
package module
v0.9.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 22, 2016 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 471


selenium - Selenium Client For Go


Looking for Maintainer

If you're interested in taking over this package, please contact me (@tebeka). There's no active development other than accepting patches currently.


This is a Selenium client for Go. Currently it supports only the remote WebDriver client, so you'll need a selenium server running.



go get


Docs are at


GetHTTPClient exposes the HTTP client used by the driver. You can access it to add the request context.

func myRequestHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    selenium.GetHTTPClient().Transport = &urlfetch.Transport{
        Context:  appengine.NewContext(r),
        Deadline: 30 * time.Second,

Thanks to bthomson for this one.


See here.


  • Support Firefox profiles
  • Finish full Selenium API.
  • More testing
  • Selenium 1 client
  • Our own server for testing (getting out takes too much time)
  • SauceLabs integration


  • You'll need a Selenium server to run the tests, run download to get it and start to run it.
  • Test with ./
    • Alternatively if you have docker run make test-docker which will run the tests in a docker container without all these annoying windows popping up.
  • I (Miki) work on dev branch since go get pull from default.





Package selenium provider a Selenium/Webdriver client.

Currently provides only WebDriver remote client. This means you'll need to run the Selenium server by yourself (or use a service like SauceLabs). The easiest way to do that is to grab the Selenium server jar from and run it

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.24.1.jar

To use the webdriver with firefox, you may (depending on versions) require the gecko driver package. You can download it here

and configure the webdriver in your Go code like this

caps := selenium.Capabilities{
    "browserName":            "firefox",
    "webdriver.gecko.driver": "/path/to/downloaded/geckodriver",

Example usage:

// Run some code on and display the result
package main

import (


var code = `
package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello WebDriver!\n")

// Errors are ignored for brevity.

func main() {
	// FireFox driver without specific version
	// *** Add gecko driver here if necessary (see notes above.) ***
	caps := selenium.Capabilities{"browserName": "firefox"}
	wd, err := selenium.NewRemote(caps, "")
	if err != nil {
	defer wd.Quit()

	// Get simple playground interface

	// Enter code in textarea
	elem, _ := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, "#code")

	// Click the run button
	btn, _ := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, "#run")

	// Get the result
	div, _ := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, "#output")

	output := ""
	// Wait for run to finish
	for {
		output, _ = div.Text()
		if output != "Waiting for remote server..." {
		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)

	fmt.Printf("Got: %s\n", output)



View Source
const (
	// Success of method
	Success = 0
	// DefaultExecutor is the default executor URL
	DefaultExecutor = ""
	// JSONType is JSON content type
	JSONType = "application/json"
	// MaxRedirects to follow
	MaxRedirects = 10
View Source
const (
	ByID              = "id"
	ByXPATH           = "xpath"
	ByLinkText        = "link text"
	ByPartialLinkText = "partial link text"
	ByName            = "name"
	ByTagName         = "tag name"
	ByClassName       = "class name"
	ByCSSSelector     = "css selector"

Element finding options

View Source
const (
	LeftButton = iota

Mouse buttons

View Source
const (
	NullKey       = string('\ue000')
	CancelKey     = string('\ue001')
	HelpKey       = string('\ue002')
	BackspaceKey  = string('\ue003')
	TabKey        = string('\ue004')
	ClearKey      = string('\ue005')
	ReturnKey     = string('\ue006')
	EnterKey      = string('\ue007')
	ShiftKey      = string('\ue008')
	ControlKey    = string('\ue009')
	AltKey        = string('\ue00a')
	PauseKey      = string('\ue00b')
	EscapeKey     = string('\ue00c')
	SpaceKey      = string('\ue00d')
	PageUpKey     = string('\ue00e')
	PageDownKey   = string('\ue00f')
	EndKey        = string('\ue010')
	HomeKey       = string('\ue011')
	LeftArrowKey  = string('\ue012')
	UpArrowKey    = string('\ue013')
	RightArrowKey = string('\ue014')
	DownArrowKey  = string('\ue015')
	InsertKey     = string('\ue016')
	DeleteKey     = string('\ue017')
	SemicolonKey  = string('\ue018')
	EqualsKey     = string('\ue019')
	Numpad0Key    = string('\ue01a')
	Numpad1Key    = string('\ue01b')
	Numpad2Key    = string('\ue01c')
	Numpad3Key    = string('\ue01d')
	Numpad4Key    = string('\ue01e')
	Numpad5Key    = string('\ue01f')
	Numpad6Key    = string('\ue020')
	Numpad7Key    = string('\ue021')
	Numpad8Key    = string('\ue022')
	Numpad9Key    = string('\ue023')
	MultiplyKey   = string('\ue024')
	AddKey        = string('\ue025')
	SeparatorKey  = string('\ue026')
	SubstractKey  = string('\ue027')
	DecimalKey    = string('\ue028')
	DivideKey     = string('\ue029')
	F1Key         = string('\ue031')
	F2Key         = string('\ue032')
	F3Key         = string('\ue033')
	F4Key         = string('\ue034')
	F5Key         = string('\ue035')
	F6Key         = string('\ue036')
	F7Key         = string('\ue037')
	F8Key         = string('\ue038')
	F9Key         = string('\ue039')
	F10Key        = string('\ue03a')
	F11Key        = string('\ue03b')
	F12Key        = string('\ue03c')
	MetaKey       = string('\ue03d')


