Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckResourceLoad(uSDK *open_im_sdk.LoginMgr, funcName string) error
- type AdvancedMsgCallback
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnMsgDeleted(message string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnNewRecvMessageRevoked(messageRevoked string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvC2CReadReceipt(msgReceiptList string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvGroupReadReceipt(groupMsgReceiptList string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsAdded(clientMsgID string, reactionExtensionList string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsChanged(clientMsgID string, reactionExtensionList string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsDeleted(clientMsgID string, reactionExtensionKeyList string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageModified(message string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageRevoked(msgID string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvNewMessage(message string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvOfflineNewMessage(message string)
- func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvOnlineOnlyMessage(message string)
- type BaseCallback
- type BatchMessageCallback
- type ConnCallback
- type ConversationCallback
- func (c ConversationCallback) OnConversationChanged(conversationList string)
- func (c ConversationCallback) OnConversationUserInputStatusChanged(change string)
- func (c ConversationCallback) OnNewConversation(conversationList string)
- func (c ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerFailed()
- func (c ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerFinish()
- func (c ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerStart()
- func (c ConversationCallback) OnTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged(totalUnreadCount int32)
- type CustomBusinessCallback
- type EventData
- type FriendCallback
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnBlackAdded(blackInfo string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnBlackDeleted(blackInfo string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendAdded(friendInfo string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationAccepted(friendApplication string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationAdded(friendApplication string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationDeleted(friendApplication string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationRejected(friendApplication string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendDeleted(friendInfo string)
- func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendInfoChanged(friendInfo string)
- type FuncRouter
- func (f *FuncRouter) AcceptFriendApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) AcceptGroupApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) AddBlack(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) AddFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) ChangeGroupMemberMute(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) ChangeGroupMute(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CheckFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) ClearConversationAndDeleteAllMsg(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateAdvancedQuoteMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateAdvancedTextMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateCardMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateCustomMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFaceMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFileMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFileMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFileMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateForwardMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateImageMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateImageMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateImageMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateLocationMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateMergerMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateQuoteMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateTextAtMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateTextMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteAllMsgFromLocal(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteAllMsgFromLocalAndSvr(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteConversationAndDeleteAllMsg(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteMessageFromLocalStorage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) DismissGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) FindMessageList(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetAdvancedHistoryMessageList(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetAdvancedHistoryMessageListReverse(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetAllConversationList(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetAtAllTag(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetBlackList(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetConversationIDBySessionType(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetConversationListSplit(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetConversationRecvMessageOpt(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendApplicationListAsApplicant(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendApplicationListAsRecipient(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendList(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendListPage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupApplicationListAsApplicant(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupApplicationListAsRecipient(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberList(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberListByJoinTimeFilter(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberOwnerAndAdmin(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetJoinedGroupList(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetLoginStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetLoginUserID() string
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetMultipleConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetOneConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetSelfUserInfo(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedFriendsInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedGroupMembersInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedGroupsInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetSubscribeUsersStatus(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetTotalUnreadMsgCount(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetUserStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetUsersInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetUsersInfoFromSrv(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) GetUsersInfoWithCache(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) HideAllConversations(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) HideConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) InitSDK(operationID, platformID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) InsertGroupMessageToLocalStorage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) InsertSingleMessageToLocalStorage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) InviteUserToGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) IsJoinGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) JoinGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) KickGroupMember(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) Login(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) Logout(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) MarkConversationMessageAsRead(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) MarkMessagesAsReadByMsgID(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) NetworkStatusChanged(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) PinConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) PinFriends(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) QuitGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) RefuseFriendApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) RefuseGroupApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) RemoveBlack(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) ResetConversationGroupAtType(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) RevokeMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SearchConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SearchFriends(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SearchGroupMembers(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SearchGroups(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SearchLocalMessages(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SendMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SendMessageNotOss(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetAppBackgroundStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetAppBadge(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationBurnDuration(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationDraft(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationIsMsgDestruct(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationMsgDestructTime(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationPrivateChat(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationRecvMessageOpt(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetFriendRemark(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetFriendsEx(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGlobalRecvMessageOpt(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupApplyMemberFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupLookMemberInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberNickname(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberRoleLevel(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupVerification(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetMessageLocalEx(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetOneConversationEx(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetSelfInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SetSelfInfoEx(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) SubscribeUsersStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) TransferGroupOwner(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) TypingStatusUpdate(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) UnInitSDK(operationID string)
- func (f *FuncRouter) UnsubscribeUsersStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) UpdateFcmToken(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) UpdateMsgSenderInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) UploadFile(operationID string, args ...any)
- func (f *FuncRouter) UploadLogs(operationID string, args ...any)
- type GroupCallback
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationAccepted(groupApplication string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationAdded(groupApplication string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationDeleted(groupApplication string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationRejected(groupApplication string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupDismissed(groupInfo string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupInfoChanged(groupInfo string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberAdded(groupMemberInfo string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberDeleted(groupMemberInfo string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberInfoChanged(groupMemberInfo string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnJoinedGroupAdded(groupInfo string)
- func (g *GroupCallback) OnJoinedGroupDeleted(groupInfo string)
- type RespMessage
- type SendMessageCallback
- type SignalingCallback
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnHangUp(hangUpData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInvitationCancelled(cancelledData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInvitationTimeout(timeoutData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeAccepted(acceptedData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeAcceptedByOtherDevice(acceptedData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeRejected(rejectedData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeRejectedByOtherDevice(rejectedData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnReceiveNewInvitation(newInvitationData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnRoomParticipantConnected(participantConnectedData string)
- func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnRoomParticipantDisconnected(participantDisconnectedData string)
- type UserCallback
Constants ¶
const ( Success = "OnSuccess" Failed = "OnError" )
Variables ¶
var Config sdk_struct.IMConfig
Functions ¶
func CheckResourceLoad ¶
func CheckResourceLoad(uSDK *open_im_sdk.LoginMgr, funcName string) error
CheckResourceLoad checks the SDK is resource load status.
