Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const (
Verbosity = "verbosity"
Server = "server"
ClientOnly = "client-only"
Output = "output"
NamespaceFunction = "fnNamespace"
NamespaceEnvironment = "envNamespace"
NamespacePackage = "pkgNamespace"
NamespaceTrigger = "triggerNamespace"
NamespaceCanary = "canaryNamespace"
RuntimeMincpu = "mincpu"
RuntimeMaxcpu = "maxcpu"
RuntimeMinmemory = "minmemory"
RuntimeMaxmemory = "maxmemory"
RuntimeTargetcpu = "targetcpu"
ReplicasMinscale = "minscale"
ReplicasMaxscale = "maxscale"
FnName = resourceName
FnSpecializationTimeout = "specializationtimeout"
FnEnvironmentName = "env"
FnPackageName = "pkgname"
FnEntrypoint = "entrypoint"
FnBuildCmd = "buildcmd"
FnSecret = "secret"
FnForce = force
FnCfgMap = "configmap"
FnExecutorType = "executortype"
FnExecutionTimeout = "fntimeout"
FnTestTimeout = "timeout"
FnLogPod = "pod"
FnLogFollow = "follow"
FnLogDetail = "detail"
FnLogDBType = "dbtype"
FnLogReverseQuery = "reverse"
FnLogCount = "recordcount"
FnTestBody = "body"
FnTestHeader = "header"
FnTestQuery = "query"
FnIdleTimeout = "idletimeout"
HtName = resourceName
HtMethod = "method"
HtUrl = "url"
HtHost = "host"
HtIngress = "createingress"
HtIngressRule = "ingressrule"
HtIngressAnnotation = "ingressannotation"
HtIngressTLS = "ingresstls"
HtFnName = "function"
HtFnWeight = "weight"
HtFilter = HtFnName
TtName = resourceName
TtCron = "cron"
TtFnName = "function"
TtRound = "round"
MqtName = resourceName
MqtFnName = "function"
MqtMQType = "mqtype"
MqtTopic = "topic"
MqtRespTopic = "resptopic"
MqtErrorTopic = "errortopic"
MqtMaxRetries = "maxretries"
MqtMsgContentType = "contenttype"
EnvName = resourceName
EnvPoolsize = "poolsize"
EnvImage = "image"
EnvBuilderImage = "builder"
EnvBuildcommand = "buildcmd"
EnvKeeparchive = "keeparchive"
EnvExternalNetwork = "externalnetwork"
EnvGracePeriod = "graceperiod"
EnvVersion = "version"
EnvImagePullSecret = "imagepullsecret"
KwName = resourceName
KwFnName = "function"
KwNamespace = "namespace"
KwObjType = "type"
KwLabels = "labels"
PkgName = resourceName
PkgForce = force
PkgEnvironment = "env"
PkgCode = "code"
PkgSrcArchive = "sourcearchive"
PkgDeployArchive = "deployarchive"
PkgSrcChecksum = "srcchecksum"
PkgDeployChecksum = "deploychecksum"
PkgInsecure = "insecure"
PkgBuildCmd = "buildcmd"
PkgOutput = Output
PkgStatus = "status"
PkgOrphan = "orphan"
SpecSave = "spec"
SpecDir = "specdir"
SpecName = resourceName
SpecDeployID = "deployid"
SpecWait = "wait"
SpecWatch = "watch"
SpecDelete = "delete"
SpecDry = "dry"
SupportOutput = Output
SupportNoZip = "nozip"
CanaryName = resourceName
CanaryHTTPTriggerName = "httptrigger"
CanaryNewFunc = "newfunction"
CanaryOldFunc = "oldfunction"
CanaryWeightIncrement = "increment-step"
CanaryIncrementInterval = "increment-interval"
CanaryFailureThreshold = "failure-threshold"
DefaultSpecOutputDir = "kubefaas-dump"
Variables ¶
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Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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