Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AccountDomainFlag() string
- func AccountsAllowCustomCSSFlag() string
- func AccountsCustomCSSLengthFlag() string
- func AccountsReasonRequiredFlag() string
- func AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimitFlag() string
- func AccountsRegistrationDailyLimitFlag() string
- func AccountsRegistrationOpenFlag() string
- func AddAdminAccount(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AddAdminAccountCreate(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AddAdminAccountPassword(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AddAdminMediaList(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AddAdminMediaPrune(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AddAdminTrans(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AddGlobalFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AddServerFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func AdminAccountEmailFlag() string
- func AdminAccountPasswordFlag() string
- func AdminAccountUsernameFlag() string
- func AdminMediaListLocalOnlyFlag() string
- func AdminMediaListRemoteOnlyFlag() string
- func AdminMediaPruneDryRunFlag() string
- func AdminTransPathFlag() string
- func AdvancedCSPExtraURIsFlag() string
- func AdvancedCookiesSamesiteFlag() string
- func AdvancedHeaderFilterModeFlag() string
- func AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsFlag() string
- func AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsedFlag() string
- func AdvancedRateLimitRequestsFlag() string
- func AdvancedSenderMultiplierFlag() string
- func AdvancedThrottlingMultiplierFlag() string
- func AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfterFlag() string
- func ApplicationNameFlag() string
- func BindAddressFlag() string
- func BindFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) error
- func CacheAccountMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheAccountNoteMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheAccountSettingsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheAccountStatsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheApplicationMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheBlockIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheBlockMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheBoostOfIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheClientMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheConversationMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRationFlag() string
- func CacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRationFlag() string
- func CacheEmojiCategoryMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheEmojiMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFilterKeywordMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFilterMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFilterStatusMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFollowIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFollowMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFollowRequestMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheInReplyToIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheInstanceMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheInteractionRequestMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheListIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheListMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheListedIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheMarkerMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheMediaMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheMemoryTargetFlag() string
- func CacheMentionMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheMoveMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheNotificationMemRatioFlag() string
- func CachePollMemRatioFlag() string
- func CachePollVoteIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CachePollVoteMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheReportMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheSinBinStatusMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheStatusBookmarkMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheStatusEditMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheStatusFaveMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheStatusMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheTagMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheThreadMuteMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheTokenMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheTombstoneMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheUserMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheUserMuteIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheUserMuteMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheVisibilityMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatioFlag() string
- func CacheWebfingerMemRatioFlag() string
- func Config(fn func(cfg *Configuration))
- func ConfigPathFlag() string
- func DbAddressFlag() string
- func DbDatabaseFlag() string
- func DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplierFlag() string
- func DbPasswordFlag() string
- func DbPortFlag() string
- func DbPostgresConnectionStringFlag() string
- func DbSqliteBusyTimeoutFlag() string
- func DbSqliteCacheSizeFlag() string
- func DbSqliteJournalModeFlag() string
- func DbSqliteSynchronousFlag() string
- func DbTLSCACertFlag() string
- func DbTLSModeFlag() string
- func DbTypeFlag() string
- func DbUserFlag() string
- func GetAccountDomain() string
- func GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS() bool
- func GetAccountsCustomCSSLength() int
- func GetAccountsReasonRequired() bool
- func GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit() int
- func GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit() int
- func GetAccountsRegistrationOpen() bool
- func GetAdminAccountEmail() string
- func GetAdminAccountPassword() string
- func GetAdminAccountUsername() string
- func GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly() bool
- func GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly() bool
- func GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun() bool
- func GetAdminTransPath() string
- func GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs() []string
- func GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite() string
- func GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode() string
- func GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions() []string
- func GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed() []netip.Prefix
- func GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests() int
- func GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier() int
- func GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier() int
- func GetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter() time.Duration
- func GetApplicationName() string
- func GetBindAddress() string
- func GetCacheAccountMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheApplicationMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheBlockMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheClientMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheConversationMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation() float64
- func GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation() float64
- func GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheEmojiMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFilterMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFollowMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheInstanceMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheListIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheListMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheMarkerMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheMediaMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheMemoryTarget() bytesize.Size
- func GetCacheMentionMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheMoveMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheNotificationMemRatio() float64
- func GetCachePollMemRatio() float64
- func GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCachePollVoteMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheReportMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheStatusMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheTagMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheTokenMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheUserMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio() float64
- func GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio() float64
- func GetConfigPath() string
- func GetDbAddress() string
- func GetDbDatabase() string
- func GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier() int
- func GetDbPassword() string
- func GetDbPort() int
- func GetDbPostgresConnectionString() string
- func GetDbSqliteBusyTimeout() time.Duration
- func GetDbSqliteCacheSize() bytesize.Size
- func GetDbSqliteJournalMode() string
- func GetDbSqliteSynchronous() string
- func GetDbTLSCACert() string
- func GetDbTLSMode() string
- func GetDbType() string
- func GetDbUser() string
- func GetHTTPClientAllowIPs() []string
- func GetHTTPClientBlockIPs() []string
- func GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify() bool
- func GetHTTPClientTimeout() time.Duration
- func GetHost() string
- func GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses() bool
- func GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes() bool
- func GetInstanceExposePeers() bool
- func GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline() bool
- func GetInstanceExposeSuspended() bool
- func GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb() bool
- func GetInstanceFederationMode() string
- func GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter() bool
- func GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion() bool
- func GetInstanceLanguages() language.Languages
- func GetInstanceStatsMode() string
- func GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery() time.Duration
- func GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom() string
- func GetLandingPageUser() string
- func GetLetsEncryptCertDir() string
- func GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress() string
- func GetLetsEncryptEnabled() bool
- func GetLetsEncryptPort() int
- func GetLogClientIP() bool
- func GetLogDbQueries() bool
- func GetLogLevel() string
- func GetLogTimestampFormat() string
- func GetMediaCleanupEvery() time.Duration
- func GetMediaCleanupFrom() string
- func GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars() int
- func GetMediaDescriptionMinChars() int
- func GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize() bytesize.Size
- func GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize() bytesize.Size
- func GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize() int
- func GetMediaImageSizeHint() bytesize.Size
- func GetMediaLocalMaxSize() bytesize.Size
- func GetMediaRemoteCacheDays() int
- func GetMediaRemoteMaxSize() bytesize.Size
- func GetMediaVideoSizeHint() bytesize.Size
- func GetMetricsAuthEnabled() bool
- func GetMetricsAuthPassword() string
- func GetMetricsAuthUsername() string
- func GetMetricsEnabled() bool
- func GetOIDCAdminGroups() []string
- func GetOIDCAllowedGroups() []string
- func GetOIDCClientID() string
- func GetOIDCClientSecret() string
- func GetOIDCEnabled() bool
- func GetOIDCIdpName() string
- func GetOIDCIssuer() string
- func GetOIDCLinkExisting() bool
- func GetOIDCScopes() []string
- func GetOIDCSkipVerification() bool
- func GetPort() int
- func GetProtocol() string
- func GetRequestIDHeader() string
- func GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients() bool
- func GetSMTPFrom() string
- func GetSMTPHost() string
- func GetSMTPPassword() string
- func GetSMTPPort() int
- func GetSMTPUsername() string
- func GetSoftwareVersion() string
- func GetStatusesMaxChars() int
- func GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles() int
- func GetStatusesPollMaxOptions() int
- func GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars() int
- func GetStorageBackend() string
- func GetStorageLocalBasePath() string
- func GetStorageS3AccessKey() string
- func GetStorageS3BucketName() string
- func GetStorageS3Endpoint() string
- func GetStorageS3Proxy() bool
- func GetStorageS3RedirectURL() string
- func GetStorageS3SecretKey() string
- func GetStorageS3UseSSL() bool
- func GetSyslogAddress() string
- func GetSyslogEnabled() bool
- func GetSyslogProtocol() string
- func GetTLSCertificateChain() string
- func GetTLSCertificateKey() string
- func GetTracingEnabled() bool
- func GetTracingEndpoint() string
- func GetTracingInsecureTransport() bool
- func GetTracingTransport() string
- func GetTrustedProxies() []string
- func GetWebAssetBaseDir() string
- func GetWebTemplateBaseDir() string
- func HTTPClientAllowIPsFlag() string
- func HTTPClientBlockIPsFlag() string
- func HTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerifyFlag() string
- func HTTPClientTimeoutFlag() string
- func HostFlag() string
- func InstanceAllowBackdatingStatusesFlag() string
- func InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxesFlag() string
- func InstanceExposePeersFlag() string
- func InstanceExposePublicTimelineFlag() string
- func InstanceExposeSuspendedFlag() string
- func InstanceExposeSuspendedWebFlag() string
- func InstanceFederationModeFlag() string
- func InstanceFederationSpamFilterFlag() string
- func InstanceInjectMastodonVersionFlag() string
- func InstanceLanguagesFlag() string
- func InstanceStatsModeFlag() string
- func InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEveryFlag() string
- func InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFromFlag() string
- func LandingPageUserFlag() string
- func LetsEncryptCertDirFlag() string
- func LetsEncryptEmailAddressFlag() string
- func LetsEncryptEnabledFlag() string
- func LetsEncryptPortFlag() string
- func LoadEarlyFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) error
- func LogClientIPFlag() string
- func LogDbQueriesFlag() string
- func LogLevelFlag() string
- func LogTimestampFormatFlag() string
- func MediaCleanupEveryFlag() string
- func MediaCleanupFromFlag() string
- func MediaDescriptionMaxCharsFlag() string
- func MediaDescriptionMinCharsFlag() string
- func MediaEmojiLocalMaxSizeFlag() string
- func MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSizeFlag() string
- func MediaFfmpegPoolSizeFlag() string
- func MediaImageSizeHintFlag() string
- func MediaLocalMaxSizeFlag() string
- func MediaRemoteCacheDaysFlag() string
- func MediaRemoteMaxSizeFlag() string
- func MediaVideoSizeHintFlag() string
- func MetricsAuthEnabledFlag() string
- func MetricsAuthPasswordFlag() string
- func MetricsAuthUsernameFlag() string
- func MetricsEnabledFlag() string
- func MustParseIPPrefixes(in []string) []netip.Prefix
- func OIDCAdminGroupsFlag() string
- func OIDCAllowedGroupsFlag() string
- func OIDCClientIDFlag() string
- func OIDCClientSecretFlag() string
- func OIDCEnabledFlag() string
- func OIDCIdpNameFlag() string
- func OIDCIssuerFlag() string
- func OIDCLinkExistingFlag() string
- func OIDCScopesFlag() string
- func OIDCSkipVerificationFlag() string
- func PortFlag() string
- func ProtocolFlag() string
- func Reload() error
- func RequestIDHeaderFlag() string
- func Reset()
- func SMTPDiscloseRecipientsFlag() string
- func SMTPFromFlag() string
- func SMTPHostFlag() string
- func SMTPPasswordFlag() string
- func SMTPPortFlag() string
- func SMTPUsernameFlag() string
- func SetAccountDomain(v string)
- func SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS(v bool)
- func SetAccountsCustomCSSLength(v int)
- func SetAccountsReasonRequired(v bool)
- func SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit(v int)
- func SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit(v int)
- func SetAccountsRegistrationOpen(v bool)
- func SetAdminAccountEmail(v string)
- func SetAdminAccountPassword(v string)
- func SetAdminAccountUsername(v string)
- func SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly(v bool)
- func SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly(v bool)
- func SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun(v bool)
- func SetAdminTransPath(v string)
- func SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs(v []string)
- func SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite(v string)
- func SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode(v string)
- func SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions(v []string)
- func SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed(v []netip.Prefix)
- func SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests(v int)
- func SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier(v int)
- func SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier(v int)
- func SetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter(v time.Duration)
- func SetApplicationName(v string)
- func SetBindAddress(v string)
- func SetCacheAccountMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheApplicationMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheBlockMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheClientMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheConversationMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation(v float64)
- func SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation(v float64)
- func SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheEmojiMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFilterMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFollowMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheInstanceMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheListIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheListMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheMarkerMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheMediaMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheMemoryTarget(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetCacheMentionMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheMoveMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheNotificationMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCachePollMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCachePollVoteMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheReportMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheStatusMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheTagMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheTokenMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheUserMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio(v float64)
- func SetConfigPath(v string)
- func SetDbAddress(v string)
- func SetDbDatabase(v string)
- func SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier(v int)
- func SetDbPassword(v string)
- func SetDbPort(v int)
- func SetDbPostgresConnectionString(v string)
- func SetDbSqliteBusyTimeout(v time.Duration)
- func SetDbSqliteCacheSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetDbSqliteJournalMode(v string)
- func SetDbSqliteSynchronous(v string)
- func SetDbTLSCACert(v string)
- func SetDbTLSMode(v string)
- func SetDbType(v string)
- func SetDbUser(v string)
- func SetHTTPClientAllowIPs(v []string)
- func SetHTTPClientBlockIPs(v []string)
- func SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify(v bool)
- func SetHTTPClientTimeout(v time.Duration)
- func SetHost(v string)
- func SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses(v bool)
- func SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes(v bool)
- func SetInstanceExposePeers(v bool)
- func SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline(v bool)
- func SetInstanceExposeSuspended(v bool)
- func SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb(v bool)
- func SetInstanceFederationMode(v string)
- func SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter(v bool)
- func SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion(v bool)
- func SetInstanceLanguages(v language.Languages)
- func SetInstanceStatsMode(v string)
- func SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery(v time.Duration)
- func SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom(v string)
- func SetLandingPageUser(v string)
- func SetLetsEncryptCertDir(v string)
- func SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress(v string)
- func SetLetsEncryptEnabled(v bool)
- func SetLetsEncryptPort(v int)
- func SetLogClientIP(v bool)
- func SetLogDbQueries(v bool)
- func SetLogLevel(v string)
- func SetLogTimestampFormat(v string)
- func SetMediaCleanupEvery(v time.Duration)
- func SetMediaCleanupFrom(v string)
- func SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars(v int)
- func SetMediaDescriptionMinChars(v int)
- func SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize(v int)
- func SetMediaImageSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetMediaLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetMediaRemoteCacheDays(v int)
- func SetMediaRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetMediaVideoSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
- func SetMetricsAuthEnabled(v bool)
- func SetMetricsAuthPassword(v string)
- func SetMetricsAuthUsername(v string)
- func SetMetricsEnabled(v bool)
- func SetOIDCAdminGroups(v []string)
- func SetOIDCAllowedGroups(v []string)
- func SetOIDCClientID(v string)
- func SetOIDCClientSecret(v string)
- func SetOIDCEnabled(v bool)
- func SetOIDCIdpName(v string)
- func SetOIDCIssuer(v string)
- func SetOIDCLinkExisting(v bool)
- func SetOIDCScopes(v []string)
- func SetOIDCSkipVerification(v bool)
- func SetPort(v int)
- func SetProtocol(v string)
- func SetRequestIDHeader(v string)
- func SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients(v bool)
- func SetSMTPFrom(v string)
- func SetSMTPHost(v string)
- func SetSMTPPassword(v string)
- func SetSMTPPort(v int)
- func SetSMTPUsername(v string)
- func SetSoftwareVersion(v string)
- func SetStatusesMaxChars(v int)
- func SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles(v int)
- func SetStatusesPollMaxOptions(v int)
- func SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars(v int)
- func SetStorageBackend(v string)
- func SetStorageLocalBasePath(v string)
- func SetStorageS3AccessKey(v string)
- func SetStorageS3BucketName(v string)
- func SetStorageS3Endpoint(v string)
- func SetStorageS3Proxy(v bool)
- func SetStorageS3RedirectURL(v string)
- func SetStorageS3SecretKey(v string)
- func SetStorageS3UseSSL(v bool)
- func SetSyslogAddress(v string)
- func SetSyslogEnabled(v bool)
- func SetSyslogProtocol(v string)
- func SetTLSCertificateChain(v string)
- func SetTLSCertificateKey(v string)
- func SetTracingEnabled(v bool)
- func SetTracingEndpoint(v string)
- func SetTracingInsecureTransport(v bool)
- func SetTracingTransport(v string)
- func SetTrustedProxies(v []string)
- func SetWebAssetBaseDir(v string)
- func SetWebTemplateBaseDir(v string)
- func SoftwareVersionFlag() string
- func StatusesMaxCharsFlag() string
- func StatusesMediaMaxFilesFlag() string
- func StatusesPollMaxOptionsFlag() string
- func StatusesPollOptionMaxCharsFlag() string
- func StorageBackendFlag() string
- func StorageLocalBasePathFlag() string
- func StorageS3AccessKeyFlag() string
- func StorageS3BucketNameFlag() string
- func StorageS3EndpointFlag() string
- func StorageS3ProxyFlag() string
- func StorageS3RedirectURLFlag() string
- func StorageS3SecretKeyFlag() string
- func StorageS3UseSSLFlag() string
- func SyslogAddressFlag() string
- func SyslogEnabledFlag() string
- func SyslogProtocolFlag() string
- func TLSCertificateChainFlag() string
- func TLSCertificateKeyFlag() string
- func TracingEnabledFlag() string
- func TracingEndpointFlag() string
- func TracingInsecureTransportFlag() string
- func TracingTransportFlag() string
- func TrustedProxiesFlag() string
- func Validate() error
- func WebAssetBaseDirFlag() string
- func WebTemplateBaseDirFlag() string
- type CacheConfiguration
- type ConfigState
- func (s *ConfigState) AddGlobalFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func (s *ConfigState) AddServerFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
- func (st *ConfigState) BindFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) (err error)
- func (st *ConfigState) Config(fn func(*Configuration))
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountDomain() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsCustomCSSLength() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsReasonRequired() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationOpen() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminAccountEmail() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminAccountPassword() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminAccountUsername() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminTransPath() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed() (v []netip.Prefix)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter() (v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetApplicationName() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetBindAddress() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheApplicationMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheBlockMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheClientMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheConversationMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheEmojiMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFilterMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheInstanceMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheListIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheListMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMarkerMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMediaMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMemoryTarget() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMentionMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMoveMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheNotificationMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCachePollMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCachePollVoteMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheReportMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheTagMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheTokenMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheUserMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio() (v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetConfigPath() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbAddress() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbDatabase() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbPassword() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbPort() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbPostgresConnectionString() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteBusyTimeout() (v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteCacheSize() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteJournalMode() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteSynchronous() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbTLSCACert() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbTLSMode() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbType() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetDbUser() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientAllowIPs() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientBlockIPs() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientTimeout() (v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetHost() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposePeers() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposeSuspended() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceFederationMode() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceLanguages() (v language.Languages)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceStatsMode() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery() (v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLandingPageUser() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptCertDir() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptEnabled() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptPort() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLogClientIP() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLogDbQueries() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLogLevel() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetLogTimestampFormat() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaCleanupEvery() (v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaCleanupFrom() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaDescriptionMinChars() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaImageSizeHint() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaLocalMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaRemoteCacheDays() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaRemoteMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaVideoSizeHint() (v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthEnabled() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthPassword() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthUsername() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsEnabled() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCAdminGroups() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCAllowedGroups() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCClientID() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCClientSecret() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCEnabled() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCIdpName() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCIssuer() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCLinkExisting() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCScopes() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCSkipVerification() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetPort() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetProtocol() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetRequestIDHeader() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPFrom() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPHost() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPPassword() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPPort() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPUsername() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSoftwareVersion() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesMaxChars() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesPollMaxOptions() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars() (v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageBackend() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageLocalBasePath() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3AccessKey() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3BucketName() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3Endpoint() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3Proxy() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3RedirectURL() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3SecretKey() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3UseSSL() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSyslogAddress() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSyslogEnabled() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetSyslogProtocol() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetTLSCertificateChain() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetTLSCertificateKey() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingEnabled() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingEndpoint() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingInsecureTransport() (v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingTransport() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetTrustedProxies() (v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetWebAssetBaseDir() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) GetWebTemplateBaseDir() (v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) LoadEarlyFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) (err error)
