Path | Synopsis |
Sample program to show the order of channel communication for unbuffered, buffered and closing channels based on the specification.
Sample program to show the order of channel communication for unbuffered, buffered and closing channels based on the specification. |
This sample program demonstrates the basic channel mechanics for goroutine signaling.
This sample program demonstrates the basic channel mechanics for goroutine signaling. |
Sample program to show how to use an unbuffered channel to simulate a game of tennis between two goroutines.
Sample program to show how to use an unbuffered channel to simulate a game of tennis between two goroutines. |
Sample program to show how to use an unbuffered channel to simulate a relay race between four goroutines.
Sample program to show how to use an unbuffered channel to simulate a relay race between four goroutines. |
This sample program demonstrates how to use a buffered channel to receive results from other goroutines in a guaranteed way.
This sample program demonstrates how to use a buffered channel to receive results from other goroutines in a guaranteed way. |
This sample program demonstrates how to use a channel to monitor the amount of time the program is running and terminate the program if it runs too long.
This sample program demonstrates how to use a channel to monitor the amount of time the program is running and terminate the program if it runs too long. |
Write a program where two goroutines pass an integer back and forth ten times.
Write a program where two goroutines pass an integer back and forth ten times. |
Write a program that uses a fan out pattern to generate 100 random numbers concurrently.
Write a program that uses a fan out pattern to generate 100 random numbers concurrently. |
Write a program where two goroutines pass an integer back and forth ten times.
Write a program where two goroutines pass an integer back and forth ten times. |
Write a program that uses a fan out pattern to generate 100 random numbers concurrently.
Write a program that uses a fan out pattern to generate 100 random numbers concurrently. |
Sample program to show a more complicated race condition using an interface value.
Sample program to show a more complicated race condition using an interface value. |
Sample program to show how to create race conditions in our programs.
Sample program to show how to create race conditions in our programs. |
Sample program to show how to use the atomic package to provide safe access to numeric types.
Sample program to show how to use the atomic package to provide safe access to numeric types. |
Sample program to show how to use a mutex to define critical sections of code that need synchronous access.
Sample program to show how to use a mutex to define critical sections of code that need synchronous access. |
Sample program to show how to use a read/write mutex to define critical sections of code that needs synchronous access.
Sample program to show how to use a read/write mutex to define critical sections of code that needs synchronous access. |
Answer for exercise 1 of Race Conditions.
Answer for exercise 1 of Race Conditions. |
Fix the race condition in this program.
Fix the race condition in this program. |
Sample program to show how to create goroutines and how the scheduler behaves.
Sample program to show how to create goroutines and how the scheduler behaves. |
Sample program to show how the goroutine scheduler will time slice goroutines on a single thread.
Sample program to show how the goroutine scheduler will time slice goroutines on a single thread. |
Sample program to show how to create goroutines and how the goroutine scheduler behaves with two contexts.
Sample program to show how to create goroutines and how the goroutine scheduler behaves with two contexts. |
Create a program that declares two anonymous functions.
Create a program that declares two anonymous functions. |
Create a program that declares two anonymous functions.
Create a program that declares two anonymous functions. |
Package chat implements a basic chat room.
Package chat implements a basic chat room. |
This sample program demonstrates how to create a simple chat system.
This sample program demonstrates how to create a simple chat system. |
Package logger shows a pattern of using a buffer to handle log write continuity by dealing with write latencies by throwing away log data.
Package logger shows a pattern of using a buffer to handle log write continuity by dealing with write latencies by throwing away log data. |
This sample program demonstrates how the logger package works.
This sample program demonstrates how the logger package works. |
Package pool manages a user defined set of resources.
Package pool manages a user defined set of resources. |
This sample program demonstrates how to use the pool package to share a simulated set of database connections.
This sample program demonstrates how to use the pool package to share a simulated set of database connections. |
Package task provides a pool of goroutines to perform tasks.
Package task provides a pool of goroutines to perform tasks. |
This sample program demonstrates how to use the work package to use a pool of goroutines to get work done.
This sample program demonstrates how to use the work package to use a pool of goroutines to get work done. |
Sample program demonstrating when implicit interface conversions are provided by the compiler.
Sample program demonstrating when implicit interface conversions are provided by the compiler. |
Sample program demonstrating that type assertions are a runtime and not compile time construct.
Sample program demonstrating that type assertions are a runtime and not compile time construct. |
Sample program to show how method sets can affect behavior.
Sample program to show how method sets can affect behavior. |
Sample program demonstrating struct composition.
Sample program demonstrating struct composition. |
Sample program demonstrating decoupling with interfaces.
