
v6.35.2+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 15, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 0



Package ccv2 represents a Cloud Controller V2 client.

These sets of packages are still under development/pre-pre-pre...alpha. Use at your own risk! Functionality and design may change without warning.

It is currently designed to support Cloud Controller API 2.23.0. However, it may include features and endpoints of later API versions.

For more information on the Cloud Controller API see

Method Naming Conventions

The client takes a '<Action Name><Top Level Endpoint><nth... level endpoint><Return Value>' approach to method names. If the <Top Level Endpoint> and <Return Value> are similar, they do not need to be repeated. If a GUID is required for the <Top Level Endpoint>, the pluralization is removed from said endpoint in the method name.

For Example:

Method Name: GetApplication
Endpoint: /v2/applications/:guid
Action Name: GET
Top Level Endpoint: applications
Return Value: Application

Method Name: GetServiceInstances
Endpoint: /v2/service_instances
Action Name: GET
Top Level Endpoint: service_instances
Return Value: []ServiceInstance

Method Name: GetSpaceServiceInstances
Endpoint: /v2/spaces/:guid/service_instances
Action Name: GET
Top Level Endpoint: spaces
Return Value: []ServiceInstance

Method Name: UpdateRouteApplication
Endpoint: /v2/routes/:route_guid/apps/:app_guid
Action Name: PUT
Top Level Endpoint: routes
Second Level Endpoint: Application
Return Value: Route

Method Name: DeleteSpaceJob
Endpoint: /v2/spaces/:space_guid
Action Name: DELETE
Top Level Endpoint: spaces
Return Value: Job

Use the following table to determine which HTTP Command equates to which Action Name:

HTTP Command -> Action Name
POST -> Create
GET -> Get
PUT -> Update
DELETE -> Delete
PATCH -> Patch

Method Locations

Methods exist in the same file as their return type, regardless of which endpoint they use.

Error Handling

All error handling that requires parsing the error_code/code returned back from the Cloud Controller should be placed in the errorWrapper. Everything else can be handled in the individual operations. All errors structs should be placed in individual files in the ccerror package.

No inline-relations-depth And summary Endpoints

This package will not ever use 'inline-relations-depth' or the '/summary' endpoints for any operations. These requests can be extremely taxing on the Cloud Controller and are avoided at all costs. Additionally, the objects returned back from these requests can become extremely inconsistent across versions and are problematic to deal with in general.

An additional problem that occurs with these endpoints is that lists of 51+ objects do not get returned by the CC. Example: Summary of Organizations includes a list of spaces. If there are 50 spaces, the endpoint returns these spaces under the 'spaces' field; if there are 51+, spaces, the 'spaces' field is missing from the CC return.



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func ConvertFilterParameters

func ConvertFilterParameters(filters []Filter) url.Values

ConvertFilterParameters converts a Filter object into a collection that cloudcontroller.Request can accept.


type APIInformation

type APIInformation struct {

	// APIVersion is the Cloud Controller API version number.
	APIVersion string `json:"api_version"`

	// AuthorizationEndpoint is the authorization endpoint for the targeted Cloud
	// Controller.
	AuthorizationEndpoint string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`

	// DopplerEndpoint is the Doppler endpoint for the targeted Cloud Controller.
	DopplerEndpoint string `json:"doppler_logging_endpoint"`

	// MinCLIVersion is the minimum CLI version number required for the targeted
	// Cloud Controller.
	MinCLIVersion string `json:"min_cli_version"`

	// MinimumRecommendedCLIVersion is the minimum CLI version number recommended
	// for the targeted Cloud Controller.
	MinimumRecommendedCLIVersion string `json:"min_recommended_cli_version"`

	// Name is the name given to the targeted Cloud Controller.
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// RoutingEndpoint is the Routing endpoint for the targeted Cloud Controller.
	RoutingEndpoint string `json:"routing_endpoint"`

	// TokenEndpoint is the endpoint to retrieve a refresh token for the targeted
	// Cloud Controller.
	TokenEndpoint string `json:"token_endpoint"`

APIInformation represents the information returned back from /v2/info

type Application

type Application struct {
	// Buildpack is the buildpack set by the user.
	Buildpack types.FilteredString

	// Command is the user specified start command.
	Command types.FilteredString

	// DetectedBuildpack is the buildpack automatically detected.
	DetectedBuildpack types.FilteredString

	// DetectedStartCommand is the command used to start the application.
	DetectedStartCommand types.FilteredString

	// DiskQuota is the disk given to each instance, in megabytes.
	DiskQuota types.NullByteSizeInMb

	// DockerCredentials is the authentication information for the provided
	// DockerImage.
	DockerCredentials DockerCredentials

