Stripe CLI

🏗 The Stripe CLI is currently in beta! We're working on more features to make the experience great. If you have any feedback, find issues, or would like to be involved in more active testing, please let us know!
The Stripe CLI is a command-line interface for Stripe that can:
to your Stripe account and authenticate the CLI
for webhooks and forward them to a local server
- Run
, post
, and delete
commands to the Stripe API
a limited set of webhook events
- Tail your test mode API request logs
- Pull Stripe status from
The main focus for this initial release is to improve the developer experience while integrating and testing webhooks. Interactions through the CLI are currently limited to test mode only.
Table of Contents
With homebrew:
Run brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe
Without homebrew:
Download the latest mac-os
tar.gz file from
Unzip the file: tar -xvf stripe_X.X.X_mac-os_x86_64.tar.gz
(optional) Move the binary to somewhere you can execute it globally, like ~/usr/local/bin
With a package manager:
Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:
Add Bintray's GPG key to the apt sources keyring: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
Add stripe-cli's apt repository to the apt sources list: echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Update the package list: sudo apt-get update
Install the CLI: sudo apt-get install stripe
RedHat/CentOS-based distributions:
Add stripe-cli's yum repository to the yum sources list: wget -O bintray-stripe-stripe-cli-rpm.repo && sudo mv bintray-stripe-stripe-cli-rpm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
Update the package list: sudo yum update
Install the CLI: sudo yum install stripe
Without a package manager:
Download the latest linux
tar.gz file from
Unzip the file: tar -xvf stripe_X.X.X_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
Run the executable: ./stripe
With scoop:
Run scoop bucket add stripe
Run scoop install stripe
Without scoop:
Download the latest windows
tar.gz file from
Unzip the stripe_X.X.X_windows_x86_64.tar.gz
Run the unzipped .exe
The CLI is also available as a Docker image: stripe/stripe-cli
$ docker run --rm -it stripe/stripe-cli version
stripe version x.y.z (beta)
The Stripe CLI runs commands using a global configuration or project-specific configuration. To configure the CLI globally, run:
$ stripe login
You'll be redirected to the Stripe dashboard to confirm that you want to give access to your account to the CLI. After confirming, a new API key will be created and returned to the CLI.
You can create project-specific configurations with the --project-name
flag, which can be used in any context. To create an initial configuration:
$ stripe login --project-name=rocket-rides
If you do not provide the --project-name
flag for a command, it will default to the global configuration.
All configurations are stored in ~/.config/stripe/config.toml
but you can use the XDG_CONFIG_HOME
environment variable to override this location.
You can also provide an API key manually by passing the --interactive
$ stripe login --interactive
Enter your API key: sk_test_foobar
Your API key is: sk_test_**obar
How would you like to identify this device in the Stripe Dashboard? [default: st-tomer1]
You're configured and all set to get started
The listen
command establishes a direct connection with Stripe, delivering webhook events to your computer directly. Stripe will forward all webhooks tied to the Stripe account for the a given API key.
Note: You do not need to configure any webhook endpoints in your Dashboard to receive webhooks with the CLI.
By default, listen
accepts all webhook events displays them in your terminal. To forward events to your local app, use the --forward-to
flag with the location:
--forward-to localhost:9000
Using --forward-to
will return a webhook signing secret, which you can add to your application's configuration:
$ stripe listen --forward-to
> Ready! Your webhook signing secret is whsec_oZ8nus9PHnoltEtWZ3pGITZdeHWHoqnL (^C to quit)
The webhook signing secret provided will not change between restarts to the listen
You can specify which events you want to listen to using --events
with a comma-separated list of Stripe events.
$ stripe listen --events=payment_intent.created,payment_intent.succeeded
You may have webhook endpoints you've already configured with specific Stripe events in your Dashboard. The Stripe CLI can automatically listen to those events with the --load-from-webhooks-api
flag, used alongside the --forward-to
flag. This will read any endpoints configured in test mode for your account and forward associated events to the provided URL:
$ stripe listen --load-from-webhooks-api --forward-to
Note: You will receive events for all interactions on your Stripe account. There is currently no way to limit events to only those that a specific user created.