Types ¶
type AdvancedMsgCallback ¶
type AdvancedMsgCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAdvancedMsgCallback ¶
func NewAdvancedMsgCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *AdvancedMsgCallback
NewAdvancedMsgCallback creates a new AdvancedMsgCallback instance.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnMsgDeleted ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnMsgDeleted(message string)
OnMsgDeleted handles deleted messages.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnNewRecvMessageRevoked ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnNewRecvMessageRevoked(messageRevoked string)
OnNewRecvMessageRevoked handles the receipt of a revoked message.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvC2CReadReceipt ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvC2CReadReceipt(msgReceiptList string)
OnRecvC2CReadReceipt is called when a read receipt for a C2C message is received. It sends a success response with the list of read receipts.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvGroupReadReceipt ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvGroupReadReceipt(groupMsgReceiptList string)
OnRecvGroupReadReceipt is called when a read receipt for a group message is received. It sends a success response with the list of group read receipts.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsAdded ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsAdded(clientMsgID string, reactionExtensionList string)
OnRecvMessageExtensionsAdded handles addition of new message extensions.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsChanged ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsChanged(clientMsgID string, reactionExtensionList string)
OnRecvMessageExtensionsChanged handles changes in message extensions.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsDeleted ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageExtensionsDeleted(clientMsgID string, reactionExtensionKeyList string)
OnRecvMessageExtensionsDeleted handles deletion of message extensions.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageModified ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageModified(message string)
OnRecvMessageModified handles the modification of a received message.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageRevoked ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvMessageRevoked(msgID string)
OnRecvMessageRevoked is called when a message is revoked. It sends a success response with the ID of the revoked message.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvNewMessage ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvNewMessage(message string)
OnRecvNewMessage is called when a new message is received. It sends a success response with the received message data.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvOfflineNewMessage ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvOfflineNewMessage(message string)
OnRecvOfflineNewMessage handles offline new messages.
func (AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvOnlineOnlyMessage ¶
func (a AdvancedMsgCallback) OnRecvOnlineOnlyMessage(message string)
OnRecvOnlineOnlyMessage handles online-only messages.
type BaseCallback ¶
type BaseCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type BatchMessageCallback ¶
type BatchMessageCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBatchMessageCallback ¶
func NewBatchMessageCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *BatchMessageCallback
NewBatchMessageCallback creates a new instance of BatchMessageCallback.
func (*BatchMessageCallback) OnRecvNewMessages ¶
func (b *BatchMessageCallback) OnRecvNewMessages(messageList string)
OnRecvNewMessages is called when new messages are received.
func (*BatchMessageCallback) OnRecvOfflineNewMessages ¶
func (b *BatchMessageCallback) OnRecvOfflineNewMessages(messageList string)
OnRecvOfflineNewMessages is called when new offline messages are received.
type ConnCallback ¶
type ConnCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewConnCallback ¶
func NewConnCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *ConnCallback
NewConnCallback creates a new instance of ConnCallback.
func (ConnCallback) OnConnectFailed ¶
func (c ConnCallback) OnConnectFailed(errCode int32, errMsg string)
OnConnectFailed is triggered when there's a failure in connection attempt.
func (ConnCallback) OnConnectSuccess ¶
func (c ConnCallback) OnConnectSuccess()
OnConnectSuccess is triggered when a connection is successfully established.
