Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddVirtualEventPhysicalEvent(virtual string, event string, events ...string) error
- func AppendToClipboard(text string) error
- func Async(fn func())
- func BindEvent(tag string, event string, fn func(e *Event)) error
- func BindInfo(tag string) []string
- func BindKeyEventEx(tag string, fnPress func(e *KeyEvent), fnRelease func(e *KeyEvent)) error
- func ChooseColor(parent Widget, title string, initcolor string) (string, error)
- func ChooseDirectory(parent Widget, title string, initialdir string, mustexist bool) (string, error)
- func ClearBindEvent(tag string, event string) error
- func ClearClipboard() error
- func DestroyWidget(w Widget) error
- func DumpWidget(w Widget) string
- func DumpWidgetEx(w Widget, offset string) string
- func FontFamilieList() []string
- func GetClipboardText() string
- func GetOpenFile(parent Widget, title string, filetypes []FileType, initialdir string, ...) (string, error)
- func GetOpenMultipleFile(parent Widget, title string, filetypes []FileType, initialdir string, ...) ([]string, error)
- func GetSaveFile(parent Widget, title string, confirmoverwrite bool, defaultextension string, ...) (string, error)
- func Grid(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func GridColumnIndex(master Widget, index int, attributes ...*GridIndexAttr) error
- func GridList(widgets []Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func GridRemove(widget Widget) error
- func GridRowIndex(master Widget, index int, attributes ...*GridIndexAttr) error
- func HasTheme() bool
- func Init() error
- func InitEx(tk_window_init_hide bool, tcl_library string, tk_library string) (err error)
- func IsEvent(event string) bool
- func IsNilInterface(w Widget) bool
- func IsTkClass(class string) bool
- func IsTtkClass(class string) bool
- func IsValidWidget(w Widget) bool
- func IsVirtualEvent(event string) bool
- func MainInterp() *interp.Interp
- func MainLoop(fn func()) error
- func MessageBox(parent Widget, title string, message string, detail string, ...) (string, error)
- func NewGenInt64Func(id int64) func() <-chan int64
- func NewGenIntFunc(id int) func() <-chan int
- func Pack(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func PackList(widgets []Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func PackRemove(widget Widget) error
- func Place(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func PlaceRemove(widget Widget) error
- func PopupMenu(menu *Menu, xpos int, ypos int) error
- func Quit()
- func RegisterWidget(w Widget)
- func RemoveVirtualEventPhysicalEvent(virtual string, events ...string) error
- func SendEvent(widget Widget, event string, attrs ...*EventAttr) error
- func SendEventToFocus(event string, attrs ...*EventAttr) error
- func SetErrorHandle(fn func(error))
- func SetFocusFollowsMouse() error
- func SetMainTheme(theme Theme)
- func SetMenuTearoff(enable bool)
- func SubString(text string, start int, end int) string
- func TclLibary() (path string)
- func TclVersion() (ver string)
- func TkLibrary() (path string)
- func TkVersion() (ver string)
- func Update()
- func VirtualEventInfo(virtual string) []string
- type Action
- func (a *Action) Data() interface{}
- func (a *Action) Invoke()
- func (a *Action) IsCheckAction() bool
- func (a *Action) IsChecked() bool
- func (a *Action) IsRadioAction() bool
- func (a *Action) IsSeparator() bool
- func (a *Action) Label() string
- func (a *Action) OnCommand(fn func()) error
- func (a *Action) SetChecked(b bool)
- func (a *Action) SetData(data interface{})
- func (a *Action) String() string
- type ActionGroup
- func (a *ActionGroup) Actions() []*Action
- func (a *ActionGroup) AddNewRadioAction(label string) *Action
- func (a *ActionGroup) AddRadioAction(act *Action) error
- func (a *ActionGroup) CheckedAction() *Action
- func (a *ActionGroup) CheckedActionIndex() int
- func (a *ActionGroup) OnCommand(fn func())
- func (a *ActionGroup) SetCheckedAction(act *Action) error
- func (a *ActionGroup) SetCheckedIndex(index int) error
- type Anchor
- type BaseFont
- func (w *BaseFont) Ascent() int
- func (w *BaseFont) Clone() *UserFont
- func (w *BaseFont) Descent() int
- func (w *BaseFont) Description() string
- func (w *BaseFont) Family() string
- func (f *BaseFont) Id() string
- func (w *BaseFont) IsBold() bool
- func (w *BaseFont) IsItalic() bool
- func (w *BaseFont) IsOverstrike() bool
- func (w *BaseFont) IsUnderline() bool
- func (f *BaseFont) IsValid() bool
- func (w *BaseFont) MeasureTextWidth(text string) int
- func (w *BaseFont) Size() int
- func (w *BaseFont) String() string
- type BaseWidget
- func (w *BaseWidget) BindEvent(event string, fn func(e *Event)) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) BindInfo() []string
- func (w *BaseWidget) BindKeyEvent(fn func(e *KeyEvent)) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) BindKeyEventEx(fnPress func(e *KeyEvent), fnRelease func(e *KeyEvent)) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) Children() []Widget
- func (w *BaseWidget) ClearBind(event string) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) Destroy() error
- func (w *BaseWidget) DestroyChildren() error
- func (w *BaseWidget) FocusNextWidget() Widget
- func (w *BaseWidget) FocusPrevWidget() Widget
- func (w *BaseWidget) Id() string
- func (w *BaseWidget) Info() *WidgetInfo
- func (w *BaseWidget) IsFocus() bool
- func (w *BaseWidget) IsGrab() bool
- func (w *BaseWidget) IsValid() bool
- func (w *BaseWidget) Lower(below Widget) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) NativeAttribute(key string) string
- func (w *BaseWidget) NativeAttributes(keys ...string) (attributes []NativeAttr)
- func (w *BaseWidget) Parent() Widget
- func (w *BaseWidget) Raise(above Widget) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) ReleaseGrab() error
- func (w *BaseWidget) SetAttributes(attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) SetFocus() error
- func (w *BaseWidget) SetGrab() error
- func (w *BaseWidget) SetNativeAttribute(key string, value string) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) SetNativeAttributes(attributes ...NativeAttr) error
- func (w *BaseWidget) String() string
- func (w *BaseWidget) Type() WidgetType
- func (w *BaseWidget) TypeName() string
- type BorderMode
- type Button
- func (w *Button) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Button) Compound() Compound
- func (w *Button) Image() *Image
- func (w *Button) Invoke()
- func (w *Button) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Button) OnCommand(fn func()) error
- func (w *Button) Padding() Pad
- func (w *Button) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *Button) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
- func (w *Button) SetImage(image *Image) error
- func (w *Button) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *Button) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *Button) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *Button) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Button) SetText(text string) error
- func (w *Button) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Button) State() State
- func (w *Button) Text() string
- func (w *Button) Width() int
- type Canvas
- func (w *Canvas) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Canvas) Background() string
- func (w *Canvas) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *Canvas) CloseEnough() float64
- func (w *Canvas) Height() int
- func (w *Canvas) HighlightBackground() string
- func (w *Canvas) HighlightColor() string
- func (w *Canvas) Highlightthickness() int
- func (w *Canvas) InsertBackground() string
- func (w *Canvas) InsertBorderWidth() int
- func (w *Canvas) InsertOffTime() int
- func (w *Canvas) InsertOnTime() int
- func (w *Canvas) InsertWidth() int
- func (w *Canvas) IsConfine() bool
- func (w *Canvas) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Canvas) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
- func (w *Canvas) SelectBackground() string
- func (w *Canvas) Selectborderwidth() int
- func (w *Canvas) Selectforeground() string
- func (w *Canvas) SetBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetCloseEnough(closeenough float64) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetConfine(confine bool) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetHighlightBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetHighlightColor(color string) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetHighlightthickness(width int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetInsertBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetInsertBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetInsertOffTime(offtime int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetInsertOnTime(ontime int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetInsertWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetSelectBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetSelectborderwidth(width int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetSelectforeground(color string) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetXScrollIncrement(value int) error
- func (w *Canvas) SetYScrollIncrement(value int) error
- func (w *Canvas) State() State
- func (w *Canvas) Width() int
- func (w *Canvas) XScrollIncrement() int
- func (w *Canvas) YScrollIncrement() int
- type CheckButton
- func (w *CheckButton) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *CheckButton) Compound() Compound
- func (w *CheckButton) Image() *Image
- func (w *CheckButton) Invoke()
- func (w *CheckButton) IsChecked() bool
- func (w *CheckButton) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *CheckButton) OnCommand(fn func()) error
- func (w *CheckButton) Padding() Pad
- func (w *CheckButton) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *CheckButton) SetChecked(check bool) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetImage(image *Image) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetText(text string) error
- func (w *CheckButton) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *CheckButton) State() State
- func (w *CheckButton) Text() string
- func (w *CheckButton) Width() int
- type ComboBox
- func (w *ComboBox) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *ComboBox) Background() string
- func (w *ComboBox) CurrentIndex() int
- func (w *ComboBox) CurrentText() string
- func (w *ComboBox) Echo() string
- func (w *ComboBox) Entry() *Entry
- func (w *ComboBox) Font() Font
- func (w *ComboBox) Forground() string
- func (w *ComboBox) Height() int
- func (w *ComboBox) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *ComboBox) Justify() Justify
- func (w *ComboBox) OnEditReturn(fn func()) error
- func (w *ComboBox) OnSelected(fn func()) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetBackground(color string) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex(index int) *ComboBox
- func (w *ComboBox) SetCurrentText(text string) *ComboBox
- func (w *ComboBox) SetEcho(echo string) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetFont(font Font) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetForground(color string) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetJustify(justify Justify) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetValues(values []string) error
- func (w *ComboBox) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *ComboBox) State() State
- func (w *ComboBox) Values() []string
- func (w *ComboBox) Width() int
- type Command
- type CommandEx
- type Compound
- type Direction
- type DisplyCursor
- type Entry
- func (w *Entry) Append(str string) error
- func (w *Entry) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Entry) Background() string
- func (w *Entry) BindXScrollBar(bar *ScrollBar) error
- func (w *Entry) Clear()
- func (w *Entry) ClearSelection()
- func (w *Entry) Copy()
- func (w *Entry) CursorPosition() int
- func (w *Entry) Cut()
- func (w *Entry) Delete(index int)
- func (w *Entry) DeleteRange(start int, end int)
- func (w *Entry) Font() Font
- func (w *Entry) Foreground() string
- func (w *Entry) HasSelectedText() bool
- func (w *Entry) Index(index int) int
- func (w *Entry) Insert(index int, str string) error
- func (w *Entry) IsExportSelection() bool
- func (w *Entry) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Entry) Justify() Justify
- func (w *Entry) OnEditReturn(fn func()) error
- func (w *Entry) OnUpdate(fn func()) error
- func (w *Entry) OnXScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *Entry) Paste()
- func (w *Entry) SelectAll()
- func (w *Entry) SelectedText() string
- func (w *Entry) SelectionEnd() int
- func (w *Entry) SelectionStart() int
- func (w *Entry) SetBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Entry) SetCursorPosition(pos int) *Entry
- func (w *Entry) SetExportSelection(export bool) error
- func (w *Entry) SetFont(font Font) error
- func (w *Entry) SetForeground(color string) error
- func (w *Entry) SetJustify(justify Justify) error
- func (w *Entry) SetSelection(start int, end int)
- func (w *Entry) SetShow(show string) error
- func (w *Entry) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *Entry) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Entry) SetText(text string) error
- func (w *Entry) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Entry) SetXViewArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *Entry) Show() string
- func (w *Entry) State() State
- func (w *Entry) Text() string
- func (w *Entry) TextLength() int
- func (w *Entry) Width() int
- type Event
- type EventAttr
- type FileType
- type Fill
- type Font
- type FontAttr
- type Frame
- func (w *Frame) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Frame) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *Frame) Height() int
- func (w *Frame) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Frame) Padding() Pad
- func (w *Frame) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *Frame) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
- func (w *Frame) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Frame) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *Frame) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *Frame) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *Frame) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
- func (w *Frame) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Frame) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Frame) Width() int
- type Geometry
- type GridIndexAttr
- type GridLayout
- func (w *GridLayout) AddWidget(widget Widget, attrs ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func (w *GridLayout) AddWidgetEx(widget Widget, row int, column int, rowspan int, columnspan int, sticky Sticky) error
- func (w *GridLayout) AddWidgetList(widgets []Widget, attrs ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func (w *GridLayout) AddWidgets(widgets ...Widget) error
- func (w *GridLayout) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *GridLayout) RemoveWidget(widget Widget) error
- func (w *GridLayout) Repack() error
- func (w *GridLayout) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *GridLayout) SetColumnAttr(column int, pad int, weight int, group string) error
- func (w *GridLayout) SetRowAttr(row int, pad int, weight int, group string) error
- type Image
- func (i *Image) Blank() *Image
- func (i *Image) Gamma() float64
- func (i *Image) Id() string
- func (i *Image) IsValid() bool
- func (i *Image) SetGamma(v float64) *Image
- func (i *Image) SetImage(img image.Image) *Image
- func (i *Image) SetSize(sz Size) *Image
- func (i *Image) SetSizeN(width int, height int) *Image
- func (i *Image) SetZoomedImage(img image.Image, zoomX, zoomY, subsampleX, subsampleY int) *Image
- func (i *Image) Size() Size
- func (i *Image) SizeN() (width int, height int)
- func (i *Image) ToImage() image.Image
- type ImageAttr
- type Justify
- type KeyEvent
- type KeyModifier
- type Label
- func (w *Label) Anchor() Anchor
- func (w *Label) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Label) Background() string
- func (w *Label) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *Label) Compound() Compound
- func (w *Label) Font() Font
- func (w *Label) Forground() string
- func (w *Label) Image() *Image
- func (w *Label) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Label) Justify() Justify
- func (w *Label) Padding() Pad
- func (w *Label) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *Label) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
- func (w *Label) SetAnchor(anchor Anchor) error
- func (w *Label) SetBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Label) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Label) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
- func (w *Label) SetFont(font Font) error
- func (w *Label) SetForground(color string) error
- func (w *Label) SetImage(image *Image) error
- func (w *Label) SetJustify(justify Justify) error
- func (w *Label) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *Label) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *Label) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
- func (w *Label) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *Label) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Label) SetText(text string) error
- func (w *Label) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Label) SetWrapLength(wraplength int) error
- func (w *Label) State() State
- func (w *Label) Text() string
- func (w *Label) Width() int
- func (w *Label) WrapLength() int
- type LabelFrame
- func (w *LabelFrame) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *LabelFrame) Height() int
- func (w *LabelFrame) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *LabelFrame) LabelAnchor() Anchor
- func (w *LabelFrame) LabelText() string
- func (w *LabelFrame) Padding() Pad
- func (w *LabelFrame) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *LabelFrame) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetLabelAnchor(anchor Anchor) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetLabelText(text string) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *LabelFrame) Width() int
- type Layout
- type LayoutAttr
- func AppendLayoutAttrs(org []*LayoutAttr, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) []*LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrColumn(n int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrColumnSpan(n int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrInMaster(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrIpadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrIpady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrPadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrPady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrRow(n int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrRowSpan(n int) *LayoutAttr