- func (st *ConfigState) Reload() (err error)
- func (st *ConfigState) Reset()
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountDomain(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsCustomCSSLength(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsReasonRequired(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationOpen(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminAccountEmail(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminAccountPassword(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminAccountUsername(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminTransPath(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed(v []netip.Prefix)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter(v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetApplicationName(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetBindAddress(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheApplicationMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheBlockMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheClientMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheConversationMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheEmojiMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFilterMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheInstanceMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheListIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheListMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMarkerMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMediaMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMemoryTarget(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMentionMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMoveMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheNotificationMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCachePollMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCachePollVoteMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheReportMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheTagMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheTokenMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheUserMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio(v float64)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetConfigPath(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbAddress(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbDatabase(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbPassword(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbPort(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbPostgresConnectionString(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteBusyTimeout(v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteCacheSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteJournalMode(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteSynchronous(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbTLSCACert(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbTLSMode(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbType(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetDbUser(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientAllowIPs(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientBlockIPs(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientTimeout(v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetHost(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposePeers(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposeSuspended(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceFederationMode(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceLanguages(v language.Languages)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceStatsMode(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery(v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLandingPageUser(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptCertDir(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptPort(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLogClientIP(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLogDbQueries(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLogLevel(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetLogTimestampFormat(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaCleanupEvery(v time.Duration)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaCleanupFrom(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaDescriptionMinChars(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaImageSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaRemoteCacheDays(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaVideoSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthPassword(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthUsername(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCAdminGroups(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCAllowedGroups(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCClientID(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCClientSecret(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCIdpName(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCIssuer(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCLinkExisting(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCScopes(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCSkipVerification(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetPort(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetProtocol(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetRequestIDHeader(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPFrom(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPHost(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPPassword(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPPort(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPUsername(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSoftwareVersion(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesMaxChars(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesPollMaxOptions(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars(v int)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageBackend(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageLocalBasePath(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3AccessKey(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3BucketName(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3Endpoint(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3Proxy(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3RedirectURL(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3SecretKey(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3UseSSL(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSyslogAddress(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSyslogEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetSyslogProtocol(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetTLSCertificateChain(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetTLSCertificateKey(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingEnabled(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingEndpoint(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingInsecureTransport(v bool)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingTransport(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetTrustedProxies(v []string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetWebAssetBaseDir(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) SetWebTemplateBaseDir(v string)
- func (st *ConfigState) Viper(fn func(*viper.Viper))
- type Configuration
- type HTTPClientConfiguration
Constants ¶
const ( InstanceFederationModeBlocklist = "blocklist" InstanceFederationModeAllowlist = "allowlist" InstanceFederationModeDefault = InstanceFederationModeBlocklist )
Instance federation mode determines how this instance federates with others (if at all).
const ( RequestHeaderFilterModeAllow = "allow" RequestHeaderFilterModeBlock = "block" RequestHeaderFilterModeDisabled = "" )
Request header filter mode determines how this instance will perform request filtering.
const ( InstanceStatsModeDefault = "" InstanceStatsModeServe = "serve" InstanceStatsModeZero = "zero" InstanceStatsModeBaffle = "baffle" )
Instance stats mode determines if and how stats about the instance are served at nodeinfo and api/v1|v2/instance endpoints.
Variables ¶
var Defaults = Configuration{}/* 104 elements not displayed */
Defaults contains a populated Configuration with reasonable defaults. Note that if you use this, you will still need to set Host, and, if desired, ConfigPath.
Functions ¶
func AccountDomainFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AccountDomainFlag() string
AccountDomainFlag returns the flag name for the 'AccountDomain' field
func AccountsAllowCustomCSSFlag ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AccountsAllowCustomCSSFlag() string
AccountsAllowCustomCSSFlag returns the flag name for the 'AccountsAllowCustomCSS' field
func AccountsCustomCSSLengthFlag ¶ added in v0.10.0
func AccountsCustomCSSLengthFlag() string
AccountsCustomCSSLengthFlag returns the flag name for the 'AccountsCustomCSSLength' field
func AccountsReasonRequiredFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AccountsReasonRequiredFlag() string
AccountsReasonRequiredFlag returns the flag name for the 'AccountsReasonRequired' field
func AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimitFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimitFlag() string
AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimitFlag returns the flag name for the 'AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit' field
func AccountsRegistrationDailyLimitFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func AccountsRegistrationDailyLimitFlag() string
AccountsRegistrationDailyLimitFlag returns the flag name for the 'AccountsRegistrationDailyLimit' field
func AccountsRegistrationOpenFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AccountsRegistrationOpenFlag() string
AccountsRegistrationOpenFlag returns the flag name for the 'AccountsRegistrationOpen' field
func AddAdminAccount ¶ added in v0.3.5
AddAdminAccount attaches flags pertaining to admin account actions.
func AddAdminAccountCreate ¶ added in v0.3.5
AddAdminAccountCreate attaches flags pertaining to admin account creation.
func AddAdminAccountPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
AddAdminAccountPassword attaches flags pertaining to admin account password reset.
func AddAdminMediaList ¶ added in v0.12.0
AddAdminMediaList attaches flags pertaining to media list commands.
func AddAdminMediaPrune ¶ added in v0.6.0
AddAdminMediaPrune attaches flags pertaining to media storage prune commands.
func AddAdminTrans ¶ added in v0.3.5
AddAdminTrans attaches flags pertaining to import/export commands.
func AddGlobalFlags ¶ added in v0.3.5
AddGlobalFlags will attach global configuration flags to given cobra command, loading defaults from global config.
func AddServerFlags ¶ added in v0.3.5
AddServerFlags will attach server configuration flags to given cobra command, loading defaults from global config.
func AdminAccountEmailFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AdminAccountEmailFlag() string
AdminAccountEmailFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdminAccountEmail' field
func AdminAccountPasswordFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AdminAccountPasswordFlag() string
AdminAccountPasswordFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdminAccountPassword' field
func AdminAccountUsernameFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AdminAccountUsernameFlag() string
AdminAccountUsernameFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdminAccountUsername' field
func AdminMediaListLocalOnlyFlag ¶ added in v0.12.0
func AdminMediaListLocalOnlyFlag() string
AdminMediaListLocalOnlyFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdminMediaListLocalOnly' field
func AdminMediaListRemoteOnlyFlag ¶ added in v0.12.0
func AdminMediaListRemoteOnlyFlag() string
AdminMediaListRemoteOnlyFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdminMediaListRemoteOnly' field
func AdminMediaPruneDryRunFlag ¶ added in v0.6.0
func AdminMediaPruneDryRunFlag() string
AdminMediaPruneDryRunFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdminMediaPruneDryRun' field
func AdminTransPathFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AdminTransPathFlag() string
AdminTransPathFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdminTransPath' field
func AdvancedCSPExtraURIsFlag ¶ added in v0.11.1
func AdvancedCSPExtraURIsFlag() string
AdvancedCSPExtraURIsFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedCSPExtraURIs' field
func AdvancedCookiesSamesiteFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func AdvancedCookiesSamesiteFlag() string
AdvancedCookiesSamesiteFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedCookiesSamesite' field
func AdvancedHeaderFilterModeFlag ¶ added in v0.14.0
func AdvancedHeaderFilterModeFlag() string
AdvancedHeaderFilterModeFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedHeaderFilterMode' field
func AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsFlag ¶ added in v0.12.0
func AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsFlag() string
AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptions' field
func AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsedFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsedFlag() string
AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsedFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed' field
func AdvancedRateLimitRequestsFlag ¶ added in v0.6.0
func AdvancedRateLimitRequestsFlag() string
AdvancedRateLimitRequestsFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedRateLimitRequests' field
func AdvancedSenderMultiplierFlag ¶ added in v0.9.0
func AdvancedSenderMultiplierFlag() string
AdvancedSenderMultiplierFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedSenderMultiplier' field
func AdvancedThrottlingMultiplierFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func AdvancedThrottlingMultiplierFlag() string
AdvancedThrottlingMultiplierFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier' field
func AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfterFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfterFlag() string
AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfterFlag returns the flag name for the 'AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter' field
func ApplicationNameFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func ApplicationNameFlag() string
ApplicationNameFlag returns the flag name for the 'ApplicationName' field
func BindAddressFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func BindAddressFlag() string
BindAddressFlag returns the flag name for the 'BindAddress' field
func BindFlags ¶ added in v0.3.5
BindFlags binds given command's pflags to the global viper instance.
func CacheAccountMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheAccountMemRatioFlag() string
CacheAccountMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.AccountMemRatio' field
func CacheAccountNoteMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheAccountNoteMemRatioFlag() string
CacheAccountNoteMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.AccountNoteMemRatio' field
func CacheAccountSettingsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CacheAccountSettingsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheAccountSettingsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.AccountSettingsMemRatio' field
func CacheAccountStatsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CacheAccountStatsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheAccountStatsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.AccountStatsMemRatio' field
func CacheApplicationMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheApplicationMemRatioFlag() string
CacheApplicationMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ApplicationMemRatio' field
func CacheBlockIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheBlockIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheBlockIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.BlockIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheBlockMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheBlockMemRatioFlag() string
CacheBlockMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.BlockMemRatio' field
func CacheBoostOfIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheBoostOfIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheBoostOfIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.BoostOfIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheClientMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CacheClientMemRatioFlag() string
CacheClientMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ClientMemRatio' field
func CacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheConversationMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CacheConversationMemRatioFlag() string
CacheConversationMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ConversationMemRatio' field
func CacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRationFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func CacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRationFlag() string
CacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRationFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.DomainPermissionDraftMemRation' field
func CacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRationFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func CacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRationFlag() string
CacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRationFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.DomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation' field
func CacheEmojiCategoryMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheEmojiCategoryMemRatioFlag() string
CacheEmojiCategoryMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.EmojiCategoryMemRatio' field
func CacheEmojiMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheEmojiMemRatioFlag() string
CacheEmojiMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.EmojiMemRatio' field
func CacheFilterKeywordMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CacheFilterKeywordMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFilterKeywordMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FilterKeywordMemRatio' field
func CacheFilterMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CacheFilterMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFilterMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FilterMemRatio' field
func CacheFilterStatusMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CacheFilterStatusMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFilterStatusMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FilterStatusMemRatio' field
func CacheFollowIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheFollowIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFollowIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FollowIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheFollowMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheFollowMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFollowMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FollowMemRatio' field
func CacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FollowRequestIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheFollowRequestMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheFollowRequestMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFollowRequestMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FollowRequestMemRatio' field
func CacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.FollowingTagIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheInReplyToIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheInReplyToIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheInReplyToIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.InReplyToIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheInstanceMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheInstanceMemRatioFlag() string
CacheInstanceMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.InstanceMemRatio' field
func CacheInteractionRequestMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CacheInteractionRequestMemRatioFlag() string
CacheInteractionRequestMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.InteractionRequestMemRatio' field
func CacheListIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CacheListIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheListIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ListIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheListMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheListMemRatioFlag() string
CacheListMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ListMemRatio' field
func CacheListedIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CacheListedIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheListedIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ListedIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheMarkerMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheMarkerMemRatioFlag() string
CacheMarkerMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.MarkerMemRatio' field
func CacheMediaMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheMediaMemRatioFlag() string
CacheMediaMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.MediaMemRatio' field
func CacheMemoryTargetFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheMemoryTargetFlag() string
CacheMemoryTargetFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.MemoryTarget' field
func CacheMentionMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheMentionMemRatioFlag() string
CacheMentionMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.MentionMemRatio' field
func CacheMoveMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.15.0
func CacheMoveMemRatioFlag() string
CacheMoveMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.MoveMemRatio' field
func CacheNotificationMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheNotificationMemRatioFlag() string
CacheNotificationMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.NotificationMemRatio' field
func CachePollMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CachePollMemRatioFlag() string
CachePollMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.PollMemRatio' field
func CachePollVoteIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CachePollVoteIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CachePollVoteIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.PollVoteIDsMemRatio' field
func CachePollVoteMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CachePollVoteMemRatioFlag() string
CachePollVoteMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.PollVoteMemRatio' field
func CacheReportMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheReportMemRatioFlag() string
CacheReportMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ReportMemRatio' field
func CacheSinBinStatusMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func CacheSinBinStatusMemRatioFlag() string
CacheSinBinStatusMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.SinBinStatusMemRatio' field
func CacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.StatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheStatusBookmarkMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CacheStatusBookmarkMemRatioFlag() string
CacheStatusBookmarkMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.StatusBookmarkMemRatio' field
func CacheStatusEditMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func CacheStatusEditMemRatioFlag() string
CacheStatusEditMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.StatusEditMemRatio' field
func CacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.StatusFaveIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheStatusFaveMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheStatusFaveMemRatioFlag() string
CacheStatusFaveMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.StatusFaveMemRatio' field
func CacheStatusMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheStatusMemRatioFlag() string
CacheStatusMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.StatusMemRatio' field
func CacheTagMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheTagMemRatioFlag() string
CacheTagMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.TagMemRatio' field
func CacheThreadMuteMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func CacheThreadMuteMemRatioFlag() string
CacheThreadMuteMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.ThreadMuteMemRatio' field
func CacheTokenMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CacheTokenMemRatioFlag() string
CacheTokenMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.TokenMemRatio' field
func CacheTombstoneMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheTombstoneMemRatioFlag() string
CacheTombstoneMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.TombstoneMemRatio' field
func CacheUserMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheUserMemRatioFlag() string
CacheUserMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.UserMemRatio' field
func CacheUserMuteIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CacheUserMuteIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheUserMuteIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.UserMuteIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheUserMuteMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.16.0
func CacheUserMuteMemRatioFlag() string
CacheUserMuteMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.UserMuteMemRatio' field
func CacheVisibilityMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheVisibilityMemRatioFlag() string
CacheVisibilityMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.VisibilityMemRatio' field
func CacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func CacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatioFlag() string
CacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio' field
func CacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func CacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatioFlag() string
CacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionMemRatio' field
func CacheWebfingerMemRatioFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func CacheWebfingerMemRatioFlag() string
CacheWebfingerMemRatioFlag returns the flag name for the 'Cache.WebfingerMemRatio' field
func Config ¶
func Config(fn func(cfg *Configuration))
Config provides you safe access to the global configuration.
func ConfigPathFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func ConfigPathFlag() string
ConfigPathFlag returns the flag name for the 'ConfigPath' field
func DbAddressFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbAddressFlag() string
DbAddressFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbAddress' field
func DbDatabaseFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbDatabaseFlag() string
DbDatabaseFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbDatabase' field
func DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplierFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplierFlag() string
DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplierFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier' field
func DbPasswordFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbPasswordFlag() string
DbPasswordFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbPassword' field
func DbPortFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbPortFlag() string
DbPortFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbPort' field
func DbPostgresConnectionStringFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func DbPostgresConnectionStringFlag() string
DbPostgresConnectionStringFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbPostgresConnectionString' field
func DbSqliteBusyTimeoutFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func DbSqliteBusyTimeoutFlag() string
DbSqliteBusyTimeoutFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbSqliteBusyTimeout' field
func DbSqliteCacheSizeFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func DbSqliteCacheSizeFlag() string
DbSqliteCacheSizeFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbSqliteCacheSize' field
func DbSqliteJournalModeFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func DbSqliteJournalModeFlag() string
DbSqliteJournalModeFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbSqliteJournalMode' field
func DbSqliteSynchronousFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func DbSqliteSynchronousFlag() string
DbSqliteSynchronousFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbSqliteSynchronous' field
func DbTLSCACertFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbTLSCACertFlag() string
DbTLSCACertFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbTLSCACert' field
func DbTLSModeFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbTLSModeFlag() string
DbTLSModeFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbTLSMode' field
func DbTypeFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbTypeFlag() string
DbTypeFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbType' field
func DbUserFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func DbUserFlag() string
DbUserFlag returns the flag name for the 'DbUser' field
func GetAccountDomain ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAccountDomain() string
GetAccountDomain safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AccountDomain' field
func GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS() bool
GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AccountsAllowCustomCSS' field
func GetAccountsCustomCSSLength ¶ added in v0.10.0
func GetAccountsCustomCSSLength() int
GetAccountsCustomCSSLength safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AccountsCustomCSSLength' field
func GetAccountsReasonRequired ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAccountsReasonRequired() bool
GetAccountsReasonRequired safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AccountsReasonRequired' field
func GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit() int
GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit' field
func GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit() int
GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AccountsRegistrationDailyLimit' field
func GetAccountsRegistrationOpen ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAccountsRegistrationOpen() bool
GetAccountsRegistrationOpen safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AccountsRegistrationOpen' field
func GetAdminAccountEmail ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAdminAccountEmail() string
GetAdminAccountEmail safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdminAccountEmail' field
func GetAdminAccountPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAdminAccountPassword() string
GetAdminAccountPassword safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdminAccountPassword' field
func GetAdminAccountUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAdminAccountUsername() string
GetAdminAccountUsername safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdminAccountUsername' field
func GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly() bool
GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdminMediaListLocalOnly' field
func GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly() bool
GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdminMediaListRemoteOnly' field
func GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun ¶ added in v0.6.0
func GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun() bool
GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdminMediaPruneDryRun' field
func GetAdminTransPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAdminTransPath() string
GetAdminTransPath safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdminTransPath' field
func GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs ¶ added in v0.11.1
func GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs() []string
GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedCSPExtraURIs' field
func GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite() string
GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedCookiesSamesite' field
func GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode ¶ added in v0.14.0
func GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode() string
GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedHeaderFilterMode' field
func GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions() []string
GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptions' field
func GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed ¶ added in v0.18.0
GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed' field
func GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests() int
GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedRateLimitRequests' field
func GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier() int
GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedSenderMultiplier' field
func GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier() int
GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier' field
func GetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter ¶ added in v0.7.0
GetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter safely fetches the value for global configuration 'AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter' field
func GetApplicationName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetApplicationName() string
GetApplicationName safely fetches the value for global configuration 'ApplicationName' field
func GetBindAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetBindAddress() string
GetBindAddress safely fetches the value for global configuration 'BindAddress' field
func GetCacheAccountMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheAccountMemRatio() float64
GetCacheAccountMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountMemRatio' field
func GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio() float64
GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountNoteMemRatio' field
func GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountSettingsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountStatsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheApplicationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheApplicationMemRatio() float64
GetCacheApplicationMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ApplicationMemRatio' field
func GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.BlockIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheBlockMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheBlockMemRatio() float64
GetCacheBlockMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.BlockMemRatio' field
func GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.BoostOfIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheClientMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetCacheClientMemRatio() float64
GetCacheClientMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ClientMemRatio' field
func GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheConversationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetCacheConversationMemRatio() float64
GetCacheConversationMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ConversationMemRatio' field
func GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation() float64
GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.DomainPermissionDraftMemRation' field
func GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation() float64
GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.DomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation' field
func GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio() float64
GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.EmojiCategoryMemRatio' field
func GetCacheEmojiMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheEmojiMemRatio() float64
GetCacheEmojiMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.EmojiMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FilterKeywordMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFilterMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func GetCacheFilterMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFilterMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FilterMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FilterStatusMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFollowMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheFollowMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFollowMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowRequestIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowRequestMemRatio' field
func GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowingTagIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.InReplyToIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheInstanceMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheInstanceMemRatio() float64
GetCacheInstanceMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.InstanceMemRatio' field
func GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio() float64
GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.InteractionRequestMemRatio' field
func GetCacheListIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetCacheListIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheListIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ListIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheListMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheListMemRatio() float64
GetCacheListMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ListMemRatio' field
func GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ListedIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheMarkerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheMarkerMemRatio() float64
GetCacheMarkerMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.MarkerMemRatio' field
func GetCacheMediaMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheMediaMemRatio() float64
GetCacheMediaMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.MediaMemRatio' field
func GetCacheMemoryTarget ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheMemoryTarget() bytesize.Size
GetCacheMemoryTarget safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.MemoryTarget' field
func GetCacheMentionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheMentionMemRatio() float64
GetCacheMentionMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.MentionMemRatio' field
func GetCacheMoveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func GetCacheMoveMemRatio() float64
GetCacheMoveMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.MoveMemRatio' field
func GetCacheNotificationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheNotificationMemRatio() float64
GetCacheNotificationMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.NotificationMemRatio' field
func GetCachePollMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetCachePollMemRatio() float64
GetCachePollMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.PollMemRatio' field
func GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.PollVoteIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCachePollVoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetCachePollVoteMemRatio() float64
GetCachePollVoteMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.PollVoteMemRatio' field
func GetCacheReportMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheReportMemRatio() float64
GetCacheReportMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ReportMemRatio' field
func GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio() float64
GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.SinBinStatusMemRatio' field
func GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio() float64
GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusBookmarkMemRatio' field
func GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio() float64
GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusEditMemRatio' field
func GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusFaveIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio() float64
GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusFaveMemRatio' field
func GetCacheStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheStatusMemRatio() float64
GetCacheStatusMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusMemRatio' field
func GetCacheTagMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheTagMemRatio() float64
GetCacheTagMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.TagMemRatio' field
func GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio() float64
GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.ThreadMuteMemRatio' field
func GetCacheTokenMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetCacheTokenMemRatio() float64
GetCacheTokenMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.TokenMemRatio' field
func GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio() float64
GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.TombstoneMemRatio' field
func GetCacheUserMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheUserMemRatio() float64
GetCacheUserMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.UserMemRatio' field
func GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.UserMuteIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio() float64
GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.UserMuteMemRatio' field
func GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio() float64
GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.VisibilityMemRatio' field
func GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio() float64
GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio' field
func GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio() float64
GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionMemRatio' field
func GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio() float64
GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Cache.WebfingerMemRatio' field
func GetConfigPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetConfigPath() string
GetConfigPath safely fetches the value for global configuration 'ConfigPath' field
func GetDbAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbAddress() string
GetDbAddress safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbAddress' field
func GetDbDatabase ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbDatabase() string
GetDbDatabase safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbDatabase' field
func GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier() int
GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier' field
func GetDbPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbPassword() string
GetDbPassword safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbPassword' field
func GetDbPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbPort() int
GetDbPort safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbPort' field
func GetDbPostgresConnectionString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetDbPostgresConnectionString() string
GetDbPostgresConnectionString safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbPostgresConnectionString' field
func GetDbSqliteBusyTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
GetDbSqliteBusyTimeout safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteBusyTimeout' field
func GetDbSqliteCacheSize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetDbSqliteCacheSize() bytesize.Size
GetDbSqliteCacheSize safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteCacheSize' field
func GetDbSqliteJournalMode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetDbSqliteJournalMode() string
GetDbSqliteJournalMode safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteJournalMode' field
func GetDbSqliteSynchronous ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetDbSqliteSynchronous() string
GetDbSqliteSynchronous safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteSynchronous' field
func GetDbTLSCACert ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbTLSCACert() string
GetDbTLSCACert safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbTLSCACert' field
func GetDbTLSMode ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbTLSMode() string
GetDbTLSMode safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbTLSMode' field
func GetDbType ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbType() string
GetDbType safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbType' field
func GetDbUser ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetDbUser() string
GetDbUser safely fetches the value for global configuration 'DbUser' field
func GetHTTPClientAllowIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func GetHTTPClientAllowIPs() []string
GetHTTPClientAllowIPs safely fetches the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.AllowIPs' field
func GetHTTPClientBlockIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func GetHTTPClientBlockIPs() []string
GetHTTPClientBlockIPs safely fetches the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.BlockIPs' field
func GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify() bool
GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify safely fetches the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.TLSInsecureSkipVerify' field
func GetHTTPClientTimeout ¶ added in v0.10.0
GetHTTPClientTimeout safely fetches the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.Timeout' field
func GetHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetHost() string
GetHost safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Host' field
func GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses() bool
GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses' field
func GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes() bool
GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes' field
func GetInstanceExposePeers ¶ added in v0.3.7
func GetInstanceExposePeers() bool
GetInstanceExposePeers safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposePeers' field
func GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline ¶ added in v0.6.0
func GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline() bool
GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposePublicTimeline' field
func GetInstanceExposeSuspended ¶ added in v0.3.7
func GetInstanceExposeSuspended() bool
GetInstanceExposeSuspended safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposeSuspended' field
func GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb() bool
GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb' field
func GetInstanceFederationMode ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetInstanceFederationMode() string
GetInstanceFederationMode safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceFederationMode' field
func GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter ¶ added in v0.14.0
func GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter() bool
GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceFederationSpamFilter' field
func GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion ¶ added in v0.11.0
func GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion() bool
GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceInjectMastodonVersion' field
func GetInstanceLanguages ¶ added in v0.13.0
GetInstanceLanguages safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceLanguages' field
func GetInstanceStatsMode ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetInstanceStatsMode() string
GetInstanceStatsMode safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceStatsMode' field
func GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery ¶ added in v0.18.0
GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery' field
func GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom ¶ added in v0.18.0
func GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom() string
GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom safely fetches the value for global configuration 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom' field
func GetLandingPageUser ¶ added in v0.6.0
func GetLandingPageUser() string
GetLandingPageUser safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LandingPageUser' field
func GetLetsEncryptCertDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetLetsEncryptCertDir() string
GetLetsEncryptCertDir safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptCertDir' field
func GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress() string
GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptEmailAddress' field
func GetLetsEncryptEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetLetsEncryptEnabled() bool
GetLetsEncryptEnabled safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptEnabled' field
func GetLetsEncryptPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetLetsEncryptPort() int
GetLetsEncryptPort safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptPort' field
func GetLogClientIP ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetLogClientIP() bool
GetLogClientIP safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LogClientIP' field
func GetLogDbQueries ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetLogDbQueries() bool
GetLogDbQueries safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LogDbQueries' field
func GetLogLevel ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetLogLevel() string
