Delete removes all runes, key or button bindings of given feature(s) except for Quitable. The two default Quitable bindings ctrl-c and ctrl-d remain. NOTE use a *Kiosk constructor like TermKiosk for a Lines-instance to avoid having Quitable set by default.
func (*Features) Has ¶
func (ff *Features) Has(f FeatureMask) bool
Has returns true if receiving component features have key, rune or button bindings for given feature(s).
func (*Features) KeysOf ¶
func (ff *Features) KeysOf(f FeatureMask) FeatureKeys
KeysOf returns the keys with their modifiers bound to given feature of associated component.
func (*Features) OfButton ¶
func (ff *Features) OfButton( bb ButtonMask, mm ModifierMask, ) FeatureMask
OfButton returns the feature bound to given buttons b with given modifiers mm.
func (*Features) OfKey ¶
func (ff *Features) OfKey(k Key, mm ModifierMask) FeatureMask
OfKey returns the feature bound to given key k with given modifiers mm.
func (*Features) OfRune ¶
func (ff *Features) OfRune(r rune, mm ModifierMask) FeatureMask
OfRune returns the feature bound to given rune r with given modifiers mm.
func (*Features) RunesOf ¶
func (ff *Features) RunesOf(f FeatureMask) FeatureRunes
RunesOf returns the runes bound to given feature for associated component.
func (*Features) Set ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (ff *Features) Set(f FeatureMask)
Set adds the default key, rune and button bindings of given feature(s) for associated component.
func (*Features) SetButtonsOf ¶
func (ff *Features) SetButtonsOf(f FeatureMask, bb ...FeatureButton)
SetButtonsOf deletes all set buttons for given feature and binds given buttons to it instead. Set*Of may be used instead of Set to bind features initially to other Runes/Keys/Buttons than default. The call is ignored if given feature is not a power of two i.e. a single feature. Providing no button simply removes all button-bindings for given feature.
func (*Features) SetKeysOf ¶
func (ff *Features) SetKeysOf(f FeatureMask, kk ...FeatureKey)
SetKeysOf deletes all set keys for given feature and binds given keys to it instead. Set*Of may be used instead of Set to bind features initially to other Runes/Keys/Buttons than default. The call is ignored if given feature is not a power of two i.e. a single feature. Providing no keys simply removes all key-bindings for given feature.
func (*Features) SetRunesOf ¶
func (ff *Features) SetRunesOf(f FeatureMask, rr ...FeatureRune)
SetRunesOf deletes all set runes for given feature and binds given runes to it instead. Set*Of may be used instead of Set to bind features initially to other Runes/Keys/Buttons than default. The call is ignored if given feature is not a power of two i.e. a single feature. Providing no runes simply removes all runes-bindings for given feature.
type Fixture ¶
type Fixture struct { // Lines instance created by the fixture constructor reporting // events to Componenter of the layout. Lines *Lines Scroll Scroll // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Fixture augments the Lines instance created by a *Fixture constructor like TermFixture with useful features for testing like emulating user input or getting the current screen content.
Note The Lines.WaitForQuit method provided by a Fixture instance is non-blocking.
It is guaranteed that all methods of an Fixture's Lines-instances which trigger an event do not return before the event and all subsequently triggered events are processed and any writes to environments are printed to the screen.
func TermFixture ¶
TermFixture returns a Fixture instance with a slightly differently behaving Lines instance which has given component c as root and features useful for testing. Potentially occurring errors during the usage of a Fixture fatales given testing instance t.
The here created Lines instance has a non-blocking Lines.WaitForQuit method and all its methods triggering events are guaranteed to return after the event and subsequently triggered events have been processed and the (simulation) screen is synchronized. Or an event triggering method fatales t if given duration timeout has passed before all events have been processed.
Testing provides methods for firing user input events like Fixture.FireRune and retrieving the content of the screen and its stylings. Also user input emulating events do not return before they were processed along with subsequently triggered events and all prints to the screen have been synchronized within timeout.
func (*Fixture) CellsOf ¶
func (fx *Fixture) CellsOf(c Componenter) api.CellsScreen
CellsOf provides a lines of cells representation of given component's printable screen-portion, i.e. without margins and clippings. A CellsScreen provides next to a string representation also style information for each screen coordinate. The returned CellsScreen is nil if given componenter is not part of the layout or off-screen. Note call CellsArea(c.Dim().Screen()) to get the screen area of a component including margins.
func (*Fixture) FireClick ¶
FireClick posts a first (left) button click at given coordinates and returns after this event has been processed. Are given coordinates outside the printable screen area the call is ignored.
func (*Fixture) FireComponentClick ¶
func (fx *Fixture) FireComponentClick(c Componenter, x, y int) *Fixture
FireComponentClick posts an first (left) button click on given relative coordinate in the printable area of given componenter. Note if x or y are outside the printable area of c or c is not part of the layout no click will be fired.
func (*Fixture) FireComponentContext ¶
func (fx *Fixture) FireComponentContext( c Componenter, x, y int, ) *Fixture
FireComponentContext posts an second (right) button click on given relative coordinate in to printable area of given componenter c. Note if x or y are outside the printable area of c or c is not part of the layout no click will be fired.
func (*Fixture) FireContext ¶
FireContext posts a secondary (right) button click at given coordinates and returns after this event has been processed. Are given coordinates outside the screen area the call is ignored.
