
package module
v0.13.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 7, 2016 License: MIT Imports: 40 Imported by: 0


Revel Framework

Build Status License

A high productivity, full-stack web framework for the Go language.

Current Version: 0.13.1 (2016-06-06)

As of Revel 0.13.0, Go 1.4+ is required.

Quick Start

Install revel framework:

go get -u

Create a new app and run it:

revel new
revel run

Open http://localhost:9000 in your browser and you should see "It works!"

Learn More



Join on StackOverflow, IRC #revel and Google Groups


First and foremost, we'd like to thank the growing community of developers who enjoy using and contributing to Revel. Your patience, feedback, and moral support are vital to the ongoing development of Revel!

Also, thank you to those who have increased their level of involvement with Revel and revitalized the momentum of Revel:

  • Jeeva
  • Pedro
  • Many others who provided valuable Pull Requests, testing, and feedback.

Finally, we'd like to thank the professional organizations that have supported the development of Revel:


View the v0.13.0 release notes for all of the relevant changes.

We are working on increasing the speed and quality of our releases. Your feedback has never been so valuable, please share your thoughts with us and help shape Revel!




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const (
	DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT     = "2006-01-02"
	DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT = "2006-01-02 15:04"
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const (
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const (
	// Current Revel version
	Version = "0.13.1"

	// Latest commit date
	BuildDate = "2016-06-06"

	// Minimum required Go version
	MinimumGoVersion = ">= go1.4"
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const (
	CurrentLocaleRenderArg = "currentLocale" // The key for the current locale render arg value

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const (
	DefaultFileContentType = "application/octet-stream"
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const (


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var (
	// These are the lookups to find a Binder for any type of data.
	// The most specific binder found will be used (Type before Kind)
	TypeBinders = make(map[reflect.Type]Binder)
	KindBinders = make(map[reflect.Kind]Binder)

	// Applications can add custom time formats to this array, and they will be
	// automatically attempted when binding a time.Time.
	TimeFormats = []string{}

	DateFormat     string
	DateTimeFormat string

	IntBinder = Binder{
		Bind: ValueBinder(func(val string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
			if len(val) == 0 {
				return reflect.Zero(typ)
			intValue, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return reflect.Zero(typ)
			pValue := reflect.New(typ)
			return pValue.Elem()
		Unbind: func(output map[string]string, key string, val interface{}) {
			output[key] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)

	UintBinder = Binder{
		Bind: ValueBinder(func(val string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
			if len(val) == 0 {
				return reflect.Zero(typ)
			uintValue, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return reflect.Zero(typ)
			pValue := reflect.New(typ)
			return pValue.Elem()
		Unbind: func(output map[string]string, key string, val interface{}) {
			output[key] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", val)

	FloatBinder = Binder{
		Bind: ValueBinder(func(val string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
			if len(val) == 0 {
				return reflect.Zero(typ)
			floatValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return reflect.Zero(typ)
			pValue := reflect.New(typ)
			return pValue.Elem()
		Unbind: func(output map[string]string, key string, val interface{}) {
			output[key] = fmt.Sprintf("%f", val)

	StringBinder = Binder{
		Bind: ValueBinder(func(val string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
			return reflect.ValueOf(val)
		Unbind: func(output map[string]string, name string, val interface{}) {
			output[name] = val.(string)

	// Booleans support a couple different value formats:
	// "true" and "false"
	// "on" and "" (a checkbox)
	// "1" and "0" (why not)
	BoolBinder = Binder{
		Bind: ValueBinder(func(val string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
			v := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(val))
			switch v {
			case "true", "on", "1":
				return reflect.ValueOf(true)

			return reflect.ValueOf(false)
		Unbind: func(output map[string]string, name string, val interface{}) {
			output[name] = fmt.Sprintf("%t", val)

	PointerBinder = Binder{
		Bind: func(params *Params, name string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
			return Bind(params, name, typ.Elem()).Addr()
		Unbind: func(output map[string]string, name string, val interface{}) {
			Unbind(output, name, reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem().Interface())

	TimeBinder = Binder{
		Bind: ValueBinder(func(val string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
			for _, f := range TimeFormats {
				if r, err := time.Parse(f, val); err == nil {
					return reflect.ValueOf(r)
			return reflect.Zero(typ)
		Unbind: func(output map[string]string, name string, val interface{}) {
			var (
				t       = val.(time.Time)
				format  = DateTimeFormat
				h, m, s = t.Clock()
			if h == 0 && m == 0 && s == 0 {
				format = DateFormat
			output[name] = t.Format(format)

	MapBinder = Binder{
		Bind:   bindMap,
		Unbind: unbindMap,
View Source
var (
	NilFilter = func(_ *Controller, _ []Filter) {}
	NilChain  = []Filter{NilFilter}

NilFilter and NilChain are helpful in writing filter tests.

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var (
	// App details
	AppName    string // e.g. "sample"
	AppRoot    string // e.g. "/app1"
	BasePath   string // e.g. "/Users/robfig/gocode/src/corp/sample"
	AppPath    string // e.g. "/Users/robfig/gocode/src/corp/sample/app"
	ViewsPath  string // e.g. "/Users/robfig/gocode/src/corp/sample/app/views"
	ImportPath string // e.g. "corp/sample"
	SourcePath string // e.g. "/Users/robfig/gocode/src"

	Config  *config.Context
	RunMode string // Application-defined (by default, "dev" or "prod")
	DevMode bool   // if true, RunMode is a development mode.

