
v0.18.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 24, 2025 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0



Package gtsmodel contains types used *internally* by GoToSocial and added/removed/selected from the database. These types should never be serialized and/or sent out via public APIs, as they contain sensitive information. The annotation used on these structs is for handling them via the bun-db ORM. See here for more info on bun model annotations:



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This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Account

type Account struct {
	ID                      string           `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"`                                               // id of this item in the database
	CreatedAt               time.Time        `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`                                        // when was item created
	UpdatedAt               time.Time        `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`                                        // when was item last updated
	Username                string           `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull,unique:userdomain"`                                                         // Username of the account, should just be a string of [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Can be added to domain to create the full username in the form “[username]@[domain]“ eg., “[email protected]“. Username and domain should be unique *with* each other
	Domain                  string           `validate:"omitempty,fqdn" bun:",nullzero,unique:userdomain"`                                                           // Domain of the account, will be null if this is a local account, otherwise something like ““. Should be unique with username.
	AvatarMediaAttachmentID string           `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                                                                // Database ID of the media attachment, if present
	AvatarMediaAttachment   *MediaAttachment `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"`                                                                                     // MediaAttachment corresponding to avatarMediaAttachmentID
	AvatarRemoteURL         string           `validate:"omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`                                                                              // For a non-local account, where can the header be fetched?
	HeaderMediaAttachmentID string           `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                                                                // Database ID of the media attachment, if present
	HeaderMediaAttachment   *MediaAttachment `validate:"-" bun:"rel:belongs-to"`                                                                                     // MediaAttachment corresponding to headerMediaAttachmentID
	HeaderRemoteURL         string           `validate:"omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`                                                                              // For a non-local account, where can the header be fetched?
	DisplayName             string           `validate:"-" bun:""`                                                                                                   // DisplayName for this account. Can be empty, then just the Username will be used for display purposes.
	Fields                  []Field          `validate:"-"`                                                                                                          // a key/value map of fields that this account has added to their profile
	Note                    string           `validate:"-" bun:""`                                                                                                   // A note that this account has on their profile (ie., the account's bio/description of themselves)
	Memorial                bool             `validate:"-" bun:",default:false"`                                                                                     // Is this a memorial account, ie., has the user passed away?
	AlsoKnownAs             string           `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                                                                // This account is associated with x account id (TODO: migrate to be AlsoKnownAsID)
	MovedToAccountID        string           `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                                                                // This account has moved this account id in the database
	Bot                     bool             `validate:"-" bun:",default:false"`                                                                                     // Does this account identify itself as a bot?
	Reason                  string           `validate:"-" bun:""`                                                                                                   // What reason was given for signing up when this account was created?
	Locked                  bool             `validate:"-" bun:",default:true"`                                                                                      // Does this account need an approval for new followers?
	Discoverable            bool             `validate:"-" bun:",default:false"`                                                                                     // Should this account be shown in the instance's profile directory?
	Privacy                 Visibility       `validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,oneof=public unlocked followers_only mutuals_only direct" bun:",nullzero"` // Default post privacy for this account
	Sensitive               bool             `validate:"-" bun:",default:false"`                                                                                     // Set posts from this account to sensitive by default?
	Language                string           `validate:"omitempty,bcp47_language_tag" bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:'en'"`                                          // What language does this account post in?
	URI                     string           `validate:"required,url" bun:",nullzero,notnull,unique"`                                                                // ActivityPub URI for this account.
	URL                     string           `validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`                                               // Web URL for this account's profile
	LastWebfingeredAt       time.Time        `validate:"required_with=Domain" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`                                                       // Last time this account was refreshed/located with webfinger.
	InboxURI                string           `validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`                                               // Address of this account's ActivityPub inbox, for sending activity to
	OutboxURI               string           `validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`                                               // Address of this account's activitypub outbox
	FollowingURI            string           `validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`                                               // URI for getting the following list of this account
	FollowersURI            string           `validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`                                               // URI for getting the followers list of this account
	FeaturedCollectionURI   string           `validate:"required_without=Domain,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero,unique"`                                               // URL for getting the featured collection list of this account
	ActorType               string           `validate:"oneof=Application Group Organization Person Service" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`                                // What type of activitypub actor is this account?
	PrivateKey              *rsa.PrivateKey  `validate:"required_without=Domain"`                                                                                    // Privatekey for validating activitypub requests, will only be defined for local accounts
	PublicKey               *rsa.PublicKey   `validate:"required"`                                                                                                   // Publickey for encoding activitypub requests, will be defined for both local and remote accounts
	PublicKeyURI            string           `validate:"required,url" bun:",nullzero,notnull,unique"`                                                                // Web-reachable location of this account's public key
	SensitizedAt            time.Time        `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`                                                                          // When was this account set to have all its media shown as sensitive?
	SilencedAt              time.Time        `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`                                                                          // When was this account silenced (eg., statuses only visible to followers, not public)?
	SuspendedAt             time.Time        `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero"`                                                                          // When was this account suspended (eg., don't allow it to log in/post, don't accept media/posts from this account)
	HideCollections         bool             `validate:"-" bun:",default:false"`                                                                                     // Hide this account's collections
	SuspensionOrigin        string           `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                                                                // id of the database entry that caused this account to become suspended -- can be an account ID or a domain block ID