	// DockerImage is the docker image location.
	DockerImage string

	// EnvironmentVariables are the environment variables passed to the app.
	EnvironmentVariables map[string]string

	// GUID is the unique application identifier.
	GUID string

	// HealthCheckTimeout is the number of seconds for health checking of an
	// staged app when starting up.
	HealthCheckTimeout int

	// HealthCheckType is the type of health check that will be done to the app.
	HealthCheckType constant.ApplicationHealthCheckType

	// HealthCheckHTTPEndpoint is the url of the http health check endpoint.
	HealthCheckHTTPEndpoint string

	// Instances is the total number of app instances.
	Instances types.NullInt

	// Memory is the memory given to each instance, in megabytes.
	Memory types.NullByteSizeInMb

	// Name is the name given to the application.
	Name string

	// PackageState represents the staging state of the application bits.
	PackageState constant.ApplicationPackageState

	// PackageUpdatedAt is the last time the app bits were updated. In RFC3339.
	PackageUpdatedAt time.Time

	// SpaceGUID is the GUID of the app's space.
	SpaceGUID string

	// StackGUID is the GUID for the Stack the application is running on.
	StackGUID string

	// StagingFailedDescription is the verbose description of why the package
	// failed to stage.
	StagingFailedDescription string

	// StagingFailedReason is the reason why the package failed to stage.
	StagingFailedReason string

	// State is the desired state of the application.
	State constant.ApplicationState

Application represents a Cloud Controller Application.

func (Application) MarshalJSON

func (application Application) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON converts an application into a Cloud Controller Application.

func (*Application) UnmarshalJSON

func (application *Application) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Application response.

type ApplicationInstance

type ApplicationInstance struct {
	// Details are arbitrary information about the instance.
	Details string

	// ID is the instance ID.
	ID int

	// Since is the Unix time stamp that represents the time the instance was
	// created.
	Since float64

	// State is the instance's state.
	State constant.ApplicationInstanceState

ApplicationInstance represents a Cloud Controller Application Instance.

func (*ApplicationInstance) UnmarshalJSON

func (instance *ApplicationInstance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller application instance response.

type ApplicationInstanceStatus

type ApplicationInstanceStatus struct {
	// CPU is the instance's CPU utilization percentage.
	CPU float64

	// Disk is the instance's disk usage in bytes.
	Disk int

	// DiskQuota is the instance's allowed disk usage in bytes.
	DiskQuota int

	// ID is the instance ID.
	ID int

	// IsolationSegment that the app is currently running on.
	IsolationSegment string

	// Memory is the instance's memory usage in bytes.
	Memory int

	// MemoryQuota is the instance's allowed memory usage in bytes.
	MemoryQuota int

	// State is the instance's state.
	State constant.ApplicationInstanceState

	// Uptime is the number of seconds the instance has been running.
	Uptime int

ApplicationInstanceStatus represents a Cloud Controller Application Instance.

func (*ApplicationInstanceStatus) UnmarshalJSON

func (instance *ApplicationInstanceStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller application instance response.

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client is a client that can be used to talk to a Cloud Controller's V2 Endpoints.

func NewClient

func NewClient(config Config) *Client

NewClient returns a new Cloud Controller Client.

func (*Client) API

func (client *Client) API() string

API returns the Cloud Controller API URL for the targeted Cloud Controller.

func (*Client) APIVersion

func (client *Client) APIVersion() string

APIVersion returns Cloud Controller API Version for the targeted Cloud Controller.

func (*Client) AuthorizationEndpoint

func (client *Client) AuthorizationEndpoint() string

AuthorizationEndpoint returns the authorization endpoint for the targeted Cloud Controller.

func (*Client) CreateApplication

func (client *Client) CreateApplication(app Application) (Application, Warnings, error)

CreateApplication creates a cloud controller application in with the given settings. SpaceGUID and Name are the only required fields.

func (*Client) CreateRoute

func (client *Client) CreateRoute(route Route, generatePort bool) (Route, Warnings, error)

CreateRoute creates the route with the given properties; SpaceGUID and DomainGUID are required Route properties. Additional configuration rules: - generatePort = true to generate a random port on the cloud controller. - generatePort takes precedence over the provided port. Setting the port and generatePort only works with CC API 2.53.0 or higher and when TCP router groups are enabled.

func (*Client) CreateServiceBinding

func (client *Client) CreateServiceBinding(appGUID string, serviceInstanceGUID string, parameters map[string]interface{}) (ServiceBinding, Warnings, error)

CreateServiceBinding creates a link between an application and a service instance, also known as a Service Binding.

func (*Client) CreateUser

func (client *Client) CreateUser(uaaUserID string) (User, Warnings, error)