	// Revel installation details
	RevelPath string // e.g. "/Users/robfig/gocode/src/revel"

	// Where to look for templates
	// Ordered by priority. (Earlier paths take precedence over later paths.)
	CodePaths     []string
	TemplatePaths []string

	// ConfPaths where to look for configurations
	// Config load order
	// 1. framework (revel/conf/*)
	// 2. application (conf/*)
	// 3. user supplied configs (...) - User configs can override/add any from above
	ConfPaths []string

	Modules []Module

	// Server config.
	// Alert: This is how the app is configured, which may be different from
	// the current process reality.  For example, if the app is configured for
	// port 9000, HttpPort will always be 9000, even though in dev mode it is
	// run on a random port and proxied.
	HttpPort    int    // e.g. 9000
	HttpAddr    string // e.g. "", ""
	HttpSsl     bool   // e.g. true if using ssl
	HttpSslCert string // e.g. "/path/to/cert.pem"
	HttpSslKey  string // e.g. "/path/to/key.pem"

	// All cookies dropped by the framework begin with this prefix.
	CookiePrefix string
	// Cookie domain
	CookieDomain string
	// Cookie flags
	CookieSecure bool

	// Delimiters to use when rendering templates
	TemplateDelims string

	// Loggers
	TRACE = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "TRACE ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
	INFO  = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "INFO ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
	WARN  = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "WARN ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
	ERROR = log.New(&errorLog, "ERROR ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)

	Initialized bool
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var (
	MainRouter         *Router
	MainTemplateLoader *TemplateLoader
	MainWatcher        *Watcher
	Server             *http.Server
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var DefaultValidationKeys map[string]map[int]string

Register default validation keys for all calls to Controller.Validation.Func(). Map from (package).func => (line => name of first arg to Validation func) E.g. "myapp/controllers.helper" or "myapp/controllers.(*Application).Action" This is set on initialization in the generated main.go file.

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var ERROR_CLASS = "hasError"

Filters is the default set of global filters. It may be set by the application on initialization.

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var MessageFunc func(locale, message string, args ...interface{}) (value string) = Message

Setting MessageFunc allows you to override the translation interface.

Set this to your own function that translates to the current locale. This allows you to set up your own loading and logging of translated texts.

See Message(...) in i18n.go for example of function.

View Source
var (
	// The functions available for use in the templates.
	TemplateFuncs = map[string]interface{}{
		"url": ReverseUrl,
		"set": func(renderArgs map[string]interface{}, key string, value interface{}) template.JS {
			renderArgs[key] = value
			return template.JS("")
		"append": func(renderArgs map[string]interface{}, key string, value interface{}) template.JS {
			if renderArgs[key] == nil {
				renderArgs[key] = []interface{}{value}
			} else {
				renderArgs[key] = append(renderArgs[key].([]interface{}), value)
			return template.JS("")
		"field": NewField,
		"firstof": func(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
			for _, val := range args {
				switch val.(type) {
				case nil:
				case string:
					if val == "" {
					return val
					return val
			return nil
		"option": func(f *Field, val interface{}, label string) template.HTML {
			selected := ""
			if f.Flash() == val || (f.Flash() == "" && f.Value() == val) {
				selected = " selected"

			return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>`,
				html.EscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)), selected, html.EscapeString(label)))
		"radio": func(f *Field, val string) template.HTML {
			checked := ""
			if f.Flash() == val {
				checked = " checked"
			return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<input type="radio" name="%s" value="%s"%s>`,
				html.EscapeString(f.Name), html.EscapeString(val), checked))
		"checkbox": func(f *Field, val string) template.HTML {
			checked := ""
			if f.Flash() == val {
				checked = " checked"
			return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s"%s>`,
				html.EscapeString(f.Name), html.EscapeString(val), checked))

		"pad": func(str string, width int) template.HTML {
			if len(str) >= width {
				return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(str))
			return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(str) + strings.Repeat("&nbsp;", width-len(str)))

		"errorClass": func(name string, renderArgs map[string]interface{}) template.HTML {
			errorMap, ok := renderArgs["errors"].(map[string]*ValidationError)
			if !ok || errorMap == nil {
				WARN.Println("Called 'errorClass' without 'errors' in the render args.")
				return template.HTML("")
			valError, ok := errorMap[name]
			if !ok || valError == nil {
				return template.HTML("")
			return template.HTML(ERROR_CLASS)

		"msg": func(renderArgs map[string]interface{}, message string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML {
			str, ok := renderArgs[CurrentLocaleRenderArg].(string)
			if !ok {
				return ""
			return template.HTML(MessageFunc(str, message, args...))

		"nl2br": func(text string) template.HTML {
			return template.HTML(strings.Replace(template.HTMLEscapeString(text), "\n", "<br>", -1))

		"raw": func(text string) template.HTML {
			return template.HTML(text)

		"pluralize": func(items interface{}, pluralOverrides ...string) string {
			singular, plural := "", "s"
			if len(pluralOverrides) >= 1 {
				singular = pluralOverrides[0]
				if len(pluralOverrides) == 2 {
					plural = pluralOverrides[1]

			switch v := reflect.ValueOf(items); v.Kind() {
			case reflect.Int:
				if items.(int) != 1 {
					return plural
			case reflect.Slice:
				if v.Len() != 1 {
					return plural
				ERROR.Println("pluralize: unexpected type: ", v)
			return singular

		"date": func(date time.Time) string {
			return date.Format(DateFormat)
		"datetime": func(date time.Time) string {
			return date.Format(DateTimeFormat)
		"slug": Slug,
		"even": func(a int) bool { return (a % 2) == 0 },
View Source
var WatchFilter = func(c *Controller, fc []Filter) {
	if MainWatcher != nil {
		err := MainWatcher.Notify()
		if err != nil {
			c.Result = c.RenderError(err)
	fc[0](c, fc[1:])


func ActionInvoker

func ActionInvoker(c *Controller, _ []Filter)

func Bind

func Bind(params *Params, name string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value

Bind takes the name and type of the desired parameter and constructs it from one or more values from Params. Returns the zero value of the type upon any sort of failure.

func BindFile

func BindFile(fileHeader *multipart.FileHeader, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value

func BindValue

func BindValue(val string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value

func CheckInit

func CheckInit()

func ClientIP added in v0.13.0

func ClientIP(r *http.Request) string

ClientIP method returns client IP address from HTTP request.