Sample program demonstrating decoupling with interfaces. |
Sample program demonstrating interface composition.
Sample program demonstrating interface composition. |
Sample program demonstrating decoupling with interface composition.
Sample program demonstrating decoupling with interface composition. |
Sample program demonstrating removing interface pollution.
Sample program demonstrating removing interface pollution. |
Sample program demonstrating being more precise with API design.
Sample program demonstrating being more precise with API design. |
Using the template, declare a set of concrete types that implement the set of predefined interface types.
Using the template, declare a set of concrete types that implement the set of predefined interface types. |
This is an example of using type hierarchies with a OOP pattern.
This is an example of using type hierarchies with a OOP pattern. |
This is an example of using composition and interfaces.
This is an example of using composition and interfaces. |
Sample program to show how you can personally mock concrete types when you need to for your own packages or tests.
Sample program to show how you can personally mock concrete types when you need to for your own packages or tests. |
Package pubsub simulates a package that provides publication/subscription type services.
Package pubsub simulates a package that provides publication/subscription type services. |
This is an example that creates interface pollution by improperly using an interface when one is not needed.
This is an example that creates interface pollution by improperly using an interface when one is not needed. |
This is an example that removes the interface pollution by removing the interface and using the concrete type directly.
This is an example that removes the interface pollution by removing the interface and using the concrete type directly. |
Sample program to show how the default error type is implemented.
Sample program to show how the default error type is implemented. |
Sample program to show how to use error variables to help the caller determine the exact error being returned.
Sample program to show how to use error variables to help the caller determine the exact error being returned. |
error_handling/example3 Sample program to show how to implement a custom error type based on the json package in the standard library.
| Sample program to show how to implement a custom error type based on the json package in the standard library. |
Package example5 provides code to show how to implement behavior as context.
Package example5 provides code to show how to implement behavior as context. |
Sample program to show see if the class can find the bug.
Sample program to show see if the class can find the bug. |
Sample program to show see if the class can find the bug.
Sample program to show see if the class can find the bug. |
Sample program to show how wrapping errors work.
Sample program to show how wrapping errors work. |
Create two error variables, one called ErrInvalidValue and the other called ErrAmountTooLarge.
Create two error variables, one called ErrInvalidValue and the other called ErrAmountTooLarge. |
Create a custom error type called appError that contains three fields, err error, message string and code int.
Create a custom error type called appError that contains three fields, err error, message string and code int. |
Create two error variables, one called ErrInvalidValue and the other called ErrAmountTooLarge.
Create two error variables, one called ErrInvalidValue and the other called ErrAmountTooLarge. |
Create a custom error type called appError that contains three fields, err error, message string and code int.
Create a custom error type called appError that contains three fields, err error, message string and code int. |
Sample program to show how to declare and iterate over arrays of different types.
Sample program to show how to declare and iterate over arrays of different types. |
Sample program to show how arrays of different sizes are not of the same type.
Sample program to show how arrays of different sizes are not of the same type. |
Sample program to show how the behavior of the for range and how memory for an array is contiguous.
Sample program to show how the behavior of the for range and how memory for an array is contiguous. |
Sample program to show how the for range has both value and pointer semantics.
Sample program to show how the for range has both value and pointer semantics. |
Declare an array of 5 strings with each element initialized to its zero value.
Declare an array of 5 strings with each element initialized to its zero value. |
Declare an array of 5 strings with each element initialized to its zero value.
Declare an array of 5 strings with each element initialized to its zero value. |
Sample program to show how to declare constants and their implementation in Go.
Sample program to show how to declare constants and their implementation in Go. |
Sample program to show how constants do have a parallel type system.
Sample program to show how constants do have a parallel type system. |
Sample program to show how iota works.
Sample program to show how iota works. |
Sample program to show how literal, constant and variables work within the scope of implicit conversion.
Sample program to show how literal, constant and variables work within the scope of implicit conversion. |
Declare an untyped and typed constant and display their values.
Declare an untyped and typed constant and display their values. |
Declare an untyped and typed constant and display their values.
Declare an untyped and typed constant and display their values. |
Sample program to show how what we are doing is NOT embedding a type but just using a type as a field.
Sample program to show how what we are doing is NOT embedding a type but just using a type as a field. |
Sample program to show how to embed a type into another type and the relationship between the inner and outer type.
Sample program to show how to embed a type into another type and the relationship between the inner and outer type. |
Sample program to show how embedded types work with interfaces.
Sample program to show how embedded types work with interfaces. |
Sample program to show what happens when the outer and inner type implement the same interface.
