1 |
Two Sum |
twosum_1.go |
2 |
Add Two Numbers |
addtwonumbers.go |
3 |
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters |
lengthoflongestsubstring.go |
4 |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
findmediansortedarrays.go |
7 |
Reverse Integer |
reverse.go |
9 |
Palindrome Number |
ispalindrome_1.go |
17 |
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
lettercombinations.go |
19 |
Remove Nth Node From End of List |
removenthfromend.go |
35 |
Search Insert Position |
searchinsert.go |
40 |
Combination Sum II |
combinationsum2.go |
49 |
Group Anagrams |
groupanagrams.go |
53 |
Maximum Subarray |
maxsubarray.go |
56 |
Merge Intervals |
merge.go |
57 |
Insert Interval |
insert.go |
58 |
Length of Last Word |
lengthoflastword.go |
62 |
Unique Paths |
uniquepaths.go |
69 |
Sqrt(x) |
mysqrt.go |
70 |
Climbing Stairs |
climbstairs.go |
76 |
Minimum Window Substring |
minwindow.go |
79 |
Word Search |
exist.go |
94 |
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal |
inordertraversal.go |
100 |
Same Tree |
issametree.go |
110 |
Balanced Binary Tree |
isbalanced_1.go |
118 |
Pascal's Triangle |
generate.go |
119 |
Pascal's Triangle II |
getrow.go |
141 |
Linked List Cycle |
hascycle.go |
143 |
Reorder List |
reorderlist.go |
144 |
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal |
preordertraversal.go |
145 |
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal |
postordertraversal.go |
150 |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation |
evalrpn.go |
157 |
Read N Characters Given Read4 |
solution_1.go |
159 |
Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters |
lengthoflongestsubstringtwodistinct.go |
160 |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists |
getintersectionnode.go |
163 |
Missing Ranges |
findmissingranges.go |
165 |
Compare Version Numbers |
compareversion.go |
168 |
Excel Sheet Column Title |
converttotitle.go |
169 |
Majority Element |
majorityelement.go |
170 |
Two Sum III - Data structure design |
twosum_2.go |
171 |
Excel Sheet Column Number |
titletonumber.go |
175 |
Combine Two Tables |
175.sql |
176 |
Second Highest Salary |
176.sql |
179 |
Largest Number |
largestnumber.go |
181 |
Employees Earning More Than Their Managers |
181.sql |
182 |
Duplicate Emails |
182.sql |
183 |
Customers Who Never Order |
183.sql |
191 |
Number of 1 Bits |
hammingweight.go |
193 |
Valid Phone Numbers |
193.sh |
195 |
Tenth Line |
195.sh |
196 |
Delete Duplicate Emails |
196.sql |
197 |
Rising Temperature |
197.sql |
198 |
House Robber |
rob.go |
201 |
Bitwise AND of Numbers Range |
rangebitwiseand.go |
202 |
Happy Number |
ishappy.go |
205 |
Isomorphic Strings |
isisomorphic.go |
206 |
Reverse Linked List |
reverselist.go |
209 |
Minimum Size Subarray Sum |
minsubarraylen.go |
215 |
Kth Largest Element in an Array |
findkthlargest.go |
216 |
Combination Sum III |
combinationsum3.go |
219 |
Contains Duplicate II |
containsnearbyduplicate.go |
222 |
Count Complete Tree Nodes |
countnodes.go |
226 |
Invert Binary Tree |
inverttree.go |
231 |
Power of Two |
ispoweroftwo.go |
232 |
Implement Queue using Stacks |
myqueue.go |
234 |
Palindrome Linked List |
ispalindrome_2.go |
237 |
Delete Node in a Linked List |
deletenode.go |
238 |
Product of Array Except Self |
productexceptself.go |
242 |
Valid Anagram |
isanagram.go |
243 |
Shortest Word Distance |
shortestdistance.go |
246 |
Strobogrammatic Number |
isstrobogrammatic.go |
249 |
Group Shifted Strings |
groupstrings.go |
252 |
Meeting Rooms |
canattendmeetings.go |
253 |
Meeting Rooms II |
minmeetingrooms.go |
256 |
Paint House |
mincost_2.go |
257 |
Binary Tree Paths |
binarytreepaths.go |
258 |
Add Digits |
adddigits.go |
263 |
Ugly Number |
isugly.go |
264 |
Ugly Number II |
nthuglynumber.go |
266 |
Palindrome Permutation |
canpermutepalindrome.go |
268 |
Missing Number |
missingnumber.go |
273 |
Integer to English Words |
numbertowords.go |
276 |
Paint Fence |
numways_2.go |
277 |
Find the Celebrity |
solution_2.go |
279 |
Perfect Squares |
numsquares.go |
283 |
Move Zeroes |
movezeroes.go |
288 |
Unique Word Abbreviation |
validwordabbr.go |
292 |
Nim Game |
canwinnim.go |
293 |
Flip Game |
generatepossiblenextmoves.go |
