Your friendly FPV Combat events announcer
For the application to work with the combat system, you need HC-12 module (e.g. Hailege HC-12 433Mhz SI4438 Wireless Transceiver) connected to PC via USB to UART TTL converter (e.g. CP2102 MICRO USB to UART TTL Convert Module).
Optionally, install a separate 433mhz antenna to better reception.
fpvc-lady - FPVCombat Announcer
fpvc-lady [global options] command [command options]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--source value Source of CSP messages: serial, log, demo. (default: "serial")
--serial-port value Port name where HC12 is connected to; by default the system will try find the port automatically. (default: "auto")
--http-port value HTTP server port number (default: 8080)
--log-file value Path to the log file: save events to (when --source=serial) or read events from (when --source=log). (default: "fpvc-lady.log")
--log-socket value File path to log web socket communication.
--log-from value Datetime to start read events from. Format: YYYY/MM/DD[ HH:mm:SS[.SSSSSS]]
--demo-speed value Number of hits, in average, per minute (default: 10)
--locale value Locale to use: de, en, ru, etc. (default: "en")
--speak value Text-to-speech command: system, google, none or any other command to convert text to speech. (default: "system")
--speak-lives Speak lives. (default: false)
--speak-cheers Speak cheers. (default: false)
--score-hit value How much a hit is worth. Fomat: [minID[-maxID]:]score,... (default: "A1-E9:3,F1-FF:1")
--score-damage value How much damage costs you. Fomat: [minID[-maxID]:]score,... (default: "-1")
--auto-start Start the battle automatically upon first hit. (default: true)
--duration-battle value Duration of the battle phase, minutes; 0 means no limit (default: 0)
--duration-countdown value Duration of the countdown phase, seconds; 0 means no countdown (default: 0)
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Macs have male voice by default, use command below to switch to a female voice.
fpvc-lady-darwin-amd64-x.x.x --speak "say -v samantha"
Create a folder of your choice - we will use "D:\FPV-COMBAT\lady" in this example
- place fpvc-lady-windows-amd64-X.X.X.exe in that folder
Create a Shortut on your Desktop
- Target: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit "D:\FPV-COMBAT\lady\fpvc-lady-windows-amd64-0.7.1.exe --serial-port COM3"
- Exchange COM3 with the port that your CP2102 module uses when plugged in
- add arguments according to your needs - refer to global options above
- Execute in: "D:\FPV-COMBAT\lady"
Replace the standard Icon with our loveley Combat Lady Icon
Example for a running the lady in demo mode with cheers, lives, and log file in english
- Target for shortcut: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit "D:\FPV-COMBAT\lady\fpvc-lady-windows-amd64-0.7.1.exe --source demo --speak google --speak-cheers --speak-lives --log-file -D:\FPV-COMBAT\lady\LOGS\combat.txt --locale en"
On Linux you can either use any offline text-to-speech engine, like "espeak", or use online "google" engine.
Note: For 'google' engine to work, either mplayer or ffmpeg (ffplay) must be installed.
fpvc-lady-linux-amd64-x.x.x --speak espeak
Online (requires mplayer
or ffplay
fpvc-lady-linux-amd64-x.x.x --speak google