- func GridAttrSticky(v Sticky) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrAfter(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrAnchor(anchor Anchor) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrBefore(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrExpand(b bool) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrFill(fill Fill) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrFillBoth() *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrFillNone() *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrFillX() *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrFillY() *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrInMaster(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrIpadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrIpady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrPadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrPady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrSide(side Side) *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrSideBottom() *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrSideLeft() *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrSideRight() *LayoutAttr
- func PackAttrSideTop() *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrAnchor(anchor Anchor) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrBorderMode(mode BorderMode) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrHeight(size int) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrInMaster(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrRelHeight(size float64) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrRelWidth(size float64) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrRelX(location float64) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrRelY(location float64) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrWidth(size int) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrX(location int) *LayoutAttr
- func PlaceAttrY(location int) *LayoutAttr
- type LayoutFrame
- type LayoutItem
- type LayoutSpacer
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) Height() int
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) IsExpand() bool
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetExpand(expand bool) error
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetSpace(space int) error
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) Space() int
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) Type() WidgetType
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) TypeName() string
- func (w *LayoutSpacer) Width() int
- type LayoutWidget
- type LineWrapMode
- type ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) AppendItem(index int, item string) *ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) AppendItems(items []string) *ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *ListBox) Background() string
- func (w *ListBox) BindXScrollBar(bar *ScrollBar) error
- func (w *ListBox) BindYScrollBar(bar *ScrollBar) error
- func (w *ListBox) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *ListBox) ClearSelection() *ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) Font() Font
- func (w *ListBox) Forground() string
- func (w *ListBox) Height() int
- func (w *ListBox) InsertItem(index int, item string) *ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *ListBox) ItemCount() int
- func (w *ListBox) ItemText(index int) string
- func (w *ListBox) Items() []string
- func (w *ListBox) Justify() Justify
- func (w *ListBox) OnSelectionChanged(fn func()) error
- func (w *ListBox) OnXScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *ListBox) OnYScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *ListBox) Padding() Pad
- func (w *ListBox) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *ListBox) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
- func (w *ListBox) RemoveItem(index int) error
- func (w *ListBox) RemoveItemRange(start int, end int) error
- func (w *ListBox) SelectMode() ListSelectMode
- func (w *ListBox) SelectedIndexs() []int
- func (w *ListBox) SelectedItems() (items []string)
- func (w *ListBox) SetBackground(color string) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetFont(font Font) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetForground(color string) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetItemText(index int, item string) *ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) SetItems(items []string) *ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) SetJustify(justify Justify) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetSelectMode(mode ListSelectMode) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetSelectionRange(start int, end int) *ListBox
- func (w *ListBox) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetXViewArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *ListBox) SetYViewArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *ListBox) State() State
- func (w *ListBox) Width() int
- type ListBoxEx
- type ListSelectMode
- type Menu
- func (w *Menu) ActiveBackground() string
- func (w *Menu) ActiveBorderWidth() int
- func (w *Menu) ActiveForground() string
- func (w *Menu) AddAction(act *Action) error
- func (w *Menu) AddActions(actions []*Action)
- func (w *Menu) AddNewSubMenu(label string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Menu
- func (w *Menu) AddSeparator() error
- func (w *Menu) AddSubMenu(label string, sub *Menu) error
- func (w *Menu) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Menu) Background() string
- func (w *Menu) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *Menu) DisabledForground() string
- func (w *Menu) Font() Font
- func (w *Menu) Forground() string
- func (w *Menu) InsertAction(index int, act *Action) error
- func (w *Menu) InsertNewSubMenu(index int, label string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Menu
- func (w *Menu) InsertSeparator(index int) error
- func (w *Menu) InsertSubMenu(index int, label string, sub *Menu) error
- func (w *Menu) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Menu) IsTearoff() bool
- func (w *Menu) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
- func (w *Menu) SelectColor() string
- func (w *Menu) SetActiveBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Menu) SetActiveBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Menu) SetActiveForground(color string) error
- func (w *Menu) SetBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Menu) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Menu) SetDisabledForground(color string) error
- func (w *Menu) SetFont(font Font) error
- func (w *Menu) SetForground(color string) error
- func (w *Menu) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
- func (w *Menu) SetSelectColor(color string) error
- func (w *Menu) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Menu) SetTearoff(tearoff bool) error
- func (w *Menu) SetTearoffTitle(title string) error
- func (w *Menu) TearoffTitle() string
- type MenuButton
- func (w *MenuButton) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *MenuButton) Compound() Compound
- func (w *MenuButton) Direction() Direction
- func (w *MenuButton) Image() *Image
- func (w *MenuButton) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *MenuButton) Menu() *Menu
- func (w *MenuButton) Padding() Pad
- func (w *MenuButton) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *MenuButton) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetDirection(direction Direction) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetImage(image *Image) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetMenu(menu *Menu) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetText(text string) error
- func (w *MenuButton) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *MenuButton) State() State
- func (w *MenuButton) Text() string
- func (w *MenuButton) Width() int
- type MessageBoxIcon
- type MessageBoxType
- type MetaClass
- type MetaType
- type NamedId
- type NativeAttr
- type Notebook
- func (w *Notebook) AddTab(widget Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error
- func (w *Notebook) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Notebook) CurrentTab() Widget
- func (w *Notebook) CurrentTabIndex() int
- func (w *Notebook) Height() int
- func (w *Notebook) InsertTab(pos int, widget Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error
- func (w *Notebook) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Notebook) Padding() Pad
- func (w *Notebook) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *Notebook) RemoveTab(widget Widget) error
- func (w *Notebook) SetCurrentTab(widget Widget) error
- func (w *Notebook) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *Notebook) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *Notebook) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *Notebook) SetTab(widget Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error
- func (w *Notebook) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Notebook) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Notebook) TabCount() int
- func (w *Notebook) TabIndex(widget Widget) int
- func (w *Notebook) Width() int
- type Orient
- type PackLayout
- func (w *PackLayout) AddWidget(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func (w *PackLayout) AddWidgetEx(widget Widget, fill Fill, expand bool, anchor Anchor) error
- func (w *PackLayout) AddWidgetList(widgets []Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func (w *PackLayout) AddWidgets(widgets ...Widget) error
- func (w *PackLayout) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *PackLayout) InsertWidget(index int, widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func (w *PackLayout) InsertWidgetEx(index int, widget Widget, fill Fill, expand bool, anchor Anchor) error
- func (w *PackLayout) RemoveWidget(widget Widget) error
- func (w *PackLayout) Repack() error
- func (w *PackLayout) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *PackLayout) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *PackLayout) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *PackLayout) SetSide(side Side) error
- func (w *PackLayout) SetWidgetAttr(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- type Pad
- type Paned
- func (w *Paned) AddWidget(widget Widget, weight int) error
- func (w *Paned) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Paned) Height() int
- func (w *Paned) InsertWidget(pane int, widget Widget, weight int) error
- func (w *Paned) RemovePane(pane int) error
- func (w *Paned) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *Paned) SetPane(pane int, weight int) error
- func (w *Paned) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Paned) Width() int
- type PlaceFrame
- func (w *PlaceFrame) AddWidget(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func (w *PlaceFrame) InsertWidget(index int, widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- func (w *PlaceFrame) RemoveWidget(widget Widget) error
- func (w *PlaceFrame) Repack() error
- func (w *PlaceFrame) SetWidgetAttr(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
- type Pos
- type ProgressBar
- func (w *ProgressBar) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) IsDeterminateMode() bool
- func (w *ProgressBar) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *ProgressBar) Length() int
- func (w *ProgressBar) Maximum() float64
- func (w *ProgressBar) Orient() Orient
- func (w *ProgressBar) Pause() error
- func (w *ProgressBar) Phase() int
- func (w *ProgressBar) SetDeterminateMode(b bool) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) SetLength(length int) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) SetMaximum(maximum float64) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) SetOrient(orient Orient) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) SetValue(value float64) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) Start() error
- func (w *ProgressBar) StartEx(ms int) error
- func (w *ProgressBar) Stop() error
- func (w *ProgressBar) Value() float64
- type RadioButton
- func (w *RadioButton) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *RadioButton) Compound() Compound
- func (w *RadioButton) Image() *Image
- func (w *RadioButton) Invoke()
- func (w *RadioButton) IsChecked() bool
- func (w *RadioButton) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *RadioButton) OnCommand(fn func()) error
- func (w *RadioButton) Padding() Pad
- func (w *RadioButton) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *RadioButton) SetChecked(check bool) *RadioButton
- func (w *RadioButton) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
- func (w *RadioButton) SetImage(image *Image) error
- func (w *RadioButton) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *RadioButton) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *RadioButton) SetState(state State) error
- func (w *RadioButton) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *RadioButton) SetText(text string) error
- func (w *RadioButton) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *RadioButton) State() State
- func (w *RadioButton) Text() string
- func (w *RadioButton) Width() int
- type RadioGroup
- func (w *RadioGroup) AddNewRadio(parent Widget, text string, data interface{}, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *RadioButton
- func (w *RadioGroup) AddRadio(btn *RadioButton, data interface{}) error
- func (w *RadioGroup) AddRadios(btns ...*RadioButton) error
- func (w *RadioGroup) CheckedData() interface{}
- func (w *RadioGroup) CheckedIndex() int
- func (w *RadioGroup) CheckedRadio() *RadioButton
- func (w *RadioGroup) IsValid() bool
- func (w *RadioGroup) OnRadioChanged(fn func()) error
- func (w *RadioGroup) RadioData(btn *RadioButton) interface{}
- func (w *RadioGroup) RadioList() (lst []*RadioButton)
- func (w *RadioGroup) SetCheckedIndex(index int) error
- func (w *RadioGroup) SetCheckedRadio(btn *RadioButton) error
- func (w *RadioGroup) SetRadioData(btn *RadioButton, data interface{}) error
- func (w *RadioGroup) WidgetList() (lst []Widget)
- type ReliefStyle
- type Scale
- func (w *Scale) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Scale) From() float64
- func (w *Scale) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Scale) Length() int
- func (w *Scale) OnCommand(fn func()) error
- func (w *Scale) Orient() Orient
- func (w *Scale) Range() (float64, float64)
- func (w *Scale) SetFrom(from float64) error
- func (w *Scale) SetLength(length int) error
- func (w *Scale) SetOrient(orient Orient) error
- func (w *Scale) SetRange(from, to float64) error
- func (w *Scale) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Scale) SetTo(to float64) error
- func (w *Scale) SetValue(value float64) error
- func (w *Scale) To() float64
- func (w *Scale) Value() float64
- type ScrollBar
- func (w *ScrollBar) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *ScrollBar) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *ScrollBar) OnCommandEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *ScrollBar) Orient() Orient
- func (w *ScrollBar) SetOrient(orient Orient) error
- func (w *ScrollBar) SetScroll(first float64, last float64) error
- func (w *ScrollBar) SetScrollArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *ScrollBar) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- type ScrollLayout
- type Separator
- type Side
- type Size
- type SpinBox
- func (w *SpinBox) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *SpinBox) Entry() *Entry
- func (w *SpinBox) From() float64
- func (w *SpinBox) Increment() float64
- func (w *SpinBox) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *SpinBox) IsWrap() bool
- func (w *SpinBox) OnCommand(fn func()) error
- func (w *SpinBox) OnEditReturn(fn func()) error
- func (w *SpinBox) OnXScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *SpinBox) Range() (float64, float64)
- func (w *SpinBox) SetFrom(from float64) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetIncrement(increment float64) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetRange(from, to float64) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetTextValue(value string) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetTextValues(values []string) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetTo(to float64) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetValue(value float64) error
- func (w *SpinBox) SetWrap(wrap bool) error
- func (w *SpinBox) TextValue() string
- func (w *SpinBox) TextValues() []string
- func (w *SpinBox) To() float64
- func (w *SpinBox) Value() float64
- type State
- type Sticky
- type SysFont
- type SysFontType
- type Text
- func (w *Text) AppendText(text string) error
- func (w *Text) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Text) Background() string
- func (w *Text) BindXScrollBar(bar *ScrollBar) error
- func (w *Text) BindYScrollBar(bar *ScrollBar) error
- func (w *Text) BorderWidth() int
- func (w *Text) Clear() error
- func (w *Text) EndLine() int
- func (w *Text) Font() Font
- func (w *Text) Foreground() string
- func (w *Text) Height() int
- func (w *Text) HighlightBackground() string
- func (w *Text) HighlightColor() string
- func (w *Text) Highlightthickness() int
- func (w *Text) InactiveSelectBackground() string
- func (w *Text) InsertBackground() string
- func (w *Text) InsertBorderWidth() int
- func (w *Text) InsertOffTime() int
- func (w *Text) InsertOnTime() int
- func (w *Text) InsertText(pos int, text string) error
- func (w *Text) InsertUnfocussed() DisplyCursor
- func (w *Text) InsertWidth() int
- func (w *Text) IsAutoSeparatorsOnUndo() bool
- func (w *Text) IsBlockCursor() bool
- func (w *Text) IsEnableUndo() bool
- func (w *Text) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (w *Text) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *Text) Length() int
- func (w *Text) LineAboveSpace() int
- func (w *Text) LineBelowSpace() int
- func (w *Text) LineCount() int
- func (w *Text) LineWrap() LineWrapMode
- func (w *Text) LineWrapSpace() int
- func (w *Text) MaxUndo() int
- func (w *Text) OnXScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *Text) OnYScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *Text) Padding() Pad
- func (w *Text) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *Text) PlainText() string
- func (w *Text) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
- func (w *Text) SelectBackground() string
- func (w *Text) Selectborderwidth() int
- func (w *Text) Selectforeground() string
- func (w *Text) SetAutoSeparatorsOnUndo(autoseparators bool) error
- func (w *Text) SetBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetBlockCursor(blockcursor bool) error
- func (w *Text) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Text) SetEnableUndo(undo bool) error
- func (w *Text) SetEndLine(endline int) error
- func (w *Text) SetFont(font Font) error
- func (w *Text) SetForeground(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *Text) SetHighlightBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetHighlightColor(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetHighlightthickness(width int) error
- func (w *Text) SetInactiveSelectBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetInsertBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetInsertBorderWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Text) SetInsertOffTime(offtime int) error
- func (w *Text) SetInsertOnTime(ontime int) error
- func (w *Text) SetInsertUnfocussed(style DisplyCursor) error
- func (w *Text) SetInsertWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Text) SetLineAboveSpace(spacing int) error
- func (w *Text) SetLineBelowSpace(spacing int) error
- func (w *Text) SetLineWrap(wrap LineWrapMode) error
- func (w *Text) SetLineWrapSpace(spacing int) error
- func (w *Text) SetMaxUndo(maxundo int) error