296 |
Best Meeting Point |
mintotaldistance.go |
300 |
Longest Increasing Subsequence |
lengthoflis.go |
303 |
Range Sum Query - Immutable |
numarray.go |
320 |
Generalized Abbreviation |
generateabbreviations.go |
340 |
Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters |
lengthoflongestsubstringkdistinct.go |
342 |
Power of Four |
ispoweroffour.go |
344 |
Reverse String |
reversestring.go |
346 |
Moving Average from Data Stream |
movingaverage.go |
347 |
Top K Frequent Elements |
topkfrequent.go |
349 |
Intersection of Two Arrays |
intersection.go |
350 |
Intersection of Two Arrays II |
intersect.go |
351 |
Android Unlock Patterns |
numberofpatterns.go |
359 |
Logger Rate Limiter |
logger.go |
367 |
Valid Perfect Square |
isperfectsquare.go |
368 |
Largest Divisible Subset |
largestdivisiblesubset.go |
380 |
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) |
randomizedset.go |
386 |
Lexicographical Numbers |
lexicalorder.go |
387 |
First Unique Character in a String |
firstuniqchar.go |
404 |
Sum of Left Leaves |
sumofleftleaves.go |
405 |
Convert a Number to Hexadecimal |
tohex.go |
408 |
Valid Word Abbreviation |
validwordabbreviation.go |
409 |
Longest Palindrome |
longestpalindrome.go |
414 |
Third Maximum Number |
thirdmax.go |
415 |
Add Strings |
addstrings.go |
422 |
Valid Word Square |
validwordsquare.go |
434 |
Number of Segments in a String |
countsegments.go |
435 |
Non-overlapping Intervals |
eraseoverlapintervals.go |
440 |
K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order |
findkthnumber.go |
441 |
Arranging Coins |
arrangecoins.go |
448 |
Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array |
finddisappearednumbers.go |
451 |
Sort Characters By Frequency |
frequencysort_1.go |
452 |
Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons |
findminarrowshots.go |
454 |
4Sum II |
foursumcount.go |
455 |
Assign Cookies |
findcontentchildren.go |
458 |
Poor Pigs |
poorpigs.go |
476 |
Number Complement |
findcomplement.go |
482 |
License Key Formatting |
licensekeyformatting.go |
485 |
Max Consecutive Ones |
findmaxconsecutiveones_1.go |
487 |
Max Consecutive Ones II |
findmaxconsecutiveones_2.go |
500 |
Keyboard Row |
findwords.go |
501 |
Find Mode in Binary Search Tree |
findmode.go |
504 |
Base 7 |
converttobase7.go |
506 |
Relative Ranks |
findrelativeranks.go |
509 |
Fibonacci Number |
fib.go |
513 |
Find Bottom Left Tree Value |
findbottomleftvalue.go |
525 |
Contiguous Array |
findmaxlength.go |
539 |
Minimum Time Difference |
findmindifference.go |
541 |
Reverse String II |
reversestr.go |
543 |
Diameter of Binary Tree |
diameterofbinarytree.go |
547 |
Number of Provinces |
findcirclenum.go |
557 |
Reverse Words in a String III |
reversewords.go |
564 |
Find the Closest Palindrome |
nearestpalindromic.go |
567 |
Permutation in String |
checkinclusion.go |
572 |
Subtree of Another Tree |
issubtree.go |
573 |
Squirrel Simulation |
mindistance.go |
576 |
Out of Boundary Paths |
findpaths.go |
577 |
Employee Bonus |
577.sql |
584 |
Find Customer Referee |
584.sql |
590 |
N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal |
postorder.go |
592 |
Fraction Addition and Subtraction |
fractionaddition.go |
593 |
Valid Square |
validsquare.go |
595 |
Big Countries |
595.sql |
596 |
Classes More Than 5 Students |
596.sql |
599 |
Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists |
findrestaurant.go |
606 |
Construct String from Binary Tree |
tree2str.go |
617 |
Merge Two Binary Trees |
mergetrees.go |
621 |
Task Scheduler |
leastinterval.go |
624 |
Maximum Distance in Arrays |
maxdistance.go |
641 |
Design Circular Deque |
mycirculardeque.go |
643 |
Maximum Average Subarray I |
findmaxaverage.go |
645 |
Set Mismatch |
finderrornums.go |
647 |
Palindromic Substrings |
countsubstrings.go |
650 |
2 Keys Keyboard |
minsteps_2.go |
652 |
Find Duplicate Subtrees |
findduplicatesubtrees.go |
661 |
Image Smoother |
imagesmoother.go |
664 |
Strange Printer |
strangeprinter.go |
666 |
Path Sum IV |
pathsum.go |
674 |
Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence |
findlengthoflcis.go |
680 |
Valid Palindrome II |
validpalindrome.go |
703 |
Kth Largest Element in a Stream |
kthlargest.go |