GetLogLevel safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LogLevel' field
func GetLogTimestampFormat ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetLogTimestampFormat() string
GetLogTimestampFormat safely fetches the value for global configuration 'LogTimestampFormat' field
func GetMediaCleanupEvery ¶ added in v0.13.0
GetMediaCleanupEvery safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaCleanupEvery' field
func GetMediaCleanupFrom ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetMediaCleanupFrom() string
GetMediaCleanupFrom safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaCleanupFrom' field
func GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars() int
GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaDescriptionMaxChars' field
func GetMediaDescriptionMinChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetMediaDescriptionMinChars() int
GetMediaDescriptionMinChars safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaDescriptionMinChars' field
func GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize() bytesize.Size
GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize' field
func GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize() bytesize.Size
GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize' field
func GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize() int
GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaFfmpegPoolSize' field
func GetMediaImageSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func GetMediaImageSizeHint() bytesize.Size
GetMediaImageSizeHint safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaImageSizeHint' field
func GetMediaLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetMediaLocalMaxSize() bytesize.Size
GetMediaLocalMaxSize safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaLocalMaxSize' field
func GetMediaRemoteCacheDays ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetMediaRemoteCacheDays() int
GetMediaRemoteCacheDays safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaRemoteCacheDays' field
func GetMediaRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetMediaRemoteMaxSize() bytesize.Size
GetMediaRemoteMaxSize safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaRemoteMaxSize' field
func GetMediaVideoSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func GetMediaVideoSizeHint() bytesize.Size
GetMediaVideoSizeHint safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MediaVideoSizeHint' field
func GetMetricsAuthEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetMetricsAuthEnabled() bool
GetMetricsAuthEnabled safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MetricsAuthEnabled' field
func GetMetricsAuthPassword ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetMetricsAuthPassword() string
GetMetricsAuthPassword safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MetricsAuthPassword' field
func GetMetricsAuthUsername ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetMetricsAuthUsername() string
GetMetricsAuthUsername safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MetricsAuthUsername' field
func GetMetricsEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func GetMetricsEnabled() bool
GetMetricsEnabled safely fetches the value for global configuration 'MetricsEnabled' field
func GetOIDCAdminGroups ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetOIDCAdminGroups() []string
GetOIDCAdminGroups safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCAdminGroups' field
func GetOIDCAllowedGroups ¶ added in v0.14.0
func GetOIDCAllowedGroups() []string
GetOIDCAllowedGroups safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCAllowedGroups' field
func GetOIDCClientID ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetOIDCClientID() string
GetOIDCClientID safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCClientID' field
func GetOIDCClientSecret ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetOIDCClientSecret() string
GetOIDCClientSecret safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCClientSecret' field
func GetOIDCEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetOIDCEnabled() bool
GetOIDCEnabled safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCEnabled' field
func GetOIDCIdpName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetOIDCIdpName() string
GetOIDCIdpName safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCIdpName' field
func GetOIDCIssuer ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetOIDCIssuer() string
GetOIDCIssuer safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCIssuer' field
func GetOIDCLinkExisting ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetOIDCLinkExisting() bool
GetOIDCLinkExisting safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCLinkExisting' field
func GetOIDCScopes ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetOIDCScopes() []string
GetOIDCScopes safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCScopes' field
func GetOIDCSkipVerification ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetOIDCSkipVerification() bool
GetOIDCSkipVerification safely fetches the value for global configuration 'OIDCSkipVerification' field
func GetPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetPort() int
GetPort safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Port' field
func GetProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetProtocol() string
GetProtocol safely fetches the value for global configuration 'Protocol' field
func GetRequestIDHeader ¶ added in v0.7.1
func GetRequestIDHeader() string
GetRequestIDHeader safely fetches the value for global configuration 'RequestIDHeader' field
func GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients() bool
GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SMTPDiscloseRecipients' field
func GetSMTPFrom ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSMTPFrom() string
GetSMTPFrom safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SMTPFrom' field
func GetSMTPHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSMTPHost() string
GetSMTPHost safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SMTPHost' field
func GetSMTPPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSMTPPassword() string
GetSMTPPassword safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SMTPPassword' field
func GetSMTPPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSMTPPort() int
GetSMTPPort safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SMTPPort' field
func GetSMTPUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSMTPUsername() string
GetSMTPUsername safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SMTPUsername' field
func GetSoftwareVersion ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSoftwareVersion() string
GetSoftwareVersion safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SoftwareVersion' field
func GetStatusesMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetStatusesMaxChars() int
GetStatusesMaxChars safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StatusesMaxChars' field
func GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles() int
GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StatusesMediaMaxFiles' field
func GetStatusesPollMaxOptions ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetStatusesPollMaxOptions() int
GetStatusesPollMaxOptions safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StatusesPollMaxOptions' field
func GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars() int
GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StatusesPollOptionMaxChars' field
func GetStorageBackend ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetStorageBackend() string
GetStorageBackend safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageBackend' field
func GetStorageLocalBasePath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetStorageLocalBasePath() string
GetStorageLocalBasePath safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageLocalBasePath' field
func GetStorageS3AccessKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func GetStorageS3AccessKey() string
GetStorageS3AccessKey safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageS3AccessKey' field
func GetStorageS3BucketName ¶ added in v0.3.7
func GetStorageS3BucketName() string
GetStorageS3BucketName safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageS3BucketName' field
func GetStorageS3Endpoint ¶ added in v0.3.7
func GetStorageS3Endpoint() string
GetStorageS3Endpoint safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageS3Endpoint' field
func GetStorageS3Proxy ¶ added in v0.6.0
func GetStorageS3Proxy() bool
GetStorageS3Proxy safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageS3Proxy' field
func GetStorageS3RedirectURL ¶ added in v0.17.0
func GetStorageS3RedirectURL() string
GetStorageS3RedirectURL safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageS3RedirectURL' field
func GetStorageS3SecretKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func GetStorageS3SecretKey() string
GetStorageS3SecretKey safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageS3SecretKey' field
func GetStorageS3UseSSL ¶ added in v0.3.7
func GetStorageS3UseSSL() bool
GetStorageS3UseSSL safely fetches the value for global configuration 'StorageS3UseSSL' field
func GetSyslogAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSyslogAddress() string
GetSyslogAddress safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SyslogAddress' field
func GetSyslogEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSyslogEnabled() bool
GetSyslogEnabled safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SyslogEnabled' field
func GetSyslogProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetSyslogProtocol() string
GetSyslogProtocol safely fetches the value for global configuration 'SyslogProtocol' field
func GetTLSCertificateChain ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetTLSCertificateChain() string
GetTLSCertificateChain safely fetches the value for global configuration 'TLSCertificateChain' field
func GetTLSCertificateKey ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetTLSCertificateKey() string
GetTLSCertificateKey safely fetches the value for global configuration 'TLSCertificateKey' field
func GetTracingEnabled ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetTracingEnabled() bool
GetTracingEnabled safely fetches the value for global configuration 'TracingEnabled' field
func GetTracingEndpoint ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetTracingEndpoint() string
GetTracingEndpoint safely fetches the value for global configuration 'TracingEndpoint' field
func GetTracingInsecureTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetTracingInsecureTransport() bool
GetTracingInsecureTransport safely fetches the value for global configuration 'TracingInsecureTransport' field
func GetTracingTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func GetTracingTransport() string
GetTracingTransport safely fetches the value for global configuration 'TracingTransport' field
func GetTrustedProxies ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetTrustedProxies() []string
GetTrustedProxies safely fetches the value for global configuration 'TrustedProxies' field
func GetWebAssetBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetWebAssetBaseDir() string
GetWebAssetBaseDir safely fetches the value for global configuration 'WebAssetBaseDir' field
func GetWebTemplateBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func GetWebTemplateBaseDir() string
GetWebTemplateBaseDir safely fetches the value for global configuration 'WebTemplateBaseDir' field
func HTTPClientAllowIPsFlag ¶ added in v0.10.0
func HTTPClientAllowIPsFlag() string
HTTPClientAllowIPsFlag returns the flag name for the 'HTTPClient.AllowIPs' field
func HTTPClientBlockIPsFlag ¶ added in v0.10.0
func HTTPClientBlockIPsFlag() string
HTTPClientBlockIPsFlag returns the flag name for the 'HTTPClient.BlockIPs' field
func HTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerifyFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func HTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerifyFlag() string
HTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerifyFlag returns the flag name for the 'HTTPClient.TLSInsecureSkipVerify' field
func HTTPClientTimeoutFlag ¶ added in v0.10.0
func HTTPClientTimeoutFlag() string
HTTPClientTimeoutFlag returns the flag name for the 'HTTPClient.Timeout' field
func HostFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func HostFlag() string
HostFlag returns the flag name for the 'Host' field
func InstanceAllowBackdatingStatusesFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func InstanceAllowBackdatingStatusesFlag() string
InstanceAllowBackdatingStatusesFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses' field
func InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxesFlag ¶ added in v0.5.0
func InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxesFlag() string
InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxesFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes' field
func InstanceExposePeersFlag ¶ added in v0.3.7
func InstanceExposePeersFlag() string
InstanceExposePeersFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceExposePeers' field
func InstanceExposePublicTimelineFlag ¶ added in v0.6.0
func InstanceExposePublicTimelineFlag() string
InstanceExposePublicTimelineFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceExposePublicTimeline' field
func InstanceExposeSuspendedFlag ¶ added in v0.3.7
func InstanceExposeSuspendedFlag() string
InstanceExposeSuspendedFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceExposeSuspended' field
func InstanceExposeSuspendedWebFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func InstanceExposeSuspendedWebFlag() string
InstanceExposeSuspendedWebFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb' field
func InstanceFederationModeFlag ¶ added in v0.12.0
func InstanceFederationModeFlag() string
InstanceFederationModeFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceFederationMode' field
func InstanceFederationSpamFilterFlag ¶ added in v0.14.0
func InstanceFederationSpamFilterFlag() string
InstanceFederationSpamFilterFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceFederationSpamFilter' field
func InstanceInjectMastodonVersionFlag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func InstanceInjectMastodonVersionFlag() string
InstanceInjectMastodonVersionFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceInjectMastodonVersion' field
func InstanceLanguagesFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func InstanceLanguagesFlag() string
InstanceLanguagesFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceLanguages' field
func InstanceStatsModeFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func InstanceStatsModeFlag() string
InstanceStatsModeFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceStatsMode' field
func InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEveryFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEveryFlag() string
InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEveryFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery' field
func InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFromFlag ¶ added in v0.18.0
func InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFromFlag() string
InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFromFlag returns the flag name for the 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom' field
func LandingPageUserFlag ¶ added in v0.6.0
func LandingPageUserFlag() string
LandingPageUserFlag returns the flag name for the 'LandingPageUser' field
func LetsEncryptCertDirFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func LetsEncryptCertDirFlag() string
LetsEncryptCertDirFlag returns the flag name for the 'LetsEncryptCertDir' field
func LetsEncryptEmailAddressFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func LetsEncryptEmailAddressFlag() string
LetsEncryptEmailAddressFlag returns the flag name for the 'LetsEncryptEmailAddress' field
func LetsEncryptEnabledFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func LetsEncryptEnabledFlag() string
LetsEncryptEnabledFlag returns the flag name for the 'LetsEncryptEnabled' field
func LetsEncryptPortFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func LetsEncryptPortFlag() string
LetsEncryptPortFlag returns the flag name for the 'LetsEncryptPort' field
func LoadEarlyFlags ¶ added in v0.3.5
LoadEarlyFlags will bind specific flags from given Cobra command to global viper instance, and load the current configuration values. This is useful for flags like .ConfigPath which have to parsed first in order to perform early configuration load.
func LogClientIPFlag ¶ added in v0.9.0
func LogClientIPFlag() string
LogClientIPFlag returns the flag name for the 'LogClientIP' field
func LogDbQueriesFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func LogDbQueriesFlag() string
LogDbQueriesFlag returns the flag name for the 'LogDbQueries' field
func LogLevelFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func LogLevelFlag() string
LogLevelFlag returns the flag name for the 'LogLevel' field
func LogTimestampFormatFlag ¶ added in v0.12.0
func LogTimestampFormatFlag() string
LogTimestampFormatFlag returns the flag name for the 'LogTimestampFormat' field
func MediaCleanupEveryFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func MediaCleanupEveryFlag() string
MediaCleanupEveryFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaCleanupEvery' field
func MediaCleanupFromFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func MediaCleanupFromFlag() string
MediaCleanupFromFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaCleanupFrom' field
func MediaDescriptionMaxCharsFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func MediaDescriptionMaxCharsFlag() string
MediaDescriptionMaxCharsFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaDescriptionMaxChars' field
func MediaDescriptionMinCharsFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func MediaDescriptionMinCharsFlag() string
MediaDescriptionMinCharsFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaDescriptionMinChars' field
func MediaEmojiLocalMaxSizeFlag ¶ added in v0.5.0
func MediaEmojiLocalMaxSizeFlag() string
MediaEmojiLocalMaxSizeFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize' field
func MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSizeFlag ¶ added in v0.5.0
func MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSizeFlag() string
MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSizeFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize' field
func MediaFfmpegPoolSizeFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func MediaFfmpegPoolSizeFlag() string
MediaFfmpegPoolSizeFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaFfmpegPoolSize' field
func MediaImageSizeHintFlag ¶ added in v0.17.2
func MediaImageSizeHintFlag() string
MediaImageSizeHintFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaImageSizeHint' field
func MediaLocalMaxSizeFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func MediaLocalMaxSizeFlag() string
MediaLocalMaxSizeFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaLocalMaxSize' field
func MediaRemoteCacheDaysFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func MediaRemoteCacheDaysFlag() string
MediaRemoteCacheDaysFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaRemoteCacheDays' field
func MediaRemoteMaxSizeFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func MediaRemoteMaxSizeFlag() string
MediaRemoteMaxSizeFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaRemoteMaxSize' field
func MediaVideoSizeHintFlag ¶ added in v0.17.2
func MediaVideoSizeHintFlag() string
MediaVideoSizeHintFlag returns the flag name for the 'MediaVideoSizeHint' field
func MetricsAuthEnabledFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func MetricsAuthEnabledFlag() string
MetricsAuthEnabledFlag returns the flag name for the 'MetricsAuthEnabled' field
func MetricsAuthPasswordFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func MetricsAuthPasswordFlag() string
MetricsAuthPasswordFlag returns the flag name for the 'MetricsAuthPassword' field
func MetricsAuthUsernameFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func MetricsAuthUsernameFlag() string
MetricsAuthUsernameFlag returns the flag name for the 'MetricsAuthUsername' field
func MetricsEnabledFlag ¶ added in v0.13.0
func MetricsEnabledFlag() string
MetricsEnabledFlag returns the flag name for the 'MetricsEnabled' field
func MustParseIPPrefixes ¶ added in v0.10.0
func OIDCAdminGroupsFlag ¶ added in v0.8.0
func OIDCAdminGroupsFlag() string
OIDCAdminGroupsFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCAdminGroups' field
func OIDCAllowedGroupsFlag ¶ added in v0.14.0
func OIDCAllowedGroupsFlag() string
OIDCAllowedGroupsFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCAllowedGroups' field
func OIDCClientIDFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func OIDCClientIDFlag() string
OIDCClientIDFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCClientID' field
func OIDCClientSecretFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func OIDCClientSecretFlag() string
OIDCClientSecretFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCClientSecret' field
func OIDCEnabledFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func OIDCEnabledFlag() string
OIDCEnabledFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCEnabled' field
func OIDCIdpNameFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func OIDCIdpNameFlag() string
OIDCIdpNameFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCIdpName' field
func OIDCIssuerFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func OIDCIssuerFlag() string
OIDCIssuerFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCIssuer' field
func OIDCLinkExistingFlag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func OIDCLinkExistingFlag() string
OIDCLinkExistingFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCLinkExisting' field
func OIDCScopesFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func OIDCScopesFlag() string
OIDCScopesFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCScopes' field
func OIDCSkipVerificationFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func OIDCSkipVerificationFlag() string
OIDCSkipVerificationFlag returns the flag name for the 'OIDCSkipVerification' field
func PortFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func PortFlag() string
PortFlag returns the flag name for the 'Port' field
func ProtocolFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func ProtocolFlag() string
ProtocolFlag returns the flag name for the 'Protocol' field
func Reload ¶ added in v0.3.5
func Reload() error
Reload will reload the current configuration values from file.
func RequestIDHeaderFlag ¶ added in v0.7.1
func RequestIDHeaderFlag() string
RequestIDHeaderFlag returns the flag name for the 'RequestIDHeader' field
func Reset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func Reset()
Reset will totally clear global ConfigState{}, loading defaults.
