Index ¶
- type Client
- func (m *Client) AddCertificate(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.AppCertificate, *fly.HostnameCheck, error)
- func (m *Client) AllocateEgressIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, machineId string) (net.IP, net.IP, error)
- func (m *Client) AllocateIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, addrType string, region string, ...) (*fly.IPAddress, error)
- func (m *Client) AllocateSharedIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string) (net.IP, error)
- func (m *Client) AppNameAvailable(ctx context.Context, appName string) (bool, error)
- func (m *Client) AttachPostgresCluster(ctx context.Context, input fly.AttachPostgresClusterInput) (*fly.AttachPostgresClusterPayload, error)
- func (m *Client) Authenticated() bool
- func (m *Client) CanPerformBluegreenDeployment(ctx context.Context, appName string) (bool, error)
- func (m *Client) CheckAppCertificate(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.AppCertificate, *fly.HostnameCheck, error)
- func (m *Client) CheckDomain(ctx context.Context, name string) (*fly.CheckDomainResult, error)
- func (m *Client) ClosestWireguardGatewayRegion(ctx context.Context) (*fly.Region, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateAndRegisterDomain(organizationID string, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateApp(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateAppInput) (*fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateBuild(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateBuildInput) (*fly.CreateBuildResponse, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateDelegatedWireGuardToken(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name string) (*fly.DelegatedWireGuardToken, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateDoctorUrl(ctx context.Context) (putUrl string, err error)
- func (m *Client) CreateDomain(organizationID string, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateOrganization(ctx context.Context, organizationname string) (*fly.Organization, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateOrganizationInvite(ctx context.Context, id, email string) (*fly.Invitation, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateRelease(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateReleaseInput) (*fly.CreateReleaseResponse, error)
- func (m *Client) CreateWireGuardPeer(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, ...) (*fly.CreatedWireGuardPeer, error)
- func (m *Client) DeleteApp(ctx context.Context, appName string) error
- func (m *Client) DeleteCertificate(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.DeleteCertificatePayload, error)
- func (m *Client) DeleteDelegatedWireGuardToken(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name, token *string) error
- func (m *Client) DeleteOrganization(ctx context.Context, id string) (deletedid string, err error)
- func (m *Client) DeleteOrganizationMembership(ctx context.Context, orgId, userId string) (string, string, error)
- func (m *Client) DetachPostgresCluster(ctx context.Context, input fly.DetachPostgresClusterInput) error
- func (m *Client) EnablePostgresConsul(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.PostgresEnableConsulPayload, error)
- func (m *Client) EnsureDepotRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, input *fly.EnsureDepotRemoteBuilderInput) (*fly.EnsureDepotRemoteBuilderResponse, error)
- func (m *Client) EnsureRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, orgID, appName, region string) (*fly.GqlMachine, *fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) ExportDNSRecords(ctx context.Context, domainId string) (string, error)
- func (m *Client) FinishBuild(ctx context.Context, input fly.FinishBuildInput) (*fly.FinishBuildResponse, error)
- func (m *Client) GenqClient() genq.Client
- func (m *Client) GetApp(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppBasic(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.AppBasic, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppCertificates(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.AppCertificateCompact, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppCompact(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.AppCompact, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppCurrentReleaseMachines(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.Release, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppHostIssues(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.HostIssue, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppLimitedAccessTokens(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.LimitedAccessToken, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppLogs(ctx context.Context, appName, token, region, instanceID string) (entries []fly.LogEntry, nextToken string, err error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppNameFromVolume(ctx context.Context, volID string) (*string, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppNameStateFromVolume(ctx context.Context, volID string) (*string, *string, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppNetwork(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*string, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppReleasesMachines(ctx context.Context, appName, status string, limit int) ([]fly.Release, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppSecrets(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.Secret, error)
- func (m *Client) GetApps(ctx context.Context, role *string) ([]fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) GetAppsForOrganization(ctx context.Context, orgID string) ([]fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) GetCurrentUser(ctx context.Context) (*fly.User, error)
- func (m *Client) GetDNSRecords(ctx context.Context, domainName string) ([]*fly.DNSRecord, error)
- func (m *Client) GetDelegatedWireGuardTokens(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]*fly.DelegatedWireGuardTokenHandle, error)