View Source
const (
	// Direct connection - no proxy in use.
	Direct ProxyType = "direct"
	// Manual proxy settings configured, e.g. setting a proxy for HTTP, a proxy
	// for FTP, etc.
	Manual = "manual"
	// Autodetect proxy, probably with WPAD
	Autodetect = "autodetect"
	// System settings used.
	System = "system"
	// PAC - Proxy autoconfiguration from a URL.
	PAC = "pac"
View Source
const (
	ServerLog   LogType = "server"
	Browser             = "browser"
	Client              = "client"
	Driver              = "driver"
	Performance         = "performance"
	Profiler            = "profiler"

Various server log flags

View Source
const (
	// Version of driver
	Version = "0.9.3"


This section is empty.


func GetHTTPClient

func GetHTTPClient() *http.Client

GetHTTPClient return the defalt HTTP client

func SetDebug added in v0.8.4

func SetDebug(debug bool)

SetDebug sets debug mode


type Build

type Build struct {
	Version, Revision, Time string

Build object, part of Status return.

type Capabilities

type Capabilities map[string]interface{}

Capabilities of browser, see Note that you can specify browser profile here

type Cookie struct {
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`
	Path   string `json:"path"`
	Domain string `json:"domain"`
	Secure bool   `json:"secure"`
	Expiry uint   `json:"expiry"`

Cookie represents HTTP cookie

type Java

type Java struct {
	Version string

Java version informat

type LogMessage added in v0.9.1

type LogMessage struct {
	Timestamp int
	Level     string
	Message   string

LogMessage returned from the Log method

type LogType added in v0.9.1

type LogType string

LogType are logger types

type OS

type OS struct {
	Arch, Name, Version string

OS object, part of Status return.

type Point

type Point struct {
	X, Y int

Point is a 2D point

type Proxy added in v0.9.1

type Proxy struct {
	Type ProxyType `json:"proxyType"`

	// AutoconfigURL is the URL to be used for proxy auto configuration. This is
	// required if Type is set to PAC.
	AutoconfigURL string `json:"proxyAutoconfigUrl,omitempty"`

	// The following are used when Type is set to Manual.
	FTP           string `json:"ftpProxy,omitempty"`
	HTTP          string `json:"httpProxy,omitempty"`
	SSL           string `json:"sslProxy,omitempty"`
	SOCKS         string `json:"socksProxy,omitempty"`
	SOCKSUsername string `json:"socksUsername,omitempty"`
	SOCKSPassword string `json:"socksPassword,omitempty"`
	NoProxy       string `json:"noProxy,omitempty"`

Proxy specifies configuration for proxies in the browser. Set the key "proxy" in Capabilities to an instance of this type.

type ProxyType added in v0.9.1

type ProxyType string

ProxyType is an enumeration of the types of proxies available.

type Size

type Size struct {
	Width, Height int

Size is a size of HTML element

type Status

type Status struct {
	Java  Java
	Build Build
	OS    OS

Status information retured by Status method

type WebDriver

type WebDriver interface {
	/* Status (info) on server */
	Status() (*Status, error)

	/* Start a new session, return session id */
	NewSession() (string, error)

	/* SessionId is deprecated, use SessionID */
	SessionId() string

	/* Current session id (empty string on none) */
	SessionID() string

	/* SwitchSession switches to the given session id. */
	SwitchSession(sessionID string) error

	/* Current session capabilities */
	Capabilities() (Capabilities, error)
	/* Set the amount of time, in microseconds, that asynchronous scripts are permitted to run before they are aborted.

	Note that Selenium/WebDriver timeouts are in milliseconds, timeout will be rounded to nearest millisecond.
	SetAsyncScriptTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error
	/* Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, the driver should wait when searching for elements.