- func (w *Text) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *Text) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *Text) SetReadOnly(b bool) error
- func (w *Text) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
- func (w *Text) SetSelectBackground(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetSelectborderwidth(width int) error
- func (w *Text) SetSelectforeground(color string) error
- func (w *Text) SetStartLine(startline int) error
- func (w *Text) SetTabSize(size int) error
- func (w *Text) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *Text) SetText(text string) error
- func (w *Text) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Text) SetXViewArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *Text) SetYViewArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *Text) StartLine() int
- func (w *Text) TextLength() int
- func (w *Text) Width() int
- type TextEx
- type TextIndex
- type Theme
- type TreeItem
- func (t *TreeItem) Children() (lst []*TreeItem)
- func (t *TreeItem) Collapse() error
- func (t *TreeItem) CollapseAll() error
- func (t *TreeItem) ColumnText(column int) string
- func (t *TreeItem) Expand() error
- func (t *TreeItem) ExpandAll() error
- func (t *TreeItem) Id() string
- func (t *TreeItem) Image() *Image
- func (t *TreeItem) Index() int
- func (t *TreeItem) InsertItem(index int, text string, values []string) *TreeItem
- func (t *TreeItem) IsExpanded() bool
- func (t *TreeItem) IsRoot() bool
- func (t *TreeItem) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TreeItem) Next() *TreeItem
- func (t *TreeItem) Parent() *TreeItem
- func (t *TreeItem) Prev() *TreeItem
- func (t *TreeItem) SetColumnText(column int, text string) error
- func (t *TreeItem) SetExpanded(expand bool) error
- func (t *TreeItem) SetImage(img *Image) error
- func (t *TreeItem) SetText(text string) error
- func (t *TreeItem) SetValues(values []string) error
- func (t *TreeItem) Text() string
- func (t *TreeItem) Values() []string
- type TreeSelectMode
- type TreeView
- func (w *TreeView) AddSelectionList(items []*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) AddSelections(items ...*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *TreeView) BindXScrollBar(bar *ScrollBar) error
- func (w *TreeView) BindYScrollBar(bar *ScrollBar) error
- func (w *TreeView) Collapse(item *TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) CollepseAll() error
- func (w *TreeView) ColumnAnchor(column int) Anchor
- func (w *TreeView) ColumnCount() int
- func (w *TreeView) ColumnMinimumWidth(column int) int
- func (w *TreeView) ColumnStretch(column int) bool
- func (w *TreeView) ColumnWidth(column int) int
- func (w *TreeView) CurrentIndex() *TreeItem
- func (w *TreeView) DeleteAllItems() error
- func (w *TreeView) DeleteItem(item *TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) Expand(item *TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) ExpandAll() error
- func (w *TreeView) FocusItem() *TreeItem
- func (w *TreeView) HeaderAnchor(column int) Anchor
- func (w *TreeView) HeaderImage(column int) *Image
- func (w *TreeView) HeaderLabel(column int) string
- func (w *TreeView) Height() int
- func (w *TreeView) InsertItem(parent *TreeItem, index int, text string, values []string) *TreeItem
- func (w *TreeView) IsExpanded(item *TreeItem) bool
- func (w *TreeView) IsHeaderHidden() bool
- func (w *TreeView) IsTakeFocus() bool
- func (w *TreeView) IsValidItem(item *TreeItem) bool
- func (w *TreeView) ItemAt(x int, y int) *TreeItem
- func (w *TreeView) MoveItem(item *TreeItem, parent *TreeItem, index int) error
- func (w *TreeView) OnDoubleClickedItem(fn func(item *TreeItem))
- func (w *TreeView) OnItemCollapsed(fn func()) error
- func (w *TreeView) OnItemExpanded(fn func()) error
- func (w *TreeView) OnSelectionChanged(fn func()) error
- func (w *TreeView) OnXScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *TreeView) OnYScrollEx(fn func([]string) error) error
- func (w *TreeView) Padding() Pad
- func (w *TreeView) PaddingN() (int, int)
- func (w *TreeView) RemoveSelectionList(items []*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) RemoveSelections(items ...*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) RootItem() *TreeItem
- func (w *TreeView) ScrollTo(item *TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) SelectionList() (lst []*TreeItem)
- func (w *TreeView) SetColumnAnchor(column int, anchor Anchor) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetColumnCount(columns int) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetColumnMinimumWidth(column int, width int) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetColumnStretch(column int, stretch bool) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetColumnWidth(column int, width int) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetCurrentIndex(item *TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetExpanded(item *TreeItem, expand bool) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetFocusItem(item *TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetHeaderAnchor(column int, anchor Anchor) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetHeaderHidden(hide bool) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetHeaderImage(column int, img *Image) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetHeaderLabel(column int, label string) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetHeaderLabels(labels []string) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetHeight(row int) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetSelectionList(items []*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetSelections(items ...*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetTreeSelectMode(mode TreeSelectMode) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetXViewArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *TreeView) SetYViewArgs(args []string) error
- func (w *TreeView) ToggleSelectionList(items []*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) ToggleSelections(items ...*TreeItem) error
- func (w *TreeView) ToplevelItems() []*TreeItem
- func (w *TreeView) TreeSelectMode() TreeSelectMode
- type TreeViewEx
- type UserFont
- func (f *UserFont) Destroy() error
- func (w *UserFont) SetBold(bold bool) error
- func (w *UserFont) SetFamily(family string) error
- func (w *UserFont) SetItalic(italic bool) error
- func (w *UserFont) SetOverstrike(overstrike bool) error
- func (w *UserFont) SetSize(size int) error
- func (w *UserFont) SetUnderline(underline bool) error
- type Widget
- type WidgetAttr
- func ButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
- func ButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
- func ButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func ButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func ButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func ButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func ButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrCloseEnough(closeenough float64) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrConfine(confine bool) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrHighlightBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrHighlightColor(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrHighlightthickness(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrInsertBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrInsertBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrInsertOffTime(offtime int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrInsertOnTime(ontime int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrInsertWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrSelectBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrSelectborderwidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrSelectforeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrXScrollIncrement(value int) *WidgetAttr
- func CanvasAttrYScrollIncrement(value int) *WidgetAttr
- func CheckButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
- func CheckButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
- func CheckButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func CheckButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func CheckButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func CheckButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func CheckButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrEcho(echo string) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrValues(values []string) *WidgetAttr
- func ComboBoxAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrExportSelection(export bool) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrForeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrShow(show string) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func EntryAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func FrameAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func FrameAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func FrameAttrPadding(pad Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func FrameAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func FrameAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func FrameAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrAnchor(anchor Anchor) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelAttrWrapLength(wraplength int) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrLabelAnchor(anchor Anchor) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrLabelText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrPadding(pad Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func LabelFrameAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrSelectMode(mode ListSelectMode) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func ListBoxAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrActiveBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrActiveBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrActiveForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrDisabledForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrSelectColor(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrTearoff(tearoff bool) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuAttrTearoffTitle(title string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrDirection(direction Direction) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrMenu(menu *Menu) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func MenuButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func NotebookAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func NotebookAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func NotebookAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func NotebookAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func PanedAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func PanedAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func ProgressBarAttrLength(length int) *WidgetAttr
- func ProgressBarAttrMaximum(maximum float64) *WidgetAttr
- func ProgressBarAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
- func ProgressBarAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func ProgressBarAttrValue(value float64) *WidgetAttr
- func RadioButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
- func RadioButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
- func RadioButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func RadioButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func RadioButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func RadioButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func RadioButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func ScaleAttrFrom(from float64) *WidgetAttr
- func ScaleAttrLength(length int) *WidgetAttr
- func ScaleAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
- func ScaleAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func ScaleAttrTo(to float64) *WidgetAttr
- func ScaleAttrValue(value float64) *WidgetAttr
- func ScrollBarAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
- func ScrollBarAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func SeparatorAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
- func SeparatorAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func SpinBoxAttrFrom(from float64) *WidgetAttr
- func SpinBoxAttrIncrement(increment float64) *WidgetAttr
- func SpinBoxAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func SpinBoxAttrTextValues(values []string) *WidgetAttr
- func SpinBoxAttrTo(to float64) *WidgetAttr
- func SpinBoxAttrWrap(wrap bool) *WidgetAttr
- func TabAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
- func TabAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
- func TabAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func TabAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
- func TabAttrSticky(sticky Sticky) *WidgetAttr
- func TabAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrAutoSeparatorsOnUndo(autoseparators bool) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrBlockCursor(blockcursor bool) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrEnableUndo(undo bool) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrEndLine(endline int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrForeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrHighlightBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrHighlightColor(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrHighlightthickness(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrInactiveSelectBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrInsertBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrInsertBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrInsertOffTime(offtime int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrInsertOnTime(ontime int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrInsertUnfocussed(style DisplyCursor) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrInsertWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrLineAboveSpace(spacing int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrLineBelowSpace(spacing int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrLineWrap(wrap LineWrapMode) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrLineWrapSpace(spacing int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrMaxUndo(maxundo int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrSelectBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrSelectborderwidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrSelectforeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrStartLine(startline int) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func TextAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func TreeViewAttrHeight(row int) *WidgetAttr
- func TreeViewAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func TreeViewAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
- func TreeViewAttrTreeSelectMode(mode TreeSelectMode) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrInitUseTheme(use bool) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrPadding(pad Pad) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrPaddingN(padx int, pady int) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrReliefStyle(style ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
- func WidgetAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func WindowOptBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
- func WindowOptId(id string) *WidgetAttr
- func WindowOptPadx(padx int) *WidgetAttr
- func WindowOptPady(pady int) *WidgetAttr
- func WindowOptReliefStyle(style ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
- type WidgetInfo
- type WidgetType
- type Window
- func (w *Window) Alpha() float64
- func (w *Window) Attach(id string) error
- func (w *Window) Center(parent WindowWidget) error
- func (w *Window) Deiconify() error
- func (w *Window) EndModal() error
- func (w *Window) Geometry() Geometry
- func (w *Window) GeometryN() (x int, y int, width int, height int)
- func (w *Window) Height() (height int)
- func (w *Window) Hide() error
- func (w *Window) Iconify() error
- func (w *Window) IsFullScreen() bool
- func (w *Window) IsIconify() bool
- func (w *Window) IsMaximized() bool
- func (w *Window) IsMinimized() bool
- func (w *Window) IsResizable() (enableWidth bool, enableHeight bool)
- func (w *Window) IsTopmost() bool
- func (w *Window) IsVisible() bool
- func (w *Window) MaximumSize() Size
- func (w *Window) MaximumSizeN() (int, int)
- func (w *Window) Menu() *Menu
- func (w *Window) MinimumSize() Size
- func (w *Window) MinimumSizeN() (int, int)
- func (w *Window) Move(pos Pos) error
- func (w *Window) MoveN(x int, y int) error
- func (w *Window) OnClose(fn func() (accept bool)) error
- func (w *Window) Pos() Pos
- func (w *Window) PosN() (x int, y int)
- func (w *Window) Resize(sz Size) error
- func (w *Window) ResizeN(width int, height int) error
- func (w *Window) ScreenSize() Size
- func (w *Window) ScreenSizeN() (width int, height int)
- func (w *Window) SetAlpha(alpha float64) error
- func (w *Window) SetFullScreen(full bool) error
- func (w *Window) SetGeometry(v Geometry) error
- func (w *Window) SetGeometryN(x int, y int, width int, height int) error
- func (w *Window) SetHeight(height int) error
- func (w *Window) SetMaximumSize(sz Size) error
- func (w *Window) SetMaximumSizeN(width int, height int) error
- func (w *Window) SetMenu(m *Menu) error
- func (w *Window) SetMinimumSize(sz Size) error
- func (w *Window) SetMinimumSizeN(width int, height int) error
- func (w *Window) SetNaturalSize() error
- func (w *Window) SetPos(pos Pos) error
- func (w *Window) SetPosN(x int, y int) error
- func (w *Window) SetResizable(enableWidth bool, enableHeight bool) error
- func (w *Window) SetSize(sz Size) error
- func (w *Window) SetSizeN(width int, height int) error
- func (w *Window) SetTitle(title string) error
- func (w *Window) SetTopmost(full bool) error
- func (w *Window) SetVisible(b bool) error
- func (w *Window) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (w *Window) ShowFullScreen() error
- func (w *Window) ShowMaximized() error
- func (w *Window) ShowMinimized() error
- func (w *Window) ShowModal() error
- func (w *Window) ShowNormal() error
- func (w *Window) Size() Size
- func (w *Window) SizeN() (width int, height int)
- func (w *Window) Title() string
- func (w *Window) Wait() error
- func (w *Window) Width() (width int)
- type WindowInfo
- type WindowWidget
Constants ¶
Variables ¶
var ( ErrInvalid = errors.New("invalid argument") ErrExist = errors.New("already exists") ErrNotExist = errors.New("does not exist") ErrClosed = errors.New("already closed") ErrUnsupport = errors.New("unsupport") )
var ( ErrorInvalidWidgetInfo = fmt.Errorf("invalid widget info") ErrorNotMatchWidgetInfo = fmt.Errorf("widget info not match") )
var (
TtkTheme = &ttkTheme{}
Functions ¶
func AddVirtualEventPhysicalEvent ¶
Associates the virtual event virtual with the physical event sequence(s) given by the sequence arguments, so that the virtual event will trigger whenever any one of the sequences occurs. Virtual may be any string value and sequence may have any of the values allowed for the sequence argument to the bind command. If virtual is already defined, the new physical event sequences add to the existing sequences for the event.
