Overview ¶
Package core Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AllocMPPQueryID() uint64
- func AllocMPPTaskID(ctx sessionctx.Context) int64
- func BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan(explainCtx sessionctx.Context, flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) string
- func BuildPhysicalJoinSchema(joinType JoinType, join PhysicalPlan) *expression.Schema
- func Cacheable(node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) bool
- func CacheableWithCtx(sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (bool, string)
- func CheckAggCanPushCop(sctx sessionctx.Context, aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, ...) bool
- func CheckParamTypeInt64orUint64(param *driver.ParamMarkerExpr) (bool, uint64)
- func CheckPreparedPriv(sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *PlanCacheStmt, is infoschema.InfoSchema) error
- func CheckPrivilege(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, pm privilege.Manager, vs []visitInfo) error
- func CheckTableLock(ctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, vs []visitInfo) error
- func CheckUpdateList(assignFlags []int, updt *Update, newTblID2Table map[int64]table.Table) error
- func CollectColumnStatsUsage(lp LogicalPlan, predicate, histNeeded bool) ([]model.TableItemID, []model.TableItemID)
- func CollectPlanStatsVersion(plan PhysicalPlan, statsInfos map[string]uint64) map[string]uint64
- func DebugTraceBestBinding(s sessionctx.Context, binding *hint.HintsSet)
- func DebugTraceReceivedCommand(s sessionctx.Context, cmd byte, stmtNode ast.StmtNode)
- func DebugTraceTryBinding(s sessionctx.Context, binding *hint.HintsSet)
- func DeleteTrueExprs(p LogicalPlan, conds []expression.Expression) []expression.Expression
- func DeriveOtherConditions(p *LogicalJoin, leftSchema *expression.Schema, rightSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (leftCond []expression.Expression, rightCond []expression.Expression)
- func EncodeFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) string
- func EncodePlan(p Plan) string
- func EraseLastSemicolon(stmt ast.StmtNode)
- func EraseLastSemicolonInSQL(sql string) string
- func ExpandVirtualColumn(columns []*model.ColumnInfo, schema *expression.Schema, ...) []*model.ColumnInfo
- func ExprsHasSideEffects(exprs []expression.Expression) bool
- func ExtractCorColumnsBySchema(corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn, schema *expression.Schema, ...) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func ExtractCorColumnsBySchema4PhysicalPlan(p PhysicalPlan, schema *expression.Schema) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func ExtractCorrelatedCols4LogicalPlan(p LogicalPlan) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func ExtractCorrelatedCols4PhysicalPlan(p PhysicalPlan) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func FDToString(p LogicalPlan) string
- func FindColumnInfoByID(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, id int64) *model.ColumnInfo
- func GenHintsFromFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) []*ast.TableOptimizerHint
- func GenHintsFromPhysicalPlan(p Plan) []*ast.TableOptimizerHint
- func GeneratePlanCacheStmtWithAST(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, isPrepStmt bool, paramSQL string, ...) (*PlanCacheStmt, Plan, int, error)
- func GetBindSQL4PlanCache(sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *PlanCacheStmt) (string, bool)
- func GetCommonHandleDatum(cols HandleCols, row chunk.Row) []types.Datum
- func GetDBTableInfo(visitInfo []visitInfo) []stmtctx.TableEntry
- func GetDupAgnosticAggCols(p LogicalPlan, oldAggCols []*expression.Column) (isAgg bool, newAggCols []*expression.Column)
- func GetExplainAnalyzeRowsForPlan(plan *Explain) (rows [][]string)
- func GetExplainRowsForPlan(plan Plan) (rows [][]string)
- func GetMatchOpts(sctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, stmt *PlanCacheStmt, ...) (*utilpc.PlanCacheMatchOpts, error)
- func GetParamSQLFromAST(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode) (paramSQL string, paramVals []types.Datum, err error)
- func GetPhysID(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, partitionExpr *tables.PartitionExpr, d types.Datum) (int64, error)
- func GetPhysicalIDsAndPartitionNames(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, partitionNames []model.CIStr) ([]int64, []string, error)
- func GetPlanCost(p PhysicalPlan, taskType property.TaskType, option *PlanCostOption) (float64, error)
- func GetPropByOrderByItems(items []*util.ByItems) (*property.PhysicalProperty, bool)
- func GetPropByOrderByItemsContainScalarFunc(items []*util.ByItems) (*property.PhysicalProperty, bool, bool)
- func GetStats4Test(p LogicalPlan) *property.StatsInfo
- func GetStatsInfo(i interface{}) map[string]uint64
- func GetStatsInfoFromFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) map[string]uint64
- func GetUpdateColumnsInfo(tblID2Table map[int64]table.Table, tblColPosInfos TblColPosInfoSlice, size int) []*table.Column
- func HasMaxOneRow(p LogicalPlan, childMaxOneRow []bool) bool
- func InPrepare(p *preprocessor)
- func InTxnRetry(p *preprocessor)
- func InitTxnContextProvider(p *preprocessor)
- func IsAutoCommitTxn(ctx sessionctx.Context) bool
- func IsColsAllFromOuterTable(cols []*expression.Column, outerUniqueIDs set.Int64Set) bool
- func IsDefaultExprSameColumn(names types.NameSlice, node ast.ExprNode) bool
- func IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit(ctx sessionctx.Context, p Plan) (bool, error)
- func IsPointPlanShortPathOK(sctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, stmt *PlanCacheStmt) (bool, error)
- func IsSelectForUpdateLockType(lockType ast.SelectLockType) bool
- func IsTiFlashContained(plan Plan) (tiFlashPushDown, tiFlashExchangePushDown bool)
- func JSONToString(j []*ExplainInfoForEncode) (string, error)
- func MatchItems(p *property.PhysicalProperty, items []*util.ByItems) bool
- func MockContext() sessionctx.Context
- func MockHashPartitionTable() *model.TableInfo
- func MockListPartitionTable() *model.TableInfo
- func MockNoPKTable() *model.TableInfo
- func MockPartitionInfoSchema(definitions []model.PartitionDefinition) infoschema.InfoSchema
- func MockRangePartitionTable() *model.TableInfo
- func MockSignedTable() *model.TableInfo
- func MockStateNoneColumnTable() *model.TableInfo
- func MockUnsignedTable() *model.TableInfo
- func MockView() *model.TableInfo
- func NewPlanCacheKey(sessionVars *variable.SessionVars, stmtText, stmtDB string, ...) (kvcache.Key, error)
- func NewProjInjector() *projInjector
- func NonPreparedPlanCacheableWithCtx(sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (ok bool, reason string)
- func NormalizeFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) (normalized string, digest *parser.Digest)
- func NormalizePlan(p Plan) (normalized string, digest *parser.Digest)
- func ParameterizeAST(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode) (paramSQL string, params []*driver.ValueExpr, err error)
- func Params2Expressions(params []types.Datum) []expression.Expression
- func ParseParameterizedSQL(sctx sessionctx.Context, paramSQL string) (ast.StmtNode, error)
- func PartitionPruning(ctx sessionctx.Context, tbl table.PartitionedTable, ...) ([]int, error)
- func Preprocess(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, ...) error
- func RebuildPlan4CachedPlan(p Plan) (ok bool)
- func RecursiveDeriveStats4Test(p LogicalPlan) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func RemoveUnnecessaryFirstRow(sctx sessionctx.Context, finalGbyItems []expression.Expression, ...) []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc
- func ReplaceColumnOfExpr(expr expression.Expression, proj *LogicalProjection, schema *expression.Schema) expression.Expression
- func RequestLoadStats(ctx sessionctx.Context, neededHistItems []model.TableItemID, syncWait int64) error
- func ResolveExprAndReplace(origin expression.Expression, replace map[string]*expression.Column)
- func RestoreASTWithParams(ctx context.Context, _ sessionctx.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode, ...) error
- func SetParameterValuesIntoSCtx(sctx sessionctx.Context, isNonPrep bool, markers []ast.ParamMarkerExpr, ...) error
- func SetPstmtIDSchemaVersion(key kvcache.Key, stmtText string, schemaVersion int64, ...)
- func SplitSelCondsWithVirtualColumn(conds []expression.Expression) (withoutVirt []expression.Expression, withVirt []expression.Expression)
- func SyncWaitStatsLoad(plan LogicalPlan) error
- func ToString(p Plan) string
- func TryAddExtraLimit(ctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.StmtNode) ast.StmtNode
- func VisitInfo4PrivCheck(is infoschema.InfoSchema, node ast.Node, vs []visitInfo) (privVisitInfo []visitInfo)
- type AccessObject
- type AdminPlugins
- func (s *AdminPlugins) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *AdminPlugins) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *AdminPlugins) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *AdminPlugins) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *AdminPlugins) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *AdminPlugins) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type AdminPluginsAction
- type AdminResetTelemetryID
- func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *AdminResetTelemetryID) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type AdminShowTelemetry
- func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *AdminShowTelemetry) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type AggInfo
- type AggMppRunMode
- type AggregateFuncExtractor
- type Analyze
- type AnalyzeColumnsTask
- type AnalyzeIndexTask
- type AnalyzeInfo
- type BatchPointGetPlan
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (*BatchPointGetPlan) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) Cost() float64
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) GetAvgRowSize() float64
- func (*BatchPointGetPlan) GetChildReqProps(_ int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) GetCost(opt *physicalOptimizeOp) float64
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, schema *expression.Schema, ...) *BatchPointGetPlan
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) ResolveIndices() error
- func (s *BatchPointGetPlan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetChild(_ int, _ PhysicalPlan)
- func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetChildren(...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) SetCost(cost float64)
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *BatchPointGetPlan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) StatsCount() float64
- func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type CTEClass
- type CTEDefinition
- type CancelDDLJobs
- func (s *CancelDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *CancelDDLJobs) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *CancelDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *CancelDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *CancelDDLJobs) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *CancelDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type Change
- type CheckIndexRange
- func (s *CheckIndexRange) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *CheckIndexRange) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *CheckIndexRange) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *CheckIndexRange) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *CheckIndexRange) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *CheckIndexRange) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type CheckTable
- func (s *CheckTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *CheckTable) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *CheckTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *CheckTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *CheckTable) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *CheckTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ChecksumTable
- func (s *ChecksumTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ChecksumTable) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ChecksumTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ChecksumTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ChecksumTable) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ChecksumTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type CleanupIndex
- func (s *CleanupIndex) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *CleanupIndex) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *CleanupIndex) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *CleanupIndex) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *CleanupIndex) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *CleanupIndex) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ClusterLogTableExtractor
- type ClusterTableExtractor
- type ColWithCmpFuncManager
- type ColumnsTableExtractor
- type CommonHandleCols
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) BuildHandle(row chunk.Row) (kv.Handle, error)
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) BuildHandleByDatums(row []types.Datum) (kv.Handle, error)
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) BuildHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.Handle, error)
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.PartitionHandle, error)
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) Compare(a, b []types.Datum, ctors []collate.Collator) (int, error)
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) GetCol(idx int) *expression.Column
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) GetFieldsTypes() []*types.FieldType
- func (*CommonHandleCols) IsInt() bool
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) NumCols() int
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) ResolveIndices(schema *expression.Schema) (HandleCols, error)
- func (cb *CommonHandleCols) String() string
- type CompactTable
- func (s *CompactTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *CompactTable) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *CompactTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *CompactTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *CompactTable) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *CompactTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type DDL
- type DataSource
- func (ds *DataSource) AddExtraPhysTblIDColumn() *expression.Column
- func (ds *DataSource) AddPrefix4ShardIndexes(sc sessionctx.Context, conds []expression.Expression) []expression.Expression
- func (ds *DataSource) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
- func (ds *DataSource) Convert2Gathers() (gathers []LogicalPlan)
- func (ds *DataSource) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (ds *DataSource) ExplainInfo() string
- func (ds *DataSource) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (ds *DataSource) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (ds DataSource) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *DataSource
- func (s *DataSource) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (ds *DataSource) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (ds *DataSource) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (ds *DataSource) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *DataSource) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *DataSource) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *DataSource) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (ds *DataSource) TableInfo() *model.TableInfo
- type Deallocate
- func (s *Deallocate) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *Deallocate) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *Deallocate) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *Deallocate) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *Deallocate) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *Deallocate) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type Delete
- func (p Delete) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *Delete
- func (p *Delete) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *Delete) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *Delete) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *Delete) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *Delete) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *Delete) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type DynamicPartitionAccessObject
- type DynamicPartitionAccessObjects
- type ErrExprLoc
- type Execute
- type Explain
- func (s *Explain) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *Explain) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (e *Explain) RenderResult() error
- func (p *Explain) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *Explain) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *Explain) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *Explain) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ExplainInfoForEncode
- type ExprColumnMap
- type FKCascade
- func (f *FKCascade) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (p *FKCascade) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *FKCascade) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (f *FKCascade) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*FKCascade) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*FKCascade) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *FKCascade) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p FKCascade) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *FKCascade
- func (f *FKCascade) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (f *FKCascade) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
- func (p *FKCascade) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *FKCascade) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *FKCascade) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *FKCascade) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *FKCascade) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *FKCascade) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type FKCascadeType
- type FKCheck
- func (f *FKCheck) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (p *FKCheck) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *FKCheck) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (f *FKCheck) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*FKCheck) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*FKCheck) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *FKCheck) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p FKCheck) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *FKCheck
- func (f *FKCheck) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (f *FKCheck) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
- func (p *FKCheck) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *FKCheck) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *FKCheck) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *FKCheck) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *FKCheck) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *FKCheck) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type FlatOperator
- type FlatPhysicalPlan
- type FlatPlanTree
- type Fragment
- type FrameBound
- type HandleCols
- type HashJoinCPUCostDetail
- type HashJoinDiskCostDetail
- type HashJoinMemoryCostDetail
- type HashJoinProbeCostDetail
- type HashJoinProbeDiskCostDetail
- type HotRegionsHistoryTableExtractor
- type IndexAccess
- type IndexAdvise
- func (s *IndexAdvise) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *IndexAdvise) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *IndexAdvise) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *IndexAdvise) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *IndexAdvise) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *IndexAdvise) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type Insert
- func (p Insert) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *Insert
- func (p *Insert) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *Insert) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *Insert) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *Insert) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *Insert) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *Insert) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type InsertGeneratedColumns
- type InspectionResultTableExtractor
- type InspectionRuleTableExtractor
- type InspectionSummaryTableExtractor
- type IntHandleCols
- func (ib *IntHandleCols) BuildHandle(row chunk.Row) (kv.Handle, error)
- func (ib *IntHandleCols) BuildHandleByDatums(row []types.Datum) (kv.Handle, error)
- func (*IntHandleCols) BuildHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.Handle, error)
- func (*IntHandleCols) BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.PartitionHandle, error)
- func (ib *IntHandleCols) Compare(a, b []types.Datum, ctors []collate.Collator) (int, error)
- func (ib *IntHandleCols) GetCol(idx int) *expression.Column
- func (*IntHandleCols) GetFieldsTypes() []*types.FieldType
- func (*IntHandleCols) IsInt() bool
- func (ib *IntHandleCols) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (*IntHandleCols) NumCols() int
- func (ib *IntHandleCols) ResolveIndices(schema *expression.Schema) (HandleCols, error)
- func (ib *IntHandleCols) String() string
- type JoinType
- type LRUPlanCache
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) Close()
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) Delete(key kvcache.Key)
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) DeleteAll()
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) Get(key kvcache.Key, opts *utilpc.PlanCacheMatchOpts) (value kvcache.Value, ok bool)
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) Put(key kvcache.Key, value kvcache.Value, opts *utilpc.PlanCacheMatchOpts)
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) SetCapacity(capacity uint) error
- func (l *LRUPlanCache) Size() int
- type LineFieldsInfo
- type LoadData
- func (p LoadData) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LoadData
- func (s *LoadData) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *LoadData) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LoadData) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *LoadData) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LoadData) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LoadData) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LoadDataOpt
- type LoadStats
- func (s *LoadStats) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *LoadStats) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LoadStats) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *LoadStats) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LoadStats) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LoadStats) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LockStats
- func (s *LockStats) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *LockStats) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LockStats) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *LockStats) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LockStats) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LockStats) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalAggregation
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) CopyAggHints(agg *LogicalAggregation)
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalAggregation) ExplainInfo() string
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) GetGroupByCols() []*expression.Column
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) GetPotentialPartitionKeys() []*property.MPPPartitionColumn
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) GetUsedCols() (usedCols []*expression.Column)
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) HasDistinct() bool
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) HasOrderBy() bool
- func (la LogicalAggregation) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalAggregation
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) IsCompleteModeAgg() bool
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) IsPartialModeAgg() bool
- func (s *LogicalAggregation) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (la *LogicalAggregation) ResetHintIfConflicted() (preferHash bool, preferStream bool)
- func (s *LogicalAggregation) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalAggregation) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalAggregation) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalApply
- func (la *LogicalApply) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalApply) ExplainInfo() string
- func (la *LogicalApply) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (la *LogicalApply) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (la *LogicalApply) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (la *LogicalApply) GetHashJoin(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashJoin
- func (la LogicalApply) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalApply
- func (s *LogicalApply) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (la *LogicalApply) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalApply) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalApply) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalApply) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalCTE
- func (p *LogicalCTE) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalCTE) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalCTE) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p LogicalCTE) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalCTE
- func (s *LogicalCTE) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalCTE) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, _ *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (s *LogicalCTE) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalCTE) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalCTE) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalCTETable
- func (p *LogicalCTETable) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalCTETable) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p LogicalCTETable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalCTETable
- func (s *LogicalCTETable) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (s *LogicalCTETable) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalCTETable) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalCTETable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalIndexScan
- func (is *LogicalIndexScan) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
- func (is *LogicalIndexScan) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalIndexScan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (s *LogicalIndexScan) GetPhysicalIndexScan(_ *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalIndexScan
- func (is LogicalIndexScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalIndexScan
- func (p *LogicalIndexScan) MatchIndexProp(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) (match bool)
- func (s *LogicalIndexScan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (is *LogicalIndexScan) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (s *LogicalIndexScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalIndexScan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalIndexScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalJoin
- func (p *LogicalJoin) AppendJoinConds(eq []*expression.ScalarFunction, left, right, other []expression.Expression)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) AttachOnConds(onConds []expression.Expression)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractJoinKeys(childIdx int) *expression.Schema
- func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractOnCondition(conditions []expression.Expression, leftSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (eqCond []*expression.ScalarFunction, leftCond []expression.Expression, ...)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) GetJoinKeys() (leftKeys, rightKeys []*expression.Column, isNullEQ []bool, hasNullEQ bool)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) GetMergeJoin(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, schema *expression.Schema, ...) []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *LogicalJoin) GetNAJoinKeys() (leftKeys, rightKeys []*expression.Column)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) GetPotentialPartitionKeys() (leftKeys, rightKeys []*property.MPPPartitionColumn)
- func (p LogicalJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalJoin
- func (s *LogicalJoin) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalJoin) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalJoin) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalJoin) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalJoin) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalJoin) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalJoin) Shallow() *LogicalJoin
- type LogicalLimit
- func (p *LogicalLimit) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalLimit) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalLimit) ExplainInfo() string
- func (lt *LogicalLimit) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
- func (p *LogicalLimit) HashCode() []byte
- func (p LogicalLimit) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalLimit
- func (s *LogicalLimit) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalLimit) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalLimit) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalLimit) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalLimit) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalLimit) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalLock
- func (p *LogicalLock) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalLock) Children() []LogicalPlan
- func (p *LogicalLock) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (*LogicalLock) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalLock) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (*LogicalLock) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalLock) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalLock) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
- func (p *LogicalLock) HashCode() []byte
- func (p LogicalLock) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalLock
- func (p *LogicalLock) MaxOneRow() bool
- func (p *LogicalLock) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalLock) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (*LogicalLock) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalLock) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (p *LogicalLock) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *LogicalLock) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalLock) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalLock) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- type LogicalMaxOneRow
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) Children() []LogicalPlan
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) HashCode() []byte
- func (p LogicalMaxOneRow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalMaxOneRow
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) MaxOneRow() bool
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- type LogicalMemTable
- func (p *LogicalMemTable) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalMemTable) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p LogicalMemTable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalMemTable
- func (s *LogicalMemTable) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalMemTable) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, _ *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalMemTable) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalMemTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalMemTable) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalMemTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalPartitionUnionAll
- func (p *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p LogicalPartitionUnionAll) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalPartitionUnionAll
- func (s *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (s *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalPlan
- type LogicalProjection
- func (p *LogicalProjection) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalProjection) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalProjection) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalProjection) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalProjection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalProjection) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalProjection) GetUsedCols() (usedCols []*expression.Column)
- func (p *LogicalProjection) HashCode() []byte
- func (p LogicalProjection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalProjection
- func (s *LogicalProjection) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalProjection) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalProjection) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalProjection) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalProjection) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalProjection) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalProjection) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalProjection) TryToGetChildProp(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) (*property.PhysicalProperty, bool)
- type LogicalSelection
- func (p *LogicalSelection) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalSelection) Children() []LogicalPlan
- func (p *LogicalSelection) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalSelection) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalSelection) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalSelection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalSelection) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalSelection) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
- func (p *LogicalSelection) HashCode() []byte
- func (p LogicalSelection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalSelection
- func (p *LogicalSelection) MaxOneRow() bool
- func (p *LogicalSelection) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalSelection) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (*LogicalSelection) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalSelection) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (p *LogicalSelection) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *LogicalSelection) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalSelection) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalSelection) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- type LogicalShow
- func (p *LogicalShow) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalShow) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p LogicalShow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalShow
- func (s *LogicalShow) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (s *LogicalShow) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalShow) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalShow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalShowDDLJobs
- func (p *LogicalShowDDLJobs) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalShowDDLJobs) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p LogicalShowDDLJobs) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalShowDDLJobs
- func (s *LogicalShowDDLJobs) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (s *LogicalShowDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalShowDDLJobs) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalShowDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalSort
- func (p *LogicalSort) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalSort) Children() []LogicalPlan
- func (p *LogicalSort) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalSort) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalSort) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (ls *LogicalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalSort) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalSort) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
- func (p *LogicalSort) HashCode() []byte
- func (ls LogicalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalSort
- func (p *LogicalSort) MaxOneRow() bool
- func (p *LogicalSort) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalSort) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalSort) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (ls *LogicalSort) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (p *LogicalSort) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *LogicalSort) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalSort) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalSort) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- type LogicalTableDual
- func (p *LogicalTableDual) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalTableDual) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalTableDual) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalTableDual) HashCode() []byte
- func (p LogicalTableDual) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalTableDual
- func (s *LogicalTableDual) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalTableDual) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, _ *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalTableDual) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalTableDual) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalTableDual) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalTableDual) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalTableScan
- func (ts *LogicalTableScan) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (ts *LogicalTableScan) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (_ *property.StatsInfo, err error)
- func (p *LogicalTableScan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (s *LogicalTableScan) GetPhysicalScan(schema *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalTableScan
- func (ts LogicalTableScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalTableScan
- func (s *LogicalTableScan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (ts *LogicalTableScan) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (s *LogicalTableScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalTableScan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalTableScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalTopN
- func (lt *LogicalTopN) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalTopN) Children() []LogicalPlan
- func (lt *LogicalTopN) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (lt *LogicalTopN) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalTopN) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (lt *LogicalTopN) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalTopN) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalTopN) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
- func (lt *LogicalTopN) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
- func (p *LogicalTopN) HashCode() []byte
- func (lt LogicalTopN) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalTopN
- func (p *LogicalTopN) MaxOneRow() bool
- func (p *LogicalTopN) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalTopN) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (lt *LogicalTopN) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (lt *LogicalTopN) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (p *LogicalTopN) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *LogicalTopN) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalTopN) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalTopN) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- type LogicalUnionAll
- func (p *LogicalUnionAll) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalUnionAll) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p LogicalUnionAll) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalUnionAll
- func (s *LogicalUnionAll) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalUnionAll) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalUnionAll) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalUnionAll) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalUnionAll) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalUnionAll) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type LogicalUnionScan
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) Children() []LogicalPlan
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (*LogicalUnionScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) HashCode() []byte
- func (p LogicalUnionScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalUnionScan
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) MaxOneRow() bool
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (*LogicalUnionScan) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalUnionScan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- type LogicalWindow
- func (p *LogicalWindow) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *LogicalWindow) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, ...) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
- func (p *LogicalWindow) EqualFrame(ctx sessionctx.Context, newWindow *LogicalWindow) bool
- func (p *LogicalWindow) EqualOrderBy(ctx sessionctx.Context, newWindow *LogicalWindow) bool
- func (p *LogicalWindow) EqualPartitionBy(_ sessionctx.Context, newWindow *LogicalWindow) bool
- func (p *LogicalWindow) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalWindow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *LogicalWindow) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
- func (p *LogicalWindow) GetPartitionByCols() []*expression.Column
- func (lw *LogicalWindow) GetPartitionKeys() []*property.MPPPartitionColumn
- func (p *LogicalWindow) GetWindowResultColumns() []*expression.Column
- func (p LogicalWindow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalWindow
- func (s *LogicalWindow) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *LogicalWindow) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
- func (p *LogicalWindow) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (p *LogicalWindow) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
- func (s *LogicalWindow) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *LogicalWindow) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *LogicalWindow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type MemTablePredicateExtractor
- type MergeHintInfo
- type MetricSummaryTableExtractor
- type MetricTableExtractor
- type NominalSort
- func (p *NominalSort) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *NominalSort) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (*NominalSort) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*NominalSort) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*NominalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *NominalSort) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p NominalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *NominalSort
- func (ns *NominalSort) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *NominalSort) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *NominalSort) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *NominalSort) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *NominalSort) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *NominalSort) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *NominalSort) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type OperatorLabel
- type OtherAccessObject
- type PBPlanBuilder
- type PartitionInfo
- type PartitionSplitterType
- type PauseDDLJobs
- func (s *PauseDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *PauseDDLJobs) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *PauseDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PauseDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PauseDDLJobs) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *PauseDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalApply
- func (la *PhysicalApply) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (la *PhysicalApply) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalApply) GetCost(lCount, rCount, lCost, rCost float64) float64
- func (p PhysicalApply) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalApply
- func (la *PhysicalApply) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalApply) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- type PhysicalCTE
- func (p *PhysicalCTE) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (p *PhysicalCTE) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
- func (p *PhysicalCTE) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalCTE) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p PhysicalCTE) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalCTE
- func (p *PhysicalCTE) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalCTE) OperatorInfo(_ bool) string
- func (p *PhysicalCTE) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalCTE) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalCTE) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalCTETable
- func (p *PhysicalCTETable) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p PhysicalCTETable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalCTETable
- func (p *PhysicalCTETable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalCTETable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalCTETable) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalCTETable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalExchangeReceiver
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExplainInfo() (res string)
- func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) GetExchangeSender() *PhysicalExchangeSender
- func (p PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalExchangeReceiver
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) StatsCount() float64
- func (e *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalExchangeSender
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p PhysicalExchangeSender) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalExchangeSender
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) ResolveIndicesItself() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) StatsCount() float64
- func (e *PhysicalExchangeSender) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalExpand
- func (p *PhysicalExpand) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalExpand) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p PhysicalExpand) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalExpand
- func (p *PhysicalExpand) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalExpand) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalExpand) ResolveIndicesItself() error
- func (s *PhysicalExpand) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalExpand) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *PhysicalExpand) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalHashAgg
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) GetCost(inputRows float64, isRoot, isMPP bool, costFlag uint64) float64
- func (base PhysicalHashAgg) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *basePhysicalAgg
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) IsFinalAgg() bool
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalHashJoin
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) GetCost(lCnt, rCnt float64, isMPP bool, costFlag uint64, op *physicalOptimizeOp) float64
- func (p PhysicalHashJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalHashJoin
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ResolveIndicesItself() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalIndexHashJoin
- func (p *PhysicalIndexHashJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalIndexHashJoin) GetCost(outerCnt, innerCnt, outerCost, innerCost float64, costFlag uint64) float64
- func (p PhysicalIndexHashJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalIndexHashJoin
- func (p *PhysicalIndexHashJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- type PhysicalIndexJoin
- func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) GetCost(outerCnt, innerCnt, outerCost, innerCost float64, costFlag uint64) float64
- func (p PhysicalIndexJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalIndexJoin
- func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- type PhysicalIndexLookUpReader
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetAvgTableRowSize() float64
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetCost(costFlag uint64) (cost float64)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetIndexNetDataSize() float64
- func (p PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalIndexMergeJoin
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) GetCost(outerCnt, innerCnt, outerCost, innerCost float64, costFlag uint64) float64
- func (p PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- type PhysicalIndexMergeReader
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) GetAvgTableRowSize() float64
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) GetPartialReaderNetDataSize(plan PhysicalPlan) float64
- func (p PhysicalIndexMergeReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexMergeReader
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalIndexReader
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) GetNetDataSize() float64
- func (p PhysicalIndexReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexReader
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalIndexReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) SetSchema(_ *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalIndexScan
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p PhysicalIndexScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexScan
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) IsPartition() (bool, int64)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) IsPointGetByUniqueKey(sctx sessionctx.Context) bool
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalIndexScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalIndexScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) TP() string
- func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalLimit
- func (p *PhysicalLimit) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalLimit) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalLimit) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
- func (p PhysicalLimit) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalLimit
- func (p *PhysicalLimit) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalLimit) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalLimit) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalLimit) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *PhysicalLimit) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalLock
- func (p *PhysicalLock) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalLock) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalLock) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalLock) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalLock) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalLock) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p PhysicalLock) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, ...) *PhysicalLock
- func (pl *PhysicalLock) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalLock) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalLock) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalLock) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalLock) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalLock) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalLock) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalMaxOneRow
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p PhysicalMaxOneRow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalMaxOneRow
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalMemTable
- func (p *PhysicalMemTable) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (p *PhysicalMemTable) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p PhysicalMemTable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalMemTable
- func (p *PhysicalMemTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalMemTable) OperatorInfo(_ bool) string
- func (p *PhysicalMemTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalMemTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalMemTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalMergeJoin
- func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) GetCost(lCnt, rCnt float64, costFlag uint64) float64
- func (p PhysicalMergeJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalMergeJoin
- func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- type PhysicalPlan
- func DoOptimize(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, flag uint64, logic LogicalPlan) (PhysicalPlan, float64, error)
- func InjectExtraProjection(plan PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan
- func InjectProjBelowAgg(aggPlan PhysicalPlan, aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, ...) PhysicalPlan
- func InjectProjBelowSort(p PhysicalPlan, orderByItems []*util.ByItems) PhysicalPlan
- func SafeClone(v PhysicalPlan) (_ PhysicalPlan, err error)
- func TurnNominalSortIntoProj(p PhysicalPlan, onlyColumn bool, orderByItems []*util.ByItems) PhysicalPlan
- type PhysicalProjection
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) GetCost(count float64) float64
- func (p PhysicalProjection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalProjection
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) ResolveIndicesItself() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalProjection) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalProjection) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *PhysicalProjection) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalSelection
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p PhysicalSelection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalSelection
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalSelection) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalShow
- type PhysicalShowDDLJobs
- func (p PhysicalShowDDLJobs) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalShowDDLJobs
- func (p *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalShuffle
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalShuffle) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalShuffle) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p PhysicalShuffle) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalShuffle
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalShuffle) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub
- func (p PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub
- func (p *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalSimpleWrapper
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalSort
- func (p *PhysicalSort) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (ls *PhysicalSort) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalSort) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalSort) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (ls *PhysicalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalSort) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p *PhysicalSort) GetCost(count float64, schema *expression.Schema) float64
- func (p PhysicalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalSort
- func (ls *PhysicalSort) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalSort) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalSort) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalSort) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalSort) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalSort) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalSort) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalStreamAgg
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) GetCost(inputRows float64, isRoot, isMPP bool, costFlag uint64) float64
- func (base PhysicalStreamAgg) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *basePhysicalAgg
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) IsFinalAgg() bool
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalTableDual
- func (p *PhysicalTableDual) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p PhysicalTableDual) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalTableDual
- func (p *PhysicalTableDual) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalTableDual) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *PhysicalTableDual) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalTableDual) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalTableDual) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *PhysicalTableDual) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalTableReader
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalTableReader) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetAvgRowSize() float64
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetNetDataSize() float64
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetTablePlan() PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetTableScan() (*PhysicalTableScan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetTableScans() []*PhysicalTableScan
- func (p PhysicalTableReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalTableReader
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) OperatorInfo(_ bool) string
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) ResolveIndices() error
- func (s *PhysicalTableReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalTableReader) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (s *PhysicalTableReader) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalTableSample
- func (p PhysicalTableSample) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalTableSample
- func (p *PhysicalTableSample) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalTableSample) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalTableSample) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalTableSample) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalTableScan
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p PhysicalTableScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalTableScan
- func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) IsPartition() (bool, int64)
- func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
- func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) ResolveCorrelatedColumns() ([]*ranger.Range, error)
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalTableScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) SetIsChildOfIndexLookUp(isIsChildOfIndexLookUp bool)
- func (s *PhysicalTableScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) TP() string
- func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalTopN
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (lt *PhysicalTopN) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (lt *PhysicalTopN) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) GetCost(count float64, isRoot bool) float64
- func (lt *PhysicalTopN) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
- func (p PhysicalTopN) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalTopN
- func (lt *PhysicalTopN) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalTopN) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalUnionAll
- func (p *PhysicalUnionAll) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p PhysicalUnionAll) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalUnionAll
- func (p *PhysicalUnionAll) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalUnionAll) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalUnionAll) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalUnionAll) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PhysicalUnionScan
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (*PhysicalUnionScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p PhysicalUnionScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalUnionScan
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PhysicalWindow
- func (p *PhysicalWindow) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PhysicalWindow) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PhysicalWindow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p PhysicalWindow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PhysicalWindow
- func (p *PhysicalWindow) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PhysicalWindow) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PhysicalWindow) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PhysicalWindow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- func (p *PhysicalWindow) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type Plan
- func BuildLogicalPlanForTest(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, ...) (Plan, types.NameSlice, error)
- func GetPlanFromSessionPlanCache(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, isNonPrepared bool, ...) (plan Plan, names []*types.FieldName, err error)
- func TryFastPlan(ctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node) (p Plan)
- type PlanBuilder
- func (b *PlanBuilder) Build(ctx context.Context, node ast.Node) (Plan, error)
- func (b *PlanBuilder) BuildDataSourceFromView(ctx context.Context, dbName model.CIStr, tableInfo *model.TableInfo, ...) (LogicalPlan, error)
- func (b *PlanBuilder) GetIsForUpdateRead() bool
- func (b *PlanBuilder) GetOptFlag() uint64
- func (b *PlanBuilder) GetVisitInfo() []visitInfo
- func (b *PlanBuilder) Init(sctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, ...) (*PlanBuilder, []ast.HintTable)
- func (b *PlanBuilder) ResetForReuse() *PlanBuilder
- func (b *PlanBuilder) TableHints() *tableHintInfo
- type PlanBuilderOpt
- type PlanBuilderOptAllowCastArray
- type PlanBuilderOptNoExecution
- type PlanCacheQueryFeatures
- type PlanCacheStmt
- type PlanCacheValue
- type PlanCostOption
- type PlanCounterTp
- type PlanReplayer
- func (s *PlanReplayer) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *PlanReplayer) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *PlanReplayer) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *PlanReplayer) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *PlanReplayer) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *PlanReplayer) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type PointGetPlan
- func (p *PointGetPlan) AccessObject() AccessObject
- func (*PointGetPlan) Children() []PhysicalPlan
- func (p *PointGetPlan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
- func (p *PointGetPlan) Cost() float64
- func (p *PointGetPlan) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
- func (p *PointGetPlan) ExplainInfo() string
- func (p *PointGetPlan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
- func (*PointGetPlan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
- func (p *PointGetPlan) GetAvgRowSize() float64
- func (*PointGetPlan) GetChildReqProps(_ int) *property.PhysicalProperty
- func (p *PointGetPlan) GetCost(opt *physicalOptimizeOp) float64
- func (p *PointGetPlan) ID() int
- func (p PointGetPlan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, ...) *PointGetPlan
- func (p *PointGetPlan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (p *PointGetPlan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
- func (p *PointGetPlan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *PointGetPlan) ResolveIndices() error
- func (p *PointGetPlan) SCtx() sessionctx.Context
- func (p *PointGetPlan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (p *PointGetPlan) SelectBlockOffset() int
- func (*PointGetPlan) SetChild(_ int, _ PhysicalPlan)
- func (*PointGetPlan) SetChildren(...PhysicalPlan)
- func (p *PointGetPlan) SetCost(cost float64)
- func (p *PointGetPlan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (p *PointGetPlan) SetStats(s *property.StatsInfo)
- func (p *PointGetPlan) Stats() *property.StatsInfo
- func (*PointGetPlan) StatsCount() float64
- func (p *PointGetPlan) TP() string
- func (*PointGetPlan) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
- type PointPlanVal
- type Prepare
- type PreprocessOpt
- type PreprocessorReturn
- type PushedDownLimit
- type QueryTimeRange
- type ReadReqType
- type RecoverIndex
- func (s *RecoverIndex) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *RecoverIndex) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *RecoverIndex) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *RecoverIndex) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *RecoverIndex) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *RecoverIndex) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist
- func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ReloadOptRuleBlacklist
- func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ResumeDDLJobs
- func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ResumeDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type SQLBindOpType
- type SQLBindPlan
- func (s *SQLBindPlan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *SQLBindPlan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *SQLBindPlan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *SQLBindPlan) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *SQLBindPlan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *SQLBindPlan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ScanAccessObject
- type SelectInto
- func (s *SelectInto) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *SelectInto) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *SelectInto) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *SelectInto) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *SelectInto) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *SelectInto) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type Set
- type SetConfig
- func (s *SetConfig) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *SetConfig) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *SetConfig) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *SetConfig) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *SetConfig) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *SetConfig) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ShowBaseExtractor
- type ShowContents
- type ShowDDL
- type ShowDDLJobQueries
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ShowDDLJobQueries) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ShowNextRowID
- func (s *ShowNextRowID) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ShowNextRowID) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ShowNextRowID) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ShowNextRowID) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ShowNextRowID) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ShowNextRowID) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type ShowPredicateExtractor
- type ShowSlow
- func (s *ShowSlow) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *ShowSlow) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *ShowSlow) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *ShowSlow) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *ShowSlow) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *ShowSlow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type Simple
- type SlowQueryExtractor
- type SplitRegion
- func (s *SplitRegion) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *SplitRegion) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *SplitRegion) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *SplitRegion) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *SplitRegion) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *SplitRegion) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type SplitRegionStatus
- func (s *SplitRegionStatus) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *SplitRegionStatus) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *SplitRegionStatus) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *SplitRegionStatus) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *SplitRegionStatus) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *SplitRegionStatus) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type StatementsSummaryExtractor
- type TableSampleInfo
- type TableStorageStatsExtractor
- type TblColPosInfo
- type TblColPosInfoSlice
- type TiFlashSystemTableExtractor
- type TiKVRegionStatusExtractor
- type TiKVSingleGather
- func (*TiKVSingleGather) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
- func (p *TiKVSingleGather) ExplainInfo() string
- func (sg *TiKVSingleGather) GetPhysicalIndexReader(schema *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo, ...) *PhysicalIndexReader
- func (sg *TiKVSingleGather) GetPhysicalTableReader(schema *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo, ...) *PhysicalTableReader
- func (sg TiKVSingleGather) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *TiKVSingleGather
- func (s *TiKVSingleGather) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (*TiKVSingleGather) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
- func (s *TiKVSingleGather) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *TiKVSingleGather) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *TiKVSingleGather) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type TikvRegionPeersExtractor
- type TimeRange
- type Trace
- type UnlockStats
- func (s *UnlockStats) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *UnlockStats) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *UnlockStats) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *UnlockStats) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *UnlockStats) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *UnlockStats) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type Update
- func (p Update) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *Update
- func (p *Update) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
- func (s *Update) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
- func (p *Update) ResolveIndices() (err error)
- func (s *Update) Schema() *expression.Schema
- func (s *Update) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
- func (s *Update) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
- type V2AnalyzeOptions
- type WindowFrame
- type WindowFuncExtractor
Constants ¶
const ( // TiDBMergeJoin is hint enforce merge join. TiDBMergeJoin = "tidb_smj" // HintSMJ is hint enforce merge join. HintSMJ = "merge_join" // TiDBBroadCastJoin indicates applying broadcast join by force. TiDBBroadCastJoin = "tidb_bcj" // HintBCJ indicates applying broadcast join by force. HintBCJ = "broadcast_join" // HintShuffleJoin indicates applying shuffle join by force. HintShuffleJoin = "shuffle_join" // HintStraightJoin causes TiDB to join tables in the order in which they appear in the FROM clause. HintStraightJoin = "straight_join" // HintLeading specifies the set of tables to be used as the prefix in the execution plan. HintLeading = "leading" // TiDBIndexNestedLoopJoin is hint enforce index nested loop join. TiDBIndexNestedLoopJoin = "tidb_inlj" // HintINLJ is hint enforce index nested loop join. HintINLJ = "inl_join" // HintINLHJ is hint enforce index nested loop hash join. HintINLHJ = "inl_hash_join" // HintINLMJ is hint enforce index nested loop merge join. HintINLMJ = "inl_merge_join" // TiDBHashJoin is hint enforce hash join. TiDBHashJoin = "tidb_hj" // HintHJ is hint enforce hash join. HintHJ = "hash_join" // HintHashJoinBuild is hint enforce hash join's build side HintHashJoinBuild = "hash_join_build" // HintHashJoinProbe is hint enforce hash join's probe side HintHashJoinProbe = "hash_join_probe" // HintHashAgg is hint enforce hash aggregation. HintHashAgg = "hash_agg" // HintStreamAgg is hint enforce stream aggregation. HintStreamAgg = "stream_agg" // HintMPP1PhaseAgg enforces the optimizer to use the mpp-1phase aggregation. HintMPP1PhaseAgg = "mpp_1phase_agg" // HintMPP2PhaseAgg enforces the optimizer to use the mpp-2phase aggregation. HintMPP2PhaseAgg = "mpp_2phase_agg" // HintUseIndex is hint enforce using some indexes. HintUseIndex = "use_index" // HintIgnoreIndex is hint enforce ignoring some indexes. HintIgnoreIndex = "ignore_index" // HintForceIndex make optimizer to use this index even if it thinks a table scan is more efficient. HintForceIndex = "force_index" // HintOrderIndex is hint enforce using some indexes and keep the index's order. HintOrderIndex = "order_index" // HintNoOrderIndex is hint enforce using some indexes and not keep the index's order. HintNoOrderIndex = "no_order_index" // HintAggToCop is hint enforce pushing aggregation to coprocessor. HintAggToCop = "agg_to_cop" // HintReadFromStorage is hint enforce some tables read from specific type of storage. HintReadFromStorage = "read_from_storage" // HintTiFlash is a label represents the tiflash storage type. HintTiFlash = "tiflash" // HintTiKV is a label represents the tikv storage type. HintTiKV = "tikv" // HintIndexMerge is a hint to enforce using some indexes at the same time. HintIndexMerge = "use_index_merge" // HintTimeRange is a hint to specify the time range for metrics summary tables HintTimeRange = "time_range" // HintIgnorePlanCache is a hint to enforce ignoring plan cache HintIgnorePlanCache = "ignore_plan_cache" // HintLimitToCop is a hint enforce pushing limit or topn to coprocessor. HintLimitToCop = "limit_to_cop" // HintMerge is a hint which can switch turning inline for the CTE. HintMerge = "merge" // HintSemiJoinRewrite is a hint to force we rewrite the semi join operator as much as possible. HintSemiJoinRewrite = "semi_join_rewrite" // HintNoDecorrelate indicates a LogicalApply not to be decorrelated. HintNoDecorrelate = "no_decorrelate" )
const ( // ErrExprInSelect is in select fields for the error of ErrFieldNotInGroupBy ErrExprInSelect = "SELECT list" // ErrExprInOrderBy is in order by items for the error of ErrFieldNotInGroupBy ErrExprInOrderBy = "ORDER BY" )
const ( // HotRegionTypeRead hot read region. HotRegionTypeRead = "read" // HotRegionTypeWrite hot write region. HotRegionTypeWrite = "write" )
const ( // PartitionHashSplitterType is the splitter splits by hash. PartitionHashSplitterType = iota // PartitionRangeSplitterType is the splitter that split sorted data into the same range PartitionRangeSplitterType )
const ( // RowCountLbl indicates for rowCount RowCountLbl = "rowCount" // RowSizeLbl indicates rowSize RowSizeLbl = "rowSize" // BuildRowCountLbl indicates rowCount on build side BuildRowCountLbl = "buildRowCount" // ProbeRowCountLbl indicates rowCount on probe side ProbeRowCountLbl = "probeRowCount" // NumPairsLbl indicates numPairs NumPairsLbl = "numPairs" // NetworkFactorLbl indicates networkFactor NetworkFactorLbl = "networkFactor" // SeekFactorLbl indicates seekFactor SeekFactorLbl = "seekFactor" // ScanFactorLbl indicates for scanFactor ScanFactorLbl = "scanFactor" // SelectionFactorLbl indicates selection factor SelectionFactorLbl = "selectionFactor" // CPUFactorLbl indicates cpu factor CPUFactorLbl = "cpuFactor" // MemoryFactorLbl indicates mem factor MemoryFactorLbl = "memoryFactor" // DiskFactorLbl indicates disk factor DiskFactorLbl = "diskFactor" // ConcurrencyFactorLbl indicates for concurrency factor ConcurrencyFactorLbl = "concurrencyFactor" // ScanConcurrencyLbl indicates sql scan concurrency ScanConcurrencyLbl = "scanConcurrency" // HashJoinConcurrencyLbl indicates concurrency for hash join HashJoinConcurrencyLbl = "hashJoinConcurrency" // NetSeekCostLbl indicates netSeek cost NetSeekCostLbl = "netSeekCost" // TablePlanCostLbl indicates tablePlan cost TablePlanCostLbl = "tablePlanCost" // IndexPlanCostLbl indicates indexPlan cost IndexPlanCostLbl = "indexPlanCost" // ProbeCostDetailLbl indicates probeCost ProbeCostDetailLbl = "probeCostDetail" // ProbeCostDescLbl indicates description for probe cost ProbeCostDescLbl = "probeCostDesc" // CPUCostDetailLbl indicates cpuCost detail CPUCostDetailLbl = "cpuCostDetail" // CPUCostDescLbl indicates description for cpu cost CPUCostDescLbl = "cpuCostDesc" // MemCostDetailLbl indicates mem cost detail MemCostDetailLbl = "memCostDetail" // MemCostDescLbl indicates description for mem cost MemCostDescLbl = "memCostDesc" // DiskCostDetailLbl indicates disk cost detail DiskCostDetailLbl = "diskCostDetail" // DiskCostDescLbl indicates description for disk cost DiskCostDescLbl = "diskCostDesc" // ProbeDiskCostLbl indicates probe disk cost detail ProbeDiskCostLbl = "probeDiskCostDetail" // ProbeDiskCostDescLbl indicates description for probe disk cost ProbeDiskCostDescLbl = "probeDiskCostDesc" // MemQuotaLbl indicates memory quota MemQuotaLbl = "memQuota" )
const ( // CostFlagRecalculate indicates the optimizer to ignore cached cost and recalculate it again. CostFlagRecalculate uint64 = 1 << iota // CostFlagUseTrueCardinality indicates the optimizer to use true cardinality to calculate the cost. CostFlagUseTrueCardinality // CostFlagTrace indicates whether to trace the cost calculation. CostFlagTrace )
const ( // HintFlagSemiJoinRewrite corresponds to HintSemiJoinRewrite. HintFlagSemiJoinRewrite uint64 = 1 << iota // HintFlagNoDecorrelate corresponds to HintNoDecorrelate. HintFlagNoDecorrelate )
Hint flags listed here are used by PlanBuilder.subQueryHintFlags.
const ( // TraceFormatRow indicates row tracing format. TraceFormatRow = "row" // TraceFormatJSON indicates json tracing format. TraceFormatJSON = "json" // TraceFormatLog indicates log tracing format. TraceFormatLog = "log" // TracePlanTargetEstimation indicates CE trace target for optimizer trace. TracePlanTargetEstimation = "estimation" // TracePlanTargetDebug indicates debug trace target for optimizer trace. TracePlanTargetDebug = "debug" )
const ( // TypeInvalid for unexpected types. TypeInvalid byte = iota // TypeSelect for SelectStmt. TypeSelect // TypeSetOpr for SetOprStmt. TypeSetOpr // TypeDelete for DeleteStmt. TypeDelete // TypeUpdate for UpdateStmt. TypeUpdate // TypeInsert for InsertStmt. TypeInsert // TypeDrop for DropStmt TypeDrop // TypeCreate for CreateStmt TypeCreate // TypeAlter for AlterStmt TypeAlter // TypeRename for RenameStmt TypeRename // TypeRepair for RepairStmt TypeRepair // TypeShow for ShowStmt TypeShow // TypeExecute for ExecuteStmt TypeExecute )
const DetachedOption = "detached"
DetachedOption is a special option in load data statement that need to be handled separately.
const FullRange = -1
FullRange represent used all partitions.
const (
// MaxCacheableLimitCount is the max limit count for cacheable query.
MaxCacheableLimitCount = 10000
const MetricTableTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999"
MetricTableTimeFormat is the time format for metric table explain and format.
const PointPlanKey = stringutil.StringerStr("pointPlanKey")
PointPlanKey is used to get point plan that is pre-built for multi-statement query.
const ( // SelectionFactor is the default factor of the selectivity. // For example, If we have no idea how to estimate the selectivity // of a Selection or a JoinCondition, we can use this default value. SelectionFactor = 0.8 )
Variables ¶
var ( ErrUnsupportedType = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnsupportedType) ErrAnalyzeMissIndex = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrAnalyzeMissIndex) ErrAnalyzeMissColumn = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrAnalyzeMissColumn) ErrWrongParamCount = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongParamCount) ErrSchemaChanged = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrSchemaChanged) ErrTablenameNotAllowedHere = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrTablenameNotAllowedHere) ErrNotSupportedYet = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotSupportedYet) ErrWrongUsage = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongUsage) ErrUnknown = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnknown) ErrUnknownTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnknownTable) ErrNoSuchTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNoSuchTable) ErrViewRecursive = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrViewRecursive) ErrWrongArguments = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongArguments) ErrWrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect) ErrBadGeneratedColumn = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrBadGeneratedColumn) ErrFieldNotInGroupBy = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrFieldNotInGroupBy) ErrAggregateOrderNonAggQuery = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrAggregateOrderNonAggQuery) ErrFieldInOrderNotSelect = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrFieldInOrderNotSelect) ErrAggregateInOrderNotSelect = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrAggregateInOrderNotSelect) ErrBadTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrBadTable) ErrKeyDoesNotExist = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrKeyDoesNotExist) ErrOperandColumns = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrOperandColumns) ErrInvalidGroupFuncUse = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidGroupFuncUse) ErrIllegalReference = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrIllegalReference) ErrNoDB = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNoDB) ErrUnknownExplainFormat = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnknownExplainFormat) ErrWrongGroupField = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongGroupField) ErrDupFieldName = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrDupFieldName) ErrNonUpdatableTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNonUpdatableTable) ErrMultiUpdateKeyConflict = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrMultiUpdateKeyConflict) ErrInternal = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrInternal) ErrNonUniqTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNonuniqTable) ErrWindowInvalidWindowFuncUse = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowInvalidWindowFuncUse) ErrWindowInvalidWindowFuncAliasUse = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowInvalidWindowFuncAliasUse) ErrWindowNoSuchWindow = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowNoSuchWindow) ErrWindowCircularityInWindowGraph = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowCircularityInWindowGraph) ErrWindowNoChildPartitioning = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowNoChildPartitioning) ErrWindowNoInherentFrame = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowNoInherentFrame) ErrWindowNoRedefineOrderBy = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowNoRedefineOrderBy) ErrWindowDuplicateName = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowDuplicateName) ErrPartitionClauseOnNonpartitioned = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrPartitionClauseOnNonpartitioned) ErrWindowFrameStartIllegal = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowFrameStartIllegal) ErrWindowFrameEndIllegal = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowFrameEndIllegal) ErrWindowFrameIllegal = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowFrameIllegal) ErrWindowRangeFrameOrderType = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowRangeFrameOrderType) ErrWindowRangeFrameTemporalType = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowRangeFrameTemporalType) ErrWindowRangeFrameNumericType = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowRangeFrameNumericType) ErrWindowRangeBoundNotConstant = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowRangeBoundNotConstant) ErrWindowRowsIntervalUse = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowRowsIntervalUse) ErrWindowFunctionIgnoresFrame = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWindowFunctionIgnoresFrame) ErrUnsupportedOnGeneratedColumn = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnsupportedOnGeneratedColumn) ErrPrivilegeCheckFail = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrPrivilegeCheckFail) ErrInvalidWildCard = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidWildCard) ErrMixOfGroupFuncAndFields = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrMixOfGroupFuncAndFieldsIncompatible) ErrDBaccessDenied = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrDBaccessDenied) ErrTableaccessDenied = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrTableaccessDenied) ErrSpecificAccessDenied = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrSpecificAccessDenied) ErrViewNoExplain = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrViewNoExplain) ErrWrongValueCountOnRow = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWrongValueCountOnRow) ErrViewInvalid = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrViewInvalid) ErrNoSuchThread = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNoSuchThread) ErrUnknownColumn = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrBadField) ErrCartesianProductUnsupported = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrCartesianProductUnsupported) ErrStmtNotFound = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrPreparedStmtNotFound) ErrAmbiguous = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNonUniq) ErrUnresolvedHintName = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnresolvedHintName) ErrNotHintUpdatable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotHintUpdatable) ErrWarnConflictingHint = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrWarnConflictingHint) ErrCTERecursiveRequiresUnion = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrCTERecursiveRequiresUnion) ErrCTERecursiveRequiresNonRecursiveFirst = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrCTERecursiveRequiresNonRecursiveFirst) ErrCTERecursiveForbidsAggregation = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrCTERecursiveForbidsAggregation) ErrCTERecursiveForbiddenJoinOrder = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrCTERecursiveForbiddenJoinOrder) ErrInvalidRequiresSingleReference = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidRequiresSingleReference) ErrSQLInReadOnlyMode = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrReadOnlyMode) // Since we cannot know if user logged in with a password, use message of ErrAccessDeniedNoPassword instead ErrAccessDenied = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrAccessDenied, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrAccessDeniedNoPassword]) ErrBadNull = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrBadNull) ErrNotSupportedWithSem = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotSupportedWithSem) ErrAsOf = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrAsOf) ErrOptOnTemporaryTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrOptOnTemporaryTable) ErrOptOnCacheTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrOptOnCacheTable) ErrDropTableOnTemporaryTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrDropTableOnTemporaryTable) // ErrPartitionNoTemporary returns when partition at temporary mode ErrPartitionNoTemporary = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrPartitionNoTemporary) ErrViewSelectTemporaryTable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrViewSelectTmptable) ErrSubqueryMoreThan1Row = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrSubqueryNo1Row) ErrKeyPart0 = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrKeyPart0) ErrGettingNoopVariable = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrGettingNoopVariable) ErrPrepareMulti = dbterror.ClassExecutor.NewStd(mysql.ErrPrepareMulti) ErrUnsupportedPs = dbterror.ClassExecutor.NewStd(mysql.ErrUnsupportedPs) ErrPsManyParam = dbterror.ClassExecutor.NewStd(mysql.ErrPsManyParam) ErrPrepareDDL = dbterror.ClassExecutor.NewStd(mysql.ErrPrepareDDL) ErrRowIsReferenced2 = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrRowIsReferenced2) ErrNoReferencedRow2 = dbterror.ClassOptimizer.NewStd(mysql.ErrNoReferencedRow2) )
error definitions.
var ( // PreparedPlanCacheMaxMemory stores the max memory size defined in the global config "performance-server-memory-quota". PreparedPlanCacheMaxMemory = *atomic2.NewUint64(math.MaxUint64) // ExtractSelectAndNormalizeDigest extract the select statement and normalize it. ExtractSelectAndNormalizeDigest func(stmtNode ast.StmtNode, specifiledDB string) (ast.StmtNode, string, string, error) )
var AllowCartesianProduct = atomic.NewBool(true)
AllowCartesianProduct means whether tidb allows cartesian join without equal conditions.
var CMSketchSizeLimit = kv.TxnEntrySizeLimit / binary.MaxVarintLen32
CMSketchSizeLimit indicates the size limit of CMSketch.
var DefaultDisabledLogicalRulesList *atomic.Value
DefaultDisabledLogicalRulesList indicates the logical rules which should be banned.
var EvalSubqueryFirstRow func(ctx context.Context, p PhysicalPlan, is infoschema.InfoSchema, sctx sessionctx.Context) (row []types.Datum, err error)
EvalSubqueryFirstRow evaluates incorrelated subqueries once, and get first row.
var ForceUseOuterBuild4Test = atomic.NewBool(false)
ForceUseOuterBuild4Test is a test option to control forcing use outer input as build. TODO: use hint and remove this variable
var ForcedHashLeftJoin4Test = atomic.NewBool(false)
ForcedHashLeftJoin4Test is a test option to force using HashLeftJoin TODO: use hint and remove this variable
var IsReadOnly func(node ast.Node, vars *variable.SessionVars) bool
IsReadOnly check whether the ast.Node is a read only statement.
var OptimizeAstNode func(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (Plan, types.NameSlice, error)
OptimizeAstNode optimizes the query to a physical plan directly.
var (
// PlanCacheKeyTestIssue43667 is for test.