CreateUser creates a new Cloud Controller User from the provided UAA user ID.

func (*Client) DeleteOrganizationJob

func (client *Client) DeleteOrganizationJob(guid string) (Job, Warnings, error)

DeleteOrganizationJob deletes the Organization associated with the provided GUID. It will return the Cloud Controller job that is assigned to the Organization deletion.

func (*Client) DeleteRoute

func (client *Client) DeleteRoute(routeGUID string) (Warnings, error)

DeleteRoute deletes the Route associated with the provided Route GUID.

func (*Client) DeleteRouteApplication

func (client *Client) DeleteRouteApplication(routeGUID string, appGUID string) (Warnings, error)

DeleteRouteApplication removes the link between the route and application.

func (*Client) DeleteSecurityGroupSpace

func (client *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupSpace(securityGroupGUID string, spaceGUID string) (Warnings, error)

DeleteSecurityGroupSpace disassociates a security group in the running phase for the lifecycle, specified by its GUID, from a space, which is also specified by its GUID.

func (*Client) DeleteSecurityGroupStagingSpace

func (client *Client) DeleteSecurityGroupStagingSpace(securityGroupGUID string, spaceGUID string) (Warnings, error)

DeleteSecurityGroupStagingSpace disassociates a security group in the staging phase fo the lifecycle, specified by its GUID, from a space, which is also specified by its GUID.

func (*Client) DeleteServiceBinding

func (client *Client) DeleteServiceBinding(serviceBindingGUID string) (Warnings, error)

DeleteServiceBinding will destroy the requested Service Binding.

func (*Client) DeleteSpaceJob

func (client *Client) DeleteSpaceJob(guid string) (Job, Warnings, error)

DeleteSpaceJob deletes the Space associated with the provided GUID. It will return the Cloud Controller job that is assigned to the Space deletion.

func (*Client) DoesRouteExist

func (client *Client) DoesRouteExist(route Route) (bool, Warnings, error)

DoesRouteExist returns true if the route exists in the CF instance. DomainGUID is required for check. This call will only work for CC API 2.55 or higher.

func (*Client) DopplerEndpoint

func (client *Client) DopplerEndpoint() string

DopplerEndpoint returns the Doppler endpoint for the targetd Cloud Controller.

func (*Client) GetApplication

func (client *Client) GetApplication(guid string) (Application, Warnings, error)

GetApplication returns back an Application.

func (*Client) GetApplicationApplicationInstanceStatuses

func (client *Client) GetApplicationApplicationInstanceStatuses(guid string) (map[int]ApplicationInstanceStatus, Warnings, error)

GetApplicationApplicationInstanceStatuses returns a list of ApplicationInstanceStatus for a given application. Depending on the state of an application, it might skip some application instance statuses.

func (*Client) GetApplicationApplicationInstances

func (client *Client) GetApplicationApplicationInstances(guid string) (map[int]ApplicationInstance, Warnings, error)

GetApplicationApplicationInstances returns a list of ApplicationInstance for a given application. Depending on the state of an application, it might skip some application instances.

func (*Client) GetApplicationRoutes

func (client *Client) GetApplicationRoutes(appGUID string, filters ...Filter) ([]Route, Warnings, error)

GetApplicationRoutes returns a list of Routes associated with the provided Application GUID, and filtered by the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetApplications

func (client *Client) GetApplications(filters ...Filter) ([]Application, Warnings, error)

GetApplications returns back a list of Applications based off of the provided filters.

func (Client) GetConfigFeatureFlags

func (client Client) GetConfigFeatureFlags() ([]FeatureFlag, Warnings, error)

GetConfigFeatureFlags retrieves a list of FeatureFlag from the Cloud Controller.

func (*Client) GetJob

func (client *Client) GetJob(jobGUID string) (Job, Warnings, error)

GetJob returns a job for the provided GUID.

func (*Client) GetOrganization

func (client *Client) GetOrganization(guid string) (Organization, Warnings, error)

GetOrganization returns an Organization associated with the provided GUID.

func (*Client) GetOrganizationPrivateDomains

func (client *Client) GetOrganizationPrivateDomains(orgGUID string, filters ...Filter) ([]Domain, Warnings, error)

GetOrganizationPrivateDomains returns the private domains associated with an organization.

func (*Client) GetOrganizationQuota

func (client *Client) GetOrganizationQuota(guid string) (OrganizationQuota, Warnings, error)

GetOrganizationQuota returns an Organization Quota associated with the provided GUID.

func (*Client) GetOrganizations

func (client *Client) GetOrganizations(filters ...Filter) ([]Organization, Warnings, error)