- func (m *Client) GetDeployerAppByOrg(ctx context.Context, orgID string) (*fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) GetDetailedOrganizationBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.OrganizationDetails, error)
- func (m *Client) GetDomain(ctx context.Context, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
- func (m *Client) GetDomains(ctx context.Context, organizationSlug string) ([]*fly.Domain, error)
- func (m *Client) GetEgressIPAddresses(ctx context.Context, appName string) (map[string][]fly.EgressIPAddress, error)
- func (m *Client) GetIPAddresses(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.IPAddress, error)
- func (m *Client) GetLatestImageDetails(ctx context.Context, image string, flyVersion string) (*fly.ImageVersion, error)
- func (m *Client) GetLatestImageTag(ctx context.Context, repository string, snapshotId *string) (string, error)
- func (m *Client) GetLoggedCertificates(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]fly.LoggedCertificate, error)
- func (m *Client) GetMachine(ctx context.Context, machineId string) (*fly.GqlMachine, error)
- func (m *Client) GetNearestRegion(ctx context.Context) (*fly.Region, error)
- func (m *Client) GetOrganizationByApp(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.Organization, error)
- func (m *Client) GetOrganizationBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.Organization, error)
- func (m *Client) GetOrganizationRemoteBuilderBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.Organization, error)
- func (m *Client) GetOrganizations(ctx context.Context, filters ([]fly.Organization, error)
- func (m *Client) GetSnapshotsFromVolume(ctx context.Context, volID string) ([]fly.VolumeSnapshot, error)
- func (m *Client) GetWireGuardPeer(ctx context.Context, slug, name string) (*fly.WireGuardPeer, error)
- func (m *Client) GetWireGuardPeers(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]*fly.WireGuardPeer, error)
- func (m *Client) ImportDNSRecords(ctx context.Context, domainId string, zonefile string) ([]fly.ImportDnsWarning, []fly.ImportDnsChange, error)
- func (m *Client) IssueSSHCertificate(ctx context.Context, org fly.OrganizationImpl, principals []string, ...) (*fly.IssuedCertificate, error)
- func (m *Client) LatestImage(ctx context.Context, appName string) (string, error)
- func (m *Client) ListPostgresClusterAttachments(ctx context.Context, appName, postgresAppName string) ([]*fly.PostgresClusterAttachment, error)
- func (m *Client) Logger() fly.Logger
- func (m *Client) MoveApp(ctx context.Context, appName string, orgID string) (*fly.App, error)
- func (m *Client) NewRequest(q string) *graphql.Request
- func (m *Client) PlatformRegions(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Region, *fly.Region, error)
- func (m *Client) ReleaseEgressIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, machineID string) (net.IP, net.IP, error)
- func (m *Client) ReleaseIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, ip string) error
- func (m *Client) RemoveWireGuardPeer(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name string) error
- func (m *Client) ResolveImageForApp(ctx context.Context, appName, imageRef string) (*fly.Image, error)
- func (m *Client) RevokeLimitedAccessToken(ctx context.Context, id string) error
- func (m *Client) Run(req *graphql.Request) (fly.Query, error)
- func (m *Client) RunWithContext(ctx context.Context, req *graphql.Request) (fly.Query, error)
- func (m *Client) SetGenqClient(client genq.Client)
- func (m *Client) SetRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, appName string) error
- func (m *Client) SetSecrets(ctx context.Context, appName string, secrets map[string]string) (*fly.Release, error)
- func (m *Client) UnsetSecrets(ctx context.Context, appName string, keys []string) (*fly.Release, error)
- func (m *Client) UpdateRelease(ctx context.Context, input fly.UpdateReleaseInput) (*fly.UpdateReleaseResponse, error)
- func (m *Client) ValidateWireGuardPeers(ctx context.Context, peerIPs []string) (invalid []string, err error)
- type FlapsClient
- func (m *FlapsClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, machineID string, ttl *int) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Cordon(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) CreateApp(ctx context.Context, name string, org string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, sLabel, sType string, in fly.CreateSecretRequest) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) CreateVolume(ctx context.Context, req fly.CreateVolumeRequest) (*fly.Volume, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) CreateVolumeSnapshot(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) error
- func (m *FlapsClient) DeleteMetadata(ctx context.Context, machineID, key string) error
- func (m *FlapsClient) DeleteSecret(ctx context.Context, label string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) DeleteVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) (*fly.Volume, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Destroy(ctx context.Context, input fly.RemoveMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Exec(ctx context.Context, machineID string, in *fly.MachineExecRequest) (*fly.MachineExecResponse, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) ExtendVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string, size_gb int) (*fly.Volume, bool, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) FindLease(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GenerateSecret(ctx context.Context, sLabel, sType string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (*fly.Machine, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GetAllVolumes(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Volume, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GetMany(ctx context.Context, machineIDs []string) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (map[string]string, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GetProcesses(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (fly.MachinePsResponse, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GetVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) (*fly.Volume, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GetVolumeSnapshots(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) ([]fly.VolumeSnapshot, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) GetVolumes(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Volume, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Kill(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Launch(ctx context.Context, builder fly.LaunchMachineInput) (out *fly.Machine, err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) List(ctx context.Context, state string) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) ListActive(ctx context.Context) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) ListFlyAppsMachines(ctx context.Context) ([]*fly.Machine, *fly.Machine, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) ListSecrets(ctx context.Context) (out []fly.ListSecret, err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) NewRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, in interface{}, ...) (*http.Request, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) RefreshLease(ctx context.Context, machineID string, ttl *int, nonce string) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, machineID, nonce string) error
- func (m *FlapsClient) Restart(ctx context.Context, in fly.RestartMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, machineID, key, value string) error
- func (m *FlapsClient) Start(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (out *fly.MachineStartResponse, err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Stop(ctx context.Context, in fly.StopMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Suspend(ctx context.Context, machineID, nonce string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Uncordon(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, builder fly.LaunchMachineInput, nonce string) (out *fly.Machine, err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) UpdateVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string, req fly.UpdateVolumeRequest) (*fly.Volume, error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) Wait(ctx context.Context, machine *fly.Machine, state string, timeout time.Duration) (err error)
- func (m *FlapsClient) WaitForApp(ctx context.Context, name string) error
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
AddCertificateFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.AppCertificate, *fly.HostnameCheck, error)
AllocateIPAddressFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string, addrType string, region string, org *fly.Organization, network string) (*fly.IPAddress, error)
AllocateSharedIPAddressFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (net.IP, error)
AllocateEgressIPAddressFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string, machineId string) (net.IP, net.IP, error)
AppNameAvailableFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (bool, error)
AttachPostgresClusterFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.AttachPostgresClusterInput) (*fly.AttachPostgresClusterPayload, error)
AuthenticatedFunc func() bool
CanPerformBluegreenDeploymentFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (bool, error)
CheckAppCertificateFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.AppCertificate, *fly.HostnameCheck, error)
CheckDomainFunc func(ctx context.Context, name string) (*fly.CheckDomainResult, error)
ClosestWireguardGatewayRegionFunc func(ctx context.Context) (*fly.Region, error)
CreateAndRegisterDomainFunc func(organizationID string, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
CreateAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateAppInput) (*fly.App, error)
CreateBuildFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateBuildInput) (*fly.CreateBuildResponse, error)
CreateDelegatedWireGuardTokenFunc func(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name string) (*fly.DelegatedWireGuardToken, error)
CreateDoctorUrlFunc func(ctx context.Context) (putUrl string, err error)
CreateDomainFunc func(organizationID string, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
CreateOrganizationFunc func(ctx context.Context, organizationname string) (*fly.Organization, error)
CreateOrganizationInviteFunc func(ctx context.Context, id, email string) (*fly.Invitation, error)
CreateReleaseFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateReleaseInput) (*fly.CreateReleaseResponse, error)
CreateWireGuardPeerFunc func(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, region, name, pubkey, network string) (*fly.CreatedWireGuardPeer, error)
DeleteAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) error
DeleteCertificateFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.DeleteCertificatePayload, error)
DeleteDelegatedWireGuardTokenFunc func(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name, token *string) error
DeleteOrganizationFunc func(ctx context.Context, id string) (deletedid string, err error)
DeleteOrganizationMembershipFunc func(ctx context.Context, orgId, userId string) (string, string, error)
DetachPostgresClusterFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.DetachPostgresClusterInput) error
EnablePostgresConsulFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.PostgresEnableConsulPayload, error)
EnsureDepotRemoteBuilderFunc func(ctx context.Context, input *fly.EnsureDepotRemoteBuilderInput) (*fly.EnsureDepotRemoteBuilderResponse, error)
EnsureRemoteBuilderFunc func(ctx context.Context, orgID, appName, region string) (*fly.GqlMachine, *fly.App, error)
ExportDNSRecordsFunc func(ctx context.Context, domainId string) (string, error)
FinishBuildFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.FinishBuildInput) (*fly.FinishBuildResponse, error)
GetAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.App, error)
GetAppRemoteBuilderFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.App, error)
GetAppBasicFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.AppBasic, error)
GetAppCertificatesFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.AppCertificateCompact, error)
GetAppCompactFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.AppCompact, error)
GetDeployerAppByOrgFunc func(ctx context.Context, orgID string) (*fly.App, error)
GetAppCurrentReleaseMachinesFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.Release, error)
GetAppHostIssuesFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.HostIssue, error)
GetAppLimitedAccessTokensFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.LimitedAccessToken, error)
GetAppLogsFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName, token, region, instanceID string) (entries []fly.LogEntry, nextToken string, err error)
GetAppNameFromVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, volID string) (*string, error)
GetAppNameStateFromVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, volID string) (*string, *string, error)
GetAppNetworkFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*string, error)
GetAppReleasesMachinesFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName, status string, limit int) ([]fly.Release, error)
GetAppSecretsFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.Secret, error)
GetAppsFunc func(ctx context.Context, role *string) ([]fly.App, error)
GetAppsForOrganizationFunc func(ctx context.Context, orgID string) ([]fly.App, error)
GetCurrentUserFunc func(ctx context.Context) (*fly.User, error)
GetDNSRecordsFunc func(ctx context.Context, domainName string) ([]*fly.DNSRecord, error)
GetDelegatedWireGuardTokensFunc func(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]*fly.DelegatedWireGuardTokenHandle, error)
GetDetailedOrganizationBySlugFunc func(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.OrganizationDetails, error)
GetDomainFunc func(ctx context.Context, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
GetDomainsFunc func(ctx context.Context, organizationSlug string) ([]*fly.Domain, error)
GetIPAddressesFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.IPAddress, error)
GetEgressIPAddressesFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (map[string][]fly.EgressIPAddress, error)
GetLatestImageDetailsFunc func(ctx context.Context, image string, flyVersion string) (*fly.ImageVersion, error)
GetLatestImageTagFunc func(ctx context.Context, repository string, snapshotId *string) (string, error)
GetLoggedCertificatesFunc func(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]fly.LoggedCertificate, error)
GetMachineFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineId string) (*fly.GqlMachine, error)
GetNearestRegionFunc func(ctx context.Context) (*fly.Region, error)
GetOrganizationBySlugFunc func(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.Organization, error)
GetOrganizationRemoteBuilderBySlugFunc func(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.Organization, error)
GetOrganizationByAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.Organization, error)
GetOrganizationsFunc func(ctx context.Context, filters ([]fly.Organization, error)
GetSnapshotsFromVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, volID string) ([]fly.VolumeSnapshot, error)
GetWireGuardPeerFunc func(ctx context.Context, slug, name string) (*fly.WireGuardPeer, error)
GetWireGuardPeersFunc func(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]*fly.WireGuardPeer, error)
GenqClientFunc func() genq.Client
ImportDNSRecordsFunc func(ctx context.Context, domainId string, zonefile string) ([]fly.ImportDnsWarning, []fly.ImportDnsChange, error)
IssueSSHCertificateFunc func(ctx context.Context, org fly.OrganizationImpl, principals []string, appNames []string, valid_hours *int, publicKey ed25519.PublicKey) (*fly.IssuedCertificate, error)
LatestImageFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) (string, error)
ListPostgresClusterAttachmentsFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName, postgresAppName string) ([]*fly.PostgresClusterAttachment, error)
LoggerFunc func() fly.Logger
MoveAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string, orgID string) (*fly.App, error)
NewRequestFunc func(q string) *graphql.Request
PlatformRegionsFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Region, *fly.Region, error)
ReleaseIPAddressFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string, ip string) error
ReleaseEgressIPAddressFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string, machineID string) (net.IP, net.IP, error)
RemoveWireGuardPeerFunc func(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name string) error
ResolveImageForAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName, imageRef string) (*fly.Image, error)
RevokeLimitedAccessTokenFunc func(ctx context.Context, id string) error
RunFunc func(req *graphql.Request) (fly.Query, error)
RunWithContextFunc func(ctx context.Context, req *graphql.Request) (fly.Query, error)
SetGenqClientFunc func(client genq.Client)
SetRemoteBuilderFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string) error
SetSecretsFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string, secrets map[string]string) (*fly.Release, error)
UpdateReleaseFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.UpdateReleaseInput) (*fly.UpdateReleaseResponse, error)
UnsetSecretsFunc func(ctx context.Context, appName string, keys []string) (*fly.Release, error)
ValidateWireGuardPeersFunc func(ctx context.Context, peerIPs []string) (invalid []string, err error)
func (*Client) AddCertificate ¶
func (m *Client) AddCertificate(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.AppCertificate, *fly.HostnameCheck, error)
func (*Client) AllocateEgressIPAddress ¶ added in v0.3.8
