BloKi - A minimalistic Blog and Wiki Engine
If you are looking for a small, simple, easy to use, micro blog/wiki platform that looks like WordPress / MediaWiki, but loathe the bloat of the LAMP stack, this might be just for you.
Main features
No PHP, Apache, Nginx, JavaScript, Java, SQL and any other cruft.
The themes and web based Admin UI resembles WordPress and MediaWiki, but without all the baggage.
Articles and media are stored as regular files. Apart from web admin - editable in any editor of your choice! Versioned by Git.
The server software is a single file, statically linked, self contained binary. Runs on most modern OSes without any external dependencies, scripting runtimes, libraries, etc. Easily host your blog on a Raspberry PI, small VM, Docker container, Lambda or Cloud Run function.
BloKi supports all the modern web browsers, as well as lower end, older, legacy, vintage and even text mode.

Current status
- Basic blog engine and admin UI works.
- Search, pagination, markdown, images, etc.
- Git support.
- MacOS, Linux, *BSD, AIX, Windows and Plan9 support.
- You can see a working example on dogfood blog
Running BloKi
To try BloKi, download a binary from the releases page. Run
it like so:
chmod 755 bloki
A sample starting post will be created, which you can edit using any editor of your choice.
Web Admin
BloKi web admin is available under /bk-admin/
url, defined by -admin_uri
flag. In order to log in for the first time, a user will need to be created from command line. You can use the user
command to list, delete users and set passwords. To create a user, simply set their password. The secrets file is required for this. Example:
bloki -secrets /path/to/bloki.secrets user passwd admin
New Password: ...
Currently there is no 2FA so please use a strong password.
Site Directory
By default BloKi looks for ./site
in the current directory. You can specify your own site folder
with -root_dir /path/to/site
Service Files
Sample systemd configuration files are provided. Similar to any other web server, BloKi will require
either a privileged account or set of capabilities to bind to port 80 and 443. When using the secrets
file, it is recommended to start BloKi as root with -chroot
and -setuid
flags. This way BloKi can
open the secrets store before entering chroot. However you can also chroot and setuid from systemd.
The Docker Hub image name is: tenox7/bloki:latest
Hello world:
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v /home/tenox/site:/site tenox7/bloki:latest
Full site example with auto SSL/TLS cert:
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
-p 80:8080 \
-p 443:8443 \
-v /home/myuser/site:/site \
-v /home/myuser/bloki.secrets:/bloki.secrets \
tenox7/bloki:latest \
-site_name "My Blog" \
-subtitle "Blog about cool shit" \
-addr :8443 \
-acm_addr :8080 \
-acm_host blog.mysite.net \
-secrets /bloki.secrets \
-setuid 1000:1000
bloki -addr -fastcgi
Auto SSL/TLS Certs / ACME / Lets Encrypt
BloKi supports automatic certificate generation using Lets Encrypt / ACME. The keys and certs are stored
in the secrets file. Simply add following flags:
bloki \
-secrets /path/to/my/bloki.secrets \
-addr :443 \
-acm_addr :80 \
-acm_host blog.mysite.net \
Customizing look and feel (templates)
By default BloKi ships with pre-built templates for convenience. If you want to customize your site look and feel, create a folder site/templates
, download the default template(s) and customize them. If you don't care for old browsers just edit modern.html
. Modified templates will be picked up on start.

There also is a new "seven eleven" template. Installation:
mkdir site/templates
curl -Lo site/templates/modern.html https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tenox7/BloKi/main/templates/seveneleven.html
curl -Lo site/media/seveneleven.jpg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tenox7/BloKi/main/templates/seveneleven.jpg
Restart BloKi.
Copyright (c) 2024 by Antoni Sawicki
Licensed under Apache-2.0 license