Path | Synopsis |
Command bos provides the canonical Smart Core BOS executable.
Command bos provides the canonical Smart Core BOS executable. |
Command pash provides a CLI tool for generating password hashes.
Command pash provides a CLI tool for generating password hashes. |
Command bacnet-comm-test performs a simple comm check against a BACnet device.
Command bacnet-comm-test performs a simple comm check against a BACnet device. |
Command bacnet-multi-comm-test checks the availability [bacnet] devices and objects read from [appconf] files.
Command bacnet-multi-comm-test checks the availability [bacnet] devices and objects read from [appconf] files. |
Command bacnet-whois executes a BACnet WhoIs broadcast request and captures the replies in a CSV file.
Command bacnet-whois executes a BACnet WhoIs broadcast request and captures the replies in a CSV file. |
Command client-meter provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.MeterApiClient].
Command client-meter provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.MeterApiClient]. |
Command client-meter provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.MeterApiClient].
Command client-meter provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.MeterApiClient]. |
Command client-button provides a CLI tool for interacting with a [gen.ButtonApiClient].
Command client-button provides a CLI tool for interacting with a [gen.ButtonApiClient]. |
Command client-devicesmetadata provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.DevicesApiClient].
Command client-devicesmetadata provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.DevicesApiClient]. |
Command client-emergency provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [traits.EmergencyApiClient].
Command client-emergency provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [traits.EmergencyApiClient]. |
Command client-meter provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.MeterApiClient].
Command client-meter provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [gen.MeterApiClient]. |
Command client-occupancy provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [traits.OccupancySensorApiClient].
Command client-occupancy provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [traits.OccupancySensorApiClient]. |
Command client-parent provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [traits.ParentApiClient].
Command client-parent provides a CLI tool for interacting with the [traits.ParentApiClient]. |
App dbadd-alerts is a tool that creates alerts via the AlertAdminApi.
App dbadd-alerts is a tool that creates alerts via the AlertAdminApi. |
Command dbadd-publications-sample connects to a postgres database, creates tables, and seeds them with some sample test data.
Command dbadd-publications-sample connects to a postgres database, creates tables, and seeds them with some sample test data. |
Command enrollment-tool provides a CLI tool for enrolling a node with a hub.
Command enrollment-tool provides a CLI tool for enrolling a node with a hub. |
Command export-alerts reads alerts from [gen.AlertApiClient] and writes them to a CSV file.
Command export-alerts reads alerts from [gen.AlertApiClient] and writes them to a CSV file. |
Command export-traits reads various trait information and writes it to a CSV file.
Command export-traits reads various trait information and writes it to a CSV file. |
Command list-occupancy-history reads records from [gen.OccupancySensorHistoryClient] and writes them to a CSV file.
Command list-occupancy-history reads records from [gen.OccupancySensorHistoryClient] and writes them to a CSV file. |
Command proxy-test is an experiment using grpc-proxy to see how applicable it would be for gateways.
Command proxy-test is an experiment using grpc-proxy to see how applicable it would be for gateways. |
Command pull-enter-leave provides a CLI tool that pulls from a [traits.EnterLeaveSensorApiClient].
Command pull-enter-leave provides a CLI tool that pulls from a [traits.EnterLeaveSensorApiClient]. |
Command sample-tenant provides an example tenant application, including auth.
Command sample-tenant provides an example tenant application, including auth. |
Command tcp-conn-test provides an interactive CLI terminal for testing TCP connections.
Command tcp-conn-test provides an interactive CLI terminal for testing TCP connections. |
Command test-meteremail tests the [meteremail] package, sending to a real email address.
Command test-meteremail tests the [meteremail] package, sending to a real email address. |
Command test-occupancyemail tests the [occupancyemail] package, sending to a real email address.
Command test-occupancyemail tests the [occupancyemail] package, sending to a real email address. |
Command test-statusemail tests the [statusemail] package, sending to a real email address.
Command test-statusemail tests the [statusemail] package, sending to a real email address. |
Command xovis-push-data-sample is an example of how to receive Xovis push data.
Command xovis-push-data-sample is an example of how to receive Xovis push data. |
Package keycloak verifies tokens issued by the Keycloak identity server.
Package keycloak verifies tokens issued by the Keycloak identity server. |
Package tenant implements issuing tenants Access Tokens based on the OAuth2 client credentials grant.
Package tenant implements issuing tenants Access Tokens based on the OAuth2 client credentials grant. |
Package iothub provides a client for Azure IoT Hub.
Package iothub provides a client for Azure IoT Hub. |
Package dps implements provisioning a device using the Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service.
Package dps implements provisioning a device using the Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service. |
Package devices provides mechanisms for querying devices on a node.
Package devices provides mechanisms for querying devices on a node. |
Package pubcache implements a cache of selected publications from a remote Smart Core publication server.
Package pubcache implements a cache of selected publications from a remote Smart Core publication server. |
Package app handles service lifecycle management, and other functionality necessary for the daemon-style server applications in this project.