func (*Fixture) FireDragNDrop ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (fx *Fixture) FireDragNDrop( x, y int, b ButtonMask, mm ModifierMask, xy, ) *Fixture
func (*Fixture) FireKey ¶
func (fx *Fixture) FireKey(k api.Key, m ...ModifierMask) *Fixture
FireKey posts given special-key event and returns after this event has been processed.
func (*Fixture) FireKeys ¶ added in v0.9.1
FireKeys for given keys k_0,...,k_n in given fixture fx is a shortcut for
fx.FireKey(k_0, line.ZeroModifier) // ... fx.FireKey(k_n, line.ZeroModifier)
func (*Fixture) FireMouse ¶
func (fx *Fixture) FireMouse( x, y int, bm api.ButtonMask, mm api.ModifierMask, ) *Fixture
FireMouse posts a mouse event with provided arguments and returns after this event has been processed. Are given coordinates outside the printable screen area the call is ignored.
func (*Fixture) FireMove ¶ added in v0.9.0
FireMove posts a mouse move to given coordinates; an other two given ints will be reported as the origin of the mouse move. Are any given coordinates outside the screen area the call is ignored.
func (*Fixture) FireResize ¶
FireResize posts a resize event and returns after this event has been processed. NOTE this event as such is not reported but it triggers OnInit and OnLayout events of components which are not initialized or whose layout dimensions have changed.
func (*Fixture) FireRune ¶
func (fx *Fixture) FireRune(r rune, m ...ModifierMask) *Fixture
FireRune posts given run-key-press event and returns after this event has been processed.
func (*Fixture) Root ¶
func (fx *Fixture) Root() Componenter
Root returns the initially to the fixture constructor given component. It fatales the test if root is nil.
func (*Fixture) ScreenOf ¶
func (fx *Fixture) ScreenOf(c Componenter) api.StringScreen
ScreenOf provides a string representation of given component's screen-area, i.e. without margins and without clippings. The returned StringScreen is nil if given componenter is not part of the layout or off-screen. Note call ScreenArea(c.Dim().Rect()) to get the ScreenArea of a component including layout margins.
type FocusLooser ¶
type FocusLooser interface { // OnFocusLost is called back if an implementing component looses // the focus. OnFocusLost(*Env) }
FocusLooser is implemented by components which want to be informed when they loose the focus. Note if a component c looses the focus to a component c' then all parents of c which are no parents of c' get also OnFocusLost reported, e.g.
+-App-----------------------------------------+ | +-chainer---------------------------------+ | | | +-cmp1---------+ +-stacker------------+ | | | | | | | +-cmp2-----------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | | +--------------+ +--------------------+ | | | +-----------------------------------------+ | +---------------------------------------------+
if cmp2 looses the focus to cmp1 then cmp2 and stacker get OnFocusLost reported (if implemented) while chainer and App which are parents of cmp1 and cmp2 don't.
type FocusableLiner ¶
type FocusableLiner interface { ScrollableLiner // IsFocusable returns true iff the line with given index idx is // focusable. IsFocusable(idx int) bool }
FocusableLiner implementations are ScrollableLiner implementations triggering the lines-focusable feature of associated component, i.e. a content source with a focusable liner makes its associated component automatically lines-focusable.
type Focuser ¶
type Focuser interface { // OnFocus is called back if an implementing component receives the // focus. OnFocus(*Env) }
Focuser is implemented by components which want to be notified when they gain the focus. Note if a component c has the focus and a component c' gets the focus then also all components which are parents of c' and are no parents of c get the focus, e.g.
+-App-----------------------------------------+ | +-chainer---------------------------------+ | | | +-cmp1---------+ +-stacker------------+ | | | | | | | +-cmp2-----------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | | +--------------+ +--------------------+ | | | +-----------------------------------------+ | +---------------------------------------------+
if cmp1 has the focus and cmp2 gets the focus then stacker and cmp2 get OnFocus reported (if implemented) while chainer and App which are parents of cmp1 and cmp2 don't.
type GapWriter ¶ added in v0.9.1
type GapWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GapWriter lets a client print to a specific gap. A gap writer is obtained from a component c's gaps API, see Component.Gaps:
gw := c.Gaps(1).Top.FG(lines.LightGray).BG(lines.DarkGray) fmt.Fprint(gw, "second gap-line of the top gap")
func (*GapWriter) AA ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (g *GapWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *GapWriter
AA stets given style attributes aa for selected gap's next write at selected level.
func (*GapWriter) At ¶ added in v0.9.1
At sets the column index idx for the next write of return gap-at-writer.
func (*GapWriter) BG ¶ added in v0.9.1
BG stets given color c as background color for selected gap's next write at selected level.
func (*GapWriter) FG ¶ added in v0.9.1
FG stets given color c as foreground color for selected gap's next write at selected level.