Note: Set property "app.behind.proxy" to true only if Revel is running behind proxy like nginx, haproxy, apache, etc. Otherwise you may get inaccurate Client IP address. Revel parses the IP address in the order of X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-IP.

By default revel will get http.Request's RemoteAddr

func CompressFilter

func CompressFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

func ContainsString

func ContainsString(list []string, target string) bool

func ContentTypeByFilename

func ContentTypeByFilename(filename string) string

Returns a MIME content type based on the filename's extension. If no appropriate one is found, returns "application/octet-stream" by default. Additionally, specifies the charset as UTF-8 for text/* types.

func DirExists

func DirExists(filename string) bool

DirExists returns true if the given path exists and is a directory.

func Equal

func Equal(a, b interface{}) bool

Equal is a helper for comparing value equality, following these rules:

  • Values with equivalent types are compared with reflect.DeepEqual
  • int, uint, and float values are compared without regard to the type width. for example, Equal(int32(5), int64(5)) == true
  • strings and byte slices are converted to strings before comparison.
  • else, return false.

func ExecuteTemplate

func ExecuteTemplate(tmpl ExecutableTemplate, data interface{}) string

Execute a template and returns the result as a string.

func FilterConfiguringFilter

func FilterConfiguringFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

FilterConfiguringFilter is a filter stage that customizes the remaining filter chain for the action being invoked.

func FilterEq

func FilterEq(a, b Filter) bool

FilterEq returns true if the two filters reference the same filter.

func FindMethod

func FindMethod(recvType reflect.Type, funcVal reflect.Value) *reflect.Method

Return the reflect.Method, given a Receiver type and Func value.

func FirstNonEmpty

func FirstNonEmpty(strs ...string) string

func FlashFilter

func FlashFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

FlashFilter is a Revel Filter that retrieves and sets the flash cookie. Within Revel, it is available as a Flash attribute on Controller instances. The name of the Flash cookie is set as CookiePrefix + "_FLASH".

func HttpMethodOverride added in v0.10.0

func HttpMethodOverride(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

Override allowed http methods via form or browser param

func I18nFilter

func I18nFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

func Init

func Init(mode, importPath, srcPath string)

Init initializes Revel -- it provides paths for getting around the app.


mode - the run mode, which determines which app.conf settings are used.
importPath - the Go import path of the application.
srcPath - the path to the source directory, containing Revel and the app.
  If not specified (""), then a functioning Go installation is required.

func InitServer added in v0.13.0

func InitServer() http.HandlerFunc

InitServer intializes the server and returns the handler It can be used as an alternative entry-point if one needs the http handler to be exposed. E.g. to run on multiple addresses and ports or to set custom TLS options.

func InterceptFunc

func InterceptFunc(intc InterceptorFunc, when When, target interface{})

Install a general interceptor. This can be applied to any Controller. It must have the signature of:

func example(c *revel.Controller) revel.Result

func InterceptMethod

func InterceptMethod(intc InterceptorMethod, when When)

Install an interceptor method that applies to its own Controller.

func (c AppController) example() revel.Result
func (c *AppController) example() revel.Result

func InterceptorFilter

func InterceptorFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

func LoadMimeConfig

func LoadMimeConfig()

Load mime-types.conf on init.

func Message

func Message(locale, message string, args ...interface{}) string

Perform a message look-up for the given locale and message using the given arguments.

When either an unknown locale or message is detected, a specially formatted string is returned.

func MessageLanguages

func MessageLanguages() []string

Return all currently loaded message languages.

func MustReadLines

func MustReadLines(filename string) []string

Reads the lines of the given file. Panics in the case of error.

func OnAppStart

func OnAppStart(f func(), order

Register a function to be run at app startup.

The order you register the functions will be the order they are run. You can think of it as a FIFO queue. This process will happen after the config file is read and before the server is listening for connections.

Ideally, your application should have only one call to init() in the file init.go. The reason being that the call order of multiple init() functions in the same package is undefined. Inside of init() call revel.OnAppStart() for each function you wish to register.


// from: yourapp/app/controllers/somefile.go
func InitDB() {
    // do DB connection stuff here

func FillCache() {
    // fill a cache from DB
    // this depends on InitDB having been run

// from: yourapp/app/init.go
func init() {
    // set up filters...

    // register startup functions

This can be useful when you need to establish connections to databases or third-party services, setup app components, compile assets, or any thing you need to do between starting Revel and accepting connections.

func PanicFilter

func PanicFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

PanicFilter wraps the action invocation in a protective defer blanket that converts panics into 500 error pages.

func ParamsFilter

func ParamsFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

func ParseKeyValueCookie

func ParseKeyValueCookie(val string, cb func(key, val string))

Takes the raw (escaped) cookie value and parses out key values.

func ParseParams

func ParseParams(params *Params, req *Request)

func ReadLines

func ReadLines(filename string) ([]string, error)

Reads the lines of the given file. Panics in the case of error.

func RegisterController

func RegisterController(c interface{}, methods []*MethodType)

Register a Controller and its Methods with Revel.

func ResolveContentType

func ResolveContentType(req *http.Request) string

Get the content type. e.g. From "multipart/form-data; boundary=--" to "multipart/form-data" If none is specified, returns "text/html" by default.

func ResolveFormat

func ResolveFormat(req *http.Request) string

ResolveFormat maps the request's Accept MIME type declaration to a Request.Format attribute, specifically "html", "xml", "json", or "txt", returning a default of "html" when Accept header cannot be mapped to a value above.

