Tachyon is a user-friendly Terminal User Interface application that offers detailed insights into containers running on your system.

Tachyon is designed to function with the containerd runtime. Support for other runtimes may come later.
- Containers Overview: View a comprehensive list of all running containers with essential details.
- Detailed Container View: Dive deeper into specific container details by selecting them.
- Convenient Keyboard Shortcuts:
Right Arrow
: Navigate to the container details view.
Left Arrow
: Return to the containers table view.
Up/Down Arrows
: Scroll through the list or navigate container details.
: Force refresh to get updated container data.
: Quit the application.
- Efficient Cache System: Tachyon caches container information for faster access and minimizes redundant fetch operations.
- Automatic Data Refresh: Ensures your data stays up-to-date by periodically refreshing container information.
Getting Started:
To get started with Tachyon, follow these steps:
- Download Tachyon from the releases section or clone the repository and compile it yourself.
- Verify that you have the necessary dependencies, as mentioned in the Dependencies section.
- Run Tachyon with sudo privileges.
Tachyon utilizes gopsutil to gather essential information about running containerized processes. However, for deeper insights, Tachyon also leverages additional Linux tooling.
Tachyon relies on the following additional dependencies: runc, lsof, netstat, nsenter, ifconfig
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Contributions are welcome! If you have something to add or improve, please submit a pull request. For bug reports you can submit an issue.