func AppendToClipboard ¶ added in v1.2.3
func BindKeyEventEx ¶
TODO: almost check key modifier
func ChooseColor ¶
tk_chooseColor — pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
func ChooseDirectory ¶
func ChooseDirectory(parent Widget, title string, initialdir string, mustexist bool) (string, error)
tk_chooseDirectory — pops up a dialog box for the user to select a directory.
func ClearClipboard ¶ added in v1.2.3
func ClearClipboard() error
func DestroyWidget ¶
func DumpWidget ¶
func DumpWidgetEx ¶
func FontFamilieList ¶
func FontFamilieList() []string
func GetClipboardText ¶ added in v1.2.3
func GetClipboardText() string
func GetOpenFile ¶
func GetOpenFile(parent Widget, title string, filetypes []FileType, initialdir string, initialfile string) (string, error)
tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile — pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
func GetOpenMultipleFile ¶
func GetSaveFile ¶
func GetSaveFile(parent Widget, title string, confirmoverwrite bool, defaultextension string, filetypes []FileType, initialdir string, initialfile string) (string, error)
tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile — pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
func Grid ¶
func Grid(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func GridColumnIndex ¶
func GridColumnIndex(master Widget, index int, attributes ...*GridIndexAttr) error
column index from 0; -1=all
func GridList ¶
func GridList(widgets []Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func GridRemove ¶
func GridRowIndex ¶
func GridRowIndex(master Widget, index int, attributes ...*GridIndexAttr) error
row index from 0; -1=all
func IsNilInterface ¶
func IsTtkClass ¶
func IsValidWidget ¶
func IsVirtualEvent ¶
func MainInterp ¶
func MessageBox ¶
func MessageBox(parent Widget, title string, message string, detail string, defaultbutton string, icon MessageBoxIcon, typ MessageBoxType) (string, error)
tk_messageBox — pops up a message window and waits for user response.
func NewGenInt64Func ¶
func NewGenIntFunc ¶
func Pack ¶
func Pack(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func PackList ¶
func PackList(widgets []Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func PackRemove ¶
func Place ¶
func Place(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func PlaceRemove ¶
func RegisterWidget ¶
func RegisterWidget(w Widget)
func RemoveVirtualEventPhysicalEvent ¶
Deletes each of the sequences from those associated with the virtual event given by virtual. Virtual may be any string value and sequence may have any of the values allowed for the sequence argument to the bind command. Any sequences not currently associated with virtual are ignored. If no sequence argument is provided, all physical event sequences are removed for virtual, so that the virtual event will not trigger anymore.
func SendEventToFocus ¶
func SetErrorHandle ¶
func SetErrorHandle(fn func(error))
func SetFocusFollowsMouse ¶
func SetFocusFollowsMouse() error
func SetMainTheme ¶
func SetMainTheme(theme Theme)
func SetMenuTearoff ¶
func SetMenuTearoff(enable bool)
func TclVersion ¶
func TclVersion() (ver string)
func VirtualEventInfo ¶
Types ¶
type Action ¶
type Action struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewActionEx ¶
func NewCheckAction ¶
func NewCheckActionEx ¶
func NewRadioAction ¶
func NewRadioAction(group *ActionGroup, label string) *Action
func NewSeparatorAction ¶
func NewSeparatorAction() *Action
func (*Action) IsCheckAction ¶
func (*Action) IsRadioAction ¶
func (*Action) IsSeparator ¶
func (*Action) SetChecked ¶
type ActionGroup ¶
type ActionGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewActionGroup ¶
func NewActionGroup() *ActionGroup
func (*ActionGroup) Actions ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) Actions() []*Action
func (*ActionGroup) AddNewRadioAction ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) AddNewRadioAction(label string) *Action
func (*ActionGroup) AddRadioAction ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) AddRadioAction(act *Action) error
func (*ActionGroup) CheckedAction ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) CheckedAction() *Action
func (*ActionGroup) CheckedActionIndex ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) CheckedActionIndex() int
func (*ActionGroup) OnCommand ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) OnCommand(fn func())
func (*ActionGroup) SetCheckedAction ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) SetCheckedAction(act *Action) error
func (*ActionGroup) SetCheckedIndex ¶
func (a *ActionGroup) SetCheckedIndex(index int) error
type BaseFont ¶
type BaseFont struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BaseFont) Description ¶
func (*BaseFont) IsOverstrike ¶
func (*BaseFont) IsUnderline ¶
func (*BaseFont) MeasureTextWidth ¶
type BaseWidget ¶
type BaseWidget struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BaseWidget) BindEvent ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) BindEvent(event string, fn func(e *Event)) error
func (*BaseWidget) BindInfo ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) BindInfo() []string
func (*BaseWidget) BindKeyEvent ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) BindKeyEvent(fn func(e *KeyEvent)) error
func (*BaseWidget) BindKeyEventEx ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) BindKeyEventEx(fnPress func(e *KeyEvent), fnRelease func(e *KeyEvent)) error
func (*BaseWidget) Children ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Children() []Widget
func (*BaseWidget) ClearBind ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) ClearBind(event string) error
func (*BaseWidget) Destroy ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Destroy() error
func (*BaseWidget) DestroyChildren ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) DestroyChildren() error
func (*BaseWidget) FocusNextWidget ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) FocusNextWidget() Widget
func (*BaseWidget) FocusPrevWidget ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) FocusPrevWidget() Widget
func (*BaseWidget) Id ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Id() string
func (*BaseWidget) Info ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Info() *WidgetInfo
func (*BaseWidget) IsFocus ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) IsFocus() bool
func (*BaseWidget) IsGrab ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (w *BaseWidget) IsGrab() bool
func (*BaseWidget) IsValid ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) IsValid() bool
func (*BaseWidget) Lower ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Lower(below Widget) error
func (*BaseWidget) NativeAttribute ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) NativeAttribute(key string) string
func (*BaseWidget) NativeAttributes ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) NativeAttributes(keys ...string) (attributes []NativeAttr)
func (*BaseWidget) Parent ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Parent() Widget
func (*BaseWidget) Raise ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Raise(above Widget) error
func (*BaseWidget) ReleaseGrab ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (w *BaseWidget) ReleaseGrab() error
func (*BaseWidget) SetAttributes ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) SetAttributes(attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error
func (*BaseWidget) SetFocus ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) SetFocus() error
func (*BaseWidget) SetGrab ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (w *BaseWidget) SetGrab() error
func (*BaseWidget) SetNativeAttribute ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) SetNativeAttribute(key string, value string) error
func (*BaseWidget) SetNativeAttributes ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) SetNativeAttributes(attributes ...NativeAttr) error
func (*BaseWidget) String ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) String() string
func (*BaseWidget) Type ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) Type() WidgetType
func (*BaseWidget) TypeName ¶
func (w *BaseWidget) TypeName() string
type BorderMode ¶
type BorderMode int
const ( BorderModeInside BorderMode = iota BorderModeOutside BorderModeIgnore )
func (BorderMode) String ¶
func (v BorderMode) String() string
type Button ¶
type Button struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Button) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Button) SetCompound ¶
func (*Button) SetPadding ¶
func (*Button) SetTakeFocus ¶
type Canvas ¶
type Canvas struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Create and manipulate 'canvas' hypergraphics drawing surface widgets
func NewCanvas ¶
func NewCanvas(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Canvas
func (*Canvas) Background ¶
func (*Canvas) BorderWidth ¶
func (*Canvas) CloseEnough ¶
func (*Canvas) HighlightBackground ¶
func (*Canvas) HighlightColor ¶
func (*Canvas) Highlightthickness ¶
func (*Canvas) InsertBackground ¶
func (*Canvas) InsertBorderWidth ¶
func (*Canvas) InsertOffTime ¶
func (*Canvas) InsertOnTime ¶
func (*Canvas) InsertWidth ¶
func (*Canvas) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Canvas) ReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Canvas) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
func (*Canvas) SelectBackground ¶
func (*Canvas) Selectborderwidth ¶
func (*Canvas) Selectforeground ¶
func (*Canvas) SetBackground ¶
func (*Canvas) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*Canvas) SetCloseEnough ¶
func (*Canvas) SetConfine ¶
func (*Canvas) SetHighlightBackground ¶
func (*Canvas) SetHighlightColor ¶
func (*Canvas) SetHighlightthickness ¶
func (*Canvas) SetInsertBackground ¶
func (*Canvas) SetInsertBorderWidth ¶
func (*Canvas) SetInsertOffTime ¶
func (*Canvas) SetInsertOnTime ¶
func (*Canvas) SetInsertWidth ¶
func (*Canvas) SetReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Canvas) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
func (*Canvas) SetSelectBackground ¶
func (*Canvas) SetSelectborderwidth ¶
func (*Canvas) SetSelectforeground ¶
func (*Canvas) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*Canvas) SetXScrollIncrement ¶
func (*Canvas) SetYScrollIncrement ¶
func (*Canvas) XScrollIncrement ¶
func (*Canvas) YScrollIncrement ¶
type CheckButton ¶
type CheckButton struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
check button
func NewCheckButton ¶
func NewCheckButton(parent Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *CheckButton
func (*CheckButton) Attach ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Attach(id string) error
func (*CheckButton) Compound ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Compound() Compound
func (*CheckButton) Image ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Image() *Image
func (*CheckButton) Invoke ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Invoke()
func (*CheckButton) IsChecked ¶
func (w *CheckButton) IsChecked() bool
func (*CheckButton) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (w *CheckButton) IsTakeFocus() bool
func (*CheckButton) OnCommand ¶
func (w *CheckButton) OnCommand(fn func()) error
func (*CheckButton) Padding ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Padding() Pad
func (*CheckButton) PaddingN ¶
func (w *CheckButton) PaddingN() (int, int)
func (*CheckButton) SetChecked ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetChecked(check bool) error
func (*CheckButton) SetCompound ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
func (*CheckButton) SetImage ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetImage(image *Image) error
func (*CheckButton) SetPadding ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
func (*CheckButton) SetPaddingN ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
func (*CheckButton) SetState ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetState(state State) error
func (*CheckButton) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
func (*CheckButton) SetText ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetText(text string) error
func (*CheckButton) SetWidth ¶
func (w *CheckButton) SetWidth(width int) error
func (*CheckButton) State ¶
func (w *CheckButton) State() State
func (*CheckButton) Text ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Text() string
func (*CheckButton) Width ¶
func (w *CheckButton) Width() int
type ComboBox ¶
type ComboBox struct {
func NewComboBox ¶
func NewComboBox(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *ComboBox
func (*ComboBox) Background ¶
func (*ComboBox) CurrentIndex ¶
func (*ComboBox) CurrentText ¶
func (*ComboBox) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*ComboBox) OnEditReturn ¶
func (*ComboBox) OnSelected ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetBackground ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetCurrentText ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetForground ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetJustify ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetTakeFocus ¶
type DisplyCursor ¶
type DisplyCursor int
const ( DisplyCursorNone DisplyCursor = iota DisplyCursorHollow DisplyCursorSolid )
func (DisplyCursor) String ¶
func (v DisplyCursor) String() string
type Entry ¶
type Entry struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEntry ¶
func NewEntry(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Entry
func (*Entry) Background ¶
func (*Entry) BindXScrollBar ¶
func (*Entry) ClearSelection ¶
func (w *Entry) ClearSelection()
func (*Entry) CursorPosition ¶
func (*Entry) DeleteRange ¶
func (*Entry) Foreground ¶
func (*Entry) HasSelectedText ¶
func (*Entry) IsExportSelection ¶
func (*Entry) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Entry) OnEditReturn ¶
func (*Entry) SelectedText ¶
func (*Entry) SelectionEnd ¶
func (*Entry) SelectionStart ¶
func (*Entry) SetBackground ¶
func (*Entry) SetCursorPosition ¶
func (*Entry) SetExportSelection ¶
func (*Entry) SetForeground ¶
func (*Entry) SetJustify ¶
func (*Entry) SetSelection ¶
func (*Entry) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*Entry) SetXViewArgs ¶
func (*Entry) TextLength ¶
type Event ¶
