
The controller follows the spirit of the FluxCD Source Controller. An ImageRepository
resource is able to resolve source from the content of an image in an image registry.
We require Golang 1.20+ to build the controller and deploy it. Internally, the make
target will create a local version of ko
to build the controller, and kapp
to deploy the controller to a cluster.
All 3 CLIs can be easily installed via brew:
brew tap vmware-tanzu/carvel && brew install imgpkg kbld kapp
This project requires access to a container registry for fetching image metadata. Therefore, it will not work for images that have bypassed a registry by loading directly into a local daemon.
Finally requires installing cert-manager.
Built release bundles are available with step by step install instructions, or you can build directly from source.
From Source
Install cert-manager:
kapp deploy -a cert-manager -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.8.0/cert-manager.yaml
Optional: Trust additional certificate authorities certificate
If a ImageRepository
resource references an image in a registry whose certificate was not signed by a Public Certificate Authority (CA), a certificate error x509: certificate signed by unknown authority will occur while applying conventions. To trust additional certificate authorities include the PEM encoded CA certificates in a file and set following environment variable to the location of that file.
CA_DATA=path/to/certfile # a PEM-encoded CA certificate
Build and install Source Controller:
kapp deploy -a source-controller \
-f <( \
ko resolve -f <( \
ytt \
-f dist/source-controller.yaml \
-f dist/package-overlay.yaml \
--data-value-file ca_cert_data=${CA_DATA:-dist/ca.pem} \
) \
Note: you'll need to export KO_DOCKER_REPO=${ACCESSIBLE_DOCKER_REPO}
such that ko
can push to the repository and your cluster can pull from it. Visit the ko README for more information.
To uninstall Source Controller:
kapp delete -a source-conntroller
Reference Documentation
apiVersion: source.apps.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImageRepository
name: imagerepository-sample
image: registry.example/image/repository:tag
# optional fields
interval: 5m
imagePullSecrets: []
serviceAccountName: default
resolves source code defined in an OCI image repository, exposing the resulting source artifact at a URL defined by .status.artifact.url
The interval determines how often to check tagged images for changes. Setting this value too high will result in delays discovering new sources, while setting it to low may trigger a registry's rate limits.
Repository credentials may be defined as image pull secrets either referenced directly from the resources at .spec.imagePullSecrets
, or attached to a service account referenced at .spec.serviceAccountName
. The default service account name "default"
is used if not otherwise specified. The default credential helpers for the registry are also used, for example, pulling from GCR on a GKE cluster.
apiVersion: source.apps.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1
kind: MavenArtifact
name: mavenartifact-sample
groupId: org.springframework.boot
artifactId: spring-boot
version: "2.7.0"
url: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2
interval: 5m0s
timeout: 1m0s
resolves artifact from a Maven repository, exposing the resulting artifact at a URL defined by .status.artifact.url
The interval
determines how often to check artifact for changes. Setting this value too high will result in delays in discovering new sources, while setting it too low may trigger a repository's rate limits.
Repository credentials may be defined as secrets referenced from the resources at .spec.repository.secretRef
. Secret referenced by spec.repository.secretRef
is parsed as following:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: auth-secret
type: Opaque
username: <BASE64>
password: <BASE64>
caFile: <BASE64> // PEM Encoded certificate data for Custom CA
certFile: <BASE64> // PEM-encoded client certificate
keyFile: <BASE64> // Private Key
Maven supports a broad set of version
syntax. Source Controller supports a strict subset of Maven's version syntax in order to ensure compatibility and avoid user confusion. The subset of supported syntax may grow over time, but will never expand past the syntax defined directly by Maven. This behavior means that we can use mvn
as a reference implementation for artifact resolution.
Version support implemented in the following order:
pinned version - an exact match of a version in maven-metadata.xml (versioning/versions/version)
- metaversion defined in maven-metadata.xml (versioning/release)
- the newest artifact for a snapshot version
- metaversion defined in maven-metadata.xml (versioning/latest)
version ranges - https://maven.apache.org/enforcer/enforcer-rules/versionRanges.html
NOTE: Pinned versions should be immutable, all other versions are dynamic and may change at any time. The .spec.interval
defines how frequently to check for updated artifacts.
For basic troubleshooting, please see the troubleshooting guide here.
Developer Setup
For Source Controller development setup, please see the development guide here
The tanzu-source-controller project team welcomes contributions from the community. Before you start working with tanzu-source-controller, please read and sign our Contributor License Agreement(https://cla.vmware.com/cla/1/preview). If you wish to contribute code and you have not signed our contributor license agreement (CLA), our bot will prompt you to do so when you open a Pull Request. For any questions about the CLA process, please refer to our FAQ.
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