704 |
Binary Search |
search.go |
705 |
Design HashSet |
myhashset.go |
706 |
Design HashMap |
myhashmap.go |
709 |
To Lower Case |
tolowercase.go |
713 |
Subarray Product Less Than K |
numsubarrayproductlessthank.go |
719 |
Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance |
smallestdistancepair.go |
724 |
Find Pivot Index |
pivotindex.go |
725 |
Split Linked List in Parts |
splitlisttoparts.go |
729 |
My Calendar I |
mycalendar.go |
739 |
Daily Temperatures |
dailytemperatures.go |
746 |
Min Cost Climbing Stairs |
mincostclimbingstairs.go |
779 |
K-th Symbol in Grammar |
kthgrammar.go |
791 |
Custom Sort String |
customsortstring.go |
796 |
Rotate String |
rotatestring.go |
802 |
Find Eventual Safe States |
eventualsafenodes.go |
819 |
Most Common Word |
mostcommonword.go |
840 |
Magic Squares In Grid |
nummagicsquaresinside.go |
841 |
Keys and Rooms |
canvisitallrooms.go |
844 |
Backspace String Compare |
backspacecompare.go |
859 |
Buddy Strings |
buddystrings.go |
860 |
Lemonade Change |
lemonadechange.go |
867 |
Transpose Matrix |
transpose.go |
868 |
Binary Gap |
binarygap.go |
872 |
Leaf-Similar Trees |
leafsimilar.go |
874 |
Walking Robot Simulation |
robotsim.go |
875 |
Koko Eating Bananas |
mineatingspeed.go |
876 |
Middle of the Linked List |
middlenode.go |
881 |
Boats to Save People |
numrescueboats.go |
884 |
Uncommon Words from Two Sentences |
uncommonfromsentences.go |
885 |
Spiral Matrix III |
spiralmatrixiii.go |
905 |
Sort Array By Parity |
sortarraybyparity.go |
907 |
Sum of Subarray Minimums |
sumsubarraymins.go |
912 |
Sort an Array |
sortarray.go |
917 |
Reverse Only Letters |
reverseonlyletters.go |
921 |
Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid |
minaddtomakevalid.go |
930 |
Binary Subarrays With Sum |
numsubarrayswithsum.go |
931 |
Minimum Falling Path Sum |
minfallingpathsum.go |
935 |
Knight Dialer |
knightdialer.go |
938 |
Range Sum of BST |
rangesumbst.go |
947 |
Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column |
removestones.go |
948 |
Bag of Tokens |
bagoftokensscore.go |
953 |
Verifying an Alien Dictionary |
isaliensorted.go |
962 |
Maximum Width Ramp |
maxwidthramp.go |
977 |
Squares of a Sorted Array |
sortedsquares.go |
997 |
Find the Town Judge |
findjudge.go |
1002 |
Find Common Characters |
commonchars.go |
1004 |
Max Consecutive Ones III |
longestones.go |
1018 |
Binary Prefix Divisible By 5 |
prefixesdivby5.go |
1026 |
Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor |
maxancestordiff.go |
1028 |
Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal |
recoverfrompreorder.go |
1051 |
Height Checker |
heightchecker.go |
1057 |
Campus Bikes |
assignbikes_1.go |
1062 |
Longest Repeating Substring |
longestrepeatingsubstring.go |
1066 |
Campus Bikes II |
assignbikes_2.go |
1072 |
Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows |
maxequalrowsafterflips.go |
1079 |
Letter Tile Possibilities |
numtilepossibilities.go |
1085 |
Sum of Digits in the Minimum Number |
sumofdigits.go |
1099 |
Two Sum Less Than K |
twosumlessthank.go |
1101 |
The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends |
earliestacq.go |
1105 |
Filling Bookcase Shelves |
minheightshelves.go |
1108 |
Defanging an IP Address |
defangipaddr.go |
1110 |
Delete Nodes And Return Forest |
delnodes.go |
1119 |
Remove Vowels from a String |
removevowels.go |
1120 |
Maximum Average Subtree |
maximumaveragesubtree.go |
1122 |
Relative Sort Array |
relativesortarray.go |
1133 |
Largest Unique Number |
largestuniquenumber.go |
1134 |
Armstrong Number |
isarmstrong.go |
1137 |
N-th Tribonacci Number |
tribonacci.go |
1140 |
Stone Game II |
stonegameii.go |
1143 |
Longest Common Subsequence |
longestcommonsubsequence.go |
1151 |
Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together |
minswaps_3.go |
1155 |
Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum |
numrollstotarget.go |
1160 |
Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters |
countcharacters.go |
1165 |
Single-Row Keyboard |
calculatetime.go |
1167 |
Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks |
connectsticks.go |
1171 |
Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List |
removezerosumsublists.go |
