Tanuu-operator is used to deploy crossplane based nodes, add them to an omni cluster, start the cluster, and return valid and working connection information for services inside the cluster as well as the cluster itself.
When a devenv object is created, crossplane nodegroupclaims (also installed via tanuu project) will create nodes inside of the target infra (google cloud by default), which marks the deven object as pending. These nodes boot an Omni/talos image, and automatically join the omni service. Once they are recognized as connected and active inside the object is marked as starting, and the omni ID's are added to an omni cluster template, which is then synced to apply.
When the cluster is marked active, the devenv object is marked Ready.
Deletion of the devenv object will delete the cluster as well as the crossplane claims. The claims deleting will delete the deployed nodes. The cluster delete will continue in the background for some time.
An improvement coming soon will also delete the node/machine definitions from Omni, which will speed up and properly clean up the cluster deletion. As the current implimentation works, it's deployed for now even though it's not the cleanest method.
Installation instructions to come soon, including secrets and configmaps needed to use.
Getting Started
- go version v1.22.0+
- docker version 17.03+.
- kubectl version v1.11.3+.
- Access to a Kubernetes v1.11.3+ cluster.
To Deploy on the cluster
Build and push your image to the location specified by IMG
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/tanuu-operator:tag
NOTE: This image ought to be published in the personal registry you specified.
And it is required to have access to pull the image from the working environment.
Make sure you have the proper permission to the registry if the above commands don’t work.
Install the CRDs into the cluster:
make install
Deploy the Manager to the cluster with the image specified by IMG
make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/tanuu-operator:tag
NOTE: If you encounter RBAC errors, you may need to grant yourself cluster-admin
privileges or be logged in as admin.
Create instances of your solution
You can apply the samples (examples) from the config/sample:
kubectl apply -k config/samples/
NOTE: Ensure that the samples has default values to test it out.
To Uninstall
Delete the instances (CRs) from the cluster:
kubectl delete -k config/samples/
Delete the APIs(CRDs) from the cluster:
make uninstall
UnDeploy the controller from the cluster:
make undeploy
Project Distribution
Following are the steps to build the installer and distribute this project to users.
- Build the installer for the image built and published in the registry:
make build-installer IMG=<some-registry>/tanuu-operator:tag
NOTE: The makefile target mentioned above generates an 'install.yaml'
file in the dist directory. This file contains all the resources built
with Kustomize, which are necessary to install this project without
its dependencies.
- Using the installer
Users can just run kubectl apply -f to install the project, i.e.:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/<org>/tanuu-operator/<tag or branch>/dist/install.yaml
Copyright 2024 tanuudev.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.