List K8s Contexts Tool
This example demonstrates how MCP tool could be defined using Foxy Contexts library.
Further assumes that you have installed Golang and (only for inspector) - Node.js.
The assumption is that you also have some k8s contexts configured on your machine.
Trying with inspector
To try this example with inspector, run the following command:
npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector go run main.go
Then in browser open http://localhost:5173
then click Connect
then click List Tools
then click list-k8s-contexts
You should see list of k8s contexts.
Trying with Claude
Firstly you would need to run in this folder:
go install
Now in your Claude Desktop configuration file add the following:
"mcpServers": {
"list_k8s_contexts_tool_example": {
"command": "list_k8s_contexts_tool",
"args": []
Now when you run Claude Desktop, you can ask Claude to list k8s contexts.