func ResolveImportPath

func ResolveImportPath(importPath string) (string, error)

ResolveImportPath returns the filesystem path for the given import path. Returns an error if the import path could not be found.

func ReverseUrl

func ReverseUrl(args ...interface{}) (template.URL, error)

Return a url capable of invoking a given controller method: "Application.ShowApp 123" => "/app/123"

func RouterFilter

func RouterFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

func Run

func Run(port int)

Run the server. This is called from the generated main file. If port is non-zero, use that. Else, read the port from app.conf.

func SessionFilter

func SessionFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

SessionFilter is a Revel Filter that retrieves and sets the session cookie. Within Revel, it is available as a Session attribute on Controller instances. The name of the Session cookie is set as CookiePrefix + "_SESSION".

func Sign

func Sign(message string) string

Sign a given string with the app-configured secret key. If no secret key is set, returns the empty string. Return the signature in base64 (URLEncoding).

func Slug

func Slug(text string) string

func Unbind

func Unbind(output map[string]string, name string, val interface{})

func ValidationFilter

func ValidationFilter(c *Controller, fc []Filter)

Revel Filter function to be hooked into the filter chain.

func ValueBinder

func ValueBinder(f func(value string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value) func(*Params, string, reflect.Type) reflect.Value

An adapter for easily making one-key-value binders.

func Verify

func Verify(message, sig string) bool

Verify returns true if the given signature is correct for the given message. e.g. it matches what we generate with Sign()

func Walk added in v0.13.0

func Walk(root string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error

Walk method extends filepath.Walk to also follow symlinks. Always returns the path of the file or directory.


type AcceptLanguage

type AcceptLanguage struct {
	Language string
	Quality  float32

AcceptLanguage is a single language from the Accept-Language HTTP header.

type AcceptLanguages

type AcceptLanguages []AcceptLanguage

AcceptLanguages is collection of sortable AcceptLanguage instances.

func ResolveAcceptLanguage

func ResolveAcceptLanguage(req *http.Request) AcceptLanguages

ResolveAcceptLanguage returns a sorted list of Accept-Language header values.

The results are sorted using the quality defined in the header for each language range with the most qualified language range as the first element in the slice.

See the HTTP header fields specification ( for more details.

func (AcceptLanguages) Len

func (al AcceptLanguages) Len() int

func (AcceptLanguages) Less

func (al AcceptLanguages) Less(i, j int) bool

func (AcceptLanguages) String

func (al AcceptLanguages) String() string

func (AcceptLanguages) Swap

func (al AcceptLanguages) Swap(i, j int)

type ActionDefinition

type ActionDefinition struct {
	Host, Method, Url, Action string
	Star                      bool
	Args                      map[string]string

func (*ActionDefinition) String

func (a *ActionDefinition) String() string

type BinaryResult

type BinaryResult struct {
	Reader   io.Reader
	Name     string
	Length   int64
	Delivery ContentDisposition
	ModTime  time.Time

func (*BinaryResult) Apply

func (r *BinaryResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type Binder

type Binder struct {
	// Bind takes the name and type of the desired parameter and constructs it
	// from one or more values from Params.
	// Example
	// Request:
	//   url?id=123&ol[0]=1&ol[1]=2&ul[]=str&ul[]=array&user.Name=rob
	// Action:
	//   Example.Action(id int, ol []int, ul []string, user User)
	// Calls:
	//   Bind(params, "id", int): 123
	//   Bind(params, "ol", []int): {1, 2}
	//   Bind(params, "ul", []string): {"str", "array"}
	//   Bind(params, "user", User): User{Name:"rob"}
	// Note that only exported struct fields may be bound.
	Bind func(params *Params, name string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value

	// Unbind serializes a given value to one or more URL parameters of the given
	// name.
	Unbind func(output map[string]string, name string, val interface{})

A Binder translates between string parameters and Go data structures.

type CompressResponseWriter

type CompressResponseWriter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CompressResponseWriter) Close added in v0.10.0

func (c *CompressResponseWriter) Close() error

func (CompressResponseWriter) CloseNotify added in v0.10.0

func (c CompressResponseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool

func (*CompressResponseWriter) DetectCompressionType

func (c *CompressResponseWriter) DetectCompressionType(req *Request, resp *Response)

DetectCompressionType method detects the comperssion type from header "Accept-Encoding"

func (*CompressResponseWriter) Write

func (c *CompressResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error)

func (*CompressResponseWriter) WriteHeader

func (c *CompressResponseWriter) WriteHeader(status int)

type ContentDisposition

type ContentDisposition string
var (
	Attachment ContentDisposition = "attachment"
	Inline     ContentDisposition = "inline"

type Controller

type Controller struct {
	Name          string          // The controller name, e.g. "Application"
	Type          *ControllerType // A description of the controller type.
	MethodName    string          // The method name, e.g. "Index"
	MethodType    *MethodType     // A description of the invoked action type.
	AppController interface{}     // The controller that was instantiated.
	Action        string          // The fully qualified action name, e.g. "App.Index"

	Request  *Request
	Response *Response
	Result   Result

	Flash      Flash                  // User cookie, cleared after 1 request.
	Session    Session                // Session, stored in cookie, signed.
	Params     *Params                // Parameters from URL and form (including multipart).
	Args       map[string]interface{} // Per-request scratch space.
	RenderArgs map[string]interface{} // Args passed to the template.
	Validation *Validation            // Data validation helpers

func NewController

func NewController(req *Request, resp *Response) *Controller

func (*Controller) FlashParams

func (c *Controller) FlashParams()

FlashParams serializes the contents of Controller.Params to the Flash cookie.

func (*Controller) Forbidden

func (c *Controller) Forbidden(msg string, objs ...interface{}) Result

Forbidden returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden response whose body is the formatted string of msg and objs.

func (*Controller) Message

func (c *Controller) Message(message string, args ...interface{}) (value string)

Perform a message lookup for the given message name using the given arguments using the current language defined for this controller.