Sample program to show what happens when the outer and inner type implement the same interface. |
Copy the code from the template.
Copy the code from the template. |
Copy the code from the template.
Copy the code from the template. |
Sample program to show how to access an exported identifier.
Sample program to show how to access an exported identifier. |
Package counters provides alert counter support.
Package counters provides alert counter support. |
Sample program to show how the program can't access an unexported identifier from another package.
Sample program to show how the program can't access an unexported identifier from another package. |
Package counters provides alert counter support.
Package counters provides alert counter support. |
Sample program to show how the program can access a value of an unexported identifier from another package.
Sample program to show how the program can access a value of an unexported identifier from another package. |
Package counters provides alert counter support.
Package counters provides alert counter support. |
Sample program to show how unexported fields from an exported struct type can't be accessed directly.
Sample program to show how unexported fields from an exported struct type can't be accessed directly. |
Package users provides support for user management.
Package users provides support for user management. |
Sample program to show how to create values from exported types with embedded unexported types.
Sample program to show how to create values from exported types with embedded unexported types. |
Package users provides support for user management.
Package users provides support for user management. |
Create a package named toy with a single exported struct type named Toy.
Create a package named toy with a single exported struct type named Toy. |
Package toy contains support for managing toy inventory.
Package toy contains support for managing toy inventory. |
Create a package named toy with a single exported struct type named Toy.
Create a package named toy with a single exported struct type named Toy. |
Package toy contains support for managing toy inventory.
Package toy contains support for managing toy inventory. |
Sample program to show how to recover from panics.
Sample program to show how to recover from panics. |
Sample program to show how functions can return multiple values while using named and struct types.
Sample program to show how functions can return multiple values while using named and struct types. |
Sample program to show how we can use the blank identifier to ignore return values.
Sample program to show how we can use the blank identifier to ignore return values. |
Sample program to show some of the mechanics behind the short variable declaration operator redeclares.
Sample program to show some of the mechanics behind the short variable declaration operator redeclares. |
Sample program to show how anonymous functions and closures work.
Sample program to show how anonymous functions and closures work. |
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user.
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user. |
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user.
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user. |
Sample program that explores how interface assignments work when values are stored inside the interface.
Sample program that explores how interface assignments work when values are stored inside the interface. |
Sample program to show how polymorphic behavior with interfaces.
Sample program to show how polymorphic behavior with interfaces. |
Sample program to show how to understand method sets.
Sample program to show how to understand method sets. |
Sample program to show how you can't always get the address of a value.
Sample program to show how you can't always get the address of a value. |
Sample program to show how the concrete value assigned to the interface is what is stored inside the interface.
Sample program to show how the concrete value assigned to the interface is what is stored inside the interface. |
Declare an interface named speaker with a method named speak.
Declare an interface named speaker with a method named speak. |
Declare an interface named speaker with a method named speak.
Declare an interface named speaker with a method named speak. |
Sample program to show how to declare, initialize and iterate over a map.
Sample program to show how to declare, initialize and iterate over a map. |
Sample program to show how to declare and initialize a map using a map literal and delete a key.
Sample program to show how to declare and initialize a map using a map literal and delete a key. |
Sample program to show how only types that can have equality defined on them can be a map key.
Sample program to show how only types that can have equality defined on them can be a map key. |
Declare and make a map of integer values with a string as the key.
Declare and make a map of integer values with a string as the key. |
Declare and make a map of integer values with a string as the key.
Declare and make a map of integer values with a string as the key. |
Sample program to show how to declare methods and how the Go compiler supports them.
Sample program to show how to declare methods and how the Go compiler supports them. |
Sample program to show how to declare methods against a named type.
Sample program to show how to declare methods against a named type. |
Sample program to show how to declare function variables.
Sample program to show how to declare function variables. |
Sample program to show how to declare and use function types.
Sample program to show how to declare and use function types. |
Declare a struct that represents a baseball player.
Declare a struct that represents a baseball player. |
Declare a struct that represents a baseball player.
Declare a struct that represents a baseball player. |
Sample program to show the basic concept of pass by value.
Sample program to show the basic concept of pass by value. |
Sample program to show the basic concept of using a pointer to share data.
Sample program to show the basic concept of using a pointer to share data. |
Sample program to show the basic concept of using a pointer to share data.
Sample program to show the basic concept of using a pointer to share data. |
Sample program to teach the mechanics of escape analysis.
Sample program to teach the mechanics of escape analysis. |
Sample program to show how stacks grow/change.
Sample program to show how stacks grow/change. |
Declare and initialize a variable of type int with the value of 20.