1189 |
Maximum Number of Balloons |
maxnumberofballoons.go |
1190 |
Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses |
reverseparentheses.go |
1200 |
Minimum Absolute Difference |
minimumabsdifference.go |
1207 |
Unique Number of Occurrences |
uniqueoccurrences.go |
1208 |
Get Equal Substrings Within Budget |
equalsubstring.go |
1213 |
Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays |
arraysintersection.go |
1216 |
Valid Palindrome III |
isvalidpalindrome.go |
1219 |
Path with Maximum Gold |
getmaximumgold.go |
1221 |
Split a String in Balanced Strings |
balancedstringsplit.go |
1230 |
Toss Strange Coins |
probabilityofheads.go |
1239 |
Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters |
maxlength.go |
1243 |
Array Transformation |
transformarray.go |
1261 |
Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree |
findelements.go |
1266 |
Minimum Time Visiting All Points |
mintimetovisitallpoints.go |
1267 |
Count Servers that Communicate |
countservers.go |
1269 |
Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps |
numways_1.go |
1272 |
Remove Interval |
removeinterval.go |
1287 |
Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array |
findspecialinteger.go |
1291 |
Sequential Digits |
sequentialdigits.go |
1295 |
Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits |
findnumbers.go |
1310 |
XOR Queries of a Subarray |
xorqueries.go |
1325 |
Delete Leaves With a Given Value |
removeleafnodes.go |
1331 |
Rank Transform of an Array |
arrayranktransform.go |
1337 |
The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix |
kweakestrows.go |
1346 |
Check If N and Its Double Exist |
checkifexist.go |
1347 |
Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram |
minsteps_1.go |
1352 |
Product of the Last K Numbers |
productofnumbers.go |
1356 |
Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits |
sortbybits.go |
1360 |
Number of Days Between Two Dates |
daysbetweendates.go |
1361 |
Validate Binary Tree Nodes |
validatebinarytreenodes.go |
1367 |
Linked List in Binary Tree |
issubpath.go |
1371 |
Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts |
findthelongestsubstring.go |
1380 |
Lucky Numbers in a Matrix |
luckynumbers.go |
1381 |
Design a Stack With Increment Operation |
customstack.go |
1395 |
Count Number of Teams |
numteams.go |
1405 |
Longest Happy String |
longestdiversestring.go |
1408 |
String Matching in an Array |
stringmatching.go |
1413 |
Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum |
minstartvalue.go |
1415 |
The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n |
gethappystring.go |
1422 |
Maximum Score After Splitting a String |
maxscore.go |
1424 |
Diagonal Traverse II |
finddiagonalorder.go |
1426 |
Counting Elements |
countelements.go |
1427 |
Perform String Shifts |
stringshift.go |
1428 |
Leftmost Column with at Least a One |
leftmostcolumnwithone.go |
1429 |
First Unique Number |
firstunique.go |
1436 |
Destination City |
destcity.go |
1441 |
Build an Array With Stack Operations |
buildarray_1.go |
1455 |
Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence |
isprefixofword.go |
1456 |
Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length |
maxvowels.go |
1457 |
Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree |
pseudopalindromicpaths.go |
1460 |
Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Subarrays |
canbeequal.go |
1463 |
Cherry Pickup II |
cherrypickup.go |
1464 |
Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array |
maxproduct.go |
1470 |
Shuffle the Array |
shuffle.go |
1475 |
Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop |
finalprices.go |
1480 |
Running Sum of 1d Array |
runningsum.go |
1481 |
Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals |
findleastnumofuniqueints.go |
1496 |
Path Crossing |
ispathcrossing.go |
1497 |
Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k |
canarrange.go |
1503 |
Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank |
getlastmoment.go |
1507 |
Reformat Date |
reformatdate.go |
1508 |
Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums |
rangesum.go |
1509 |
Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves |
mindifference.go |
1514 |