The current language is set by the i18n plugin.

func (*Controller) NotFound

func (c *Controller) NotFound(msg string, objs ...interface{}) Result

NotFound returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response whose body is the formatted string of msg and objs.

func (*Controller) Redirect

func (c *Controller) Redirect(val interface{}, args ...interface{}) Result

Redirect to an action or to a URL.

c.Redirect("/controller/%d/action", id)

func (*Controller) Render

func (c *Controller) Render(extraRenderArgs ...interface{}) Result

Render a template corresponding to the calling Controller method. Arguments will be added to c.RenderArgs prior to rendering the template. They are keyed on their local identifier.

For example:

func (c Users) ShowUser(id int) revel.Result {
	 user := loadUser(id)
	 return c.Render(user)

This action will render views/Users/ShowUser.html, passing in an extra key-value "user": (User).

func (*Controller) RenderBinary

func (c *Controller) RenderBinary(memfile io.Reader, filename string, delivery ContentDisposition, modtime time.Time) Result

RenderBinary is like RenderFile() except that it instead of a file on disk, it renders data from memory (which could be a file that has not been written, the output from some function, or bytes streamed from somewhere else, as long it implements io.Reader). When called directly on something generated or streamed, modtime should mostly likely be time.Now().

func (*Controller) RenderError

func (c *Controller) RenderError(err error) Result

func (*Controller) RenderFile

func (c *Controller) RenderFile(file *os.File, delivery ContentDisposition) Result

RenderFile returns a file, either displayed inline or downloaded as an attachment. The name and size are taken from the file info.

func (*Controller) RenderHtml

func (c *Controller) RenderHtml(html string) Result

Render html in response

func (*Controller) RenderJson

func (c *Controller) RenderJson(o interface{}) Result

Uses encoding/json.Marshal to return JSON to the client.

func (*Controller) RenderJsonP

func (c *Controller) RenderJsonP(callback string, o interface{}) Result

Renders a JSONP result using encoding/json.Marshal

func (*Controller) RenderTemplate

func (c *Controller) RenderTemplate(templatePath string) Result

A less magical way to render a template. Renders the given template, using the current RenderArgs.

func (*Controller) RenderText

func (c *Controller) RenderText(text string, objs ...interface{}) Result

Render plaintext in response, printf style.

func (*Controller) RenderXml

func (c *Controller) RenderXml(o interface{}) Result

Uses encoding/xml.Marshal to return XML to the client.

func (*Controller) SetAction

func (c *Controller) SetAction(controllerName, methodName string) error

SetAction sets the action that is being invoked in the current request. It sets the following properties: Name, Action, Type, MethodType

func (*Controller) SetCookie

func (c *Controller) SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie)

func (*Controller) Todo

func (c *Controller) Todo() Result

Todo returns an HTTP 501 Not Implemented "todo" indicating that the action isn't done yet.

type ControllerType

type ControllerType struct {
	Type              reflect.Type
	Methods           []*MethodType
	ControllerIndexes [][]int // FieldByIndex to all embedded *Controllers

func (*ControllerType) Method

func (ct *ControllerType) Method(name string) *MethodType

Method searches for a given exported method (case insensitive)

type DiscerningListener

type DiscerningListener interface {
	WatchDir(info os.FileInfo) bool
	WatchFile(basename string) bool

DiscerningListener allows the receiver to selectively watch files.

type Email

type Email struct {

func ValidEmail added in v0.9.1

func ValidEmail() Email

func (Email) DefaultMessage

func (e Email) DefaultMessage() string

type Error

type Error struct {
	SourceType               string   // The type of source that failed to build.
	Title, Path, Description string   // Description of the error, as presented to the user.
	Line, Column             int      // Where the error was encountered.
	SourceLines              []string // The entire source file, split into lines.
	Stack                    string   // The raw stack trace string from debug.Stack().
	MetaError                string   // Error that occurred producing the error page.
	Link                     string   // A configurable link to wrap the error source in

Error description, used as an argument to the error template.

func NewErrorFromPanic

func NewErrorFromPanic(err interface{}) *Error

NewErrorFromPanic method finds the deepest stack from in user code and provide a code listing of that, on the line that eventually triggered the panic. Returns nil if no relevant stack frame can be found.

func (*Error) ContextSource

func (e *Error) ContextSource() []sourceLine

ContextSource method returns a snippet of the source around where the error occurred.

func (*Error) Error

func (e *Error) Error() string

Error method constructs a plaintext version of the error, taking account that fields are optionally set. Returns e.g. Compilation Error (in views/header.html:51): expected right delim in end; got "}"

func (e *Error) SetLink(errorLink string)

SetLink method prepares a link and assign to Error.Link attribute

type ErrorResult

type ErrorResult struct {
	RenderArgs map[string]interface{}
	Error      error

This result handles all kinds of error codes (500, 404, ..). It renders the relevant error page (errors/CODE.format, e.g. errors/500.json). If RunMode is "dev", this results in a friendly error page.

func (ErrorResult) Apply

func (r ErrorResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type ExecutableTemplate

type ExecutableTemplate interface {
	Execute(io.Writer, interface{}) error

Add some more methods to the default Template.

type Field

type Field struct {
	Name  string
	Error *ValidationError
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Field represents a data field that may be collected in a web form.

func NewField

func NewField(name string, renderArgs map[string]interface{}) *Field

func (*Field) ErrorClass

func (f *Field) ErrorClass() string

ErrorClass returns ERROR_CLASS if this field has a validation error, else empty string.