func (ConnCallback) OnConnecting ¶
func (c ConnCallback) OnConnecting()
OnConnecting is triggered when a connection attempt starts.
func (ConnCallback) OnKickedOffline ¶
func (c ConnCallback) OnKickedOffline()
OnKickedOffline is triggered when the user is kicked offline.
func (ConnCallback) OnUserTokenExpired ¶
func (c ConnCallback) OnUserTokenExpired()
OnUserTokenExpired is triggered when the user's token expires.
type ConversationCallback ¶
type ConversationCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewConversationCallback ¶
func NewConversationCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *ConversationCallback
NewConversationCallback initializes a new instance of ConversationCallback. respMessage: Reference to an instance of RespMessage which handles response sending.
func (ConversationCallback) OnConversationChanged ¶
func (c ConversationCallback) OnConversationChanged(conversationList string)
OnConversationChanged sends a response when an existing conversation changes. conversationList: JSON serialized string representing the list of changed conversations.
func (ConversationCallback) OnConversationUserInputStatusChanged ¶
func (c ConversationCallback) OnConversationUserInputStatusChanged(change string)
OnConversationUserInputStatusChanged sends a response when the user input status changes,like typing. change: JSON serialized string representing the change in user input status.
func (ConversationCallback) OnNewConversation ¶
func (c ConversationCallback) OnNewConversation(conversationList string)
OnNewConversation sends a response when a new conversation is detected. conversationList: JSON serialized string representing the list of new conversations.
func (ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerFailed ¶
func (c ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerFailed()
OnSyncServerFailed sends a failed response when server syncing encounters an error.
func (ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerFinish ¶
func (c ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerFinish()
OnSyncServerFinish sends a response when server syncing finishes.
func (ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerStart ¶
func (c ConversationCallback) OnSyncServerStart()
OnSyncServerStart sends a response when server syncing starts.
func (ConversationCallback) OnTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged ¶
func (c ConversationCallback) OnTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged(totalUnreadCount int32)
OnTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged sends a response when the total unread message count changes. totalUnreadCount: Total count of unread messages.
type CustomBusinessCallback ¶
type CustomBusinessCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCustomBusinessCallback ¶
func NewCustomBusinessCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *CustomBusinessCallback
NewCustomBusinessCallback creates a new instance of CustomBusinessCallback with the provided RespMessage.
func (*CustomBusinessCallback) OnRecvCustomBusinessMessage ¶
func (cb *CustomBusinessCallback) OnRecvCustomBusinessMessage(businessMessage string)
OnRecvCustomBusinessMessage is called when a custom business message is received.
type FriendCallback ¶
type FriendCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFriendCallback ¶
func NewFriendCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *FriendCallback
NewFriendCallback creates a new instance of FriendCallback.
func (*FriendCallback) OnBlackAdded ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnBlackAdded(blackInfo string)
OnBlackAdded notifies when a black list entry is added.
func (*FriendCallback) OnBlackDeleted ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnBlackDeleted(blackInfo string)
OnBlackDeleted notifies when a black list entry is deleted.
func (*FriendCallback) OnFriendAdded ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendAdded(friendInfo string)
OnFriendAdded notifies when a new friend is added.
func (*FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationAccepted ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationAccepted(friendApplication string)
OnFriendApplicationAccepted notifies when a friend application is accepted.
func (*FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationAdded ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationAdded(friendApplication string)
OnFriendApplicationAdded notifies when a friend application is added.
func (*FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationDeleted ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationDeleted(friendApplication string)
OnFriendApplicationDeleted notifies when a friend application is deleted.
func (*FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationRejected ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendApplicationRejected(friendApplication string)
OnFriendApplicationRejected notifies when a friend application is rejected.
func (*FriendCallback) OnFriendDeleted ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendDeleted(friendInfo string)
OnFriendDeleted notifies when a friend is deleted.
func (*FriendCallback) OnFriendInfoChanged ¶
func (f *FriendCallback) OnFriendInfoChanged(friendInfo string)
OnFriendInfoChanged notifies when friend information is changed.
type FuncRouter ¶
type FuncRouter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFuncRouter ¶
func NewFuncRouter(respMessagesChan chan *EventData, sessionId string) *FuncRouter
NewFuncRouter 创建并返回一个FuncRouter实例
respMessagesChan: 用于接收事件数据的通道 sessionId: 会话ID *FuncRouter: 指向新创建的FuncRouter实例的指针
func (*FuncRouter) AcceptFriendApplication ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) AcceptFriendApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
AcceptFriendApplication accepts a friend request.
func (*FuncRouter) AcceptGroupApplication ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) AcceptGroupApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
AcceptGroupApplication approves a join request to the group.
func (*FuncRouter) AddBlack ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) AddBlack(operationID string, args ...any)
AddBlack adds a user to the blacklist.