GetOrganizations returns back a list of Organizations based off of the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetPrivateDomain

func (client *Client) GetPrivateDomain(domainGUID string) (Domain, Warnings, error)

GetPrivateDomain returns the Private Domain associated with the provided Domain GUID.

func (*Client) GetRouteApplications

func (client *Client) GetRouteApplications(routeGUID string, filters ...Filter) ([]Application, Warnings, error)

GetRouteApplications returns a list of Applications based off a route GUID and the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetRoutes

func (client *Client) GetRoutes(filters ...Filter) ([]Route, Warnings, error)

GetRoutes returns a list of Routes based off of the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetSecurityGroupSpaces

func (client *Client) GetSecurityGroupSpaces(securityGroupGUID string) ([]Space, Warnings, error)

GetSecurityGroupSpaces returns a list of Spaces based on the provided SecurityGroup GUID.

func (*Client) GetSecurityGroupStagingSpaces

func (client *Client) GetSecurityGroupStagingSpaces(securityGroupGUID string) ([]Space, Warnings, error)

GetSecurityGroupStagingSpaces returns a list of Spaces based on the provided SecurityGroup GUID.

func (*Client) GetSecurityGroups

func (client *Client) GetSecurityGroups(filters ...Filter) ([]SecurityGroup, Warnings, error)

GetSecurityGroups returns a list of Security Groups based off the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetService

func (client *Client) GetService(serviceGUID string) (Service, Warnings, error)

GetService returns the service with the given GUID.

func (*Client) GetServiceBindings

func (client *Client) GetServiceBindings(filters ...Filter) ([]ServiceBinding, Warnings, error)

GetServiceBindings returns back a list of Service Bindings based off of the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetServiceInstance

func (client *Client) GetServiceInstance(serviceInstanceGUID string) (ServiceInstance, Warnings, error)

GetServiceInstance returns the service instance with the given GUID. This service can be either a managed or user provided.

func (*Client) GetServiceInstanceServiceBindings

func (client *Client) GetServiceInstanceServiceBindings(serviceInstanceGUID string) ([]ServiceBinding, Warnings, error)

GetServiceInstanceServiceBindings returns back a list of Service Bindings for the provided service instance GUID.

func (*Client) GetServiceInstanceSharedFrom

func (client *Client) GetServiceInstanceSharedFrom(serviceInstanceGUID string) (ServiceInstanceSharedFrom, Warnings, error)

GetServiceInstanceSharedFrom returns back a ServiceInstanceSharedFrom object.

func (*Client) GetServiceInstanceSharedTos

func (client *Client) GetServiceInstanceSharedTos(serviceInstanceGUID string) ([]ServiceInstanceSharedTo, Warnings, error)

GetServiceInstanceSharedTos returns a list of ServiceInstanceSharedTo objects.

func (*Client) GetServiceInstances

func (client *Client) GetServiceInstances(filters ...Filter) ([]ServiceInstance, Warnings, error)

GetServiceInstances returns back a list of *managed* Service Instances based off of the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetServicePlan

func (client *Client) GetServicePlan(servicePlanGUID string) (ServicePlan, Warnings, error)

GetServicePlan returns the service plan with the given GUID.

func (*Client) GetSharedDomain

func (client *Client) GetSharedDomain(domainGUID string) (Domain, Warnings, error)

GetSharedDomain returns the Shared Domain associated with the provided Domain GUID.

func (*Client) GetSharedDomains

func (client *Client) GetSharedDomains(filters ...Filter) ([]Domain, Warnings, error)

GetSharedDomains returns the global shared domains.

func (*Client) GetSpaceQuotaDefinition

func (client *Client) GetSpaceQuotaDefinition(guid string) (SpaceQuota, Warnings, error)

GetSpaceQuotaDefinition returns a Space Quota.

func (*Client) GetSpaceRoutes

func (client *Client) GetSpaceRoutes(spaceGUID string, filters ...Filter) ([]Route, Warnings, error)

GetSpaceRoutes returns a list of Routes associated with the provided Space GUID, and filtered by the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetSpaceSecurityGroups

func (client *Client) GetSpaceSecurityGroups(spaceGUID string, filters ...Filter) ([]SecurityGroup, Warnings, error)

GetSpaceSecurityGroups returns the running Security Groups associated with the provided Space GUID.

func (*Client) GetSpaceServiceInstances

func (client *Client) GetSpaceServiceInstances(spaceGUID string, includeUserProvidedServices bool, filters ...Filter) ([]ServiceInstance, Warnings, error)

GetSpaceServiceInstances returns back a list of Service Instances based off of the space and filters provided. User provided services will be included if includeUserProvidedServices is set to true.

