Kubernetes Cluster API Provider Virtink
Kubernetes-native declarative infrastructure for Virtink.
What is the Cluster API Provider Virtink
The Cluster API brings declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration and management. Cluster API Provider Virtink is a concrete implementation of Cluster API for Virtink.
The API itself is shared across multiple cloud providers allowing for true Virtink hybrid deployments of Kubernetes. It is built atop the lessons learned from previous cluster managers such as kops and kubicorn.
Launching a Kubernetes cluster on Virtink
Check out the getting started guide for launching a cluster on Virtink.
Note: For
versions prior to v1.2.1, you'll need to add this provider manually to theclusterctl
configuration file ($HOME/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml
), as shown below:
providers: - name: "virtink" url: "" type: "InfrastructureProvider"
An external Virtink cluster is recommended for infrastructure, further details can be found in the external cluster documentation. For an internal Virtink cluster, use clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure virtink --flavor internal capi-quickstart
to generate workload cluster configuration.
Environment Variables
Except for the common variables provided by Cluster API, you can further customize your workload cluster on Virtink with following environment variables:
Variable name | Note |
KUBERNETES_VERSION | Only support Kubernetes versions that corresponding rootfs image smartxworks/capch-rootfs-$KUBERNETES_VERSION exists |
VIRTINK_INFRA_CLUSTER_SECRET_NAME | The name of secret in the management cluster that contains the kubeconfig of the Virtink infrastructure cluster |
VIRTINK_INFRA_CLUSTER_SECRET_NAMESPACE | The namespace of secret in the management cluster that contains the kubeconfig of the Virtink infrastructure cluster |
VIRTINK_INFRA_CLUSTER_RESOURCES_NAMESPACE | The namespace of resources(such as VM, DataVolume) to be created in the infrastructural cluster, make sure it exists before create the workload cluster (default $NAMESPACE ) |
POD_NETWORK_CIDR | Range of IP addresses for the pod network (default ) |
SERVICE_CIDR | Range of IP address for service VIPs (default ) |
VIRTINK_CONTROL_PLANE_SERVICE_TYPE | The type of control plane service (default NodePort ) |
VIRTINK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_CPU_CORES | The CPU cores of each control plane machine (default 2 ) |
VIRTINK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_MEMORY_SIZE | The memory size of each control plane machine (default 4Gi ) |
VIRTINK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_KERNEL_IMAGE | The kernel image of control plane machine (default smartxworks/capch-kernel-5.15.12 ) |
VIRTINK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_ROOTFS_IMAGE | The rootfs image of control plane machine (default smartxworks/capch-rootfs-1.24.0 ) |
VIRTINK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_ROOTFS_SIZE | The rootfs size of each control plane machine (default 4Gi ) |
VIRTINK_WORKER_MACHINE_CPU_CORES | The CPU cores of each worker machine (default 2 ) |
VIRTINK_WORKER_MACHINE_MEMORY_SIZE | The memory size of each worker machine (default 4Gi ) |
VIRTINK_WORKER_MACHINE_KERNEL_IMAGE | The kernel image of worker machine (default smartxworks/capch-kernel-5.15.12 ) |
VIRTINK_WORKER_MACHINE_ROOTFS_IMAGE | The rootfs image of worker machine (default smartxworks/capch-rootfs-1.24.0 ) |
VIRTINK_WORKER_MACHINE_ROOTFS_SIZE | The rootfs size of each worker machine (default 4Gi ) |
Launching a Kubernetes cluster on Virtink with persistent storage
By default cluster-api-provider-virtink created Kubernetes Node is a Virtink VirtualMachine with emptyDir as storage, that means when a Virtink VirtualMachine failed all data on it will lose and the Node can't be recovered. cluster-api-provider-virtink can provide Node with persistent storage by Virtink dataVolume volume and CNI that support specify IP and MAC address for Pod.
Variable name | Note |
VIRTINK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_ROOTFS_CDI_IMAGE | The rootfs image for CDI of control plane machine (default smartxworks/capch-rootfs-cdi-1.24.0 ) |
VIRTINK_WORKER_MACHINE_ROOTFS_CDI_IMAGE | The rootfs image for CDI of worker machine (default smartxworks/capch-rootfs-cdi-1.24.0 ) |
VIRTINK_IP_POOL_NAME | The IPPool for machines to get IP address from |
This is an example to generate workload cluster configuration with persistent storage for an internal Virtink cluster that use Calico as CNI. You should be familiar with Calico IP reservation, Calico use-specific-ip for pod, and Calico use-specific-mac-address for pod.
Download cluster-template-cdi-internal.yaml and update VirtinkMachineTemplate.spec.template.metadata.annotations
as below, $IP_ADDRESS
are placeholders which will be replaced by allocated IP and MAC.
annotations: $MAC_ADDRESS '["$IP_ADDRESS"]'
We use ip-address-manager to manage the allocattion of IP addresses, so you need to create an IPPool resource.
# replace to created IPPool name.
export VIRTINK_IP_POOL_NAME='capi-quickstart'
clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure virtink --flavor cdi-internal capi-quickstart
This project is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
There is no documentation for this package.
Path | Synopsis |
Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the infrastructure v1beta1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true
Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the infrastructure v1beta1 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true |