PlanCacheKeyTestIssue43667 struct{}
Functions ¶
func AllocMPPQueryID ¶
func AllocMPPQueryID() uint64
AllocMPPQueryID allocates local query id for mpp queries.
func AllocMPPTaskID ¶
func AllocMPPTaskID(ctx sessionctx.Context) int64
AllocMPPTaskID allocates task id for mpp tasks. It will reset the task id when the query finished.
func BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan ¶
func BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan(explainCtx sessionctx.Context, flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) string
BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan generates the compressed and encoded binary plan from a FlatPhysicalPlan.
func BuildPhysicalJoinSchema ¶
func BuildPhysicalJoinSchema(joinType JoinType, join PhysicalPlan) *expression.Schema
BuildPhysicalJoinSchema builds the schema of PhysicalJoin from it's children's schema.
func Cacheable ¶
func Cacheable(node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) bool
Cacheable checks whether the input ast(query) is cacheable with empty session context, which is mainly for testing.
func CacheableWithCtx ¶
func CacheableWithCtx(sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (bool, string)
CacheableWithCtx checks whether the input ast(query) is cacheable. Handle "ignore_plan_cache()" hint If there are multiple hints, only one will take effect
func CheckAggCanPushCop ¶
func CheckAggCanPushCop(sctx sessionctx.Context, aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, groupByItems []expression.Expression, storeType kv.StoreType) bool
CheckAggCanPushCop checks whether the aggFuncs and groupByItems can be pushed down to coprocessor.
func CheckParamTypeInt64orUint64 ¶
func CheckParamTypeInt64orUint64(param *driver.ParamMarkerExpr) (bool, uint64)
CheckParamTypeInt64orUint64 check param type for plan cache limit, only allow int64 and uint64 now eg: set @a = 1;
func CheckPreparedPriv ¶
func CheckPreparedPriv(sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *PlanCacheStmt, is infoschema.InfoSchema) error
CheckPreparedPriv checks the privilege of the prepared statement
func CheckPrivilege ¶
func CheckPrivilege(activeRoles []*auth.RoleIdentity, pm privilege.Manager, vs []visitInfo) error
CheckPrivilege checks the privilege for a user.
func CheckTableLock ¶
func CheckTableLock(ctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, vs []visitInfo) error
CheckTableLock checks the table lock.
func CheckUpdateList ¶
CheckUpdateList checks all related columns in updatable state.
func CollectColumnStatsUsage ¶
func CollectColumnStatsUsage(lp LogicalPlan, predicate, histNeeded bool) ([]model.TableItemID, []model.TableItemID)
CollectColumnStatsUsage collects column stats usage from logical plan. predicate indicates whether to collect predicate columns and histNeeded indicates whether to collect histogram-needed columns. The first return value is predicate columns(nil if predicate is false) and the second return value is histogram-needed columns(nil if histNeeded is false).
func CollectPlanStatsVersion ¶
func CollectPlanStatsVersion(plan PhysicalPlan, statsInfos map[string]uint64) map[string]uint64
CollectPlanStatsVersion uses to collect the statistics version of the plan.
func DebugTraceBestBinding ¶
func DebugTraceBestBinding(s sessionctx.Context, binding *hint.HintsSet)
DebugTraceBestBinding records the chosen hint to the debug trace.
func DebugTraceReceivedCommand ¶
func DebugTraceReceivedCommand(s sessionctx.Context, cmd byte, stmtNode ast.StmtNode)
DebugTraceReceivedCommand records the received command from the client to the debug trace.
func DebugTraceTryBinding ¶
func DebugTraceTryBinding(s sessionctx.Context, binding *hint.HintsSet)
DebugTraceTryBinding records the hint that might be chosen to the debug trace.
func DeleteTrueExprs ¶
func DeleteTrueExprs(p LogicalPlan, conds []expression.Expression) []expression.Expression
DeleteTrueExprs deletes the surely true expressions
func DeriveOtherConditions ¶
func DeriveOtherConditions( p *LogicalJoin, leftSchema *expression.Schema, rightSchema *expression.Schema, deriveLeft bool, deriveRight bool) ( leftCond []expression.Expression, rightCond []expression.Expression)
DeriveOtherConditions given a LogicalJoin, check the OtherConditions to see if we can derive more conditions for left/right child pushdown.
func EncodeFlatPlan ¶
func EncodeFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) string
EncodeFlatPlan encodes a FlatPhysicalPlan with compression.
func EncodePlan ¶
EncodePlan is used to encodePlan the plan to the plan tree with compressing. Deprecated: FlattenPhysicalPlan() + EncodeFlatPlan() is preferred.
func EraseLastSemicolon ¶
EraseLastSemicolon removes last semicolon of sql.
func EraseLastSemicolonInSQL ¶
EraseLastSemicolonInSQL removes last semicolon of the SQL.
func ExpandVirtualColumn ¶
func ExpandVirtualColumn(columns []*model.ColumnInfo, schema *expression.Schema, colsInfo []*model.ColumnInfo) []*model.ColumnInfo
ExpandVirtualColumn expands the virtual column's dependent columns to ts's schema and column.
func ExprsHasSideEffects ¶
func ExprsHasSideEffects(exprs []expression.Expression) bool
ExprsHasSideEffects checks if any of the expressions has side effects.
func ExtractCorColumnsBySchema ¶
func ExtractCorColumnsBySchema(corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn, schema *expression.Schema, resolveIndex bool) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorColumnsBySchema only extracts the correlated columns that match the specified schema. e.g. If the correlated columns from plan are [t1.a, t2.a, t3.a] and specified schema is [t2.a, t2.b, t2.c], only [t2.a] is returned.
func ExtractCorColumnsBySchema4PhysicalPlan ¶
func ExtractCorColumnsBySchema4PhysicalPlan(p PhysicalPlan, schema *expression.Schema) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorColumnsBySchema4PhysicalPlan only extracts the correlated columns that match the specified schema. e.g. If the correlated columns from plan are [t1.a, t2.a, t3.a] and specified schema is [t2.a, t2.b, t2.c], only [t2.a] is returned.
func ExtractCorrelatedCols4LogicalPlan ¶
func ExtractCorrelatedCols4LogicalPlan(p LogicalPlan) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols4LogicalPlan recursively extracts all of the correlated columns from a plan tree by calling LogicalPlan.ExtractCorrelatedCols.
func ExtractCorrelatedCols4PhysicalPlan ¶
func ExtractCorrelatedCols4PhysicalPlan(p PhysicalPlan) []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols4PhysicalPlan recursively extracts all of the correlated columns from a plan tree by calling PhysicalPlan.ExtractCorrelatedCols.
func FDToString ¶
func FDToString(p LogicalPlan) string
FDToString explains fd transfer over a Plan, returns description string.
func FindColumnInfoByID ¶
func FindColumnInfoByID(colInfos []*model.ColumnInfo, id int64) *model.ColumnInfo
FindColumnInfoByID finds ColumnInfo in cols by ID.
func GenHintsFromFlatPlan ¶
func GenHintsFromFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) []*ast.TableOptimizerHint
GenHintsFromFlatPlan generates hints from a FlatPhysicalPlan.
func GenHintsFromPhysicalPlan ¶
func GenHintsFromPhysicalPlan(p Plan) []*ast.TableOptimizerHint
GenHintsFromPhysicalPlan generates hints from physical plan. Deprecated: FlattenPhysicalPlan() + GenHintsFromFlatPlan() is preferred.
func GeneratePlanCacheStmtWithAST ¶
func GeneratePlanCacheStmtWithAST(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, isPrepStmt bool, paramSQL string, paramStmt ast.StmtNode, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (*PlanCacheStmt, Plan, int, error)
GeneratePlanCacheStmtWithAST generates the PlanCacheStmt structure for this AST. paramSQL is the corresponding parameterized sql like 'select * from t where a<? and b>?'. paramStmt is the Node of paramSQL.
func GetBindSQL4PlanCache ¶
func GetBindSQL4PlanCache(sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt *PlanCacheStmt) (string, bool)
GetBindSQL4PlanCache used to get the bindSQL for plan cache to build the plan cache key.
func GetCommonHandleDatum ¶
func GetCommonHandleDatum(cols HandleCols, row chunk.Row) []types.Datum
GetCommonHandleDatum gets the original data for the common handle.
func GetDBTableInfo ¶
func GetDBTableInfo(visitInfo []visitInfo) []stmtctx.TableEntry
GetDBTableInfo gets the accessed dbs and tables info.
func GetDupAgnosticAggCols ¶
func GetDupAgnosticAggCols( p LogicalPlan, oldAggCols []*expression.Column, ) (isAgg bool, newAggCols []*expression.Column)
GetDupAgnosticAggCols checks whether a LogicalPlan is LogicalAggregation. It extracts all the columns from the duplicate agnostic aggregate functions. The returned column set is nil if not all the aggregate functions are duplicate agnostic. Only the following functions are considered to be duplicate agnostic:
- MAX(arg)
- MIN(arg)
- FIRST_ROW(arg)
- Other agg functions with DISTINCT flag, like SUM(DISTINCT arg)
func GetExplainAnalyzeRowsForPlan ¶
GetExplainAnalyzeRowsForPlan get explain rows for plan.
func GetExplainRowsForPlan ¶
GetExplainRowsForPlan get explain rows for plan.
func GetMatchOpts ¶
func GetMatchOpts(sctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, stmt *PlanCacheStmt, params []expression.Expression) (*utilpc.PlanCacheMatchOpts, error)
GetMatchOpts get options to fetch plan or generate new plan we can add more options here
func GetParamSQLFromAST ¶
func GetParamSQLFromAST(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode) (paramSQL string, paramVals []types.Datum, err error)
GetParamSQLFromAST returns the parameterized SQL of this AST. NOTICE: this function does not modify the original AST. paramVals are copied from this AST.
func GetPhysID ¶
func GetPhysID(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, partitionExpr *tables.PartitionExpr, d types.Datum) (int64, error)
GetPhysID returns the physical table ID.
func GetPhysicalIDsAndPartitionNames ¶
func GetPhysicalIDsAndPartitionNames(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, partitionNames []model.CIStr) ([]int64, []string, error)
GetPhysicalIDsAndPartitionNames returns physical IDs and names of these partitions.
func GetPlanCost ¶
func GetPlanCost(p PhysicalPlan, taskType property.TaskType, option *PlanCostOption) (float64, error)
GetPlanCost returns the cost of this plan.
func GetPropByOrderByItems ¶
func GetPropByOrderByItems(items []*util.ByItems) (*property.PhysicalProperty, bool)
GetPropByOrderByItems will check if this sort property can be pushed or not. In order to simplify the problem, we only consider the case that all expression are columns.
func GetPropByOrderByItemsContainScalarFunc ¶
func GetPropByOrderByItemsContainScalarFunc(items []*util.ByItems) (*property.PhysicalProperty, bool, bool)
GetPropByOrderByItemsContainScalarFunc will check if this sort property can be pushed or not. In order to simplify the problem, we only consider the case that all expression are columns or some special scalar functions.
func GetStats4Test ¶
func GetStats4Test(p LogicalPlan) *property.StatsInfo
GetStats4Test is a exporter just for test.
func GetStatsInfo ¶
GetStatsInfo gets the statistics info from a physical plan tree. Deprecated: FlattenPhysicalPlan() + GetStatsInfoFromFlatPlan() is preferred.
func GetStatsInfoFromFlatPlan ¶
func GetStatsInfoFromFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) map[string]uint64
GetStatsInfoFromFlatPlan gets the statistics info from a FlatPhysicalPlan.
func GetUpdateColumnsInfo ¶
func GetUpdateColumnsInfo(tblID2Table map[int64]table.Table, tblColPosInfos TblColPosInfoSlice, size int) []*table.Column
GetUpdateColumnsInfo get the update columns info.
func HasMaxOneRow ¶
func HasMaxOneRow(p LogicalPlan, childMaxOneRow []bool) bool
HasMaxOneRow returns if the LogicalPlan will output at most one row.
func InPrepare ¶
func InPrepare(p *preprocessor)
InPrepare is a PreprocessOpt that indicates preprocess is executing under prepare statement.
func InTxnRetry ¶
func InTxnRetry(p *preprocessor)
InTxnRetry is a PreprocessOpt that indicates preprocess is executing under transaction retry.
func InitTxnContextProvider ¶
func InitTxnContextProvider(p *preprocessor)
InitTxnContextProvider is a PreprocessOpt that indicates preprocess should init transaction's context
func IsAutoCommitTxn ¶
func IsAutoCommitTxn(ctx sessionctx.Context) bool
IsAutoCommitTxn checks if session is in autocommit mode and not InTxn used for fast plan like point get
func IsColsAllFromOuterTable ¶
func IsColsAllFromOuterTable(cols []*expression.Column, outerUniqueIDs set.Int64Set) bool
IsColsAllFromOuterTable check whether the cols all from outer plan
func IsDefaultExprSameColumn ¶
IsDefaultExprSameColumn - DEFAULT or col = DEFAULT(col)
func IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit ¶
func IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit(ctx sessionctx.Context, p Plan) (bool, error)
IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit returns true when meets following conditions:
- ctx is auto commit tagged
- session is not InTxn
- plan is point get by pk, or point get by unique index (no double read)
func IsPointPlanShortPathOK ¶
func IsPointPlanShortPathOK(sctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, stmt *PlanCacheStmt) (bool, error)
IsPointPlanShortPathOK check if we can execute using plan cached in prepared structure Be careful with the short path, current precondition is ths cached plan satisfying IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit
func IsSelectForUpdateLockType ¶
func IsSelectForUpdateLockType(lockType ast.SelectLockType) bool
IsSelectForUpdateLockType checks if the select lock type is for update type.
func IsTiFlashContained ¶
IsTiFlashContained returns whether the plan contains TiFlash related executors.
func JSONToString ¶
func JSONToString(j []*ExplainInfoForEncode) (string, error)
JSONToString convert json to string
func MatchItems ¶
func MatchItems(p *property.PhysicalProperty, items []*util.ByItems) bool
MatchItems checks if this prop's columns can match by items totally.
func MockContext ¶
func MockContext() sessionctx.Context
MockContext is only used for plan related tests.
func MockHashPartitionTable ¶
MockHashPartitionTable mocks a hash partition table for test
func MockListPartitionTable ¶
MockListPartitionTable mocks a list partition table for test
func MockNoPKTable ¶
MockNoPKTable is only used for plan related tests.
func MockPartitionInfoSchema ¶
func MockPartitionInfoSchema(definitions []model.PartitionDefinition) infoschema.InfoSchema
MockPartitionInfoSchema mocks an info schema for partition table.
func MockRangePartitionTable ¶
MockRangePartitionTable mocks a range partition table for test
func MockSignedTable ¶
MockSignedTable is only used for plan related tests.
func MockStateNoneColumnTable ¶
MockStateNoneColumnTable is only used for plan related tests.
func MockUnsignedTable ¶
MockUnsignedTable is only used for plan related tests.
func NewPlanCacheKey ¶
func NewPlanCacheKey(sessionVars *variable.SessionVars, stmtText, stmtDB string, schemaVersion int64, lastUpdatedSchemaVersion int64, bindSQL string, exprBlacklistTS int64) (kvcache.Key, error)
NewPlanCacheKey creates a new planCacheKey object. Note: lastUpdatedSchemaVersion will only be set in the case of rc or for update read in order to differentiate the cache key. In other cases, it will be 0.
func NonPreparedPlanCacheableWithCtx ¶
func NonPreparedPlanCacheableWithCtx(sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (ok bool, reason string)
NonPreparedPlanCacheableWithCtx checks whether this SQL is cacheable for non-prepared plan cache.
func NormalizeFlatPlan ¶
func NormalizeFlatPlan(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) (normalized string, digest *parser.Digest)
NormalizeFlatPlan normalizes a FlatPhysicalPlan and generates plan digest.
func NormalizePlan ¶
NormalizePlan is used to normalize the plan and generate plan digest. Deprecated: FlattenPhysicalPlan() + NormalizeFlatPlan() is preferred.
func ParameterizeAST ¶
func ParameterizeAST(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode) (paramSQL string, params []*driver.ValueExpr, err error)
ParameterizeAST parameterizes this StmtNode. e.g. `select * from t where a<10 and b<23` --> `select * from t where a<? and b<?`, [10, 23]. NOTICE: this function may modify the input stmt.
func Params2Expressions ¶
func Params2Expressions(params []types.Datum) []expression.Expression
Params2Expressions converts these parameters to an expression list.
func ParseParameterizedSQL ¶
ParseParameterizedSQL parse this parameterized SQL with the specified sctx.
func PartitionPruning ¶
func PartitionPruning(ctx sessionctx.Context, tbl table.PartitionedTable, conds []expression.Expression, partitionNames []model.CIStr, columns []*expression.Column, names types.NameSlice) ([]int, error)
PartitionPruning finds all used partitions according to query conditions, it will return nil if condition match none of partitions. The return value is a array of the idx in the partition definitions array, use pi.Definitions[idx] to get the partition ID
func Preprocess ¶
func Preprocess(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, preprocessOpt ...PreprocessOpt) error
Preprocess resolves table names of the node, and checks some statements' validation. preprocessReturn used to extract the infoschema for the tableName and the timestamp from the asof clause.
func RebuildPlan4CachedPlan ¶
RebuildPlan4CachedPlan will rebuild this plan under current user parameters.
func RecursiveDeriveStats4Test ¶
func RecursiveDeriveStats4Test(p LogicalPlan) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
RecursiveDeriveStats4Test is a exporter just for test.
func RemoveUnnecessaryFirstRow ¶
func RemoveUnnecessaryFirstRow( sctx sessionctx.Context, finalGbyItems []expression.Expression, partialAggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, partialGbyItems []expression.Expression, partialSchema *expression.Schema, firstRowFuncMap map[*aggregation.AggFuncDesc]*aggregation.AggFuncDesc) []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc
RemoveUnnecessaryFirstRow removes unnecessary FirstRow of the aggregation. This function can be used for both LogicalAggregation and PhysicalAggregation. When the select column is same with the group by key, the column can be removed and gets value from the group by key. e.g select a, count(b) from t group by a; The schema is [firstrow(a), count(b), a]. The column firstrow(a) is unnecessary. Can optimize the schema to [count(b), a] , and change the index to get value.
func ReplaceColumnOfExpr ¶
func ReplaceColumnOfExpr(expr expression.Expression, proj *LogicalProjection, schema *expression.Schema) expression.Expression
ReplaceColumnOfExpr replaces column of expression by another LogicalProjection.
func RequestLoadStats ¶
func RequestLoadStats(ctx sessionctx.Context, neededHistItems []model.TableItemID, syncWait int64) error
RequestLoadStats send load column/index stats requests to stats handle
func ResolveExprAndReplace ¶
func ResolveExprAndReplace(origin expression.Expression, replace map[string]*expression.Column)
ResolveExprAndReplace replaces columns fields of expressions by children logical plans.
func RestoreASTWithParams ¶
func RestoreASTWithParams(ctx context.Context, _ sessionctx.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode, params []*driver.ValueExpr) error
RestoreASTWithParams restore this parameterized AST with specific parameters. e.g. `select * from t where a<? and b<?`, [10, 23] --> `select * from t where a<10 and b<23`.
func SetParameterValuesIntoSCtx ¶
func SetParameterValuesIntoSCtx(sctx sessionctx.Context, isNonPrep bool, markers []ast.ParamMarkerExpr, params []expression.Expression) error
SetParameterValuesIntoSCtx sets these parameters into session context.
func SetPstmtIDSchemaVersion ¶
func SetPstmtIDSchemaVersion(key kvcache.Key, stmtText string, schemaVersion int64, isolationReadEngines map[kv.StoreType]struct{})
SetPstmtIDSchemaVersion implements PstmtCacheKeyMutator interface to change pstmtID and schemaVersion of cacheKey. so we can reuse Key instead of new every time.
func SplitSelCondsWithVirtualColumn ¶
func SplitSelCondsWithVirtualColumn(conds []expression.Expression) (withoutVirt []expression.Expression, withVirt []expression.Expression)
SplitSelCondsWithVirtualColumn filter the select conditions which contain virtual column
func SyncWaitStatsLoad ¶
func SyncWaitStatsLoad(plan LogicalPlan) error
SyncWaitStatsLoad sync-wait for stats load until timeout
func TryAddExtraLimit ¶
TryAddExtraLimit trys to add an extra limit for SELECT or UNION statement when sql_select_limit is set.
func VisitInfo4PrivCheck ¶
func VisitInfo4PrivCheck(is infoschema.InfoSchema, node ast.Node, vs []visitInfo) (privVisitInfo []visitInfo)
VisitInfo4PrivCheck generates privilege check infos because privilege check of local temporary tables is different with normal tables. `CREATE` statement needs `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE` privilege from the database, and subsequent statements do not need any privileges.
Types ¶
type AccessObject ¶
type AccessObject interface { String() string NormalizedString() string // SetIntoPB transform itself into a protobuf message and set into the binary plan. SetIntoPB(*tipb.ExplainOperator) }
AccessObject represents what is accessed by an operator. It corresponds to the "access object" column in an EXPLAIN statement result.
type AdminPlugins ¶
type AdminPlugins struct { Action AdminPluginsAction Plugins []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AdminPlugins administrates tidb plugins.
func (*AdminPlugins) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *AdminPlugins) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*AdminPlugins) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*AdminPlugins) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *AdminPlugins) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*AdminPlugins) Schema ¶
func (s *AdminPlugins) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*AdminPlugins) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*AdminPlugins) SetSchema ¶
func (s *AdminPlugins) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type AdminPluginsAction ¶
type AdminPluginsAction int
AdminPluginsAction indicate action will be taken on plugins.
const ( // Enable indicates enable plugins. Enable AdminPluginsAction = iota + 1 // Disable indicates disable plugins. Disable )
type AdminResetTelemetryID ¶
type AdminResetTelemetryID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AdminResetTelemetryID regenerates a new telemetry tracking ID.
func (*AdminResetTelemetryID) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*AdminResetTelemetryID) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*AdminResetTelemetryID) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *AdminResetTelemetryID) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*AdminResetTelemetryID) Schema ¶
func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*AdminResetTelemetryID) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*AdminResetTelemetryID) SetSchema ¶
func (s *AdminResetTelemetryID) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type AdminShowTelemetry ¶
type AdminShowTelemetry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AdminShowTelemetry displays telemetry status including tracking ID, status and so on.
func (*AdminShowTelemetry) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*AdminShowTelemetry) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*AdminShowTelemetry) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *AdminShowTelemetry) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*AdminShowTelemetry) Schema ¶
func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*AdminShowTelemetry) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*AdminShowTelemetry) SetSchema ¶
func (s *AdminShowTelemetry) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type AggInfo ¶
type AggInfo struct { AggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc GroupByItems []expression.Expression Schema *expression.Schema }
AggInfo stores the information of an Aggregation.
func BuildFinalModeAggregation ¶
func BuildFinalModeAggregation( sctx sessionctx.Context, original *AggInfo, partialIsCop bool, isMPPTask bool) (partial, final *AggInfo, firstRowFuncMap map[*aggregation.AggFuncDesc]*aggregation.AggFuncDesc)
BuildFinalModeAggregation splits either LogicalAggregation or PhysicalAggregation to finalAgg and partial1Agg, returns the information of partial and final agg. partialIsCop means whether partial agg is a cop task. When partialIsCop is false, we do not set the AggMode for partialAgg cause it may be split further when building the aggregate executor(e.g. buildHashAgg will split the AggDesc further for parallel executing). firstRowFuncMap is a map between partial first_row to final first_row, will be used in RemoveUnnecessaryFirstRow
type AggMppRunMode ¶
type AggMppRunMode int
AggMppRunMode defines the running mode of aggregation in MPP
const ( // NoMpp means the default value which does not run in MPP NoMpp AggMppRunMode = iota // Mpp1Phase runs only 1 phase but requires its child's partition property Mpp1Phase // Mpp2Phase runs partial agg + final agg with hash partition Mpp2Phase // MppTiDB runs agg on TiDB (and a partial agg on TiFlash if in 2 phase agg) MppTiDB // MppScalar also has 2 phases. The second phase runs in a single task. MppScalar )
type AggregateFuncExtractor ¶
type AggregateFuncExtractor struct { // AggFuncs is the collected AggregateFuncExprs. AggFuncs []*ast.AggregateFuncExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AggregateFuncExtractor visits Expr tree. It collects AggregateFuncExpr from AST Node.
type Analyze ¶
type Analyze struct { ColTasks []AnalyzeColumnsTask IdxTasks []AnalyzeIndexTask Opts map[ast.AnalyzeOptionType]uint64 OptionsMap map[int64]V2AnalyzeOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Analyze represents an analyze plan
func (*Analyze) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Analyze) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Analyze) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Analyze) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Analyze) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Analyze) Schema ¶
func (s *Analyze) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Analyze) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Analyze) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Analyze) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type AnalyzeColumnsTask ¶
type AnalyzeColumnsTask struct { HandleCols HandleCols CommonHandleInfo *model.IndexInfo ColsInfo []*model.ColumnInfo TblInfo *model.TableInfo Indexes []*model.IndexInfo AnalyzeInfo }
AnalyzeColumnsTask is used for analyze columns.
type AnalyzeIndexTask ¶
type AnalyzeIndexTask struct { IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo TblInfo *model.TableInfo AnalyzeInfo }
AnalyzeIndexTask is used for analyze index.
type AnalyzeInfo ¶
type AnalyzeInfo struct { DBName string TableName string PartitionName string TableID statistics.AnalyzeTableID Incremental bool StatsVersion int V2Options *V2AnalyzeOptions }
AnalyzeInfo is used to store the database name, table name and partition name of analyze task.
type BatchPointGetPlan ¶
type BatchPointGetPlan struct { TblInfo *model.TableInfo IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo PartitionInfos []*model.PartitionDefinition Handles []kv.Handle HandleType *types.FieldType HandleParams []*expression.Constant // record all Parameters for Plan-Cache IndexValues [][]types.Datum IndexValueParams [][]*expression.Constant // record all Parameters for Plan-Cache IndexColTypes []*types.FieldType AccessConditions []expression.Expression IdxCols []*expression.Column IdxColLens []int PartitionColPos int PartitionExpr *tables.PartitionExpr PartitionIDs []int64 // pre-calculated partition IDs for Handles or IndexValues KeepOrder bool Desc bool Lock bool LockWaitTime int64 Columns []*model.ColumnInfo // SinglePart indicates whether this BatchPointGetPlan is just for a single partition, instead of the whole partition table. // If the BatchPointGetPlan is built in fast path, this value is false; if the plan is generated in physical optimization for a partition, // this value would be true. This value would decide the behavior of BatchPointGetExec, i.e, whether to compute the table ID of the partition // on the fly. SinglePart bool // PartTblID is the table ID for the specific table partition. PartTblID int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BatchPointGetPlan represents a physical plan which contains a bunch of keys reference the same table and use the same `unique key`
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) AccessObject ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements physicalScan interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) Children ¶
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children gets all the children.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) Clone ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) Cost ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) Cost() float64
Cost implements PhysicalPlan interface
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) GetAvgRowSize ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) GetAvgRowSize() float64
GetAvgRowSize return the average row size.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) GetChildReqProps(_ int) *property.PhysicalProperty
GetChildReqProps gets the required property by child index.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) GetCost ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) GetCost(opt *physicalOptimizeOp) float64
GetCost returns cost of the PointGetPlan.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) Init ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, offset int) *BatchPointGetPlan
Init initializes BatchPointGetPlan.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of BatchPointGetPlan
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) OperatorInfo ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) OutputNames ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) ResolveIndices() error
ResolveIndices resolves the indices for columns. After doing this, the columns can evaluate the rows by their indices.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) Schema ¶
func (s *BatchPointGetPlan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetChild ¶
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetChild(_ int, _ PhysicalPlan)
SetChild sets a specific child for the plan.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetChildren ¶
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetChildren(...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren sets the children for the plan.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetCost ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) SetCost(cost float64)
SetCost implements PhysicalPlan interface
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetOutputNames ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
SetOutputNames sets the outputting name by the given slice.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) SetSchema ¶
func (s *BatchPointGetPlan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) StatsCount ¶
func (p *BatchPointGetPlan) StatsCount() float64
StatsCount will return the the RowCount of property.StatsInfo for this plan.
