Tob => Bot
A Notification Bot written in Go





Getting Started
choose the binary from the release according to your platform, for example for the Linux platform
Download binary
$ wget https://github.com/telkomdev/tob/releases/download/2.0.5/tob-2.0.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Important !!!, always check the SHA256 Checksum before using it
Download sha256sum.txt
according to the binary version you downloaded https://github.com/telkomdev/tob/releases/download/2.0.5/sha256sums.txt
$ wget https://github.com/telkomdev/tob/releases/download/2.0.5/sha256sums.txt
Verify SHA256 Checksum
$ sha256sum tob-2.0.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz -c sha256sums.txt
tob-2.0.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz: OK
$ shasum -a 256 tob-2.0.5.darwin-amd64.tar.gz -c sha256sums.txt
tob-2.0.5.darwin-amd64.tar.gz: OK
You should be able to see that the checksum value for the file is valid, tob-2.0.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz: OK
and tob-2.0.5.darwin-amd64.tar.gz: OK
Indicates the file is not damaged, not modified and safe to use.
$ tar -xvzf tob-2.0.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ ./tob -c config.json
Build from source
- Go version 1.16 or higher
Clone tob to your Machine
$ git clone https://github.com/telkomdev/tob.git
$ cd tob/
$ make build
$ ./tob -h
Running tob
with config file
$ ./tob -c config.json
Service and Kind
currently tob supports below KIND
of services
- airflow
- airflowflower
- elasticsearch
- kafka
- mongodb
- mysql
- oracle
- postgresql
- redis
- web
- diskstatus
represents one or many services. So you can monitor more than one service with the same KIND
. For example, you can monitor multiple PostgreSQL instances. Or you can monitor multiple web applications.
checkInterval: in Seconds
is how often your service is called by tob.
you set true
when you want to monitor the service. Set it to false
, if you don't want to monitor it.
"postgresql_one": {
"kind": "postgresql",
"url": "postgres://demo:12345@localhost:5432/demo?sslmode=disable",
"checkInterval": 10,
"enable": false
"postgresql_two": {
"kind": "postgresql",
"url": "postgres://demo:12345@localhost:5433/demo?sslmode=disable",
"checkInterval": 10,
"enable": false
"web_internal": {
"kind": "web",
"url": "https://portal.mycompany.com/health-check",
"checkInterval": 5,
"enable": true
"web_main_1": {
"kind": "web",
"url": "https://mycompany.com/health-check",
"checkInterval": 5,
"enable": true
Disk Status Monitoring
To monitor Disk Status
on a Server Computer, tob
requires a special agent
that can be called by tob
So we need to deploy an agent
, in this case tob-http-agent
to the Server Computer whose Disk Status
we need to monitor.
Download tob-http-agent
$ wget https://github.com/telkomdev/tob/releases/download/2.0.5/tob-http-agent-1.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Important !!!, always check the SHA256 Checksum before using it
Download tob-http-agent-sha256sums.txt
according to the binary version you downloaded https://github.com/telkomdev/tob/releases/download/2.0.5/tob-http-agent-sha256sums.txt
$ wget https://github.com/telkomdev/tob/releases/download/2.0.5/tob-http-agent-sha256sums.txt
Verify tob-http-agent
SHA256 Checksum
$ sha256sum tob-http-agent-1.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz -c tob-http-agent-sha256sums.txt
tob-http-agent-1.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz: OK
$ tar -xvzf tob-http-agent-1.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Run tob-http-agent
as a daemon with systemd
Create tob-http-agent.service
unit service
$ sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/tob-http-agent.service
Copy content from this file to the /etc/systemd/system/tob-http-agent.service
and save
Reload systemd daemon
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start tob-http-agent
$ sudo systemctl start tob-http-agent
Check if its running
$ sudo systemctl status tob-http-agent
Expose tob-http-agent
service with nginx
Create tob-http-agent.conf
$ sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/tob-http-agent.conf
Copy content from this file to the /etc/nginx/sites-available/tob-http-agent.conf
and save
Create /etc/nginx/sites-available/tob-http-agent.conf
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/tob-http-agent.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
Make sure the nginx
configuration is not error
$ sudo nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
Restart nginx
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx
Add diskstatus
config to the tob
service config
"ubuntu_1_storage_status": {
"kind": "diskstatus",
"url": "http://tob-http-agent.yourdomain.com",
"checkInterval": 5,
"thresholdDiskUsage": 90,
"enable": true
Currently tob supports the following types of Notificator
. Notificator
is where the tob will send notifications when one or more of the services you're monitoring have problems.
- Discord
- Email with SMTP
- Slack (webhook) https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks
- Telegram
- Webhook | For security reasons, your
webhook endpoint
must verify the HTTP header: x-tob-token
that is in every incoming http request.
Example of x-tob-token
webhook verification in nodejs application
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const PORT = 3001;
const tobToken = "461b919e-1bf4-42db-a8ff-4f21633bbf10";
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.post('/webhook/tob', (req, res) => {
const headers = req.headers;
const token = headers["x-tob-token"];
const verifiedRequest = token === tobToken;
if (!verifiedRequest) {
return res.status(401).send({'message': 'token is not valid'});
return res.status(200).send({'message': 'webbhook received'});
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server listening on port: ${PORT}`));
The tobToken
variable must be the same as the tobToken
config located in the config.json
"webhook": {
"url": "https://api.yourcompany.com/webhook/tob",
"tobToken": "461b919e-1bf4-42db-a8ff-4f21633bbf10",
"enable": true
will send a message/payload in the following form to the webhook endpoint that you have specified in the config above.
"message": "mysql_cluster_1 is DOWN"
Tob Dashboard Monitoring
This monitoring dashboard will automatically run on the default port: 9115
when Tob is run. You can change the default port, dashboard title, JWT Key, username and password in the configuration file.
"dashboardHttpPort": 9115,
"dashboardTitle": "My Product Monitoring Dashboard",
"dashboardJwtKey": "czNWm7vGU1usgoVBcuuDCDJWi4wAngTn",
"dashboardUsername": "tob",
"dashboardPassword": "5994471abb01112afcc18159f6cc74b4f511b99806da59b3caf5a9c173cacfc5",
is generated with the SHA256 Hash function. You can regenerate dashboardPassword with the gen_sha256_pass
script in the scripts
$ ./scripts/gen_sha256_pass.sh my-very-secret-pass
Generating SHA256 from 'my-very-secret-pass'
You can now access the Monitoring Dashboard on port 9115, or the port you specified.
$ http://localhost:9115