type Event struct { //The type field from the event. Valid for all event types. Type int //The send_event field from the event. Valid for all event types. //0 indicates that this is a “normal” event, 1 indicates that it is a “synthetic” event generated by SendEvent. Synthetic bool //The path name of the window to which the event was reported (the window field from the event). Valid for all event types. Widget Widget //The time field from the event. This is the X server timestamp (typically the time since the last server reset) in milliseconds, //when the event occurred. Valid for most events. Timestamp int64 //The number of the button that was pressed or released. //Valid only for ButtonPress and ButtonRelease events. MouseButton int //The x and y fields from the event. For ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, Motion, KeyPress, KeyRelease, and MouseWheel events, //%x and %y indicate the position of the mouse pointer relative to the receiving window. //For Enter and Leave events, the position where the mouse pointer crossed the window, relative to the receiving window. //For Configure and Create requests, the x and y coordinates of the window relative to its parent window. PosX int PosY int GlobalPosX int GlobalPosY int //This reports the delta value of a MouseWheel event. //The delta value represents the rotation units the mouse wheel has been moved. //The sign of the value represents the direction the mouse wheel was scrolled. WheelDelta int //The keycode field from the event. Valid only for KeyPress and KeyRelease events. KeyCode int KeySym string KeyText string KeyRune rune //The detail or user_data field from the event. The %d is replaced by a string identifying the detail. //For Enter, Leave, FocusIn, and FocusOut events, the string will be one of the following: //NotifyAncestor NotifyNonlinearVirtual NotifyDetailNone //NotifyPointer NotifyInferior NotifyPointerRoot NotifyNonlinear NotifyVirtual //For ConfigureRequest events, the string will be one of: //Above Opposite Below None BottomIf TopIf //For virtual events, the string will be whatever value is stored in the user_data field when the event was created (typically with event generate), //or the empty string if the field is NULL. Virtual events corresponding to key sequence presses (see event add for details) set the user_data to NULL. //For events other than these, the substituted string is undefined. UserData string //The focus field from the event (0 or 1). Valid only for Enter and Leave events. //1 if the receiving window is the focus window or a descendant of the focus window, 0 otherwise. Focus bool //The width/height field from the event. Valid for the Configure, ConfigureRequest, Create, ResizeRequest, and Expose events. //Indicates the new or requested width/height of the window. Width int Height int //The mode field from the event. The substituted string is one of NotifyNormal, NotifyGrab, NotifyUngrab, or NotifyWhileGrabbed. //Valid only for Enter, FocusIn, FocusOut, and Leave events. Mode string //The override_redirect field from the event. Valid only for Map, Reparent, and Configure events. OverrideRedirect string //The place field from the event, substituted as one of the strings PlaceOnTop or PlaceOnBottom. //Valid only for Circulate and CirculateRequest events. Place string //The state field from the event. For ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, Enter, KeyPress, KeyRelease, Leave, and Motion events, //a decimal string is substituted. For Visibility, one of the strings VisibilityUnobscured, VisibilityPartiallyObscured, and VisibilityFullyObscured is substituted. //For Property events, substituted with either the string NewValue (indicating that the property has been created or modified) or Delete (indicating that the property has been removed). State string }
type EventAttr ¶
type EventAttr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TODO: event attr
func NativeEventAttr ¶
type FontAttr ¶
type FontAttr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func FontAttrBold ¶
func FontAttrBold() *FontAttr
func FontAttrItalic ¶
func FontAttrItalic() *FontAttr
func FontAttrOverstrike ¶
func FontAttrOverstrike() *FontAttr
func FontAttrUnderline ¶
func FontAttrUnderline() *FontAttr
type Frame ¶
type Frame struct {
func NewFrame ¶
func NewFrame(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Frame
func (*Frame) BorderWidth ¶
func (*Frame) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Frame) ReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Frame) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
func (*Frame) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*Frame) SetPadding ¶
func (*Frame) SetReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Frame) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
func (*Frame) SetTakeFocus ¶
type GridIndexAttr ¶
type GridIndexAttr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GridIndexAttrMinSize ¶
func GridIndexAttrMinSize(amount int) *GridIndexAttr
func GridIndexAttrPad ¶
func GridIndexAttrPad(amount int) *GridIndexAttr
func GridIndexAttrUniform ¶
func GridIndexAttrUniform(groupname string) *GridIndexAttr
func GridIndexAttrWeight ¶
func GridIndexAttrWeight(value int) *GridIndexAttr
type GridLayout ¶
type GridLayout struct { *LayoutFrame // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGridLayout ¶
func NewGridLayout(parent Widget) *GridLayout
func (*GridLayout) AddWidget ¶
func (w *GridLayout) AddWidget(widget Widget, attrs ...*LayoutAttr) error
func (*GridLayout) AddWidgetEx ¶
func (*GridLayout) AddWidgetList ¶
func (w *GridLayout) AddWidgetList(widgets []Widget, attrs ...*LayoutAttr) error
func (*GridLayout) AddWidgets ¶
func (w *GridLayout) AddWidgets(widgets ...Widget) error
func (*GridLayout) BorderWidth ¶
func (w *GridLayout) BorderWidth() int
func (*GridLayout) RemoveWidget ¶
func (w *GridLayout) RemoveWidget(widget Widget) error
func (*GridLayout) Repack ¶
func (w *GridLayout) Repack() error
func (*GridLayout) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (w *GridLayout) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
func (*GridLayout) SetColumnAttr ¶
column index from 0, -1=all
func (*GridLayout) SetRowAttr ¶
row index from 0, -1=all
type Image ¶
type Image struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Image) SetZoomedImage ¶
type ImageAttr ¶
type ImageAttr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ImageAttrGamma ¶
func ImageAttrTk85AlphaColor ¶
type KeyEvent ¶
type KeyEvent struct { *Event KeyModifier KeyModifier }
type KeyModifier ¶
type KeyModifier int
const ( KeyModifierNone KeyModifier = 1 << iota KeyModifierShift KeyModifierControl KeyModifierAlt KeyModifierMeta KeyModifierFn )
func (KeyModifier) String ¶
func (k KeyModifier) String() string
type Label ¶
type Label struct {
func (*Label) Background ¶
func (*Label) BorderWidth ¶
func (*Label) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Label) ReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Label) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
func (*Label) SetBackground ¶
func (*Label) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*Label) SetCompound ¶
func (*Label) SetForground ¶
func (*Label) SetJustify ¶
func (*Label) SetPadding ¶
func (*Label) SetReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Label) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
func (*Label) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*Label) SetWrapLength ¶
func (*Label) WrapLength ¶
type LabelFrame ¶
type LabelFrame struct {
label frame
func NewLabelFrame ¶
func NewLabelFrame(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *LabelFrame
func (*LabelFrame) Attach ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) Attach(id string) error
func (*LabelFrame) BorderWidth ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) BorderWidth() int
func (*LabelFrame) Height ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) Height() int
func (*LabelFrame) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) IsTakeFocus() bool
func (*LabelFrame) LabelAnchor ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) LabelAnchor() Anchor
func (*LabelFrame) LabelText ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) LabelText() string
func (*LabelFrame) Padding ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) Padding() Pad
func (*LabelFrame) PaddingN ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) PaddingN() (int, int)
func (*LabelFrame) ReliefStyle ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
func (*LabelFrame) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetHeight ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetHeight(height int) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetLabelAnchor ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetLabelAnchor(anchor Anchor) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetLabelText ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetLabelText(text string) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetPadding ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetPaddingN ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetReliefStyle ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
func (*LabelFrame) SetWidth ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) SetWidth(width int) error
func (*LabelFrame) Width ¶
func (w *LabelFrame) Width() int
type LayoutAttr ¶
type LayoutAttr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func AppendLayoutAttrs ¶
func AppendLayoutAttrs(org []*LayoutAttr, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) []*LayoutAttr
func GridAttrColumn ¶
func GridAttrColumn(n int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrColumnSpan ¶
func GridAttrColumnSpan(n int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrInMaster ¶
func GridAttrInMaster(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrIpadx ¶
func GridAttrIpadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrIpady ¶
func GridAttrIpady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrPadx ¶
func GridAttrPadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrPady ¶
func GridAttrPady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrRow ¶
func GridAttrRow(n int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrRowSpan ¶
func GridAttrRowSpan(n int) *LayoutAttr
func GridAttrSticky ¶
func GridAttrSticky(v Sticky) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrAfter ¶
func PackAttrAfter(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrAnchor ¶
func PackAttrAnchor(anchor Anchor) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrBefore ¶
func PackAttrBefore(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrExpand ¶
func PackAttrExpand(b bool) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrFill ¶
func PackAttrFill(fill Fill) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrFillBoth ¶
func PackAttrFillBoth() *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrFillNone ¶
func PackAttrFillNone() *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrFillX ¶
func PackAttrFillX() *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrFillY ¶
func PackAttrFillY() *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrInMaster ¶
func PackAttrInMaster(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrIpadx ¶
func PackAttrIpadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrIpady ¶
func PackAttrIpady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrPadx ¶
func PackAttrPadx(padx int) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrPady ¶
func PackAttrPady(pady int) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrSide ¶
func PackAttrSide(side Side) *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrSideBottom ¶
func PackAttrSideBottom() *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrSideLeft ¶
func PackAttrSideLeft() *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrSideRight ¶
func PackAttrSideRight() *LayoutAttr
func PackAttrSideTop ¶
func PackAttrSideTop() *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrAnchor ¶
func PlaceAttrAnchor(anchor Anchor) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrBorderMode ¶
func PlaceAttrBorderMode(mode BorderMode) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrHeight ¶
func PlaceAttrHeight(size int) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrInMaster ¶
func PlaceAttrInMaster(w Widget) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrRelHeight ¶
func PlaceAttrRelHeight(size float64) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrRelWidth ¶
func PlaceAttrRelWidth(size float64) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrRelX ¶
func PlaceAttrRelX(location float64) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrRelY ¶
func PlaceAttrRelY(location float64) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrWidth ¶
func PlaceAttrWidth(size int) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrX ¶
func PlaceAttrX(location int) *LayoutAttr
func PlaceAttrY ¶
func PlaceAttrY(location int) *LayoutAttr
type LayoutFrame ¶
type LayoutFrame struct {
func NewLayoutFrame ¶
func NewLayoutFrame(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *LayoutFrame
func (*LayoutFrame) Type ¶
func (w *LayoutFrame) Type() WidgetType
func (*LayoutFrame) TypeName ¶
func (w *LayoutFrame) TypeName() string
type LayoutItem ¶
type LayoutItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type LayoutSpacer ¶
type LayoutSpacer struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLayoutSpacer ¶
func NewLayoutSpacer(parent Widget, space int, expand bool) *LayoutSpacer
func (*LayoutSpacer) Height ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) Height() int
func (*LayoutSpacer) IsExpand ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) IsExpand() bool
func (*LayoutSpacer) SetExpand ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetExpand(expand bool) error
func (*LayoutSpacer) SetHeight ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetHeight(height int) error
height ignore for PackLayout
func (*LayoutSpacer) SetSpace ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetSpace(space int) error
func (*LayoutSpacer) SetWidth ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) SetWidth(width int) error
width ignore for PackLayout
func (*LayoutSpacer) Space ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) Space() int
func (*LayoutSpacer) Type ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) Type() WidgetType
func (*LayoutSpacer) TypeName ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) TypeName() string
func (*LayoutSpacer) Width ¶
func (w *LayoutSpacer) Width() int
type LayoutWidget ¶
type LineWrapMode ¶
type LineWrapMode int
const ( LineWrapNone LineWrapMode = iota LineWrapChar LineWrapWord )
func (LineWrapMode) String ¶
func (v LineWrapMode) String() string
type ListBox ¶
type ListBox struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewListBox ¶
func NewListBox(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *ListBox
func (*ListBox) AppendItems ¶
func (*ListBox) Background ¶
func (*ListBox) BindXScrollBar ¶
func (*ListBox) BindYScrollBar ¶
func (*ListBox) BorderWidth ¶
func (*ListBox) ClearSelection ¶