Path with Maximum Probability |
maxprobability.go |
1518 |
Water Bottles |
numwaterbottles.go |
1524 |
Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum |
numofsubarrays.go |
1530 |
Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs |
countpairs_2.go |
1535 |
Find the Winner of an Array Game |
getwinner.go |
1539 |
Kth Missing Positive Number |
findkthpositive.go |
1550 |
Three Consecutive Odds |
threeconsecutiveodds.go |
1561 |
Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get |
maxcoins.go |
1574 |
Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted |
findlengthofshortestsubarray.go |
1576 |
Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters |
modifystring.go |
1578 |
Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful |
mincost_1.go |
1581 |
Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions |
1581.sql |
1582 |
Special Positions in a Binary Matrix |
numspecial.go |
1598 |
Crawler Log Folder |
minoperations_3.go |
1603 |
Design Parking System |
parkingsystem.go |
1605 |
Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums |
restorematrix.go |
1609 |
Even Odd Tree |
isevenoddtree.go |
1614 |
Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses |
maxdepth.go |
1624 |
Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters |
maxlengthbetweenequalcharacters.go |
1630 |
Arithmetic Subarrays |
checkarithmeticsubarrays.go |
1633 |
Percentage of Users Attended a Contest |
1633.sql |
1634 |
Add Two Polynomials Represented as Linked Lists |
add_poly.py |
1636 |
Sort Array by Increasing Frequency |
frequencysort_2.go |
1637 |
Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points |
maxwidthofverticalarea.go |
1642 |
Furthest Building You Can Reach |
furthestbuilding.go |
1646 |
Get Maximum in Generated Array |
getmaximumgenerated.go |
1652 |
Defuse the Bomb |
decrypt.go |
1653 |
Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced |
minimumdeletions.go |
1657 |
Determine if Two Strings Are Close |
closestrings.go |
1662 |
Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent |
arraystringsareequal.go |
1668 |
Maximum Repeating Substring |
maxrepeating.go |
1669 |
Merge In Between Linked Lists |
mergeinbetween.go |
1684 |
Count the Number of Consistent Strings |
countconsistentstrings.go |
1685 |
Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array |
getsumabsolutedifferences.go |
1688 |
Count of Matches in Tournament |
numberofmatches.go |
1700 |
Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch |
countstudents.go |
1701 |
Average Waiting Time |
averagewaitingtime.go |
1704 |
Determine if String Halves Are Alike |
halvesarealike.go |
1716 |
Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank |
totalmoney.go |
1717 |
Maximum Score From Removing Substrings |
maximumgain.go |
1720 |
Decode XORed Array |
decode.go |
1726 |
Tuple with Same Product |
tuplesameproduct.go |
1730 |
Shortest Path to Get Food |
getfood.go |
1732 |
Find the Highest Altitude |
largestaltitude.go |
1740 |
Find Distance in a Binary Tree |
finddistance.go |
1743 |
Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs |
restorearray.go |
1749 |
Maximum Absolute Sum of Any Subarray |
maxabsolutesum.go |
1750 |
Minimum Length of String After Deleting Similar Ends |
minimumlength_1.go |
1752 |
Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated |
check.go |
1756 |
Design Most Recently Used Queue |
mruqueue.go |
1757 |
Recyclable and Low Fat Products |
1757.sql |
1758 |
Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary String |
minoperations_1.go |
1759 |
Count Number of Homogenous Substrings |
counthomogenous.go |
1760 |
Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag |
minimumsize.go |
1769 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box |
minoperations_5.go |
1773 |
Count Items Matching a Rule |
countmatches.go |
1780 |
Check if Number is a Sum of Powers of Three |
checkpowersofthree.go |
1784 |
Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of Ones |
checkonessegment.go |
1790 |
Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal |
arealmostequal.go |
1791 |
Find Center of Star Graph |
findcenter.go |
1800 |
Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum |
maxascendingsum.go |
1813 |
Sentence Similarity III |
aresentencessimilar.go |
1814 |
Count Nice Pairs in an Array |
countnicepairs.go |
1816 |
Truncate Sentence |
truncatesentence.go |
1822 |
Sign of the Product of an Array |
arraysign.go |
1823 |
Find the Winner of the Circular Game |
findthewinner.go |
1827 |
Minimum Operations to Make the Array Increasing |
minoperations_4.go |
1829 |
Maximum XOR for Each Query |
getmaximumxor.go |
1832 |
Check if the Sentence Is Pangram |
checkifpangram.go |
1836 |
Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List |
deleteduplicatesunsorted.go |
1838 |
Frequency of the Most Frequent Element |
maxfrequency.go |
1844 |
Replace All Digits with Characters |
replacedigits.go |
1845 |
Seat Reservation Manager |
seatmanager.go |
1846 |
Maximum Element After Decreasing and Rearranging |
maximumelementafterdecrementingandrearranging.go |
1852 |
Distinct Numbers in Each Subarray |
distinctnumbers.go |
1854 |
Maximum Population Year |
maximumpopulation.go |
1877 |
Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array |
minpairsum.go |
1885 |
Count Pairs in Two Arrays |
countpairs_1.go |
1887 |
Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements Equal |
reductionoperations.go |
1894 |
Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk |
chalkreplacer.go |
1897 |
Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal |
makeequal.go |
1903 |
Largest Odd Number in String |
largestoddnumber.go |
1905 |
Count Sub Islands |
countsubislands.go |
1909 |
Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing |
canbeincreasing.go |
1910 |
Remove All Occurrences of a Substring |
removeoccurrences.go |
1913 |
Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs |
maxproductdifference.go |
1920 |
Build Array from Permutation |
buildarray_2.go |
1921 |
Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters |
eliminatemaximum.go |
1929 |
Concatenation of Array |
getconcatenation.go |
1930 |
Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences |
countpalindromicsubsequence.go |
1945 |
Sum of Digits of String After Convert |
getlucky.go |
1961 |
Check If String Is a Prefix of Array |
isprefixstring.go |
1963 |
Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced |
minswaps_2.go |
1973 |
Count Nodes Equal to Sum of Descendants |
equaltodescendants.go |
1975 |
Maximum Matrix Sum |
maxmatrixsum.go |
1978 |
Employees Whose Manager Left the Company |
1978.sql |
1980 |
Find Unique Binary String |
finddifferentbinarystring.go |
1991 |
Find the Middle Index in Array |
findmiddleindex.go |
2000 |
Reverse Prefix of Word |
reverseprefix.go |
2011 |
Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations |
finalvalueafteroperations.go |
2017 |
Grid Game |
gridgame.go |
2022 |
Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array |
construct2darray.go |
2028 |
Find Missing Observations |
missingrolls.go |
2032 |
Two Out of Three |
twooutofthree.go |
2053 |
Kth Distinct String in an Array |
kthdistinct.go |
2058 |
Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points |
nodesbetweencriticalpoints.go |
2082 |
The Number of Rich Customers |
2082.sql |
2090 |
K Radius Subarray Averages |
getaverages.go |
2094 |
Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers |
findevennumbers.go |
2096 |
Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another |
getdirections.go |
2107 |
Number of Unique Flavors After Sharing K Candies |
sharecandies.go |
2108 |
Find First Palindromic String in the Array |
firstpalindrome.go |
2109 |
Adding Spaces to a String |
addspaces.go |
2116 |
Check if a Parentheses String Can Be Valid |
canbevalid.go |
2125 |
Number of Laser Beams in a Bank |
numberofbeams.go |
2134 |
Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together II |
minswaps_1.go |
2149 |
Rearrange Array Elements by Sign |
rearrangearray.go |
2161 |
Partition Array According to Given Pivot |
pivotarray.go |
2168 |
Unique Substrings With Equal Digit Frequency |
equaldigitfrequency.go |
2181 |
Merge Nodes in Between Zeros |
mergenodes.go |
2182 |
Construct String With Repeat Limit |
repeatlimitedstring.go |
2185 |
Counting Words With a Given Prefix |
prefixcount.go |
2191 |
Sort the Jumbled Numbers |