type GapsWriter ¶
type GapsWriter struct { // Top writes to the top gap, i.e. first line of a component's // screen area (plus provided level). Top *GapWriter // Bottom writes to the bottom gap, i.e. last line of a component's // screen area (minus provided level). Bottom *GapWriter // Left writes to the left gap, i.e. first column of a component's // screen area (plus provided level). Left *GapWriter // Right writes to the right gap, i.e. last column of a component's // screen area (minus provided level). Right *GapWriter // Horizontal writes to bottom and top gap. Horizontal *GapWriter // Vertical writes to left and right gap. Vertical *GapWriter // TopLeft writes to the top left corner at selected level. TopLeft *cornerWriter // TopRight writes to the top right corner at selected level. TopRight *cornerWriter // BottomRight writes to the bottom right corner at selected level. BottomRight *cornerWriter // BottomLeft writes to the bottom left corner at selected level. BottomLeft *cornerWriter // Corners writes to all corners at selected level. Corners *cornerWriter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GapsWriter allows to get more specific gap writer to create gaps between contents of different components. Use Component.Gaps method of a component c to obtain a gaps writer for c.
func (*GapsWriter) AA ¶
func (ggw *GapsWriter) AA(aa StyleAttributeMask) *GapsWriter
AA stets given style attributes aa for selected gap-level.
func (*GapsWriter) BG ¶
func (ggw *GapsWriter) BG(c Color) *GapsWriter
BG sets given color c as background color for selected gap-level.
func (*GapsWriter) FG ¶
func (ggw *GapsWriter) FG(c Color) *GapsWriter
FG sets given color c as foreground color for selected gap-level.
func (*GapsWriter) Filling ¶
func (ggw *GapsWriter) Filling() *allGapsFiller
Filling returns a filling writer filling all gaps of selected level with what's printed to it. Note lines.Print is needed to print to a filling writer.
func (*GapsWriter) Sty ¶
func (ggw *GapsWriter) Sty(s Style) *GapsWriter
Sty stets given style s as style for selected gap-level, i.e. sets style attributes and colors.
type Globals ¶ added in v0.10.0
type Globals struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Globals represents setup/behavior for a component's lines.
func (*Globals) AA ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (gg *Globals) AA(st StyleType) StyleAttributeMask
AA returns the style attributes mask of given style type st in given globals gg. If no style for st is found the default style's attributes are returned.
func (*Globals) BG ¶ added in v0.10.0
BG returns the background color of given style type st in given globals gg. If no style for st is found the default style's background color is returned.
func (*Globals) FG ¶ added in v0.10.0
FG returns the foreground color of given style type st in given globals gg. If no style for st is found the default style's foreground color is returned.
func (*Globals) ScrollBarDef ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (gg *Globals) ScrollBarDef() ScrollBarDef
ScrollBarDef returns the default definition for a component's scroll bar.
func (*Globals) SetAA ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (gg *Globals) SetAA(st StyleType, aa StyleAttributeMask) *Globals
SetAA sets in given globals gg for given style type st given style attributes aa.
func (*Globals) SetBG ¶ added in v0.10.0
SetBG sets in given globals gg for given style type st given color c as background color.
func (*Globals) SetFG ¶ added in v0.10.0
SetFG sets in given globals gg for given style type st given color c as foreground color.
func (*Globals) SetHighlighter ¶ added in v0.10.0
SetHighlighter sets the function which is used to highlight a focused line. It does so either globally with propagation or component local. In the later case further global Highlighter updates are ignored by that component.
func (*Globals) SetScrollBarDef ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (gg *Globals) SetScrollBarDef(sbd ScrollBarDef) *Globals
SetScrollBarDef sets the scrollbar definition either globally with propagation or component local. In the later case future global scrollbar definition updates are ignored by that component.
func (*Globals) SetStyle ¶ added in v0.10.0
SetStyle sets in given globals gg for given style type st given style sty.
func (*Globals) SetTabWidth ¶ added in v0.10.0
SetTabWidth sets given width w as tab-width globally with propagation or component local. In the later case future global tab-width updates are ignored by that component. SetTabWidth is an no-op if w not positive.
func (*Globals) SetUpdateListener ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (gg *Globals) SetUpdateListener( l func(globalsUpdates, StyleType, globalStyleUpdates), ) *Globals
SetUpdateListener stores given function which is called in case a globals property is updated informing about what was updated.
type Highlighter ¶ added in v0.10.0
type Highlighter interface { // Highlight implementation of a *Liner is set a Highlighter in the // globals of the component whose source has this liner. Highlight(Style) Style }
Highlighter provides a highlighter which may be set to a components globals.
type Initer ¶
type Initer interface { // OnInit is executed before a component's layout is calculated the // first time. Main use case of this event is to create nested // components and print initial content to a component. NOTE if // several instances of a component type which implements OnInit are // added then OnInit is reported to each of this components. // // If specific dimensions should be set before the first layout // Env.ScreenSize provides the screen size to help with that. If // these dimensions depend on subsequently created components // OnAfterInit is probably the right event. If the calculated // layout should be adapted OnLayout may be the better event to do // so because it is called after the layout manager did its work. OnInit(*Env) }
Initer is implemented by components which want to be notified for initialization purposes before the first layout and before user input events are processed. Note implement AfterIniter to be notified after all components were initialized; implement Layouter to be notified after each layout calculation of a component.
type Key ¶
A Key is the pressed key of a key event.
