Storing secrets like API keys or username/passwords in plain text is not a good idea - especially for public repos. For local development having secrets already checked in for a test system is very convenient especially for new developers.
We can fullfil both requirements when we encrypt the credentials and store the secrect in a password vault like bitwarden.
The idea of this project is to give a developer a convenient way to access the stored secret in the vault.
- Dev sets env variable DEV_MODE
- Dev starts applicaton
- Dev is asked for the secret in console, in parallel the given bitwarden URL to the secret is opened
- Secret is copy pasted from the vault
- App will continue the startup with the decrypted config
In Go we can add tags(other languages like java use annotations) to struct elements. For secret-config you can add the tag 'secret_url' which defines where to get the secret to decrypt the value.
type Config struct {
Secret1 string `secret_url:"https://bitwarden.ofyour.organization/#/vault?itemId=184e5343-442d-4aa9-ba1d-b13c007fe2b8"`
Secret2 string `secret_url:"https://bitwarden.ofyour.organization/#/vault?itemId=184e5343-442d-4aa9-ba1d-b13c007fe2b8"`
AnotherSecret string `secret_url:"https://bitwarden.ofyour.organization/#/vault?itemId=184e5343-442d-4aa9-ba1d-b13c007fe2b8"`
NonSecret string
When loading the configuration you add the function ScanforUrlAndOpen
func loadConfig() Config {
c := Config{}
.... // load your config, e.g. json or env file
c= urltag.ScanForUrlAndOpen(c, "DEV_MODE")
return c
To enable opening the browser and decryption set the enviromnent var defined as the second parameter of ScanForUrlAndOpen
. In the above sample it's "DEV_MODE"
It's currently a working proof of concept