func SMTPDiscloseRecipientsFlag ¶ added in v0.8.0
func SMTPDiscloseRecipientsFlag() string
SMTPDiscloseRecipientsFlag returns the flag name for the 'SMTPDiscloseRecipients' field
func SMTPFromFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SMTPFromFlag() string
SMTPFromFlag returns the flag name for the 'SMTPFrom' field
func SMTPHostFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SMTPHostFlag() string
SMTPHostFlag returns the flag name for the 'SMTPHost' field
func SMTPPasswordFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SMTPPasswordFlag() string
SMTPPasswordFlag returns the flag name for the 'SMTPPassword' field
func SMTPPortFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SMTPPortFlag() string
SMTPPortFlag returns the flag name for the 'SMTPPort' field
func SMTPUsernameFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SMTPUsernameFlag() string
SMTPUsernameFlag returns the flag name for the 'SMTPUsername' field
func SetAccountDomain ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAccountDomain(v string)
SetAccountDomain safely sets the value for global configuration 'AccountDomain' field
func SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS ¶ added in v0.5.0
func SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS(v bool)
SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS safely sets the value for global configuration 'AccountsAllowCustomCSS' field
func SetAccountsCustomCSSLength ¶ added in v0.10.0
func SetAccountsCustomCSSLength(v int)
SetAccountsCustomCSSLength safely sets the value for global configuration 'AccountsCustomCSSLength' field
func SetAccountsReasonRequired ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAccountsReasonRequired(v bool)
SetAccountsReasonRequired safely sets the value for global configuration 'AccountsReasonRequired' field
func SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit(v int)
SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit safely sets the value for global configuration 'AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit' field
func SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit(v int)
SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit safely sets the value for global configuration 'AccountsRegistrationDailyLimit' field
func SetAccountsRegistrationOpen ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAccountsRegistrationOpen(v bool)
SetAccountsRegistrationOpen safely sets the value for global configuration 'AccountsRegistrationOpen' field
func SetAdminAccountEmail ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAdminAccountEmail(v string)
SetAdminAccountEmail safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdminAccountEmail' field
func SetAdminAccountPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAdminAccountPassword(v string)
SetAdminAccountPassword safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdminAccountPassword' field
func SetAdminAccountUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAdminAccountUsername(v string)
SetAdminAccountUsername safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdminAccountUsername' field
func SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly(v bool)
SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdminMediaListLocalOnly' field
func SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly(v bool)
SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdminMediaListRemoteOnly' field
func SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun ¶ added in v0.6.0
func SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun(v bool)
SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdminMediaPruneDryRun' field
func SetAdminTransPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAdminTransPath(v string)
SetAdminTransPath safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdminTransPath' field
func SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs ¶ added in v0.11.1
func SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs(v []string)
SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedCSPExtraURIs' field
func SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite(v string)
SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedCookiesSamesite' field
func SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode ¶ added in v0.14.0
func SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode(v string)
SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedHeaderFilterMode' field
func SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions(v []string)
SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptions' field
func SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed ¶ added in v0.18.0
SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed' field
func SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests(v int)
SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedRateLimitRequests' field
func SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier ¶ added in v0.9.0
func SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier(v int)
SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedSenderMultiplier' field
func SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier(v int)
SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier' field
func SetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter ¶ added in v0.7.0
SetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter safely sets the value for global configuration 'AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter' field
func SetApplicationName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetApplicationName(v string)
SetApplicationName safely sets the value for global configuration 'ApplicationName' field
func SetBindAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetBindAddress(v string)
SetBindAddress safely sets the value for global configuration 'BindAddress' field
func SetCacheAccountMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheAccountMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountMemRatio' field
func SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountNoteMemRatio' field
func SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountSettingsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.AccountStatsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheApplicationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheApplicationMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheApplicationMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ApplicationMemRatio' field
func SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.BlockIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheBlockMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheBlockMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheBlockMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.BlockMemRatio' field
func SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.BoostOfIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheClientMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func SetCacheClientMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheClientMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ClientMemRatio' field
func SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheConversationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetCacheConversationMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheConversationMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ConversationMemRatio' field
func SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation(v float64)
SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.DomainPermissionDraftMemRation' field
func SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation(v float64)
SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.DomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation' field
func SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.EmojiCategoryMemRatio' field
func SetCacheEmojiMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheEmojiMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheEmojiMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.EmojiMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FilterKeywordMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFilterMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func SetCacheFilterMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFilterMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FilterMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FilterStatusMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFollowMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheFollowMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowRequestIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowRequestMemRatio' field
func SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.FollowingTagIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.InReplyToIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheInstanceMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheInstanceMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheInstanceMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.InstanceMemRatio' field
func SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.InteractionRequestMemRatio' field
func SetCacheListIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetCacheListIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheListIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ListIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheListMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheListMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheListMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ListMemRatio' field
func SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ListedIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheMarkerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheMarkerMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMarkerMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.MarkerMemRatio' field
func SetCacheMediaMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheMediaMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMediaMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.MediaMemRatio' field
func SetCacheMemoryTarget ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheMemoryTarget(v bytesize.Size)
SetCacheMemoryTarget safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.MemoryTarget' field
func SetCacheMentionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheMentionMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMentionMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.MentionMemRatio' field
func SetCacheMoveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func SetCacheMoveMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMoveMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.MoveMemRatio' field
func SetCacheNotificationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheNotificationMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheNotificationMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.NotificationMemRatio' field
func SetCachePollMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetCachePollMemRatio(v float64)
SetCachePollMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.PollMemRatio' field
func SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.PollVoteIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCachePollVoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetCachePollVoteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCachePollVoteMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.PollVoteMemRatio' field
func SetCacheReportMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheReportMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheReportMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ReportMemRatio' field
func SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.SinBinStatusMemRatio' field
func SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusBookmarkMemRatio' field
func SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusEditMemRatio' field
func SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusFaveIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusFaveMemRatio' field
func SetCacheStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheStatusMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.StatusMemRatio' field
func SetCacheTagMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheTagMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheTagMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.TagMemRatio' field
func SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.ThreadMuteMemRatio' field
func SetCacheTokenMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func SetCacheTokenMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheTokenMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.TokenMemRatio' field
func SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.TombstoneMemRatio' field
func SetCacheUserMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheUserMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheUserMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.UserMemRatio' field
func SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.UserMuteIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.UserMuteMemRatio' field
func SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.VisibilityMemRatio' field
func SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio' field
func SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionMemRatio' field
func SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio safely sets the value for global configuration 'Cache.WebfingerMemRatio' field
func SetConfigPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetConfigPath(v string)
SetConfigPath safely sets the value for global configuration 'ConfigPath' field
func SetDbAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbAddress(v string)
SetDbAddress safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbAddress' field
func SetDbDatabase ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbDatabase(v string)
SetDbDatabase safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbDatabase' field
func SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier(v int)
SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier' field
func SetDbPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbPassword(v string)
SetDbPassword safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbPassword' field
func SetDbPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbPort(v int)
SetDbPort safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbPort' field
func SetDbPostgresConnectionString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetDbPostgresConnectionString(v string)
SetDbPostgresConnectionString safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbPostgresConnectionString' field
func SetDbSqliteBusyTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
SetDbSqliteBusyTimeout safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteBusyTimeout' field
func SetDbSqliteCacheSize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func SetDbSqliteCacheSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetDbSqliteCacheSize safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteCacheSize' field
func SetDbSqliteJournalMode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func SetDbSqliteJournalMode(v string)
SetDbSqliteJournalMode safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteJournalMode' field
func SetDbSqliteSynchronous ¶ added in v0.7.0
func SetDbSqliteSynchronous(v string)
SetDbSqliteSynchronous safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbSqliteSynchronous' field
func SetDbTLSCACert ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbTLSCACert(v string)
SetDbTLSCACert safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbTLSCACert' field
func SetDbTLSMode ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbTLSMode(v string)
SetDbTLSMode safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbTLSMode' field
func SetDbType ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbType(v string)
SetDbType safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbType' field
func SetDbUser ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetDbUser(v string)
SetDbUser safely sets the value for global configuration 'DbUser' field
func SetHTTPClientAllowIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func SetHTTPClientAllowIPs(v []string)
SetHTTPClientAllowIPs safely sets the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.AllowIPs' field
func SetHTTPClientBlockIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func SetHTTPClientBlockIPs(v []string)
SetHTTPClientBlockIPs safely sets the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.BlockIPs' field
func SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify(v bool)
SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify safely sets the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.TLSInsecureSkipVerify' field
func SetHTTPClientTimeout ¶ added in v0.10.0
SetHTTPClientTimeout safely sets the value for global configuration 'HTTPClient.Timeout' field
func SetHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetHost(v string)
SetHost safely sets the value for global configuration 'Host' field
func SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses(v bool)
SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses' field
func SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes(v bool)
SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes' field
func SetInstanceExposePeers ¶ added in v0.3.7
func SetInstanceExposePeers(v bool)
SetInstanceExposePeers safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposePeers' field
func SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline ¶ added in v0.6.0
func SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline(v bool)
SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposePublicTimeline' field
func SetInstanceExposeSuspended ¶ added in v0.3.7
func SetInstanceExposeSuspended(v bool)
SetInstanceExposeSuspended safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposeSuspended' field
func SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb ¶ added in v0.7.0
func SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb(v bool)
SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb' field
func SetInstanceFederationMode ¶ added in v0.12.0
func SetInstanceFederationMode(v string)
SetInstanceFederationMode safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceFederationMode' field
func SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter ¶ added in v0.14.0
func SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter(v bool)
SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceFederationSpamFilter' field
func SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion ¶ added in v0.11.0
func SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion(v bool)
SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceInjectMastodonVersion' field
func SetInstanceLanguages ¶ added in v0.13.0
SetInstanceLanguages safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceLanguages' field
func SetInstanceStatsMode ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetInstanceStatsMode(v string)
SetInstanceStatsMode safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceStatsMode' field
func SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery ¶ added in v0.18.0
SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery' field
func SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom ¶ added in v0.18.0
func SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom(v string)
SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom safely sets the value for global configuration 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom' field
func SetLandingPageUser ¶ added in v0.6.0
func SetLandingPageUser(v string)
SetLandingPageUser safely sets the value for global configuration 'LandingPageUser' field
func SetLetsEncryptCertDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetLetsEncryptCertDir(v string)
SetLetsEncryptCertDir safely sets the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptCertDir' field
func SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress(v string)
SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress safely sets the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptEmailAddress' field
func SetLetsEncryptEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetLetsEncryptEnabled(v bool)
SetLetsEncryptEnabled safely sets the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptEnabled' field
func SetLetsEncryptPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetLetsEncryptPort(v int)
SetLetsEncryptPort safely sets the value for global configuration 'LetsEncryptPort' field
func SetLogClientIP ¶ added in v0.9.0
func SetLogClientIP(v bool)
SetLogClientIP safely sets the value for global configuration 'LogClientIP' field
func SetLogDbQueries ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetLogDbQueries(v bool)
SetLogDbQueries safely sets the value for global configuration 'LogDbQueries' field
func SetLogLevel ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetLogLevel(v string)
SetLogLevel safely sets the value for global configuration 'LogLevel' field
func SetLogTimestampFormat ¶ added in v0.12.0
func SetLogTimestampFormat(v string)
SetLogTimestampFormat safely sets the value for global configuration 'LogTimestampFormat' field
func SetMediaCleanupEvery ¶ added in v0.13.0
SetMediaCleanupEvery safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaCleanupEvery' field
func SetMediaCleanupFrom ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetMediaCleanupFrom(v string)
SetMediaCleanupFrom safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaCleanupFrom' field
func SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars(v int)
SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaDescriptionMaxChars' field
func SetMediaDescriptionMinChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetMediaDescriptionMinChars(v int)
SetMediaDescriptionMinChars safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaDescriptionMinChars' field
func SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize' field
func SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize' field
func SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize(v int)
SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaFfmpegPoolSize' field
func SetMediaImageSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func SetMediaImageSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaImageSizeHint safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaImageSizeHint' field
func SetMediaLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetMediaLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaLocalMaxSize safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaLocalMaxSize' field
func SetMediaRemoteCacheDays ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetMediaRemoteCacheDays(v int)
SetMediaRemoteCacheDays safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaRemoteCacheDays' field
func SetMediaRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetMediaRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaRemoteMaxSize safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaRemoteMaxSize' field
func SetMediaVideoSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func SetMediaVideoSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaVideoSizeHint safely sets the value for global configuration 'MediaVideoSizeHint' field
func SetMetricsAuthEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetMetricsAuthEnabled(v bool)
SetMetricsAuthEnabled safely sets the value for global configuration 'MetricsAuthEnabled' field
func SetMetricsAuthPassword ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetMetricsAuthPassword(v string)
SetMetricsAuthPassword safely sets the value for global configuration 'MetricsAuthPassword' field
func SetMetricsAuthUsername ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetMetricsAuthUsername(v string)
SetMetricsAuthUsername safely sets the value for global configuration 'MetricsAuthUsername' field
func SetMetricsEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func SetMetricsEnabled(v bool)
SetMetricsEnabled safely sets the value for global configuration 'MetricsEnabled' field
func SetOIDCAdminGroups ¶ added in v0.8.0
func SetOIDCAdminGroups(v []string)
SetOIDCAdminGroups safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCAdminGroups' field
func SetOIDCAllowedGroups ¶ added in v0.14.0
func SetOIDCAllowedGroups(v []string)
SetOIDCAllowedGroups safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCAllowedGroups' field
func SetOIDCClientID ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetOIDCClientID(v string)
SetOIDCClientID safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCClientID' field
func SetOIDCClientSecret ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetOIDCClientSecret(v string)
SetOIDCClientSecret safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCClientSecret' field
func SetOIDCEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetOIDCEnabled(v bool)
SetOIDCEnabled safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCEnabled' field
func SetOIDCIdpName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetOIDCIdpName(v string)
SetOIDCIdpName safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCIdpName' field
func SetOIDCIssuer ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetOIDCIssuer(v string)
SetOIDCIssuer safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCIssuer' field
func SetOIDCLinkExisting ¶ added in v0.7.0
func SetOIDCLinkExisting(v bool)
SetOIDCLinkExisting safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCLinkExisting' field
func SetOIDCScopes ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetOIDCScopes(v []string)
SetOIDCScopes safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCScopes' field
func SetOIDCSkipVerification ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetOIDCSkipVerification(v bool)
SetOIDCSkipVerification safely sets the value for global configuration 'OIDCSkipVerification' field
func SetPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetPort(v int)
SetPort safely sets the value for global configuration 'Port' field
func SetProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetProtocol(v string)
SetProtocol safely sets the value for global configuration 'Protocol' field
func SetRequestIDHeader ¶ added in v0.7.1
func SetRequestIDHeader(v string)
SetRequestIDHeader safely sets the value for global configuration 'RequestIDHeader' field
func SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients ¶ added in v0.8.0
func SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients(v bool)
SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients safely sets the value for global configuration 'SMTPDiscloseRecipients' field
func SetSMTPFrom ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSMTPFrom(v string)
SetSMTPFrom safely sets the value for global configuration 'SMTPFrom' field
func SetSMTPHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSMTPHost(v string)
SetSMTPHost safely sets the value for global configuration 'SMTPHost' field
func SetSMTPPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSMTPPassword(v string)
SetSMTPPassword safely sets the value for global configuration 'SMTPPassword' field
func SetSMTPPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSMTPPort(v int)
SetSMTPPort safely sets the value for global configuration 'SMTPPort' field
func SetSMTPUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSMTPUsername(v string)
SetSMTPUsername safely sets the value for global configuration 'SMTPUsername' field
func SetSoftwareVersion ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSoftwareVersion(v string)
SetSoftwareVersion safely sets the value for global configuration 'SoftwareVersion' field
func SetStatusesMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetStatusesMaxChars(v int)
SetStatusesMaxChars safely sets the value for global configuration 'StatusesMaxChars' field
func SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles(v int)
SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles safely sets the value for global configuration 'StatusesMediaMaxFiles' field
func SetStatusesPollMaxOptions ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetStatusesPollMaxOptions(v int)
SetStatusesPollMaxOptions safely sets the value for global configuration 'StatusesPollMaxOptions' field
func SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars(v int)
SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars safely sets the value for global configuration 'StatusesPollOptionMaxChars' field
func SetStorageBackend ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetStorageBackend(v string)
SetStorageBackend safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageBackend' field
func SetStorageLocalBasePath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetStorageLocalBasePath(v string)
SetStorageLocalBasePath safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageLocalBasePath' field
func SetStorageS3AccessKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func SetStorageS3AccessKey(v string)
SetStorageS3AccessKey safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageS3AccessKey' field
func SetStorageS3BucketName ¶ added in v0.3.7
func SetStorageS3BucketName(v string)
SetStorageS3BucketName safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageS3BucketName' field
func SetStorageS3Endpoint ¶ added in v0.3.7
func SetStorageS3Endpoint(v string)
SetStorageS3Endpoint safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageS3Endpoint' field
func SetStorageS3Proxy ¶ added in v0.6.0
func SetStorageS3Proxy(v bool)
SetStorageS3Proxy safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageS3Proxy' field
func SetStorageS3RedirectURL ¶ added in v0.17.0
func SetStorageS3RedirectURL(v string)
SetStorageS3RedirectURL safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageS3RedirectURL' field
func SetStorageS3SecretKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func SetStorageS3SecretKey(v string)
SetStorageS3SecretKey safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageS3SecretKey' field
func SetStorageS3UseSSL ¶ added in v0.3.7
func SetStorageS3UseSSL(v bool)
SetStorageS3UseSSL safely sets the value for global configuration 'StorageS3UseSSL' field
func SetSyslogAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSyslogAddress(v string)
SetSyslogAddress safely sets the value for global configuration 'SyslogAddress' field
func SetSyslogEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSyslogEnabled(v bool)
SetSyslogEnabled safely sets the value for global configuration 'SyslogEnabled' field
func SetSyslogProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetSyslogProtocol(v string)
SetSyslogProtocol safely sets the value for global configuration 'SyslogProtocol' field
func SetTLSCertificateChain ¶ added in v0.8.0
func SetTLSCertificateChain(v string)
SetTLSCertificateChain safely sets the value for global configuration 'TLSCertificateChain' field
func SetTLSCertificateKey ¶ added in v0.8.0
func SetTLSCertificateKey(v string)
SetTLSCertificateKey safely sets the value for global configuration 'TLSCertificateKey' field
func SetTracingEnabled ¶ added in v0.9.0
func SetTracingEnabled(v bool)
SetTracingEnabled safely sets the value for global configuration 'TracingEnabled' field
func SetTracingEndpoint ¶ added in v0.9.0
func SetTracingEndpoint(v string)
SetTracingEndpoint safely sets the value for global configuration 'TracingEndpoint' field
func SetTracingInsecureTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func SetTracingInsecureTransport(v bool)
SetTracingInsecureTransport safely sets the value for global configuration 'TracingInsecureTransport' field
func SetTracingTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func SetTracingTransport(v string)
SetTracingTransport safely sets the value for global configuration 'TracingTransport' field
func SetTrustedProxies ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetTrustedProxies(v []string)
SetTrustedProxies safely sets the value for global configuration 'TrustedProxies' field
func SetWebAssetBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetWebAssetBaseDir(v string)
SetWebAssetBaseDir safely sets the value for global configuration 'WebAssetBaseDir' field
func SetWebTemplateBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SetWebTemplateBaseDir(v string)
SetWebTemplateBaseDir safely sets the value for global configuration 'WebTemplateBaseDir' field
func SoftwareVersionFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SoftwareVersionFlag() string
SoftwareVersionFlag returns the flag name for the 'SoftwareVersion' field
func StatusesMaxCharsFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func StatusesMaxCharsFlag() string
StatusesMaxCharsFlag returns the flag name for the 'StatusesMaxChars' field
func StatusesMediaMaxFilesFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func StatusesMediaMaxFilesFlag() string
StatusesMediaMaxFilesFlag returns the flag name for the 'StatusesMediaMaxFiles' field
func StatusesPollMaxOptionsFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func StatusesPollMaxOptionsFlag() string
StatusesPollMaxOptionsFlag returns the flag name for the 'StatusesPollMaxOptions' field
func StatusesPollOptionMaxCharsFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func StatusesPollOptionMaxCharsFlag() string
StatusesPollOptionMaxCharsFlag returns the flag name for the 'StatusesPollOptionMaxChars' field
func StorageBackendFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func StorageBackendFlag() string
StorageBackendFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageBackend' field
func StorageLocalBasePathFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func StorageLocalBasePathFlag() string
StorageLocalBasePathFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageLocalBasePath' field
func StorageS3AccessKeyFlag ¶ added in v0.3.7
func StorageS3AccessKeyFlag() string
StorageS3AccessKeyFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageS3AccessKey' field
func StorageS3BucketNameFlag ¶ added in v0.3.7
func StorageS3BucketNameFlag() string
StorageS3BucketNameFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageS3BucketName' field
func StorageS3EndpointFlag ¶ added in v0.3.7
func StorageS3EndpointFlag() string
StorageS3EndpointFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageS3Endpoint' field
func StorageS3ProxyFlag ¶ added in v0.6.0
func StorageS3ProxyFlag() string
StorageS3ProxyFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageS3Proxy' field
func StorageS3RedirectURLFlag ¶ added in v0.17.0
func StorageS3RedirectURLFlag() string
StorageS3RedirectURLFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageS3RedirectURL' field
func StorageS3SecretKeyFlag ¶ added in v0.3.7
func StorageS3SecretKeyFlag() string
StorageS3SecretKeyFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageS3SecretKey' field
func StorageS3UseSSLFlag ¶ added in v0.3.7
func StorageS3UseSSLFlag() string
StorageS3UseSSLFlag returns the flag name for the 'StorageS3UseSSL' field
func SyslogAddressFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SyslogAddressFlag() string
SyslogAddressFlag returns the flag name for the 'SyslogAddress' field
func SyslogEnabledFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SyslogEnabledFlag() string
SyslogEnabledFlag returns the flag name for the 'SyslogEnabled' field
func SyslogProtocolFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func SyslogProtocolFlag() string
SyslogProtocolFlag returns the flag name for the 'SyslogProtocol' field
func TLSCertificateChainFlag ¶ added in v0.8.0
func TLSCertificateChainFlag() string
TLSCertificateChainFlag returns the flag name for the 'TLSCertificateChain' field
func TLSCertificateKeyFlag ¶ added in v0.8.0
func TLSCertificateKeyFlag() string
TLSCertificateKeyFlag returns the flag name for the 'TLSCertificateKey' field
func TracingEnabledFlag ¶ added in v0.9.0
func TracingEnabledFlag() string
TracingEnabledFlag returns the flag name for the 'TracingEnabled' field
func TracingEndpointFlag ¶ added in v0.9.0
func TracingEndpointFlag() string
TracingEndpointFlag returns the flag name for the 'TracingEndpoint' field
func TracingInsecureTransportFlag ¶ added in v0.9.0
func TracingInsecureTransportFlag() string
TracingInsecureTransportFlag returns the flag name for the 'TracingInsecureTransport' field
func TracingTransportFlag ¶ added in v0.9.0
func TracingTransportFlag() string
TracingTransportFlag returns the flag name for the 'TracingTransport' field
func TrustedProxiesFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func TrustedProxiesFlag() string
TrustedProxiesFlag returns the flag name for the 'TrustedProxies' field
func WebAssetBaseDirFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func WebAssetBaseDirFlag() string
WebAssetBaseDirFlag returns the flag name for the 'WebAssetBaseDir' field
func WebTemplateBaseDirFlag ¶ added in v0.3.5
func WebTemplateBaseDirFlag() string
WebTemplateBaseDirFlag returns the flag name for the 'WebTemplateBaseDir' field
Types ¶
type CacheConfiguration ¶ added in v0.7.0
