Ceph S3 Operator

The Ceph S3 Operator, an open-source endeavor, is crafted to streamline the management of S3 users and buckets within a Ceph cluster environment. It enhances efficiency and simplifies processes, rendering S3 usage on Ceph clusters more straightforward and user-friendly.
- S3 User Management
- Bucket Management
- Subuser Support
- Bucket policy Support
- Quota Management
- Webhook Integration
- E2E Testing
- Helm Chart and OLM Support
- Kubernetes v1.23.0+
- Ceph v14.2.10+
Note: prior Ceph versions don't support the subuser bucket policy. Nevertheless, other features are expected to work properly within those earlier releases.
- ClusterResourceQuota CRD:
kubectl apply -f config/external-crd
Using Makefile
Deploy using a simple command:
make deploy
Using Helm
Deploy using Helm (version 3.8.0 or later), which supports OCI charts. To use the helm chart, edit the values.yaml
file and set controllerManagerConfig.configYaml
to your Ceph cluster configuration like secret.yaml.
helm upgrade --install ceph-s3-operator oci://ghcr.io/snapp-incubator/ceph-s3-operator/helm-charts/ceph-s3-operator --version v0.3.6
Using OLM
You can find the operator on OperatorHub and install it using OLM.
Usage and Documentation
- CRD Examples: Located in the samples folder.
- Detailed Documentation: Available on the wiki.
- Design and Decision Insights: Refer to our design doc for an in-depth understanding.
Versioning and Release
A new docker image, bundle and helm chart will be created each time a tag starting with v
is pushed to the main branch.
We follow Kubebuilder development principles, Specifically about testing in an environment similar to the real world and avoiding mocks as much as
For example, we don't mock RGW API. Instead, we use a similar approach to
what go-ceph does.
Building the testing image
TESTING_IMAGE_TAG=<desired_tag> make build-testing-image
Don't forget to update the tag in Makefile!
Building the helm chart
We use helmify to generate Helm chart from kustomize rendered manifests. To update
the chart run:
make helm
The chart will be created/updated in charts/ceph-s3-operator
Run locally
If you want to test the operator on your local environment, run the below instructions:
First setup the local Ceph cluster:
make setup-dev-env
Then run the operator either with or without webhook:
make run # Without webhook
make run-with-webhook # With webhook
At the end, you can tear down the operator and the Ceph cluster:
make teardown-operator teardown-dev-env
To test the project via the operator-sdk envtest
make test
And to run the e2e tests with KUTTL performing the tests on a KIND cluster:
kubectl-kuttl test
Contributions are warmly welcomed. Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.
This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0.