
This project aims to ease continuous delivery of docker images in a
kubernetes cluster.
Imago is the last stage of an
insect, it also refer to image
and go
looks for kubernetes Deployments
, DaemonSets
, StatefulSet
and CronJobs
configuration and update them to use the latest image sha256 digest from
the docker repository.
This is useful to handle the following cases:
- image is rebuilt for security fixes
- ensure all pods use exactly the same image
- image is rebuilt by CI for continuous delivery
ensure your pods are running the latest build.
How it works ?
looks for Deployments
, DaemonSets
, StatefulSet
and CronJob
configuration, get the
latest sha256 digest from registry and update containers specifications
to set image to the corresponding registry/image@sha256:...
It track the original image specification in the imago-config-spec
Alternatively, with the -restart
option, it check running pods sha256 and
just restart resource that need to use newer images (assuming imagePullPolicy
is Always). This method is slower than -update
but it leave the container
image in manifests untouched.
$ imago --help
Usage of imago:
-A Check deployments and daemonsets on all namespaces (shorthand) (default false)
Check deployments and daemonsets on all namespaces (default false)
check image digests of running pods (default false)
-field-selector string
Kubernetes field-selector
-kubeconfig string
kube config file (default "~/.kube/config")
-l string
Kubernetes labels selectors
Warning: applies to Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet and CronJob, not pods !
-n value
Check deployments and daemonsets in given namespaces (default to current namespace)
rollout restart deployments and daemonsets to use newer images, implies -check-pods and assume imagePullPolicy is Always (default false)
update deployments and daemonsets to use newer images (default false)
-x value
Check deployments and daemonsets in all namespaces except given namespaces (implies --all-namespaces)
By default, imago
doesn't update your deployments, unless invoked with
The --check-pods
is a less intrusive mode where update is done only if
one of the running pods doesn't run on latest digest image.
Example output
$ imago --update
2019/02/11 17:55:21 checking default/Deployment/aptly:
2019/02/11 17:55:21 aptly ok
2019/02/11 17:55:21 nginx ok
2019/02/11 17:55:22 checking default/Deployment/kibana:
2019/02/11 17:55:22 kibana ok
2019/02/11 17:55:22 nginx ok
2019/02/11 17:55:22 update default/Deployment/
2019/02/11 17:55:22 checking DaemonSet/fluentd:
2019/02/11 17:55:22 fluentd has to be updated from to
2019/02/11 17:55:22 update default/DaemonSet/fluentd
Install and run
From the command line
Assuming you have a working ~/.kube/config
file, just download and
build the code:
$ go get
$ $(go env GOPATH)/bin/imago --help
From the docker image
Assuming you have a working ~/.kube/config
$ docker pull philpep/imago
$ docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u) -v ~/.kube/config:/var/lib/imago/.kube/config philpep/imago --help
From a pre-built binary
Check releases page.
Inside the cluster
You can run imago
inside the cluster, for instance in a CronJob
kubernetes object that runs every day.
See the
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/serviceaccount.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/cronjob.yaml
Docker credentials
Image will looks for docker registry credentials in ~/.docker/config.json (e.g.
/var/lib/imago/.docker/config.json in docker image).
So, in case you're using imagePullSecrets
, you will have to mount the secret here.