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ToPB ¶
func (*BatchPointGetPlan) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB converts physical plan to tipb executor.
type CTEClass ¶
type CTEClass struct { // The union between seed part and recursive part is DISTINCT or DISTINCT ALL. IsDistinct bool // storageID for this CTE. IDForStorage int HasLimit bool LimitBeg uint64 LimitEnd uint64 IsInApply bool ColumnMap map[string]*expression.Column // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CTEClass holds the information and plan for a CTE. Most of the fields in this struct are the same as cteInfo. But the cteInfo is used when building the plan, and CTEClass is used also for building the executor.
func (*CTEClass) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of CTEClass
type CTEDefinition ¶
type CTEDefinition PhysicalCTE
CTEDefinition is CTE definition for explain.
func (*CTEDefinition) ExplainID ¶
func (p *CTEDefinition) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
ExplainID overrides the ExplainID.
func (*CTEDefinition) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *CTEDefinition) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo overrides the ExplainInfo
func (*CTEDefinition) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *CTEDefinition) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of CTEDefinition
type CancelDDLJobs ¶
type CancelDDLJobs struct { JobIDs []int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CancelDDLJobs represents a cancel DDL jobs plan.
func (*CancelDDLJobs) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *CancelDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*CancelDDLJobs) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*CancelDDLJobs) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *CancelDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*CancelDDLJobs) Schema ¶
func (s *CancelDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*CancelDDLJobs) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*CancelDDLJobs) SetSchema ¶
func (s *CancelDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type Change ¶
type Change struct { *ast.ChangeStmt // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Change represents a change plan.
func (*Change) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Change) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Change) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Change) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Change) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Change) Schema ¶
func (s *Change) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Change) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Change) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Change) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type CheckIndexRange ¶
type CheckIndexRange struct { Table *ast.TableName IndexName string HandleRanges []ast.HandleRange // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CheckIndexRange is used for checking index data, output the index values that handle within begin and end.
func (*CheckIndexRange) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *CheckIndexRange) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*CheckIndexRange) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*CheckIndexRange) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *CheckIndexRange) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*CheckIndexRange) Schema ¶
func (s *CheckIndexRange) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*CheckIndexRange) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*CheckIndexRange) SetSchema ¶
func (s *CheckIndexRange) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type CheckTable ¶
type CheckTable struct { DBName string Table table.Table IndexInfos []*model.IndexInfo IndexLookUpReaders []*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader CheckIndex bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CheckTable is used for checking table data, built from the 'admin check table' statement.
func (*CheckTable) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *CheckTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*CheckTable) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*CheckTable) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *CheckTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*CheckTable) Schema ¶
func (s *CheckTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*CheckTable) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*CheckTable) SetSchema ¶
func (s *CheckTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ChecksumTable ¶
ChecksumTable is used for calculating table checksum, built from the `admin checksum table` statement.
func (*ChecksumTable) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ChecksumTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ChecksumTable) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ChecksumTable) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ChecksumTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ChecksumTable) Schema ¶
func (s *ChecksumTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ChecksumTable) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ChecksumTable) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ChecksumTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type CleanupIndex ¶
type CleanupIndex struct { Table *ast.TableName IndexName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CleanupIndex is used to delete dangling index data.
func (*CleanupIndex) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *CleanupIndex) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*CleanupIndex) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*CleanupIndex) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *CleanupIndex) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*CleanupIndex) Schema ¶
func (s *CleanupIndex) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*CleanupIndex) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*CleanupIndex) SetSchema ¶
func (s *CleanupIndex) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ClusterLogTableExtractor ¶
type ClusterLogTableExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool // NodeTypes represents all components types we should send request to. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE type='tikv' // 2. SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE type in ('tikv', 'tidb') NodeTypes set.StringSet // Instances represents all components instances we should send request to. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE instance='' // 2. SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE instance in ('', '') Instances set.StringSet // StartTime represents the beginning time of log message // e.g: SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE time>'2019-10-10 10:10:10.999' StartTime int64 // EndTime represents the ending time of log message // e.g: SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE time<'2019-10-11 10:10:10.999' EndTime int64 // Pattern is used to filter the log message // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE message like '%gc%' // 2. SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE message regexp '.*' Patterns []string LogLevels set.StringSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ClusterLogTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of `cluster_config`
func (*ClusterLogTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *ClusterLogTableExtractor) Extract( ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type ClusterTableExtractor ¶
type ClusterTableExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool // NodeTypes represents all components types we should send request to. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM cluster_config WHERE type='tikv' // 2. SELECT * FROM cluster_config WHERE type in ('tikv', 'tidb') NodeTypes set.StringSet // Instances represents all components instances we should send request to. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM cluster_config WHERE instance='' // 2. SELECT * FROM cluster_config WHERE type in ('', '') Instances set.StringSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ClusterTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of cluster table.
func (*ClusterTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *ClusterTableExtractor) Extract(_ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type ColWithCmpFuncManager ¶
type ColWithCmpFuncManager struct { TargetCol *expression.Column OpType []string TmpConstant []*expression.Constant // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ColWithCmpFuncManager is used in index join to handle the column with compare functions(>=, >, <, <=). It stores the compare functions and build ranges in execution phase.
func (*ColWithCmpFuncManager) BuildRangesByRow ¶
func (cwc *ColWithCmpFuncManager) BuildRangesByRow(ctx sessionctx.Context, row chunk.Row) ([]*ranger.Range, error)
BuildRangesByRow will build range of the given row. It will eval each function's arg then call BuildRange.
func (*ColWithCmpFuncManager) CompareRow ¶
func (cwc *ColWithCmpFuncManager) CompareRow(lhs, rhs chunk.Row) int
CompareRow compares the rows for deduplicate.
func (*ColWithCmpFuncManager) MemoryUsage ¶
func (cwc *ColWithCmpFuncManager) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of ColWithCmpFuncManager
func (*ColWithCmpFuncManager) String ¶
func (cwc *ColWithCmpFuncManager) String() string
String implements Stringer interface.
type ColumnsTableExtractor ¶
type ColumnsTableExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool TableSchema set.StringSet TableName set.StringSet // ColumnName represents all column name we should filter in memtable. ColumnName set.StringSet TableSchemaPatterns []string TableNamePatterns []string ColumnNamePatterns []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ColumnsTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of columns table.
func (*ColumnsTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *ColumnsTableExtractor) Extract(_ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) (remained []expression.Expression)
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type CommonHandleCols ¶
type CommonHandleCols struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CommonHandleCols implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func NewCommonHandleCols ¶
func NewCommonHandleCols(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tblInfo *model.TableInfo, idxInfo *model.IndexInfo, tableColumns []*expression.Column) *CommonHandleCols
NewCommonHandleCols creates a new CommonHandleCols.
func (*CommonHandleCols) BuildHandle ¶
BuildHandle implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) BuildHandleByDatums ¶
BuildHandleByDatums implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) BuildHandleFromIndexRow ¶
BuildHandleFromIndexRow implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow ¶
func (cb *CommonHandleCols) BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.PartitionHandle, error)
BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) GetCol ¶
func (cb *CommonHandleCols) GetCol(idx int) *expression.Column
GetCol implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) GetFieldsTypes ¶
func (cb *CommonHandleCols) GetFieldsTypes() []*types.FieldType
GetFieldsTypes implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) IsInt ¶
func (*CommonHandleCols) IsInt() bool
IsInt implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) MemoryUsage ¶
func (cb *CommonHandleCols) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of CommonHandleCols
func (*CommonHandleCols) NumCols ¶
func (cb *CommonHandleCols) NumCols() int
NumCols implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) ResolveIndices ¶
func (cb *CommonHandleCols) ResolveIndices(schema *expression.Schema) (HandleCols, error)
ResolveIndices implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*CommonHandleCols) String ¶
func (cb *CommonHandleCols) String() string
String implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
type CompactTable ¶
type CompactTable struct { ReplicaKind ast.CompactReplicaKind TableInfo *model.TableInfo PartitionNames []model.CIStr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CompactTable represents a "ALTER TABLE [NAME] COMPACT ..." plan.
func (*CompactTable) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *CompactTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*CompactTable) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*CompactTable) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *CompactTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*CompactTable) Schema ¶
func (s *CompactTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*CompactTable) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*CompactTable) SetSchema ¶
func (s *CompactTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type DDL ¶
DDL represents a DDL statement plan.
func (*DDL) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *DDL) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*DDL) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*DDL) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *DDL) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*DDL) Schema ¶
func (s *DDL) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*DDL) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*DDL) SetSchema ¶
func (s *DDL) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type DataSource ¶
type DataSource struct { IndexHints []indexHintInfo Columns []*model.ColumnInfo DBName model.CIStr TableAsName *model.CIStr // TblCols contains the original columns of table before being pruned, and it // is used for estimating table scan cost. TblCols []*expression.Column // TblColHists contains the Histogram of all original table columns, // it is converted from statisticTable, and used for IO/network cost estimating. TblColHists *statistics.HistColl SampleInfo *TableSampleInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DataSource represents a tableScan without condition push down.
func (*DataSource) AddExtraPhysTblIDColumn ¶
func (ds *DataSource) AddExtraPhysTblIDColumn() *expression.Column
AddExtraPhysTblIDColumn for partition table. 'select ... for update' on a partition table need to know the partition ID to construct the lock key, so this column is added to the chunk row. Also needed for checking against the sessions transaction buffer
func (*DataSource) AddPrefix4ShardIndexes ¶
func (ds *DataSource) AddPrefix4ShardIndexes(sc sessionctx.Context, conds []expression.Expression) []expression.Expression
AddPrefix4ShardIndexes add expression prefix for shard index. e.g. an index is, a). It transforms the sql "SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = 10" to "SELECT * FROM test WHERE tidb_shard(a) = val AND a = 10", val is the value of tidb_shard(10). It also transforms the sql "SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IN (10, 20, 30)" to "SELECT * FROM test WHERE tidb_shard(a) = val1 AND a = 10 OR tidb_shard(a) = val2 AND a = 20" @param[in] conds the original condtion of this datasource @retval - the new condition after adding expression prefix
func (*DataSource) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (ds *DataSource) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*DataSource) Convert2Gathers ¶
func (ds *DataSource) Convert2Gathers() (gathers []LogicalPlan)
Convert2Gathers builds logical TiKVSingleGathers from DataSource.
func (*DataSource) DeriveStats ¶
func (ds *DataSource) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*DataSource) ExplainInfo ¶
func (ds *DataSource) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*DataSource) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (ds *DataSource) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*DataSource) ExtractFD ¶
func (ds *DataSource) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
ExtractFD implements the LogicalPlan interface.
func (DataSource) Init ¶
func (ds DataSource) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *DataSource
Init initializes DataSource.
func (*DataSource) OutputNames ¶
func (*DataSource) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (ds *DataSource) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*DataSource) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (ds *DataSource) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*DataSource) PruneColumns ¶
func (ds *DataSource) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*DataSource) Schema ¶
func (s *DataSource) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*DataSource) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*DataSource) SetSchema ¶
func (s *DataSource) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*DataSource) TableInfo ¶
func (ds *DataSource) TableInfo() *model.TableInfo
TableInfo returns the *TableInfo of data source.
type Deallocate ¶
type Deallocate struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Deallocate represents deallocate plan.
func (*Deallocate) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Deallocate) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Deallocate) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Deallocate) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Deallocate) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Deallocate) Schema ¶
func (s *Deallocate) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Deallocate) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Deallocate) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Deallocate) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type Delete ¶
type Delete struct { IsMultiTable bool SelectPlan PhysicalPlan TblColPosInfos TblColPosInfoSlice FKChecks map[int64][]*FKCheck FKCascades map[int64][]*FKCascade // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Delete represents a delete plan.
func (*Delete) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Delete
func (*Delete) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Delete) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Delete) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Delete) Schema ¶
func (s *Delete) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Delete) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Delete) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Delete) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type DynamicPartitionAccessObject ¶
type DynamicPartitionAccessObject struct { Database string Table string AllPartitions bool Partitions []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DynamicPartitionAccessObject represents the partitions accessed by the children of this operator. It's mainly used in dynamic pruning mode.
func (*DynamicPartitionAccessObject) String ¶
func (d *DynamicPartitionAccessObject) String() string
type DynamicPartitionAccessObjects ¶
type DynamicPartitionAccessObjects []*DynamicPartitionAccessObject
DynamicPartitionAccessObjects is a list of DynamicPartitionAccessObject.
func (DynamicPartitionAccessObjects) NormalizedString ¶
func (d DynamicPartitionAccessObjects) NormalizedString() string
NormalizedString implements AccessObject.
func (DynamicPartitionAccessObjects) SetIntoPB ¶
func (d DynamicPartitionAccessObjects) SetIntoPB(pb *tipb.ExplainOperator)
SetIntoPB implements AccessObject.
func (DynamicPartitionAccessObjects) String ¶
func (d DynamicPartitionAccessObjects) String() string
type ErrExprLoc ¶
ErrExprLoc is for generate the ErrFieldNotInGroupBy error info
type Execute ¶
type Execute struct { Name string Params []expression.Expression PrepStmt *PlanCacheStmt Stmt ast.StmtNode Plan Plan // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Execute represents prepare plan.
func (*Execute) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Execute) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Execute) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Execute) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Execute) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Execute) Schema ¶
func (s *Execute) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Execute) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Execute) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Execute) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type Explain ¶
type Explain struct { TargetPlan Plan Format string Analyze bool ExecStmt ast.StmtNode RuntimeStatsColl *execdetails.RuntimeStatsColl Rows [][]string ExplainRows [][]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Explain represents a explain plan.
func (*Explain) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Explain) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Explain) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Explain) RenderResult ¶
RenderResult renders the explain result as specified format.
func (*Explain) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Explain) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Explain) Schema ¶
func (s *Explain) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Explain) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Explain) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Explain) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ExplainInfoForEncode ¶
type ExplainInfoForEncode struct { ID string `json:"id"` EstRows string `json:"estRows"` ActRows string `json:"actRows,omitempty"` TaskType string `json:"taskType"` AccessObject string `json:"accessObject,omitempty"` ExecuteInfo string `json:"executeInfo,omitempty"` OperatorInfo string `json:"operatorInfo,omitempty"` EstCost string `json:"estCost,omitempty"` CostFormula string `json:"costFormula,omitempty"` MemoryInfo string `json:"memoryInfo,omitempty"` DiskInfo string `json:"diskInfo,omitempty"` TotalMemoryConsumed string `json:"totalMemoryConsumed,omitempty"` SubOperators []*ExplainInfoForEncode `json:"subOperators,omitempty"` }
ExplainInfoForEncode store explain info for JSON encode
type ExprColumnMap ¶
type ExprColumnMap map[expression.Expression]*expression.Column
ExprColumnMap is used to store all expressions of indexed generated columns in a table, and map them to the generated columns, thus we can substitute the expression in a query to an indexed generated column.
type FKCascade ¶
type FKCascade struct { Tp FKCascadeType ReferredFK *model.ReferredFKInfo ChildTable table.Table FK *model.FKInfo FKCols []*model.ColumnInfo FKIdx *model.IndexInfo // CascadePlans contains the child cascade plan. // CascadePlans will be filled during execution, so only `explain analyze` statement result contains the cascade plan, // `explain` statement result doesn't contain the cascade plan. CascadePlans []Plan // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FKCascade indicates the foreign key constraint cascade behaviour.
func (*FKCascade) AccessObject ¶
func (f *FKCascade) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*FKCascade) Children ¶
func (p *FKCascade) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*FKCascade) Clone ¶
func (p *FKCascade) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*FKCascade) ExplainInfo ¶
ExplainInfo implement Plan interface.
func (*FKCascade) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*FKCascade) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*FKCascade) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*FKCascade) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*FKCascade) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *FKCascade) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (FKCascade) Init ¶
func (p FKCascade) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *FKCascade
Init initializes FKCascade
func (*FKCascade) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of FKCascade
func (*FKCascade) OperatorInfo ¶
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*FKCascade) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *FKCascade) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*FKCascade) Schema ¶
func (p *FKCascade) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*FKCascade) SetChild ¶
func (p *FKCascade) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*FKCascade) SetChildren ¶
func (p *FKCascade) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*FKCascade) StatsCount ¶
func (p *FKCascade) StatsCount() float64
type FKCascadeType ¶
type FKCascadeType int8
FKCascadeType indicates in which (delete/update) statements.
const ( // FKCascadeOnDelete indicates in delete statement. FKCascadeOnDelete FKCascadeType = 1 // FKCascadeOnUpdate indicates in update statement. FKCascadeOnUpdate FKCascadeType = 2 )
type FKCheck ¶
type FKCheck struct { FK *model.FKInfo ReferredFK *model.ReferredFKInfo Tbl table.Table Idx table.Index Cols []model.CIStr IdxIsPrimaryKey bool IdxIsExclusive bool CheckExist bool FailedErr error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FKCheck indicates the foreign key constraint checker.
func (*FKCheck) AccessObject ¶
func (f *FKCheck) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*FKCheck) Children ¶
func (p *FKCheck) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*FKCheck) Clone ¶
func (p *FKCheck) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*FKCheck) ExplainInfo ¶
ExplainInfo implement Plan interface.
func (*FKCheck) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*FKCheck) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*FKCheck) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*FKCheck) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*FKCheck) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *FKCheck) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (FKCheck) Init ¶
func (p FKCheck) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *FKCheck
Init initializes FKCheck.
func (*FKCheck) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of FKCheck
func (*FKCheck) OperatorInfo ¶
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*FKCheck) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *FKCheck) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*FKCheck) Schema ¶
func (p *FKCheck) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*FKCheck) SetChild ¶
func (p *FKCheck) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*FKCheck) SetChildren ¶
func (p *FKCheck) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*FKCheck) StatsCount ¶
func (p *FKCheck) StatsCount() float64
type FlatOperator ¶
type FlatOperator struct { // A reference to the original operator. Origin Plan // ChildrenIdx is the indexes of the children of this operator in the FlatPlanTree. // It's ordered from small to large. ChildrenIdx []int // ChildrenEndIdx is the index of the last operator of children subtrees of this operator in the FlatPlanTree. ChildrenEndIdx int // NeedReverseDriverSide means if we need to reverse the order of children to keep build side before probe side. // // Specifically, it means if the below are all true: // 1. this operator has two children // 2. the first child's Label is the probe side and the second's is the build side. // // If you call FlattenPhysicalPlan with buildSideFirst true, NeedReverseDriverSide will be useless. NeedReverseDriverSide bool Depth uint32 Label OperatorLabel IsRoot bool StoreType kv.StoreType // ReqType is only meaningful when IsRoot is false. ReqType ReadReqType // The below two fields are mainly for text tree formatting. See texttree.PrettyIdentifier(). TextTreeIndent string IsLastChild bool IsPhysicalPlan bool }
FlatOperator is a simplified operator. It contains a reference to the original operator and some usually needed information.
type FlatPhysicalPlan ¶
type FlatPhysicalPlan struct { Main FlatPlanTree CTEs []FlatPlanTree // InExecute means if the original plan tree contains Execute operator. // // Be careful when trying to use this, InExecute is true doesn't mean we are handling an EXECUTE statement. // When collecting information from the plan in an EXECUTE statement, usually we directly use the plan // in Execute.Plan, not Execute itself, so InExecute will be false. // // When will InExecute be true? When you're using "EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION" to get the last plan of // a connection (usually we will record Explain.TargetPlan for an EXPLAIN statement) and that plan // is from an EXECUTE statement, we will collect from Execute itself, not directly from Execute.Plan, // then InExecute will be true. InExecute bool // InExplain means if the original plan tree contains Explain operator. InExplain bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FlatPhysicalPlan provides an easier structure to traverse a plan and collect needed information. Note: Although it's named FlatPhysicalPlan, there also could be Insert, Delete and Update at the beginning of Main.
func FlattenPhysicalPlan ¶
func FlattenPhysicalPlan(p Plan, buildSideFirst bool) *FlatPhysicalPlan
FlattenPhysicalPlan generates a FlatPhysicalPlan from a PhysicalPlan, Insert, Delete, Update, Explain or Execute.
type FlatPlanTree ¶
type FlatPlanTree []*FlatOperator
FlatPlanTree is a simplified plan tree. It arranges all operators in the tree as a slice, ordered by the order of traversing the tree, which means a depth-first traversal plus some special rule for some operators.
func (FlatPlanTree) GetSelectPlan ¶
func (e FlatPlanTree) GetSelectPlan() (FlatPlanTree, int)
GetSelectPlan skips Insert, Delete, and Update at the beginning of the FlatPlanTree and the foreign key check/cascade plan at the end of the FlatPlanTree. Note:
It returns a reference to the original FlatPlanTree, please avoid modifying the returned value. The second return value is the offset. Because the returned FlatPlanTree is a part of the original slice, you need to minus them by the offset when using the returned FlatOperator.Depth and FlatOperator.ChildrenIdx.
type Fragment ¶
type Fragment struct { // following field are filled during getPlanFragment. TableScan *PhysicalTableScan // result physical table scan ExchangeReceivers []*PhysicalExchangeReceiver // data receivers // following fields are filled after scheduling. ExchangeSender *PhysicalExchangeSender // data exporter IsRoot bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Fragment is cut from the whole pushed-down plan by network communication. Communication by pfs are always through shuffling / broadcasting / passing through.
func GenerateRootMPPTasks ¶
func GenerateRootMPPTasks(ctx sessionctx.Context, startTs uint64, mppQueryID kv.MPPQueryID, sender *PhysicalExchangeSender, is infoschema.InfoSchema) ([]*Fragment, error)
GenerateRootMPPTasks generate all mpp tasks and return root ones.
func (*Fragment) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Fragment
type FrameBound ¶
type FrameBound struct { Type ast.BoundType UnBounded bool Num uint64 // CalcFuncs is used for range framed windows. // We will build the date_add or date_sub functions for frames like `INTERVAL '2:30' MINUTE_SECOND FOLLOWING`, // and plus or minus for frames like `1 preceding`. CalcFuncs []expression.Expression // CmpFuncs is used to decide whether one row is included in the current frame. CmpFuncs []expression.CompareFunc }
FrameBound is the boundary of a frame.
func (*FrameBound) Clone ¶
func (fb *FrameBound) Clone() *FrameBound
Clone copies a frame bound totally.
func (*FrameBound) ToPB ¶
func (fb *FrameBound) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context) (*tipb.WindowFrameBound, error)
ToPB converts FrameBound to tipb structure.
type HandleCols ¶
type HandleCols interface { // BuildHandle builds a Handle from a row. BuildHandle(row chunk.Row) (kv.Handle, error) // BuildHandleByDatums builds a Handle from a datum slice. BuildHandleByDatums(row []types.Datum) (kv.Handle, error) // BuildHandleFromIndexRow builds a Handle from index row data. // The last column(s) of `row` must be the handle column(s). BuildHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.Handle, error) // BuildHandleFromIndexRow builds a Handle from index row data. // The last column of `row` must be the pids, // and the second to last column(s) of `row` must be the handle column(s). BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.PartitionHandle, error) // ResolveIndices resolves handle column indices. ResolveIndices(schema *expression.Schema) (HandleCols, error) // IsInt returns if the HandleCols is a single tnt column. IsInt() bool // String implements the fmt.Stringer interface. String() string // GetCol gets the column by idx. GetCol(idx int) *expression.Column // NumCols returns the number of columns. NumCols() int // Compare compares two datum rows by handle order. Compare(a, b []types.Datum, ctors []collate.Collator) (int, error) // GetFieldsTypes return field types of columns. GetFieldsTypes() []*types.FieldType // MemoryUsage return the memory usage MemoryUsage() int64 }
HandleCols is the interface that holds handle columns.
func BuildHandleColsForAnalyze ¶
func BuildHandleColsForAnalyze(ctx sessionctx.Context, tblInfo *model.TableInfo, allColumns bool, colsInfo []*model.ColumnInfo) HandleCols
BuildHandleColsForAnalyze returns HandleCols for ANALYZE.
func NewIntHandleCols ¶
func NewIntHandleCols(col *expression.Column) HandleCols
NewIntHandleCols creates a new IntHandleCols.
type HashJoinCPUCostDetail ¶
type HashJoinCPUCostDetail struct { BuildRowCount float64 `json:"buildRowCount"` CPUFactor float64 `json:"cpuFactor"` ConcurrencyFactor float64 `json:"concurrencyFactor"` ProbeCost *HashJoinProbeCostDetail `json:"probeCost"` HashJoinConcurrency uint `json:"hashJoinConcurrency"` Spill bool `json:"spill"` Cost float64 `json:"cost"` UseOuterToBuild bool `json:"useOuterToBuild"` }
HashJoinCPUCostDetail indicates cpu cost detail
type HashJoinDiskCostDetail ¶
type HashJoinDiskCostDetail struct { Spill bool `json:"spill"` UseOuterToBuild bool `json:"useOuterToBuild"` BuildRowCount float64 `json:"buildRowCount"` DiskFactor float64 `json:"diskFactor"` RowSize float64 `json:"rowSize"` ProbeDiskCost *HashJoinProbeDiskCostDetail `json:"probeDiskCost"` Cost float64 `json:"cost"` }
HashJoinDiskCostDetail indicates disk cost detail
type HashJoinMemoryCostDetail ¶
type HashJoinMemoryCostDetail struct { Spill bool `json:"spill"` MemQuota int64 `json:"memQuota"` RowSize float64 `json:"rowSize"` BuildRowCount float64 `json:"buildRowCount"` MemoryFactor float64 `json:"memoryFactor"` Cost float64 `json:"cost"` }
HashJoinMemoryCostDetail indicates memory cost detail
type HashJoinProbeCostDetail ¶
type HashJoinProbeCostDetail struct { NumPairs float64 `json:"numPairs"` HasConditions bool `json:"hasConditions"` SelectionFactor float64 `json:"selectionFactor"` ProbeRowCount float64 `json:"probeRowCount"` Cost float64 `json:"cost"` }
HashJoinProbeCostDetail indicates probe cpu cost detail
type HashJoinProbeDiskCostDetail ¶
type HashJoinProbeDiskCostDetail struct { SelectionFactor float64 `json:"selectionFactor"` NumPairs float64 `json:"numPairs"` HasConditions bool `json:"hasConditions"` Cost float64 `json:"cost"` }
HashJoinProbeDiskCostDetail indicates probe disk cost detail
type HotRegionsHistoryTableExtractor ¶
type HotRegionsHistoryTableExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any pd server. SkipRequest bool // StartTime represents the beginning time of update time. // e.g: SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE update_time>'2019-10-10 10:10:10.999' StartTime int64 // EndTime represents the ending time of update time. // e.g: SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE update_time<'2019-10-11 10:10:10.999' EndTime int64 // RegionIDs/StoreIDs/PeerIDs represents all region/store/peer ids we should filter in PD to reduce network IO. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE region_id=1 // 2. SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE table_id in (11, 22) // Leave range operation to above selection executor. RegionIDs []uint64 StoreIDs []uint64 PeerIDs []uint64 // IsLearners/IsLeaders represents whether we should request for learner/leader role in PD to reduce network IO. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE is_learner=1 // 2. SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE is_learner in (0,1) -> request all IsLearners []bool IsLeaders []bool // HotRegionTypes represents all hot region types we should filter in PD to reduce network IO. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE type='read' // 2. SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE type in ('read', 'write') // 3. SELECT * FROM tidb_hot_regions_history WHERE type='read' and type='write' -> SkipRequest = true HotRegionTypes set.StringSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
HotRegionsHistoryTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of `tidb_hot_regions_history`
func (*HotRegionsHistoryTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *HotRegionsHistoryTableExtractor) Extract( ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type IndexAccess ¶
IndexAccess represents the index accessed by an operator.
