TODOs: A todo-list written in Go, with Clean Architecture.

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It's a project based on Advanced patterns for building APIs and web applications in Go,
I modify the architecture of code to clean architecture, change the purpose of the code (from movie information service to todo list), add some tests, deploy it to my own server in digitalocean.
You can visit the api at API Endpoint
Quick Start
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Use the default .envrc
cp .envrc.example .envrc
Set up mailtrap for receiving email (for testing purpose)
Change username and password in app_config-dev.yml
to your username and password.
host: ""
port: 25
username: "<your-username>"
password: "<your-password>"
sender: "TODOs <[email protected]>"
Run the project
$ make run/compose/up
Stop the project
$ make run/compose/down
Please Use this dummy user for testing at production environment because the production server is not ready for sending email to your email account yet!
email: [email protected]
password: pa55word
Project Walkthrough
TODOs - Project Walkthrough
🚧 Not Finished!