Declare and initialize a variable of type int with the value of 20. |
Declare a struct type and create a value of this type.
Declare a struct type and create a value of this type. |
Declare and initialize a variable of type int with the value of 20.
Declare and initialize a variable of type int with the value of 20. |
Declare a struct type and create a value of this type.
Declare a struct type and create a value of this type. |
Sample program to show how to use a third index slice.
Sample program to show how to use a third index slice. |
Sample program to show how the capacity of the slice is not available for use.
Sample program to show how the capacity of the slice is not available for use. |
Sample program to show the components of a slice.
Sample program to show the components of a slice. |
Sample program to show how to takes slices of slices to create different views of and make changes to the underlying array.
Sample program to show how to takes slices of slices to create different views of and make changes to the underlying array. |
Sample program to show how to grow a slice using the built-in function append and how append grows the capacity of the underlying array.
Sample program to show how to grow a slice using the built-in function append and how append grows the capacity of the underlying array. |
Sample program to show how one needs to be careful when appending to a slice when you have a reference to an element.
Sample program to show how one needs to be careful when appending to a slice when you have a reference to an element. |
Sample program to show how strings have a UTF-8 encoded byte array.
Sample program to show how strings have a UTF-8 encoded byte array. |
Sample program to show how to declare and use variadic functions.
Sample program to show how to declare and use variadic functions. |
Sample program to show how the for range has both value and pointer semantics.
Sample program to show how the for range has both value and pointer semantics. |
Declare a nil slice of integers.
Declare a nil slice of integers. |
Declare a nil slice of integers.
Declare a nil slice of integers. |
Sample program to show how struct types align on boundaries.
Sample program to show how struct types align on boundaries. |
Sample program to show how to declare and initialize struct types.
Sample program to show how to declare and initialize struct types. |
Sample program to show how to declare and initialize anonymous struct types.
Sample program to show how to declare and initialize anonymous struct types. |
Sample program to show how variables of an unnamed type can be assigned to variables of a named type, when they are identical.
Sample program to show how variables of an unnamed type can be assigned to variables of a named type, when they are identical. |
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user (name, email and age).
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user (name, email and age). |
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user (name, email and age).
Declare a struct type to maintain information about a user (name, email and age). |
Sample program to show how to declare variables.
Sample program to show how to declare variables. |
Declare three variables that are initialized to their zero value and three declared with a literal value.
Declare three variables that are initialized to their zero value and three declared with a literal value. |
Declare three variables that are initialized to their zero value and three declared with a literal value.
Declare three variables that are initialized to their zero value and three declared with a literal value. |
Sample program to show how to store and retrieve values from a context.
Sample program to show how to store and retrieve values from a context. |
Sample program to show how to use the WithCancel function.
Sample program to show how to use the WithCancel function. |
Sample program to show how to use the WithDeadline function.
Sample program to show how to use the WithDeadline function. |
Sample program to show how to use the WithTimeout function of the Context package.
Sample program to show how to use the WithTimeout function of the Context package. |
Sample program that implements a web request with a context that is used to timeout the request if it takes too long.
Sample program that implements a web request with a context that is used to timeout the request if it takes too long. |
Sample program that implements a simple web service using the context to handle timeouts and pass context into the request.
Sample program that implements a simple web service using the context to handle timeouts and pass context into the request. |
Sample program to show how to unmarshal a JSON document into a user defined struct type.
Sample program to show how to unmarshal a JSON document into a user defined struct type. |
Sample program to show how to unmarshal a JSON document into a user defined struct type from a file.
Sample program to show how to unmarshal a JSON document into a user defined struct type from a file. |
Sample program to show how to marshal a user defined struct type into a string.
Sample program to show how to marshal a user defined struct type into a string. |
Sample program to show how write a custom Unmarshal and Marshal functions.
Sample program to show how write a custom Unmarshal and Marshal functions. |
Create a file with an array of JSON documents that contain a user name and email address.
Create a file with an array of JSON documents that contain a user name and email address. |
Create a file with an array of JSON documents that contain a user name and email address.
Create a file with an array of JSON documents that contain a user name and email address. |
Sample program to show how io.Writes can be embedded within other Writer calls to perform complex writes.
Sample program to show how io.Writes can be embedded within other Writer calls to perform complex writes. |
Sample program that adds a few more features.
Sample program that adds a few more features. |
Sample program to show how different functions from the standard library use the io.Writer interface.
Sample program to show how different functions from the standard library use the io.Writer interface. |
Sample program to show how to write a simple version of curl using the io.Reader and io.Writer interface support.