func (*IndexAccess) ToPB ¶
func (a *IndexAccess) ToPB() *tipb.IndexAccess
ToPB turns itself into a protobuf message.
type IndexAdvise ¶
type IndexAdvise struct { IsLocal bool Path string MaxMinutes uint64 MaxIndexNum *ast.MaxIndexNumClause LineFieldsInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IndexAdvise represents a index advise plan.
func (*IndexAdvise) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *IndexAdvise) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*IndexAdvise) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*IndexAdvise) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *IndexAdvise) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*IndexAdvise) Schema ¶
func (s *IndexAdvise) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*IndexAdvise) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*IndexAdvise) SetSchema ¶
func (s *IndexAdvise) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type Insert ¶
type Insert struct { Table table.Table Columns []*ast.ColumnName Lists [][]expression.Expression SetList []*expression.Assignment OnDuplicate []*expression.Assignment Schema4OnDuplicate *expression.Schema GenCols InsertGeneratedColumns SelectPlan PhysicalPlan IsReplace bool // NeedFillDefaultValue is true when expr in value list reference other column. NeedFillDefaultValue bool AllAssignmentsAreConstant bool RowLen int FKChecks []*FKCheck FKCascades []*FKCascade // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Insert represents an insert plan.
func (*Insert) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Insert
func (*Insert) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Insert) ResolveIndices ¶
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*Insert) Schema ¶
func (s *Insert) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Insert) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Insert) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Insert) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type InsertGeneratedColumns ¶
type InsertGeneratedColumns struct { Columns []*ast.ColumnName Exprs []expression.Expression OnDuplicates []*expression.Assignment }
InsertGeneratedColumns is for completing generated columns in Insert. We resolve generation expressions in plan, and eval those in executor.
func (*InsertGeneratedColumns) MemoryUsage ¶
func (i *InsertGeneratedColumns) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of InsertGeneratedColumns
type InspectionResultTableExtractor ¶
type InspectionResultTableExtractor struct { // SkipInspection means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipInspection bool // Rules represents rules applied to, and we should apply all inspection rules if there is no rules specified // e.g: SELECT * FROM inspection_result WHERE rule in ('ddl', 'config') Rules set.StringSet // Items represents items applied to, and we should apply all inspection item if there is no rules specified // e.g: SELECT * FROM inspection_result WHERE item in ('', 'raftstore.threadpool') Items set.StringSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
InspectionResultTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of `inspection_result`
func (*InspectionResultTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *InspectionResultTableExtractor) Extract( _ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) (remained []expression.Expression)
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type InspectionRuleTableExtractor ¶
type InspectionRuleTableExtractor struct { SkipRequest bool Types set.StringSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
InspectionRuleTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of `inspection_rules`
func (*InspectionRuleTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *InspectionRuleTableExtractor) Extract( _ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) (remained []expression.Expression)
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type InspectionSummaryTableExtractor ¶
type InspectionSummaryTableExtractor struct { // SkipInspection means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipInspection bool // Rules represents rules applied to, and we should apply all inspection rules if there is no rules specified // e.g: SELECT * FROM inspection_summary WHERE rule in ('ddl', 'config') Rules set.StringSet MetricNames set.StringSet Quantiles []float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
InspectionSummaryTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of `inspection_summary`
func (*InspectionSummaryTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *InspectionSummaryTableExtractor) Extract( _ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) (remained []expression.Expression)
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type IntHandleCols ¶
type IntHandleCols struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IntHandleCols implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) BuildHandle ¶
BuildHandle implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) BuildHandleByDatums ¶
BuildHandleByDatums implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) BuildHandleFromIndexRow ¶
BuildHandleFromIndexRow implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow ¶
func (*IntHandleCols) BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow(row chunk.Row) (kv.PartitionHandle, error)
BuildPartitionHandleFromIndexRow implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) GetCol ¶
func (ib *IntHandleCols) GetCol(idx int) *expression.Column
GetCol implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) GetFieldsTypes ¶
func (*IntHandleCols) GetFieldsTypes() []*types.FieldType
GetFieldsTypes implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) IsInt ¶
func (*IntHandleCols) IsInt() bool
IsInt implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) MemoryUsage ¶
func (ib *IntHandleCols) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of IntHandleCols
func (*IntHandleCols) NumCols ¶
func (*IntHandleCols) NumCols() int
NumCols implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) ResolveIndices ¶
func (ib *IntHandleCols) ResolveIndices(schema *expression.Schema) (HandleCols, error)
ResolveIndices implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
func (*IntHandleCols) String ¶
func (ib *IntHandleCols) String() string
String implements the kv.HandleCols interface.
type JoinType ¶
type JoinType int
JoinType contains CrossJoin, InnerJoin, LeftOuterJoin, RightOuterJoin, FullOuterJoin, SemiJoin.
const ( // InnerJoin means inner join. InnerJoin JoinType = iota // LeftOuterJoin means left join. LeftOuterJoin // RightOuterJoin means right join. RightOuterJoin // SemiJoin means if row a in table A matches some rows in B, just output a. SemiJoin // AntiSemiJoin means if row a in table A does not match any row in B, then output a. AntiSemiJoin // LeftOuterSemiJoin means if row a in table A matches some rows in B, output (a, true), otherwise, output (a, false). LeftOuterSemiJoin // AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin means if row a in table A matches some rows in B, output (a, false), otherwise, output (a, true). AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin )
func (JoinType) IsOuterJoin ¶
IsOuterJoin returns if this joiner is an outer joiner
func (JoinType) IsSemiJoin ¶
IsSemiJoin returns if this joiner is a semi/anti-semi joiner
type LRUPlanCache ¶
type LRUPlanCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LRUPlanCache is a dedicated least recently used cache, Only used for plan cache.
func NewLRUPlanCache ¶
func NewLRUPlanCache(capacity uint, guard float64, quota uint64, sctx sessionctx.Context, isNonPrepared bool) *LRUPlanCache
NewLRUPlanCache creates a PCLRUCache object, whose capacity is "capacity". NOTE: "capacity" should be a positive value.
func (*LRUPlanCache) Close ¶
func (l *LRUPlanCache) Close()
Close do some clean work for LRUPlanCache when close the session
func (*LRUPlanCache) Delete ¶
func (l *LRUPlanCache) Delete(key kvcache.Key)
Delete deletes the multi-values from the LRU Cache.
func (*LRUPlanCache) DeleteAll ¶
func (l *LRUPlanCache) DeleteAll()
DeleteAll deletes all elements from the LRU Cache.
func (*LRUPlanCache) Get ¶
func (l *LRUPlanCache) Get(key kvcache.Key, opts *utilpc.PlanCacheMatchOpts) (value kvcache.Value, ok bool)
Get tries to find the corresponding value according to the given key.
func (*LRUPlanCache) MemoryUsage ¶
func (l *LRUPlanCache) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of LRUPlanCache
func (*LRUPlanCache) Put ¶
func (l *LRUPlanCache) Put(key kvcache.Key, value kvcache.Value, opts *utilpc.PlanCacheMatchOpts)
Put puts the (key, value) pair into the LRU Cache.
func (*LRUPlanCache) SetCapacity ¶
func (l *LRUPlanCache) SetCapacity(capacity uint) error
SetCapacity sets capacity of the cache.
type LineFieldsInfo ¶
type LineFieldsInfo struct { FieldsTerminatedBy string FieldsEnclosedBy string // length always <= 1, see parser.y FieldsEscapedBy string // length always <= 1, see parser.y FieldsOptEnclosed bool LinesStartingBy string LinesTerminatedBy string }
LineFieldsInfo used in load-data/select-into/index-advise stmt.
func NewLineFieldsInfo ¶
func NewLineFieldsInfo(fieldsInfo *ast.FieldsClause, linesInfo *ast.LinesClause) LineFieldsInfo
NewLineFieldsInfo new LineFieldsInfo from FIELDS/LINES info.
type LoadData ¶
type LoadData struct { FileLocRef ast.FileLocRefTp OnDuplicate ast.OnDuplicateKeyHandlingType Path string Format *string Table *ast.TableName Charset *string Columns []*ast.ColumnName FieldsInfo *ast.FieldsClause LinesInfo *ast.LinesClause IgnoreLines *uint64 ColumnAssignments []*ast.Assignment ColumnsAndUserVars []*ast.ColumnNameOrUserVar Options []*LoadDataOpt GenCols InsertGeneratedColumns // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LoadData represents a loaddata plan.
func (LoadData) Init ¶
func (p LoadData) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LoadData
Init initializes LoadData.
func (*LoadData) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *LoadData) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*LoadData) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*LoadData) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *LoadData) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*LoadData) Schema ¶
func (s *LoadData) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LoadData) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LoadData) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LoadData) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LoadDataOpt ¶
type LoadDataOpt struct { Name string Value expression.Expression }
LoadDataOpt represents load data option.
type LoadStats ¶
type LoadStats struct { Path string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LoadStats represents a load stats plan.
func (*LoadStats) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *LoadStats) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*LoadStats) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*LoadStats) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *LoadStats) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*LoadStats) Schema ¶
func (s *LoadStats) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LoadStats) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LoadStats) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LoadStats) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LockStats ¶
LockStats represents a lock stats for table
func (*LockStats) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *LockStats) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*LockStats) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*LockStats) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *LockStats) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*LockStats) Schema ¶
func (s *LockStats) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LockStats) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LockStats) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LockStats) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalAggregation ¶
type LogicalAggregation struct { AggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc GroupByItems []expression.Expression // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalAggregation represents an aggregate plan.
func (*LogicalAggregation) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) CopyAggHints ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) CopyAggHints(agg *LogicalAggregation)
CopyAggHints copies the aggHints from another LogicalAggregation.
func (*LogicalAggregation) DeriveStats ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalAggregation) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) ExtractFD ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
ExtractFD implements the logical plan interface, extracting the FD from bottom up. 1: In most of the cases, using FDs to check the only_full_group_by problem should be done in the buildAggregation phase by extracting the bottom-up FDs graph from the `p` --- the sub plan tree that has already been built.
2: and this requires that some conditions push-down into the `p` like selection should be done before building aggregation, otherwise, 'a=1 and a can occur in the select lists of a group by' will be miss-checked because it doesn't be implied in the known FDs graph.
3: when a logical agg is built, it's schema columns indicates what the permitted-non-agg columns is. Therefore, we shouldn't depend on logicalAgg.ExtractFD() to finish the only_full_group_by checking problem rather than by 1 & 2.
func (*LogicalAggregation) GetGroupByCols ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) GetGroupByCols() []*expression.Column
GetGroupByCols returns the columns that are group-by items. For example, `group by a, b, c+d` will return [a, b].
func (*LogicalAggregation) GetPotentialPartitionKeys ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) GetPotentialPartitionKeys() []*property.MPPPartitionColumn
GetPotentialPartitionKeys return potential partition keys for aggregation, the potential partition keys are the group by keys
func (*LogicalAggregation) GetUsedCols ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) GetUsedCols() (usedCols []*expression.Column)
GetUsedCols extracts all of the Columns used by agg including GroupByItems and AggFuncs.
func (*LogicalAggregation) HasDistinct ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) HasDistinct() bool
HasDistinct shows whether LogicalAggregation has functions with distinct.
func (*LogicalAggregation) HasOrderBy ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) HasOrderBy() bool
HasOrderBy shows whether LogicalAggregation has functions with order-by items.
func (LogicalAggregation) Init ¶
func (la LogicalAggregation) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalAggregation
Init initializes LogicalAggregation.
func (*LogicalAggregation) IsCompleteModeAgg ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) IsCompleteModeAgg() bool
IsCompleteModeAgg returns if all of the AggFuncs are CompleteMode.
func (*LogicalAggregation) IsPartialModeAgg ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) IsPartialModeAgg() bool
IsPartialModeAgg returns if all of the AggFuncs are partialMode.
func (*LogicalAggregation) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalAggregation) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) PruneColumns ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) ResetHintIfConflicted ¶
func (la *LogicalAggregation) ResetHintIfConflicted() (preferHash bool, preferStream bool)
ResetHintIfConflicted resets the aggHints.preferAggType if they are conflicted, and returns the two preferAggType hints.
func (*LogicalAggregation) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalAggregation) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalAggregation) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalAggregation) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalAggregation) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalApply ¶
type LogicalApply struct { LogicalJoin CorCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn // NoDecorrelate is from /*+ no_decorrelate() */ hint. NoDecorrelate bool }
LogicalApply gets one row from outer executor and gets one row from inner executor according to outer row.
func (*LogicalApply) DeriveStats ¶
func (la *LogicalApply) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalApply) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalApply) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalApply) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (la *LogicalApply) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalApply) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (la *LogicalApply) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalApply) ExtractFD ¶
func (la *LogicalApply) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
ExtractFD implements the LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalApply) GetHashJoin ¶
func (la *LogicalApply) GetHashJoin(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashJoin
GetHashJoin is public for cascades planner.
func (LogicalApply) Init ¶
func (la LogicalApply) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalApply
Init initializes LogicalApply.
func (*LogicalApply) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalApply) PruneColumns ¶
func (la *LogicalApply) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalApply) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalApply) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalApply) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalApply) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalApply) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalCTE ¶
type LogicalCTE struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogicalCTE is for CTE.
func (*LogicalCTE) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalCTE) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalCTE) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalCTE) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalCTE) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *LogicalCTE) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalCTE) Init ¶
func (p LogicalCTE) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalCTE
Init only assigns type and context.
func (*LogicalCTE) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalCTE) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalCTE) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, _ *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalCTE) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalCTE) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalCTE) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalCTE) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalCTE) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalCTETable ¶
type LogicalCTETable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogicalCTETable is for CTE table
func (*LogicalCTETable) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalCTETable) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalCTETable) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalCTETable) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (LogicalCTETable) Init ¶
func (p LogicalCTETable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalCTETable
Init only assigns type and context.
func (*LogicalCTETable) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalCTETable) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalCTETable) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalCTETable) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalCTETable) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalCTETable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalIndexScan ¶
type LogicalIndexScan struct { // DataSource should be read-only here. Source *DataSource IsDoubleRead bool EqCondCount int AccessConds expression.CNFExprs Ranges []*ranger.Range Index *model.IndexInfo Columns []*model.ColumnInfo FullIdxCols []*expression.Column FullIdxColLens []int IdxCols []*expression.Column IdxColLens []int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalIndexScan is the logical index scan operator for TiKV.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (is *LogicalIndexScan) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) DeriveStats ¶
func (is *LogicalIndexScan) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implements LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalIndexScan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) GetPhysicalIndexScan ¶
func (s *LogicalIndexScan) GetPhysicalIndexScan(_ *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalIndexScan
GetPhysicalIndexScan returns PhysicalIndexScan for the logical IndexScan.
func (LogicalIndexScan) Init ¶
func (is LogicalIndexScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalIndexScan
Init initializes LogicalIndexScan.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) MatchIndexProp ¶
func (p *LogicalIndexScan) MatchIndexProp(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) (match bool)
MatchIndexProp checks if the indexScan can match the required property.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalIndexScan) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (is *LogicalIndexScan) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalIndexScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalIndexScan) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalIndexScan) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalIndexScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalJoin ¶
type LogicalJoin struct { JoinType JoinType StraightJoin bool EqualConditions []*expression.ScalarFunction // NAEQConditions means null aware equal conditions, which is used for null aware semi joins. NAEQConditions []*expression.ScalarFunction LeftConditions expression.CNFExprs RightConditions expression.CNFExprs OtherConditions expression.CNFExprs // DefaultValues is only used for left/right outer join, which is values the inner row's should be when the outer table // doesn't match any inner table's row. // That it's nil just means the default values is a slice of NULL. // Currently, only `aggregation push down` phase will set this. DefaultValues []types.Datum // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalJoin is the logical join plan.
func (*LogicalJoin) AppendJoinConds ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) AppendJoinConds(eq []*expression.ScalarFunction, left, right, other []expression.Expression)
AppendJoinConds appends new join conditions.
func (*LogicalJoin) AttachOnConds ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) AttachOnConds(onConds []expression.Expression)
AttachOnConds extracts on conditions for join and set the `EqualConditions`, `LeftConditions`, `RightConditions` and `OtherConditions` by the result of extract.
func (*LogicalJoin) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface. If the type of join is SemiJoin, the selectivity of it will be same as selection's. If the type of join is LeftOuterSemiJoin, it will not add or remove any row. The last column is a boolean value, whose NDV should be two. If the type of join is inner/outer join, the output of join(s, t) should be N(s) * N(t) / (V(s.key) * V(t.key)) * Min(s.key, t.key). N(s) stands for the number of rows in relation s. V(s.key) means the NDV of join key in s. This is a quite simple strategy: We assume every bucket of relation which will participate join has the same number of rows, and apply cross join for every matched bucket.
func (*LogicalJoin) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) ExtractFD ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
ExtractFD implements the interface LogicalPlan.
func (*LogicalJoin) ExtractJoinKeys ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractJoinKeys(childIdx int) *expression.Schema
ExtractJoinKeys extract join keys as a schema for child with childIdx.
func (*LogicalJoin) ExtractOnCondition ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) ExtractOnCondition( conditions []expression.Expression, leftSchema *expression.Schema, rightSchema *expression.Schema, deriveLeft bool, deriveRight bool) (eqCond []*expression.ScalarFunction, leftCond []expression.Expression, rightCond []expression.Expression, otherCond []expression.Expression)
ExtractOnCondition divide conditions in CNF of join node into 4 groups. These conditions can be where conditions, join conditions, or collection of both. If deriveLeft/deriveRight is set, we would try to derive more conditions for left/right plan.
func (*LogicalJoin) GetJoinKeys ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) GetJoinKeys() (leftKeys, rightKeys []*expression.Column, isNullEQ []bool, hasNullEQ bool)
GetJoinKeys extracts join keys(columns) from EqualConditions. It returns left join keys, right join keys and an `isNullEQ` array which means the `joinKey[i]` is a `NullEQ` function. The `hasNullEQ` means whether there is a `NullEQ` of a join key.
func (*LogicalJoin) GetMergeJoin ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) GetMergeJoin(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, schema *expression.Schema, statsInfo *property.StatsInfo, leftStatsInfo *property.StatsInfo, rightStatsInfo *property.StatsInfo) []PhysicalPlan
GetMergeJoin convert the logical join to physical merge join based on the physical property.
func (*LogicalJoin) GetNAJoinKeys ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) GetNAJoinKeys() (leftKeys, rightKeys []*expression.Column)
GetNAJoinKeys extracts join keys(columns) from NAEqualCondition.
func (*LogicalJoin) GetPotentialPartitionKeys ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) GetPotentialPartitionKeys() (leftKeys, rightKeys []*property.MPPPartitionColumn)
GetPotentialPartitionKeys return potential partition keys for join, the potential partition keys are the join keys of EqualConditions
func (LogicalJoin) Init ¶
func (p LogicalJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalJoin
Init initializes LogicalJoin.
func (*LogicalJoin) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalJoin) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalJoin) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalJoin) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalJoin) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*LogicalJoin) Shallow ¶
func (p *LogicalJoin) Shallow() *LogicalJoin
Shallow shallow copies a LogicalJoin struct.
type LogicalLimit ¶
type LogicalLimit struct { PartitionBy []property.SortItem // This is used for enhanced topN optimization Offset uint64 Count uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalLimit represents offset and limit plan.
func (*LogicalLimit) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalLimit) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalLimit) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalLimit) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalLimit) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalLimit) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalLimit) GetPartitionBy ¶
func (lt *LogicalLimit) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
GetPartitionBy returns partition by fields
func (*LogicalLimit) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalLimit) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalLimit) Init ¶
func (p LogicalLimit) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalLimit
Init initializes LogicalLimit.
func (*LogicalLimit) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalLimit) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalLimit) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalLimit) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalLimit) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalLimit) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalLimit) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalLimit) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalLimit) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalLimit) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalLock ¶
type LogicalLock struct { Lock *ast.SelectLockInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalLock represents a select lock plan.
func (*LogicalLock) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalLock) Children ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) Children() []LogicalPlan
Children implements LogicalPlan Children interface.
func (*LogicalLock) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalLock) ExplainInfo ¶
func (*LogicalLock) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalLock) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalLock) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*LogicalLock) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
func (*LogicalLock) ExtractFD ¶
ExtractFD return the children[0]'s fdSet if there are no adding/removing fd in this logic plan.
func (*LogicalLock) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
GetLogicalTS4TaskMap get the logical TimeStamp now to help rollback the TaskMap changes after that.
func (*LogicalLock) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalLock) Init ¶
func (p LogicalLock) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalLock
Init initializes LogicalLock.
func (*LogicalLock) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalLock) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalLock) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (*LogicalLock) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalLock) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalLock) Schema ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*LogicalLock) SetChild ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
SetChild implements LogicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*LogicalLock) SetChildren ¶
func (p *LogicalLock) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
SetChildren implements LogicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*LogicalLock) SetOutputNames ¶
type LogicalMaxOneRow ¶
type LogicalMaxOneRow struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogicalMaxOneRow checks if a query returns no more than one row.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) Children ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) Children() []LogicalPlan
Children implements LogicalPlan Children interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExplainInfo ¶
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) ExtractFD ¶
ExtractFD return the children[0]'s fdSet if there are no adding/removing fd in this logic plan.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
GetLogicalTS4TaskMap get the logical TimeStamp now to help rollback the TaskMap changes after that.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalMaxOneRow) Init ¶
func (p LogicalMaxOneRow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalMaxOneRow
Init initializes LogicalMaxOneRow.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) Schema ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) SetChild ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
SetChild implements LogicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) SetChildren ¶
func (p *LogicalMaxOneRow) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
SetChildren implements LogicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*LogicalMaxOneRow) SetOutputNames ¶
type LogicalMemTable ¶
type LogicalMemTable struct { Extractor MemTablePredicateExtractor DBName model.CIStr TableInfo *model.TableInfo Columns []*model.ColumnInfo // QueryTimeRange is used to specify the time range for metrics summary tables and inspection tables // e.g: select /*+ time_range('2020-02-02 12:10:00', '2020-02-02 13:00:00') */ from metrics_summary; // select /*+ time_range('2020-02-02 12:10:00', '2020-02-02 13:00:00') */ from metrics_summary_by_label; // select /*+ time_range('2020-02-02 12:10:00', '2020-02-02 13:00:00') */ from inspection_summary; // select /*+ time_range('2020-02-02 12:10:00', '2020-02-02 13:00:00') */ from inspection_result; QueryTimeRange QueryTimeRange // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalMemTable represents a memory table or virtual table Some memory tables wants to take the ownership of some predications e.g SELECT * FROM cluster_log WHERE type='tikv' AND address='' Assume that the table `cluster_log` is a memory table, which is used to retrieve logs from remote components. In the above situation we should send log search request to the target TiKV ( directly instead of requesting all cluster components log search gRPC interface to retrieve log message and filtering them in TiDB node.
func (*LogicalMemTable) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalMemTable) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalMemTable) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalMemTable) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (LogicalMemTable) Init ¶
func (p LogicalMemTable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalMemTable
Init initializes LogicalMemTable.
func (*LogicalMemTable) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalMemTable) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalMemTable) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, _ *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalMemTable) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalMemTable) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalMemTable) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalMemTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalMemTable) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalMemTable) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalMemTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalPartitionUnionAll ¶
type LogicalPartitionUnionAll struct {
LogicalPartitionUnionAll represents the LogicalUnionAll plan is for partition table.
func (*LogicalPartitionUnionAll) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (LogicalPartitionUnionAll) Init ¶
func (p LogicalPartitionUnionAll) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalPartitionUnionAll
Init initializes LogicalPartitionUnionAll.
func (*LogicalPartitionUnionAll) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalPartitionUnionAll) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalPartitionUnionAll) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalPartitionUnionAll) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalPartitionUnionAll) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalPlan ¶
type LogicalPlan interface { Plan // HashCode encodes a LogicalPlan to fast compare whether a LogicalPlan equals to another. // We use a strict encode method here which ensures there is no conflict. HashCode() []byte // PredicatePushDown pushes down the predicates in the where/on/having clauses as deeply as possible. // It will accept a predicate that is an expression slice, and return the expressions that can't be pushed. // Because it might change the root if the having clause exists, we need to return a plan that represents a new root. PredicatePushDown([]expression.Expression, *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan) // PruneColumns prunes the unused columns. PruneColumns([]*expression.Column, *logicalOptimizeOp) error // BuildKeyInfo will collect the information of unique keys into schema. // Because this method is also used in cascades planner, we cannot use // things like `p.schema` or `p.children` inside it. We should use the `selfSchema` // and `childSchema` instead. BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema) // DeriveStats derives statistic info for current plan node given child stats. // We need selfSchema, childSchema here because it makes this method can be used in // cascades planner, where LogicalPlan might not record its children or schema. DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error) // ExtractColGroups extracts column groups from child operator whose DNVs are required by the current operator. // For example, if current operator is LogicalAggregation of `Group By a, b`, we indicate the child operators to maintain // and propagate the NDV info of column group (a, b), to improve the row count estimation of current LogicalAggregation. // The parameter colGroups are column groups required by upper operators, besides from the column groups derived from // current operator, we should pass down parent colGroups to child operator as many as possible. ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column // PreparePossibleProperties is only used for join and aggregation. Like group by a,b,c, all permutation of (a,b,c) is // valid, but the ordered indices in leaf plan is limited. So we can get all possible order properties by a pre-walking. PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn // MaxOneRow means whether this operator only returns max one row. MaxOneRow() bool // Get all the children. Children() []LogicalPlan // SetChildren sets the children for the plan. SetChildren(...LogicalPlan) // SetChild sets the ith child for the plan. SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan) // ExtractFD derive the FDSet from the tree bottom up. ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet // contains filtered or unexported methods }
LogicalPlan is a tree of logical operators. We can do a lot of logical optimizations to it, like predicate pushdown and column pruning.
func Conds2TableDual ¶
func Conds2TableDual(p LogicalPlan, conds []expression.Expression) LogicalPlan
Conds2TableDual builds a LogicalTableDual if cond is constant false or null.
func LogicalOptimizeTest ¶
func LogicalOptimizeTest(ctx context.Context, flag uint64, logic LogicalPlan) (LogicalPlan, error)
LogicalOptimizeTest is just exported for test.
type LogicalProjection ¶
type LogicalProjection struct { Exprs []expression.Expression // CalculateNoDelay indicates this Projection is the root Plan and should be // calculated without delay and will not return any result to client. // Currently it is "true" only when the current sql query is a "DO" statement. // See "" for more detail. CalculateNoDelay bool // AvoidColumnEvaluator is a temporary variable which is ONLY used to avoid // building columnEvaluator for the expressions of Projection which is // built by buildProjection4Union. // This can be removed after column pool being supported. // Related issue: TiDB#8141( AvoidColumnEvaluator bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalProjection represents a select fields plan.
func ConvertAggToProj ¶
func ConvertAggToProj(agg *LogicalAggregation, schema *expression.Schema) (bool, *LogicalProjection)
ConvertAggToProj convert aggregation to projection.
func (*LogicalProjection) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) ExtractFD ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
ExtractFD implements the logical plan interface, extracting the FD from bottom up.
func (*LogicalProjection) GetUsedCols ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) GetUsedCols() (usedCols []*expression.Column)
GetUsedCols extracts all of the Columns used by proj.
func (*LogicalProjection) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalProjection) Init ¶
func (p LogicalProjection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalProjection
Init initializes LogicalProjection.
func (*LogicalProjection) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalProjection) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface. If any expression has SetVar function or Sleep function, we do not prune it.
func (*LogicalProjection) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalProjection) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalProjection) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalProjection) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*LogicalProjection) TryToGetChildProp ¶
func (p *LogicalProjection) TryToGetChildProp(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) (*property.PhysicalProperty, bool)
TryToGetChildProp will check if this sort property can be pushed or not. When a sort column will be replaced by scalar function, we refuse it. When a sort column will be replaced by a constant, we just remove it.
type LogicalSelection ¶
type LogicalSelection struct { // Originally the WHERE or ON condition is parsed into a single expression, // but after we converted to CNF(Conjunctive normal form), it can be // split into a list of AND conditions. Conditions []expression.Expression // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalSelection represents a where or having predicate.
func (*LogicalSelection) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) Children ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) Children() []LogicalPlan
Children implements LogicalPlan Children interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) ExtractFD ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) ExtractFD() *fd.FDSet
ExtractFD implements the LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
GetLogicalTS4TaskMap get the logical TimeStamp now to help rollback the TaskMap changes after that.