sortjumbled.go |
2196 |
Create Binary Tree From Descriptions |
createbinarytree.go |
2220 |
Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number |
minbitflips.go |
2225 |
Find Players With Zero or One Losses |
findwinners.go |
2243 |
Calculate Digit Sum of a String |
digitsum.go |
2244 |
Minimum Rounds to Complete All Tasks |
minimumrounds.go |
2257 |
Count Unguarded Cells in the Grid |
countunguarded.go |
2259 |
Remove Digit From Number to Maximize Result |
removedigit.go |
2264 |
Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in String |
largestgoodinteger.go |
2265 |
Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree |
averageofsubtree.go |
2270 |
Number of Ways to Split Array |
waystosplitarray.go |
2275 |
Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than Zero |
largestcombination.go |
2326 |
Spiral Matrix IV |
spiralmatrix.go |
2331 |
Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree |
evaluatetree.go |
2337 |
Move Pieces to Obtain a String |
canchange.go |
2341 |
Maximum Number of Pairs in Array |
numberofpairs.go |
2342 |
Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits |
maximumsum.go |
2349 |
Design a Number Container System |
numbercontainers.go |
2353 |
Design a Food Rating System |
foodratings.go |
2357 |
Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts |
minimumoperations_1.go |
2364 |
Count Number of Bad Pairs |
countbadpairs.go |
2375 |
Construct Smallest Number From DI String |
smallestnumber.go |
2381 |
Shifting Letters II |
shiftingletters.go |
2385 |
Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected |
amountoftime.go |
2391 |
Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage |
garbagecollection.go |
2413 |
Smallest Even Multiple |
smallestevenmultiple.go |
2415 |
Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree |
reverseoddlevels.go |
2418 |
Sort the People |
sortpeople.go |
2419 |
Longest Subarray With Maximum Bitwise AND |
longestsubarray.go |
2425 |
Bitwise XOR of All Pairings |
xorallnums.go |
2433 |
Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor |
findarray.go |
2441 |
Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative |
findmaxk.go |
2460 |
Apply Operations to an Array |
applyoperations.go |
2469 |
Convert the Temperature |
converttemperature.go |
2482 |
Difference Between Ones and Zeros in Row and Column |
onesminuszeros.go |
2485 |
Find the Pivot Integer |
pivotinteger.go |
2487 |
Remove Nodes From Linked List |
removenodes.go |
2490 |
Circular Sentence |
iscircularsentence.go |
2491 |
Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill |
divideplayers.go |
2516 |
Take K of Each Character From Left and Right |
takecharacters.go |
2540 |
Minimum Common Value |
getcommon.go |
2549 |
Count Distinct Numbers on Board |
distinctintegers.go |
2554 |
Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range I |
maxcount.go |
2558 |
Take Gifts From the Richest Pile |
pickgifts.go |
2559 |
Count Vowel Strings in Ranges |
vowelstrings.go |
2563 |
Count the Number of Fair Pairs |
countfairpairs.go |
2570 |
Merge Two 2D Arrays by Summing Values |
mergearrays.go |
2574 |
Left and Right Sum Differences |
leftrightdifference.go |
2579 |
Count Total Number of Colored Cells |
coloredcells.go |
2582 |
Pass the Pillow |
passthepillow.go |
2595 |
Number of Even and Odd Bits |
evenoddbit.go |
2599 |
Make the Prefix Sum Non-negative |
makeprefsumnonnegative.go |
2610 |
Convert an Array Into a 2D Array With Conditions |
findmatrix.go |
2619 |
Array Prototype Last |
last.js |
2620 |
Counter |
createCounter1.js |
2621 |
Sleep |
sleep.js |
2623 |
Memoize |
memoize.js |
2626 |
Array Reduce Transformation |
reduce.js |
2629 |
Function Composition |
compose.js |
2631 |
Group By |
groupBy.js |
2634 |
Filter Elements from Array |
filter.js |
2635 |
Apply Transform Over Each Element in Array |
map.js |
2652 |
Sum Multiples |
sumofmultiples.go |
2657 |
Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays |
findtheprefixcommonarray.go |
2661 |
First Completely Painted Row or Column |
firstcompleteindex.go |
2665 |
Counter II |
createCounter2.js |
2666 |
Allow One Function Call |
once.js |
2667 |
Create Hello World Function |
createHelloWorld.js |