Account represents either a local or a remote fediverse account, gotosocial or otherwise (mastodon, pleroma, etc).

type AdminAccountAction

type AdminAccountAction struct {
	ID              string          `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"`        // id of this item in the database
	CreatedAt       time.Time       `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item created
	UpdatedAt       time.Time       `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // when was item last updated
	AccountID       string          `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"`                  // Who performed this admin action.
	Account         *Account        `validate:"-" bun:"rel:has-one"`                                                 // Account corresponding to accountID
	TargetAccountID string          `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),notnull,nullzero"`                  // Who is the target of this action
	TargetAccount   *Account        `validate:"-" bun:"rel:has-one"`                                                 // Account corresponding to targetAccountID
	Text            string          `validate:"-" bun:""`                                                            // text explaining why this action was taken
	Type            AdminActionType `validate:"oneof=disable silence suspend" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`               // type of action that was taken
	SendEmail       bool            `validate:"-" bun:""`                                                            // should an email be sent to the account owner to explain what happened
	ReportID        string          `validate:",omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                        // id of a report connected to this action, if it exists

AdminAccountAction models an action taken by an instance administrator on an account.

type AdminActionType

type AdminActionType string

AdminActionType describes a type of action taken on an entity by an admin

const (
	// AdminActionDisable -- the account or application etc has been disabled but not deleted.
	AdminActionDisable AdminActionType = "disable"
	// AdminActionSilence -- the account or application etc has been silenced.
	AdminActionSilence AdminActionType = "silence"
	// AdminActionSuspend -- the account or application etc has been deleted.
	AdminActionSuspend AdminActionType = "suspend"

type Field

type Field struct {
	Name       string    `validate:"required"`          // Name of this field.
	Value      string    `validate:"required"`          // Value of this field.
	VerifiedAt time.Time `validate:"-" bun:",nullzero"` // This field was verified at (optional).

Field represents a key value field on an account, for things like pronouns, website, etc. VerifiedAt is optional, to be used only if Value is a URL to a webpage that contains the username of the user.

type File

type File struct {
	Path        string    `validate:"required,file" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`                               // Path of the file in storage.
	ContentType string    `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`                                    // MIME content type of the file.
	FileSize    int       `validate:"required" bun:",notnull"`                                             // File size in bytes
	UpdatedAt   time.Time `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // When was the file last updated.

File refers to the metadata for the whole file

type FileMeta

type FileMeta struct {
	Original Original `validate:"required" bun:"embed:original_"`
	Small    Small    `bun:"embed:small_"`
	Focus    Focus    `bun:"embed:focus_"`

FileMeta describes metadata about the actual contents of the file.

type FileType

type FileType string

FileType refers to the file type of the media attaachment.

const (
	FileTypeImage   FileType = "Image"   // FileTypeImage is for jpegs and pngs
	FileTypeGif     FileType = "Gif"     // FileTypeGif is for native gifs and soundless videos that have been converted to gifs
	FileTypeAudio   FileType = "Audio"   // FileTypeAudio is for audio-only files (no video)
	FileTypeVideo   FileType = "Video"   // FileTypeVideo is for files with audio + visual
	FileTypeUnknown FileType = "Unknown" // FileTypeUnknown is for unknown file types (surprise surprise!)

MediaAttachment file types.

type Focus

type Focus struct {
	X float32 `validate:"omitempty,max=1,min=-1"`
	Y float32 `validate:"omitempty,max=1,min=-1"`

Focus describes the 'center' of the image for display purposes. X and Y should each be between -1 and 1

type MediaAttachment

type MediaAttachment struct {
	ID                string           `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),pk,nullzero,notnull,unique"`                       // id of this item in the database
	CreatedAt         time.Time        `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`                // when was item created
	UpdatedAt         time.Time        `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`                // when was item last updated
	StatusID          string           `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                                        // ID of the status to which this is attached
	URL               string           `validate:"required_without=RemoteURL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`                           // Where can the attachment be retrieved on *this* server
	RemoteURL         string           `validate:"required_without=URL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`                                 // Where can the attachment be retrieved on a remote server (empty for local media)
	Type              FileType         `validate:"oneof=Image Gif Audio Video Unknown" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`                        // Type of file (image/gif/audio/video)
	FileMeta          FileMeta         `validate:"required" bun:",embed:,nullzero,notnull"`                                            // Metadata about the file
	AccountID         string           `validate:"required,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"`                                 // To which account does this attachment belong
	Account           *Account         `validate:"-" bun:"rel:has-one"`                                                                // Account corresponding to accountID
	Description       string           `validate:"-" bun:""`                                                                           // Description of the attachment (for screenreaders)
	ScheduledStatusID string           `validate:"omitempty,ulid" bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero"`                                        // To which scheduled status does this attachment belong
	Blurhash          string           `validate:"required_if=Type Image,required_if=Type Gif,required_if=Type Video" bun:",nullzero"` // What is the generated blurhash of this attachment
	Processing        ProcessingStatus `validate:"oneof=0 1 2 666" bun:",notnull,default:2"`                                           // What is the processing status of this attachment
	File              File             `validate:"required" bun:",embed:file_,notnull,nullzero"`                                       // metadata for the whole file
	Thumbnail         Thumbnail        `validate:"required" bun:",embed:thumbnail_,notnull,nullzero"`                                  // small image thumbnail derived from a larger image, video, or audio file.
	Avatar            bool             `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"`                                                     // Is this attachment being used as an avatar?
	Header            bool             `validate:"-" bun:",notnull,default:false"`                                                     // Is this attachment being used as a header?
	Cached            bool             `validate:"-" bun:",notnull"`                                                                   // Is this attachment currently cached by our instance?