func (*ListBox) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*ListBox) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (*ListBox) ReliefStyle ¶
func (w *ListBox) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
func (*ListBox) RemoveItem ¶
func (*ListBox) SelectMode ¶
func (w *ListBox) SelectMode() ListSelectMode
func (*ListBox) SelectedIndexs ¶
func (*ListBox) SelectedItems ¶
func (*ListBox) SetBackground ¶
func (*ListBox) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*ListBox) SetForground ¶
func (*ListBox) SetJustify ¶
func (*ListBox) SetPadding ¶
func (*ListBox) SetReliefStyle ¶
func (w *ListBox) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
func (*ListBox) SetSelectMode ¶
func (w *ListBox) SetSelectMode(mode ListSelectMode) error
func (*ListBox) SetSelectionRange ¶
func (*ListBox) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*ListBox) SetXViewArgs ¶
func (*ListBox) SetYViewArgs ¶
type ListBoxEx ¶
type ListBoxEx struct { *ScrollLayout *ListBox }
func NewListBoxEx ¶
func NewListBoxEx(parent Widget, attributs ...*WidgetAttr) *ListBoxEx
type ListSelectMode ¶
type ListSelectMode int
const ( ListSelectSingle ListSelectMode = iota ListSelectBrowse ListSelectMultiple ListSelectExtended )
func (ListSelectMode) String ¶
func (v ListSelectMode) String() string
type Menu ¶
type Menu struct {
func NewMenu ¶
func NewMenu(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Menu
func (*Menu) ActiveBackground ¶
func (*Menu) ActiveBorderWidth ¶
func (*Menu) ActiveForground ¶
func (*Menu) AddActions ¶
func (*Menu) AddNewSubMenu ¶
func (w *Menu) AddNewSubMenu(label string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Menu
func (*Menu) AddSeparator ¶
func (*Menu) Background ¶
func (*Menu) BorderWidth ¶
func (*Menu) DisabledForground ¶
func (*Menu) InsertNewSubMenu ¶
func (w *Menu) InsertNewSubMenu(index int, label string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Menu
func (*Menu) InsertSeparator ¶
func (*Menu) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Menu) ReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Menu) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
func (*Menu) SelectColor ¶
func (*Menu) SetActiveBackground ¶
func (*Menu) SetActiveBorderWidth ¶
func (*Menu) SetActiveForground ¶
func (*Menu) SetBackground ¶
func (*Menu) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*Menu) SetDisabledForground ¶
func (*Menu) SetForground ¶
func (*Menu) SetReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Menu) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
func (*Menu) SetSelectColor ¶
func (*Menu) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*Menu) SetTearoff ¶
func (*Menu) SetTearoffTitle ¶
func (*Menu) TearoffTitle ¶
type MenuButton ¶
type MenuButton struct {
func NewMenuButton ¶
func NewMenuButton(parent Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *MenuButton
func (*MenuButton) Attach ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Attach(id string) error
func (*MenuButton) Compound ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Compound() Compound
func (*MenuButton) Direction ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Direction() Direction
func (*MenuButton) Image ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Image() *Image
func (*MenuButton) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (w *MenuButton) IsTakeFocus() bool
func (*MenuButton) Menu ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Menu() *Menu
func (*MenuButton) Padding ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Padding() Pad
func (*MenuButton) PaddingN ¶
func (w *MenuButton) PaddingN() (int, int)
func (*MenuButton) SetCompound ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
func (*MenuButton) SetDirection ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetDirection(direction Direction) error
func (*MenuButton) SetImage ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetImage(image *Image) error
func (*MenuButton) SetMenu ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetMenu(menu *Menu) error
func (*MenuButton) SetPadding ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
func (*MenuButton) SetPaddingN ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
func (*MenuButton) SetState ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetState(state State) error
func (*MenuButton) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
func (*MenuButton) SetText ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetText(text string) error
func (*MenuButton) SetWidth ¶
func (w *MenuButton) SetWidth(width int) error
func (*MenuButton) State ¶
func (w *MenuButton) State() State
func (*MenuButton) Text ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Text() string
func (*MenuButton) Width ¶
func (w *MenuButton) Width() int
type MessageBoxIcon ¶
type MessageBoxIcon int
const ( MessageBoxIconNone MessageBoxIcon = iota MessageBoxIconError MessageBoxIconInfo MessageBoxIconQuestion MessageBoxIconWarning )
func (MessageBoxIcon) String ¶
func (v MessageBoxIcon) String() string
type MessageBoxType ¶
type MessageBoxType int
const ( MessageBoxTypeOk MessageBoxType = iota MessageBoxTypeOkCancel MessageBoxTypeAbortRetryIgnore MessageBoxTypeRetryCancel MessageBoxTypeYesNo MessageBoxTypeYesNoCancel )
func (MessageBoxType) String ¶
func (v MessageBoxType) String() string
type MetaClass ¶
func (*MetaClass) HasAttribute ¶
type NamedId ¶
func NewNamedId ¶
type NativeAttr ¶
type Notebook ¶
type Notebook struct {
func NewNotebook ¶
func NewNotebook(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Notebook
func (*Notebook) AddTab ¶
func (w *Notebook) AddTab(widget Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error
func (*Notebook) CurrentTab ¶
func (*Notebook) CurrentTabIndex ¶
func (*Notebook) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Notebook) SetCurrentTab ¶
func (*Notebook) SetPadding ¶
func (*Notebook) SetTab ¶
func (w *Notebook) SetTab(widget Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error
func (*Notebook) SetTakeFocus ¶
type PackLayout ¶
type PackLayout struct { *LayoutFrame // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHPackLayout ¶
func NewHPackLayout(parent Widget) *PackLayout
func NewPackLayout ¶
func NewPackLayout(parent Widget, side Side) *PackLayout
func NewVPackLayout ¶
func NewVPackLayout(parent Widget) *PackLayout
func (*PackLayout) AddWidget ¶
func (w *PackLayout) AddWidget(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func (*PackLayout) AddWidgetEx ¶
func (*PackLayout) AddWidgetList ¶
func (w *PackLayout) AddWidgetList(widgets []Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func (*PackLayout) AddWidgets ¶
func (w *PackLayout) AddWidgets(widgets ...Widget) error
func (*PackLayout) BorderWidth ¶
func (w *PackLayout) BorderWidth() int
func (*PackLayout) InsertWidget ¶
func (w *PackLayout) InsertWidget(index int, widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func (*PackLayout) InsertWidgetEx ¶
func (*PackLayout) RemoveWidget ¶
func (w *PackLayout) RemoveWidget(widget Widget) error
func (*PackLayout) Repack ¶
func (w *PackLayout) Repack() error
func (*PackLayout) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (w *PackLayout) SetBorderWidth(width int) error
func (*PackLayout) SetPadding ¶
func (w *PackLayout) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
func (*PackLayout) SetPaddingN ¶
func (w *PackLayout) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
func (*PackLayout) SetSide ¶
func (w *PackLayout) SetSide(side Side) error
func (*PackLayout) SetWidgetAttr ¶
func (w *PackLayout) SetWidgetAttr(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
type Paned ¶
type Paned struct {
func (*Paned) InsertWidget ¶
func (*Paned) RemovePane ¶
type PlaceFrame ¶
type PlaceFrame struct { *Frame // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPlaceFrame ¶
func NewPlaceFrame(parent Widget) *PlaceFrame
func (*PlaceFrame) AddWidget ¶
func (w *PlaceFrame) AddWidget(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func (*PlaceFrame) InsertWidget ¶
func (w *PlaceFrame) InsertWidget(index int, widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
func (*PlaceFrame) RemoveWidget ¶
func (w *PlaceFrame) RemoveWidget(widget Widget) error
func (*PlaceFrame) Repack ¶
func (w *PlaceFrame) Repack() error
func (*PlaceFrame) SetWidgetAttr ¶
func (w *PlaceFrame) SetWidgetAttr(widget Widget, attributes ...*LayoutAttr) error
type ProgressBar ¶
type ProgressBar struct {
func NewProgressBar ¶
func NewProgressBar(parent Widget, orient Orient, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *ProgressBar
func (*ProgressBar) Attach ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Attach(id string) error
func (*ProgressBar) IsDeterminateMode ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) IsDeterminateMode() bool
func (*ProgressBar) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) IsTakeFocus() bool
func (*ProgressBar) Length ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Length() int
func (*ProgressBar) Maximum ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Maximum() float64
func (*ProgressBar) Orient ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Orient() Orient
func (*ProgressBar) Pause ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Pause() error
func (*ProgressBar) Phase ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Phase() int
func (*ProgressBar) SetDeterminateMode ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) SetDeterminateMode(b bool) error
func (*ProgressBar) SetLength ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) SetLength(length int) error
func (*ProgressBar) SetMaximum ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) SetMaximum(maximum float64) error
func (*ProgressBar) SetOrient ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) SetOrient(orient Orient) error
func (*ProgressBar) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
func (*ProgressBar) SetValue ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) SetValue(value float64) error
func (*ProgressBar) Start ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Start() error
func (*ProgressBar) StartEx ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) StartEx(ms int) error
func (*ProgressBar) Stop ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Stop() error
func (*ProgressBar) Value ¶
func (w *ProgressBar) Value() float64
type RadioButton ¶
type RadioButton struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
radio button
func NewRadioButton ¶
func NewRadioButton(parent Widget, text string, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *RadioButton
func (*RadioButton) Attach ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Attach(id string) error
func (*RadioButton) Compound ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Compound() Compound
func (*RadioButton) Image ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Image() *Image
func (*RadioButton) Invoke ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Invoke()
func (*RadioButton) IsChecked ¶
func (w *RadioButton) IsChecked() bool
func (*RadioButton) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (w *RadioButton) IsTakeFocus() bool
func (*RadioButton) OnCommand ¶
func (w *RadioButton) OnCommand(fn func()) error
func (*RadioButton) Padding ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Padding() Pad
func (*RadioButton) PaddingN ¶
func (w *RadioButton) PaddingN() (int, int)
func (*RadioButton) SetChecked ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetChecked(check bool) *RadioButton
func (*RadioButton) SetCompound ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetCompound(compound Compound) error
func (*RadioButton) SetImage ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetImage(image *Image) error
func (*RadioButton) SetPadding ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetPadding(pad Pad) error
func (*RadioButton) SetPaddingN ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetPaddingN(padx int, pady int) error
func (*RadioButton) SetState ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetState(state State) error
func (*RadioButton) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetTakeFocus(takefocus bool) error
func (*RadioButton) SetText ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetText(text string) error
func (*RadioButton) SetWidth ¶
func (w *RadioButton) SetWidth(width int) error
func (*RadioButton) State ¶
func (w *RadioButton) State() State
func (*RadioButton) Text ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Text() string
func (*RadioButton) Width ¶
func (w *RadioButton) Width() int
type RadioGroup ¶
type RadioGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRadioGroup ¶
func NewRadioGroup() *RadioGroup
func (*RadioGroup) AddNewRadio ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) AddNewRadio(parent Widget, text string, data interface{}, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *RadioButton
func (*RadioGroup) AddRadio ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) AddRadio(btn *RadioButton, data interface{}) error
func (*RadioGroup) AddRadios ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) AddRadios(btns ...*RadioButton) error
func (*RadioGroup) CheckedData ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) CheckedData() interface{}
func (*RadioGroup) CheckedIndex ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) CheckedIndex() int
func (*RadioGroup) CheckedRadio ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) CheckedRadio() *RadioButton
func (*RadioGroup) IsValid ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) IsValid() bool
func (*RadioGroup) OnRadioChanged ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) OnRadioChanged(fn func()) error
func (*RadioGroup) RadioData ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) RadioData(btn *RadioButton) interface{}
func (*RadioGroup) RadioList ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) RadioList() (lst []*RadioButton)
func (*RadioGroup) SetCheckedIndex ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) SetCheckedIndex(index int) error
func (*RadioGroup) SetCheckedRadio ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) SetCheckedRadio(btn *RadioButton) error
func (*RadioGroup) SetRadioData ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) SetRadioData(btn *RadioButton, data interface{}) error
func (*RadioGroup) WidgetList ¶
func (w *RadioGroup) WidgetList() (lst []Widget)
type ReliefStyle ¶
type ReliefStyle int
const ( ReliefStyleFlat ReliefStyle = iota ReliefStyleGroove ReliefStyleRaised ReliefStyleRidge ReliefStyleSolid ReliefStyleSunken )
func (ReliefStyle) String ¶
func (v ReliefStyle) String() string
type Scale ¶
