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var HelpTopics = map[string]map[string]string{ "mintty": { "short": "Information about using gh with MinTTY", "long": heredoc.Doc(` MinTTY is the terminal emulator that comes by default with Git for Windows. It has known issues with gh's ability to prompt a user for input. There are a few workarounds to make gh work with MinTTY: - Reinstall Git for Windows, checking "Enable experimental support for pseudo consoles". - Use a different terminal emulator with Git for Windows like Windows Terminal. You can run "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" from any terminal emulator to continue using all of the tooling in Git For Windows without MinTTY. - Prefix invocations of gh with winpty, eg: "winpty gh auth login". NOTE: this can lead to some UI bugs. `), }, "environment": { "short": "Environment variables that can be used with gh", "long": heredoc.Doc(` GH_TOKEN, GITHUB_TOKEN (in order of precedence): an authentication token for API requests. Setting this avoids being prompted to authenticate and takes precedence over previously stored credentials. GH_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN, GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN (in order of precedence): an authentication token for API requests to GitHub Enterprise. When setting this, also set GH_HOST. GH_HOST: specify the GitHub hostname for commands that would otherwise assume the "" host when not in a context of an existing repository. GH_REPO: specify the GitHub repository in the "[HOST/]OWNER/REPO" format for commands that otherwise operate on a local repository. GH_EDITOR, GIT_EDITOR, VISUAL, EDITOR (in order of precedence): the editor tool to use for authoring text. GH_BROWSER, BROWSER (in order of precedence): the web browser to use for opening links. GH_DEBUG: set to a truthy value to enable verbose output on standard error. Set to "api" to additionally log details of HTTP traffic. DEBUG (deprecated): set to "1", "true", or "yes" to enable verbose output on standard error. GH_PAGER, PAGER (in order of precedence): a terminal paging program to send standard output to, e.g. "less". GLAMOUR_STYLE: the style to use for rendering Markdown. See <> NO_COLOR: set to any value to avoid printing ANSI escape sequences for color output. CLICOLOR: set to "0" to disable printing ANSI colors in output. CLICOLOR_FORCE: set to a value other than "0" to keep ANSI colors in output even when the output is piped. GH_FORCE_TTY: set to any value to force terminal-style output even when the output is redirected. When the value is a number, it is interpreted as the number of columns available in the viewport. When the value is a percentage, it will be applied against the number of columns available in the current viewport. GH_NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER: set to any value to disable update notifications. By default, gh checks for new releases once every 24 hours and displays an upgrade notice on standard error if a newer version was found. GH_CONFIG_DIR: the directory where gh will store configuration files. Default: "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh" or "$HOME/.config/gh". GH_PROMPT_DISABLED: set to any value to disable interactive prompting in the terminal. `), }, "reference": { "short": "A comprehensive reference of all gh commands", }, "formatting": { "short": "Formatting options for JSON data exported from gh", "long": heredoc.Docf(` By default, the result of %[1]sgh%[1]s commands are output in line-based plain text format. Some commands support passing the %[1]s--json%[1]s flag, which converts the output to JSON format. Once in JSON, the output can be further formatted according to a required formatting string by adding either the %[1]s--jq%[1]s or %[1]s--template%[1]s flag. This is useful for selecting a subset of data, creating new data structures, displaying the data in a different format, or as input to another command line script. The %[1]s--json%[1]s flag requires a comma separated list of fields to fetch. To view the possible JSON field names for a command omit the string argument to the %[1]s--json%[1]s flag when you run the command. Note that you must pass the %[1]s--json%[1]s flag and field names to use the %[1]s--jq%[1]s or %[1]s--template%[1]s flags. The %[1]s--jq%[1]s flag requires a string argument in jq query syntax, and will only print those JSON values which match the query. jq queries can be used to select elements from an array, fields from an object, create a new array, and more. The jq utility does not need to be installed on the system to use this formatting directive. To learn about jq query syntax, see: <> The %[1]s--template%[1]s flag requires a string argument in Go template syntax, and will only print those JSON values which match the query. In addition to the Go template functions in the standard library, the following functions can be used with this formatting directive: - %[1]sautocolor%[1]s: like %[1]scolor%[1]s, but only emits color to terminals - %[1]scolor <style> <input>%[1]s: colorize input using <> - %[1]sjoin <sep> <list>%[1]s: joins values in the list using a separator - %[1]spluck <field> <list>%[1]s: collects values of a field from all items in the input - %[1]stablerow <fields>...%[1]s: aligns fields in output vertically as a table - %[1]stablerender%[1]s: renders fields added by tablerow in place - %[1]stimeago <time>%[1]s: renders a timestamp as relative to now - %[1]stimefmt <format> <time>%[1]s: formats a timestamp using Go's Time.Format function - %[1]struncate <length> <input>%[1]s: ensures input fits within length - %[1]shyperlink <url> <text>%[1]s: renders a terminal hyperlink To learn more about Go templates, see: <>. `, "`"), "example": heredoc.Doc(` # default output format $ gh pr list Showing 23 of 23 open pull requests in ungtb10d/cli #123 A helpful contribution contribution-branch about 1 day ago #124 Improve the docs docs-branch about 2 days ago #125 An exciting new feature feature-branch about 2 days ago # adding the --json flag with a list of field names $ gh pr list --json number,title,author [ { "author": { "login": "monalisa" }, "number": 123, "title": "A helpful contribution" }, { "author": { "login": "codercat" }, "number": 124, "title": "Improve the docs" }, { "author": { "login": "cli-maintainer" }, "number": 125, "title": "An exciting new feature" } ] # adding the --jq flag and selecting fields from the array $ gh pr list --json author --jq '.[].author.login' monalisa codercat cli-maintainer # using the --template flag with the hyperlink helper gh issue list --json title,url --template '{{range .}}{{hyperlink .url .title}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' # adding the --template flag and modifying the display format $ gh pr list --json number,title,headRefName,updatedAt --template \ '{{range .}}{{tablerow (printf "#%v" .number | autocolor "green") .title .headRefName (timeago .updatedAt)}}{{end}}' #123 A helpful contribution contribution-branch about 1 day ago #124 Improve the docs docs-branch about 2 days ago #125 An exciting new feature feature-branch about 2 days ago # a more complex example with the --template flag which formats a pull request using multiple tables with headers: $ gh pr view 3519 --json number,title,body,reviews,assignees --template \ '{{printf "#%v" .number}} {{.title}} {{.body}} {{tablerow "ASSIGNEE" "NAME"}}{{range .assignees}}{{tablerow .login .name}}{{end}}{{tablerender}} {{tablerow "REVIEWER" "STATE" "COMMENT"}}{{range .reviews}}{{tablerow .author.login .state .body}}{{end}} ' #3519 Add table and helper template functions Resolves #3488 ASSIGNEE NAME mislav Mislav Marohnić REVIEWER STATE COMMENT mislav COMMENTED This is going along great! Thanks for working on this ❤️ `), }, "exit-codes": { "short": "Exit codes used by gh", "long": heredoc.Doc(` gh follows normal conventions regarding exit codes. - If a command completes successfully, the exit code will be 0 - If a command fails for any reason, the exit code will be 1 - If a command is running but gets cancelled, the exit code will be 2 - If a command encounters an authentication issue, the exit code will be 4 NOTE: It is possible that a particular command may have more exit codes, so it is a good practice to check documentation for the command if you are relying on exit codes to control some behavior. `), }, }
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