sideweed is a high-performance sidecar load-balancer. By attaching a tiny load balancer as a sidecar to each of the client application processes, you can eliminate the centralized loadbalancer bottleneck and DNS failover management. sideweed automatically avoids sending traffic to the failed servers by checking their health via the readiness API and HTTP error returns.
Binary Releases
Download the latest binary from https://github.com/targetaidev/sideweed/releases and unzip a single binary file.
Build from source
go install -v github.com/targetaidev/sideweed@latest
You will need a working Go environment. Therefore, please follow How to install Go.
Minimum version required is go1.17
sideweed - High-Performance sidecar load-balancer
sideweed - [FLAGS] SITE1 [SITE2..]
--address value, -a value listening address for sideweed (default: ":8080")
--health-path value, -p value health check path
--read-health-path value, -r value health check path for read access - valid only for failover site
--health-port value health check port (default: 0)
--health-duration value, -d value health check duration in seconds (default: 5s)
--log, -l enable logging
--trace value, -t value enable request tracing - valid values are [all,application,cluster] (default: "all")
--quiet, -q disable console messages
--json output sideweed logs and trace in json format
--debug output verbose trace
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Each SITE is a comma separated list of pools of that site: http://172.17.0.{2...5},http://172.17.0.{6...9}.
If all servers in SITE1 are down, then the traffic is routed to the next site - SITE2.
1. Load balance across 4 servers (http://server1:9000 to http://server4:9000)
$ sideweed --health-path "/health" http://server{1...4}:9000
2. Load balance across 4 servers (http://server1:9000 to http://server4:9000), listen on port 8000
$ sideweed --health-path "/health" --address ":8000" http://server{1...4}:9000
3. Two sites, each site having two pools, each pool having 4 servers:
$ sideweed --health-path=/health http://site1-server{1...4}:9000,http://site1-server{5...8}:9000 \
4. Two sites, each site having two pools, each pool having 4 servers. After failover, allow read requests to site2 even if it has just read quorum:
$ sideweed --health-path=/health --read-health-path=/health/read http://site1-server{1...4}:9000,http://site1-server{5...8}:9000 \
Load balance across a web service using DNS provided IPs
$ sideweed --health-path=/health http://myapp.myorg.domain
$ sideweed --health-path=/health --address :8000 http://server{1...4}:9000
Two sites with 4 servers each
$ sideweed --health-path=/health http://site1-server{1...4}:9000 http://site2-server{1...4}:9000