	Note that Selenium/WebDriver timeouts are in milliseconds, timeout will be rounded to nearest millisecond.
	SetImplicitWaitTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error
	/* Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, the driver should wait when
	loading a page.  Note that Selenium/WebDriver timeouts are in milliseconds,
	timeout will be rounded to nearest millisecond.  */
	SetPageLoadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error

	// IME
	/* List all available engines on the machine. */
	AvailableEngines() ([]string, error)
	/* Get the name of the active IME engine. */
	ActiveEngine() (string, error)
	/* Indicates whether IME input is active at the moment. */
	IsEngineActivated() (bool, error)
	/* De-activates the currently-active IME engine. */
	DeactivateEngine() error
	/* Make an engines active */
	ActivateEngine(engine string) error

	/* Quit (end) current session */
	Quit() error

	// Page information and manipulation
	/* Return id of current window handle. */
	CurrentWindowHandle() (string, error)
	/* Return ids of current open windows. */
	WindowHandles() ([]string, error)
	/* Current url. */
	CurrentURL() (string, error)
	/* Page title. */
	Title() (string, error)
	/* Get page source. */
	PageSource() (string, error)
	/* Close current window. */
	Close() error
	/* Switch to frame, frame parameter can be name or id. */
	SwitchFrame(frame string) error
	/* Switch to window. */
	SwitchWindow(name string) error
	/* Close window. */
	CloseWindow(name string) error
	/* Maximize window, if name is empty - will use current */
	MaximizeWindow(name string) error
	/* Resize window, if name is empty - will use current */
	ResizeWindow(name string, width, height int) error

	// Navigation
	/* Open url. */
	Get(url string) error
	/* Move forward in history. */
	Forward() error
	/* Move backward in history. */
	Back() error
	/* Refresh page. */
	Refresh() error

	// Finding element(s)
	/* Find, return one element. */
	FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)
	/* Find, return list of elements. */
	FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)
	/* Current active element. */
	ActiveElement() (WebElement, error)

	// Decoding element(s)
	/* Decode a single element response. */
	DecodeElement([]byte) (WebElement, error)
	/* Decode a multi element response. */
	DecodeElements([]byte) ([]WebElement, error)

	// Cookies
	/* Get all cookies */
	GetCookies() ([]Cookie, error)
	/* Add a cookies */
	AddCookie(cookie *Cookie) error
	/* Delete all cookies */
	DeleteAllCookies() error
	/* Delete a cookie */
	DeleteCookie(name string) error

	// Mouse
	/* Click mouse button, button should be on of RightButton, MiddleButton or
	Click(button int) error
	/* Dobule click */
	DoubleClick() error
	/* Mouse button down */
	ButtonDown() error
	/* Mouse button up */
	ButtonUp() error

	// Misc
	/* Send modifier key to active element.
	modifier can be one of ShiftKey, ControlKey, AltKey, MetaKey.
	SendModifier(modifier string, isDown bool) error
	/* Send a sequence of keystrokes to the active element. Similar to
	SendKeys but without the implicit termination. Modifiers are not released
	at the end of each call. */
	KeyDown(keys string) error
	KeyUp(keys string) error
	/* Take a screenshot */
	Screenshot() ([]byte, error)
	/* Get the logs configured in the capabilities.

	Common values for log type are 'server', 'browser', 'client', 'driver'.
	NOTE: will return an error (not implemented) on IE11 or Edge drivers.
	Log(typ LogType) ([]LogMessage, error)

	// Alerts
	/* Dismiss current alert. */
	DismissAlert() error
	/* Accept current alert. */
	AcceptAlert() error
	/* Current alert text. */
	AlertText() (string, error)
	/* Set current alert text. */
	SetAlertText(text string) error

	// Scripts
	/* Execute a script. */
	ExecuteScript(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)
	/* Execute a script async. */
	ExecuteScriptAsync(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)

	/* Execute a script but don't JSON decode. */
	ExecuteScriptRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)
	/* Execute a script async but don't JSON decode. */
	ExecuteScriptAsyncRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)

WebDriver defines methods supported by WebDriver drivers

func NewRemote

func NewRemote(capabilities Capabilities, executor string) (WebDriver, error)

NewRemote creates new remote client, this will also start a new session. capabilities - the desired capabilities, see executor - the URL to the Selenim server, *must* be prefixed with protocol (http,https...).

Empty string means DefaultExecutor

type WebElement

type WebElement interface {

	/* Click on element */
	Click() error
	/* Send keys (type) into element */
	SendKeys(keys string) error
	/* Submit */
	Submit() error
	/* Clear */
	Clear() error
	/* Move mouse to relative coordinates from center of element,
	If the element is not visible, it will be scrolled into view.*/
	MoveTo(xOffset, yOffset int) error

	/* Find children, return one element. */
	FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)
	/* Find children, return list of elements. */
	FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)

	/* Element name */
	TagName() (string, error)
	/* Text of element */
	Text() (string, error)
	/* Check if element is selected. */
	IsSelected() (bool, error)
	/* Check if element is enabled. */
	IsEnabled() (bool, error)
	/* Check if element is displayed. */
	IsDisplayed() (bool, error)
	/* Get element attribute. */
	GetAttribute(name string) (string, error)
	/* Element location. */
	Location() (*Point, error)
	/* Element location once it has been scrolled into view. */
	LocationInView() (*Point, error)
	/* Element size */
	Size() (*Size, error)
	/* Get element CSS property value. */
	CSSProperty(name string) (string, error)

WebElement defines method supported by web elements

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
JackTT - Gopher 🇻🇳