, post
, and delete
The CLI has three commands that let you interact with the Stripe API in test mode. You can easily make GET
, and DELETE
commands with the Stripe CLI.
For example, you can retrieve a specific charge:
$ stripe get /charges/ch_1EGYgUByst5pquEtjb0EkYha
You can also pass data in using the -d
$ stripe post /charges -d amount=100 -d source=tok_visa -d currency=usd
These commands support many of the features on the Stripe API (e.g. selecting a version, pagination, and expansion) through command-line flags, so you won't need to provide specific headers.
Command |
Flag |
Description |
Example |
get, post, delete |
-d , --data |
Data to pass for the API request |
--data id=cust_123abc |
get, post, delete |
-e , --expand |
Response attributes to expand inline. Available on all API requests, see the documentation for specific objects that support expansion |
--expand customer,charges |
get, post, delete |
-i , --idempotency |
Sets the idempotency key for your request, preventing replaying the same requests within a 24 hour period. |
--idempotency foobar123456 |
get, post, delete |
-v , --api-version |
Set the Stripe API version to use for your request |
--api-version 2019-03-14 |
get, post, delete |
--stripe-account |
Set a header identifying the connected account for which the request is being made |
--stripe-account m_1234acbd |
get, post, delete |
-s , --show-headers |
Show headers on responses to GET, POST, and DELETE requests |
--show-headers |
delete |
-c , --confirm |
Automatically confirm the command being entered. WARNING: This will result in NOT being prompted for confirmation for certain commands |
--confirm |
get |
-l , --limit |
A limit on the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100 (default is 10) |
--limit 50 |
get |
-a , --starting-after |
Retrieve the next page in the list. This is a cursor for pagination and should be an object ID |
--starting-after cust_1234abc |
get |
-b , --ending-before |
Retrieve the previous page in the list. This is a cursor for pagination and should be an object ID |
--ending-before cust_1234abc |
You can pipe the output of these commands to other tools. For example, you could use jq to extract information from JSON the API returns, and then use that information to trigger other API requests.
Here’s a simple example that lists past_due
subscriptions, extracts the IDs, and cancels those subscriptions:
$ stripe get /subscriptions -d status=past_due | jq ".data[].id" | xargs -I % -p stripe delete /subscriptions/%
The CLI will allow you to trigger a few test webhook events to conduct local testing. These test webhook events are real objects on the API and may trigger other webhook events as part of the test (e.g. triggering payment_intent.succeeded
will also trigger payment_intent.created
The webhook events we currently support are:
To trigger an event, run:
$ stripe trigger <event>
logs tail
logs tail
establishes a direct connection with Stripe and enables you to tail your test mode Stripe API request logs in real-time from your terminal.
By default, logs tail
will display all of your test mode request logs. To begin log tailing, run:
$ stripe logs tail
A number of built-in filtering options are also supported:
, (Connect only) supports connect_in
(incoming Connect requests), connect_out
(outgoing Connect requests), and self
(non-Connect requests)
, supports a direct match with any ip address
, supports GET
, and DELETE
, supports a direct match to any Stripe path (e.g., /v1/charges
, supports succeeded
and failed
, supports api
and dashboard
, supports any status code that is a 200
, 400
, or 500
(e.g., 404
, supports 2XX
, 4XX
, and 5XX
Multiple filters can be used together, where a log must match all filters to be shown:
$ stripe logs tail --filter-http-method POST --filter-status-code-type 4XX
Multiple values for a single filter can also be specified as a comma-separated list, where a log only needs to match one of the values:
$ stripe logs tail --filter-http-method GET,POST
You can load Stripe status from the CLI instead of going to The CLI status loads from the status site, which is the canonical source of truth.
To load status, run:
$ stripe status
✔ All services are online.
As of: July 23, 2019 @ 07:52PM +00:00
The status command supports several different flags:
lists out individual Stripe system status using.
--format json
has the CLI render the status as a JSON blob for easier grepping and for using with tools like jq
will continuously check the status site for changes
let's you specify how often to check the status site. The default is once every 60 seconds and this can be modified down to once every 5 seconds.
will hide the spinner that's shown when polling.
Developing the Stripe CLI
The Stripe CLI is built using Go. To download and compile the source code, run:
$ go get -u
You can run tests with:
$ make test