Binary Environment Examples
The binary
runtime is a go server that uses a subprocess to invoke executables or execute shell scripts.
For more info read the environment README.
First, set up your kubefaas deployment with the binary environment.
kubefaas env create --name binary-env --image kubefaas/binary-env
Example Usage
is an very basic shell script that returns "Hello, World!"
# Upload the function to kubefaas
kubefaas function create --name hello --env binary-env --code
# Map /hello to the hello function
kubefaas route create --method GET --url /hello --function hello
# Run the function
curl http://$KUBEFAAS_ROUTER/hello
This should return a HTTP response with the body Hello World!
shows the the use of STDIN to read the request body, echoing the input back in the response.
# Upload the function to kubefaas
kubefaas function create --name echo --env binary-env --code
# Map /hello to the hello function
kubefaas route create --method POST --url /echo --function echo
# Run the function
curl -XPOST -d 'Echoooooo!' http://$KUBEFAAS_ROUTER/echo
This should return a HTTP response with the body ... Echoooooo!
shows the access to the environment variables that hold the HTTP headers, returning the set HTTP headers.
# Upload the function to kubefaas
kubefaas function create --name headers --env binary-env --code
# Map /hello to the hello function
kubefaas route create --url /headers --function headers
# Run the function
curl -H 'X-FOO: BAR' http://$KUBEFAAS_ROUTER/headers
This should return a HTTP response with the body ... Echoooooo!
This example shows the differences between using shell scripts and binaries. hello.go
returns Hello World!
+ the
environment variables it received from the server.
# Build the function targeted at the right architecture
GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o hello-go-func hello.go
# Upload the function to kubefaas
kubefaas function create --name hello-go --env binary-env --code hello-go-func
# Map /hello to the hello function
kubefaas route create --url /hello-go --function hello-go
# Run the function
curl -H 'X-GO: AWESOME!' http://$KUBEFAAS_ROUTER/hello-go