💿 rubin - a simple record producer for kafka topics
rubin is a thin wrapper around the Confluent REST Proxy API (v3) that makes it easy to produce structured event records into an existing Kafka Topic.
It's written in Go, can be used as a CLI standalone binary or as a library, and uses just plain http communication.
Besides support for arbitrary JSON payloads and strings, it can also wrap events in the so called CloudEvents format, which is "a specification for describing event data in a common way".
Installation and usage
Use as standalone CLI
Grap the most recent release from the releases page and make sure your environment is configured properly (see help section below for additional optional args)
$ printenv | grep -e ^KAFKA
Run the standalone binary (simple example with string message)
$ rubin -topic public.hello -record "Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean"
9:49PM INFO rubin/main.go:60 Welcome to rubin {"version": "v0.0.5", "built": "now", "commit": "7759eb6"}
9:49PM INFO rubin/client.go:27 Kafka REST Proxy Client configured {"endpoint": "https://localhost:443", "useSecret": true}
9:49PM INFO rubin/client.go:53 Push record {"url": ""}
9:49PM INFO rubin/client.go:84 Record committed {"status": "topic", "public.hello": 200, "offset": 43, "partition": 0}
Example with JSON Payload, custom message key and multiple message headers
$ rubin -topic public.hello -record '{"msg":"hello"}' -key "123" -header "source=ci" -header "mood=good"
Get Help on CLI arguments and environment configuration
$ rubin -help
Welcome to rubin v0.1.5 built now by go (b368bf8)
This application is configured via the environment. The following environment
variables can be used:
KAFKA_REST_ENDPOINT String false Kafka REST Proxy Endpoint
KAFKA_CLUSTER_ID String false Kafka Cluster ID
KAFKA_PRODUCER_API_KEY String false Kafka API Key with Producer Privileges
KAFKA_PRODUCER_API_SECRET String false Kafka API Secret with Producer Privileges
KAFKA_HTTP_TIMEOUT Duration 10s false Timeout for HTTP Client
KAFKA_DUMP_MESSAGES True or False false false Print http request/response to stdout
KAFKA_LOG_LEVEL String info false Min LogLevel debug,info,warn,error
In addition, the following CLI arguments are supported
CloudEvents format for event payload (default: STRING or JSON)
-header value
Header formatted as key=value, can be used multiple times
Display this help
-key string
Kafka Message Key (optional, default is generated uuid)
-record string
Request payload to send into the Kafka Topic
-source string
CloudEventy: The context in which an event happened (default "rubin/cli")
-subject string
CloudEventy: The subject of the event in the context of the event producer
-topic string
Name of target Kafka Topic
-type string
CloudEvents: Type of event related to the originating occurrence (default "event.Event")
-v string
Verbosity, one of 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error' (default "info")
Use as library in an external Go app
go get
client := rubin.New(&rubin.Options{
RestEndpoint: "https://localhost:443",
ClusterID: "abc-r2d2",
ProducerAPIKey: "1234567890",
ProducerAPISecret: "**********",
resp, err := client.Produce(context.Background(), Request{
Topic: "public.hello",
Data: "Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean",
Key: "134-5678",
Headers: map[string]string{"heading": "for tomorrow"},
fmt.Printf("Record successfully commited, offset=%d partition=%d\n", resp.Offset, resp.PartitionId)
🐳 Use as docker image
Released vaultpal versions are build for multiple architectures and pushed to the public GitHub Container Registry (
docker run --rm -help
☁️ Support for CloudEvents
In Addition to simple string records and json payloads, rubin also supports CloudEvents, a "a specification for describing event data in common formats to provide interoperability across services, platforms and systems", hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. See the -ce
switch and the JSON Spec for CloudEvents for more details.
CloudEvents with CLI
$ rubin -topic public.hello -record '{"action":"push"}' \
-ce -type "events.published" -source "/ci/build/123" -subject ""
CloudEvents with library
payload := map[string]string{"user": "", "id": "007"}
event, err = rubin.NewCloudEvent("//hr/manager", "user.created", payload)
resp, err := client.Produce(ctx, Request{ "app.user", event})
Resulting event structure (CLI example code)
"specversion": "1.0",
"id": "5b4eefde-bf4a-4d48-8f47-e2978df8d139",
"source": "/ci/build/123",
"type": "events.published",
"subject": "",
"datacontenttype": "application/json",
"time": "2023-11-04T14:11:33Z",
"data": {
"action": "push"
🎸 Why the funky name?
Initially I thought of technical names like kafka-record-prodcer
or topic-pusher
, but all of them turned out to be pretty boring. Rick Rubin was simply the first name that showed up when I googled for "famous record producers", so I named the tool in his honour, and also in honour of the great Albums he produced in the past decades.

"Rick Rubin in September 2006" by jasontheexploder is licensed under CC BY 3.0
The project uses make
to make your life easier. If you're not familiar with Makefiles you can take a look at this quickstart guide.
Whenever you need help regarding the available actions, just use the following command.
$ make help
Usage: make <OPTIONS> ... <TARGETS>
Available targets are:
all Initializes all tools
build Builds all binaries
ci Executes lint and test and generates reports
clean Cleans up everything
coverage Displays coverage per func on cli
docker Builds docker image
download Downloads the dependencies
fmt Formats all code with go fmt
help Shows the help
html-coverage Displays the coverage results in the browser
lint Lints all code with golangci-lint
run Run the app
run-help Run the app and display app helm
test Runs all tests (with colorized output support if gotest is installed)
test-build Tests whether the code compiles
test-int Run integration test with tag //go:build integration
tidy Cleans up go.mod and go.sum
API stability
The package API for rubin is still version zero and therefore not yet considered stable as described in
This project was bootstrapped with go/template, an efficient tool to "provides a blueprint for production-ready Go project layouts."
If you want to contribute to rubin please have a look at the contribution guidelines.