func (*FuncRouter) AddFriend ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) AddFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
AddFriend sends a friend request to another user.
func (*FuncRouter) ChangeGroupMemberMute ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) ChangeGroupMemberMute(operationID string, args ...any)
ChangeGroupMemberMute toggles the mute status of a group member.
func (*FuncRouter) ChangeGroupMute ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) ChangeGroupMute(operationID string, args ...any)
ChangeGroupMute toggles the mute status of the group.
func (*FuncRouter) CheckFriend ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CheckFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
CheckFriend checks the friend status between users.
func (*FuncRouter) ClearConversationAndDeleteAllMsg ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) ClearConversationAndDeleteAllMsg(operationID string, args ...any)
ClearConversationAndDeleteAllMsg clears a conversation and deletes all associated messages.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateAdvancedQuoteMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateAdvancedQuoteMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateAdvancedQuoteMessage creates a message that quotes another message with additional options.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateAdvancedTextMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateAdvancedTextMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateAdvancedTextMessage creates a text message with advanced features such as at-mentions and URLs.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateCardMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateCardMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateCardMessage creates a card-style message, often used in bots for structured data display.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateCustomMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateCustomMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateCustomMessage creates a message with custom content.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateFaceMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFaceMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateFaceMessage creates a message with a facial expression or emoji.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateFileMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFileMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateFileMessage creates a file message.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateFileMessageByURL ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFileMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateFileMessageByURL creates a file message from a specified URL.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateFileMessageFromFullPath ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateFileMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateFileMessageFromFullPath creates a file message from a file with a full path.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateForwardMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateForwardMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateForwardMessage creates a message that forwards content from one conversation to another.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateGroup ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateGroup creates a new group with specified settings.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateImageMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateImageMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateImageMessage creates an image message.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateImageMessageByURL ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateImageMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateImageMessageByURL creates an image message from an image URL.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateImageMessageFromFullPath ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateImageMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateImageMessageFromFullPath creates an image message from a file with a full path.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateLocationMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateLocationMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateLocationMessage creates a message with location information.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateMergerMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateMergerMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateMergerMessage creates a message that merges multiple messages into one composite message.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateQuoteMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateQuoteMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateQuoteMessage creates a message that quotes another message.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateSoundMessage creates a sound message.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessageByURL ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateSoundMessageByURL creates a sound message from a sound URL.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessageFromFullPath ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateSoundMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateSoundMessageFromFullPath creates a sound message from a file with a full path.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateTextAtMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateTextAtMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateTextAtMessage creates a message that includes a mention of a specific user.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateTextMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateTextMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateTextMessage creates a simple text message.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateVideoMessage creates a video message.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessageByURL ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessageByURL(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateVideoMessageByURL creates a video message from a video URL.
func (*FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessageFromFullPath ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) CreateVideoMessageFromFullPath(operationID string, args ...any)
CreateVideoMessageFromFullPath creates a video message from a file with a full path.
func (*FuncRouter) DeleteAllMsgFromLocal ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteAllMsgFromLocal(operationID string)
DeleteAllMsgFromLocal deletes all messages from the local storage only.
func (*FuncRouter) DeleteAllMsgFromLocalAndSvr ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteAllMsgFromLocalAndSvr(operationID string)
DeleteAllMsgFromLocalAndSvr deletes all messages from both the local storage and the server.
func (*FuncRouter) DeleteConversationAndDeleteAllMsg ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteConversationAndDeleteAllMsg(operationID string, args ...any)
DeleteConversationAndDeleteAllMsg deletes a conversation and all messages within it.
func (*FuncRouter) DeleteFriend ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
DeleteFriend removes a user from the friend list.
func (*FuncRouter) DeleteMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
DeleteMessage deletes a message from the server and local storage.
func (*FuncRouter) DeleteMessageFromLocalStorage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) DeleteMessageFromLocalStorage(operationID string, args ...any)
DeleteMessageFromLocalStorage deletes a message from the local storage.
func (*FuncRouter) DismissGroup ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) DismissGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
DismissGroup disbands a group.
func (*FuncRouter) FindMessageList ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) FindMessageList(operationID string, args ...any)
FindMessageList retrieves a list of messages based on search criteria.
func (*FuncRouter) GetAdvancedHistoryMessageList ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetAdvancedHistoryMessageList(operationID string, args ...any)
GetAdvancedHistoryMessageList retrieves a historical list of messages with advanced filtering options.
func (*FuncRouter) GetAdvancedHistoryMessageListReverse ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetAdvancedHistoryMessageListReverse(operationID string, args ...any)
GetAdvancedHistoryMessageListReverse retrieves a historical list of messages in reverse order with advanced filtering.