const ( NUL Key = api.NUL SOH Key = api.SOH STX Key = api.STX ETX Key = api.ETX EOT Key = api.EOT ENQ Key = api.ENQ ACK Key = api.ACK BEL Key = api.BEL BS Key = api.BS TAB Key = api.TAB LF Key = api.LF VT Key = api.VT FF Key = api.FF CR Key = api.CR SO Key = api.SO SI Key = api.SI DLE Key = api.DLE DC1 Key = api.DC1 DC2 Key = api.DC2 DC3 Key = api.DC3 DC4 Key = api.DC4 NAK Key = api.NAK SYN Key = api.SYN ETB Key = api.ETB CAN Key = api.CAN EM Key = api.EM SUB Key = api.SUB ESC Key = api.ESC FS Key = api.FS GS Key = api.GS RS Key = api.RS US Key = api.US DEL Key = api.DEL Up Key = api.Up Down Key = api.Down Right Key = api.Right Left Key = api.Left UpLeft Key = api.UpLeft UpRight Key = api.UpRight DownLeft Key = api.DownLeft DownRight Key = api.DownRight Center Key = api.Center PgUp Key = api.PgUp PgDn Key = api.PgDn Home Key = api.Home End Key = api.End Insert Key = api.Insert Delete Key = api.Delete Help Key = api.Help Exit Key = api.Exit Clear Key = api.Clear Cancel Key = api.Cancel PrintScr Key = api.Print Pause Key = api.Pause Backtab Key = api.Backtab F1 Key = api.F1 F2 Key = api.F2 F3 Key = api.F3 F4 Key = api.F4 F5 Key = api.F5 F6 Key = api.F6 F7 Key = api.F7 F8 Key = api.F8 F9 Key = api.F9 F10 Key = api.F10 F11 Key = api.F11 F12 Key = api.F12 F13 Key = api.F13 F14 Key = api.F14 F15 Key = api.F15 F16 Key = api.F16 F17 Key = api.F17 F18 Key = api.F18 F19 Key = api.F19 F20 Key = api.F20 F21 Key = api.F21 F22 Key = api.F22 F23 Key = api.F23 F24 Key = api.F24 F25 Key = api.F25 F26 Key = api.F26 F27 Key = api.F27 F28 Key = api.F28 F29 Key = api.F29 F30 Key = api.F30 F31 Key = api.F31 F32 Key = api.F32 F33 Key = api.F33 F34 Key = api.F34 F35 Key = api.F35 F36 Key = api.F36 F37 Key = api.F37 F38 Key = api.F38 F39 Key = api.F39 F40 Key = api.F40 F41 Key = api.F41 F42 Key = api.F42 F43 Key = api.F43 F44 Key = api.F44 F45 Key = api.F45 F46 Key = api.F46 F47 Key = api.F47 F48 Key = api.F48 F49 Key = api.F49 F50 Key = api.F50 F51 Key = api.F51 F52 Key = api.F52 F53 Key = api.F53 F54 Key = api.F54 F55 Key = api.F55 F56 Key = api.F56 F57 Key = api.F57 F58 Key = api.F58 F59 Key = api.F59 F60 Key = api.F60 F61 Key = api.F61 F62 Key = api.F62 F63 Key = api.F63 F64 Key = api.F64 CtrlSpace Key = api.CtrlSpace CtrlA Key = api.CtrlA CtrlB Key = api.CtrlB CtrlC Key = api.CtrlC CtrlD Key = api.CtrlD CtrlE Key = api.CtrlE CtrlF Key = api.CtrlF CtrlG Key = api.CtrlG CtrlH Key = api.CtrlH CtrlI Key = api.CtrlI CtrlJ Key = api.CtrlJ CtrlK Key = api.CtrlK CtrlL Key = api.CtrlL CtrlM Key = api.CtrlM CtrlN Key = api.CtrlN CtrlO Key = api.CtrlO CtrlP Key = api.CtrlP CtrlQ Key = api.CtrlQ CtrlR Key = api.CtrlR CtrlS Key = api.CtrlS CtrlT Key = api.CtrlT CtrlU Key = api.CtrlU CtrlV Key = api.CtrlV CtrlW Key = api.CtrlW CtrlX Key = api.CtrlX CtrlY Key = api.CtrlY CtrlZ Key = api.CtrlZ CtrlLeftSq Key = api.CtrlLeftSq CtrlBackslash Key = api.CtrlBackslash CtrlRightSq Key = api.CtrlRightSq CtrlCarat Key = api.CtrlCarat CtrlUnderscore Key = api.CtrlUnderscore Enter Key = api.Enter Tab Key = api.Tab Backspace Key = api.Backspace Esc Key = api.Esc )
type KeyEventer ¶
type KeyEventer = api.KeyEventer
A KeyEventer is implemented by a reported key-event. Key events may be received from a Componenter by implementing the Keyer interface. KeyEventer.Source() provides the backend event triggering the key event.
type Keyer ¶
type Keyer interface { // OnKey is provided with every key-press and reported modifiers which // were pressed at the same time. OnKey(*Env, Key, ModifierMask) }
Keyer is implemented by components who want to take over the user's key-input if they are focused. Note a Component's Register property allows to register handler for specific keys (see Listeners.Key).
type LayerPos ¶ added in v0.9.0
LayerPos lets a user define the dimensions and alignment of an overlaying component.
type Layouter ¶
type Layouter interface { // OnLayout is called after the layout manager has changed the // screen area of a component. OnLayout(*Env) (reflow bool) }
Layouter is implemented by components which want to be notified if their layout has changed.
type Line ¶
type Line struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A Line structure stores a Line's flags, its content, style-information and line filler and provides methods to modify its flags and styles. A Component's Line instance is obtained through its LL property (see ComponentLines.By).