type CacheConfiguration struct { MemoryTarget bytesize.Size `name:"memory-target"` AccountMemRatio float64 `name:"account-mem-ratio"` AccountNoteMemRatio float64 `name:"account-note-mem-ratio"` AccountSettingsMemRatio float64 `name:"account-settings-mem-ratio"` AccountStatsMemRatio float64 `name:"account-stats-mem-ratio"` ApplicationMemRatio float64 `name:"application-mem-ratio"` BlockMemRatio float64 `name:"block-mem-ratio"` BlockIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"block-ids-mem-ratio"` BoostOfIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"boost-of-ids-mem-ratio"` ClientMemRatio float64 `name:"client-mem-ratio"` ConversationMemRatio float64 `name:"conversation-mem-ratio"` ConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"conversation-last-status-ids-mem-ratio"` DomainPermissionDraftMemRation float64 `name:"domain-permission-draft-mem-ratio"` DomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation float64 `name:"domain-permission-subscription-mem-ratio"` EmojiMemRatio float64 `name:"emoji-mem-ratio"` EmojiCategoryMemRatio float64 `name:"emoji-category-mem-ratio"` FilterMemRatio float64 `name:"filter-mem-ratio"` FilterKeywordMemRatio float64 `name:"filter-keyword-mem-ratio"` FilterStatusMemRatio float64 `name:"filter-status-mem-ratio"` FollowMemRatio float64 `name:"follow-mem-ratio"` FollowIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"follow-ids-mem-ratio"` FollowRequestMemRatio float64 `name:"follow-request-mem-ratio"` FollowRequestIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"follow-request-ids-mem-ratio"` FollowingTagIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"following-tag-ids-mem-ratio"` InReplyToIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"in-reply-to-ids-mem-ratio"` InstanceMemRatio float64 `name:"instance-mem-ratio"` InteractionRequestMemRatio float64 `name:"interaction-request-mem-ratio"` ListMemRatio float64 `name:"list-mem-ratio"` ListIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"list-ids-mem-ratio"` ListedIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"listed-ids-mem-ratio"` MarkerMemRatio float64 `name:"marker-mem-ratio"` MediaMemRatio float64 `name:"media-mem-ratio"` MentionMemRatio float64 `name:"mention-mem-ratio"` MoveMemRatio float64 `name:"move-mem-ratio"` NotificationMemRatio float64 `name:"notification-mem-ratio"` PollMemRatio float64 `name:"poll-mem-ratio"` PollVoteMemRatio float64 `name:"poll-vote-mem-ratio"` PollVoteIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"poll-vote-ids-mem-ratio"` ReportMemRatio float64 `name:"report-mem-ratio"` SinBinStatusMemRatio float64 `name:"sin-bin-status-mem-ratio"` StatusMemRatio float64 `name:"status-mem-ratio"` StatusBookmarkMemRatio float64 `name:"status-bookmark-mem-ratio"` StatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"status-bookmark-ids-mem-ratio"` StatusEditMemRatio float64 `name:"status-edit-mem-ratio"` StatusFaveMemRatio float64 `name:"status-fave-mem-ratio"` StatusFaveIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"status-fave-ids-mem-ratio"` TagMemRatio float64 `name:"tag-mem-ratio"` ThreadMuteMemRatio float64 `name:"thread-mute-mem-ratio"` TokenMemRatio float64 `name:"token-mem-ratio"` TombstoneMemRatio float64 `name:"tombstone-mem-ratio"` UserMemRatio float64 `name:"user-mem-ratio"` UserMuteMemRatio float64 `name:"user-mute-mem-ratio"` UserMuteIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"user-mute-ids-mem-ratio"` WebfingerMemRatio float64 `name:"webfinger-mem-ratio"` WebPushSubscriptionMemRatio float64 `name:"web-push-subscription-mem-ratio"` WebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio float64 `name:"web-push-subscription-ids-mem-ratio"` VisibilityMemRatio float64 `name:"visibility-mem-ratio"` }
type ConfigState ¶ added in v0.3.5
type ConfigState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConfigState manages safe concurrent access to Configuration{} values, and provides ease of linking them (including reloading) via viper to environment, CLI and configuration file variables.
func NewState ¶ added in v0.3.5
func NewState() *ConfigState
NewState returns a new initialized ConfigState instance.
func (*ConfigState) AddGlobalFlags ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (s *ConfigState) AddGlobalFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
AddGlobalFlags will attach global configuration flags to given cobra command, loading defaults from State.
func (*ConfigState) AddServerFlags ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (s *ConfigState) AddServerFlags(cmd *cobra.Command)
AddServerFlags will attach server configuration flags to given cobra command, loading defaults from State.
func (*ConfigState) BindFlags ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) BindFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) (err error)
BindFlags will bind given Cobra command's pflags to this ConfigState's viper instance.
func (*ConfigState) Config ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) Config(fn func(*Configuration))
Config provides safe access to the ConfigState's contained Configuration, and will reload the current Configuration back into viper settings.
func (*ConfigState) GetAccountDomain ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountDomain() (v string)
GetAccountDomain safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AccountDomain' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS() (v bool)
GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsAllowCustomCSS' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAccountsCustomCSSLength ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsCustomCSSLength() (v int)
GetAccountsCustomCSSLength safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsCustomCSSLength' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAccountsReasonRequired ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsReasonRequired() (v bool)
GetAccountsReasonRequired safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsReasonRequired' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit() (v int)
GetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit() (v int)
GetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsRegistrationDailyLimit' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationOpen ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAccountsRegistrationOpen() (v bool)
GetAccountsRegistrationOpen safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsRegistrationOpen' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdminAccountEmail ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminAccountEmail() (v string)
GetAdminAccountEmail safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdminAccountEmail' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdminAccountPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminAccountPassword() (v string)
GetAdminAccountPassword safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdminAccountPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdminAccountUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminAccountUsername() (v string)
GetAdminAccountUsername safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdminAccountUsername' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly() (v bool)
GetAdminMediaListLocalOnly safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdminMediaListLocalOnly' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly() (v bool)
GetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdminMediaListRemoteOnly' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun() (v bool)
GetAdminMediaPruneDryRun safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdminMediaPruneDryRun' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdminTransPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdminTransPath() (v string)
GetAdminTransPath safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdminTransPath' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs ¶ added in v0.11.1
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs() (v []string)
GetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedCSPExtraURIs' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite() (v string)
GetAdvancedCookiesSamesite safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedCookiesSamesite' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode() (v string)
GetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedHeaderFilterMode' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions() (v []string)
GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptions' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed() (v []netip.Prefix)
GetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests() (v int)
GetAdvancedRateLimitRequests safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedRateLimitRequests' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier() (v int)
GetAdvancedSenderMultiplier safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedSenderMultiplier' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier() (v int)
GetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier' field
func (*ConfigState) GetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter() (v time.Duration)
GetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter' field
func (*ConfigState) GetApplicationName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetApplicationName() (v string)
GetApplicationName safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'ApplicationName' field
func (*ConfigState) GetBindAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetBindAddress() (v string)
GetBindAddress safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'BindAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheAccountMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheAccountMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountNoteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountSettingsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountStatsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheApplicationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheApplicationMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheApplicationMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ApplicationMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.BlockIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheBlockMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheBlockMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheBlockMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.BlockMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.BoostOfIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheClientMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheClientMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheClientMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ClientMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheConversationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheConversationMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheConversationMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ConversationMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation() (v float64)
GetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.DomainPermissionDraftMemRation' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation() (v float64)
GetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.DomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.EmojiCategoryMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheEmojiMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheEmojiMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheEmojiMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.EmojiMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FilterKeywordMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFilterMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFilterMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFilterMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FilterMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FilterStatusMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFollowMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFollowMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowRequestIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowRequestMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowingTagIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.InReplyToIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheInstanceMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheInstanceMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheInstanceMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.InstanceMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.InteractionRequestMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheListIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheListIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheListIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ListIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheListMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheListMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheListMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ListMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheListedIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ListedIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheMarkerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMarkerMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheMarkerMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MarkerMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheMediaMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMediaMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheMediaMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MediaMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheMemoryTarget ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMemoryTarget() (v bytesize.Size)
GetCacheMemoryTarget safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MemoryTarget' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheMentionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMentionMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheMentionMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MentionMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheMoveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheMoveMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheMoveMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MoveMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheNotificationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheNotificationMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheNotificationMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.NotificationMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCachePollMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCachePollMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCachePollMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.PollMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.PollVoteIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCachePollVoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCachePollVoteMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCachePollVoteMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.PollVoteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheReportMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheReportMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheReportMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ReportMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.SinBinStatusMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusBookmarkMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheStatusEditMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusEditMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusFaveIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusFaveMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheStatusMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheStatusMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheTagMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheTagMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheTagMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.TagMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ThreadMuteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheTokenMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheTokenMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheTokenMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.TokenMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheTombstoneMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.TombstoneMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheUserMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheUserMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheUserMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.UserMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.UserMuteIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheUserMuteMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.UserMuteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheVisibilityMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.VisibilityMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio() (v float64)
GetCacheWebfingerMemRatio safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.WebfingerMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) GetConfigPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetConfigPath() (v string)
GetConfigPath safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'ConfigPath' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbAddress() (v string)
GetDbAddress safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbDatabase ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbDatabase() (v string)
GetDbDatabase safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbDatabase' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier() (v int)
GetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbPassword() (v string)
GetDbPassword safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbPort() (v int)
GetDbPort safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbPort' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbPostgresConnectionString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbPostgresConnectionString() (v string)
GetDbPostgresConnectionString safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbPostgresConnectionString' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbSqliteBusyTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteBusyTimeout() (v time.Duration)
GetDbSqliteBusyTimeout safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteBusyTimeout' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbSqliteCacheSize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteCacheSize() (v bytesize.Size)
GetDbSqliteCacheSize safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteCacheSize' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbSqliteJournalMode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteJournalMode() (v string)
GetDbSqliteJournalMode safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteJournalMode' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbSqliteSynchronous ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbSqliteSynchronous() (v string)
GetDbSqliteSynchronous safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteSynchronous' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbTLSCACert ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbTLSCACert() (v string)
GetDbTLSCACert safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbTLSCACert' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbTLSMode ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbTLSMode() (v string)
GetDbTLSMode safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbTLSMode' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbType ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbType() (v string)
GetDbType safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbType' field
func (*ConfigState) GetDbUser ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetDbUser() (v string)
GetDbUser safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'DbUser' field
func (*ConfigState) GetHTTPClientAllowIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientAllowIPs() (v []string)
GetHTTPClientAllowIPs safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.AllowIPs' field
func (*ConfigState) GetHTTPClientBlockIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientBlockIPs() (v []string)
GetHTTPClientBlockIPs safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.BlockIPs' field
func (*ConfigState) GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify() (v bool)
GetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.TLSInsecureSkipVerify' field
func (*ConfigState) GetHTTPClientTimeout ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetHTTPClientTimeout() (v time.Duration)
GetHTTPClientTimeout safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.Timeout' field
func (*ConfigState) GetHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetHost() (v string)
GetHost safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Host' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses() (v bool)
GetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes() (v bool)
GetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceExposePeers ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposePeers() (v bool)
GetInstanceExposePeers safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposePeers' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline() (v bool)
GetInstanceExposePublicTimeline safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposePublicTimeline' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceExposeSuspended ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposeSuspended() (v bool)
GetInstanceExposeSuspended safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposeSuspended' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb() (v bool)
GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceFederationMode ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceFederationMode() (v string)
GetInstanceFederationMode safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceFederationMode' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter() (v bool)
GetInstanceFederationSpamFilter safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceFederationSpamFilter' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion() (v bool)
GetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceInjectMastodonVersion' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceLanguages ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceLanguages() (v language.Languages)
GetInstanceLanguages safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceLanguages' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceStatsMode ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceStatsMode() (v string)
GetInstanceStatsMode safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceStatsMode' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery() (v time.Duration)
GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery' field
func (*ConfigState) GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom() (v string)
GetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLandingPageUser ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetLandingPageUser() (v string)
GetLandingPageUser safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LandingPageUser' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptCertDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptCertDir() (v string)
GetLetsEncryptCertDir safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptCertDir' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress() (v string)
GetLetsEncryptEmailAddress safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptEmailAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptEnabled() (v bool)
GetLetsEncryptEnabled safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetLetsEncryptPort() (v int)
GetLetsEncryptPort safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptPort' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLogClientIP ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetLogClientIP() (v bool)
GetLogClientIP safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LogClientIP' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLogDbQueries ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetLogDbQueries() (v bool)
GetLogDbQueries safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LogDbQueries' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLogLevel ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetLogLevel() (v string)
GetLogLevel safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LogLevel' field
func (*ConfigState) GetLogTimestampFormat ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetLogTimestampFormat() (v string)
GetLogTimestampFormat safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'LogTimestampFormat' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaCleanupEvery ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaCleanupEvery() (v time.Duration)
GetMediaCleanupEvery safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaCleanupEvery' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaCleanupFrom ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaCleanupFrom() (v string)
GetMediaCleanupFrom safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaCleanupFrom' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars() (v int)
GetMediaDescriptionMaxChars safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaDescriptionMaxChars' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaDescriptionMinChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaDescriptionMinChars() (v int)
GetMediaDescriptionMinChars safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaDescriptionMinChars' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
GetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
GetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize() (v int)
GetMediaFfmpegPoolSize safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaFfmpegPoolSize' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaImageSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaImageSizeHint() (v bytesize.Size)
GetMediaImageSizeHint safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaImageSizeHint' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaLocalMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
GetMediaLocalMaxSize safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaLocalMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaRemoteCacheDays ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaRemoteCacheDays() (v int)
GetMediaRemoteCacheDays safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaRemoteCacheDays' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaRemoteMaxSize() (v bytesize.Size)
GetMediaRemoteMaxSize safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaRemoteMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMediaVideoSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func (st *ConfigState) GetMediaVideoSizeHint() (v bytesize.Size)
GetMediaVideoSizeHint safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MediaVideoSizeHint' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthEnabled() (v bool)
GetMetricsAuthEnabled safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsAuthEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthPassword ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthPassword() (v string)
GetMetricsAuthPassword safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsAuthPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthUsername ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsAuthUsername() (v string)
GetMetricsAuthUsername safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsAuthUsername' field
func (*ConfigState) GetMetricsEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetMetricsEnabled() (v bool)
GetMetricsEnabled safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCAdminGroups ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCAdminGroups() (v []string)
GetOIDCAdminGroups safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCAdminGroups' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCAllowedGroups ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCAllowedGroups() (v []string)
GetOIDCAllowedGroups safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCAllowedGroups' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCClientID ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCClientID() (v string)
GetOIDCClientID safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCClientID' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCClientSecret ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCClientSecret() (v string)
GetOIDCClientSecret safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCClientSecret' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCEnabled() (v bool)
GetOIDCEnabled safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCIdpName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCIdpName() (v string)
GetOIDCIdpName safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCIdpName' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCIssuer ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCIssuer() (v string)
GetOIDCIssuer safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCIssuer' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCLinkExisting ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCLinkExisting() (v bool)
GetOIDCLinkExisting safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCLinkExisting' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCScopes ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCScopes() (v []string)
GetOIDCScopes safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCScopes' field
func (*ConfigState) GetOIDCSkipVerification ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetOIDCSkipVerification() (v bool)
GetOIDCSkipVerification safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCSkipVerification' field
func (*ConfigState) GetPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetPort() (v int)
GetPort safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Port' field
func (*ConfigState) GetProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetProtocol() (v string)
GetProtocol safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'Protocol' field
func (*ConfigState) GetRequestIDHeader ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (st *ConfigState) GetRequestIDHeader() (v string)
GetRequestIDHeader safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'RequestIDHeader' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients() (v bool)
GetSMTPDiscloseRecipients safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPDiscloseRecipients' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSMTPFrom ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPFrom() (v string)
GetSMTPFrom safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPFrom' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSMTPHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPHost() (v string)
GetSMTPHost safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPHost' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSMTPPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPPassword() (v string)
GetSMTPPassword safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSMTPPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPPort() (v int)
GetSMTPPort safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPPort' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSMTPUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSMTPUsername() (v string)
GetSMTPUsername safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPUsername' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSoftwareVersion ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSoftwareVersion() (v string)
GetSoftwareVersion safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SoftwareVersion' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStatusesMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesMaxChars() (v int)
GetStatusesMaxChars safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesMaxChars' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles() (v int)
GetStatusesMediaMaxFiles safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesMediaMaxFiles' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStatusesPollMaxOptions ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesPollMaxOptions() (v int)
GetStatusesPollMaxOptions safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesPollMaxOptions' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars() (v int)
GetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesPollOptionMaxChars' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageBackend ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageBackend() (v string)
GetStorageBackend safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageBackend' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageLocalBasePath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageLocalBasePath() (v string)
GetStorageLocalBasePath safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageLocalBasePath' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageS3AccessKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3AccessKey() (v string)
GetStorageS3AccessKey safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3AccessKey' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageS3BucketName ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3BucketName() (v string)
GetStorageS3BucketName safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3BucketName' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageS3Endpoint ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3Endpoint() (v string)
GetStorageS3Endpoint safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3Endpoint' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageS3Proxy ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3Proxy() (v bool)
GetStorageS3Proxy safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3Proxy' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageS3RedirectURL ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3RedirectURL() (v string)
GetStorageS3RedirectURL safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3RedirectURL' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageS3SecretKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3SecretKey() (v string)
GetStorageS3SecretKey safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3SecretKey' field
func (*ConfigState) GetStorageS3UseSSL ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) GetStorageS3UseSSL() (v bool)
GetStorageS3UseSSL safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3UseSSL' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSyslogAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSyslogAddress() (v string)
GetSyslogAddress safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SyslogAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSyslogEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSyslogEnabled() (v bool)
GetSyslogEnabled safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SyslogEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) GetSyslogProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetSyslogProtocol() (v string)
GetSyslogProtocol safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'SyslogProtocol' field
func (*ConfigState) GetTLSCertificateChain ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetTLSCertificateChain() (v string)
GetTLSCertificateChain safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'TLSCertificateChain' field
func (*ConfigState) GetTLSCertificateKey ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetTLSCertificateKey() (v string)
GetTLSCertificateKey safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'TLSCertificateKey' field
func (*ConfigState) GetTracingEnabled ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingEnabled() (v bool)
GetTracingEnabled safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'TracingEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) GetTracingEndpoint ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingEndpoint() (v string)
GetTracingEndpoint safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'TracingEndpoint' field
func (*ConfigState) GetTracingInsecureTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingInsecureTransport() (v bool)
GetTracingInsecureTransport safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'TracingInsecureTransport' field
func (*ConfigState) GetTracingTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) GetTracingTransport() (v string)
GetTracingTransport safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'TracingTransport' field
func (*ConfigState) GetTrustedProxies ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetTrustedProxies() (v []string)
GetTrustedProxies safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'TrustedProxies' field
func (*ConfigState) GetWebAssetBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetWebAssetBaseDir() (v string)
GetWebAssetBaseDir safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'WebAssetBaseDir' field
func (*ConfigState) GetWebTemplateBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) GetWebTemplateBaseDir() (v string)
GetWebTemplateBaseDir safely fetches the Configuration value for state's 'WebTemplateBaseDir' field
func (*ConfigState) LoadEarlyFlags ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) LoadEarlyFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) (err error)
LoadEarlyFlags will bind specific flags from given Cobra command to ConfigState's viper instance, and load the current configuration values. This is useful for flags like .ConfigPath which have to parsed first in order to perform early configuration load.