func (m *Client) AllocateEgressIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, machineId string) (net.IP, net.IP, error)
func (*Client) AllocateIPAddress ¶
func (m *Client) AllocateIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, addrType string, region string, org *fly.Organization, network string) (*fly.IPAddress, error)
func (*Client) AllocateSharedIPAddress ¶
func (m *Client) AllocateSharedIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string) (net.IP, error)
func (*Client) AppNameAvailable ¶
func (m *Client) AppNameAvailable(ctx context.Context, appName string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) AttachPostgresCluster ¶
func (m *Client) AttachPostgresCluster(ctx context.Context, input fly.AttachPostgresClusterInput) (*fly.AttachPostgresClusterPayload, error)
func (*Client) Authenticated ¶
func (m *Client) Authenticated() bool
func (*Client) CanPerformBluegreenDeployment ¶
func (m *Client) CanPerformBluegreenDeployment(ctx context.Context, appName string) (bool, error)
func (*Client) CheckAppCertificate ¶
func (m *Client) CheckAppCertificate(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.AppCertificate, *fly.HostnameCheck, error)
func (*Client) CheckDomain ¶
func (m *Client) CheckDomain(ctx context.Context, name string) (*fly.CheckDomainResult, error)
func (*Client) ClosestWireguardGatewayRegion ¶
func (m *Client) ClosestWireguardGatewayRegion(ctx context.Context) (*fly.Region, error)
func (*Client) CreateAndRegisterDomain ¶
func (m *Client) CreateAndRegisterDomain(organizationID string, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
func (*Client) CreateApp ¶
func (m *Client) CreateApp(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateAppInput) (*fly.App, error)
func (*Client) CreateBuild ¶ added in v0.2.62
func (m *Client) CreateBuild(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateBuildInput) (*fly.CreateBuildResponse, error)
func (*Client) CreateDelegatedWireGuardToken ¶
func (m *Client) CreateDelegatedWireGuardToken(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name string) (*fly.DelegatedWireGuardToken, error)
func (*Client) CreateDoctorUrl ¶
func (m *Client) CreateDoctorUrl(ctx context.Context) (putUrl string, err error)
func (*Client) CreateDomain ¶
func (m *Client) CreateDomain(organizationID string, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
func (*Client) CreateOrganization ¶
func (m *Client) CreateOrganization(ctx context.Context, organizationname string) (*fly.Organization, error)
func (*Client) CreateOrganizationInvite ¶
func (m *Client) CreateOrganizationInvite(ctx context.Context, id, email string) (*fly.Invitation, error)
func (*Client) CreateRelease ¶ added in v0.2.62
func (m *Client) CreateRelease(ctx context.Context, input fly.CreateReleaseInput) (*fly.CreateReleaseResponse, error)
func (*Client) CreateWireGuardPeer ¶
func (m *Client) CreateWireGuardPeer(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, region, name, pubkey, network string) (*fly.CreatedWireGuardPeer, error)
func (*Client) DeleteCertificate ¶
func (m *Client) DeleteCertificate(ctx context.Context, appName, hostname string) (*fly.DeleteCertificatePayload, error)
func (*Client) DeleteDelegatedWireGuardToken ¶
func (m *Client) DeleteDelegatedWireGuardToken(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name, token *string) error
func (*Client) DeleteOrganization ¶
func (m *Client) DeleteOrganization(ctx context.Context, id string) (deletedid string, err error)
func (*Client) DeleteOrganizationMembership ¶
func (m *Client) DeleteOrganizationMembership(ctx context.Context, orgId, userId string) (string, string, error)
func (*Client) DetachPostgresCluster ¶
func (m *Client) DetachPostgresCluster(ctx context.Context, input fly.DetachPostgresClusterInput) error
func (*Client) EnablePostgresConsul ¶
func (m *Client) EnablePostgresConsul(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.PostgresEnableConsulPayload, error)
func (*Client) EnsureDepotRemoteBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.101
func (m *Client) EnsureDepotRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, input *fly.EnsureDepotRemoteBuilderInput) (*fly.EnsureDepotRemoteBuilderResponse, error)
func (*Client) EnsureRemoteBuilder ¶
func (m *Client) EnsureRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, orgID, appName, region string) (*fly.GqlMachine, *fly.App, error)
func (*Client) ExportDNSRecords ¶
func (m *Client) ExportDNSRecords(ctx context.Context, domainId string) (string, error)
func (*Client) FinishBuild ¶ added in v0.2.62
func (m *Client) FinishBuild(ctx context.Context, input fly.FinishBuildInput) (*fly.FinishBuildResponse, error)
func (*Client) GenqClient ¶
func (m *Client) GenqClient() genq.Client
func (*Client) GetApp ¶
func (m *Client) GetApp(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.App, error)
func (*Client) GetAppBasic ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppBasic(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.AppBasic, error)
func (*Client) GetAppCertificates ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppCertificates(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.AppCertificateCompact, error)
func (*Client) GetAppCompact ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppCompact(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.AppCompact, error)
func (*Client) GetAppCurrentReleaseMachines ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppCurrentReleaseMachines(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.Release, error)
func (*Client) GetAppHostIssues ¶ added in v0.2.66
func (m *Client) GetAppHostIssues(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.HostIssue, error)
func (*Client) GetAppLimitedAccessTokens ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppLimitedAccessTokens(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.LimitedAccessToken, error)
func (*Client) GetAppLogs ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppLogs(ctx context.Context, appName, token, region, instanceID string) (entries []fly.LogEntry, nextToken string, err error)