2677 |
Chunk Array |
chunk.js |
2678 |
Number of Senior Citizens |
countseniors.go |
2683 |
Neighboring Bitwise XOR |
doesvalidarrayexist.go |
2695 |
Array Wrapper |
arrayWrapper.js |
2696 |
Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings |
minlength.go |
2703 |
Return Length of Arguments Passed |
argumentsLength.js |
2704 |
To Be Or Not To Be |
expect.js |
2706 |
Buy Two Chocolates |
buychoco.go |
2715 |
Timeout Cancellation |
cancellable1.js |
2723 |
Add Two Promises |
addTwoPromises.js |
2724 |
Sort By |
sortBy.js |
2725 |
Interval Cancellation |
cancellable2.js |
2726 |
Calculator with Method Chaining |
calculator.js |
2727 |
Is Object Empty |
isEmpty.js |
2744 |
Find Maximum Number of String Pairs |
maximumnumberofstringpairs.go |
2769 |
Find the Maximum Achievable Number |
themaximumachievablex.go |
2779 |
Maximum Beauty of an Array After Applying Operation |
maximumbeauty.go |
2785 |
Sort Vowels in a String |
sortvowels.go |
2788 |
Split Strings by Separator |
splitwordsbyseparator.go |
2796 |
Repeat String |
replicate.js |
2807 |
Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List |
insertgreatestcommondivisors.go |
2816 |
Double a Number Represented as a Linked List |
doubleit.go |
2825 |
Make String a Subsequence Using Cyclic Increments |
canmakesubsequence.go |
2849 |
Determine if a Cell Is Reachable at a Given Time |
isreachableattime.go |
2864 |
Maximum Odd Binary Number |
maximumoddbinarynumber.go |
2870 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty |
minoperations_2.go |
2877 |
Create a DataFrame from List |
create_dataframe.py |
2879 |
Display the First Three Rows |
select_first_rows.py |
2884 |
Modify Columns |
modify_salary_column.py |
2894 |
Divisible and Non-divisible Sums Difference |
differenceofsums.go |
2899 |
Last Visited Integers |
lastvisitedintegers.go |
2914 |
Minimum Number of Changes to Make Binary String Beautiful |
minchanges.go |
2938 |
Separate Black and White Balls |
minimumsteps.go |
2942 |
Find Words Containing Character |
findwordscontaining.go |
2958 |
Length of Longest Subarray With at Most K Frequency |
maxsubarraylength.go |
2965 |
Find Missing and Repeated Values |
findmissingandrepeatedvalues.go |
2966 |
Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference |
dividearray.go |
2971 |
Find Polygon With the Largest Perimeter |
largestperimeter.go |
2981 |
Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I |
maximumlength.go |
3005 |
Count Elements With Maximum Frequency |
maxfrequencyelements.go |
3011 |
Find if Array Can Be Sorted |
cansortarray.go |
3016 |
Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word II |
minimumpushes.go |
3032 |
Count Numbers With Unique Digits II |
numbercount.go |
3042 |
Count Prefix and Suffix Pairs I |
countprefixsuffixpairs.go |
3062 |
Winner of the Linked List Game |
gameresult.go |
3063 |
Linked List Frequency |
frequenciesofelements.go |
3066 |
Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value II |
minoperations_6.go |
3075 |
Maximize Happiness of Selected Children |
maximumhappinesssum.go |
3105 |
Longest Strictly Increasing or Strictly Decreasing Subarray |
longestmonotonicsubarray.go |
3110 |
Score of a String |
scoreofstring.go |
3133 |
Minimum Array End |
minend.go |
3136 |
Valid Word |
isvalid.go |
3146 |
Permutation Difference between Two Strings |
findpermutationdifference.go |
3151 |
Special Array I |
isarrayspecial.go |
3160 |
Find the Number of Distinct Colors Among the Balls |
queryresults.go |
3173 |
Bitwise OR of Adjacent Elements |
orarray.go |
3174 |
Clear Digits |
cleardigits.go |
3189 |
Minimum Moves to Get a Peaceful Board |
minmoves.go |
3190 |
Find Minimum Operations to Make All Elements Divisible by Three |
minimumoperations_2.go |
3217 |
Delete Nodes From Linked List Present in Array |
modifiedlist.go |
3223 |
Minimum Length of String After Operations |
minimumlength_2.go |
3263 |
Convert Doubly Linked List to Array I |
toarray.go |
3264 |
Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations I |
getfinalstate.go |
3280 |
Convert Date to Binary |
convertdatetobinary.go |
3289 |
The Two Sneaky Numbers of Digitville |
getsneakynumbers.go |
3340 |
Check Balanced String |
isbalanced_2.go |