func (*Line) AddStyleRange ¶
AddStyleRange adds given style ranges sr and rr to given line l's style ranges iff they don't overlap with already existing style ranges.
func (*Line) IsFlagged ¶
IsFlagged returns true if given line l has given flags ff set; false otherwise.
type LineFlags ¶
type LineFlags uint64
LineFlags control the behavior and layout of a displayed line.
const ( // NotFocusable flagged line can not be focused NotFocusable LineFlags // Highlighted flagged line has additive the global highlight style applied Highlighted // TrimmedHighlighted flagged line has additive the global highlight // style applied except on leading and trailing spaces. TrimmedHighlighted // ZeroLineFlag is the LineFlags zero type ZeroLineFlag LineFlags = 0 )
type LineFocus ¶
type LineFocus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A LineFocus instance is associated with each initialized Component through its LL property (see ComponentLines) and provides the api for focusing component lines.
func (*LineFocus) AtCoordinate ¶ added in v0.10.0
AtCoordinate tries to focus the screen line with given coordinate y.
func (*LineFocus) Content ¶ added in v0.10.0
Content returns the component's content line index in which the currently focused content is stored or -1 if no line is focused. (Note this line may not be on the screen if there is no component source and there are more content-lines than screen lines then the first line could be focused and the user scrolls down i.e. the currently focused line is not on the screen anymore)
func (*LineFocus) Current ¶
Current returns the index associated with the currently focused content from either associated component's content or the content from its content source liner.
func (*LineFocus) Eol ¶ added in v0.9.1
Eol returns true iff the cursor is at the most right position of the current line's content.
func (*LineFocus) EolAfterLastRune ¶ added in v0.9.1
EolAfterLastRune enables the cursor to go one rune over the last content rune of a line.
func (*LineFocus) EolAtLastRune ¶ added in v0.9.1
EolAtLastRune restricts a line's most right cursor position to the lines last content rune.
func (*LineFocus) FirstCell ¶ added in v0.9.1
FirstCell moves the cursor of the currently focused component line to its first screen column and its content to the right that the first content rune is in the first column.
func (*LineFocus) LastCell ¶ added in v0.9.1
LastCell moves the cursor of currently focused component line to the right most non empty screen column and moves the content so far to the left in case of an overflowing line that the last content rune is in the component's last screen column. Last cell returns the currently focused line, the currently focused cell and if the cursor was moved.
func (*LineFocus) Line ¶ added in v0.10.0
Line returns the component's content Line holding the content associated with the currently focused Line which may be from the component's content line or from a content source's Liner-content.
func (*LineFocus) Next ¶
Next focuses the next focusable line at the currently focused line's cursor position if possible and returns its index as well as the cell index which defaults to -1 if CellsFocusable feature is not set. If highlighted is true the highlight of the current line is removed while the next is highlighted.
func (*LineFocus) NextCell ¶ added in v0.9.1
NextCell moves the cursor to the next cell in the currently focused line and returns the later's screen line index with the cell index of the cursor position and a boolean value indicating if the cursor was moved.
func (*LineFocus) Previous ¶
Previous focuses the first focusable line previous to LineFocus.Current and returns its index along with the cursor position which defaults to -1 for an unset cursor. If highlighted is true the highlight of the current line is removed while the previous line is highlighted.
func (*LineFocus) PreviousCell ¶ added in v0.9.1
PreviousCell moves a components cursor to the previous cell in the currently focused line if possible and returns the screen line index, cell index and a boolean indicating if the cursor was moved. Last cell returns the currently focused line, the currently focused cell and if the cursor was moved.
type LineFocusLooser ¶ added in v0.9.1
type LineFocusLooser interface { // OnLineFocusLost is called by Lines if the line with given content // line index cIdx and given screen line index sIdx of implementing // component lost the focus. Note "on line focus lost" is reported // after the focus change has happened, i.e. given screen line sIdx // not necessary displays the content line cIdx. "on line focus // lost" is reported before "on line focus" is report (if it is // reported). OnLineFocusLost(_ *Env, cIdx, sIdx int) }
LineFocusLooser is implemented by a component who wants to be informed when a focused line looses its focus.
type LineFocuser ¶
type LineFocuser interface { // OnLineFocus is called by Lines if the line with given content // line index cIdx and given screen line index sIdx receives the // focus. Note is a component is associated with a source or there // are more content lines than fitting on the screen cLine and sLine // may differ. OnLineFocus(_ *Env, cIdx, sIdx int) }
LineFocuser is implemented by a component who wants to be informed when one of its lines receives the focus.
type LineOverflower ¶ added in v0.9.1
type LineOverflower interface { // LineOverflows is called by Lines if a components line receives // the focus whose content overflows to the left or to the right or // at both sides. OnLineOverflowing(_ *Env, left, right bool) }
LineOverflower implementations are called back when a line receives the focus whose content either overflows to the left or to the right or at both sides.
type LineSelecter ¶
type LineSelecter interface { // OnLineSelection is called by Lines if the focused line having // index i of implementing component was selected. OnLineSelection(_ *Env, cIdx, sIdx int) }
LineSelecter is implemented by a component who wants to be informed when its focused line was selected.