func (*Client) GetSpaceStagingSecurityGroups

func (client *Client) GetSpaceStagingSecurityGroups(spaceGUID string, filters ...Filter) ([]SecurityGroup, Warnings, error)

GetSpaceStagingSecurityGroups returns the staging Security Groups associated with the provided Space GUID.

func (*Client) GetSpaces

func (client *Client) GetSpaces(filters ...Filter) ([]Space, Warnings, error)

GetSpaces returns a list of Spaces based off of the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetStack

func (client *Client) GetStack(guid string) (Stack, Warnings, error)

GetStack returns the requested stack.

func (*Client) GetStacks

func (client *Client) GetStacks(filters ...Filter) ([]Stack, Warnings, error)

GetStacks returns a list of Stacks based off of the provided filters.

func (*Client) GetUserProvidedServiceInstanceServiceBindings

func (client *Client) GetUserProvidedServiceInstanceServiceBindings(userProvidedServiceInstanceGUID string) ([]ServiceBinding, Warnings, error)

GetUserProvidedServiceInstanceServiceBindings returns back a list of Service Bindings for the provided user provided service instance GUID.

func (*Client) Info

func (client *Client) Info() (APIInformation, Warnings, error)

Info returns back endpoint and API information from /v2/info.

func (*Client) MinCLIVersion

func (client *Client) MinCLIVersion() string

MinCLIVersion returns the minimum CLI version required for the targeted Cloud Controller

func (*Client) PollJob

func (client *Client) PollJob(job Job) (Warnings, error)

PollJob will keep polling the given job until the job has terminated, an error is encountered, or config.OverallPollingTimeout is reached. In the last case, a JobTimeoutError is returned.

func (*Client) RestageApplication

func (client *Client) RestageApplication(app Application) (Application, Warnings, error)

RestageApplication restages the application with the given GUID.

func (*Client) RoutingEndpoint

func (client *Client) RoutingEndpoint() string

RoutingEndpoint returns the Routing endpoint for the targeted Cloud Controller.

func (*Client) TargetCF

func (client *Client) TargetCF(settings TargetSettings) (Warnings, error)

TargetCF sets the client to use the Cloud Controller specified in the configuration. Any other configuration is also applied to the client.

func (*Client) TokenEndpoint

func (client *Client) TokenEndpoint() string

TokenEndpoint returns the Token endpoint for the targeted Cloud Controller.

func (*Client) UpdateApplication

func (client *Client) UpdateApplication(app Application) (Application, Warnings, error)

UpdateApplication updates the application with the given GUID. Note: Sending DockerImage and StackGUID at the same time will result in an API error.

func (*Client) UpdateResourceMatch

func (client *Client) UpdateResourceMatch(resourcesToMatch []Resource) ([]Resource, Warnings, error)

UpdateResourceMatch returns the resources that exist on the cloud foundry instance from the set of resources given.

func (*Client) UpdateRouteApplication

func (client *Client) UpdateRouteApplication(routeGUID string, appGUID string) (Route, Warnings, error)

UpdateRouteApplication creates a link between the route and application.

func (*Client) UpdateSecurityGroupSpace

func (client *Client) UpdateSecurityGroupSpace(securityGroupGUID string, spaceGUID string) (Warnings, error)

UpdateSecurityGroupSpace associates a security group in the running phase for the lifecycle, specified by its GUID, from a space, which is also specified by its GUID.

func (*Client) UpdateSecurityGroupStagingSpace

func (client *Client) UpdateSecurityGroupStagingSpace(securityGroupGUID string, spaceGUID string) (Warnings, error)

UpdateSecurityGroupStagingSpace associates a security group in the staging phase for the lifecycle, specified by its GUID, from a space, which is also specified by its GUID.

func (*Client) UploadApplicationPackage

func (client *Client) UploadApplicationPackage(appGUID string, existingResources []Resource, newResources Reader, newResourcesLength int64) (Job, Warnings, error)

UploadApplicationPackage uploads the newResources and a list of existing resources to the cloud controller. A job that combines the requested/newly uploaded bits is returned. The function will act differently given the following Readers:

io.ReadSeeker: Will function properly on retry.
io.Reader: Will return a ccerror.PipeSeekError on retry.
nil: Will not add the "application" section to the request.
newResourcesLength is ignored in this case.

func (*Client) UploadDroplet

func (client *Client) UploadDroplet(appGUID string, droplet io.Reader, dropletLength int64) (Job, Warnings, error)

UploadDroplet defines and uploads a previously staged droplet that an application will run, using a multipart PUT request. The uploaded file should be a gzipped tar file.

func (*Client) WrapConnection

func (client *Client) WrapConnection(wrapper ConnectionWrapper)