func (*Client) GetAppNameFromVolume ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppNameFromVolume(ctx context.Context, volID string) (*string, error)
func (*Client) GetAppNameStateFromVolume ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppNameStateFromVolume(ctx context.Context, volID string) (*string, *string, error)
func (*Client) GetAppNetwork ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppNetwork(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*string, error)
func (*Client) GetAppReleasesMachines ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppReleasesMachines(ctx context.Context, appName, status string, limit int) ([]fly.Release, error)
func (*Client) GetAppRemoteBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.67
func (m *Client) GetAppRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.App, error)
func (*Client) GetAppSecrets ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppSecrets(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.Secret, error)
func (*Client) GetApps ¶
func (m *Client) GetApps(ctx context.Context, role *string) ([]fly.App, error)
func (*Client) GetAppsForOrganization ¶
func (m *Client) GetAppsForOrganization(ctx context.Context, orgID string) ([]fly.App, error)
func (*Client) GetCurrentUser ¶
func (m *Client) GetCurrentUser(ctx context.Context) (*fly.User, error)
func (*Client) GetDNSRecords ¶
func (m *Client) GetDNSRecords(ctx context.Context, domainName string) ([]*fly.DNSRecord, error)
func (*Client) GetDelegatedWireGuardTokens ¶
func (m *Client) GetDelegatedWireGuardTokens(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]*fly.DelegatedWireGuardTokenHandle, error)
func (*Client) GetDeployerAppByOrg ¶ added in v0.2.114
func (m *Client) GetDeployerAppByOrg(ctx context.Context, orgID string) (*fly.App, error)
func (*Client) GetDetailedOrganizationBySlug ¶
func (m *Client) GetDetailedOrganizationBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.OrganizationDetails, error)
func (*Client) GetDomain ¶
func (m *Client) GetDomain(ctx context.Context, name string) (*fly.Domain, error)
func (*Client) GetDomains ¶
func (m *Client) GetDomains(ctx context.Context, organizationSlug string) ([]*fly.Domain, error)
func (*Client) GetEgressIPAddresses ¶ added in v0.3.8
func (m *Client) GetEgressIPAddresses(ctx context.Context, appName string) (map[string][]fly.EgressIPAddress, error)
func (*Client) GetIPAddresses ¶
func (m *Client) GetIPAddresses(ctx context.Context, appName string) ([]fly.IPAddress, error)
func (*Client) GetLatestImageDetails ¶
func (m *Client) GetLatestImageDetails(ctx context.Context, image string, flyVersion string) (*fly.ImageVersion, error)
func (*Client) GetLatestImageTag ¶
func (m *Client) GetLatestImageTag(ctx context.Context, repository string, snapshotId *string) (string, error)
func (*Client) GetLoggedCertificates ¶
func (m *Client) GetLoggedCertificates(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]fly.LoggedCertificate, error)
func (*Client) GetMachine ¶
func (m *Client) GetMachine(ctx context.Context, machineId string) (*fly.GqlMachine, error)
func (*Client) GetNearestRegion ¶
func (m *Client) GetNearestRegion(ctx context.Context) (*fly.Region, error)
func (*Client) GetOrganizationByApp ¶ added in v0.2.67
func (m *Client) GetOrganizationByApp(ctx context.Context, appName string) (*fly.Organization, error)
func (*Client) GetOrganizationBySlug ¶
func (m *Client) GetOrganizationBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.Organization, error)
func (*Client) GetOrganizationRemoteBuilderBySlug ¶ added in v0.2.67
func (m *Client) GetOrganizationRemoteBuilderBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*fly.Organization, error)
func (*Client) GetOrganizations ¶
func (m *Client) GetOrganizations(ctx context.Context, filters ([]fly.Organization, error)
func (*Client) GetSnapshotsFromVolume ¶
func (m *Client) GetSnapshotsFromVolume(ctx context.Context, volID string) ([]fly.VolumeSnapshot, error)
func (*Client) GetWireGuardPeer ¶
func (m *Client) GetWireGuardPeer(ctx context.Context, slug, name string) (*fly.WireGuardPeer, error)
func (*Client) GetWireGuardPeers ¶
func (m *Client) GetWireGuardPeers(ctx context.Context, slug string) ([]*fly.WireGuardPeer, error)
func (*Client) ImportDNSRecords ¶
func (m *Client) ImportDNSRecords(ctx context.Context, domainId string, zonefile string) ([]fly.ImportDnsWarning, []fly.ImportDnsChange, error)
func (*Client) IssueSSHCertificate ¶
func (m *Client) IssueSSHCertificate(ctx context.Context, org fly.OrganizationImpl, principals []string, appNames []string, valid_hours *int, publicKey ed25519.PublicKey) (*fly.IssuedCertificate, error)
func (*Client) LatestImage ¶ added in v0.2.62
func (m *Client) LatestImage(ctx context.Context, appName string) (string, error)
func (*Client) ListPostgresClusterAttachments ¶
func (m *Client) ListPostgresClusterAttachments(ctx context.Context, appName, postgresAppName string) ([]*fly.PostgresClusterAttachment, error)
func (*Client) MoveApp ¶
func (m *Client) MoveApp(ctx context.Context, appName string, orgID string) (*fly.App, error)
func (*Client) NewRequest ¶
func (m *Client) NewRequest(q string) *graphql.Request
func (*Client) PlatformRegions ¶
func (m *Client) PlatformRegions(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Region, *fly.Region, error)
func (*Client) ReleaseEgressIPAddress ¶ added in v0.3.15
func (m *Client) ReleaseEgressIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, machineID string) (net.IP, net.IP, error)
func (*Client) ReleaseIPAddress ¶
func (m *Client) ReleaseIPAddress(ctx context.Context, appName string, ip string) error
func (*Client) RemoveWireGuardPeer ¶
func (m *Client) RemoveWireGuardPeer(ctx context.Context, org *fly.Organization, name string) error
func (*Client) ResolveImageForApp ¶
func (m *Client) ResolveImageForApp(ctx context.Context, appName, imageRef string) (*fly.Image, error)
