Google maps scraper

A command line and web UI google maps scraper
Evomi is your Swiss Quality Proxy Provider, starting at $0.49/GB

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A command line and web based google maps scraper build using
scrapemate web crawling framework.
You can use this repository either as is, or you can use it's code as a base and
customize it to your needs

Web UI:
mkdir -p gmapsdata && docker run -v $PWD/gmapsdata:/gmapsdata -p 8080:8080 gosom/google-maps-scraper -data-folder /gmapsdata
Or dowload the binary for your platform and run it.
Note: Even if you add one keyword the results will come in at least 3 minutes. This is a minimum configured runtime
Note: for MacOS the docker command should not work. HELP REQUIRED
Command line:
touch results.csv && docker run -v $PWD/example-queries.txt:/example-queries -v $PWD/results.csv:/results.csv gosom/google-maps-scraper -depth 1 -input /example-queries -results /results.csv -exit-on-inactivity 3m
file results.csv
will contain the parsed results.
If you want emails use additionally the -email
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- Extracts many data points from google maps
- Exports the data to CSV, JSON or PostgreSQL
- Perfomance about 120 urls per minute (-depth 1 -c 8)
- Extendable to write your own exporter
- Dockerized for easy run in multiple platforms
- Scalable in multiple machines
- Optionally extracts emails from the website of the business
- SOCKS5/HTTP/HTTPS proxy support
- Serverless execution via AWS Lambda functions (experimental & no documentation yet)
By defaul email extraction is disabled.
If you enable email extraction (see quickstart) then the scraper will visit the
website of the business (if exists) and it will try to extract the emails from the
For the moment it only checks only one page of the website (the one that is registered in Gmaps). At some point, it will be added support to try to extract from other pages like about, contact, impressum etc.
Keep in mind that enabling email extraction results to larger processing time, since more
pages are scraped.
Note: email is empty by default (see Usage)
Note: Input id is an ID that you can define per query. By default its a UUID
In order to define it you can have an input file like:
Matsuhisa Athens #!#MyIDentifier
Using docker:
touch results.csv && docker run -v $PWD/example-queries.txt:/example-queries -v $PWD/results.csv:/results.csv gosom/google-maps-scraper -depth 1 -input /example-queries -results /results.csv -exit-on-inactivity 3m
file results.csv
will contain the parsed results.
If you want emails use additionally the -email
On your host
(tested only on Ubuntu 22.04)
git clone
cd google-maps-scraper
go mod download
go build
./google-maps-scraper -input example-queries.txt -results restaurants-in-cyprus.csv -exit-on-inactivity 3m
Be a little bit patient. In the first run it downloads required libraries.
The results are written when they arrive in the results
file you specified
If you want emails use additionally the -email
Command line options
try ./google-maps-scraper -h
to see the command line options available:
-aws-access-key string
AWS access key
run as AWS Lambda function
-aws-lambda-chunk-size int
AWS Lambda chunk size (default 100)
run as AWS Lambda invoker
-aws-region string
AWS region
-aws-secret-key string
AWS secret key
-c int
sets the concurrency [default: half of CPU cores] (default 11)
-cache string
sets the cache directory [no effect at the moment] (default "cache")
-data-folder string
data folder for web runner (default "webdata")
enable headful crawl (opens browser window) [default: false]
-depth int
maximum scroll depth in search results [default: 10] (default 10)
-dsn string
database connection string [only valid with database provider]
extract emails from websites
-exit-on-inactivity duration
exit after inactivity duration (e.g., '5m')
-function-name string
AWS Lambda function name
-geo string
set geo coordinates for search (e.g., '37.7749,-122.4194')
-input string
path to the input file with queries (one per line) [default: empty]
produce JSON output instead of CSV
-lang string
language code for Google (e.g., 'de' for German) [default: en] (default "en")
produce seed jobs only (requires dsn)
-proxies string
comma separated list of proxies to use in the format protocol://user:pass@host:port example: socks5://localhost:9050 or http://user:pass@localhost:9050
