Directories ¶ Show internal Expand all Path Synopsis arrays box_ui channels closures concurrency constants deferpanic deferpanicrecover defersimplecat deferwithpanic enums forloops functionaloptions functions functions_are_values goroutines gotousecase helloworld input interfaces languagemechanics datasemantics escapeanalysis memoryprofiling stacksandpointers/frameboundaries stacksandpointers/indirectmemoryaccess lengthcapacity logfatal loopsbranches maps openfile passingarguments pointers printstars runes sha256 slices statistics strings structs sumtwonumbers switches syslog typediffarrayslicesitem unicode values variables wadapter wawspresignedurl wcalculator wcomplex wconstants wcountoccurrences wcustomtype wdefer werrorold werrors wexternalpackages wgoroutines which wintegertypes wjson wnilzero wopenpage wpackages wrand wtime wtypeconversions Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.