Path | Synopsis |
Package capacitor provides a configurable delay for a series of function calls.
Package capacitor provides a configurable delay for a series of function calls. |
Package clock implements a standard clock interface that can be used in place of the time package.
Package clock implements a standard clock interface that can be used in place of the time package. |
Package clocktest provides a testable clock implementation
Package clocktest provides a testable clock implementation |
Package concurrent provides common functionality for dealing with concurrency that extends or enhances the core golang packages.
Package concurrent provides common functionality for dealing with concurrency that extends or enhances the core golang packages. |
Package conlimiter provides a simple connection limiter for incoming TCP connections Package conlimiter provides a simple connection limiter for incoming TCP connections.
Package conlimiter provides a simple connection limiter for incoming TCP connections Package conlimiter provides a simple connection limiter for incoming TCP connections. |
Package hash provides a simple API for managing service hashes.
Package hash provides a simple API for managing service hashes. |
Package health provides a simple heartbeat strategy for WebPA/XMiDT services.
Package health provides a simple heartbeat strategy for WebPA/XMiDT services. |
Package httppool provides a simple, configurable worker pool for dispatching HTTP transactions to servers.
Package httppool provides a simple, configurable worker pool for dispatching HTTP transactions to servers. |
Package health has integrations with webpa-common/health for monitoring httppool Dispatchers.
Package health has integrations with webpa-common/health for monitoring httppool Dispatchers. |
Package logging provides basic configurability for the go-kit/log packages.
Package logging provides basic configurability for the go-kit/log packages. |
Package middleware provides common middleware and decorators for WebPA and XMiDT servers
Package middleware provides common middleware and decorators for WebPA and XMiDT servers |
Package resource provides common resource-handling functionality.
Package resource provides common resource-handling functionality. |
Package secure contains the security types common to WebPA applications Deprecated: secure is no longer planned to be used by future WebPA/XMiDT services.
Package secure contains the security types common to WebPA applications Deprecated: secure is no longer planned to be used by future WebPA/XMiDT services. |
Package key provides a simple API for loading public and private keys from resources.
Package key provides a simple API for loading public and private keys from resources. |
Package semaphore provides a simple channel-based semaphore that optionally honors context semantics.
Package semaphore provides a simple channel-based semaphore that optionally honors context semantics. |
Package server provides the standard approach to executing servers for WebPA Deprecated: server is no longer planned to be used by future WebPA/XMiDT services.
Package server provides the standard approach to executing servers for WebPA Deprecated: server is no longer planned to be used by future WebPA/XMiDT services. |
Package service provides basic integration with go.serversets Deprecated: service is no longer planned to be used by future WebPA/XMiDT services.
Package service provides basic integration with go.serversets Deprecated: service is no longer planned to be used by future WebPA/XMiDT services. |
Package store implements some additional atomic value storage on top of sync/atomic.
Package store implements some additional atomic value storage on top of sync/atomic. |
Package tracing provides very basic distributed tracing.
Package tracing provides very basic distributed tracing. |
Package tracinghttp provides marshaling support for tracing data into HTTP requests and responses
Package tracinghttp provides marshaling support for tracing data into HTTP requests and responses |
Package xerrors provides error unwrapping functionality.
Package xerrors provides error unwrapping functionality. |
Package xhttp provides extended functionality for net/http and go-kit's transport/http packages
Package xhttp provides extended functionality for net/http and go-kit's transport/http packages |
Package xmetrics provides configurability for Prometheus-based metrics.
Package xmetrics provides configurability for Prometheus-based metrics. |
Package xviper provides customizations on use of viper for configuration loading.
Package xviper provides customizations on use of viper for configuration loading. |
Package xwebhook provides an event webhook registry component for XMiDT services.
Package xwebhook provides an event webhook registry component for XMiDT services. |
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