func (*LogicalSelection) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalSelection) Init ¶
func (p LogicalSelection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalSelection
Init initializes LogicalSelection.
func (*LogicalSelection) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalSelection) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (*LogicalSelection) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) Schema ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) SetChild ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
SetChild implements LogicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) SetChildren ¶
func (p *LogicalSelection) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
SetChildren implements LogicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*LogicalSelection) SetOutputNames ¶
type LogicalShow ¶
type LogicalShow struct { ShowContents Extractor ShowPredicateExtractor // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalShow represents a show plan.
func (*LogicalShow) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalShow) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalShow) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalShow) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (LogicalShow) Init ¶
func (p LogicalShow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalShow
Init initializes LogicalShow.
func (*LogicalShow) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalShow) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalShow) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalShow) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalShow) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalShow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalShowDDLJobs ¶
type LogicalShowDDLJobs struct { JobNumber int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalShowDDLJobs is for showing DDL job list.
func (*LogicalShowDDLJobs) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalShowDDLJobs) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalShowDDLJobs) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalShowDDLJobs) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (LogicalShowDDLJobs) Init ¶
func (p LogicalShowDDLJobs) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalShowDDLJobs
Init initializes LogicalShowDDLJobs.
func (*LogicalShowDDLJobs) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalShowDDLJobs) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalShowDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalShowDDLJobs) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalShowDDLJobs) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalShowDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalSort ¶
LogicalSort stands for the order by plan.
func (*LogicalSort) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalSort) Children ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) Children() []LogicalPlan
Children implements LogicalPlan Children interface.
func (*LogicalSort) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalSort) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalSort) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (ls *LogicalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalSort) ExtractFD ¶
ExtractFD return the children[0]'s fdSet if there are no adding/removing fd in this logic plan.
func (*LogicalSort) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
GetLogicalTS4TaskMap get the logical TimeStamp now to help rollback the TaskMap changes after that.
func (*LogicalSort) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalSort) Init ¶
func (ls LogicalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalSort
Init initializes LogicalSort.
func (*LogicalSort) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalSort) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalSort) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalSort) PruneColumns ¶
func (ls *LogicalSort) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface. If any expression can view as a constant in execution stage, such as correlated column, constant, we do prune them. Note that we can't prune the expressions contain non-deterministic functions, such as rand().
func (*LogicalSort) Schema ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*LogicalSort) SetChild ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
SetChild implements LogicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*LogicalSort) SetChildren ¶
func (p *LogicalSort) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
SetChildren implements LogicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*LogicalSort) SetOutputNames ¶
type LogicalTableDual ¶
type LogicalTableDual struct { RowCount int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalTableDual represents a dual table plan.
func (*LogicalTableDual) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalTableDual) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalTableDual) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalTableDual) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalTableDual) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalTableDual) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalTableDual) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalTableDual) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalTableDual) Init ¶
func (p LogicalTableDual) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalTableDual
Init initializes LogicalTableDual.
func (*LogicalTableDual) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalTableDual) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalTableDual) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, _ *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalTableDual) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalTableDual) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalTableDual) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalTableDual) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalTableDual) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalTableDual) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalTableDual) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalTableScan ¶
type LogicalTableScan struct { Source *DataSource HandleCols HandleCols AccessConds expression.CNFExprs Ranges []*ranger.Range // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalTableScan is the logical table scan operator for TiKV.
func (*LogicalTableScan) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (ts *LogicalTableScan) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalTableScan) DeriveStats ¶
func (ts *LogicalTableScan) DeriveStats(_ []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (_ *property.StatsInfo, err error)
DeriveStats implements LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalTableScan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalTableScan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalTableScan) GetPhysicalScan ¶
func (s *LogicalTableScan) GetPhysicalScan(schema *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalTableScan
GetPhysicalScan returns PhysicalTableScan for the LogicalTableScan.
func (LogicalTableScan) Init ¶
func (ts LogicalTableScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalTableScan
Init initializes LogicalTableScan.
func (*LogicalTableScan) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalTableScan) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (ts *LogicalTableScan) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalTableScan) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalTableScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalTableScan) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalTableScan) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalTableScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalTopN ¶
type LogicalTopN struct { ByItems []*util.ByItems // PartitionBy is used for extended TopN to consider K heaps. Used by rule_derive_topn_from_window PartitionBy []property.SortItem // This is used for enhanced topN optimization Offset uint64 Count uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalTopN represents a top-n plan.
func (*LogicalTopN) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (lt *LogicalTopN) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) Children ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) Children() []LogicalPlan
Children implements LogicalPlan Children interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) DeriveStats ¶
func (lt *LogicalTopN) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, _ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) ExplainInfo ¶
func (lt *LogicalTopN) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (lt *LogicalTopN) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) ExtractFD ¶
ExtractFD return the children[0]'s fdSet if there are no adding/removing fd in this logic plan.
func (*LogicalTopN) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
GetLogicalTS4TaskMap get the logical TimeStamp now to help rollback the TaskMap changes after that.
func (*LogicalTopN) GetPartitionBy ¶
func (lt *LogicalTopN) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
GetPartitionBy returns partition by fields
func (*LogicalTopN) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalTopN) Init ¶
func (lt LogicalTopN) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalTopN
Init initializes LogicalTopN.
func (*LogicalTopN) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalTopN) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (lt *LogicalTopN) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) PruneColumns ¶
func (lt *LogicalTopN) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface. If any expression can view as a constant in execution stage, such as correlated column, constant, we do prune them. Note that we can't prune the expressions contain non-deterministic functions, such as rand().
func (*LogicalTopN) Schema ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) SetChild ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
SetChild implements LogicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) SetChildren ¶
func (p *LogicalTopN) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
SetChildren implements LogicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*LogicalTopN) SetOutputNames ¶
type LogicalUnionAll ¶
type LogicalUnionAll struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogicalUnionAll represents LogicalUnionAll plan.
func (*LogicalUnionAll) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionAll) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalUnionAll) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionAll) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (LogicalUnionAll) Init ¶
func (p LogicalUnionAll) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalUnionAll
Init initializes LogicalUnionAll.
func (*LogicalUnionAll) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalUnionAll) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionAll) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (ret []expression.Expression, retPlan LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalUnionAll) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionAll) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalUnionAll) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalUnionAll) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalUnionAll) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalUnionAll) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalUnionAll) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type LogicalUnionScan ¶
type LogicalUnionScan struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogicalUnionScan is used in non read-only txn or for scanning a local temporary table whose snapshot data is located in memory.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) BuildKeyInfo(_ *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) Children ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) Children() []LogicalPlan
Children implements LogicalPlan Children interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, _ [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) ExtractColGroups(_ [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*LogicalUnionScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
func (*LogicalUnionScan) ExtractFD ¶
ExtractFD return the children[0]'s fdSet if there are no adding/removing fd in this logic plan.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) GetLogicalTS4TaskMap() uint64
GetLogicalTS4TaskMap get the logical TimeStamp now to help rollback the TaskMap changes after that.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) HashCode ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) HashCode() []byte
HashCode implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (LogicalUnionScan) Init ¶
func (p LogicalUnionScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalUnionScan
Init initializes LogicalUnionScan.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalUnionScan) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (*LogicalUnionScan) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) Schema ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) SetChild ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) SetChild(i int, child LogicalPlan)
SetChild implements LogicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) SetChildren ¶
func (p *LogicalUnionScan) SetChildren(children ...LogicalPlan)
SetChildren implements LogicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*LogicalUnionScan) SetOutputNames ¶
type LogicalWindow ¶
type LogicalWindow struct { WindowFuncDescs []*aggregation.WindowFuncDesc PartitionBy []property.SortItem OrderBy []property.SortItem Frame *WindowFrame // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogicalWindow represents a logical window function plan.
func (*LogicalWindow) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) DeriveStats ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, _ []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)
DeriveStats implement LogicalPlan DeriveStats interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) EqualFrame ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) EqualFrame(ctx sessionctx.Context, newWindow *LogicalWindow) bool
EqualFrame checks whether two LogicalWindow.Frames are equal.
func (*LogicalWindow) EqualOrderBy ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) EqualOrderBy(ctx sessionctx.Context, newWindow *LogicalWindow) bool
EqualOrderBy checks whether two LogicalWindow.OrderBys are equal.
func (*LogicalWindow) EqualPartitionBy ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) EqualPartitionBy(_ sessionctx.Context, newWindow *LogicalWindow) bool
EqualPartitionBy checks whether two LogicalWindow.Partitions are equal.
func (*LogicalWindow) ExtractColGroups ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) ExtractColGroups(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
ExtractColGroups implements LogicalPlan ExtractColGroups interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) GetPartitionBy ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
GetPartitionBy returns partition by fields.
func (*LogicalWindow) GetPartitionByCols ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) GetPartitionByCols() []*expression.Column
GetPartitionByCols extracts 'partition by' columns from the Window.
func (*LogicalWindow) GetPartitionKeys ¶
func (lw *LogicalWindow) GetPartitionKeys() []*property.MPPPartitionColumn
GetPartitionKeys gets partition keys for a logical window, it will assign column id for expressions.
func (*LogicalWindow) GetWindowResultColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) GetWindowResultColumns() []*expression.Column
GetWindowResultColumns returns the columns storing the result of the window function.
func (LogicalWindow) Init ¶
func (p LogicalWindow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *LogicalWindow
Init initializes LogicalWindow.
func (*LogicalWindow) OutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalWindow) PredicatePushDown ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)
PredicatePushDown implements LogicalPlan PredicatePushDown interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, _ ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) PruneColumns ¶
func (p *LogicalWindow) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error
PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) Schema ¶
func (s *LogicalWindow) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*LogicalWindow) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*LogicalWindow) SetSchema ¶
func (s *LogicalWindow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type MemTablePredicateExtractor ¶
type MemTablePredicateExtractor interface { // Extracts predicates which can be pushed down and returns the remained predicates Extract(sessionctx.Context, *expression.Schema, []*types.FieldName, []expression.Expression) (remained []expression.Expression) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
MemTablePredicateExtractor is used to extract some predicates from `WHERE` clause and push the predicates down to the data retrieving on reading memory table stage.
e.g: SELECT * FROM cluster_config WHERE type='tikv' AND instance='' We must request all components in the cluster via HTTP API for retrieving configurations and filter them by `type/instance` columns.
The purpose of defining a `MemTablePredicateExtractor` is to optimize this 1. Define a `ClusterConfigTablePredicateExtractor` 2. Extract the `type/instance` columns on the logic optimizing stage and save them via fields. 3. Passing the extractor to the `ClusterReaderExecExec` executor 4. Executor sends requests to the target components instead of all of the components
type MergeHintInfo ¶
type MergeHintInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MergeHintInfo bool flag for cte
type MetricSummaryTableExtractor ¶
type MetricSummaryTableExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool MetricsNames set.StringSet Quantiles []float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MetricSummaryTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of metrics_schema tables.
func (*MetricSummaryTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *MetricSummaryTableExtractor) Extract( _ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) (remained []expression.Expression)
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type MetricTableExtractor ¶
type MetricTableExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool // StartTime represents the beginning time of metric data. StartTime time.Time // EndTime represents the ending time of metric data. EndTime time.Time // LabelConditions represents the label conditions of metric data. LabelConditions map[string]set.StringSet Quantiles []float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MetricTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of metrics_schema tables.
func (*MetricTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *MetricTableExtractor) Extract( ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
func (*MetricTableExtractor) GetMetricTablePromQL ¶
func (e *MetricTableExtractor) GetMetricTablePromQL(sctx sessionctx.Context, lowerTableName string) string
GetMetricTablePromQL uses to get the promQL of metric table.
type NominalSort ¶
type NominalSort struct { // These two fields are used to switch ScalarFunctions to Constants. For these // NominalSorts, we need to converted to Projections check if the ScalarFunctions // are out of bounds. (issue #11653) ByItems []*util.ByItems OnlyColumn bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NominalSort asks sort properties for its child. It is a fake operator that will not appear in final physical operator tree. It will be eliminated or converted to Projection.
func (*NominalSort) Children ¶
func (p *NominalSort) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*NominalSort) Clone ¶
func (p *NominalSort) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*NominalSort) ExplainInfo ¶
func (*NominalSort) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*NominalSort) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*NominalSort) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*NominalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*NominalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*NominalSort) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *NominalSort) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (NominalSort) Init ¶
func (p NominalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *NominalSort
Init initializes NominalSort.
func (*NominalSort) MemoryUsage ¶
func (ns *NominalSort) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of NominalSort
func (*NominalSort) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *NominalSort) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*NominalSort) Schema ¶
func (p *NominalSort) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*NominalSort) SetChild ¶
func (p *NominalSort) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*NominalSort) SetChildren ¶
func (p *NominalSort) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*NominalSort) StatsCount ¶
func (p *NominalSort) StatsCount() float64
type OperatorLabel ¶
type OperatorLabel uint8
OperatorLabel acts as some additional information to the name, usually it means its relationship with its parent. It's useful for index join, apply, index lookup, cte and so on.
const ( // Empty means OperatorLabel is meaningless for this operator. Empty OperatorLabel = iota // BuildSide means this operator is at the build side of its parent BuildSide // ProbeSide means this operator is at the probe side of its parent ProbeSide // SeedPart means this operator is the seed part of its parent (a cte) SeedPart // RecursivePart means this operator is the recursive part of its parent (a cte) RecursivePart )
func (OperatorLabel) String ¶
func (d OperatorLabel) String() string
type OtherAccessObject ¶
type OtherAccessObject string
OtherAccessObject represents other kinds of access.
func (OtherAccessObject) NormalizedString ¶
func (o OtherAccessObject) NormalizedString() string
NormalizedString implements AccessObject.
func (OtherAccessObject) SetIntoPB ¶
func (o OtherAccessObject) SetIntoPB(pb *tipb.ExplainOperator)
SetIntoPB implements AccessObject.
func (OtherAccessObject) String ¶
func (o OtherAccessObject) String() string
type PBPlanBuilder ¶
type PBPlanBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PBPlanBuilder uses to build physical plan from dag protocol buffers.
func NewPBPlanBuilder ¶
func NewPBPlanBuilder(sctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, ranges []*coprocessor.KeyRange) *PBPlanBuilder
NewPBPlanBuilder creates a new pb plan builder.
func (*PBPlanBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *PBPlanBuilder) Build(executors []*tipb.Executor) (p PhysicalPlan, err error)
Build builds physical plan from dag protocol buffers.
type PartitionInfo ¶
type PartitionInfo struct { PruningConds []expression.Expression PartitionNames []model.CIStr Columns []*expression.Column ColumnNames types.NameSlice }
PartitionInfo indicates partition helper info in physical plan.
func (*PartitionInfo) MemoryUsage ¶
func (pi *PartitionInfo) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PartitionInfo
type PartitionSplitterType ¶
type PartitionSplitterType int
PartitionSplitterType is the type of `Shuffle` executor splitter, which splits data source into partitions.
type PauseDDLJobs ¶
type PauseDDLJobs struct { JobIDs []int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PauseDDLJobs indicates a plan to pause the Running DDL Jobs.
func (*PauseDDLJobs) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *PauseDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*PauseDDLJobs) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*PauseDDLJobs) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PauseDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PauseDDLJobs) Schema ¶
func (s *PauseDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PauseDDLJobs) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*PauseDDLJobs) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PauseDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalApply ¶
type PhysicalApply struct { PhysicalHashJoin CanUseCache bool Concurrency int OuterSchema []*expression.CorrelatedColumn }
PhysicalApply represents apply plan, only used for subquery.
func (*PhysicalApply) Clone ¶
func (la *PhysicalApply) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalApply) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (la *PhysicalApply) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalApply) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalApply) GetCost(lCount, rCount, lCost, rCost float64) float64
GetCost computes the cost of apply operator.
func (PhysicalApply) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalApply) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalApply
Init initializes PhysicalApply.
func (*PhysicalApply) MemoryUsage ¶
func (la *PhysicalApply) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalApply
func (*PhysicalApply) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalApply) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
type PhysicalCTE ¶
type PhysicalCTE struct { SeedPlan PhysicalPlan RecurPlan PhysicalPlan CTE *CTEClass // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalCTE is for CTE.
func (*PhysicalCTE) AccessObject ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTE) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements physicalScan interface.
func (*PhysicalCTE) ExplainID ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTE) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
ExplainID overrides the ExplainID.
func (*PhysicalCTE) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTE) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalCTE) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTE) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (PhysicalCTE) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalCTE) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalCTE
Init only assigns type and context.
func (*PhysicalCTE) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTE) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalCTE
func (*PhysicalCTE) OperatorInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTE) OperatorInfo(_ bool) string
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PhysicalCTE) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTE) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalCTE) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalCTE) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalCTE) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalCTE) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalCTETable ¶
type PhysicalCTETable struct { IDForStorage int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalCTETable is for CTE table.
func (*PhysicalCTETable) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTETable) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo overrides the ExplainInfo
func (PhysicalCTETable) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalCTETable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalCTETable
Init only assigns type and context.
func (*PhysicalCTETable) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTETable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalCTETable
func (*PhysicalCTETable) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalCTETable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalCTETable) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalCTETable) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalCTETable) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalCTETable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalExchangeReceiver ¶
type PhysicalExchangeReceiver struct { Tasks []*kv.MPPTask // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalExchangeReceiver accepts connection and receives data passively.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implment PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExplainInfo() (res string)
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) GetExchangeSender ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) GetExchangeSender() *PhysicalExchangeSender
GetExchangeSender return the connected sender of this receiver. We assume that its child must be a receiver.
func (PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalExchangeReceiver
Init only assigns type and context.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalExchangeReceiver
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) StatsCount() float64
func (*PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ToPB ¶
func (e *PhysicalExchangeReceiver) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB generates the pb structure.
type PhysicalExchangeSender ¶
type PhysicalExchangeSender struct { TargetTasks []*kv.MPPTask ExchangeType tipb.ExchangeType HashCols []*property.MPPPartitionColumn // Tasks is the mpp task for current PhysicalExchangeSender. Tasks []*kv.MPPTask CompressionMode kv.ExchangeCompressionMode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalExchangeSender dispatches data to upstream tasks. That means push mode processing.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (PhysicalExchangeSender) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalExchangeSender) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalExchangeSender
Init only assigns type and context.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalExchangeSender
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ResolveIndicesItself ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) ResolveIndicesItself() (err error)
ResolveIndicesItself resolve indices for PhysicalPlan itself
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalExchangeSender) StatsCount() float64
func (*PhysicalExchangeSender) ToPB ¶
func (e *PhysicalExchangeSender) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB generates the pb structure.
type PhysicalExpand ¶
type PhysicalExpand struct { // generated grouping ID column itself. GroupingIDCol *expression.Column // GroupingSets is used to define what kind of group layout should the underlying data follow. // For simple case: select count(distinct a), count(distinct b) from t; the grouping expressions are [a] and [b]. GroupingSets expression.GroupingSets // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalExpand is used to expand underlying data sources to feed different grouping sets.
func (*PhysicalExpand) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalExpand) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalExpand) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalExpand) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (PhysicalExpand) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalExpand) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalExpand
Init only assigns type and context.
func (*PhysicalExpand) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalExpand) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalExpand
func (*PhysicalExpand) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalExpand) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalExpand) ResolveIndicesItself ¶
func (p *PhysicalExpand) ResolveIndicesItself() error
ResolveIndicesItself resolve indices for PhysicalPlan itself
func (*PhysicalExpand) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalExpand) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalExpand) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalExpand) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*PhysicalExpand) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalExpand) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalHashAgg ¶
type PhysicalHashAgg struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PhysicalHashAgg is hash operator of aggregate.
func NewPhysicalHashAgg ¶
func NewPhysicalHashAgg(la *LogicalAggregation, newStats *property.StatsInfo, prop *property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashAgg
NewPhysicalHashAgg creates a new PhysicalHashAgg from a LogicalAggregation.
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) GetCost(inputRows float64, isRoot, isMPP bool, costFlag uint64) float64
GetCost computes the cost of hash aggregation considering CPU/memory.
func (PhysicalHashAgg) Init ¶
func (base PhysicalHashAgg) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *basePhysicalAgg
Init initializes basePhysicalAgg.
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) IsFinalAgg ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) IsFinalAgg() bool
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalHashAgg
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashAgg) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashAgg) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalHashJoin ¶
type PhysicalHashJoin struct { Concurrency uint EqualConditions []*expression.ScalarFunction NAEqualConditions []*expression.ScalarFunction // use the outer table to build a hash table when the outer table is smaller. UseOuterToBuild bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalHashJoin represents hash join implementation of LogicalJoin.
func NewPhysicalHashJoin ¶
func NewPhysicalHashJoin(p *LogicalJoin, innerIdx int, useOuterToBuild bool, newStats *property.StatsInfo, prop ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashJoin
NewPhysicalHashJoin creates a new PhysicalHashJoin from LogicalJoin.
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) GetCost(lCnt, rCnt float64, isMPP bool, costFlag uint64, op *physicalOptimizeOp) float64
GetCost computes cost of hash join operator itself.
func (PhysicalHashJoin) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalHashJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashJoin
Init initializes PhysicalHashJoin.
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalHashJoin
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) ResolveIndicesItself ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ResolveIndicesItself() (err error)
ResolveIndicesItself resolve indices for PhyicalPlan itself
func (*PhysicalHashJoin) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalIndexHashJoin ¶
type PhysicalIndexHashJoin struct { PhysicalIndexJoin // KeepOuterOrder indicates whether keeping the output result order as the // outer side. KeepOuterOrder bool }
PhysicalIndexHashJoin represents the plan of index look up hash join.
func (*PhysicalIndexHashJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexHashJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexHashJoin) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexHashJoin) GetCost(outerCnt, innerCnt, outerCost, innerCost float64, costFlag uint64) float64
GetCost computes the cost of index merge join operator and its children.
func (PhysicalIndexHashJoin) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalIndexHashJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalIndexHashJoin
Init initializes PhysicalIndexHashJoin.
func (*PhysicalIndexHashJoin) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexHashJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalIndexHashJoin
type PhysicalIndexJoin ¶
type PhysicalIndexJoin struct { // Ranges stores the IndexRanges when the inner plan is index scan. Ranges ranger.MutableRanges // KeyOff2IdxOff maps the offsets in join key to the offsets in the index. KeyOff2IdxOff []int // IdxColLens stores the length of each index column. IdxColLens []int // CompareFilters stores the filters for last column if those filters need to be evaluated during execution. // e.g. select * from t, t1 where t.a = t1.a and t.b > t1.b and t.b < t1.b+10 // If there's index(t.a, t.b). All the filters can be used to construct index range but t.b > t1.b and t.b < t1.b+10 // need to be evaluated after we fetch the data of t1. // This struct stores them and evaluate them to ranges. CompareFilters *ColWithCmpFuncManager // OuterHashKeys indicates the outer keys used to build hash table during // execution. OuterJoinKeys is the prefix of OuterHashKeys. OuterHashKeys []*expression.Column // InnerHashKeys indicates the inner keys used to build hash table during // execution. InnerJoinKeys is the prefix of InnerHashKeys. InnerHashKeys []*expression.Column // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalIndexJoin represents the plan of index look up join.
func (*PhysicalIndexJoin) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexJoin) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) GetCost(outerCnt, innerCnt, outerCost, innerCost float64, costFlag uint64) float64
GetCost computes the cost of index join operator and its children.
func (PhysicalIndexJoin) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalIndexJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalIndexJoin
Init initializes PhysicalIndexJoin.
func (*PhysicalIndexJoin) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalIndexJoin
func (*PhysicalIndexJoin) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexJoin) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
type PhysicalIndexLookUpReader ¶
type PhysicalIndexLookUpReader struct { // IndexPlans flats the indexPlan to construct executor pb. IndexPlans []PhysicalPlan // TablePlans flats the tablePlan to construct executor pb. TablePlans []PhysicalPlan Paging bool ExtraHandleCol *expression.Column // PushedLimit is used to avoid unnecessary table scan tasks of IndexLookUpReader. PushedLimit *PushedDownLimit CommonHandleCols []*expression.Column // Used by partition table. PartitionInfo PartitionInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalIndexLookUpReader is the index look up reader in tidb. It's used in case of double reading.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetAvgTableRowSize ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetAvgTableRowSize() float64
GetAvgTableRowSize return the average row size of each final row.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetCost(costFlag uint64) (cost float64)
GetCost computes cost of index lookup operator itself.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetIndexNetDataSize ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) GetIndexNetDataSize() float64
GetIndexNetDataSize return the estimated total size in bytes via network transfer.
func (PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader
Init initializes PhysicalIndexLookUpReader.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalIndexLookUpReader
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalIndexMergeJoin ¶
type PhysicalIndexMergeJoin struct { PhysicalIndexJoin // KeyOff2KeyOffOrderByIdx maps the offsets in join keys to the offsets in join keys order by index. KeyOff2KeyOffOrderByIdx []int // CompareFuncs store the compare functions for outer join keys and inner join key. CompareFuncs []expression.CompareFunc // OuterCompareFuncs store the compare functions for outer join keys and outer join // keys, it's for outer rows sort's convenience. OuterCompareFuncs []expression.CompareFunc // NeedOuterSort means whether outer rows should be sorted to build range. NeedOuterSort bool // Desc means whether inner child keep desc order. Desc bool }
PhysicalIndexMergeJoin represents the plan of index look up merge join.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) GetCost(outerCnt, innerCnt, outerCost, innerCost float64, costFlag uint64) float64
GetCost computes the cost of index merge join operator and its children.
func (PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin
Init initializes PhysicalIndexMergeJoin.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalIndexMergeJoin
type PhysicalIndexMergeReader ¶
type PhysicalIndexMergeReader struct { // IsIntersectionType means whether it's intersection type or union type. // Intersection type is for expressions connected by `AND` and union type is for `OR`. IsIntersectionType bool // AccessMVIndex indicates whether this IndexMergeReader access a MVIndex. AccessMVIndex bool // PushedLimit is used to avoid unnecessary table scan tasks of IndexMergeReader. PushedLimit *PushedDownLimit // ByItems is used to support sorting the handles returned by partialPlans. ByItems []*util.ByItems // PartialPlans flats the partialPlans to construct executor pb. PartialPlans [][]PhysicalPlan // TablePlans flats the tablePlan to construct executor pb. TablePlans []PhysicalPlan // Used by partition table. PartitionInfo PartitionInfo KeepOrder bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalIndexMergeReader is the reader using multiple indexes in tidb.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) GetAvgTableRowSize ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) GetAvgTableRowSize() float64
GetAvgTableRowSize return the average row size of table plan.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) GetPartialReaderNetDataSize ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) GetPartialReaderNetDataSize(plan PhysicalPlan) float64
GetPartialReaderNetDataSize returns the estimated total response data size of a partial read.
func (PhysicalIndexMergeReader) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalIndexMergeReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexMergeReader
Init initializes PhysicalIndexMergeReader.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalIndexMergeReader
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexMergeReader) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalIndexMergeReader) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalIndexReader ¶
type PhysicalIndexReader struct { // IndexPlans flats the indexPlan to construct executor pb. IndexPlans []PhysicalPlan // OutputColumns represents the columns that index reader should return. OutputColumns []*expression.Column // Used by partition table. PartitionInfo PartitionInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalIndexReader is the index reader in tidb.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) GetNetDataSize ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) GetNetDataSize() float64
GetNetDataSize calculates the cost of the plan in network data transfer.
func (PhysicalIndexReader) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalIndexReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexReader
Init initializes PhysicalIndexReader.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalIndexReader
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalIndexReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren overrides PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexReader) SetSchema ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexReader) SetSchema(_ *expression.Schema)
SetSchema overrides PhysicalPlan SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalIndexScan ¶
type PhysicalIndexScan struct { // AccessCondition is used to calculate range. AccessCondition []expression.Expression Table *model.TableInfo Index *model.IndexInfo IdxCols []*expression.Column IdxColLens []int Ranges []*ranger.Range Columns []*model.ColumnInfo DBName model.CIStr TableAsName *model.CIStr // Hist is the histogram when the query was issued. // It is used for query feedback. Hist *statistics.Histogram GenExprs map[model.TableItemID]expression.Expression Desc bool KeepOrder bool // ByItems only for partition table with orderBy + pushedLimit ByItems []*util.ByItems // DoubleRead means if the index executor will read kv two times. // If the query requires the columns that don't belong to index, DoubleRead will be true. DoubleRead bool NeedCommonHandle bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalIndexScan represents an index scan plan.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) AccessObject ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainID ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
ExplainID overrides the ExplainID in order to match different range.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (PhysicalIndexScan) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalIndexScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalIndexScan
Init initializes PhysicalIndexScan.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) IsPartition ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) IsPartition() (bool, int64)
IsPartition returns true and partition ID if it works on a partition.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) IsPointGetByUniqueKey ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) IsPointGetByUniqueKey(sctx sessionctx.Context) bool
IsPointGetByUniqueKey checks whether is a point get by unique key.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalIndexScan
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) OperatorInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalIndexScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalIndexScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) TP ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) TP() string
TP overrides the TP in order to match different range.