func (*ConfigState) Reload ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) Reload() (err error)
Reload will reload the Configuration values from ConfigState's viper instance, and from file if set.
func (*ConfigState) Reset ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) Reset()
Reset will totally clear ConfigState{}, loading defaults.
func (*ConfigState) SetAccountDomain ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountDomain(v string)
SetAccountDomain safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AccountDomain' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS(v bool)
SetAccountsAllowCustomCSS safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsAllowCustomCSS' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAccountsCustomCSSLength ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsCustomCSSLength(v int)
SetAccountsCustomCSSLength safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsCustomCSSLength' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAccountsReasonRequired ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsReasonRequired(v bool)
SetAccountsReasonRequired safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsReasonRequired' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit(v int)
SetAccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit(v int)
SetAccountsRegistrationDailyLimit safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsRegistrationDailyLimit' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationOpen ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAccountsRegistrationOpen(v bool)
SetAccountsRegistrationOpen safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AccountsRegistrationOpen' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdminAccountEmail ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminAccountEmail(v string)
SetAdminAccountEmail safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdminAccountEmail' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdminAccountPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminAccountPassword(v string)
SetAdminAccountPassword safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdminAccountPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdminAccountUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminAccountUsername(v string)
SetAdminAccountUsername safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdminAccountUsername' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly(v bool)
SetAdminMediaListLocalOnly safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdminMediaListLocalOnly' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly(v bool)
SetAdminMediaListRemoteOnly safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdminMediaListRemoteOnly' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun(v bool)
SetAdminMediaPruneDryRun safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdminMediaPruneDryRun' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdminTransPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdminTransPath(v string)
SetAdminTransPath safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdminTransPath' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs ¶ added in v0.11.1
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs(v []string)
SetAdvancedCSPExtraURIs safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedCSPExtraURIs' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite(v string)
SetAdvancedCookiesSamesite safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedCookiesSamesite' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode(v string)
SetAdvancedHeaderFilterMode safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedHeaderFilterMode' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions(v []string)
SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptions safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptions' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed(v []netip.Prefix)
SetAdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests(v int)
SetAdvancedRateLimitRequests safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedRateLimitRequests' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier(v int)
SetAdvancedSenderMultiplier safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedSenderMultiplier' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier(v int)
SetAdvancedThrottlingMultiplier safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier' field
func (*ConfigState) SetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter(v time.Duration)
SetAdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter' field
func (*ConfigState) SetApplicationName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetApplicationName(v string)
SetApplicationName safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'ApplicationName' field
func (*ConfigState) SetBindAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetBindAddress(v string)
SetBindAddress safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'BindAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheAccountMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountNoteMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountNoteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountSettingsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountSettingsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheAccountStatsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.AccountStatsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheApplicationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheApplicationMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheApplicationMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ApplicationMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheBlockIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.BlockIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheBlockMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheBlockMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheBlockMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.BlockMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheBoostOfIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.BoostOfIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheClientMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheClientMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheClientMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ClientMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ConversationLastStatusIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheConversationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheConversationMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheConversationMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ConversationMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation(v float64)
SetCacheDomainPermissionDraftMemRation safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.DomainPermissionDraftMemRation' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation(v float64)
SetCacheDomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.DomainPermissionSubscriptionMemRation' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheEmojiCategoryMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.EmojiCategoryMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheEmojiMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheEmojiMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheEmojiMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.EmojiMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFilterKeywordMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FilterKeywordMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFilterMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFilterMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFilterMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FilterMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFilterStatusMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FilterStatusMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFollowMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowRequestIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowRequestIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowRequestMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowRequestMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheFollowingTagIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.FollowingTagIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheInReplyToIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.InReplyToIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheInstanceMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheInstanceMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheInstanceMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.InstanceMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheInteractionRequestMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.InteractionRequestMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheListIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheListIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheListIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ListIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheListMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheListMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheListMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ListMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheListedIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ListedIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheMarkerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMarkerMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMarkerMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MarkerMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheMediaMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMediaMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMediaMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MediaMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheMemoryTarget ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMemoryTarget(v bytesize.Size)
SetCacheMemoryTarget safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MemoryTarget' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheMentionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMentionMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMentionMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MentionMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheMoveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheMoveMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheMoveMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.MoveMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheNotificationMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheNotificationMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheNotificationMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.NotificationMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCachePollMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCachePollMemRatio(v float64)
SetCachePollMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.PollMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCachePollVoteIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.PollVoteIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCachePollVoteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCachePollVoteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCachePollVoteMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.PollVoteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheReportMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheReportMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheReportMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ReportMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheSinBinStatusMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.SinBinStatusMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusBookmarkIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusBookmarkMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusBookmarkMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusEditMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusEditMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusFaveIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusFaveIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusFaveMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusFaveMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheStatusMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheStatusMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheStatusMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.StatusMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheTagMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheTagMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheTagMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.TagMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheThreadMuteMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.ThreadMuteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheTokenMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheTokenMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheTokenMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.TokenMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheTombstoneMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.TombstoneMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheUserMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheUserMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheUserMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.UserMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheUserMuteIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.UserMuteIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheUserMuteMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.UserMuteMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheVisibilityMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.VisibilityMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionIDsMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheWebPushSubscriptionMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.WebPushSubscriptionMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio(v float64)
SetCacheWebfingerMemRatio safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Cache.WebfingerMemRatio' field
func (*ConfigState) SetConfigPath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetConfigPath(v string)
SetConfigPath safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'ConfigPath' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbAddress(v string)
SetDbAddress safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbDatabase ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbDatabase(v string)
SetDbDatabase safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbDatabase' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier(v int)
SetDbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbPassword(v string)
SetDbPassword safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbPort(v int)
SetDbPort safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbPort' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbPostgresConnectionString ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbPostgresConnectionString(v string)
SetDbPostgresConnectionString safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbPostgresConnectionString' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbSqliteBusyTimeout ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteBusyTimeout(v time.Duration)
SetDbSqliteBusyTimeout safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteBusyTimeout' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbSqliteCacheSize ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteCacheSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetDbSqliteCacheSize safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteCacheSize' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbSqliteJournalMode ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteJournalMode(v string)
SetDbSqliteJournalMode safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteJournalMode' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbSqliteSynchronous ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbSqliteSynchronous(v string)
SetDbSqliteSynchronous safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbSqliteSynchronous' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbTLSCACert ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbTLSCACert(v string)
SetDbTLSCACert safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbTLSCACert' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbTLSMode ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbTLSMode(v string)
SetDbTLSMode safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbTLSMode' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbType ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbType(v string)
SetDbType safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbType' field
func (*ConfigState) SetDbUser ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetDbUser(v string)
SetDbUser safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'DbUser' field
func (*ConfigState) SetHTTPClientAllowIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientAllowIPs(v []string)
SetHTTPClientAllowIPs safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.AllowIPs' field
func (*ConfigState) SetHTTPClientBlockIPs ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientBlockIPs(v []string)
SetHTTPClientBlockIPs safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.BlockIPs' field
func (*ConfigState) SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify(v bool)
SetHTTPClientTLSInsecureSkipVerify safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.TLSInsecureSkipVerify' field
func (*ConfigState) SetHTTPClientTimeout ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetHTTPClientTimeout(v time.Duration)
SetHTTPClientTimeout safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'HTTPClient.Timeout' field
func (*ConfigState) SetHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetHost(v string)
SetHost safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Host' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses(v bool)
SetInstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes(v bool)
SetInstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceDeliverToSharedInboxes' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceExposePeers ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposePeers(v bool)
SetInstanceExposePeers safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposePeers' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline(v bool)
SetInstanceExposePublicTimeline safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposePublicTimeline' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceExposeSuspended ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposeSuspended(v bool)
SetInstanceExposeSuspended safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposeSuspended' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb(v bool)
SetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceFederationMode ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceFederationMode(v string)
SetInstanceFederationMode safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceFederationMode' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter(v bool)
SetInstanceFederationSpamFilter safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceFederationSpamFilter' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion(v bool)
SetInstanceInjectMastodonVersion safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceInjectMastodonVersion' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceLanguages ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceLanguages(v language.Languages)
SetInstanceLanguages safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceLanguages' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceStatsMode ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceStatsMode(v string)
SetInstanceStatsMode safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceStatsMode' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery(v time.Duration)
SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery' field
func (*ConfigState) SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom(v string)
SetInstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLandingPageUser ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetLandingPageUser(v string)
SetLandingPageUser safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LandingPageUser' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptCertDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptCertDir(v string)
SetLetsEncryptCertDir safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptCertDir' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress(v string)
SetLetsEncryptEmailAddress safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptEmailAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptEnabled(v bool)
SetLetsEncryptEnabled safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetLetsEncryptPort(v int)
SetLetsEncryptPort safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LetsEncryptPort' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLogClientIP ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetLogClientIP(v bool)
SetLogClientIP safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LogClientIP' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLogDbQueries ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetLogDbQueries(v bool)
SetLogDbQueries safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LogDbQueries' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLogLevel ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetLogLevel(v string)
SetLogLevel safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LogLevel' field
func (*ConfigState) SetLogTimestampFormat ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetLogTimestampFormat(v string)
SetLogTimestampFormat safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'LogTimestampFormat' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaCleanupEvery ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaCleanupEvery(v time.Duration)
SetMediaCleanupEvery safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaCleanupEvery' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaCleanupFrom ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaCleanupFrom(v string)
SetMediaCleanupFrom safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaCleanupFrom' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars(v int)
SetMediaDescriptionMaxChars safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaDescriptionMaxChars' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaDescriptionMinChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaDescriptionMinChars(v int)
SetMediaDescriptionMinChars safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaDescriptionMinChars' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaEmojiLocalMaxSize safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize(v int)
SetMediaFfmpegPoolSize safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaFfmpegPoolSize' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaImageSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaImageSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaImageSizeHint safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaImageSizeHint' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaLocalMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaLocalMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaLocalMaxSize safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaLocalMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaRemoteCacheDays ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaRemoteCacheDays(v int)
SetMediaRemoteCacheDays safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaRemoteCacheDays' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaRemoteMaxSize ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaRemoteMaxSize(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaRemoteMaxSize safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaRemoteMaxSize' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMediaVideoSizeHint ¶ added in v0.17.2
func (st *ConfigState) SetMediaVideoSizeHint(v bytesize.Size)
SetMediaVideoSizeHint safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MediaVideoSizeHint' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthEnabled(v bool)
SetMetricsAuthEnabled safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsAuthEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthPassword ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthPassword(v string)
SetMetricsAuthPassword safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsAuthPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthUsername ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsAuthUsername(v string)
SetMetricsAuthUsername safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsAuthUsername' field
func (*ConfigState) SetMetricsEnabled ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetMetricsEnabled(v bool)
SetMetricsEnabled safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'MetricsEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCAdminGroups ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCAdminGroups(v []string)
SetOIDCAdminGroups safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCAdminGroups' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCAllowedGroups ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCAllowedGroups(v []string)
SetOIDCAllowedGroups safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCAllowedGroups' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCClientID ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCClientID(v string)
SetOIDCClientID safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCClientID' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCClientSecret ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCClientSecret(v string)
SetOIDCClientSecret safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCClientSecret' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCEnabled(v bool)
SetOIDCEnabled safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCIdpName ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCIdpName(v string)
SetOIDCIdpName safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCIdpName' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCIssuer ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCIssuer(v string)
SetOIDCIssuer safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCIssuer' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCLinkExisting ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCLinkExisting(v bool)
SetOIDCLinkExisting safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCLinkExisting' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCScopes ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCScopes(v []string)
SetOIDCScopes safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCScopes' field
func (*ConfigState) SetOIDCSkipVerification ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetOIDCSkipVerification(v bool)
SetOIDCSkipVerification safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'OIDCSkipVerification' field
func (*ConfigState) SetPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetPort(v int)
SetPort safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Port' field
func (*ConfigState) SetProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetProtocol(v string)
SetProtocol safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'Protocol' field
func (*ConfigState) SetRequestIDHeader ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (st *ConfigState) SetRequestIDHeader(v string)
SetRequestIDHeader safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'RequestIDHeader' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients(v bool)
SetSMTPDiscloseRecipients safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPDiscloseRecipients' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSMTPFrom ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPFrom(v string)
SetSMTPFrom safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPFrom' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSMTPHost ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPHost(v string)
SetSMTPHost safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPHost' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSMTPPassword ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPPassword(v string)
SetSMTPPassword safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPPassword' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSMTPPort ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPPort(v int)
SetSMTPPort safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPPort' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSMTPUsername ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSMTPUsername(v string)
SetSMTPUsername safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SMTPUsername' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSoftwareVersion ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSoftwareVersion(v string)
SetSoftwareVersion safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SoftwareVersion' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStatusesMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesMaxChars(v int)
SetStatusesMaxChars safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesMaxChars' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles(v int)
SetStatusesMediaMaxFiles safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesMediaMaxFiles' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStatusesPollMaxOptions ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesPollMaxOptions(v int)
SetStatusesPollMaxOptions safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesPollMaxOptions' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars(v int)
SetStatusesPollOptionMaxChars safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StatusesPollOptionMaxChars' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageBackend ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageBackend(v string)
SetStorageBackend safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageBackend' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageLocalBasePath ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageLocalBasePath(v string)
SetStorageLocalBasePath safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageLocalBasePath' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageS3AccessKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3AccessKey(v string)
SetStorageS3AccessKey safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3AccessKey' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageS3BucketName ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3BucketName(v string)
SetStorageS3BucketName safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3BucketName' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageS3Endpoint ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3Endpoint(v string)
SetStorageS3Endpoint safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3Endpoint' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageS3Proxy ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3Proxy(v bool)
SetStorageS3Proxy safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3Proxy' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageS3RedirectURL ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3RedirectURL(v string)
SetStorageS3RedirectURL safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3RedirectURL' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageS3SecretKey ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3SecretKey(v string)
SetStorageS3SecretKey safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3SecretKey' field
func (*ConfigState) SetStorageS3UseSSL ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (st *ConfigState) SetStorageS3UseSSL(v bool)
SetStorageS3UseSSL safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'StorageS3UseSSL' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSyslogAddress ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSyslogAddress(v string)
SetSyslogAddress safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SyslogAddress' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSyslogEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSyslogEnabled(v bool)
SetSyslogEnabled safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SyslogEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) SetSyslogProtocol ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetSyslogProtocol(v string)
SetSyslogProtocol safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'SyslogProtocol' field
func (*ConfigState) SetTLSCertificateChain ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetTLSCertificateChain(v string)
SetTLSCertificateChain safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'TLSCertificateChain' field
func (*ConfigState) SetTLSCertificateKey ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetTLSCertificateKey(v string)
SetTLSCertificateKey safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'TLSCertificateKey' field
func (*ConfigState) SetTracingEnabled ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingEnabled(v bool)
SetTracingEnabled safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'TracingEnabled' field
func (*ConfigState) SetTracingEndpoint ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingEndpoint(v string)
SetTracingEndpoint safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'TracingEndpoint' field
func (*ConfigState) SetTracingInsecureTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingInsecureTransport(v bool)
SetTracingInsecureTransport safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'TracingInsecureTransport' field
func (*ConfigState) SetTracingTransport ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (st *ConfigState) SetTracingTransport(v string)
SetTracingTransport safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'TracingTransport' field
func (*ConfigState) SetTrustedProxies ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetTrustedProxies(v []string)
SetTrustedProxies safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'TrustedProxies' field
func (*ConfigState) SetWebAssetBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetWebAssetBaseDir(v string)
SetWebAssetBaseDir safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'WebAssetBaseDir' field
func (*ConfigState) SetWebTemplateBaseDir ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) SetWebTemplateBaseDir(v string)
SetWebTemplateBaseDir safely sets the Configuration value for state's 'WebTemplateBaseDir' field
func (*ConfigState) Viper ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (st *ConfigState) Viper(fn func(*viper.Viper))
Viper provides safe access to the ConfigState's contained viper instance, and will reload the current viper setting state back into Configuration.