type Scale struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Scale) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Scale) SetTakeFocus ¶
type ScrollBar ¶
type ScrollBar struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScrollBar ¶
func NewScrollBar(parent Widget, orient Orient, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *ScrollBar
func (*ScrollBar) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetScrollArgs ¶
func (*ScrollBar) SetTakeFocus ¶
type ScrollLayout ¶
type ScrollLayout struct { *GridLayout XScrollBar *ScrollBar YScrollBar *ScrollBar }
func NewScrollLayout ¶
func NewScrollLayout(parent Widget) *ScrollLayout
func (*ScrollLayout) Id ¶
func (w *ScrollLayout) Id() string
func (*ScrollLayout) SetWidget ¶
func (w *ScrollLayout) SetWidget(widget Widget) error
func (*ScrollLayout) ShowXScrollBar ¶
func (w *ScrollLayout) ShowXScrollBar(b bool) (err error)
func (*ScrollLayout) ShowYScrollBar ¶
func (w *ScrollLayout) ShowYScrollBar(b bool) (err error)
type Separator ¶
type Separator struct {
func NewSeparator ¶
func NewSeparator(parent Widget, orient Orient, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Separator
func (*Separator) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Separator) SetTakeFocus ¶
type SpinBox ¶
type SpinBox struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSpinBox ¶
func NewSpinBox(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *SpinBox
func (*SpinBox) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*SpinBox) OnEditReturn ¶
func (*SpinBox) SetIncrement ¶
func (*SpinBox) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*SpinBox) SetTextValue ¶
func (*SpinBox) SetTextValues ¶
func (*SpinBox) TextValues ¶
type SysFont ¶
type SysFont struct {
tk system default font
func LoadSysFont ¶
func LoadSysFont(typ SysFontType) *SysFont
type SysFontType ¶
type SysFontType int
const ( SysDefaultFont SysFontType = 0 SysTextFont SysFixedFont SysMenuFont SysHeadingFont SysCaptionFont SysSmallCaptionFont SysIconFont SysTooltipFont )
type Text ¶
type Text struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Create and manipulate 'text' hypertext editing widgets
func NewText ¶
func NewText(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Text
func (*Text) AppendText ¶
func (*Text) Background ¶
func (*Text) BindXScrollBar ¶
func (*Text) BindYScrollBar ¶
func (*Text) BorderWidth ¶
func (*Text) Foreground ¶
func (*Text) HighlightBackground ¶
func (*Text) HighlightColor ¶
func (*Text) Highlightthickness ¶
func (*Text) InactiveSelectBackground ¶
func (*Text) InsertBackground ¶
func (*Text) InsertBorderWidth ¶
func (*Text) InsertOffTime ¶
func (*Text) InsertOnTime ¶
func (*Text) InsertUnfocussed ¶
func (w *Text) InsertUnfocussed() DisplyCursor
func (*Text) InsertWidth ¶
func (*Text) IsAutoSeparatorsOnUndo ¶
func (*Text) IsBlockCursor ¶
func (*Text) IsEnableUndo ¶
func (*Text) IsReadOnly ¶
func (*Text) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*Text) LineAboveSpace ¶
func (*Text) LineBelowSpace ¶
func (*Text) LineWrap ¶
func (w *Text) LineWrap() LineWrapMode
func (*Text) LineWrapSpace ¶
func (*Text) ReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Text) ReliefStyle() ReliefStyle
func (*Text) SelectBackground ¶
func (*Text) Selectborderwidth ¶
func (*Text) Selectforeground ¶
func (*Text) SetAutoSeparatorsOnUndo ¶
func (*Text) SetBackground ¶
func (*Text) SetBlockCursor ¶
func (*Text) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*Text) SetEnableUndo ¶
func (*Text) SetEndLine ¶
func (*Text) SetForeground ¶
func (*Text) SetHighlightBackground ¶
func (*Text) SetHighlightColor ¶
func (*Text) SetHighlightthickness ¶
func (*Text) SetInactiveSelectBackground ¶
func (*Text) SetInsertBackground ¶
func (*Text) SetInsertBorderWidth ¶
func (*Text) SetInsertOffTime ¶
func (*Text) SetInsertOnTime ¶
func (*Text) SetInsertUnfocussed ¶
func (w *Text) SetInsertUnfocussed(style DisplyCursor) error
func (*Text) SetInsertWidth ¶
func (*Text) SetLineAboveSpace ¶
func (*Text) SetLineBelowSpace ¶
func (*Text) SetLineWrap ¶
func (w *Text) SetLineWrap(wrap LineWrapMode) error
func (*Text) SetLineWrapSpace ¶
func (*Text) SetMaxUndo ¶
func (*Text) SetPadding ¶
func (*Text) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*Text) SetReliefStyle ¶
func (w *Text) SetReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) error
func (*Text) SetSelectBackground ¶
func (*Text) SetSelectborderwidth ¶
func (*Text) SetSelectforeground ¶
func (*Text) SetStartLine ¶
func (*Text) SetTabSize ¶
func (*Text) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*Text) SetXViewArgs ¶
func (*Text) SetYViewArgs ¶
func (*Text) TextLength ¶
type TextEx ¶
type TextEx struct { *ScrollLayout *Text }
func NewTextEx ¶
func NewTextEx(parent Widget, attributs ...*WidgetAttr) *TextEx
type Theme ¶
type Theme interface { Name() string IsTtk() bool InitAttributes(typ WidgetType) []NativeAttr }
type TreeItem ¶
type TreeItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TreeItem) CollapseAll ¶
func (*TreeItem) ColumnText ¶
func (*TreeItem) InsertItem ¶
func (*TreeItem) IsExpanded ¶
func (*TreeItem) SetExpanded ¶
type TreeSelectMode ¶
type TreeSelectMode int
const ( TreeSelectExtended TreeSelectMode = iota TreeSelectBrowse TreeSelectNode )
func (TreeSelectMode) String ¶
func (v TreeSelectMode) String() string
type TreeView ¶
type TreeView struct { BaseWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTreeView ¶
func NewTreeView(parent Widget, attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *TreeView
func (*TreeView) AddSelectionList ¶
func (*TreeView) AddSelections ¶
func (*TreeView) BindXScrollBar ¶
func (*TreeView) BindYScrollBar ¶
func (*TreeView) CollepseAll ¶
func (*TreeView) ColumnAnchor ¶
func (*TreeView) ColumnCount ¶
func (*TreeView) ColumnMinimumWidth ¶
func (*TreeView) ColumnStretch ¶
default all column stretch 1
func (*TreeView) ColumnWidth ¶
func (*TreeView) CurrentIndex ¶
func (*TreeView) DeleteAllItems ¶
func (*TreeView) DeleteItem ¶
func (*TreeView) HeaderAnchor ¶
func (*TreeView) HeaderImage ¶
func (*TreeView) HeaderLabel ¶
func (*TreeView) InsertItem ¶
func (*TreeView) IsExpanded ¶
func (*TreeView) IsHeaderHidden ¶
func (*TreeView) IsTakeFocus ¶
func (*TreeView) IsValidItem ¶
func (*TreeView) OnDoubleClickedItem ¶
func (*TreeView) OnItemCollapsed ¶
func (*TreeView) OnItemExpanded ¶
func (*TreeView) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (*TreeView) RemoveSelectionList ¶
func (*TreeView) RemoveSelections ¶
func (*TreeView) SelectionList ¶
func (*TreeView) SetColumnAnchor ¶
func (*TreeView) SetColumnCount ¶
func (*TreeView) SetColumnMinimumWidth ¶
func (*TreeView) SetColumnStretch ¶
default all column stretch 1
func (*TreeView) SetCurrentIndex ¶
func (*TreeView) SetFocusItem ¶
func (*TreeView) SetHeaderAnchor ¶
func (*TreeView) SetHeaderHidden ¶
func (*TreeView) SetHeaderLabels ¶
func (*TreeView) SetPadding ¶
func (*TreeView) SetSelectionList ¶
func (*TreeView) SetSelections ¶
func (*TreeView) SetTakeFocus ¶
func (*TreeView) SetTreeSelectMode ¶
func (w *TreeView) SetTreeSelectMode(mode TreeSelectMode) error
func (*TreeView) SetXViewArgs ¶
func (*TreeView) SetYViewArgs ¶
func (*TreeView) ToggleSelectionList ¶
func (*TreeView) ToggleSelections ¶
func (*TreeView) ToplevelItems ¶
func (*TreeView) TreeSelectMode ¶
func (w *TreeView) TreeSelectMode() TreeSelectMode
type TreeViewEx ¶
type TreeViewEx struct { *ScrollLayout *TreeView }
func NewTreeViewEx ¶
func NewTreeViewEx(parent Widget, attributs ...*WidgetAttr) *TreeViewEx
type UserFont ¶
type UserFont struct {
func NewUserFontFromClone ¶
func (*UserFont) SetOverstrike ¶
func (*UserFont) SetUnderline ¶
type Widget ¶
type Widget interface { Id() string Info() *WidgetInfo Type() WidgetType TypeName() string Parent() Widget Children() []Widget IsValid() bool Destroy() error DestroyChildren() error // attribute NativeAttribute(key string) (value string) SetNativeAttribute(key string, value string) error SetAttributes(attributes ...*WidgetAttr) error // event BindEvent(event string, fn func(*Event)) error BindKeyEvent(fn func(e *KeyEvent)) error BindKeyEventEx(fnPress func(e *KeyEvent), fnRelease func(e *KeyEvent)) error BindInfo() []string ClearBind(event string) error // grab SetGrab() error ReleaseGrab() error IsGrab() bool // focus SetFocus() error IsFocus() bool Lower(below Widget) error Raise(above Widget) error }
func ChildrenOfWidget ¶
func FindWidget ¶
func FocusWidget ¶
func FocusWidget() Widget
func GrabWidget ¶ added in v1.1.0
func GrabWidget() Widget
func LookupWidget ¶
func ParentOfWidget ¶
type WidgetAttr ¶
type WidgetAttr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
widget attribute
func ButtonAttrCompound ¶
func ButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
func ButtonAttrImage ¶
func ButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
func ButtonAttrPadding ¶
func ButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func ButtonAttrState ¶
func ButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func ButtonAttrTakeFocus ¶
func ButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func ButtonAttrText ¶
func ButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
func ButtonAttrWidth ¶
func ButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrBackground ¶
func CanvasAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrBorderWidth ¶
func CanvasAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrCloseEnough ¶
func CanvasAttrCloseEnough(closeenough float64) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrConfine ¶
func CanvasAttrConfine(confine bool) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrHeight ¶
func CanvasAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrHighlightBackground ¶
func CanvasAttrHighlightBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrHighlightColor ¶
func CanvasAttrHighlightColor(color string) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrHighlightthickness ¶
func CanvasAttrHighlightthickness(width int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrInsertBackground ¶
func CanvasAttrInsertBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrInsertBorderWidth ¶
func CanvasAttrInsertBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrInsertOffTime ¶
func CanvasAttrInsertOffTime(offtime int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrInsertOnTime ¶
func CanvasAttrInsertOnTime(ontime int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrInsertWidth ¶
func CanvasAttrInsertWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrReliefStyle ¶
func CanvasAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrSelectBackground ¶
func CanvasAttrSelectBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrSelectborderwidth ¶
func CanvasAttrSelectborderwidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrSelectforeground ¶
func CanvasAttrSelectforeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrState ¶
func CanvasAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrTakeFocus ¶
func CanvasAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrWidth ¶
func CanvasAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrXScrollIncrement ¶
func CanvasAttrXScrollIncrement(value int) *WidgetAttr
func CanvasAttrYScrollIncrement ¶
func CanvasAttrYScrollIncrement(value int) *WidgetAttr
func CheckButtonAttrCompound ¶
func CheckButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
func CheckButtonAttrImage ¶
func CheckButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
func CheckButtonAttrPadding ¶
func CheckButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func CheckButtonAttrState ¶
func CheckButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func CheckButtonAttrTakeFocus ¶
func CheckButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func CheckButtonAttrText ¶
func CheckButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
func CheckButtonAttrWidth ¶
func CheckButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrBackground ¶
func ComboBoxAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrEcho ¶
func ComboBoxAttrEcho(echo string) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrFont ¶
func ComboBoxAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrForground ¶
func ComboBoxAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrHeight ¶
func ComboBoxAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrJustify ¶
func ComboBoxAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrState ¶
func ComboBoxAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrTakeFocus ¶
func ComboBoxAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrValues ¶
func ComboBoxAttrValues(values []string) *WidgetAttr
func ComboBoxAttrWidth ¶
func ComboBoxAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrBackground ¶
func EntryAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrExportSelection ¶
func EntryAttrExportSelection(export bool) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrFont ¶
func EntryAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrForeground ¶
func EntryAttrForeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrJustify ¶
func EntryAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrShow ¶
func EntryAttrShow(show string) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrState ¶
func EntryAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrTakeFocus ¶
func EntryAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func EntryAttrWidth ¶
func EntryAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func FrameAttrBorderWidth ¶
func FrameAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func FrameAttrHeight ¶
func FrameAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func FrameAttrPadding ¶
func FrameAttrPadding(pad Pad) *WidgetAttr
func FrameAttrReliefStyle ¶
func FrameAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
func FrameAttrTakeFocus ¶
func FrameAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func FrameAttrWidth ¶
func FrameAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrAnchor ¶
func LabelAttrAnchor(anchor Anchor) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrBackground ¶
func LabelAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrBorderWidth ¶
func LabelAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrCompound ¶
func LabelAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrFont ¶
func LabelAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrForground ¶
func LabelAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrImage ¶
func LabelAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrJustify ¶
func LabelAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrPadding ¶
func LabelAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrReliefStyle ¶
func LabelAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrState ¶
func LabelAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrTakeFocus ¶
func LabelAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrText ¶
func LabelAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrWidth ¶
func LabelAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func LabelAttrWrapLength ¶
func LabelAttrWrapLength(wraplength int) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrBorderWidth ¶
func LabelFrameAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrHeight ¶
func LabelFrameAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrLabelAnchor ¶
func LabelFrameAttrLabelAnchor(anchor Anchor) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrLabelText ¶
func LabelFrameAttrLabelText(text string) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrPadding ¶
func LabelFrameAttrPadding(pad Pad) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrReliefStyle ¶
func LabelFrameAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrTakeFocus ¶
func LabelFrameAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func LabelFrameAttrWidth ¶
func LabelFrameAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrBackground ¶
func ListBoxAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrBorderWidth ¶
func ListBoxAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrFont ¶
func ListBoxAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrForground ¶
func ListBoxAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrHeight ¶
func ListBoxAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrJustify ¶
func ListBoxAttrJustify(justify Justify) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrPadding ¶
func ListBoxAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrReliefStyle ¶
func ListBoxAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrSelectMode ¶
func ListBoxAttrSelectMode(mode ListSelectMode) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrState ¶
func ListBoxAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrTakeFocus ¶
func ListBoxAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func ListBoxAttrWidth ¶
func ListBoxAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrActiveBackground ¶
func MenuAttrActiveBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrActiveBorderWidth ¶
func MenuAttrActiveBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrActiveForground ¶
func MenuAttrActiveForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrBackground ¶
func MenuAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrBorderWidth ¶
func MenuAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrDisabledForground ¶
func MenuAttrDisabledForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrFont ¶
func MenuAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrForground ¶
func MenuAttrForground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrReliefStyle ¶
func MenuAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrSelectColor ¶
func MenuAttrSelectColor(color string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrTakeFocus ¶
func MenuAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrTearoff ¶
func MenuAttrTearoff(tearoff bool) *WidgetAttr
func MenuAttrTearoffTitle ¶
func MenuAttrTearoffTitle(title string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrCompound ¶
func MenuButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrDirection ¶
func MenuButtonAttrDirection(direction Direction) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrImage ¶
func MenuButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrMenu ¶
func MenuButtonAttrMenu(menu *Menu) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrPadding ¶
func MenuButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrState ¶
func MenuButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrTakeFocus ¶
func MenuButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrText ¶
func MenuButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
func MenuButtonAttrWidth ¶
func MenuButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func NotebookAttrHeight ¶
func NotebookAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func NotebookAttrPadding ¶
func NotebookAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func NotebookAttrTakeFocus ¶
func NotebookAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func NotebookAttrWidth ¶
func NotebookAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func PanedAttrHeight ¶
func PanedAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func PanedAttrWidth ¶
func PanedAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func ProgressBarAttrLength ¶
func ProgressBarAttrLength(length int) *WidgetAttr
func ProgressBarAttrMaximum ¶
func ProgressBarAttrMaximum(maximum float64) *WidgetAttr
func ProgressBarAttrOrient ¶
func ProgressBarAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
func ProgressBarAttrTakeFocus ¶
func ProgressBarAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func ProgressBarAttrValue ¶
func ProgressBarAttrValue(value float64) *WidgetAttr
func RadioButtonAttrCompound ¶
func RadioButtonAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
func RadioButtonAttrImage ¶
func RadioButtonAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
func RadioButtonAttrPadding ¶
func RadioButtonAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func RadioButtonAttrState ¶
func RadioButtonAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func RadioButtonAttrTakeFocus ¶
func RadioButtonAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func RadioButtonAttrText ¶
func RadioButtonAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
func RadioButtonAttrWidth ¶
func RadioButtonAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func ScaleAttrFrom ¶
func ScaleAttrFrom(from float64) *WidgetAttr
func ScaleAttrLength ¶
func ScaleAttrLength(length int) *WidgetAttr
func ScaleAttrOrient ¶
func ScaleAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
func ScaleAttrTakeFocus ¶
func ScaleAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func ScaleAttrTo ¶
func ScaleAttrTo(to float64) *WidgetAttr
func ScaleAttrValue ¶
func ScaleAttrValue(value float64) *WidgetAttr
func ScrollBarAttrOrient ¶
func ScrollBarAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
func ScrollBarAttrTakeFocus ¶
func ScrollBarAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func SeparatorAttrOrient ¶
func SeparatorAttrOrient(orient Orient) *WidgetAttr
func SeparatorAttrTakeFocus ¶
func SeparatorAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func SpinBoxAttrFrom ¶
func SpinBoxAttrFrom(from float64) *WidgetAttr
func SpinBoxAttrIncrement ¶
func SpinBoxAttrIncrement(increment float64) *WidgetAttr
func SpinBoxAttrTakeFocus ¶
func SpinBoxAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func SpinBoxAttrTextValues ¶
func SpinBoxAttrTextValues(values []string) *WidgetAttr
func SpinBoxAttrTo ¶
func SpinBoxAttrTo(to float64) *WidgetAttr
func SpinBoxAttrWrap ¶
func SpinBoxAttrWrap(wrap bool) *WidgetAttr
func TabAttrCompound ¶
func TabAttrCompound(compound Compound) *WidgetAttr
func TabAttrImage ¶
func TabAttrImage(image *Image) *WidgetAttr
func TabAttrPadding ¶
func TabAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func TabAttrState ¶
func TabAttrState(state State) *WidgetAttr
func TabAttrSticky ¶
func TabAttrSticky(sticky Sticky) *WidgetAttr
func TabAttrText ¶
func TabAttrText(text string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrAutoSeparatorsOnUndo ¶
func TextAttrAutoSeparatorsOnUndo(autoseparators bool) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrBackground ¶
func TextAttrBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrBlockCursor ¶
func TextAttrBlockCursor(blockcursor bool) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrBorderWidth ¶
func TextAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrEnableUndo ¶
func TextAttrEnableUndo(undo bool) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrEndLine ¶
func TextAttrEndLine(endline int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrFont ¶
func TextAttrFont(font Font) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrForeground ¶
func TextAttrForeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrHeight ¶
func TextAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrHighlightBackground ¶
func TextAttrHighlightBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrHighlightColor ¶
func TextAttrHighlightColor(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrHighlightthickness ¶
func TextAttrHighlightthickness(width int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrInactiveSelectBackground ¶
func TextAttrInactiveSelectBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrInsertBackground ¶
func TextAttrInsertBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrInsertBorderWidth ¶
func TextAttrInsertBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrInsertOffTime ¶
func TextAttrInsertOffTime(offtime int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrInsertOnTime ¶
func TextAttrInsertOnTime(ontime int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrInsertUnfocussed ¶
func TextAttrInsertUnfocussed(style DisplyCursor) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrInsertWidth ¶
func TextAttrInsertWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrLineAboveSpace ¶
func TextAttrLineAboveSpace(spacing int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrLineBelowSpace ¶
func TextAttrLineBelowSpace(spacing int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrLineWrap ¶
func TextAttrLineWrap(wrap LineWrapMode) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrLineWrapSpace ¶
func TextAttrLineWrapSpace(spacing int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrMaxUndo ¶
func TextAttrMaxUndo(maxundo int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrPadding ¶
func TextAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrReliefStyle ¶
func TextAttrReliefStyle(relief ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrSelectBackground ¶
func TextAttrSelectBackground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrSelectborderwidth ¶
func TextAttrSelectborderwidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrSelectforeground ¶
func TextAttrSelectforeground(color string) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrStartLine ¶
func TextAttrStartLine(startline int) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrTakeFocus ¶
func TextAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func TextAttrWidth ¶
func TextAttrWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func TreeViewAttrHeight ¶
func TreeViewAttrHeight(row int) *WidgetAttr
func TreeViewAttrPadding ¶
func TreeViewAttrPadding(padding Pad) *WidgetAttr
func TreeViewAttrTakeFocus ¶
func TreeViewAttrTakeFocus(takefocus bool) *WidgetAttr
func TreeViewAttrTreeSelectMode ¶
func TreeViewAttrTreeSelectMode(mode TreeSelectMode) *WidgetAttr
func WidgetAttrBorderWidth ¶
func WidgetAttrBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
setup widget border width
func WidgetAttrHeight ¶
func WidgetAttrHeight(height int) *WidgetAttr
setup widget height pixel or line
func WidgetAttrInitUseTheme ¶
func WidgetAttrInitUseTheme(use bool) *WidgetAttr
setup widget init enable/disable theme
func WidgetAttrPadding ¶
func WidgetAttrPadding(pad Pad) *WidgetAttr
setup widget padding (ttk padding or tk padx/pady)
func WidgetAttrPaddingN ¶
func WidgetAttrPaddingN(padx int, pady int) *WidgetAttr
setup widget padding (ttk padding or tk padx/pady)
func WidgetAttrReliefStyle ¶
func WidgetAttrReliefStyle(style ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
setup widget border style (tk relief attribute)
func WindowOptBorderWidth ¶
func WindowOptBorderWidth(width int) *WidgetAttr
func WindowOptId ¶
func WindowOptId(id string) *WidgetAttr
func WindowOptPadx ¶
func WindowOptPadx(padx int) *WidgetAttr
func WindowOptPady ¶
func WindowOptPady(pady int) *WidgetAttr
func WindowOptReliefStyle ¶
func WindowOptReliefStyle(style ReliefStyle) *WidgetAttr
type WidgetInfo ¶
type WidgetInfo struct { Type WidgetType TypeName string IsTtk bool MetaClass *MetaClass }
func CheckWidgetInfo ¶
func CheckWidgetInfo(id string, typ WidgetType) (*WidgetInfo, error)
func CreateWidgetInfo ¶
func CreateWidgetInfo(iid string, typ WidgetType, theme bool, attributes []*WidgetAttr) *WidgetInfo
func FindWidgetInfo ¶
func FindWidgetInfo(id string) *WidgetInfo
type WidgetType ¶
type WidgetType int
const ( WidgetTypeNone WidgetType = iota WidgetTypeButton WidgetTypeCanvas WidgetTypeCheckButton WidgetTypeComboBox WidgetTypeEntry WidgetTypeFrame WidgetTypeLabel WidgetTypeLabelFrame WidgetTypeListBox WidgetTypeMenu WidgetTypeMenuButton WidgetTypeNotebook WidgetTypePaned WidgetTypeProgressBar WidgetTypeRadioButton WidgetTypeScale WidgetTypeScrollBar WidgetTypeSeparator WidgetTypeSizeGrip WidgetTypeSpinBox WidgetTypeText WidgetTypeWindow WidgetTypeTreeView WidgetTypeLayoutFrame WidgetTypeLayoutSpacer WidgetTypeLast )
func (WidgetType) MetaClass ¶
func (typ WidgetType) MetaClass(theme bool) (typName string, meta *MetaClass, ttk bool)
func (WidgetType) ThemeConfigure ¶
func (typ WidgetType) ThemeConfigure() string
type Window ¶
type Window struct {
func NewWindow ¶
func NewWindow(attributes ...*WidgetAttr) *Window
func RootWindow ¶
func RootWindow() *Window
func (*Window) Center ¶
func (w *Window) Center(parent WindowWidget) error
func (*Window) IsFullScreen ¶
func (*Window) IsMaximized ¶
func (*Window) IsMinimized ¶
func (*Window) IsResizable ¶
func (*Window) MaximumSize ¶
func (*Window) MaximumSizeN ¶
func (*Window) MinimumSize ¶
func (*Window) MinimumSizeN ¶
func (*Window) ScreenSize ¶
func (*Window) ScreenSizeN ¶
func (*Window) SetFullScreen ¶
func (*Window) SetGeometry ¶
func (*Window) SetGeometryN ¶
func (*Window) SetMaximumSize ¶
func (*Window) SetMinimumSize ¶
func (*Window) SetNaturalSize ¶
func (*Window) SetResizable ¶
func (*Window) SetTopmost ¶
func (*Window) SetVisible ¶
func (*Window) ShowFullScreen ¶
func (*Window) ShowMaximized ¶
func (*Window) ShowMinimized ¶
func (*Window) ShowNormal ¶
Source Files
- action.go
- basewidget.go
- button.go
- canvas.go
- checkbox.go
- clipboard.go
- combobox.go
- command.go
- dialog.go
- entry.go
- error.go
- event.go
- font.go
- frame.go
- grid.go
- gridlayout.go
- ids.go
- image.go
- label.go
- labelframe.go
- layout.go
- listbox.go
- menu.go
- menubutton.go
- misc.go
- notebook.go
- pack.go
- packlayout.go
- paned.go
- place.go
- placeframe.go
- progressbar.go
- radiobutton.go
- radiobutton_group.go
- scale.go
- scrollbar.go
- scrolllayout.go
- separator.go
- spinbox.go
- text.go
- theme.go
- theme_ttk.go
- tk.go
- treeitem.go
- treeview.go
- utils.go
- widget.go
- widget_attr.go
- widget_meta.go
- widget_type.go
- window.go
- window_linux.go