ldapsearcher [
A ldap search tool. Run pre-defined or custom queries
dnf copr enable brandfbb/ldapsearcher
dnf install ldapsearcher
From source
go build -v -o ldapsearcher
$ ldapsearcher -h
Usage: search [-chjLp] [-a value] [-b value] [-f value] [-g value] [-G value] [-l value] [-m value] [-o value] [-P value] [-s value] [-u value] [parameters ...]
-a, --custom-attributes=value
list of attributes delimited by ',' for custom search
-b, --base-dn=value
-c, --custom-search
-f, --custom-filter=value
filter for custom search
-g, --group-list-members=value
list all members of a group -- usually requires full
distinguished name of group
-G, --groups-of-a-group=value
list groups that the specified group is a member, wildcards
-h, --help display this help
-j, --single-line-output
single-line json output
-L, --locked list locked users
-l, --user-list-groups=value
list groups of a user
-m, --modified-after=value
list users created or modified after date YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
-o, --extra-ou=value
extra organizational unit
-p, --passwd
-P, --port=value ldap port
-s, --server=value
ldap server. default: localhost
-u, --user=value username