WrapConnection wraps the current Client connection in the wrapper.

type Config

type Config struct {
	// AppName is the name of the application/process using the client.
	AppName string

	// AppVersion is the version of the application/process using the client.
	AppVersion string

	// JobPollingTimeout is the maximum amount of time a job polls for.
	JobPollingTimeout time.Duration

	// JobPollingInterval is the wait time between job polls.
	JobPollingInterval time.Duration

	// Wrappers that apply to the client connection.
	Wrappers []ConnectionWrapper

Config allows the Client to be configured

type ConnectionWrapper

type ConnectionWrapper interface {
	Wrap(innerconnection cloudcontroller.Connection) cloudcontroller.Connection

ConnectionWrapper can wrap a given connection allowing the wrapper to modify all requests going in and out of the given connection.

type DockerCredentials

type DockerCredentials struct {
	// Username is the username for a user that has access to a given docker
	// image.
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`

	// Password is the password for the user.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

DockerCredentials are the authentication credentials to pull a docker image from it's repository.

type Domain

type Domain struct {
	// GUID is the unique domain identifier.
	GUID string

	// Name is the name given to the domain.
	Name string

	// RouterGroupGUID is the unique identier of the router group this domain is
	// assigned to.
	RouterGroupGUID string

	// RouterGroupType is the type of router group this domain is assigned to. It
	// can be of type `tcp` or `http`.
	RouterGroupType constant.RouterGroupType

	// DomainType is the access type of the domain. It can be either a domain
	// private to a single org or it can be a domain shared to all orgs.
	Type constant.DomainType

Domain represents a Cloud Controller Domain.

func (*Domain) UnmarshalJSON

func (domain *Domain) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Domain response.

type FeatureFlag

type FeatureFlag struct {
	// Name is a string representation of the Cloud Controller
	// feature flag's name.
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// Enabled is the status of the Cloud Controller feature
	// flag.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

FeatureFlag represents a Cloud Controller feature flag.

type FeatureFlagName

type FeatureFlagName string
const (
	FeatureFlagServiceInstanceSharing FeatureFlagName = "service_instance_sharing"

type Filter

type Filter struct {
	// Type is the component that determines what the query is filtered by.
	Type constant.FilterType

	// Operator is the component that determines how the the query will be filtered.
	Operator constant.FilterOperator

	// Values is the component that determines what values are filtered.
	Values []string

Filter is a type of filter that can be passed to specific request to narrow down the return set.

type Job

type Job struct {

	// Error is the error a job returns if it failed. It is otherwise empty.
	Error string

	// ErrorDetails is a detailed description of a job failure returned by the
	// Cloud Controller.
	ErrorDetails struct {
		Description string

	// GUID is the unique job identifier.
	GUID string

	// Status is the current state of the job.
	Status constant.JobStatus

Job represents a Cloud Controller Job.

func (Job) Failed

func (job Job) Failed() bool

Failed returns true when the job has completed with an error/failure.

func (Job) Finished

func (job Job) Finished() bool

Finished returns true when the job has completed successfully.

func (*Job) UnmarshalJSON

func (job *Job) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Job response.

type LastOperation

type LastOperation struct {
	// Type is the type of operation that was last performed or currently being
	// performed on the service instance.
	Type string

	// State is the status of the last operation or current operation being
	// performed on the service instance.
	State string

	// Description is the service broker-provided description of the operation.
	Description string

	// UpdatedAt is the timestamp that the Cloud Controller last checked the
	// service instance state from the broker.
	UpdatedAt string

	// CreatedAt is the timestamp that the Cloud Controller created the service
	// instance from the broker.
	CreatedAt string

type Organization

type Organization struct {

	// GUID is the unique Organization identifier.
	GUID string

	// Name is the organization's name.
	Name string

	// QuotaDefinitionGUID is unique identifier of the quota assigned to this
	// organization.
	QuotaDefinitionGUID string

	// DefaultIsolationSegmentGUID is the unique identifier of the isolation
	// segment this organization is tagged with.
	DefaultIsolationSegmentGUID string

Organization represents a Cloud Controller Organization.

func (*Organization) UnmarshalJSON

func (org *Organization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Organization response.

type OrganizationQuota

type OrganizationQuota struct {

	// GUID is the unique OrganizationQuota identifier.
	GUID string

	// Name is the name of the OrganizationQuota.
	Name string

OrganizationQuota is the definition of a quota for an organization.

func (*OrganizationQuota) UnmarshalJSON

func (application *OrganizationQuota) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller organization quota response.

type PaginatedResources

type PaginatedResources struct {
	NextURL        string          `json:"next_url"`
	ResourcesBytes json.RawMessage `json:"resources"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PaginatedResources represents a page of resources returned by the Cloud Controller.