func (*FuncRouter) GetAllConversationList ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetAllConversationList(operationID string)
GetAllConversationList retrieves all conversations associated with a user.
func (*FuncRouter) GetAtAllTag ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetAtAllTag(operationID string)
GetAtAllTag retrieves the tag that represents mentioning all members in a conversation.
func (*FuncRouter) GetBlackList ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetBlackList(operationID string)
GetBlackList retrieves the blacklist.
func (*FuncRouter) GetConversationIDBySessionType ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetConversationIDBySessionType(operationID string, args ...any)
GetConversationIDBySessionType retrieves the conversation ID based on the session type.
func (*FuncRouter) GetConversationListSplit ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetConversationListSplit(operationID string, args ...any)
GetConversationListSplit retrieves a portion of the user's conversation list, based on provided criteria.
func (*FuncRouter) GetConversationRecvMessageOpt ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetConversationRecvMessageOpt(operationID string, args ...any)
GetConversationRecvMessageOpt retrieves the options for receiving messages in a conversation. deprecated.
func (*FuncRouter) GetFriendApplicationListAsApplicant ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendApplicationListAsApplicant(operationID string)
GetFriendApplicationListAsApplicant retrieves friend requests sent.
func (*FuncRouter) GetFriendApplicationListAsRecipient ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendApplicationListAsRecipient(operationID string)
GetFriendApplicationListAsRecipient retrieves friend requests received.
func (*FuncRouter) GetFriendList ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendList(operationID string)
GetFriendList retrieves the user's friend list.
func (*FuncRouter) GetFriendListPage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetFriendListPage(operationID string, args ...any)
GetFriendListPage retrieves a paginated friend list.
func (*FuncRouter) GetGroupApplicationListAsApplicant ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupApplicationListAsApplicant(operationID string)
GetGroupApplicationListAsApplicant retrieves the list of join requests sent by the user.
func (*FuncRouter) GetGroupApplicationListAsRecipient ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupApplicationListAsRecipient(operationID string)
GetGroupApplicationListAsRecipient retrieves the list of join requests received by the group.
func (*FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberList ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberList(operationID string, args ...any)
GetGroupMemberList retrieves the member list of a group.
func (*FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberListByJoinTimeFilter ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberListByJoinTimeFilter(operationID string, args ...any)
GetGroupMemberListByJoinTimeFilter gets the group member list filtered by join time.
func (*FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberOwnerAndAdmin ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetGroupMemberOwnerAndAdmin(operationID string, args ...any)
GetGroupMemberOwnerAndAdmin gets the owner and admin list of the group.
func (*FuncRouter) GetJoinedGroupList ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetJoinedGroupList(operationID string)
GetJoinedGroupList retrieves the list of groups a user has joined.
func (*FuncRouter) GetLoginStatus ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetLoginStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
GetLoginStatus retrieves the current login status of the user.
func (*FuncRouter) GetLoginUserID ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetLoginUserID() string
GetLoginUserID returns the logged-in user's ID.
func (*FuncRouter) GetMultipleConversation ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetMultipleConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
GetMultipleConversation retrieves multiple conversations, usually filtered by a set of identifiers.
func (*FuncRouter) GetOneConversation ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetOneConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
GetOneConversation fetches a single conversation based on specified identifiers such as conversation ID.
func (*FuncRouter) GetSelfUserInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetSelfUserInfo(operationID string)
GetSelfUserInfo retrieves the current user's information.
func (*FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedFriendsInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedFriendsInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
GetSpecifiedFriendsInfo gets the information of specific friends.
func (*FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedGroupMembersInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedGroupMembersInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
GetSpecifiedGroupMembersInfo gets information for specified group members.
func (*FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedGroupsInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetSpecifiedGroupsInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
GetSpecifiedGroupsInfo gets information of specified groups.
func (*FuncRouter) GetSubscribeUsersStatus ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetSubscribeUsersStatus(operationID string)
GetSubscribeUsersStatus retrieves the subscription status of online status updates for the specified users.
func (*FuncRouter) GetTotalUnreadMsgCount ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetTotalUnreadMsgCount(operationID string)
GetTotalUnreadMsgCount gets the count of all unread messages across all conversations for a user.
func (*FuncRouter) GetUserStatus ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetUserStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
GetUserStatus retrieves the current status of a user.
func (*FuncRouter) GetUsersInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetUsersInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
GetUsersInfo retrieves information for the specified users.
func (*FuncRouter) GetUsersInfoFromSrv ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetUsersInfoFromSrv(operationID string, args ...any)
GetUsersInfoFromSrv retrieves user information directly from the server, bypassing any cache.