func (*Field) Flash

func (f *Field) Flash() string

Flash returns the flashed value of this Field.

func (*Field) FlashArray

func (f *Field) FlashArray() []string

FlashArray returns the flashed value of this Field as a list split on comma.

func (*Field) Id

func (f *Field) Id() string

Id returns an identifier suitable for use as an HTML id.

func (*Field) Value

func (f *Field) Value() interface{}

Value returns the current value of this Field.

type Filter

type Filter func(c *Controller, filterChain []Filter)

type FilterConfigurator

type FilterConfigurator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FilterConfigurator allows the developer configure the filter chain on a per-controller or per-action basis. The filter configuration is applied by the FilterConfiguringFilter, which is itself a filter stage. For example,


Filters = []Filter{



=> RouterFilter, FilterConfiguringFilter, SessionFilter, OtherFilter, ActionInvoker



=> RouterFilter, FilterConfiguringFilter, OtherFilter, ActionInvoker


  Insert(OtherFilter, revel.BEFORE, SessionFilter)

=> RouterFilter, FilterConfiguringFilter, OtherFilter, SessionFilter, ActionInvoker

Filter modifications may be combined between Controller and Action. For example:


.. would result in App.Action being filtered by both Filter1 and Filter2.

Note: the last filter stage is not subject to the configurator. In particular, Add() adds a filter to the second-to-last place.

func FilterAction

func FilterAction(methodRef interface{}) FilterConfigurator

FilterAction returns a configurator for the filters applied to the given controller method. For example:


func FilterController

func FilterController(controllerInstance interface{}) FilterConfigurator

FilterController returns a configurator for the filters applied to all actions on the given controller instance. For example:


func (FilterConfigurator) Add

Add the given filter in the second-to-last position in the filter chain. (Second-to-last so that it is before ActionInvoker)

func (FilterConfigurator) Insert

func (conf FilterConfigurator) Insert(insert Filter, where When, target Filter) FilterConfigurator

Insert a filter into the filter chain before or after another. This may be called with the BEFORE or AFTER constants, for example:

  Insert(MyFilter, revel.BEFORE, revel.ActionInvoker).
  Insert(MyFilter2, revel.AFTER, revel.PanicFilter)

func (FilterConfigurator) Remove

func (conf FilterConfigurator) Remove(target Filter) FilterConfigurator

Remove a filter from the filter chain.

type Flash

type Flash struct {
	// `Data` is the input which is read in `restoreFlash`, `Out` is the output which is set in a FLASH cookie at the end of the `FlashFilter()`
	Data, Out map[string]string

Flash represents a cookie that is overwritten on each request. It allows data to be stored across one page at a time. This is commonly used to implement success or error messages. E.g. the Post/Redirect/Get pattern:

func (Flash) Error

func (f Flash) Error(msg string, args ...interface{})

Error serializes the given msg and args to an "error" key within the Flash cookie.

func (Flash) Success

func (f Flash) Success(msg string, args ...interface{})

Success serializes the given msg and args to a "success" key within the Flash cookie.

type GoTemplate

type GoTemplate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Adapter for Go Templates.

func (GoTemplate) Content

func (gotmpl GoTemplate) Content() []string

func (GoTemplate) Render

func (gotmpl GoTemplate) Render(wr io.Writer, arg interface{}) error

return a 'revel.Template' from Go's template.

type InterceptTarget

type InterceptTarget int
const (
	ALL_CONTROLLERS InterceptTarget = iota

type Interception

type Interception struct {
	When When
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Interception) Invoke

func (i Interception) Invoke(val reflect.Value) reflect.Value

Perform the given interception. val is a pointer to the App Controller.

type InterceptorFunc

type InterceptorFunc func(*Controller) Result

An "interceptor" is functionality invoked by the framework BEFORE or AFTER an action.

An interceptor may optionally return a Result (instead of nil). Depending on when the interceptor was invoked, the response is different: 1. BEFORE: No further interceptors are invoked, and neither is the action. 2. AFTER: Further interceptors are still run. In all cases, any returned Result will take the place of any existing Result.

In the BEFORE case, that returned Result is guaranteed to be final, while in the AFTER case it is possible that a further interceptor could emit its own Result.

Interceptors are called in the order that they are added.


Two types of interceptors are provided: Funcs and Methods

Func Interceptors may apply to any / all Controllers.

func example(*revel.Controller) revel.Result

Method Interceptors are provided so that properties can be set on application controllers.

func (c AppController) example() revel.Result
func (c *AppController) example() revel.Result

type InterceptorMethod

type InterceptorMethod interface{}

type Length

type Length struct {
	N int

Requires an array or string to be exactly a given length.

func ValidLength

func ValidLength(n int) Length

func (Length) DefaultMessage

func (s Length) DefaultMessage() string

func (Length) IsSatisfied

func (s Length) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type Listener

type Listener interface {
	// Refresh is invoked by the watcher on relevant filesystem events.
	// If the listener returns an error, it is served to the user on the current request.
	Refresh() *Error

Listener is an interface for receivers of filesystem events.

type Match

type Match struct {
	Regexp *regexp.Regexp

Requires a string to match a given regex.

func ValidMatch

func ValidMatch(regex *regexp.Regexp) Match

func (Match) DefaultMessage

func (m Match) DefaultMessage() string

func (Match) IsSatisfied

func (m Match) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type Max

type Max struct {
	Max int

func ValidMax

func ValidMax(max int) Max

func (Max) DefaultMessage

func (m Max) DefaultMessage() string

func (Max) IsSatisfied

func (m Max) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type MaxSize

type MaxSize struct {
	Max int

Requires an array or string to be at most a given length.