func (*Client) RevokeLimitedAccessToken ¶
func (m *Client) RevokeLimitedAccessToken(ctx context.Context, id string) error
func (*Client) RunWithContext ¶
func (m *Client) RunWithContext(ctx context.Context, req *graphql.Request) (fly.Query, error)
func (*Client) SetGenqClient ¶
func (m *Client) SetGenqClient(client genq.Client)
func (*Client) SetRemoteBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.67
func (m *Client) SetRemoteBuilder(ctx context.Context, appName string) error
func (*Client) SetSecrets ¶
func (m *Client) SetSecrets(ctx context.Context, appName string, secrets map[string]string) (*fly.Release, error)
func (*Client) UnsetSecrets ¶
func (m *Client) UnsetSecrets(ctx context.Context, appName string, keys []string) (*fly.Release, error)
func (*Client) UpdateRelease ¶ added in v0.2.62
func (m *Client) UpdateRelease(ctx context.Context, input fly.UpdateReleaseInput) (*fly.UpdateReleaseResponse, error)
func (*Client) ValidateWireGuardPeers ¶
func (m *Client) ValidateWireGuardPeers(ctx context.Context, peerIPs []string) (invalid []string, err error)
type FlapsClient ¶
type FlapsClient struct {
AcquireLeaseFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string, ttl *int) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
CordonFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (err error)
CreateAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, name string, org string) (err error)
CreateSecretFunc func(ctx context.Context, sLabel, sType string, in fly.CreateSecretRequest) (err error)
CreateVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, req fly.CreateVolumeRequest) (*fly.Volume, error)
CreateVolumeSnapshotFunc func(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) error
DeleteMetadataFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID, key string) error
DeleteSecretFunc func(ctx context.Context, label string) (err error)
DeleteVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) (*fly.Volume, error)
DestroyFunc func(ctx context.Context, input fly.RemoveMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
ExecFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string, in *fly.MachineExecRequest) (*fly.MachineExecResponse, error)
ExtendVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, volumeId string, size_gb int) (*fly.Volume, bool, error)
FindLeaseFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
GenerateSecretFunc func(ctx context.Context, sLabel, sType string) (err error)
GetFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (*fly.Machine, error)
GetAllVolumesFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Volume, error)
GetManyFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineIDs []string) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
GetMetadataFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (map[string]string, error)
GetProcessesFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (fly.MachinePsResponse, error)
GetVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) (*fly.Volume, error)
GetVolumeSnapshotsFunc func(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) ([]fly.VolumeSnapshot, error)
GetVolumesFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Volume, error)
KillFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (err error)
LaunchFunc func(ctx context.Context, builder fly.LaunchMachineInput) (out *fly.Machine, err error)
ListFunc func(ctx context.Context, state string) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
ListActiveFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
ListFlyAppsMachinesFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]*fly.Machine, *fly.Machine, error)
ListSecretsFunc func(ctx context.Context) (out []fly.ListSecret, err error)
NewRequestFunc func(ctx context.Context, method, path string, in interface{}, headers map[string][]string) (*http.Request, error)
RefreshLeaseFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string, ttl *int, nonce string) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
ReleaseLeaseFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID, nonce string) error
RestartFunc func(ctx context.Context, in fly.RestartMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
SetMetadataFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID, key, value string) error
StartFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (out *fly.MachineStartResponse, err error)
StopFunc func(ctx context.Context, in fly.StopMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
SuspendFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID, nonce string) (err error)
UncordonFunc func(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (err error)
UpdateFunc func(ctx context.Context, builder fly.LaunchMachineInput, nonce string) (out *fly.Machine, err error)
UpdateVolumeFunc func(ctx context.Context, volumeId string, req fly.UpdateVolumeRequest) (*fly.Volume, error)
WaitFunc func(ctx context.Context, machine *fly.Machine, state string, timeout time.Duration) (err error)
WaitForAppFunc func(ctx context.Context, name string) error
func (*FlapsClient) AcquireLease ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, machineID string, ttl *int) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
func (*FlapsClient) Cordon ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Cordon(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) CreateApp ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) CreateApp(ctx context.Context, name string, org string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) CreateSecret ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (m *FlapsClient) CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, sLabel, sType string, in fly.CreateSecretRequest) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) CreateVolume ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) CreateVolume(ctx context.Context, req fly.CreateVolumeRequest) (*fly.Volume, error)