Package app handles service lifecycle management, and other functionality necessary for the daemon-style server applications in this project. |
Package appconf provides runtime configuration.
Package appconf provides runtime configuration. |
Package files provides file utilities.
Package files provides file utilities. |
Package http provides http-specific configuration types and functionality.
Package http provides http-specific configuration types and functionality. |
Package sysconf provides system level configuration.
Package sysconf provides system level configuration. |
Package auth provides both authentication primitives and authorization policies.
Package auth provides both authentication primitives and authorization policies. |
Package jwks provides both local and remote JWT Key Set access token verifiers.
Package jwks provides both local and remote JWT Key Set access token verifiers. |
Package oidc provides access to remote OpenID Connect configuration.
Package oidc provides access to remote OpenID Connect configuration. |
Package policy provides a policy-based authorization system for gRPC services.
Package policy provides a policy-based authorization system for gRPC services. |
Package token provides mechanisms for validating access tokens and extracting claims.
Package token provides mechanisms for validating access tokens and extracting claims. |
Package azureiot implements data upload to Azure IoT Hub.
Package azureiot implements data upload to Azure IoT Hub. |
Package history provides an automation that pulls data from a trait and inserts them into store.
Package history provides an automation that pulls data from a trait and inserts them into store. |
Package lights provides automated control of lighting.
Package lights provides automated control of lighting. |
Package meteremail provides an automation that collects the instantaneous meter readings for a set of given devices.
Package meteremail provides an automation that collects the instantaneous meter readings for a set of given devices. |
Package notificationsemail has been made to tick a box and needs improvement.
Package notificationsemail has been made to tick a box and needs improvement. |
Package occupancyemail provides an automation that creates a digest email of occupancy statistics.
Package occupancyemail provides an automation that creates a digest email of occupancy statistics. |
Package resetenterleave provides an auto that resets enter/leave totals based on a cron-like schedule.
Package resetenterleave provides an auto that resets enter/leave totals based on a cron-like schedule. |
Package airthings integrates AirThings devices into Smart Core.
Package airthings integrates AirThings devices into Smart Core. |
Package api allows interaction with the AirThings API.
Package api allows interaction with the AirThings API. |
Package local implements a local model of the AirThings api.
Package local implements a local model of the AirThings api. |
The sample application uses the AirThings API to pull sensor readings (latest samples) from a named location.
The sample application uses the AirThings API to pull sensor readings (latest samples) from a named location. |
Package wiser_knx contains a driver for Schneider Electric Wiser for KNX lighting controller.
Package wiser_knx contains a driver for Schneider Electric Wiser for KNX lighting controller. |
Package xovis contains a driver for camera-based occupancy sensors produced by Xovis.
Package xovis contains a driver for camera-based occupancy sensors produced by Xovis. |
Package historypb adds types useful for working with the generated FooHistory services.
Package historypb adds types useful for working with the generated FooHistory services. |
Package history provides a store for historical records.
Package history provides a store for historical records. |
Package boltstore provides an implementation of history.Store with records stored in a bolthold database.
Package boltstore provides an implementation of history.Store with records stored in a bolthold database. |
Package memstore provides an implementation of history.Store with records stored in memory.
Package memstore provides an implementation of history.Store with records stored in memory. |
Package pgxstore provides an implementation of history.Store backed by a Postgres database.
Package pgxstore provides an implementation of history.Store backed by a Postgres database. |
Package enrollment facilitates the binding of an Area Controller to a Building Controller.
Package enrollment facilitates the binding of an Area Controller to a Building Controller. |
Package minibus implements a minimalist many-to-many event bus.
Package minibus implements a minimalist many-to-many event bus. |
Package system and sub packages add optional features to a controller.
Package system and sub packages add optional features to a controller. |
Package authn provides token based authentication for gRPC requests.
Package authn provides token based authentication for gRPC requests. |
Package history provides an implementation of HistoryAdminApi backed by a history.Store.
Package history provides an implementation of HistoryAdminApi backed by a history.Store. |
Package hub manages the enrollment process for a cohort of nodes.
Package hub manages the enrollment process for a cohort of nodes. |
Package task defines Task, a unit of work which can be retried if it fails.
Package task defines Task, a unit of work which can be retried if it fails. |
Package serviceapi implements gen.ServiceApi backed by a service.Map.
Package serviceapi implements gen.ServiceApi backed by a service.Map. |
Package jsontypes contains utility / wrapper types that are suitable for JSON marshalling / unmarshalling using the standard library json package.
Package jsontypes contains utility / wrapper types that are suitable for JSON marshalling / unmarshalling using the standard library json package. |
Package pull provides a reliable way to subscribe to changes from a device.
Package pull provides a reliable way to subscribe to changes from a device. |
Package state deals with tracking, notification, and management of state and state changes.
Package state deals with tracking, notification, and management of state and state changes. |
Package zone represents the concept of a physical space and what you can do with that space.
Package zone represents the concept of a physical space and what you can do with that space. |
Package lighting implements group lighting control for a zone.
Package lighting implements group lighting control for a zone. |
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