func NewPaginatedResources

func NewPaginatedResources(exampleResource interface{}) *PaginatedResources

NewPaginatedResources returns a new PaginatedResources struct with the given resource type.

func (PaginatedResources) Resources

func (pr PaginatedResources) Resources() ([]interface{}, error)

Resources unmarshals JSON representing a page of resources and returns a slice of the given resource type.

type Params

type Params map[string]string

Params represents URI parameters for a request.

type Reader

type Reader interface {

Reader is an io.Reader.

type Resource

type Resource struct {

	// Filename is the name of the resource.
	Filename string `json:"fn"`

	// Mode is the operating system file mode (aka file permissions) of the
	// resource.
	Mode os.FileMode `json:"mode"`

	// SHA1 represents the SHA-1 hash of the resource.
	SHA1 string `json:"sha1"`

	// Size represents the file size of the resource.
	Size int64 `json:"size"`

Resource represents a Cloud Controller Resource.

func (Resource) MarshalJSON

func (r Resource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON converts a resource into a Cloud Controller Resource.

func (*Resource) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *Resource) UnmarshalJSON(rawJSON []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Resource response.

type Route

type Route struct {

	// GUID is the unique Route identifier.
	GUID string `json:"-"`

	// Host is the hostname of the route.
	Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`

	// Path is the path of the route.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`

	// Port is the port number of the route.
	Port types.NullInt `json:"port,omitempty"`

	// DomainGUID is the unique Domain identifier.
	DomainGUID string `json:"domain_guid"`

	// SpaceGUID is the unique Space identifier.
	SpaceGUID string `json:"space_guid"`

Route represents a Cloud Controller Route.

func (*Route) UnmarshalJSON

func (route *Route) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Route response.

type SecurityGroup

type SecurityGroup struct {
	// GUID is the unique Security Group identifier.
	GUID string
	// Name is the Security Group's name.
	Name string
	// Rules are the Security Group Rules associated with this Security Group.
	Rules []SecurityGroupRule
	// RunningDefault is true when this Security Group is applied to all running
	// apps in the CF instance.
	RunningDefault bool
	// StagingDefault is true when this Security Group is applied to all staging
	// apps in the CF instance.
	StagingDefault bool

SecurityGroup represents a Cloud Controller Security Group.

func (*SecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON

func (securityGroup *SecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Security Group response

type SecurityGroupRule

type SecurityGroupRule struct {
	// Description is a short message discribing the rule.
	Description string

	// Destination is the destination CIDR or range of IPs.
	Destination string

	// Ports is the port or port range.
	Ports string

	// Protocol can be tcp, icmp, udp, all.
	Protocol string

SecurityGroupRule represents a Cloud Controller Security Group Role.

type Service

type Service struct {
	// GUID is the unique Service identifier.
	GUID string
	// Label is the name of the service.
	Label string
	// Description is a short blurb describing the service.
	Description string
	// DocumentationURL is a url that points to a documentation page for the
	// service.
	DocumentationURL string
	// Extra is a field with extra data pertaining to the service.
	Extra ServiceExtra

Service represents a Cloud Controller Service.

func (*Service) UnmarshalJSON

func (service *Service) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Service response.

type ServiceBinding

type ServiceBinding struct {
	// GUID is the unique Service Binding identifier.
	GUID string
	// AppGUID is the associated application GUID.
	AppGUID string
	// ServiceInstanceGUID is the associated service GUID.
	ServiceInstanceGUID string

ServiceBinding represents a Cloud Controller Service Binding.

func (*ServiceBinding) UnmarshalJSON

func (serviceBinding *ServiceBinding) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Service Binding response.

type ServiceExtra

type ServiceExtra struct {
	// Shareable is true if the service is shareable across organizations and
	// spaces.
	Shareable bool

ServiceExtra contains extra service related properties.

type ServiceInstance

type ServiceInstance struct {
	// GUID is the unique service instance identifier.
	GUID string

	// Name is the name given to the service instance.
	Name string

	// SpaceGUID is the unique identifier of the space that this service instance
	// belongs to.
	SpaceGUID string

	// ServiceGUID is the unique identifier of the service that this service
	// instance belongs to.
	ServiceGUID string

	// ServicePlanGUID is the unique identifier of the service plan that this
	// service instance belongs to.
	ServicePlanGUID string

	// Type is the type of service instance.
	Type constant.ServiceInstanceType

	// Tags is a list of all tags for the service instance.
	Tags []string

	// DashboardURL is the service-broker provided URL to access administrative
	// features of the service instance.
	DashboardURL string