type Liner ¶
type Liner interface { // Print prints the line with given index idx to given line writer w // and returns true if there are lines with a greater index than // idx. Print(idx int, w *EnvLineWriter) bool }
A Liner implementations is a different way to provide a component's content in case many lines should be associated with a component. This approach allows a component to control its features like scrolling and line focusing without bothering the client while only the number of screen lines of lines is stored in the component.
type Lines ¶
type Lines struct { // Quitting provides an instance to control key/rune-bindings for // terminating the event-loop and unblocking [Lines.WaitForQuit]. // Note if Quitting is set the keys CtrlC/CtrlD always quit. Quitting *quitting // Globals are properties whose changing is propagated to all its // clones in components who update iff the updated property is still // in sync with the origin. Globals *Globals // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Lines listens to a backend implementation's reporting of events and controls the event reporting to client components (see Component) and their layout accordingly. Use one of the constructors Term, TermKiosk or TermFixture to obtain a Lines-instance.
func Term ¶
func Term(cmp Componenter) *Lines
Term returns a Lines l instance with a terminal backend displaying and reporting events to given component cmp and its nested components. By default 'q', ctrl-c and ctrl-d terminate the event-loop and unblock l.WaitForQuit(). The binding to 'q' may be removed. The bindings to ctrl-c and ctrl-d may not be removed. Use the TermKiosk constructor for an setup without any quit bindings. Term panics if the terminal screen can't be obtained. NOTE to create a Componenter-instance define a type which embeds the Component type:
type myComponent struct { lines.Component } lines.Term(&myComponent{}).WaitForQuit()
Leverage Lines.OnQuit registration if you want to be informed about the quit event which is triggered by user-input that is associated with the quitable feature or by calling Lines.Quit. After your application is initialized you typically will want to wait while processing user input until the quit event occurs using Lines.WaitForQuit.
func TermKiosk ¶
func TermKiosk(cmp Componenter) *Lines
TermKiosk returns a Lines instance like Term but without registered Quitable feature, i.e. the application can't be quit by the user by default.
func (*Lines) CursorComponent ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (ll *Lines) CursorComponent() Componenter
CursorComponent returns the component where currently the cursor is set or nil if the cursor is not set.
func (*Lines) CursorPosition ¶ added in v0.9.1
CursorPosition returns given lines ll instance's cursor screen position (x,y) and true in case the cursor is set; otherwise -1, -1 and false is returned.
func (*Lines) Focus ¶
func (ll *Lines) Focus(cmp Componenter) error
MoveFocus posts a new MoveFocus event into the event loop which once it is polled calls the currently focused component's OnFocusLost implementation while given component's OnFocus implementation is executed. Finally the focus is set to given component. MoveFocus fails if the event-loop is full returned error will wrap tcell's *PostEvent* error. MoveFocus is an no-op if Componenter is nil, is not part of the layout, is off-screen or is already focused.
func (*Lines) OnQuit ¶
OnQuit registers given function to be called on quitting event-polling and -reporting.
func (*Lines) Quit ¶
func (ll *Lines) Quit()
Quit posts a quit event which consequently closes given Lines instance's backend and unblocks WaitForQuit.
func (*Lines) RemoveCursor ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (ll *Lines) RemoveCursor()
RemoveCursor removes the cursor from the screen.
func (*Lines) Root ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (ll *Lines) Root() Componenter
func (*Lines) SetCursor ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (ll *Lines) SetCursor(x, y int, cs ...CursorStyle)
SetCursor sets the cursor to given coordinates (x,y) on the screen having optionally given cursor style cs[0]. The call is ignored respectively a currently set cursor is removed iff x and y are outside the screen area or if they are inside the screen area but cs[0] is the zero cursor style.
func (*Lines) SetRoot ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (ll *Lines) SetRoot(c Componenter) error
SetRoot replaces currently used root component by given component.
func (*Lines) Update ¶
func (ll *Lines) Update( cmp Componenter, data interface{}, l Listener, ) error
Update posts an update event into the event queue which is reported either to given listener if not nil or to given componenter if given listener is nil. Given data will be provided by the reported Update event. Update is a no-op if componenter and listener are nil.
Note if Update is used in a test to retrieve component properties which may be only retrieved in a listener callback then you can not cancel the test-run inside the listener. "FatalNow" and friends must be only called in the go-routine of the test but the Update-listener callback during testing is done from the go-routine which is running the event-loop and which is different from the go-routine running the test.
func (*Lines) WaitForQuit ¶
func (ll *Lines) WaitForQuit()
WaitForQuit blocks until given Lines-instance is quit. (Except a Lines instance provided by a Fixture in which case WaitForQuit is not blocking.)
type Listener ¶
type Listener func(*Env)
A Listener is the most common type of event listener: a callback provided with an environment.
type Listeners ¶
type Listeners struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Listeners provide the API to register key and rune event listeners for a component. Use a Component's Register property to obtain its Listeners instance. Listeners methods will panic if they are not used within an event listener callback.
func (*Listeners) Key ¶
func (ll *Listeners) Key(k Key, m ModifierMask, l Listener)
Key adds to given listeners ll a new listener l which is notified on a key event with given key k and modifiers m. Is l nil the key binding is removed. An already registered listener for k and m is overwritten.