-results string
path to the results file [default: stdout] (default "stdout")
-s3-bucket string
S3 bucket name
run web server instead of crawling
-writer string
use custom writer plugin (format: 'dir:pluginName')
-zoom int
set zoom level (0-21) for search
Using a custom writer
In cases the results need to be written in a custom format or in another system like a db a message queue or basically anything the Go plugin system can be utilized.
Write a Go plugin (see an example in examples/plugins/example_writeR.go)
Compile it using (for Linux):
go build -buildmode=plugin -tags=plugin -o ~/mytest/plugins/ examples/plugins/example_writer.go
and then run the program using the -writer
See an example:
- Write your plugin (use the examples/plugins/example_writer.go as a reference)
- Build your plugin
go build -buildmode=plugin -tags=plugin -o ~/myplugins/ plugins/example_writer.go
- Download the lastes release or build the program
- Run the program like
./google-maps-scraper -writer ~/myplugins:DummyPrinter -input example-queries.txt
Plugins and Docker
It is possible to use the docker image and use tha plugins.
In such case make sure that the shared library is build using a compatible GLIB version with the docker image.
otherwise you will encounter an error like:
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /plugins/
Using Database Provider (postgreSQL)
For running in your local machine:
docker-compose -f up -d
The above starts a PostgreSQL contains and creates the required tables
to access db:
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres
Password is postgres
Then from your host run:
go run main.go -dsn "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres" -produce -input example-queries.txt --lang el
(configure your queries and the desired language)
This will populate the table gmaps_jobs
you may run the scraper using:
go run main.go -c 2 -depth 1 -dsn "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres"
If you have a database server and several machines you can start multiple instances of the scraper as above.
You may run the scraper in a kubernetes cluster. This helps to scale it easier.
Assuming you have a kubernetes cluster and a database that is accessible from the cluster:
- First populate the database as shown above
- Create a deployment file
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: google-maps-scraper
app: google-maps-scraper
replicas: {NUM_OF_REPLICAS}
app: google-maps-scraper
- name: google-maps-scraper
image: gosom/google-maps-scraper:v0.9.3
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
args: ["-c", "1", "-depth", "10", "-dsn", "postgres://{DBUSER}:{DBPASSWD@DBHOST}:{DBPORT}/{DBNAME}", "-lang", "{LANGUAGE_CODE}"]
Please replace the values or the command args accordingly
Note: Keep in mind that because the application starts a headless browser it requires CPU and memory.
Use an appropriate kubernetes cluster
Anonymous usage statistics are collected for debug and improvement reasons.
You can opt out by setting the env variable DISABLE_TELEMETRY=1
Expected speed with concurrency of 8 and depth 1 is 120 jobs/per minute.
Each search is 1 job + the number or results it contains.
Based on the above:
if we have 1000 keywords to search with each contains 16 results => 1000 * 16 = 16000 jobs.
We expect this to take about 16000/120 ~ 133 minutes ~ 2.5 hours
If you want to scrape many keywords then it's better to use the Database Provider in
combination with Kubernetes for convenience and start multipe scrapers in more than 1 machines.
For more instruction you may also read the following links
This code is licenced under the MIT Licence
Please open an ISSUE or make a Pull Request
Thank you for considering support for the project. Every bit of assistance helps maintain momentum and enhances the scraper’s capabilities!
Please use this scraper responsibly
banner is generated using OpenAI's DALE
Evomi is your Swiss Quality Proxy Provider, starting at $0.49/GB
- 👩💻 $0.49 per GB Residential Proxies: Our price is unbeatable
- 👩💻 24/7 Expert Support: We will join your Slack Channel
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- 🔒 Swiss Quality and Privacy
- 🎁 Free Trial
- 🛡️ 99.9% Uptime
- 🤝 Special IP Pool selection: Optimize for fast, quality or quantity of ips
- 🔧 Easy Integration: Compatible with most software and programming languages

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