func (*PhysicalIndexScan) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalIndexScan) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalLimit ¶
type PhysicalLimit struct { PartitionBy []property.SortItem Offset uint64 Count uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalLimit is the physical operator of Limit.
func (*PhysicalLimit) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalLimit) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalLimit) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalLimit) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalLimit) GetPartitionBy ¶
func (p *PhysicalLimit) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
GetPartitionBy returns partition by fields
func (PhysicalLimit) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalLimit) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalLimit
Init initializes PhysicalLimit.
func (*PhysicalLimit) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalLimit) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalLimit
func (*PhysicalLimit) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalLimit) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalLimit) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalLimit) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalLimit) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalLimit) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*PhysicalLimit) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalLimit) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalLock ¶
type PhysicalLock struct { Lock *ast.SelectLockInfo TblID2Handle map[int64][]HandleCols TblID2PhysTblIDCol map[int64]*expression.Column // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalLock is the physical operator of lock, which is used for `select ... for update` clause.
func (*PhysicalLock) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalLock) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*PhysicalLock) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (PhysicalLock) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalLock) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalLock
Init initializes PhysicalLock.
func (*PhysicalLock) MemoryUsage ¶
func (pl *PhysicalLock) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalLock
func (*PhysicalLock) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalLock) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalLock) StatsCount() float64
type PhysicalMaxOneRow ¶
type PhysicalMaxOneRow struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PhysicalMaxOneRow is the physical operator of maxOneRow.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExplainInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (PhysicalMaxOneRow) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalMaxOneRow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalMaxOneRow
Init initializes PhysicalMaxOneRow.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalMaxOneRow
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalMaxOneRow) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalMaxOneRow) StatsCount() float64
type PhysicalMemTable ¶
type PhysicalMemTable struct { DBName model.CIStr Table *model.TableInfo Columns []*model.ColumnInfo Extractor MemTablePredicateExtractor QueryTimeRange QueryTimeRange // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalMemTable reads memory table.
func (*PhysicalMemTable) AccessObject ¶
func (p *PhysicalMemTable) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PhysicalMemTable) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalMemTable) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (PhysicalMemTable) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalMemTable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalMemTable
Init initializes PhysicalMemTable.
func (*PhysicalMemTable) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalMemTable) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalMemTable
func (*PhysicalMemTable) OperatorInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalMemTable) OperatorInfo(_ bool) string
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PhysicalMemTable) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalMemTable) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalMemTable) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalMemTable) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalMemTable) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalMemTable) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalMergeJoin ¶
type PhysicalMergeJoin struct { CompareFuncs []expression.CompareFunc // Desc means whether inner child keep desc order. Desc bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalMergeJoin represents merge join implementation of LogicalJoin.
func BuildMergeJoinPlan ¶
func BuildMergeJoinPlan(ctx sessionctx.Context, joinType JoinType, leftKeys, rightKeys []*expression.Column) *PhysicalMergeJoin
BuildMergeJoinPlan builds a PhysicalMergeJoin from the given fields. Currently, it is only used for test purpose.
func (*PhysicalMergeJoin) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalMergeJoin) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalMergeJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalMergeJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalMergeJoin) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) GetCost(lCnt, rCnt float64, costFlag uint64) float64
GetCost computes cost of merge join operator itself.
func (PhysicalMergeJoin) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalMergeJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalMergeJoin
Init initializes PhysicalMergeJoin.
func (*PhysicalMergeJoin) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalMergeJoin
func (*PhysicalMergeJoin) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
type PhysicalPlan ¶
type PhysicalPlan interface { Plan // ToPB converts physical plan to tipb executor. ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error) // GetChildReqProps gets the required property by child index. GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty // StatsCount returns the count of property.StatsInfo for this plan. StatsCount() float64 ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn // Children get all the children. Children() []PhysicalPlan // SetChildren sets the children for the plan. SetChildren(...PhysicalPlan) // SetChild sets the ith child for the plan. SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan) // ResolveIndices resolves the indices for columns. After doing this, the columns can evaluate the rows by their indices. ResolveIndices() error // Stats returns the StatsInfo of the plan. Stats() *property.StatsInfo // SetStats sets basePlan.stats inside the basePhysicalPlan. SetStats(s *property.StatsInfo) // ExplainNormalizedInfo returns operator normalized information for generating digest. ExplainNormalizedInfo() string // Clone clones this physical plan. Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error) // MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalPlan MemoryUsage() int64 // contains filtered or unexported methods }
PhysicalPlan is a tree of the physical operators.
func DoOptimize ¶
func DoOptimize(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, flag uint64, logic LogicalPlan) (PhysicalPlan, float64, error)
DoOptimize optimizes a logical plan to a physical plan.
func InjectExtraProjection ¶
func InjectExtraProjection(plan PhysicalPlan) PhysicalPlan
InjectExtraProjection is used to extract the expressions of specific operators into a physical Projection operator and inject the Projection below the operators. Thus we can accelerate the expression evaluation by eager evaluation. This function will be called in two situations: 1. In postOptimize. 2. TiDB can be used as a coprocessor, when a plan tree been pushed down to TiDB, we need to inject extra projections for the plan tree as well.
func InjectProjBelowAgg ¶
func InjectProjBelowAgg(aggPlan PhysicalPlan, aggFuncs []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, groupByItems []expression.Expression) PhysicalPlan
InjectProjBelowAgg injects a ProjOperator below AggOperator. So that All scalar functions in aggregation may speed up by vectorized evaluation in the `proj`. If all the args of `aggFuncs`, and all the item of `groupByItems` are columns or constants, we do not need to build the `proj`.
func InjectProjBelowSort ¶
func InjectProjBelowSort(p PhysicalPlan, orderByItems []*util.ByItems) PhysicalPlan
InjectProjBelowSort extracts the ScalarFunctions of `orderByItems` into a PhysicalProjection and injects it below PhysicalTopN/PhysicalSort. The schema of PhysicalSort and PhysicalTopN are the same as the schema of their children. When a projection is injected as the child of PhysicalSort and PhysicalTopN, some extra columns will be added into the schema of the Projection, thus we need to add another Projection upon them to prune the redundant columns.
func SafeClone ¶
func SafeClone(v PhysicalPlan) (_ PhysicalPlan, err error)
SafeClone clones this PhysicalPlan and handles its panic.
func TurnNominalSortIntoProj ¶
func TurnNominalSortIntoProj(p PhysicalPlan, onlyColumn bool, orderByItems []*util.ByItems) PhysicalPlan
TurnNominalSortIntoProj will turn nominal sort into two projections. This is to check if the scalar functions will overflow.
type PhysicalProjection ¶
type PhysicalProjection struct { Exprs []expression.Expression CalculateNoDelay bool AvoidColumnEvaluator bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalProjection is the physical operator of projection.
func (*PhysicalProjection) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalProjection) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalProjection) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalProjection) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalProjection) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) GetCost(count float64) float64
GetCost computes the cost of projection operator itself.
func (PhysicalProjection) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalProjection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalProjection
Init initializes PhysicalProjection.
func (*PhysicalProjection) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalProjection
func (*PhysicalProjection) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalProjection) ResolveIndicesItself ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) ResolveIndicesItself() (err error)
ResolveIndicesItself resolve indices for PhysicalPlan itself
func (*PhysicalProjection) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalProjection) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalProjection) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalProjection) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*PhysicalProjection) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalProjection) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalSelection ¶
type PhysicalSelection struct { Conditions []expression.Expression // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalSelection represents a filter.
func (*PhysicalSelection) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (PhysicalSelection) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalSelection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalSelection
Init initializes PhysicalSelection.
func (*PhysicalSelection) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalSelection
func (*PhysicalSelection) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalSelection) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) StatsCount() float64
func (*PhysicalSelection) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalSelection) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalShow ¶
type PhysicalShow struct { ShowContents Extractor ShowPredicateExtractor // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalShow represents a show plan.
func (PhysicalShow) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalShow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalShow
Init initializes PhysicalShow.
func (*PhysicalShow) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalShow) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalShow
func (*PhysicalShow) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalShow) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalShow) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalShow) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalShow) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalShow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalShowDDLJobs ¶
type PhysicalShowDDLJobs struct { JobNumber int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalShowDDLJobs is for showing DDL job list.
func (PhysicalShowDDLJobs) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalShowDDLJobs) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalShowDDLJobs
Init initializes PhysicalShowDDLJobs.
func (*PhysicalShowDDLJobs) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalShowDDLJobs
func (*PhysicalShowDDLJobs) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalShowDDLJobs) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalShowDDLJobs) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalShowDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalShuffle ¶
type PhysicalShuffle struct { Concurrency int Tails []PhysicalPlan DataSources []PhysicalPlan SplitterType PartitionSplitterType ByItemArrays [][]expression.Expression // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalShuffle represents a shuffle plan. `Tails` and `DataSources` are the last plan within and the first plan following the "shuffle", respectively,
to build the child executors chain.
Take `Window` operator for example:
Shuffle -> Window -> Sort -> DataSource, will be separated into: ==> Shuffle: for main thread ==> Window -> Sort(:Tail) -> shuffleWorker: for workers ==> DataSource: for `fetchDataAndSplit` thread
func (*PhysicalShuffle) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalShuffle) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*PhysicalShuffle) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (PhysicalShuffle) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalShuffle) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalShuffle
Init initializes PhysicalShuffle.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalShuffle
func (*PhysicalShuffle) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffle) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffle) StatsCount() float64
type PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub ¶
type PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub struct { // Receiver points to `executor.shuffleReceiver`. Receiver unsafe.Pointer // DataSource is the PhysicalPlan of the Receiver. DataSource PhysicalPlan // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub represents a receiver stub of `PhysicalShuffle`, and actually, is executed by `executor.shuffleWorker`.
func (PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub
Init initializes PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub.
func (*PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub
func (*PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalShuffleReceiverStub) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalSimpleWrapper ¶
type PhysicalSimpleWrapper struct { Inner Simple // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalSimpleWrapper is a wrapper of `Simple` to implement physical plan interface.
Used for simple statements executing in coprocessor.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExplainInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalSimpleWrapper
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalSimpleWrapper) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalSimpleWrapper) StatsCount() float64
type PhysicalSort ¶
type PhysicalSort struct { ByItems []*util.ByItems // whether this operator only need to sort the data of one partition. // it is true only if it is used to sort the sharded data of the window function. IsPartialSort bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalSort is the physical operator of sort, which implements a memory sort.
func (*PhysicalSort) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) Clone ¶
func (ls *PhysicalSort) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalSort) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (ls *PhysicalSort) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (*PhysicalSort) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) GetCost(count float64, schema *expression.Schema) float64
GetCost computes the cost of in memory sort.
func (PhysicalSort) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalSort
Init initializes PhysicalSort.
func (*PhysicalSort) MemoryUsage ¶
func (ls *PhysicalSort) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalSort
func (*PhysicalSort) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalSort) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) StatsCount() float64
func (*PhysicalSort) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalSort) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalStreamAgg ¶
type PhysicalStreamAgg struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PhysicalStreamAgg is stream operator of aggregate.
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) GetCost(inputRows float64, isRoot, isMPP bool, costFlag uint64) float64
GetCost computes cost of stream aggregation considering CPU/memory.
func (PhysicalStreamAgg) Init ¶
func (base PhysicalStreamAgg) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *basePhysicalAgg
Init initializes basePhysicalAgg.
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) IsFinalAgg ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) IsFinalAgg() bool
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalStreamAgg
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalStreamAgg) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalStreamAgg) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalTableDual ¶
type PhysicalTableDual struct { RowCount int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalTableDual is the physical operator of dual.
func (*PhysicalTableDual) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableDual) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (PhysicalTableDual) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalTableDual) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int) *PhysicalTableDual
Init initializes PhysicalTableDual.
func (*PhysicalTableDual) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableDual) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalTableDual
func (*PhysicalTableDual) OutputNames ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableDual) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*PhysicalTableDual) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableDual) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalTableDual) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableDual) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalTableDual) SetOutputNames ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableDual) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
SetOutputNames sets the outputting name by the given slice.
func (*PhysicalTableDual) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableDual) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalTableReader ¶
type PhysicalTableReader struct { // TablePlans flats the tablePlan to construct executor pb. TablePlans []PhysicalPlan // StoreType indicates table read from which type of store. StoreType kv.StoreType // ReadReqType is the read request type for current physical table reader, there are 3 kinds of read request: Cop, // BatchCop and MPP, currently, the latter two are only used in TiFlash ReadReqType ReadReqType IsCommonHandle bool // Used by partition table. PartitionInfo PartitionInfo // Used by MPP, because MPP plan may contain join/union/union all, it is possible that a physical table reader contains more than 1 table scan PartitionInfos []tableScanAndPartitionInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalTableReader is the table reader in tidb.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalTableReader) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) ExtractCorrelatedCols() (corCols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn)
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) GetAvgRowSize ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetAvgRowSize() float64
GetAvgRowSize return the average row size of this plan.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) GetNetDataSize ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetNetDataSize() float64
GetNetDataSize calculates the estimated total data size fetched from storage.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) GetTablePlan ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetTablePlan() PhysicalPlan
GetTablePlan exports the tablePlan.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) GetTableScan ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetTableScan() (*PhysicalTableScan, error)
GetTableScan exports the tableScan that contained in tablePlans and return error when the count of table scan != 1.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) GetTableScans ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) GetTableScans() []*PhysicalTableScan
GetTableScans exports the tableScan that contained in tablePlans.
func (PhysicalTableReader) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalTableReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalTableReader
Init initializes PhysicalTableReader.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalTableReader
func (*PhysicalTableReader) OperatorInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) OperatorInfo(_ bool) string
OperatorInfo return other operator information to be explained.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) ResolveIndices() error
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableReader) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableReader) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren overrides PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalTableReader) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableReader) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalTableSample ¶
type PhysicalTableSample struct { TableSampleInfo *TableSampleInfo TableInfo table.Table Desc bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalTableSample represents a table sample plan. It returns the sample rows to its parent operand.
func (PhysicalTableSample) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalTableSample) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalTableSample
Init initializes PhysicalTableSample.
func (*PhysicalTableSample) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableSample) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalTableSample
func (*PhysicalTableSample) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableSample) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalTableSample) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableSample) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalTableSample) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableSample) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalTableScan ¶
type PhysicalTableScan struct { // AccessCondition is used to calculate range. AccessCondition []expression.Expression Table *model.TableInfo Columns []*model.ColumnInfo DBName model.CIStr Ranges []*ranger.Range TableAsName *model.CIStr // Hist is the histogram when the query was issued. // It is used for query feedback. Hist *statistics.Histogram // HandleIdx is the index of handle, which is only used for admin check table. HandleIdx []int HandleCols HandleCols StoreType kv.StoreType IsMPPOrBatchCop bool // Used for tiflash PartitionTableScan. // KeepOrder is true, if sort data by scanning pkcol, KeepOrder bool Desc bool // ByItems only for partition table with orderBy + pushedLimit ByItems []*util.ByItems PartitionInfo PartitionInfo SampleInfo *TableSampleInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalTableScan represents a table scan plan.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) AccessObject ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) Clone ¶
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) ExplainID ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ExplainID() fmt.Stringer
ExplainID overrides the ExplainID in order to match different range.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (PhysicalTableScan) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalTableScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *PhysicalTableScan
Init initializes PhysicalTableScan.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) IsPartition ¶
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) IsPartition() (bool, int64)
IsPartition returns true and partition ID if it's actually a partition.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) MemoryUsage ¶
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalTableScan
func (*PhysicalTableScan) OperatorInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) ResolveCorrelatedColumns ¶
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) ResolveCorrelatedColumns() ([]*ranger.Range, error)
ResolveCorrelatedColumns resolves the correlated columns in range access. We already limit range mem usage when building ranges in optimizer phase, so we don't need and shouldn't limit range mem usage when rebuilding ranges during the execution phase.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalTableScan) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) SetIsChildOfIndexLookUp ¶
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) SetIsChildOfIndexLookUp(isIsChildOfIndexLookUp bool)
SetIsChildOfIndexLookUp is to set the bool if is a child of IndexLookUpReader
func (*PhysicalTableScan) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalTableScan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) TP ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) TP() string
TP overrides the TP in order to match different range.
func (*PhysicalTableScan) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalTableScan) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalTopN ¶
type PhysicalTopN struct { ByItems []*util.ByItems PartitionBy []property.SortItem Offset uint64 Count uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalTopN is the physical operator of topN.
func (*PhysicalTopN) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) Clone ¶
func (lt *PhysicalTopN) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (lt *PhysicalTopN) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (*PhysicalTopN) GetCost ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) GetCost(count float64, isRoot bool) float64
GetCost computes cost of TopN operator itself.
func (*PhysicalTopN) GetPartitionBy ¶
func (lt *PhysicalTopN) GetPartitionBy() []property.SortItem
GetPartitionBy returns partition by fields
func (PhysicalTopN) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalTopN) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalTopN
Init initializes PhysicalTopN.
func (*PhysicalTopN) MemoryUsage ¶
func (lt *PhysicalTopN) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalTopN
func (*PhysicalTopN) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalTopN) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) StatsCount() float64
func (*PhysicalTopN) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalTopN) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type PhysicalUnionAll ¶
type PhysicalUnionAll struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PhysicalUnionAll is the physical operator of UnionAll.
func (*PhysicalUnionAll) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionAll) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (PhysicalUnionAll) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalUnionAll) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalUnionAll
Init initializes PhysicalUnionAll.
func (*PhysicalUnionAll) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionAll) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalUnionAll
func (*PhysicalUnionAll) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionAll) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PhysicalUnionAll) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalUnionAll) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionAll) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalUnionAll) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PhysicalUnionScan ¶
type PhysicalUnionScan struct { Conditions []expression.Expression HandleCols HandleCols // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalUnionScan represents a union scan operator.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) Children ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children implements PhysicalPlan Children interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) GetChildReqProps(idx int) *property.PhysicalProperty
func (PhysicalUnionScan) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalUnionScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalUnionScan
Init initializes PhysicalUnionScan.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalUnionScan
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) Schema ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) SetChild ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) SetChild(i int, child PhysicalPlan)
SetChild implements PhysicalPlan SetChild interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) SetChildren ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) SetChildren(children ...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren implements PhysicalPlan SetChildren interface.
func (*PhysicalUnionScan) StatsCount ¶
func (p *PhysicalUnionScan) StatsCount() float64
type PhysicalWindow ¶
type PhysicalWindow struct { WindowFuncDescs []*aggregation.WindowFuncDesc PartitionBy []property.SortItem OrderBy []property.SortItem Frame *WindowFrame // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PhysicalWindow is the physical operator of window function.
func (*PhysicalWindow) Clone ¶
func (p *PhysicalWindow) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PhysicalWindow) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PhysicalWindow) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalWindow) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (p *PhysicalWindow) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (PhysicalWindow) Init ¶
func (p PhysicalWindow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalWindow
Init initializes PhysicalWindow.
func (*PhysicalWindow) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PhysicalWindow) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PhysicalWindow
func (*PhysicalWindow) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PhysicalWindow) ResolveIndices() (err error)
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*PhysicalWindow) Schema ¶
func (s *PhysicalWindow) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PhysicalWindow) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PhysicalWindow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
func (*PhysicalWindow) ToPB ¶
func (p *PhysicalWindow) ToPB(ctx sessionctx.Context, storeType kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB implements PhysicalPlan ToPB interface.
type Plan ¶
type Plan interface { // Get the schema. Schema() *expression.Schema // Get the ID. ID() int // TP get the plan type. TP() string // Get the ID in explain statement ExplainID() fmt.Stringer // ExplainInfo returns operator information to be explained. ExplainInfo() string SCtx() sessionctx.Context // OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column. OutputNames() types.NameSlice // SetOutputNames sets the outputting name by the given slice. SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice) SelectBlockOffset() int // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Plan is the description of an execution flow. It is created from ast.Node first, then optimized by the optimizer, finally used by the executor to create a Cursor which executes the statement.
func BuildLogicalPlanForTest ¶
func BuildLogicalPlanForTest(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, infoSchema infoschema.InfoSchema) (Plan, types.NameSlice, error)
BuildLogicalPlanForTest builds a logical plan for testing purpose from ast.Node.
func GetPlanFromSessionPlanCache ¶
func GetPlanFromSessionPlanCache(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, isNonPrepared bool, is infoschema.InfoSchema, stmt *PlanCacheStmt, params []expression.Expression) (plan Plan, names []*types.FieldName, err error)
GetPlanFromSessionPlanCache is the entry point of Plan Cache. It tries to get a valid cached plan from this session's plan cache. If there is no such a plan, it'll call the optimizer to generate a new one. isNonPrepared indicates whether to use the non-prepared plan cache or the prepared plan cache.
func TryFastPlan ¶
func TryFastPlan(ctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node) (p Plan)
TryFastPlan tries to use the PointGetPlan for the query.
type PlanBuilder ¶
type PlanBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PlanBuilder builds Plan from an ast.Node. It just builds the ast node straightforwardly.
func NewPlanBuilder ¶
func NewPlanBuilder(opts ...PlanBuilderOpt) *PlanBuilder
NewPlanBuilder creates a new PlanBuilder.
func (*PlanBuilder) BuildDataSourceFromView ¶
func (b *PlanBuilder) BuildDataSourceFromView(ctx context.Context, dbName model.CIStr, tableInfo *model.TableInfo, qbNameMap4View map[string][]ast.HintTable, viewHints map[string][]*ast.TableOptimizerHint) (LogicalPlan, error)
BuildDataSourceFromView is used to build LogicalPlan from view qbNameMap4View and viewHints are used for the view's hint. qbNameMap4View maps the query block name to the view table lists. viewHints group the view hints based on the view's query block name.
func (*PlanBuilder) GetIsForUpdateRead ¶
func (b *PlanBuilder) GetIsForUpdateRead() bool
GetIsForUpdateRead gets if the PlanBuilder use forUpdateRead
func (*PlanBuilder) GetOptFlag ¶
func (b *PlanBuilder) GetOptFlag() uint64
GetOptFlag gets the optFlag of the PlanBuilder.
func (*PlanBuilder) GetVisitInfo ¶
func (b *PlanBuilder) GetVisitInfo() []visitInfo
GetVisitInfo gets the visitInfo of the PlanBuilder.
func (*PlanBuilder) Init ¶
func (b *PlanBuilder) Init(sctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, processor *hint.BlockHintProcessor) (*PlanBuilder, []ast.HintTable)
Init initialize a PlanBuilder. Return the original PlannerSelectBlockAsName as well, callers decide if PlannerSelectBlockAsName should be restored after using this builder. This is The comman code pattern to use it: NewPlanBuilder().Init(sctx, is, processor)
func (*PlanBuilder) ResetForReuse ¶
func (b *PlanBuilder) ResetForReuse() *PlanBuilder
ResetForReuse reset the plan builder, put it into pool for reuse. After reset for reuse, the object should be equal to a object returned by NewPlanBuilder().
func (*PlanBuilder) TableHints ¶
func (b *PlanBuilder) TableHints() *tableHintInfo
TableHints returns the *tableHintInfo of PlanBuilder.
type PlanBuilderOpt ¶
type PlanBuilderOpt interface {
Apply(builder *PlanBuilder)
PlanBuilderOpt is used to adjust the plan builder.
type PlanBuilderOptAllowCastArray ¶
type PlanBuilderOptAllowCastArray struct{}
PlanBuilderOptAllowCastArray means the plan builder should allow build cast(... as ... array).
func (PlanBuilderOptAllowCastArray) Apply ¶
func (p PlanBuilderOptAllowCastArray) Apply(builder *PlanBuilder)
Apply implements the interface PlanBuilderOpt.
type PlanBuilderOptNoExecution ¶
type PlanBuilderOptNoExecution struct{}
PlanBuilderOptNoExecution means the plan builder should not run any executor during Build().
func (PlanBuilderOptNoExecution) Apply ¶
func (p PlanBuilderOptNoExecution) Apply(builder *PlanBuilder)
Apply implements the interface PlanBuilderOpt.
type PlanCacheQueryFeatures ¶
type PlanCacheQueryFeatures struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PlanCacheQueryFeatures records all query features which may affect plan selection.
type PlanCacheStmt ¶
type PlanCacheStmt struct { PreparedAst *ast.Prepared StmtDB string // which DB the statement will be processed over VisitInfos []visitInfo ColumnInfos interface{} // Executor is only used for point get scene. // Notice that we should only cache the PointGetExecutor that have a snapshot with MaxTS in it. // If the current plan is not PointGet or does not use MaxTS optimization, this value should be nil here. Executor interface{} StmtCacheable bool // Whether this stmt is cacheable. UncacheableReason string // Why this stmt is uncacheable. QueryFeatures *PlanCacheQueryFeatures NormalizedSQL string NormalizedPlan string SQLDigest *parser.Digest PlanDigest *parser.Digest ForUpdateRead bool SnapshotTSEvaluator func(sessionctx.Context) (uint64, error) NormalizedSQL4PC string SQLDigest4PC string // the different between NormalizedSQL, NormalizedSQL4PC and StmtText: // for the query `select * from t where a>1 and b<?`, then // NormalizedSQL: select * from `t` where `a` > ? and `b` < ? --> constants are normalized to '?', // NormalizedSQL4PC: select * from `test` . `t` where `a` > ? and `b` < ? --> schema name is added, // StmtText: select * from t where a>1 and b <? --> just format the original query; StmtText string }
PlanCacheStmt store prepared ast from PrepareExec and other related fields
func GetPreparedStmt ¶
func GetPreparedStmt(stmt *ast.ExecuteStmt, vars *variable.SessionVars) (*PlanCacheStmt, error)
GetPreparedStmt extract the prepared statement from the execute statement.
type PlanCacheValue ¶
type PlanCacheValue struct { Plan Plan OutPutNames []*types.FieldName TblInfo2UnionScan map[*model.TableInfo]bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PlanCacheValue stores the cached Statement and StmtNode.
func NewPlanCacheValue ¶
func NewPlanCacheValue(plan Plan, names []*types.FieldName, srcMap map[*model.TableInfo]bool, matchOpts *utilpc.PlanCacheMatchOpts) *PlanCacheValue
NewPlanCacheValue creates a SQLCacheValue.
func (*PlanCacheValue) MemoryUsage ¶
func (v *PlanCacheValue) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PlanCacheValue
type PlanCostOption ¶
type PlanCostOption struct { CostFlag uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PlanCostOption indicates option during GetPlanCost
func NewDefaultPlanCostOption ¶
func NewDefaultPlanCostOption() *PlanCostOption
NewDefaultPlanCostOption returns PlanCostOption
func (*PlanCostOption) WithCostFlag ¶
func (op *PlanCostOption) WithCostFlag(flag uint64) *PlanCostOption
WithCostFlag set costflag
func (*PlanCostOption) WithOptimizeTracer ¶
func (op *PlanCostOption) WithOptimizeTracer(tracer *physicalOptimizeOp) *PlanCostOption
WithOptimizeTracer set tracer
type PlanCounterTp ¶
type PlanCounterTp int64
PlanCounterTp is used in hint nth_plan() to indicate which plan to use.
var PlanCounterDisabled PlanCounterTp = -1
PlanCounterDisabled is the default value of PlanCounterTp, indicating that optimizer needn't force a plan.
func (*PlanCounterTp) Dec ¶
func (c *PlanCounterTp) Dec(x int64)
Dec minus PlanCounterTp value by x.
func (*PlanCounterTp) Empty ¶
func (c *PlanCounterTp) Empty() bool
Empty indicates whether the PlanCounterTp is clear now.
func (*PlanCounterTp) IsForce ¶
func (c *PlanCounterTp) IsForce() bool
IsForce indicates whether to force a plan.