func (*FuncRouter) GetUsersInfoWithCache ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) GetUsersInfoWithCache(operationID string, args ...any)
GetUsersInfoWithCache retrieves information for the specified users and uses local cache if available.
func (*FuncRouter) HideAllConversations ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) HideAllConversations(operationID string)
HideAllConversations hides all conversations from the conversation list.
func (*FuncRouter) HideConversation ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) HideConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
HideConversation hides a conversation from the conversation list without deleting it.
func (*FuncRouter) InitSDK ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) InitSDK(operationID, platformID string)
InitSDK initializes the SDK with the given operation ID and platform ID.
func (*FuncRouter) InsertGroupMessageToLocalStorage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) InsertGroupMessageToLocalStorage(operationID string, args ...any)
InsertGroupMessageToLocalStorage inserts a message into a group conversation in the local storage.
func (*FuncRouter) InsertSingleMessageToLocalStorage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) InsertSingleMessageToLocalStorage(operationID string, args ...any)
InsertSingleMessageToLocalStorage inserts a single message into the local storage.
func (*FuncRouter) InviteUserToGroup ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) InviteUserToGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
InviteUserToGroup sends an invitation to a user to join the group.
func (*FuncRouter) IsJoinGroup ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) IsJoinGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
IsJoinGroup checks whether the user is a member of the specified group.
func (*FuncRouter) JoinGroup ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) JoinGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
JoinGroup sends a request to join a group.
func (*FuncRouter) KickGroupMember ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) KickGroupMember(operationID string, args ...any)
KickGroupMember removes a specific member from the group.
func (*FuncRouter) Login ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) Login(operationID string, args ...any)
Login logs in a user using the provided arguments.
func (*FuncRouter) Logout ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) Logout(operationID string, args ...any)
Logout logs out the current user.
func (*FuncRouter) MarkConversationMessageAsRead ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) MarkConversationMessageAsRead(operationID string, args ...any)
MarkConversationMessageAsRead marks all messages in a conversation as read.
func (*FuncRouter) MarkMessagesAsReadByMsgID ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) MarkMessagesAsReadByMsgID(operationID string, args ...any)
MarkMessagesAsReadByMsgID marks specific messages as read using their message IDs.
func (*FuncRouter) NetworkStatusChanged ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) NetworkStatusChanged(operationID string, args ...any)
NetworkStatusChanged handles the change in network status.
func (*FuncRouter) PinConversation ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) PinConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
PinConversation pins a conversation to the top of the conversation list for quick access.
func (*FuncRouter) PinFriends ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) PinFriends(operationID string, args ...any)
PinFriends pins friends to the top of the friend list.
func (*FuncRouter) QuitGroup ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) QuitGroup(operationID string, args ...any)
QuitGroup leaves a group.
func (*FuncRouter) RefuseFriendApplication ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) RefuseFriendApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
RefuseFriendApplication declines a friend request.
func (*FuncRouter) RefuseGroupApplication ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) RefuseGroupApplication(operationID string, args ...any)
RefuseGroupApplication denies a join request to the group.
func (*FuncRouter) RemoveBlack ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) RemoveBlack(operationID string, args ...any)
RemoveBlack removes a user from the blacklist.
func (*FuncRouter) ResetConversationGroupAtType ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) ResetConversationGroupAtType(operationID string, args ...any)
ResetConversationGroupAtType resets the notification state for when a user is mentioned in a group conversation.
func (*FuncRouter) RevokeMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) RevokeMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
RevokeMessage revokes or recalls a message that was previously sent.
func (*FuncRouter) SearchConversation ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SearchConversation(operationID string, args ...any)
SearchConversation retrieves a conversation based on search criteria.
func (*FuncRouter) SearchFriends ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SearchFriends(operationID string, args ...any)
SearchFriends searches for friends based on given criteria.
func (*FuncRouter) SearchGroupMembers ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SearchGroupMembers(operationID string, args ...any)
SearchGroupMembers looks for members in the group matching certain criteria.
func (*FuncRouter) SearchGroups ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SearchGroups(operationID string, args ...any)
SearchGroups searches for groups based on criteria.
func (*FuncRouter) SearchLocalMessages ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SearchLocalMessages(operationID string, args ...any)
SearchLocalMessages searches for messages in the local storage.
func (*FuncRouter) SendMessage ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SendMessage(operationID string, args ...any)
SendMessage sends a message within a conversation.
func (*FuncRouter) SendMessageNotOss ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SendMessageNotOss(operationID string, args ...any)
SendMessageNotOss sends a message without using an object storage service for any attachments.
func (*FuncRouter) SetAppBackgroundStatus ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetAppBackgroundStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
SetAppBackgroundStatus updates the app's background status.
func (*FuncRouter) SetAppBadge ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetAppBadge(operationID string, args ...any)
SetAppBadge sets the badge count for the application's icon, typically reflecting the number of unread notifications or messages.