	// LastOperation is the status of the last operation requested on the service
	// instance.
	LastOperation LastOperation

ServiceInstance represents a Cloud Controller Service Instance.

func (ServiceInstance) Managed

func (serviceInstance ServiceInstance) Managed() bool

Managed returns true if the Service Instance is a managed service.

func (*ServiceInstance) UnmarshalJSON

func (serviceInstance *ServiceInstance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Service Instance response.

func (ServiceInstance) UserProvided

func (serviceInstance ServiceInstance) UserProvided() bool

UserProvided returns true if the Service Instance is a user provided service.

type ServiceInstanceSharedFrom

type ServiceInstanceSharedFrom struct {
	// SpaceGUID is the unique identifier of the space that this service is
	// shared from.
	SpaceGUID string `json:"space_guid"`

	// SpaceName is the name of the space that this service is shared from.
	SpaceName string `json:"space_name"`

	// OrganizationName is the name of the organization that this service is
	// shared from.
	OrganizationName string `json:"organization_name"`

ServiceInstanceSharedFrom represents a Cloud Controller relationship object that describes a service instance in another space (and possibly org) that this service instance is **shared from**.

type ServiceInstanceSharedTo

type ServiceInstanceSharedTo struct {
	// SpaceGUID is the unique identifier of the space that this service is
	// shared to.
	SpaceGUID string `json:"space_guid"`

	// SpaceName is the name of the space that this service is shared to.
	SpaceName string `json:"space_name"`

	// OrganizationName is the name of the organization that this service is
	// shared to.
	OrganizationName string `json:"organization_name"`

	// BoundAppCount is the number of apps that are bound to the shared to
	// service instance.
	BoundAppCount int `json:"bound_app_count"`

ServiceInstanceSharedTo represents a Cloud Controller relationship object that describes a service instance in another space (and possibly org) that this service is **shared to**.

type ServicePlan

type ServicePlan struct {
	//GUID is the unique identifier of the service plan.
	GUID string

	// Name is the name of the service plan.
	Name string

	// ServiceGUID is the unique identifier of the service that the service
	// plan belongs to.
	ServiceGUID string

ServicePlan represents a predefined set of configurations for a Cloud Controller service object.

func (*ServicePlan) UnmarshalJSON

func (servicePlan *ServicePlan) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Service Plan response.

type Space

type Space struct {
	// GUID is the unique space identifier.
	GUID string

	// OrganizationGUID is the unique identifier of the organization this space
	// belongs to.
	OrganizationGUID string

	// Name is the name given to the space.
	Name string

	// AllowSSH specifies whether SSH is enabled for this space.
	AllowSSH bool

	// SpaceQuotaDefinitionGUID is the unique identifier of the space quota
	// defined for this space.
	SpaceQuotaDefinitionGUID string

Space represents a Cloud Controller Space.

func (*Space) UnmarshalJSON

func (space *Space) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Space response.

type SpaceQuota

type SpaceQuota struct {

	// GUID is the unique space quota identifier.
	GUID string

	// Name is the name given to the space quota.
	Name string

SpaceQuota represents the Cloud Controller configured quota assigned to the space.

func (*SpaceQuota) UnmarshalJSON

func (spaceQuota *SpaceQuota) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Space Quota response.

type Stack

type Stack struct {
	// GUID is the unique stack identifier.
	GUID string

	// Name is the name given to the stack.
	Name string

	// Description is the description of the stack.
	Description string

Stack represents a Cloud Controller Stack.

func (*Stack) UnmarshalJSON

func (stack *Stack) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller Stack response.

type TargetSettings

type TargetSettings struct {
	// DialTimeout is the DNS timeout used to make all requests to the Cloud
	// Controller.
	DialTimeout time.Duration

	// SkipSSLValidation controls whether a client verifies the server's
	// certificate chain and host name. If SkipSSLValidation is true, TLS accepts
	// any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that
	// certificate for *all* client requests going forward.
	// In this mode, TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. This should
	// be used only for testing.
	SkipSSLValidation bool

	// URL is a fully qualified URL to the Cloud Controller API.
	URL string

TargetSettings represents configuration for establishing a connection to the Cloud Controller server.

type User

type User struct {
	// GUID is the unique user identifier.
	GUID string

User represents a Cloud Controller User.

func (*User) UnmarshalJSON

func (user *User) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON helps unmarshal a Cloud Controller User response.

type Warnings

type Warnings []string

Warnings are a collection of warnings that the Cloud Controller can return back from an API request.


Path Synopsis
Code generated by counterfeiter.
Code generated by counterfeiter.
Package constant contains types and constants used by the ccv2 package.
Package constant contains types and constants used by the ccv2 package.

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