type PlanReplayer ¶
type PlanReplayer struct { ExecStmt ast.StmtNode Analyze bool Load bool File string Capture bool Remove bool SQLDigest string PlanDigest string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PlanReplayer represents a plan replayer plan.
func (*PlanReplayer) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *PlanReplayer) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*PlanReplayer) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*PlanReplayer) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PlanReplayer) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*PlanReplayer) Schema ¶
func (s *PlanReplayer) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*PlanReplayer) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*PlanReplayer) SetSchema ¶
func (s *PlanReplayer) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PointGetPlan ¶
type PointGetPlan struct { TblInfo *model.TableInfo IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo PartitionInfo *model.PartitionDefinition Handle kv.Handle HandleConstant *expression.Constant IndexValues []types.Datum IndexConstants []*expression.Constant ColsFieldType []*types.FieldType IdxCols []*expression.Column IdxColLens []int AccessConditions []expression.Expression UnsignedHandle bool IsTableDual bool Lock bool LockWaitTime int64 Columns []*model.ColumnInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PointGetPlan is a fast plan for simple point get. When we detect that the statement has a unique equal access condition, this plan is used. This plan is much faster to build and to execute because it avoid the optimization and coprocessor cost.
func (*PointGetPlan) AccessObject ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) AccessObject() AccessObject
AccessObject implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) Children ¶
func (*PointGetPlan) Children() []PhysicalPlan
Children gets all the children.
func (*PointGetPlan) Clone ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) Clone() (PhysicalPlan, error)
Clone implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) Cost ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) Cost() float64
Cost implements PhysicalPlan interface
func (*PointGetPlan) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) ExplainNormalizedInfo ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) ExplainNormalizedInfo() string
ExplainNormalizedInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) ExtractCorrelatedCols ¶
func (*PointGetPlan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn
ExtractCorrelatedCols implements PhysicalPlan interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) GetAvgRowSize ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) GetAvgRowSize() float64
GetAvgRowSize return the average row size.
func (*PointGetPlan) GetChildReqProps ¶
func (*PointGetPlan) GetChildReqProps(_ int) *property.PhysicalProperty
GetChildReqProps gets the required property by child index.
func (*PointGetPlan) GetCost ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) GetCost(opt *physicalOptimizeOp) float64
GetCost returns cost of the PointGetPlan.
func (PointGetPlan) Init ¶
func (p PointGetPlan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, _ ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PointGetPlan
Init initializes PointGetPlan.
func (*PointGetPlan) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PointGetPlan
func (*PointGetPlan) OperatorInfo ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) OperatorInfo(normalized bool) string
OperatorInfo implements dataAccesser interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) OutputNames ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) OutputNames() types.NameSlice
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*PointGetPlan) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) ResolveIndices() error
ResolveIndices resolves the indices for columns. After doing this, the columns can evaluate the rows by their indices.
func (*PointGetPlan) SCtx ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) SCtx() sessionctx.Context
Context implements Plan Context interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) Schema ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan interface.
func (*PointGetPlan) SelectBlockOffset ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) SelectBlockOffset() int
func (*PointGetPlan) SetChild ¶
func (*PointGetPlan) SetChild(_ int, _ PhysicalPlan)
SetChild sets a specific child for the plan.
func (*PointGetPlan) SetChildren ¶
func (*PointGetPlan) SetChildren(...PhysicalPlan)
SetChildren sets the children for the plan.
func (*PointGetPlan) SetCost ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) SetCost(cost float64)
SetCost implements PhysicalPlan interface
func (*PointGetPlan) SetOutputNames ¶
func (p *PointGetPlan) SetOutputNames(names types.NameSlice)
SetOutputNames sets the outputting name by the given slice.
func (*PointGetPlan) StatsCount ¶
func (*PointGetPlan) StatsCount() float64
StatsCount will return the the RowCount of property.StatsInfo for this plan.
func (*PointGetPlan) ToPB ¶
func (*PointGetPlan) ToPB(_ sessionctx.Context, _ kv.StoreType) (*tipb.Executor, error)
ToPB converts physical plan to tipb executor.
type PointPlanVal ¶
type PointPlanVal struct {
Plan Plan
PointPlanVal is used to store point plan that is pre-built for multi-statement query. Save the plan in a struct so even if the point plan is nil, we don't need to try again.
type Prepare ¶
Prepare represents prepare plan.
func (*Prepare) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Prepare) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Prepare) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Prepare) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Prepare) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Prepare) Schema ¶
func (s *Prepare) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Prepare) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Prepare) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Prepare) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type PreprocessOpt ¶
type PreprocessOpt func(*preprocessor)
PreprocessOpt presents optional parameters to `Preprocess` method.
func WithPreprocessorReturn ¶
func WithPreprocessorReturn(ret *PreprocessorReturn) PreprocessOpt
WithPreprocessorReturn returns a PreprocessOpt to initialize the PreprocessorReturn.
type PreprocessorReturn ¶
type PreprocessorReturn struct { IsStaleness bool SnapshotTSEvaluator func(sessionctx.Context) (uint64, error) // LastSnapshotTS is the last evaluated snapshotTS if any // otherwise it defaults to zero LastSnapshotTS uint64 InfoSchema infoschema.InfoSchema // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PreprocessorReturn is used to retain information obtained in the preprocessor.
type PushedDownLimit ¶
PushedDownLimit is the limit operator pushed down into PhysicalIndexLookUpReader.
func (*PushedDownLimit) Clone ¶
func (p *PushedDownLimit) Clone() *PushedDownLimit
Clone clones this pushed-down list.
func (*PushedDownLimit) MemoryUsage ¶
func (p *PushedDownLimit) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of PushedDownLimit
type QueryTimeRange ¶
QueryTimeRange represents a time range specified by TIME_RANGE hint
func (*QueryTimeRange) Condition ¶
func (tr *QueryTimeRange) Condition() string
Condition returns a WHERE clause base on it's value
func (*QueryTimeRange) MemoryUsage ¶
func (tr *QueryTimeRange) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of QueryTimeRange
type ReadReqType ¶
type ReadReqType uint8
ReadReqType is the read request type of the operator. Currently, only PhysicalTableReader uses this.
const ( // Cop means read from storage by cop request. Cop ReadReqType = iota // BatchCop means read from storage by BatchCop request, only used for TiFlash BatchCop // MPP means read from storage by MPP request, only used for TiFlash MPP )
func (ReadReqType) Name ¶
func (r ReadReqType) Name() string
Name returns the name of read request type.
type RecoverIndex ¶
type RecoverIndex struct { Table *ast.TableName IndexName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RecoverIndex is used for backfilling corrupted index data.
func (*RecoverIndex) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *RecoverIndex) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*RecoverIndex) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*RecoverIndex) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *RecoverIndex) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*RecoverIndex) Schema ¶
func (s *RecoverIndex) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*RecoverIndex) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*RecoverIndex) SetSchema ¶
func (s *RecoverIndex) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist ¶
type ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist reloads the data from expr_pushdown_blacklist table.
func (*ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) Schema ¶
func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ReloadOptRuleBlacklist ¶
type ReloadOptRuleBlacklist struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReloadOptRuleBlacklist reloads the data from opt_rule_blacklist table.
func (*ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) Schema ¶
func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ReloadOptRuleBlacklist) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ResumeDDLJobs ¶
type ResumeDDLJobs struct { JobIDs []int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ResumeDDLJobs indicates a plan to resume the Paused DDL Jobs.
func (*ResumeDDLJobs) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ResumeDDLJobs) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ResumeDDLJobs) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ResumeDDLJobs) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ResumeDDLJobs) Schema ¶
func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ResumeDDLJobs) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ResumeDDLJobs) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ResumeDDLJobs) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type SQLBindOpType ¶
type SQLBindOpType int
SQLBindOpType repreents the SQL bind type
const ( // OpSQLBindCreate represents the operation to create a SQL bind. OpSQLBindCreate SQLBindOpType = iota // OpSQLBindDrop represents the operation to drop a SQL bind. OpSQLBindDrop // OpFlushBindings is used to flush plan bindings. OpFlushBindings // OpCaptureBindings is used to capture plan bindings. OpCaptureBindings // OpEvolveBindings is used to evolve plan binding. OpEvolveBindings // OpReloadBindings is used to reload plan binding. OpReloadBindings // OpSetBindingStatus is used to set binding status. OpSetBindingStatus // OpSQLBindDropByDigest is used to drop SQL binds by digest OpSQLBindDropByDigest // OpSetBindingStatusByDigest represents the operation to set SQL binding status by sql digest. OpSetBindingStatusByDigest )
type SQLBindPlan ¶
type SQLBindPlan struct { SQLBindOp SQLBindOpType NormdOrigSQL string BindSQL string IsGlobal bool BindStmt ast.StmtNode Db string Charset string Collation string NewStatus string Source string // Source indicate how this binding was created, eg: bindinfo.Manual or bindinfo.History SQLDigest string PlanDigest string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SQLBindPlan represents a plan for SQL bind.
func (*SQLBindPlan) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *SQLBindPlan) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*SQLBindPlan) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*SQLBindPlan) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *SQLBindPlan) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*SQLBindPlan) Schema ¶
func (s *SQLBindPlan) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*SQLBindPlan) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*SQLBindPlan) SetSchema ¶
func (s *SQLBindPlan) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ScanAccessObject ¶
type ScanAccessObject struct { Database string Table string Indexes []IndexAccess Partitions []string }
ScanAccessObject represents the access to a table. It may also represent the access to indexes and partitions of a table.
func (*ScanAccessObject) NormalizedString ¶
func (s *ScanAccessObject) NormalizedString() string
NormalizedString implements AccessObject.
func (*ScanAccessObject) SetIntoPB ¶
func (s *ScanAccessObject) SetIntoPB(pb *tipb.ExplainOperator)
SetIntoPB implements AccessObject.
func (*ScanAccessObject) String ¶
func (s *ScanAccessObject) String() string
type SelectInto ¶
type SelectInto struct { TargetPlan Plan IntoOpt *ast.SelectIntoOption LineFieldsInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SelectInto represents a select-into plan.
func (*SelectInto) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *SelectInto) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*SelectInto) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*SelectInto) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *SelectInto) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*SelectInto) Schema ¶
func (s *SelectInto) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*SelectInto) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*SelectInto) SetSchema ¶
func (s *SelectInto) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type Set ¶
type Set struct { VarAssigns []*expression.VarAssignment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Set represents a plan for set stmt.
func (*Set) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Set) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Set) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Set) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Set) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Set) Schema ¶
func (s *Set) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Set) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Set) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Set) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type SetConfig ¶
type SetConfig struct { Type string Instance string Name string Value expression.Expression // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SetConfig represents a plan for set config stmt.
func (*SetConfig) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *SetConfig) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*SetConfig) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*SetConfig) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *SetConfig) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*SetConfig) Schema ¶
func (s *SetConfig) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*SetConfig) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*SetConfig) SetSchema ¶
func (s *SetConfig) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ShowBaseExtractor ¶
ShowBaseExtractor is the definition of base extractor for derived predicates.
func (*ShowBaseExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *ShowBaseExtractor) Extract() bool
Extract implements the ShowPredicateExtractor interface.
func (*ShowBaseExtractor) Field ¶
func (e *ShowBaseExtractor) Field() string
Field will return the variable `field` in ShowBaseExtractor
func (*ShowBaseExtractor) FieldPatternLike ¶
func (e *ShowBaseExtractor) FieldPatternLike() collate.WildcardPattern
FieldPatternLike will return compiled collate.WildcardPattern
type ShowContents ¶
type ShowContents struct { Tp ast.ShowStmtType // Databases/Tables/Columns/.... DBName string Table *ast.TableName // Used for showing columns. Partition model.CIStr // Use for showing partition Column *ast.ColumnName // Used for `desc table column`. IndexName model.CIStr ResourceGroupName string // Used for showing resource group Flag int // Some flag parsed from sql, such as FULL. User *auth.UserIdentity // Used for show grants. Roles []*auth.RoleIdentity // Used for show grants. CountWarningsOrErrors bool // Used for showing count(*) warnings | errors Full bool IfNotExists bool // Used for `show create database if not exists`. GlobalScope bool // Used by show variables. Extended bool // Used for `show extended columns from ...` Limit *ast.Limit // Used for limit Result Set row number. LoadDataJobID *int64 // Used for SHOW LOAD DATA JOB <jobID> }
ShowContents stores the contents for the `SHOW` statement.
func (*ShowContents) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ShowContents) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of ShowContents
type ShowDDL ¶
type ShowDDL struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ShowDDL is for showing DDL information.
func (*ShowDDL) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ShowDDL) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ShowDDL) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ShowDDL) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ShowDDL) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ShowDDL) Schema ¶
func (s *ShowDDL) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ShowDDL) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ShowDDL) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ShowDDL) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ShowDDLJobQueries ¶
type ShowDDLJobQueries struct { JobIDs []int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ShowDDLJobQueries is for showing DDL job queries sql.
func (*ShowDDLJobQueries) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ShowDDLJobQueries) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ShowDDLJobQueries) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ShowDDLJobQueries) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ShowDDLJobQueries) Schema ¶
func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ShowDDLJobQueries) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ShowDDLJobQueries) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ShowDDLJobQueries) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange ¶
type ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange struct { Limit uint64 Offset uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange is for showing DDL job queries sql with specified limit and offset.
func (*ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) Schema ¶
func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ShowNextRowID ¶
ShowNextRowID is for showing the next global row ID.
func (*ShowNextRowID) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ShowNextRowID) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ShowNextRowID) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ShowNextRowID) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ShowNextRowID) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ShowNextRowID) Schema ¶
func (s *ShowNextRowID) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ShowNextRowID) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ShowNextRowID) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ShowNextRowID) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type ShowPredicateExtractor ¶
type ShowPredicateExtractor interface { // Extract predicates which can be pushed down and returns whether the extractor can extract predicates. Extract() bool Field() string FieldPatternLike() collate.WildcardPattern // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ShowPredicateExtractor is used to extract some predicates from `PatternLikeOrIlikeExpr` clause and push the predicates down to the data retrieving on reading memory table stage when use ShowStmt.
e.g: SHOW COLUMNS FROM t LIKE '%abc%' We must request all components from the memory table, and filter the result by the PatternLikeOrIlikeExpr predicate.
it is a way to fix
type ShowSlow ¶
ShowSlow is for showing slow queries.
func (*ShowSlow) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *ShowSlow) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*ShowSlow) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*ShowSlow) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *ShowSlow) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*ShowSlow) Schema ¶
func (s *ShowSlow) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*ShowSlow) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*ShowSlow) SetSchema ¶
func (s *ShowSlow) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type Simple ¶
type Simple struct { Statement ast.StmtNode // IsFromRemote indicates whether the statement IS FROM REMOTE TiDB instance in cluster, // and executing in co-processor. // Used for `global kill`. See IsFromRemote bool // StaleTxnStartTS is the StartTS that is used to build a staleness transaction by 'START TRANSACTION READ ONLY' statement. StaleTxnStartTS uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Simple represents a simple statement plan which doesn't need any optimization.
func (*Simple) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Simple
func (*Simple) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Simple) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Simple) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Simple) Schema ¶
func (s *Simple) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Simple) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Simple) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Simple) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type SlowQueryExtractor ¶
type SlowQueryExtractor struct { SkipRequest bool TimeRanges []*TimeRange // Enable is true means the executor should use the time range to locate the slow-log file that need to be parsed. // Enable is false, means the executor should keep the behavior compatible with before, which is only parse the // current slow-log file. Enable bool Desc bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SlowQueryExtractor is used to extract some predicates of `slow_query`
func (*SlowQueryExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *SlowQueryExtractor) Extract( ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type SplitRegion ¶
type SplitRegion struct { TableInfo *model.TableInfo PartitionNames []model.CIStr IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo Lower []types.Datum Upper []types.Datum Num int ValueLists [][]types.Datum // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SplitRegion represents a split regions plan.
func (*SplitRegion) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *SplitRegion) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*SplitRegion) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*SplitRegion) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *SplitRegion) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*SplitRegion) Schema ¶
func (s *SplitRegion) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*SplitRegion) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*SplitRegion) SetSchema ¶
func (s *SplitRegion) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type SplitRegionStatus ¶
type SplitRegionStatus struct { Table table.Table IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SplitRegionStatus represents a split regions status plan.
func (*SplitRegionStatus) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *SplitRegionStatus) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*SplitRegionStatus) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*SplitRegionStatus) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *SplitRegionStatus) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*SplitRegionStatus) Schema ¶
func (s *SplitRegionStatus) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*SplitRegionStatus) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*SplitRegionStatus) SetSchema ¶
func (s *SplitRegionStatus) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type StatementsSummaryExtractor ¶
type StatementsSummaryExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool // Digests represents digest applied to, and we should apply all digest if there is no digest specified. // e.g: SELECT * FROM STATEMENTS_SUMMARY WHERE digest='8019af26debae8aa7642c501dbc43212417b3fb14e6aec779f709976b7e521be' Digests set.StringSet // Coarse time range predicate extracted from the where clause as: // SELECT ... WHERE summary_begin_time <= endTime AND summary_end_time >= startTime // // N.B. it's only used by v2, so we should keep predicates not changed when extracting time range, or it will // affect the correctness with v1. CoarseTimeRange *TimeRange // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StatementsSummaryExtractor is used to extract some predicates of statements summary table.
func (*StatementsSummaryExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *StatementsSummaryExtractor) Extract( sctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) (remained []expression.Expression)
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type TableSampleInfo ¶
type TableSampleInfo struct { AstNode *ast.TableSample FullSchema *expression.Schema Partitions []table.PartitionedTable }
TableSampleInfo contains the information for PhysicalTableSample.
func NewTableSampleInfo ¶
func NewTableSampleInfo(node *ast.TableSample, fullSchema *expression.Schema, pt []table.PartitionedTable) *TableSampleInfo
NewTableSampleInfo creates a new TableSampleInfo.
func (*TableSampleInfo) MemoryUsage ¶
func (t *TableSampleInfo) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of TableSampleInfo
type TableStorageStatsExtractor ¶
type TableStorageStatsExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component. SkipRequest bool // TableSchema represents tableSchema applied to, and we should apply all table disk usage if there is no schema specified. // e.g: SELECT * FROM information_schema.disk_usage WHERE table_schema in ('test', 'information_schema'). TableSchema set.StringSet // TableName represents tableName applied to, and we should apply all table disk usage if there is no table specified. // e.g: SELECT * FROM information_schema.disk_usage WHERE table in ('schemata', 'tables'). TableName set.StringSet // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TableStorageStatsExtractor is used to extract some predicates of `disk_usage`.
func (*TableStorageStatsExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *TableStorageStatsExtractor) Extract( _ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface.
type TblColPosInfo ¶
type TblColPosInfo struct { TblID int64 // Start and End represent the ordinal range [Start, End) of the consecutive columns. Start, End int // HandleOrdinal represents the ordinal of the handle column. HandleCols HandleCols }
TblColPosInfo represents an mapper from column index to handle index.
func (*TblColPosInfo) MemoryUsage ¶
func (t *TblColPosInfo) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of TblColPosInfo
type TblColPosInfoSlice ¶
type TblColPosInfoSlice []TblColPosInfo
TblColPosInfoSlice attaches the methods of sort.Interface to []TblColPosInfos sorting in increasing order.
func (TblColPosInfoSlice) FindTblIdx ¶
func (c TblColPosInfoSlice) FindTblIdx(colOrdinal int) (int, bool)
FindTblIdx finds the ordinal of the corresponding access column.
func (TblColPosInfoSlice) Len ¶
func (c TblColPosInfoSlice) Len() int
Len implements sort.Interface#Len.
func (TblColPosInfoSlice) Less ¶
func (c TblColPosInfoSlice) Less(i, j int) bool
Less implements sort.Interface#Less.
func (TblColPosInfoSlice) Swap ¶
func (c TblColPosInfoSlice) Swap(i, j int)
Swap implements sort.Interface#Swap.
type TiFlashSystemTableExtractor ¶
type TiFlashSystemTableExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool // TiFlashInstances represents all tiflash instances we should send request to. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM information_schema.<table_name> WHERE tiflash_instance='' // 2. SELECT * FROM information_schema.<table_name> WHERE tiflash_instance in ('', '') TiFlashInstances set.StringSet // TidbDatabases represents tidbDatabases applied to, and we should apply all tidb database if there is no database specified. // e.g: SELECT * FROM information_schema.<table_name> WHERE tidb_database in ('test', 'test2'). TiDBDatabases string // TidbTables represents tidbTables applied to, and we should apply all tidb table if there is no table specified. // e.g: SELECT * FROM information_schema.<table_name> WHERE tidb_table in ('t', 't2'). TiDBTables string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TiFlashSystemTableExtractor is used to extract some predicates of tiflash system table.
func (*TiFlashSystemTableExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *TiFlashSystemTableExtractor) Extract(_ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type TiKVRegionStatusExtractor ¶
type TiKVRegionStatusExtractor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TiKVRegionStatusExtractor is used to extract single table region scan region from predictions
func (*TiKVRegionStatusExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *TiKVRegionStatusExtractor) Extract(_ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) (remained []expression.Expression)
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
func (*TiKVRegionStatusExtractor) GetTablesID ¶
func (e *TiKVRegionStatusExtractor) GetTablesID() []int64
GetTablesID returns TablesID
type TiKVSingleGather ¶
type TiKVSingleGather struct { Source *DataSource // IsIndexGather marks if this TiKVSingleGather gathers tuples from an IndexScan. // in implementation phase, we need this flag to determine whether to generate // PhysicalTableReader or PhysicalIndexReader. IsIndexGather bool Index *model.IndexInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TiKVSingleGather is a leaf logical operator of TiDB layer to gather tuples from TiKV regions.
func (*TiKVSingleGather) BuildKeyInfo ¶
func (*TiKVSingleGather) BuildKeyInfo(selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema)
BuildKeyInfo implements LogicalPlan BuildKeyInfo interface.
func (*TiKVSingleGather) ExplainInfo ¶
func (p *TiKVSingleGather) ExplainInfo() string
ExplainInfo implements Plan interface.
func (*TiKVSingleGather) GetPhysicalIndexReader ¶
func (sg *TiKVSingleGather) GetPhysicalIndexReader(schema *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalIndexReader
GetPhysicalIndexReader returns PhysicalIndexReader for logical TiKVSingleGather.
func (*TiKVSingleGather) GetPhysicalTableReader ¶
func (sg *TiKVSingleGather) GetPhysicalTableReader(schema *expression.Schema, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalTableReader
GetPhysicalTableReader returns PhysicalTableReader for logical TiKVSingleGather.
func (TiKVSingleGather) Init ¶
func (sg TiKVSingleGather) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, offset int) *TiKVSingleGather
Init initializes TiKVSingleGather.
func (*TiKVSingleGather) OutputNames ¶
func (*TiKVSingleGather) PreparePossibleProperties ¶
func (*TiKVSingleGather) PreparePossibleProperties(_ *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column
PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (*TiKVSingleGather) Schema ¶
func (s *TiKVSingleGather) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*TiKVSingleGather) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*TiKVSingleGather) SetSchema ¶
func (s *TiKVSingleGather) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type TikvRegionPeersExtractor ¶
type TikvRegionPeersExtractor struct { // SkipRequest means the where clause always false, we don't need to request any component SkipRequest bool // RegionIDs/StoreIDs represents all region/store ids we should filter in PD to reduce network IO. // e.g: // 1. SELECT * FROM tikv_region_peers WHERE region_id=1 // 2. SELECT * FROM tikv_region_peers WHERE table_id in (11, 22) RegionIDs []uint64 StoreIDs []uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TikvRegionPeersExtractor is used to extract some predicates of cluster table.
func (*TikvRegionPeersExtractor) Extract ¶
func (e *TikvRegionPeersExtractor) Extract(_ sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, predicates []expression.Expression, ) []expression.Expression
Extract implements the MemTablePredicateExtractor Extract interface
type Trace ¶
type Trace struct { StmtNode ast.StmtNode Format string // OptimizerTrace indicates `trace plan target = 'xxx' <statement>` case OptimizerTrace bool OptimizerTraceTarget string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Trace represents a trace plan.
func (*Trace) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *Trace) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*Trace) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Trace) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *Trace) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*Trace) Schema ¶
func (s *Trace) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Trace) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Trace) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Trace) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type UnlockStats ¶
UnlockStats represents a unlock stats for table
func (*UnlockStats) MemoryUsage ¶
func (s *UnlockStats) MemoryUsage() (sum int64)
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of baseSchemaProducer
func (*UnlockStats) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*UnlockStats) ResolveIndices ¶
func (p *UnlockStats) ResolveIndices() (err error)
func (*UnlockStats) Schema ¶
func (s *UnlockStats) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*UnlockStats) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*UnlockStats) SetSchema ¶
func (s *UnlockStats) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type Update ¶
type Update struct { OrderedList []*expression.Assignment AllAssignmentsAreConstant bool VirtualAssignmentsOffset int SelectPlan PhysicalPlan TblColPosInfos TblColPosInfoSlice // Used when partition sets are given. // e.g. update t partition(p0) set a = 1; PartitionedTable []table.PartitionedTable FKChecks map[int64][]*FKCheck FKCascades map[int64][]*FKCascade // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Update represents Update plan.
func (*Update) MemoryUsage ¶
MemoryUsage return the memory usage of Update
func (*Update) OutputNames ¶
OutputNames returns the outputting names of each column.
func (*Update) ResolveIndices ¶
ResolveIndices implements Plan interface.
func (*Update) Schema ¶
func (s *Update) Schema() *expression.Schema
Schema implements the Plan.Schema interface.
func (*Update) SetOutputNames ¶
func (*Update) SetSchema ¶
func (s *Update) SetSchema(schema *expression.Schema)
SetSchema implements the Plan.SetSchema interface.
type V2AnalyzeOptions ¶
type V2AnalyzeOptions struct { PhyTableID int64 RawOpts map[ast.AnalyzeOptionType]uint64 FilledOpts map[ast.AnalyzeOptionType]uint64 ColChoice model.ColumnChoice ColumnList []*model.ColumnInfo IsPartition bool }
V2AnalyzeOptions is used to hold analyze options information.
type WindowFrame ¶
type WindowFrame struct { Type ast.FrameType Start *FrameBound End *FrameBound }
WindowFrame represents a window function frame.
func (*WindowFrame) Clone ¶
func (wf *WindowFrame) Clone() *WindowFrame
Clone copies a window frame totally.
type WindowFuncExtractor ¶
type WindowFuncExtractor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WindowFuncExtractor visits Expr tree. It converts ColunmNameExpr to WindowFuncExpr and collects WindowFuncExpr.
Source Files
- access_object.go
- collect_column_stats_usage.go
- common_plans.go
- debugtrace.go
- encode.go
- errors.go
- exhaust_physical_plans.go
- explain.go
- expression_rewriter.go
- find_best_task.go
- flat_plan.go
- foreign_key.go
- fragment.go
- handle_cols.go
- hashcode.go
- hints.go
- indexmerge_path.go
- initialize.go
- logical_plan_builder.go
- logical_plans.go
- memtable_predicate_extractor.go
- mock.go
- optimizer.go
- partition_prune.go
- pb_to_plan.go
- physical_plans.go
- plan.go
- plan_cache.go
- plan_cache_lru.go
- plan_cache_param.go
- plan_cache_utils.go
- plan_cacheable_checker.go
- plan_cost_detail.go
- plan_cost_ver1.go
- plan_cost_ver2.go
- plan_stats.go
- plan_to_pb.go
- planbuilder.go
- point_get_plan.go
- preprocess.go
- property_cols_prune.go
- resolve_indices.go
- rule_aggregation_elimination.go
- rule_aggregation_push_down.go
- rule_aggregation_skew_rewrite.go
- rule_build_key_info.go
- rule_column_pruning.go
- rule_decorrelate.go
- rule_derive_topn_from_window.go
- rule_eliminate_projection.go
- rule_generate_column_substitute.go
- rule_inject_extra_projection.go
- rule_join_elimination.go
- rule_join_reorder.go
- rule_join_reorder_dp.go
- rule_join_reorder_greedy.go
- rule_max_min_eliminate.go
- rule_partition_processor.go
- rule_predicate_push_down.go
- rule_predicate_simplification.go
- rule_result_reorder.go
- rule_semi_join_rewrite.go
- rule_topn_push_down.go
- show_predicate_extractor.go
- stats.go
- stringer.go
- task.go
- telemetry.go
- tiflash_selection_late_materialization.go
- trace.go
- util.go