func (*Listeners) Rune ¶
func (ll *Listeners) Rune(r rune, m ModifierMask, l Listener)
Rune adds to given listeners ll a new listener l which is notified on a rune event with given rune r and modifiers m. Is l nil the key binding is removed. An already registered listener for k and m is overwritten.
type Modaler ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Modaler interface { // OnOutOfBoundClick gets mouse clicks reported whose position is // outside of a modal focused layer. Provided environment e may be // used to retrieve the mouse event e.Evt.(MouseEventer). If // OnOutOfBoundClick returns true the default reporting of the mouse // event is executed; otherwise it is not. The former typically may // happen if an outside click removes the modal layer. OnOutOfBoundClick(e *Env) (continueReporting bool) }
Modaler must be implemented by a layer-component which wants to be dealt with by the user before the user does anything else. A layer component is a component provided to Component.Layered. The "last" modal layer gets the focus and stays focused until the layer is removed. Mouse clicks at a position outside a modal layer are reported to OnOutsideMouse.
type ModifierMask ¶
type ModifierMask = api.ModifierMask
A ModifierMask are the pressed modifier keys of a key, rune or mouse event. Note that the shift modifier of a capital rune event is not reported.
const ( Shift ModifierMask = api.Shift Ctrl ModifierMask = api.Ctrl Alt ModifierMask = api.Alt Meta ModifierMask = api.Meta ZeroModifier ModifierMask = api.ZeroModifier )
type MouseClick ¶ added in v0.9.0
type MouseClick = api.MouseClick
MouseClick is an MouseEventer implementation reporting the aggregation of mouse events as a mouse click of arbitrary button. Implementing the Clicker interface one gets clicks of the primary button reported. Implementing the Contexter interface one gets clicks of the secondary button reported.
type MouseEventer ¶
type MouseEventer = api.MouseEventer
A MouseEventer is implemented by a reported mouse event. Mouse events may be received from a component by implementing the Mouser interface. MouseEventer.Source() provides the backend event triggering the mouse event.
type Mouser ¶
type Mouser interface { // OnMouse implementation of a component c gets any mouse event // reported. x and y provide the click coordinates translated into // the "screen area" (c.Dim().Screen()) of c. Mouse events bubble; use // e.StopBubbling() to suppress further bubbling. Note // e.Evt.(MouseEventer).Mod() provides also the modifiers information and // e.Evt.Source() provides the event object reported by the backend. OnMouse(e *Env, _ ButtonMask, x, y int) }
Mouser is implemented by components who want to be informed about all mouse event in their "screen area". Note no implicit focusing happens no matter what the event.
type Mover ¶ added in v0.9.0
type Mover interface { // OnMove implementation of a component c gets mouse movements // reported whereas provided coordinates x and y of the movement are // translated into the "screen area" of c. OnMove(e *Env, x, y int) }
Mover is implemented by components which want to be informed about a mouse movement events in(to) their printable area.
type OutOfBoundMover ¶ added in v0.9.0
type OutOfBoundMover interface { // OnOutOfBoundMove implementation of a modal layer gets mouse // movement reported happening outside layed out boundaries. // Returned bool value indicates if the mouse movement should be // continued to be reported normally or not. OnOutOfBoundMove(*Env) bool }
OutOfBoundMover is implemented by a modal layers which want to be informed about mouse movement outside their layed out boundaries.
type Range ¶
type Range [2]int
Range is a two component array of which the first component represents the (inclusive) start of a range while the seconde is the (exclusive) end of the range. Range is typically used to define style ranges for rune-sequences in a Line (see Line.AddStyleRange).
type RuneEventer ¶
type RuneEventer = api.RuneEventer
A RuneEventer is implemented by a reported rune-event. Rune events may be received from a Componenter by implementing the Runer interface. RuneEventer.Source() provides the backend event triggering the rune event.
type Runer ¶
type Runer interface { // OnRune is provided with every rune-input. OnRune(*Env, rune, ModifierMask) }
Runer is implemented by components who want to take over the user's rune-input if they are focused.
type SR ¶
SR represents a ranged style which is used internally to style a sequence of runes in a Component's Line or may be passed to Line.AddStyleRange calls.
func (*SR) IncrementStart ¶
func (sr *SR) IncrementStart()
Increment the start position of embedded range.
type Scroll ¶ added in v0.10.0
type Scroll struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Scroll) BarDef ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (s Scroll) BarDef(c Componenter) (sbd ScrollBarDef)
BarDef retrieves given Componenter c's scroll bar definition sparing fx.Lines.Update...
func (Scroll) ToBottom ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (s Scroll) ToBottom(c Componenter)
ToBottom scrolls given Componenter c to the bottom sparing fx.Lines.Update...
type ScrollBarDef ¶ added in v0.10.0
func DefaultScrollbarDef ¶ added in v0.10.0
func DefaultScrollbarDef() ScrollBarDef
type ScrollableLiner ¶
type ScrollableLiner interface { Liner // Len returns the total number of content lines a liner // implementation can provide to its associated component. Len() int }
ScrollableLiner implementations are Liner implementations triggering the scrolling feature of associated component, i.e. a content source with a scrollable liner makes its associated component automatically scrolling.
type Scroller ¶
type Scroller struct { Bar bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Scroller provides a component's scrolling API.
func (Scroller) BarContains ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (Scroller) BarPosition ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (Scroller) CoordinateToContentIndex ¶ added in v0.10.0
CoordinateToContentIndex maps a y screen-coordinate to its content index whereas this may be an associated component's content line index or the content index of associated component's source liner.