MediaAttachment represents a user-uploaded media attachment: an image/video/audio/gif that is somewhere in storage and that can be retrieved and served by the router.

type Original

type Original struct {
	Width  int     `validate:"required_with=Height Size Aspect"`  // width in pixels
	Height int     `validate:"required_with=Width Size Aspect"`   // height in pixels
	Size   int     `validate:"required_with=Width Height Aspect"` // size in pixels (width * height)
	Aspect float64 `validate:"required_with=Widhth Height Size"`  // aspect ratio (width / height)

Original can be used for original metadata for any media type

type ProcessingStatus

type ProcessingStatus int

ProcessingStatus refers to how far along in the processing stage the attachment is.

const (
	ProcessingStatusReceived   ProcessingStatus = 0   // ProcessingStatusReceived indicates the attachment has been received and is awaiting processing. No thumbnail available yet.
	ProcessingStatusProcessing ProcessingStatus = 1   // ProcessingStatusProcessing indicates the attachment is currently being processed. Thumbnail is available but full media is not.
	ProcessingStatusProcessed  ProcessingStatus = 2   // ProcessingStatusProcessed indicates the attachment has been fully processed and is ready to be served.
	ProcessingStatusError      ProcessingStatus = 666 // ProcessingStatusError indicates something went wrong processing the attachment and it won't be tried again--these can be deleted.

MediaAttachment processing states.

type Relationship

type Relationship struct {
	ID                  string // The account id.
	Following           bool   // Are you following this user?
	ShowingReblogs      bool   // Are you receiving this user's boosts in your home timeline?
	Notifying           bool   // Have you enabled notifications for this user?
	FollowedBy          bool   // Are you followed by this user?
	Blocking            bool   // Are you blocking this user?
	BlockedBy           bool   // Is this user blocking you?
	Muting              bool   // Are you muting this user?
	MutingNotifications bool   // Are you muting notifications from this user?
	Requested           bool   // Do you have a pending follow request for this user?
	DomainBlocking      bool   // Are you blocking this user's domain?
	Endorsed            bool   // Are you featuring this user on your profile?
	Note                string // Your note on this account.

Relationship describes a requester's relationship with another account.

type Small

type Small struct {
	Width  int     `validate:"required_with=Height Size Aspect"`  // width in pixels
	Height int     `validate:"required_with=Width Size Aspect"`   // height in pixels
	Size   int     `validate:"required_with=Width Height Aspect"` // size in pixels (width * height)
	Aspect float64 `validate:"required_with=Widhth Height Size"`  // aspect ratio (width / height)

Small can be used for a thumbnail of any media type

type Thumbnail

type Thumbnail struct {
	Path        string    `validate:"required,file" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`                               // Path of the file in storage.
	ContentType string    `validate:"required" bun:",nullzero,notnull"`                                    // MIME content type of the file.
	FileSize    int       `validate:"required" bun:",notnull"`                                             // File size in bytes
	UpdatedAt   time.Time `validate:"-" bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"` // When was the file last updated.
	URL         string    `validate:"required_without=RemoteURL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`            // What is the URL of the thumbnail on the local server
	RemoteURL   string    `validate:"required_without=URL,omitempty,url" bun:",nullzero"`                  // What is the remote URL of the thumbnail (empty for local media)

Thumbnail refers to a small image thumbnail derived from a larger image, video, or audio file.

type Visibility

type Visibility string

Visibility represents the visibility granularity of a status.

const (
	// VisibilityPublic means this status will be visible to everyone on all timelines.
	VisibilityPublic Visibility = "public"
	// VisibilityUnlocked means this status will be visible to everyone, but will only show on home timeline to followers, and in lists.
	VisibilityUnlocked Visibility = "unlocked"
	// VisibilityFollowersOnly means this status is viewable to followers only.
	VisibilityFollowersOnly Visibility = "followers_only"
	// VisibilityMutualsOnly means this status is visible to mutual followers only.
	VisibilityMutualsOnly Visibility = "mutuals_only"
	// VisibilityDirect means this status is visible only to mentioned recipients.
	VisibilityDirect Visibility = "direct"
	// VisibilityDefault is used when no other setting can be found.
	VisibilityDefault Visibility = VisibilityUnlocked

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