Sample program to show how to write a simple version of curl using the io.Reader and io.Writer interface support. |
Sample program to show how to use a MultiWriter to perform writes to multiple devices with one write call.
Sample program to show how to use a MultiWriter to perform writes to multiple devices with one write call. |
Sample program that takes a stream of bytes and looks for the bytes “elvis” and when they are found, replace them with “Elvis”.
Sample program that takes a stream of bytes and looks for the bytes “elvis” and when they are found, replace them with “Elvis”. |
Download any document from the web and display the content in the terminal and write it to a file at the same time.
Download any document from the web and display the content in the terminal and write it to a file at the same time. |
Download any document from the web and display the content in the terminal and write it to a file at the same time.
Download any document from the web and display the content in the terminal and write it to a file at the same time. |
Sample program to show how to use the log package from the standard library.
Sample program to show how to use the log package from the standard library. |
Sample program to show how to extend the log package from the standard library.
Sample program to show how to extend the log package from the standard library. |
Setup a new program to use the log package.
Setup a new program to use the log package. |
Setup a new program to use the log package.
Setup a new program to use the log package. |
Declare a struct type that represents a request for a customer invoice.
Declare a struct type that represents a request for a customer invoice. |
Declare a struct type that represents a request for a customer invoice.
Declare a struct type that represents a request for a customer invoice. |
Example shows how to use reflection to decode an integer.
Example shows how to use reflection to decode an integer. |
Example shows how to inspect a structs fields and display the field name, type and value.
Example shows how to inspect a structs fields and display the field name, type and value. |
Example shows how to reflect over a map of struct type values that are stored inside an interface value.
Example shows how to reflect over a map of struct type values that are stored inside an interface value. |
Example shows how to reflect over a struct type pointer that is stored inside an interface value.
Example shows how to reflect over a struct type pointer that is stored inside an interface value. |
Example shows how to reflect over a slice of struct type values that are stored inside an interface value.
Example shows how to reflect over a slice of struct type values that are stored inside an interface value. |
Example shows how to reflect over a struct type value that is stored inside an interface value.
Example shows how to reflect over a struct type value that is stored inside an interface value. |
Example shows how to reflect on a struct type with tags.
Example shows how to reflect on a struct type with tags. |
Sample program that implements a simple web service that will allow us to explore how to use the GODEBUG variable.
Sample program that implements a simple web service that will allow us to explore how to use the GODEBUG variable. |
Sample program to show how the httptrace package provides a number of hooks to gather information during an HTTP round trip about a variety of events.
Sample program to show how the httptrace package provides a number of hooks to gather information during an HTTP round trip about a variety of events. |
Sample program to show how to use the http trace with a unique Client and Transport.
Sample program to show how to use the http trace with a unique Client and Transport. |
Sample program that takes a stream of bytes and looks for the bytes “elvis” and when they are found, replace them with “Elvis”.
Sample program that takes a stream of bytes and looks for the bytes “elvis” and when they are found, replace them with “Elvis”. |
Sample program that implements a simple web service that will allow us to explore how to use the http/pprof tooling.
Sample program that implements a simple web service that will allow us to explore how to use the http/pprof tooling. |
This program provides a sample web service that uses concurrency and channels to perform a coordinated set of asynchronous searches.
This program provides a sample web service that uses concurrency and channels to perform a coordinated set of asynchronous searches. |
Package search manages the searching of results against different news feeds.
Package search manages the searching of results against different news feeds. |
Package service maintains the logic for the web service.
Package service maintains the logic for the web service. |
Sample program to show how to read a stack trace.
Sample program to show how to read a stack trace. |
Sample program to show how to read a stack trace when it packs values.
Sample program to show how to read a stack trace when it packs values. |
Sample program that implements a simple web service that will allow us to explore how to look at core dumps.
Sample program that implements a simple web service that will allow us to explore how to look at core dumps. |
Sample program that performs a series of I/O related tasks to better understand tracing in Go.
Sample program that performs a series of I/O related tasks to better understand tracing in Go. |
Package caching provides code to show why Data Oriented Design matters.
Package caching provides code to show why Data Oriented Design matters. |
Package api provides an example on how to use go-fuzz.
Package api provides an example on how to use go-fuzz. |
Package fuzzprot provides the ability to unpack user values from our binary protocol.
Package fuzzprot provides the ability to unpack user values from our binary protocol. |
Sample program that implements a simple web service.
Sample program that implements a simple web service. |
Package handlers provides the endpoints for the web service.
Package handlers provides the endpoints for the web service. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.