func (Scroller) Down ¶
func (s Scroller) Down()
Down scrolls one page down. Whereas "one page" is in case of a component height of 1 is one line. For a height h with 1 < h < 20 "one page" is h - 1. For h >= 20 "one page" is h - h/10.
func (Scroller) IsAtBottom ¶
IsAtBottom is true if a component's printable area contains the component's last line.
func (Scroller) IsAtTop ¶
IsAtTop returns true if the first screen line is the first component line.
func (Scroller) ToBottom ¶
func (s Scroller) ToBottom()
ToBottom scrolls to the index that the last screen line displays the last component line.
type Stacker ¶
type Stacker interface { // ForStacked calls back for each component of this Stacker // respectively until the callback asks to stop. ForStacked(func(Componenter) (stop bool)) }
Stacker is implemented by components which want to provide nested components which are vertically stacked in the layout.
type Stacking ¶
type Stacking struct{ CC []Componenter }
Stacking embedded in a component makes the component implement the Stacker interface. Typically the Componenter slice is filled in a component's Initer-listener:
type stackedCmp struct { lines.Component } type myCmp struct{ lines.Component lines.Stacking } func (c *myCmp) OnInit(_ *lines.Env) { for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { c.CC = append(c.CC, &stackedCmp{}) } }
func (Stacking) ForStacked ¶
func (s Stacking) ForStacked(cb func(Componenter) (stop bool))
ForStacked calls back for each component of this Stacker respectively until the callback asks to stop.
type StringScreen ¶
type StringScreen = api.StringScreen
StringScreen is the string representation of the screen lines at a particular point in time of Fixture's Lines instance. E.g. see Fixture.ScreenOf or Fixture.Screen. NOTE use StringScreen's Trimmed-method to minimize the reported screen area.
type Style ¶
Style represents what a print to the screen should look like. A new Style instance has fore- and background color set to black. Use its With* methods to create a style with desired properties:
myStyle := (lines.Style{}).WithFG(lines.White)
type StyleAttributeMask ¶
type StyleAttributeMask = api.StyleAttributeMask
StyleAttributeMask defines the looks of a rune on the screen; e.g. bold, blinking, dimmed etc.
const ( Bold StyleAttributeMask = api.Bold Blink StyleAttributeMask = api.Blink Reverse StyleAttributeMask = api.Reverse Underline StyleAttributeMask = api.Underline Dim StyleAttributeMask = api.Dim Italic StyleAttributeMask = api.Italic StrikeThrough StyleAttributeMask = api.StrikeThrough Invalid StyleAttributeMask = api.Invalid ZeroStyle StyleAttributeMask = api.ZeroStyle )
type StyleType ¶
type StyleType uint
StyleType constants identify a style for a certain function, e.g. default fore- and background color and style attributes of a component, or fore-/background color and style attributes for a component's highlighted line.
type UpdateEvent ¶
type UpdateEvent struct { // Data provided to an update event listener Data interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateEvent is created by an Lines.Update call. Its Data field provides the data which was passed to that Update call. To get notified of an update event a component must implement Updater:
func (c *myCmp) OnUpdate(e *lines.Env) { d := e.Evt.(*lines.UpdateEvent).Data }
Note was an explicit listener passed to Lines.Update the event is not reported to the component.
func (*UpdateEvent) Source ¶
func (u *UpdateEvent) Source() interface{}
func (*UpdateEvent) When ¶
func (u *UpdateEvent) When() time.Time
When of an update event is set to time.Now()
type Updater ¶
type Updater interface { // OnUpdate is reported for update requests without listener; // e.Evt.(*lines.UpdateEvent).Data provides the data optionally // provided to the update event registration. OnUpdate(e *Env, data interface{}) }
Updater is implemented by components which want to be informed about update events. NOTE an Update event reaches only an Updater interface implementation if the Lines.Update-call was NOT provided with an event listener.
Source Files
- cell_focus.go
- cmpfeatures.go
- cmplayer.go
- cmplines.go
- cmpsource.go
- cmpui.go
- colors.go
- component.go
- cursor.go
- doc.go
- editable.go
- env.go
- envwriter.go
- features.go
- fixture.go
- gap.go
- gapcorners.go
- gaps.go
- gapwriter.go
- globals.go
- keys.go
- line.go
- line_focus.go
- lines.go
- listeners.go
- mouse.go
- report.go
- report_feature.go
- report_kb.go
- report_mouse.go
- screen.go
- scrolling.go
- style.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package fx provides test fixtures for the cmp-packages.
Package fx provides test fixtures for the cmp-packages. |
Package colors provides helper functions for dealing with colors in context of lines.
Package colors provides helper functions for dealing with colors in context of lines. |
Package demo provides helper for the example packages in "examples".
Package demo provides helper for the example packages in "examples". |
Was a first stand alone hack for implementing linux console gpm mouse support.
Was a first stand alone hack for implementing linux console gpm mouse support. |
Package scrolling chains to components one of which gets its content from a source with a liner implementation while the other one's content is directly written to it.
Package scrolling chains to components one of which gets its content from a source with a liner implementation while the other one's content is directly written to it. |
Package lyt provides the means to layout components in a given area.
Package lyt provides the means to layout components in a given area. |