Gocore Web Framework
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gocore is a highly integrated development framework and provides scaffolding for generating project structure, supports api, rpc, job and other development methods, and integrates various mainstream open source libraries into best practices, and ultimately realizes simplified processes, improved efficiency, and unified specifications.

- integrated widely-used libraries including gin, gorm, viper, zap, offering a robust and efficient foundation for low-level operations.
- gocore scaffolding is designed to expedite project setup by automating the creation of API routes, parameter bindings, and database schemas.
- support for multiple environment-specific configuration files and is compatible with the Nacos configuration center, enabling dynamic configuration loading and hot-swapping capabilities.
- Integrated with a range of essential utilities, including signature, encryption, file processing, mail delivery, random number generation, tracing and logging.
- adopt a non-intrusive design philosophy, enabling developers to concentrate on crafting business logic without the distraction of underlying system complexities.
- integrated standard Alibaba Cloud middleware such as SLS, RocketMQ, and Nacos, simplifying the utilization of cloud services.
- out-of-the-box, greatly simplifying the project startup and development workflow.
Getting started
Getting Gocore
With Go module support, simply add the following import
import "github.com/sunmi-OS/gocore/v2"
to your code, and then go [build|run|test]
will automatically fetch the necessary dependencies.
Otherwise, run the following Go command to install the gocore
$ go get -u github.com/sunmi-OS/gocore/v2
Getting Gocore scaffolding
$ go install github.com/sunmi-OS/gocore/v2/tools/gocore@latest
$ gocore --version
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gocore version v2.0.1
Quick Start
Create project directory
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
Create the gocore.yaml file to generate the project structure
$ gocore yaml create
Create the project structure after modifying the gocore.yaml file as required
$ gocore service create
Configuration file description
projectName: demo # Project name
version: v1.0.0 # Project version
cNacos: true # Whether nacos is used
cRocketMQConfig: true # Whether rocketMQ is used
cMysql: # MySQL configuration
- name: app # Database name
hotUpdate: false # Hot update or not
models: # model file
- name: user # Table name
auto: false # Whether to automatically create the table
fields: # Table fields, gorm rules, one in a row
- column:id;primary_key;type:int AUTO_INCREMENT
- column:name;type:varchar(100) NOT NULL;default:'';comment:'User name';unique_index
comment: User information table # Table remark
cRedis: # Redis configuration
- name: default # Redis name
hotUpdate: false # Hot update or not
db0: 0 # db index
rpcEnable: false # Whether to generate the rpc service layer
httpApiEnable: true # Whether to generate interface programs
jobEnable: true # Whether to generate a resident task
host: # Listening ip address
port: "80" # Listening port
- prefix: /app/user # API interface prefix
moduleName: user # Module name
handle: # API interface
- name: GetUserInfo # API handler name, full path is /app/user/GetUserInfo
method: Any
requestParams: # Request parameters
- name: uid # Field name
type: int # Field type
comment: UserID # Field remark
validate: required,min=1,max=100000 # Validate rules
responseParams: # Response parameters
- name: detail # Field name
type: '*User' # Field type
comment: User detail # Field remark
validate: ""
- name: list
type: '[]*User'
comment: User list
validate: ""
comment: Get user information
- name: uid
type: int
comment: UserID
validate: ""
- name: name
type: string
comment: Username
validate: ""
- name: InitUser # One-time task or resident task method names
comment: Initialize user information # One-time task and resident task remark
Project structure
Using the three-tier architecture (HTTP service: api->biz->dal, RPC service: rpc->biz->dal):
- api(rpc): Application Programming Interface
- Defines interface names, validates request parameters, invokes methods in the business logic layer (biz) to process business operations, and returns response data.
- Can only call methods in the business logic layer (biz), and is prohibited from calling methods in the data access layer (dal).
- biz: Business Logic Layer
- The layer responsible for processing business logic, it receives parameters from the API layer, utilizes methods from the DAL layer to complete business logic processing, and returns the necessary data.
- Prohibited from calling methods in the API layer.
- dal: Data Access Layer
- In charge of database access; inter-method calls within this layer are prohibited.
- Prohibited from calling methods from both the API and Biz layers.
Directory structure:
├── app // Source code
│ ├── api // API layer, Delete this folder if no HTTP service
│ ├── rpc // RPC layer, Delete this folder if no RPC service
│ ├── biz // Business Logic Layer
│ ├── dal // Data Access Layer
│ ├── middleware // Middleware
│ ├── cmd // Task launch entry, defining the initialization methods for each component
│ │ ├── api.go
│ │ ├── init.go
│ │ └── job.go
│ ├── conf // Configuration files
│ │ ├── base.go // Basic configuration
│ │ └── local.go // Configuration file for local debugging, the local environment variable needs to be set to RUN_TIME=local
│ ├── errcode // Define error code
│ │ └── errcode.go
│ ├── job // Task definition entry, scheduled tasks, one-time tasks, consumer queue tasks
│ ├── param // Definition of request and response parameter structures.
│ │ └── user.go
│ ├── pkg // Contains your dependencies
│ │ ├── locationtools
│ │ │ └── country.go
│ │ └── util
│ │ └── util.go
│ ├── route // The Routes Directory
│ │ └── routers
│ ├── go.mod
│ ├── go.mod
│ └── main.go // main
├── .gitignore
├── Dockerfile
└── README.md
Gocore is the work of hundreds of contributors. We appreciate your help!