func (*FuncRouter) SetConversationBurnDuration ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationBurnDuration(operationID string, args ...any)
SetConversationBurnDuration sets the duration before messages in a private chat are automatically deleted.
func (*FuncRouter) SetConversationDraft ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationDraft(operationID string, args ...any)
SetConversationDraft saves a draft message in a conversation.
func (*FuncRouter) SetConversationIsMsgDestruct ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationIsMsgDestruct(operationID string, args ...any)
SetConversationIsMsgDestruct toggles the self-destruction feature for messages in a conversation.
func (*FuncRouter) SetConversationMsgDestructTime ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationMsgDestructTime(operationID string, args ...any)
SetConversationMsgDestructTime sets a timer after which messages in the conversation will be destroyed.
func (*FuncRouter) SetConversationPrivateChat ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationPrivateChat(operationID string, args ...any)
SetConversationPrivateChat sets a conversation as a private chat, likely with enhanced privacy settings.
func (*FuncRouter) SetConversationRecvMessageOpt ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetConversationRecvMessageOpt(operationID string, args ...any)
SetConversationRecvMessageOpt sets options for how messages should be received in a conversation.
func (*FuncRouter) SetFriendRemark ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetFriendRemark(operationID string, args ...any)
SetFriendRemark sets a remark for a friend.
func (*FuncRouter) SetFriendsEx ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetFriendsEx(operationID string, args ...any)
SetFriendsEx sets the friend ex info.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGlobalRecvMessageOpt ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGlobalRecvMessageOpt(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGlobalRecvMessageOpt sets the global option for receiving messages for the user.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGroupApplyMemberFriend ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupApplyMemberFriend(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGroupApplyMemberFriend configures settings related to adding group members as friends.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGroupInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGroupInfo updates group settings or information.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGroupLookMemberInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupLookMemberInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGroupLookMemberInfo toggles whether to allow group members to view each other's information.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGroupMemberInfo updates information for a group member.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberNickname ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberNickname(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGroupMemberNickname sets or changes a group member's nickname.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberRoleLevel ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupMemberRoleLevel(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGroupMemberRoleLevel changes the role or level of a group member.
func (*FuncRouter) SetGroupVerification ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetGroupVerification(operationID string, args ...any)
SetGroupVerification sets the group's join request verification method.
func (*FuncRouter) SetMessageLocalEx ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetMessageLocalEx(operationID string, args ...any)
SetMessageLocalEx sets local extension data for a message.
func (*FuncRouter) SetOneConversationEx ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetOneConversationEx(operationID string, args ...any)
SetOneConversationEx sets server extension data for a conversation.
func (*FuncRouter) SetSelfInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetSelfInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
SetSelfInfo updates the current user's information.
func (*FuncRouter) SetSelfInfoEx ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SetSelfInfoEx(operationID string, args ...any)
SetSelfInfoEx updates the current user's information.
func (*FuncRouter) SubscribeUsersStatus ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) SubscribeUsersStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
SubscribeUsersStatus subscribes to the online status updates of the specified users.
func (*FuncRouter) TransferGroupOwner ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) TransferGroupOwner(operationID string, args ...any)
TransferGroupOwner changes the ownership of the group to another member.
func (*FuncRouter) TypingStatusUpdate ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) TypingStatusUpdate(operationID string, args ...any)
TypingStatusUpdate sends an indication that the user is typing a message.
func (*FuncRouter) UnInitSDK ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) UnInitSDK(operationID string)
UnInitSDK unInitializes the SDK.
func (*FuncRouter) UnsubscribeUsersStatus ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) UnsubscribeUsersStatus(operationID string, args ...any)
UnsubscribeUsersStatus unsubscribes from the online status updates of the specified users.
func (*FuncRouter) UpdateFcmToken ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) UpdateFcmToken(operationID string, args ...any)
UpdateFcmToken updates the FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) token for the current device session.
func (*FuncRouter) UpdateMsgSenderInfo ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) UpdateMsgSenderInfo(operationID string, args ...any)
UpdateMsgSenderInfo updates the information of the message sender.
func (*FuncRouter) UploadFile ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) UploadFile(operationID string, args ...any)
UploadFile handles the file upload process.
func (*FuncRouter) UploadLogs ¶
func (f *FuncRouter) UploadLogs(operationID string, args ...any)
UploadLogs initiates the upload of application logs to a remote server for diagnostic purposes.
