lastbackend:toolkit is a programming toolkit for building microservices, services
(or elegant monoliths) in Go. We provide you base application modular bolierpate with plugins so you can focus on delivering
business value.

Last.Backend provides the modular boilerplate with plugins and package management, developed for distributed systems development including RPC and Event driven communication.
We provide basics to get you started as quickliy as possible.
Toolkit abstracts away the details of distributed systems. Here are the main features.
Configs - Register your own config in main.go and use it from anywhere. The config interface provides a way to load application level config from env vars.
Plugins - Rich plugin system to reuse same code. Plugins are designed as connectors to user services like databases, brokers, caches, etc... See repository.
Packages - Automatic packages system for custom packages logic. Like repositories, controllers and other stuff. Can be powerupped with Hooks: <PreStart, OnStart, OnStop> to customize applciation logic.
Services/Clients - Define another services clients and use it anywhere.
Logging - One loggins system available across all applications with different log leves.
RPC/HTTP Server - GRPC and HTTP servers in the box. Enabled by request in proto file.
Usefull help - Print rich usefull helm information how to operate with application
Run go mod tidy to resolve the versions. Install all dependencies by running
Download annotations and place them to:
Annotations: toolkit
Getting Started
Start with define your apis/.proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
package lastbackend.example;
option go_package = "github.com/suburbanfaith/toolkit/examples/service/gen;servicepb";
import "github.com/suburbanfaith/toolkit/protoc-gen-toolkit/toolkit/options/annotations.proto";
message HelloWorldRequest {
string name = 1;
message HelloWorldResponse {
string id = 1;
service Example {
// Example methods
rpc HelloWorld(HelloWorldRequest) returns (HelloWorldResponse) {}
Generate toolkit service with command
protoc \
-I. \
-I$GOPATH/src \
-I$GOPATH/grpc/annotations \
-I. \
--go_out=:$GOPATH/src \
--go-grpc_out=require_unimplemented_servers=false:$GOPATH/src \
./apis/<service name>.proto
Import generated serive in main.go
import servicepb "<app path>/gen"
Define your application
app, err := servicepb.NewExampleService("example")
if err != nil {
And now you can start it:
if err := app.Start(context.Background()); err != nil {
app.Log().Errorf("could not run the service %v", err)
// <- code goes here after application stops
Start application with:
go run main.go
Get help
go run main.go -h
Now you can add options/servers/plugins and packages. After modifing .proto file you need to re-run code generation command from step above.
Add some servers:
only GRPC
option (toolkit.runtime) = {
servers: [GRPC]
only HTTP
option (toolkit.runtime) = {
servers: [HTTP]
option (toolkit.runtime) = {
servers: [GRPC, HTTP]
Add plugin:
option (toolkit.plugins) = {
prefix: "pgsql" // prefix used if you need to add multiple same plugin instances
plugin: "postgres" // check available plugins in plugins directory
Add anoter service client:
option (toolkit.services) = {
service: "example",
package: "<package path>"
Register your config
app, err := servicepb.NewExampleService("example")
if err != nil {
// Config management
cfg := config.New()
if err := app.RegisterConfig(cfg); err != nil {
Register custom package
app, err := servicepb.NewExampleService("example")
if err != nil {
// Config management
cfg := config.New()
if err := app.RegisterConfig(cfg); err != nil {
// Add packages
app.RegisterPackage(repository.NewRepository, controller.NewController)
Define GRPC service descriptor
// exmaple services
type Handlers struct {
app toolkit.Service
cfg *config.Config
repo *repository.Repository
func (h Handlers) HelloWorld(ctx context.Context, req *typespb.HelloWorldRequest) (*typespb.HelloWorldResponse, error) {
h.app.Log().Info("ExamplseRpcServer: HelloWorld: call")
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.DataLoss, "failed to get metadata")
demo := h.repo.Get(ctx)
resp := typespb.HelloWorldResponse{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("%d", demo.Id),
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d", req.Name, demo.Count),
Type: req.Type,
if len(md["x-req-id"]) > 0 {
header := metadata.New(map[string]string{"x-response-id": md["x-req-id"][0]})
grpc.SendHeader(ctx, header)
return &resp, nil
func NewServer(app toolkit.Service, cfg *config.Config, repo *repository.Repository) servicepb.ExampleRpcServer {
return &Handlers{
repo: repo,
app: app,
cfg: cfg,
// main.go
app, err := servicepb.NewExampleService("example")
if err != nil {
// Config management
cfg := config.New()
if err := app.RegisterConfig(cfg); err != nil {
// Add packages
app.RegisterPackage(repository.NewRepository, controller.NewController)
// GRPC service descriptor
More examples
See here See examples for more examples.
See CHANGELOG for release history.
Want to help develop? Check out our contributing documentation.
Last.Backend Toolkit is Apache 2.0 licensed.