func (*FlapsClient) CreateVolumeSnapshot ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) CreateVolumeSnapshot(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) error
func (*FlapsClient) DeleteMetadata ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) DeleteMetadata(ctx context.Context, machineID, key string) error
func (*FlapsClient) DeleteSecret ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (m *FlapsClient) DeleteSecret(ctx context.Context, label string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) DeleteVolume ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) DeleteVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) (*fly.Volume, error)
func (*FlapsClient) Destroy ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Destroy(ctx context.Context, input fly.RemoveMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) Exec ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Exec(ctx context.Context, machineID string, in *fly.MachineExecRequest) (*fly.MachineExecResponse, error)
func (*FlapsClient) ExtendVolume ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) ExtendVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string, size_gb int) (*fly.Volume, bool, error)
func (*FlapsClient) FindLease ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) FindLease(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GenerateSecret ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (m *FlapsClient) GenerateSecret(ctx context.Context, sLabel, sType string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) Get ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (*fly.Machine, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GetAllVolumes ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) GetAllVolumes(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Volume, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GetMany ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) GetMany(ctx context.Context, machineIDs []string) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GetMetadata ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (map[string]string, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GetProcesses ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) GetProcesses(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (fly.MachinePsResponse, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GetVolume ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) GetVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) (*fly.Volume, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GetVolumeSnapshots ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) GetVolumeSnapshots(ctx context.Context, volumeId string) ([]fly.VolumeSnapshot, error)
func (*FlapsClient) GetVolumes ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) GetVolumes(ctx context.Context) ([]fly.Volume, error)
func (*FlapsClient) Kill ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Kill(ctx context.Context, machineID string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) Launch ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Launch(ctx context.Context, builder fly.LaunchMachineInput) (out *fly.Machine, err error)
func (*FlapsClient) List ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) List(ctx context.Context, state string) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
func (*FlapsClient) ListActive ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) ListActive(ctx context.Context) ([]*fly.Machine, error)
func (*FlapsClient) ListFlyAppsMachines ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) ListFlyAppsMachines(ctx context.Context) ([]*fly.Machine, *fly.Machine, error)
func (*FlapsClient) ListSecrets ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (m *FlapsClient) ListSecrets(ctx context.Context) (out []fly.ListSecret, err error)
func (*FlapsClient) NewRequest ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) NewRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, in interface{}, headers map[string][]string) (*http.Request, error)
func (*FlapsClient) RefreshLease ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) RefreshLease(ctx context.Context, machineID string, ttl *int, nonce string) (*fly.MachineLease, error)
func (*FlapsClient) ReleaseLease ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, machineID, nonce string) error
func (*FlapsClient) Restart ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Restart(ctx context.Context, in fly.RestartMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) SetMetadata ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, machineID, key, value string) error
func (*FlapsClient) Start ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Start(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (out *fly.MachineStartResponse, err error)
func (*FlapsClient) Stop ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Stop(ctx context.Context, in fly.StopMachineInput, nonce string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) Suspend ¶ added in v0.2.71
func (m *FlapsClient) Suspend(ctx context.Context, machineID, nonce string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) Uncordon ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Uncordon(ctx context.Context, machineID string, nonce string) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) Update ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, builder fly.LaunchMachineInput, nonce string) (out *fly.Machine, err error)
func (*FlapsClient) UpdateVolume ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) UpdateVolume(ctx context.Context, volumeId string, req fly.UpdateVolumeRequest) (*fly.Volume, error)
func (*FlapsClient) Wait ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) Wait(ctx context.Context, machine *fly.Machine, state string, timeout time.Duration) (err error)
func (*FlapsClient) WaitForApp ¶
func (m *FlapsClient) WaitForApp(ctx context.Context, name string) error
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