func ValidMaxSize

func ValidMaxSize(max int) MaxSize

func (MaxSize) DefaultMessage

func (m MaxSize) DefaultMessage() string

func (MaxSize) IsSatisfied

func (m MaxSize) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type MethodArg

type MethodArg struct {
	Name string
	Type reflect.Type

type MethodType

type MethodType struct {
	Name           string
	Args           []*MethodArg
	RenderArgNames map[int][]string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Min

type Min struct {
	Min int

func ValidMin

func ValidMin(min int) Min

func (Min) DefaultMessage

func (m Min) DefaultMessage() string

func (Min) IsSatisfied

func (m Min) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type MinSize

type MinSize struct {
	Min int

Requires an array or string to be at least a given length.

func ValidMinSize

func ValidMinSize(min int) MinSize

func (MinSize) DefaultMessage

func (m MinSize) DefaultMessage() string

func (MinSize) IsSatisfied

func (m MinSize) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type Module

type Module struct {
	Name, ImportPath, Path string

func ModuleByName

func ModuleByName(name string) (m Module, found bool)

ModuleByName returns the module of the given name, if loaded.

type Params

type Params struct {
	url.Values // A unified view of all the individual param maps below.

	// Set by the router
	Fixed url.Values // Fixed parameters from the route, e.g. App.Action("fixed param")
	Route url.Values // Parameters extracted from the route,  e.g. /customers/{id}

	// Set by the ParamsFilter
	Query url.Values // Parameters from the query string, e.g. /index?limit=10
	Form  url.Values // Parameters from the request body.

	Files map[string][]*multipart.FileHeader // Files uploaded in a multipart form
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Params provides a unified view of the request params. Includes: - URL query string - Form values - File uploads

Warning: param maps other than Values may be nil if there were none.

func (*Params) Bind

func (p *Params) Bind(dest interface{}, name string)

Bind looks for the named parameter, converts it to the requested type, and writes it into "dest", which must be settable. If the value can not be parsed, "dest" is set to the zero value.

type PlaintextErrorResult

type PlaintextErrorResult struct {
	Error error

func (PlaintextErrorResult) Apply

func (r PlaintextErrorResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

This method is used when the template loader or error template is not available.

type Range

type Range struct {

Requires an integer to be within Min, Max inclusive.

func ValidRange

func ValidRange(min, max int) Range

func (Range) DefaultMessage

func (r Range) DefaultMessage() string

func (Range) IsSatisfied

func (r Range) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type RedirectToActionResult

type RedirectToActionResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedirectToActionResult) Apply

func (r *RedirectToActionResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type RedirectToUrlResult

type RedirectToUrlResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedirectToUrlResult) Apply

func (r *RedirectToUrlResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type RenderHtmlResult

type RenderHtmlResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RenderHtmlResult) Apply

func (r RenderHtmlResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type RenderJsonResult

type RenderJsonResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RenderJsonResult) Apply

func (r RenderJsonResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type RenderTemplateResult

type RenderTemplateResult struct {
	Template   Template
	RenderArgs map[string]interface{}

Action methods return this result to request a template be rendered.

func (*RenderTemplateResult) Apply

func (r *RenderTemplateResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type RenderTextResult

type RenderTextResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RenderTextResult) Apply

func (r RenderTextResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type RenderXmlResult

type RenderXmlResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RenderXmlResult) Apply

func (r RenderXmlResult) Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type Request

type Request struct {
	ContentType     string
	Format          string // "html", "xml", "json", or "txt"
	AcceptLanguages AcceptLanguages
	Locale          string
	Websocket       *websocket.Conn

func NewRequest

func NewRequest(r *http.Request) *Request

type Required

type Required struct{}

func ValidRequired

func ValidRequired() Required

func (Required) DefaultMessage

func (r Required) DefaultMessage() string

func (Required) IsSatisfied

func (r Required) IsSatisfied(obj interface{}) bool

type Response

type Response struct {
	Status      int
	ContentType string

	Out http.ResponseWriter

func NewResponse

func NewResponse(w http.ResponseWriter) *Response

func (*Response) WriteHeader

func (resp *Response) WriteHeader(defaultStatusCode int, defaultContentType string)

Write the header (for now, just the status code). The status may be set directly by the application (c.Response.Status = 501). if it isn't, then fall back to the provided status code.

type Result

type Result interface {
	Apply(req *Request, resp *Response)

type Route

type Route struct {
	Method         string   // e.g. GET
	Path           string   // e.g. /app/:id
	Action         string   // e.g. "Application.ShowApp", "404"
	ControllerName string   // e.g. "Application", ""
	MethodName     string   // e.g. "ShowApp", ""
	FixedParams    []string // e.g. "arg1","arg2","arg3" (CSV formatting)
	TreePath       string   // e.g. "/GET/app/:id"
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRoute

func NewRoute(method, path, action, fixedArgs, routesPath string, line int) (r *Route)

Prepares the route to be used in matching.

type RouteMatch

type RouteMatch struct {
	Action         string // e.g. 404
	ControllerName string // e.g. Application
	MethodName     string // e.g. ShowApp
	FixedParams    []string
	Params         map[string][]string // e.g. {id: 123}

type Router

type Router struct {
	Routes []*Route
	Tree   *pathtree.Node
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRouter

func NewRouter(routesPath string) *Router

func (*Router) Refresh

func (router *Router) Refresh() (err *Error)

Refresh re-reads the routes file and re-calculates the routing table. Returns an error if a specified action could not be found.

func (*Router) Reverse

func (router *Router) Reverse(action string, argValues map[string]string) *ActionDefinition

func (*Router) Route

func (router *Router) Route(req *http.Request) *RouteMatch

type Session

type Session map[string]string

A signed cookie (and thus limited to 4kb in size). Restriction: Keys may not have a colon in them.

func GetSessionFromCookie added in v0.12.0

func GetSessionFromCookie(cookie *http.Cookie) Session

GetSessionFromCookie returns a Session struct pulled from the signed session cookie.

