Flint computes expected latencies for the selected set of AWS clients using different replication protocols.
Flint imports latency table from cloudping
with the 90th percentile and a single day timeframe (see config.go).
Instead of going through cloudping, flint can be launched with a provided latency table via -l
command-line option. See latency_table_example.txt for an example of latency table configuration file.
Supported protocols
SwiftPaxos (only with fixed fast quorums)
N2Paxos (an all-to-all variant of Paxos)
CURP (over N2Paxos)
go install github.com/vonaka/flint@latest
Flint's text-based UI is powered by tview.
It supports mouse events and the following hotkeys:
Tab: switch the focus
p: toggle the protocol
Esc: print current latency table
e: export latency table for the selected replicas and clients