A lightweight and secure debugging lib for remote process.
Especially useful for debugging a service that you can deploy code to but you don't have direct access to,
such as as k8s pod, github workflow, etc.
- Execute and attach to random CLI command on remote machine.
- Forward socks5 proxy on remote.
- Mount a remote directory to local with NFS.
- Uses the
to establish secure connections.
- Hub server can be an endpoint of a http server.
- Servant can run behind a firewall.
flowchart LR
M[Master Client]
S[Servant Client]
subgraph Cluster
H1[Hub Server 01]
H2[Hub Server 02]
S ---> H2
M --> H1
H1 -- relay --> H2
Because Master and Servant uses public key to communicate, the Hub server can be a untrusted server.