type GroupCallback ¶
type GroupCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGroupCallback ¶
func NewGroupCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *GroupCallback
NewGroupCallback creates a new instance of GroupCallback.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationAccepted ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationAccepted(groupApplication string)
OnGroupApplicationAccepted notifies the client that a group application has been accepted.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationAdded ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationAdded(groupApplication string)
OnGroupApplicationAdded notifies the client that a group application has been received.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationDeleted ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationDeleted(groupApplication string)
OnGroupApplicationDeleted notifies the client that a group application has been deleted.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationRejected ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupApplicationRejected(groupApplication string)
OnGroupApplicationRejected notifies the client that a group application has been rejected.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupDismissed ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupDismissed(groupInfo string)
OnGroupDismissed notifies the client that a group has been dismissed.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupInfoChanged ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupInfoChanged(groupInfo string)
OnGroupInfoChanged notifies the client that group information has changed.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberAdded ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberAdded(groupMemberInfo string)
OnGroupMemberAdded notifies the client that a new member has been added to a group.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberDeleted ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberDeleted(groupMemberInfo string)
OnGroupMemberDeleted notifies the client that a member has been removed from a group.
func (*GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberInfoChanged ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnGroupMemberInfoChanged(groupMemberInfo string)
OnGroupMemberInfoChanged notifies the client that group member information has changed.
func (*GroupCallback) OnJoinedGroupAdded ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnJoinedGroupAdded(groupInfo string)
OnJoinedGroupAdded notifies the client that a group has been joined.
func (*GroupCallback) OnJoinedGroupDeleted ¶
func (g *GroupCallback) OnJoinedGroupDeleted(groupInfo string)
OnJoinedGroupDeleted notifies the client that a joined group has been deleted.
type RespMessage ¶
type RespMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRespMessage ¶
func NewRespMessage(respMessagesChan chan *EventData) *RespMessage
NewRespMessage 创建一个新的RespMessage对象
respMessagesChan: 用于接收事件数据的通道 *RespMessage: 指向新创建的RespMessage对象的指针
type SendMessageCallback ¶
type SendMessageCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSendMessageCallback ¶
func NewSendMessageCallback(eventName string, respMessage *RespMessage) *SendMessageCallback
func (*SendMessageCallback) OnError ¶
func (s *SendMessageCallback) OnError(errCode int32, errMsg string)
OnError is called when a message fails to send.
func (*SendMessageCallback) OnProgress ¶
func (s *SendMessageCallback) OnProgress(_ int)
OnProgress is called when a message is being sent.
func (*SendMessageCallback) OnSuccess ¶
func (s *SendMessageCallback) OnSuccess(data string)
OnSuccess is called when a message is successfully sent.
type SignalingCallback ¶
type SignalingCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSignalingCallback ¶
func NewSignalingCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *SignalingCallback
NewSignalingCallback creates a new instance of SignalingCallback with the provided RespMessage.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnHangUp ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnHangUp(hangUpData string)
OnHangUp is called when a hang-up event occurs.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnInvitationCancelled ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInvitationCancelled(cancelledData string)
OnInvitationCancelled is called when an invitation is canceled.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnInvitationTimeout ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInvitationTimeout(timeoutData string)
OnInvitationTimeout is called when an invitation times out.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnInviteeAccepted ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeAccepted(acceptedData string)
OnInviteeAccepted is called when an invitee accepts an invitation.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnInviteeAcceptedByOtherDevice ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeAcceptedByOtherDevice(acceptedData string)
OnInviteeAcceptedByOtherDevice is called when an invitee accepts an invitation from another device.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnInviteeRejected ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeRejected(rejectedData string)
OnInviteeRejected is called when an invitee rejects an invitation.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnInviteeRejectedByOtherDevice ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnInviteeRejectedByOtherDevice(rejectedData string)
OnInviteeRejectedByOtherDevice is called when an invitee rejects an invitation from another device.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnReceiveNewInvitation ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnReceiveNewInvitation(newInvitationData string)
OnReceiveNewInvitation is called when a new invitation is received.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnRoomParticipantConnected ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnRoomParticipantConnected(participantConnectedData string)
OnRoomParticipantConnected is called when a room participant successfully connects.
func (*SignalingCallback) OnRoomParticipantDisconnected ¶
func (sc *SignalingCallback) OnRoomParticipantDisconnected(participantDisconnectedData string)
OnRoomParticipantDisconnected is called when a room participant gets disconnected.
type UserCallback ¶
type UserCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UserCallback represents a callback handler for user-related events.
func NewUserCallback ¶
func NewUserCallback(respMessage *RespMessage) *UserCallback
NewUserCallback creates a new UserCallback handler.
func (*UserCallback) OnSelfInfoUpdated ¶
func (u *UserCallback) OnSelfInfoUpdated(userInfo string)
OnSelfInfoUpdated is triggered when the user's own information is updated.
func (*UserCallback) OnUserStatusChanged ¶
func (u *UserCallback) OnUserStatusChanged(statusMap string)
OnUserStatusChanged is triggered when there is a change in the user status.