func (Session) Cookie added in v0.12.0

func (s Session) Cookie() *http.Cookie

Cookie returns an http.Cookie containing the signed session.

func (Session) Id

func (s Session) Id() string

Id retrieves from the cookie or creates a time-based UUID identifying this session.

func (Session) SetDefaultExpiration

func (s Session) SetDefaultExpiration()

SetDefaultExpiration sets session to expire after default duration

func (Session) SetNoExpiration

func (s Session) SetNoExpiration()

SetNoExpiration sets session to expire when browser session ends

type StartupHook added in v0.13.0

type StartupHook struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type StartupHooks added in v0.13.0

type StartupHooks []StartupHook

func (StartupHooks) Len added in v0.13.0

func (slice StartupHooks) Len() int

func (StartupHooks) Less added in v0.13.0

func (slice StartupHooks) Less(i, j int) bool

func (StartupHooks) Swap added in v0.13.0

func (slice StartupHooks) Swap(i, j int)

type Template

type Template interface {
	Name() string
	Content() []string
	Render(wr io.Writer, arg interface{}) error

type TemplateLoader

type TemplateLoader struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

This object handles loading and parsing of templates. Everything below the application's views directory is treated as a template.

func NewTemplateLoader

func NewTemplateLoader(paths []string) *TemplateLoader

func (*TemplateLoader) Refresh

func (loader *TemplateLoader) Refresh() *Error

This scans the views directory and parses all templates as Go Templates. If a template fails to parse, the error is set on the loader. (It's awkward to refresh a single Go Template)

func (*TemplateLoader) Template

func (loader *TemplateLoader) Template(name string) (Template, error)

Return the Template with the given name. The name is the template's path relative to a template loader root.

An Error is returned if there was any problem with any of the templates. (In this case, if a template is returned, it may still be usable.)

func (*TemplateLoader) WatchDir

func (loader *TemplateLoader) WatchDir(info os.FileInfo) bool

func (*TemplateLoader) WatchFile

func (loader *TemplateLoader) WatchFile(basename string) bool

type Validation

type Validation struct {
	Errors []*ValidationError
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Validation context manages data validation and error messages.

func (*Validation) Check

func (v *Validation) Check(obj interface{}, checks ...Validator) *ValidationResult

Apply a group of validators to a field, in order, and return the ValidationResult from the first one that fails, or the last one that succeeds.

func (*Validation) Clear

func (v *Validation) Clear()

Clear *all* ValidationErrors

func (*Validation) Email

func (v *Validation) Email(str string) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) Error

func (v *Validation) Error(message string, args ...interface{}) *ValidationResult

Error adds an error to the validation context.

func (*Validation) ErrorMap

func (v *Validation) ErrorMap() map[string]*ValidationError

ErrorMap returns the errors mapped by key. If there are multiple validation errors associated with a single key, the first one "wins". (Typically the first validation will be the more basic).

func (*Validation) HasErrors

func (v *Validation) HasErrors() bool

HasErrors returns true if there are any (ie > 0) errors. False otherwise.

func (*Validation) Keep

func (v *Validation) Keep()

Keep tells revel to set a flash cookie on the client to make the validation errors available for the next request. This is helpful when redirecting the client after the validation failed. It is good practice to always redirect upon a HTTP POST request. Thus one should use this method when HTTP POST validation failed and redirect the user back to the form.

func (*Validation) Length

func (v *Validation) Length(obj interface{}, n int) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) Match

func (v *Validation) Match(str string, regex *regexp.Regexp) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) Max

func (v *Validation) Max(n int, max int) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) MaxSize

func (v *Validation) MaxSize(obj interface{}, max int) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) Min

func (v *Validation) Min(n int, min int) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) MinSize

func (v *Validation) MinSize(obj interface{}, min int) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) Range

func (v *Validation) Range(n, min, max int) *ValidationResult

func (*Validation) Required

func (v *Validation) Required(obj interface{}) *ValidationResult

Required tests that the argument is non-nil and non-empty (if string or list)

type ValidationError

type ValidationError struct {
	Message, Key string

Simple struct to store the Message & Key of a validation error

func (*ValidationError) String

func (e *ValidationError) String() string

String returns the Message field of the ValidationError struct.

type ValidationResult

type ValidationResult struct {
	Error *ValidationError
	Ok    bool

A ValidationResult is returned from every validation method. It provides an indication of success, and a pointer to the Error (if any).

func (*ValidationResult) Key

Key sets the ValidationResult's Error "key" and returns itself for chaining

func (*ValidationResult) Message

func (r *ValidationResult) Message(message string, args ...interface{}) *ValidationResult

Message sets the error message for a ValidationResult. Returns itself to allow chaining. Allows Sprintf() type calling with multiple parameters

type Validator

type Validator interface {
	IsSatisfied(interface{}) bool
	DefaultMessage() string

type Watcher

type Watcher struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Watcher allows listeners to register to be notified of changes under a given directory.

func NewWatcher

func NewWatcher() *Watcher

func (*Watcher) Listen

func (w *Watcher) Listen(listener Listener, roots ...string)

Listen registers for events within the given root directories (recursively).

func (*Watcher) Notify

func (w *Watcher) Notify() *Error

Notify causes the watcher to forward any change events to listeners. It returns the first (if any) error returned.

func (*Watcher) NotifyWhenUpdated added in v0.11.0

func (w *Watcher) NotifyWhenUpdated(listener Listener, watcher *fsnotify.Watcher)

NotifyWhenUpdated notifies the watcher when a file event is received.

type When

type When int
const (
	BEFORE When = iota

type WriteFlusher

type WriteFlusher interface {
	Flush() error


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
JackTT - Gopher 🇻🇳