type Configuration ¶ added in v0.3.5
type Configuration struct { LogLevel string `name:"log-level" usage:"Log level to run at: [trace, debug, info, warn, fatal]"` LogTimestampFormat string `name:"log-timestamp-format" usage:"Format to use for the log timestamp, as supported by Go's time.Layout"` LogDbQueries bool `name:"log-db-queries" usage:"Log database queries verbosely when log-level is trace or debug"` LogClientIP bool `name:"log-client-ip" usage:"Include the client IP in logs"` ApplicationName string `name:"application-name" usage:"Name of the application, used in various places internally"` LandingPageUser string `name:"landing-page-user" usage:"the user that should be shown on the instance's landing page"` ConfigPath string `` /* 161-byte string literal not displayed */ Host string `` /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */ AccountDomain string `` /* 195-byte string literal not displayed */ Protocol string `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */ BindAddress string `` /* 223-byte string literal not displayed */ Port int `name:"port" usage:"Port to use for GoToSocial. Change this to 443 if you're running the binary directly on the host machine."` TrustedProxies []string `name:"trusted-proxies" usage:"Proxies to trust when parsing x-forwarded headers into real IPs."` SoftwareVersion string `name:"software-version" usage:""` DbType string `name:"db-type" usage:"Database type: eg., postgres"` DbAddress string `name:"db-address" usage:"Database ipv4 address, hostname, or filename"` DbPort int `name:"db-port" usage:"Database port"` DbUser string `name:"db-user" usage:"Database username"` DbPassword string `name:"db-password" usage:"Database password"` DbDatabase string `name:"db-database" usage:"Database name"` DbTLSMode string `name:"db-tls-mode" usage:"Database tls mode"` DbTLSCACert string `name:"db-tls-ca-cert" usage:"Path to CA cert for db tls connection"` DbMaxOpenConnsMultiplier int `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */ DbSqliteJournalMode string `name:"db-sqlite-journal-mode" usage:"Sqlite only: see"` DbSqliteSynchronous string `name:"db-sqlite-synchronous" usage:"Sqlite only: see"` DbSqliteCacheSize bytesize.Size `name:"db-sqlite-cache-size" usage:"Sqlite only: see"` DbSqliteBusyTimeout time.Duration `name:"db-sqlite-busy-timeout" usage:"Sqlite only: see"` DbPostgresConnectionString string `name:"db-postgres-connection-string" usage:"Full Database URL for connection to postgres"` WebTemplateBaseDir string `name:"web-template-base-dir" usage:"Basedir for html templating files for rendering pages and composing emails."` WebAssetBaseDir string `name:"web-asset-base-dir" usage:"Directory to serve static assets from, accessible at"` InstanceFederationMode string `name:"instance-federation-mode" usage:"Set instance federation mode."` InstanceFederationSpamFilter bool `` /* 161-byte string literal not displayed */ InstanceExposePeers bool `name:"instance-expose-peers" usage:"Allow unauthenticated users to query /api/v1/instance/peers?filter=open"` InstanceExposeSuspended bool `` /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */ InstanceExposeSuspendedWeb bool `name:"instance-expose-suspended-web" usage:"Expose list of suspended instances as webpage on /about/suspended"` InstanceExposePublicTimeline bool `name:"instance-expose-public-timeline" usage:"Allow unauthenticated users to query /api/v1/timelines/public"` InstanceInjectMastodonVersion bool `` /* 179-byte string literal not displayed */ InstanceLanguages language.Languages `` /* 185-byte string literal not displayed */ InstanceSubscriptionsProcessFrom string `` /* 183-byte string literal not displayed */ InstanceSubscriptionsProcessEvery time.Duration `` /* 167-byte string literal not displayed */ InstanceStatsMode string `` /* 168-byte string literal not displayed */ InstanceAllowBackdatingStatuses bool `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */ AccountsRegistrationOpen bool `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ AccountsReasonRequired bool `name:"accounts-reason-required" usage:"Do new account signups require a reason to be submitted on registration?"` AccountsRegistrationDailyLimit int `` /* 161-byte string literal not displayed */ AccountsRegistrationBacklogLimit int `` /* 164-byte string literal not displayed */ AccountsAllowCustomCSS bool `name:"accounts-allow-custom-css" usage:"Allow accounts to enable custom CSS for their profile pages and statuses."` AccountsCustomCSSLength int `name:"accounts-custom-css-length" usage:"Maximum permitted length (characters) of custom CSS for accounts."` MediaDescriptionMinChars int `name:"media-description-min-chars" usage:"Min required chars for an image description"` MediaDescriptionMaxChars int `name:"media-description-max-chars" usage:"Max permitted chars for an image description"` MediaRemoteCacheDays int `` /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */ MediaEmojiLocalMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-emoji-local-max-size" usage:"Max size in bytes of emojis uploaded to this instance via the admin API."` MediaEmojiRemoteMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-emoji-remote-max-size" usage:"Max size in bytes of emojis to download from other instances."` MediaImageSizeHint bytesize.Size `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */ MediaVideoSizeHint bytesize.Size `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */ MediaLocalMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-local-max-size" usage:"Max size in bytes of media uploaded to this instance via API"` MediaRemoteMaxSize bytesize.Size `name:"media-remote-max-size" usage:"Max size in bytes of media to download from other instances"` MediaCleanupFrom string `` /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */ MediaCleanupEvery time.Duration `name:"media-cleanup-every" usage:"Period to elapse between cleanups, starting from media-cleanup-at."` MediaFfmpegPoolSize int `` /* 156-byte string literal not displayed */ StorageBackend string `name:"storage-backend" usage:"Storage backend to use for media attachments"` StorageLocalBasePath string `` /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */ StorageS3Endpoint string `name:"storage-s3-endpoint" usage:"S3 Endpoint URL (e.g '')"` StorageS3AccessKey string `name:"storage-s3-access-key" usage:"S3 Access Key"` StorageS3SecretKey string `name:"storage-s3-secret-key" usage:"S3 Secret Key"` StorageS3UseSSL bool `name:"storage-s3-use-ssl" usage:"Use SSL for S3 connections. Only set this to 'false' when testing locally"` StorageS3BucketName string `name:"storage-s3-bucket" usage:"Place blobs in this bucket"` StorageS3Proxy bool `name:"storage-s3-proxy" usage:"Proxy S3 contents through GoToSocial instead of redirecting to a presigned URL"` StorageS3RedirectURL string `` /* 144-byte string literal not displayed */ StatusesMaxChars int `name:"statuses-max-chars" usage:"Max permitted characters for posted statuses, including content warning"` StatusesPollMaxOptions int `name:"statuses-poll-max-options" usage:"Max amount of options permitted on a poll"` StatusesPollOptionMaxChars int `name:"statuses-poll-option-max-chars" usage:"Max amount of characters for a poll option"` StatusesMediaMaxFiles int `name:"statuses-media-max-files" usage:"Maximum number of media files/attachments per status"` LetsEncryptEnabled bool `` /* 154-byte string literal not displayed */ LetsEncryptPort int `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ LetsEncryptCertDir string `name:"letsencrypt-cert-dir" usage:"Directory to store acquired letsencrypt certificates."` LetsEncryptEmailAddress string `` /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */ TLSCertificateChain string `` /* 131-byte string literal not displayed */ TLSCertificateKey string `name:"tls-certificate-key" usage:"Filesystem path to the TLS private key"` OIDCEnabled bool `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */ OIDCIdpName string `name:"oidc-idp-name" usage:"Name of the OIDC identity provider. Will be shown to the user when logging in."` OIDCSkipVerification bool `` /* 182-byte string literal not displayed */ OIDCIssuer string `` /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */ OIDCClientID string `name:"oidc-client-id" usage:"ClientID of GoToSocial, as registered with the OIDC provider."` OIDCClientSecret string `name:"oidc-client-secret" usage:"ClientSecret of GoToSocial, as registered with the OIDC provider."` OIDCScopes []string `name:"oidc-scopes" usage:"OIDC scopes."` OIDCLinkExisting bool `name:"oidc-link-existing" usage:"link existing user accounts to OIDC logins based on the stored email value"` OIDCAllowedGroups []string `` /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */ OIDCAdminGroups []string `name:"oidc-admin-groups" usage:"Membership of one of the listed groups makes someone a GtS admin"` TracingEnabled bool `name:"tracing-enabled" usage:"Enable OTLP Tracing"` TracingTransport string `name:"tracing-transport" usage:"grpc or http"` TracingEndpoint string `name:"tracing-endpoint" usage:"Endpoint of your trace collector. Eg., 'localhost:4317' for gRPC, 'localhost:4318' for http"` TracingInsecureTransport bool `name:"tracing-insecure-transport" usage:"Disable TLS for the gRPC or HTTP transport protocol"` MetricsEnabled bool `name:"metrics-enabled" usage:"Enable OpenTelemetry based metrics support."` MetricsAuthEnabled bool `name:"metrics-auth-enabled" usage:"Enable HTTP Basic Authentication for Prometheus metrics endpoint"` MetricsAuthUsername string `name:"metrics-auth-username" usage:"Username for Prometheus metrics endpoint"` MetricsAuthPassword string `name:"metrics-auth-password" usage:"Password for Prometheus metrics endpoint"` SMTPHost string `name:"smtp-host" usage:"Host of the smtp server. Eg., ''"` SMTPPort int `name:"smtp-port" usage:"Port of the smtp server. Eg., 587"` SMTPUsername string `name:"smtp-username" usage:"Username to authenticate with the smtp server as. Eg., '[email protected]'"` SMTPPassword string `name:"smtp-password" usage:"Password to pass to the smtp server."` SMTPFrom string `name:"smtp-from" usage:"Address to use as the 'from' field of the email. Eg., '[email protected]'"` SMTPDiscloseRecipients bool `` /* 180-byte string literal not displayed */ SyslogEnabled bool `name:"syslog-enabled" usage:"Enable the syslog logging hook. Logs will be mirrored to the configured destination."` SyslogProtocol string `name:"syslog-protocol" usage:"Protocol to use when directing logs to syslog. Leave empty to connect to local syslog."` SyslogAddress string `name:"syslog-address" usage:"Address:port to send syslog logs to. Leave empty to connect to local syslog."` AdvancedCookiesSamesite string `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */ AdvancedRateLimitRequests int `` /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */ AdvancedRateLimitExceptions []string `name:"advanced-rate-limit-exceptions" usage:"Slice of CIDRs to exclude from rate limit restrictions."` AdvancedRateLimitExceptionsParsed []netip.Prefix `name:"advanced-rate-limit-exceptions-parsed"` AdvancedThrottlingMultiplier int `` /* 132-byte string literal not displayed */ AdvancedThrottlingRetryAfter time.Duration `name:"advanced-throttling-retry-after" usage:"Retry-After duration response to send for throttled requests."` AdvancedSenderMultiplier int `` /* 152-byte string literal not displayed */ AdvancedCSPExtraURIs []string `name:"advanced-csp-extra-uris" usage:"Additional URIs to allow when building content-security-policy for media + images."` AdvancedHeaderFilterMode string `name:"advanced-header-filter-mode" usage:"Set incoming request header filtering mode."` // HTTPClient configuration vars. HTTPClient HTTPClientConfiguration `name:"http-client"` // Cache configuration vars. Cache CacheConfiguration `name:"cache"` // TODO: move these elsewhere, these are more ephemeral vs long-running flags like above AdminAccountUsername string `name:"username" usage:"the username to create/delete/etc"` AdminAccountEmail string `name:"email" usage:"the email address of this account"` AdminAccountPassword string `name:"password" usage:"the password to set for this account"` AdminTransPath string `name:"path" usage:"the path of the file to import from/export to"` AdminMediaPruneDryRun bool `name:"dry-run" usage:"perform a dry run and only log number of items eligible for pruning"` AdminMediaListLocalOnly bool `name:"local-only" usage:"list only local attachments/emojis; if specified then remote-only cannot also be true"` AdminMediaListRemoteOnly bool `name:"remote-only" usage:"list only remote attachments/emojis; if specified then local-only cannot also be true"` RequestIDHeader string `name:"request-id-header" usage:"Header to extract the Request ID from. Eg.,'X-Request-Id'."` }
Configuration represents global GTS server runtime configuration.
Please note that if you update this struct's fields or tags, you will need to regenerate the global Getter/Setter helpers by running: `go run ./internal/config/gen/ -out ./internal/config/helpers.gen.go`
func (*Configuration) MarshalMap ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (cfg *Configuration) MarshalMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
MarshalMap will marshal current Configuration into a map structure (useful for JSON/TOML/YAML).